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Storified by · Mon, May 06 2013 03:13:29

Have It Your Way with Custom Web Design


Storified by Spencer Ford · Mon, May 06 2013 03:13:38

tinypic photo · TinyPic

One key to succeed in business is by having a great company website. Other than being attractive, it should also convince potential clients that you are reliable and worthy of their business. Your website must contain all the necessary information your target market has to know about you. Continue reading to understand how a custom web design can affect your company. Learn also where to find a reliable website design company in Melbourne to help you succeed.

Advantages of a Custom Web Design

Your goal should be to make your webpage different compared to your competitors. An intriguing webpage can easily attract web visitors. It makes them want to see more of what you offer, so they continue browsing the pages. Strive to make it unique for them to continue exploring your webpage as they get exposed to the products and services you offer. You will get more potential clients and customers as you increase traffic to your webpage.

You should also make your website relatable for your visitors. Remember that these people are different individuals with diverse lifestyles. You can easily modify your web design according to your target market. Make sure, however, that you relate the design to the identity of your company. Keep in mind it has to be realistic enough while having the features appealing to potential customers.

Another advantage with custom web design is there is no difficulty with adjusting to the latest trends. All you need to do is come up with a unique selling proposition, something your competitors do not offer. You may ask the web designer to do this. The person should help put services and quality content to make you stand out. Moreover, they must ensure that the web design belongs only to your company.

Pointers to Remember

Your website should also be optimised for your target market, and not just nice and interesting to look at. You need a web development package that includes strategies that focus on a specific area alone. This applies if the products and services you offer are only for potential clients of a certain location.

If in case, however, your business has grown that you can now reach out to the rest of the state, the professionals in charge of designing your website should be ready to implement modifications. This is important to broaden the coverage of your company’s online presence.

What to Look for in a Web Design Company

Prioritise professionalism when looking for a web designing company that aims to increase your visibility on the Internet. Know also how long they have been the industry. They should have the necessary experience to keep up with the latest trend in technology. Take the time to see their portfolio to have an idea of what to expect with their service.

Search online for recommended web designers in Melbourne offering these services. Study the background of the results you find and start shortlisting. Explore their website to see if they offer other services that maybe useful for your business. Never settle for less and compromise your needs. Invest in a good company offering these services and enjoy the rewards later on.

Go this website to find a reliable web design company.

Conversation avec @Cedr1cFr

Conversation avec @Cedr1cFr

Pregancy 101: Tips To Help With Making It Simpler


Storified by · Mon, May 06 2013 03:14:21

Pregnancy could be simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. Nothing matches the sweetness of knowing that you are bringing a brand new life into the world, the unknowns can be very stressful. Using a good base of data about pregnancy might help relieve many of these fears, here is some great advice for any expectant mother.

Lower back pain in pregnancy is typical but there are lots of things that can be done to bring relief. Exercises for that back include gently twisting the spine while sitting in a chair, and slowly arching your support and down during your hands and knees. Be certain that you're getting plenty of vitamins and minerals to aid the new demands in your body.

One method to help to eliminate the back pain that sometimes occurs in late pregnancy would be to practice pelvic tilts. Continuing to exercise in this way won't help with the pain sensation, it may also move your child into a good birth position at the same time.

Sleeping during pregnancy is difficult. If you're uncomfortable try buying a body pillow so that you can prop yourself up in different positions to obtain the most comfortable one for you. If you are having heartburn don't consume acidic or spicy foods before bedtime or in the evenings.

While the harmful effects that have been reported by pregnant women who have used sugar substitutes like aspartame have been low, it is still a good idea to only have artificially sweetened things moderately. You should have no more than one daily serving associated with a food or drink which contains aspartame.

Hearing your body is nearly as important as hearing your doctor. Pushing yourself too hard during pregnancy is asking an excessive amount of your body and not being fair for your baby. The boss, husband, in-laws or whoever else might be demanding of the resources need to take a back seat so that you can take care of yourself and your baby.

Do kegel exercises. These inconspicuous exercises can be achieved anywhere, at work, in the car, or on the couch while you are watching TV. Do sets of 10, holding for 3 seconds each. Done regularly, these exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor and make your delivery easier. They can also help with incontinence problems.

You need to exercise when you are pregnant. It is important to keep your body as fit and healthy as you can even during pregnancy. A pregnant woman who has kept herself fit will have an easier time during delivery and might experience fewer contractions during labor, which is what every woman really wants.

As you can tell, pregnancy is nothing to be terrified of. It is a sometimes uncomfortable experience, however with careful observation and lots of healthy encouragement, your baby should make it through just fine. These tips should help ease the mind a little. Remember, relax -- your baby depends on it!

Related Articles: Click this link and also this link to find out more about pregnancy signs and symptoms, when to test for pregnancy and different pregnancy tests available.

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Storified by Lisa Mark · Mon, May 06 2013 03:14:50

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Storified by · Tue, May 07 2013 03:19:28

What are the benefits of using Slim Helper? With Slim Helper you can all the results you have always hoped for some companies and supplement plan. Just visit the official link of the product and there a contract for the exclusive package weight loss plan Slim Helper. This may be a path to financial security. Just visit the official link of the product and there a contract for the exclusive package weight loss plan Slim Helper.

What this product contains? What are the exclusive features offered by this program? The iodine rich brown sea kelp and fucoxanthin fucoidans together with vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and contains high-quality protein all in bladderwrack. Recruits might be worldly, wise and just plain wacky where I believe I'll try a couple of options. This is a back alley version of Slim Helper. In recent weeks, novices seemed to have everything they wanted.

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Cannes Film Festival 2012 Opening


19:00 Cannes Film Festival 2012 opening ceremony is about to start. In half an hour on the red carpet stepped out the film crew of the movie "Moonrise Kingdom" by Wes Anderson. Together with the director are walking Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Edward Norton, Bruce Willis.

Storified by Tati Rosenstein · Tue, May 07 2013 03:22:47

Berenice Bejo (known because of her leading role in "The Artist") hosts the opening ceremony of the festival.

Perdido en el directo


Llevo dos años narrando eventos en vivo en las redes sociales y hoy me he preguntado: ¿cómo puede ayudar la narración del directo a construir el diferido? Es decir, ¿cómo construir mejor mañana con lo que estamos contando hoy?

Storified by Filmatu · Tue, May 07 2013 03:20:00

Tener tantas posibilidades es como no tener ninguna. Supongo que por eso escribí esta historia, un desesperado intento por poner orden en el caos. 
What´s next? · Filmatu
¿Qué hacen dos personas que acaban de conocerse? Lo mismo que hago yo cuando llego a un evento. Presentarme, decir quién soy y cuál es mi papel. ¿Lógico verdad?
Además de tuits, también me muestro en imágenes. No es recomendable esconderse si lo que uno quiere es ganarse la confianza.
Llegando a la sede de Emprende · Filmatu
Ya sabéis quién soy.
Welcome pack #summeroflabs #soleu · filmatu
No hay dos comienzos iguales pero todo tiene un comienzo. Suelo empezar por ahí. Mostrar la diversidad es una forma de empezar.
Tuiteando #emprende2012 · filmatu
Coding coder · Filmatu
Los magos de Irekia · Filmatu
Unconference dedicada a los introvertidos en #tedxmadrid · filmatu
Escuchando a un mago · Filmatu
Photo by filmatu * Instagram · filmatu
Hangout aumentado en #EHP2P #P2PWikisprint · Álvaro Andoin
Yo cuento una historia. La audiencia cuenta la suya. 
Color humano #summeroflabs #soleu · Filmatu
Después de las presentaciones llega el momento de rellenar la historia con contenido. Me gusta empezar por lo más obvio. Si estoy en un evento dedicado al emprendizaje hablaría un emprendedor tan simpático como éste.

Artistas y políticos: relaciones de amor y odio


Miguel Bosé manifestó el pasado 30 de abril en México que estaba muy furioso con la clase política, y que quería que desapareciera entera, "tanto los que están ahora en el gobierno como en la oposición". Hemos recopilado cómo los famosos muestran sus filias y sus fobias políticas en las redes.

Storified by Bella Palomo · Tue, May 07 2013 03:21:00

Según el último Barómetro del CIS, el 49,2% de los españoles considera que la situación política en España es muy mala, y que ha empeorado en el último año. No solo la gente anónima se hace eco de este malestar. Los artistas también aprovechan su dimensión mediática para arremeter contra la clase política en ruedas de prensa y en las redes. El último ha sido Miguel Bosé antes de iniciar su gira de conciertos por México:
El pasado abril, tras conocerse el resultado de las elecciones en Venezuela, Carlos Baute retuiteó en su cuenta una decena de veces estos mensajes:
Alejandro Sanz critica a los políticos · europapress
Pero no siempre están en el lado contrario. Algunos famosos también apoyan a sus candidatos favoritos, y el ejemplo más evidente es Obama:
Jennifer Lopez: Join Latinos for Obama · barackobamadotcom
Natalie Portman: How We Win - OFA Ohio · barackobamadotcom
Beyoncé's Letter to First Lady Michelle Obama · barackobamadotcom

Percorriamo le vie dei Tweet


Precisiamo che questo è un nostro gioco, è una nostra idea e non ha nulla a che fare con il progetto CON VOI

Storified by Claudio Baglioni · Tue, May 07 2013 03:22:08

Il 15 Aprile 2013, ad un mese dalla fatidica data del 18 Maggio, Claudio Baglioni è ri-apparso nel mondo delle 3 doppie W a distribuire pensieri sparsi, pillole di saggezza, battute "alla Baglioni" e a volte strani "post".
Secondo noi il progetto Con-Voi è già iniziato proprio da quel giorno.

Ma cosa ci vuole dire Claudio con i suoi tweet ed i suoi post su Facebook? Noi pensiamo che non siano solo pensieri sparsi, noi crediamo (o almeno vogliamo crederci) che Claudiio ci voglia accompagnare "a modo suo" al 18 Maggio e che ci stia dando piccoli indizi nascosti tra i 140 caratteri.

Che ci sta lasciando delle molliche di pane alla Pollicino?? 
Mancano oramai quasi 10 giorni al 18 Maggio e noi vogliamo giocare Con-Voi cercando di capire se tutto questo ha un senso.
Ad esempio: gli hashtag sono messi a caso o c'è uno scopo preciso? Conosciamo tutti la Maestria del Maestro nel giocare con le parole, per cui vediamo chi è più bravo a raccogliere le "molliche di pane" ed aiutateci a capire se Cucaio sta veramente giocando Con-Noi.
Noi abbiamo voluto assegnare dei colori a questi Tweet...abbiamo cercato di percorrere le Vie dei Tweet:

C'era un Tweet in Bianco e Nero.....cioè i pensieri e commenti dedicati alla cronaca e all'attualità
C'era un Tweet in Rosso...cioè quelli dedicati alla sua passione...musica
C'era un Tweet in Giallo....cioè quelli solari fatti di battute ironiche e "freddure"...ad esempio il filone "Perchè Twitter?"
C'era un Tweet in Blu....che possono essere quelli in cui ci parla del futuro di Con-Voi...

Navigando in questa pagina, possiamo ripercorrere le vie dei tweet di Claudio e potete trovare i nostri links e quelli Ufficiali.

La pagina sarà aggiornata ad ogni tweet inviato da Claudio Baglioni
Inviateci suggerimenti, idee, teorie, fantasie su come VOI interpretate i Colori dei tweet di Cucaio. Usate lo spazio commenti di questa pagina.

Links ufficiali di Claudio Baglioni:

Claudio Baglioni News

I tweet di Claudio Baglioni

Brunswick residents respond to proposed $58.3M budget


The town of Brunswick, Maine is currently facing a 12 percent tax hike with a proposed $58.3 million budget for FY 2014. Here's how some residents reacted to the budget at the Town Council's May 6 public hearing.

Storified by Dylan Martin · Tue, May 07 2013 03:22:35

First, a little background:
The 17 percent tax hike would only happen if all of Gov. Paul LePage's proposals for state cuts to municipal revenue are approved later this year. Town Manager Gary Brown said he prepared the $21.4 million municipal budget without taking into account any of LePage's proposals. 

This is what makes the $35.7 million school budget different. The budget takes into account LePage's proposal to shift state teacher retirement costs to local districts, and the estimated loss of revenue expected as a result of some current students planning to attend a nearby charter school opening this fall, Harpswell Coastal Academy.
Here's the latest on the charter school:
Now for the tweets! Stay tuned later on Tuesday for the full story on theforecaster.net.
Brunswick Town Council is still in executive season. A packed council chambers awaits them. #budgthearing instagram.com/p/Y_Q_imh_qr/ · Dylan Martin

Micron Associates Article reviews


Apple has been long-rumored on attempts to have their own television as they look to sneak their way into other markets and created iWatch, this dream seems to find its way on the conversation.

Storified by Thalia Alejandro · Tue, May 07 2013 03:22:53


Apple iTV with finger-worn iRing remote control expected to launch this year

Apple has been long-rumored on attempts to have their own television as they look to sneak their way into other markets and created iWatch, this dream seems to find its way on the conversation.

The Apple’s iTV will have, according to one analyst as he detailed very specific components, an iPad-sized second screen on which to watch media, and a ring you wear on your finger that acts as a remote control.

Apple’s iTV is a nickname adopted by the public but it isn’t actually an Apple TV. It is Apple’s little digital streaming box that is similar to a Roku. iTV would definitely make its way for Apple to make it in the living room because unlike Apple TV, the iTV would be a full television. It is a gigantic untapped market and the objective of just about every new device from the Steam Box and Ouya to 3D printers and tablets. Currently, as BGR calls attention to, Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White has been meeting with Apple supply chains in China and Taiwan and engaged as much information about the iTV as he possibly will, counting its size, unique remote control, and killer feature.

White noted that Apple will be launching the iTV sometime toward the end of this year, and said that the unit will include “a major innovation that will revolutionize the TV experience” in a letter to investors. While that wording is enticing, we’ve undoubtedly heard it all before regarding a number of products that didn’t bring out on the words. Still, White said some interesting niceties. Foremost, though there is a possibility Apple will also launch a 50- to 55-inch model, he expects iTV to be a 60-inch television. But this could be a problem to those living in a small room for it will make it harder to watch the in the television.

Apple iTV with finger-worn iRing remote control expected to launch this year, micron associates article reviews

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Applying for loans always requires thorough research. Thorough research will help borrowers find and seek help from local payday loan lenders with years of experience in lending loans to those with bad credit scores.

Storified by Fred Allen · Tue, May 07 2013 03:23:02


#@^^|Watch Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 3 Online Free HD


#@^^|Watch Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 3 Online Free HD

Storified by · Tue, May 07 2013 03:23:05

Click Here To Watch Free >>>> Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 3

Click Here To Watch Free >>>> Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 3

Click Here To Watch Free >>>> Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 3

There's something to be said for many of Alik Sakharov's choices as the director. As a pretty accomplished cinematographer, he's got a good sense of visuals, and that shows through in some of the framing choices he makes this week. The Riverrun negotiation scene between the representatives of the Freys and Robb Stark's inner council makes great use of natural light and windows, and there are also some very clever transitions (for instance, the focus shift from the garden to the balcony overlooking the garden). The climbing sequences as the wildlings scaled the Wall were simply brilliant, and it shows that something as tedious as climbing up the side of a mountain can be milked for a surprising amount of tension and a great sense of adventure in what could have easily gone wrong. Very strong visuals this week, and some very clever scene transitions from Sakharov and the show's usual writers Benioff and Weiss, who seem to be on their game this season like no other. 

Having so many great characters - Olenna is particularly good this week, as she always is, meeting her match in the form of Tywin Lannister - is a luxury that most writers would love to have, but they've done such a great job at balancing episodes between fan favourites, new favourites, and the various Westeros story lines. Seeing Olenna square off against old favourites is great, but the fact that the show can keep longtime frenemies like Varys and Littlefinger interesting when we've seen them do this song and dance before is a credit to how well-written the scenes are and just how much is invested in their moments together in the throne room. There's nothing boring going on; even Sam and Gilly huddling around a fire has a tint of the adorable around it. There were multiple monologues this week, all of which ended up being really good (see also Paul Kaye's monologue about Thoros' weak faith).



App Contest


Get into groups and create your App. Class votes for the best.

Storified by · Tue, May 07 2013 03:23:20

Think of:
an ingenious name, an attractive logo, an advertising slogan and a function. You can use these starting points:

•    GPS
•    Shopping
•    Eating
•    Games
•    Organizing information
•    Social Networks
•    Weather forecast

SC orders SolGen, Sandigan: Comment on Arroyo’s furlough plea


Storified by Tin-Tin Nicolas · Wed, May 08 2013 03:36:35

Большие выходные в городе


5-12 мая

Storified by · Wed, May 08 2013 03:39:06

14:35 «Велобульвар» и Парад Победы, новый фильм Хармони Корина и сет Delphic в «Солянке», а также последние дни работы выставки Малика Сидибе. Что еще можно успеть в новые майские праздники — в нашей подборке.
14:10 Как всё устроено: Военный лётчик анонимно рассказал The Village о том, как пилоты снимают стресс после полёта, зачем военный парад репетировать много раз и почему речь президента на Красной площади — тонкое дело.
13:45 В Ekepeople на «Флаконе» в субботу и воскресенье объявлена распродажа со скидками до 80%. А вот на их сайте она уже идет вовсю.
13:05 Вчера в «Москомархитектуре» подвели итоги закрытого конкурса проектов комплекса «Тверская застава». Первое место — у архитектурного бюро «Проект Меганом». Общественный центр в их варианте выглядит так.
12:45 Сегодняшняя героиня рубрики «Внешний вид» — Вика Боярская, принцесса вагончика «Дары природы», главный редактор журнала «Первое. Второе. Третье».
12:20 Платную скоростную автодорогу Москва-Санкт-Петербург должны сдать не в 2019-м, а в 2018 году, чтобы успеть к Чемпионату мира по футболу, — радует РБК.
12:00 МГУ занял 42 место по математике в мировом рейтинге вузов, — сообщает Lenta.ru. C другими предметами несколько хуже. Главный вуз страны попал в сотню лучших и по преподаванию физики и современных языков.
11:40 Парку Горького нужно ваше пианино. Здесь готовят инсталляцию к «Ночи в парке», для которой собирают старые и расстроенные, ненужные пианино. Инструменты принимаются до полудня 18 мая. Обещают помочь с вывозом.
11:15 Доброе утро, друзья! Начинаем по традиции с танков. Предлагаем посмотреть на Москву глазами танкиста, участвующего в Параде Победы. Это съемочная группа РИА вчера проехалась на танке во время репетиции парада и теперь хвастается интерактивным видео. Действительно интересно вышло.
На улице тем временем солнечно, 17 градусов, через пару часов станет еще теплее. Загруженность дорог  —3 балла по «Яндексу».
20:00 6 июня на площадке AvantClub в ЦСИ «Винзавод» выступит мультиинструменталист из Австралии Орен Амбарчи. В его музыке могут сочетаться джаз, неоклассика, эмбиент и даже металл. 

Man United boss Sir Alex retires


Who will replace Sr Alex? What do you think about the announcement of his retirement?

Storified by SS · Wed, May 08 2013 03:36:54

May The Fourth - Maratona Guerre Stellari


Un passato "futuro" in una sala cinematografica a Campiano, grazie ad Empira e alla passione per Guerre Stellari #maythe4th

Storified by Paolo Spot Valzania · Wed, May 08 2013 03:37:48

Prima di raccontare l'evento, serve una spiegazione: l'importanza della data del 4 Maggio per i fan di Guerre Stellari:
L'evento si è fatto conoscere per tempo con un video… 

"la propaganda ribelle si è mossa con potenti mezzi, alla ricerca di nuovi alleati, e ha lanciato un video nel cyberspazio."
May the Fourth Trailer 2013 · leganerdtv
Il trailer dedicato alla giornata, è una chicca che rende l'idea dell'atmosfera in sala (mood che verrà ampiamente trasmesso dal'intero pubblico presente).
Tutte le informazioni erano disponibili (e fruibili a chiunque) anche nella sezione dedicata del sito di Empira, un gruppo di fan di Star Wars ravennate.

"i maledetti ribelli hanno tra di loro potenti jedi web desiger, che si preoccupano dei contenuti e della loro disponibilità della loro fruibilità, UX designer come se fosse la cosa più normale del mondo! Ma un giorno li costringeremo a un bel downgrade a windows XP e la forza non li salverà!"
L'evento festeggia i 30 anni dall'uscita dell'ultimo episodio della Trilogia [originale (?)] di Star Wars, con una proiezione… udite udite: su pellicola originale dell'epoca!
Così il 4 maggio 2013, in quel di Campiano (Ravenna) fuori da una sala cinematografica , una fila di persone aspetta pazientemente sotto a un caldo sole.
#maythefourth #starwars · Michele Lugaresi
"Abbiamo anche provato a dissuaderli con un ultimo messaggio! Questi ribelli non sanno cos'è Lato Oscuro…"
Il cartellone fuori del ciname è chiaro, e armati di prenotazioni si inizia ad entrare.
Maratona Star Wars · Paolo Valzania
@starwars we were celebrating with a screening of the original films! #empira #ravenna #maythe4thbewithyou pic.twitter.com/rjCiW1EwQr · Quel Piffo
La sala incomincia a riempirsi, e dopo aver scelto un posto si fa un giro in sala per vedere l'allestimento a tema.
"incredibile quente persone, da tutta italia, riescano a dissuadere questi ribelli… avverto una vibrazione nella forza"
let's start · Alessandro Randi
La sala #maythefourth #starwars · Michele Lugaresi
La proiezione sta per partire e vengono date le ultime indicazioni, consigli e curiosità, ma ecco le parole di Roby uno degli organizzatori, che in sala ha raccontato: 

Sabato 4 maggio 2013 è arrivato, dopo mesi di lavoro, fatica e problemi insormontabili che solo il terribile e impassibile passare del tempo potevano creare eccoci pronti per l'evento.... l' abbiamo voluto con tutto il cuore, "la maratona di Guerre Stellari", si avete letto bene, Guerre Stellari non Star Wars....il titolo originale con cui questa saga ha segnato il suo passaggio anche in Italia dal lontanissimo 1977 al lontano 1983 e la stiamo per "proiettare" in 35mm..... La sala "Le Dune" di Campiano è allestita e il colpo d'occhio è suggestivo e meravigliosamente vintage...sono da solo in un angolo, teso e preoccupato per la riuscita del tutto, centinaia di persone provenienti da tutta la penisola si sono fidate di noi ciecamente e il senso di responsabilità è enorme, la paura del fallimento è dietro l'angolo..... immerso nei miei pensieri alzo gli occhi e osservo questo vecchio cinema di nuovo funzionante, sento il tipico inconfondibile suono del proiettore....una luce bianca esce dalla cabina.....siamo pronti..... il viaggio nel tempo esiste e noi ne siamo gli artefici. Mi alzo e comincio a camminare nervosamente, mi avvicino all'ingresso ancora chiuso e sbircio dalla tenda.....incredibile....una fila interminabile di persone che aspetta di entrare, se prima ero nervoso ora mi sento nel panico...il problema di cui vi parlavo all'inizio si fa pesante, insistente e crudele, mi insinua il terrore di deludere il pubblico......una "pizza" di Guerre Stellari negli ultimi test delle pellicole ci ha fatto uno scherzo, non era minimamente proiettabile, 35 anni avevano colpito inesorabilmente all'ultimo momento .......mancavano più di 20 minuti del film e non proiettarli era inacettabile....nei giorni successivi abbiamo setacciato magazzini, abbiamo fatto telefonate, ma nulla....una pizza sostitutiva non si trovava.....la sensazione di vuoto sotto i piedi era terribile e l'unica parola che ci veniva era disastro....qualcuno di noi proponeva di annullare tutto, qualcuno era ottimista e determinato nella ricerca, qualcuno proponeva di mettere un proiettore e usare il dvd...vinse la determinazione e la convinzione che questo momento buio (e credetemi era notte fonda e con un temporale mesozoico) sarebbe passato con un alba improvvisa fatta di buone notizie .....lunedì....martedì....mercoledì......giovedì.......venerdì......ancora nulla, le speranze erano a zero e il sabato era alle porte......quando arriva una telefonata "abbiamo recuperato il secondo tempo dell'edizione speciale del 1997", riflettiamo un attimo, e dopo un rapido brainstorming realizziamo che il secondo tempo SE era quello con meno interventi invasivi di FX e che non avremmo visto Han Solo pestare la coda di Jabba....ottimo compromesso "ok perfetto dove si trova?"...la voce dall'altra parte del telefono "a Genova...." silenzio............venerdì 3 maggio ore 16.00......"parto ora" e qui comincio a fare nomi, Gabriele Galli senza battere ciglio prende la sua macchina e dopo 800 km e 9 ore di macchina avevamo la bobina pronta all'uso nelle mani di uno degli eroi di questa avventura Emilio Marangoni "il proiezionista"..... Sabato 4 maggio ore 12:15 si aprono le porte e dopo circa 30 minuti sono tutti a sedere in religioso silenzio nell'attesa di cominciare, chiamo in disparte Marco Puglia un'altro dei FAB SIX di questo evento e chiedo consiglio sulle parole da usare per spiegare un pò tutto quello che succederà da li a poco e sopratutto per spiegare i problemi avuti, le sue parole e i suoi consigli mi tranquillizzano e cosi, microfono alla mano, comincio con la presentazione.....incredibile silenzio in sala e tutti gli occhi su di me, la sensazione che ho è pazzesca, le 300 persone sono lì per vedere un film che hanno visto decine di volte, ho la percezione di sentire la loro emozione e il loro grande rispetto per quello che stanno per vedere; dopo qualche parola spiego il problema accaduto aspettandomi qualche gesto di disappunto o di delusione negli occhi dei presenti e invece nulla.....ho avuto la bellissima sensazione che fossero tutti dalla nostra parte e che avessero immediatamente compreso il lavoro e la passione con cui abbiamo costruito il May the Fourth....sensazione bellissima che ha spazzato via ogni mia preoccupazione, facendomi riflettere sulle persone e su quello che possono fare quando sono spinte dal desiderio di condividere un esperienza come questa. Posso finalmente rilassarmi e godermi lo spettacolo......si parte e appena il cinema diventa buio e sullo schermo appare GUERRE STELLARI accompagnato dalla fanfara di John Williams un applauso scrosciante invade la sala, gli occhi diventano lucidi e la magia comincia, ancora una volta dopo 35 anni.........

L'allestimento del cinema: costumi, riproduzioni, capolavori di artigianato e passione.
Farsi la foto con i "robò" preferiti della generazione degli anni '70
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