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Storified by José Javier Navas · Mon, Feb 25 2013 06:34:16

#AlVotoIn - politiche e regionali 2013


Elezioni in diretta sulle testate del gruppo Netweek

Storified by News(iN) · Mon, Feb 25 2013 06:34:36

Primo instant Poll RainNews: Lombardia Ambrosoli e Maroni pari: 42-44 per cento

Sondaggi SKY

Bersani 37, Berlusconi 31, Grillo 16,5, Monti 9

Camera: (instant poll Rai News)

PDL: 21-23 + Lega: 4-5
Centrodestra 29-31 
Centro 8-10 
Centrosinistra 35-37:
PD 31-33 + Sel 2-4
Grillo: 19-21


Centrosinistra 36-38 // Centrodestra 30-32 // Grillo 17-19 // Centro: 7- 9

Lazio (instant poll Corriere.it)

Zingaretti 52-54% // Storace 28-30%

Readers React to Yahoo Recall On Working From Home


Does working from home make workers more or less productive? WSJ readers weighed in with their experiences.

Storified by WSJ Life & Style · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:46:57

Some readers came down in favor of workplace flexibility, arguing that they were more productive when working remotely.

I have spent the last 10 years working from home. I accepted a short term assignment that caused me to work 1 week a month from the corporate office. I could not get anything done in the office. Meetings and teams for unimportant items, people coming in to talk.... very unproductive. When I work at home there are no disruptions, no wasteful meetings and no clock to watch. I get more done in 3 days of working at home than a week working in the office. Conference calls and Skype keep me involved with important items and brain storming.

I can accomplish more in a three hour period at home than I can in an 8-10 hour workday in an office setting. I would think productivity and morale is greatly improved by working from home.

I work ft remotely and have managed to manage a team (fte's), multiple extension resources (varying states) and design a product outside of any other project I've been asked to jump on. It's not for everyone...just as in-office chit-chat/social stuff ...See More

Some workers pointed out an added stressor when working from home: the need to prove you're actually working.

I worked from home for over a year and can say that my productivity was higher at home than it ever has been from the office. I always felt the need to prove myself when I didn't have an office presence. Being forced to be in the office took away that incentive and I feel less inclined to put forth any extra effort.

@Stephanie, exactly. You feel like you have to prove you actually are working, where at a company just by being there is working---okay, maybe not that lax but you get it.

A handful of readers took the opposite tack: Working in the office, they said, can be less distracting and  allow for more collaboration.

Well, there is something to be said for working together in an office. I think the productivity is hurt from work at home. Too many distractions like pets, laundry, dirty homes, kids off from school. It can be managed, but you have to be strict with goals, objectives, and task manage tightly ( which is not being done in most companies ). If the workers trade the flexibility for longer hours that's fine, but objectives must be met.

On Twitter, Hikind Apologizes Again


Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind apologized Monday for dressing in blackface at a weekend Purim celebration, softening what had been a defiant response to mounting criticism. "It was not meant to offend anyone or hurt anyone in any fashion," said Mr. Hikind. He had darkened his face with makeup and

Storified by Carrie Melago · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:02

Top 10 Headlines for Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013


Today's top stories from around Patch in metro Atlanta.

Storified by · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:05

My Notes From TED 2013 | Susan Cain


I'm back at TED this year. It will be so much fun to participate again -- this time from the audience!

Storified by Susan Cain · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:06

Just emailed to me from TED:

"Our annual TED conference begins today, and we'll be working throughout the week to bring talks straight from the stage to TED.com. The speaker lineup (we think our best yet) includes the Young—nine speakers who have yet to celebrate their 18th birthday, the Wise—thought leaders in an incredible variety of fields, and the Undiscovered—34 speakers found through our worldwide talent search."

A story of MOOCS


Blah blah blah

Storified by · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:19

more text sabouty that twet

What is a MOOC? · davecormier

Verdades y mentiras de la salud de Chávez


Presidenta de Brasil afirma que salud de Chávez no es "muy preocupante" y está "bajo control" http://www.panorama.com.ve/portal/app/push/noticia56027.php

Storified by Nadia · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:20

Hugo chavez muerto o vivo? ¿el mandatario venezolano asume sin jurar el 10 de enero? · clikatv
Welcome To Storify · StorifyVideos

Total hermetismo sobre el estado de salud de Chávez luego de una semana de su regreso a Venezuela


Or video:
Salud de Chávez: el médico venezolano más influyente afirma que ...
Salud de Chávez: “Persiste la insuficiencia respiratoria”Preocupación en Venezuela por la salud de Chávez

CARACAS, Venezuela- El presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez, quien se está recuperando de una cirugía por cáncer en un hospital militar, aún sufre problemas respiratorios y no ha respondido favorablemente al tratamiento, informó tarde el jueves un portavoz del gobierno.

La insuficiencia respiratoria que apareció durante el período post-operatorio persiste, la tendencia no ha sido favorable y el presidente continúa el tratamiento, dijo el ministro de Información Ernesto Villegas, leyendo un comunicado preparado para la televisión. El funcionario dijo también que, por otro lado, el tratamiento para la propia enfermedad continúa sin presentar efectos adversos significativos por el momento.

La actualización del estado de salud fue la primera realizada por el gobierno desde el sorpresivo retorno de Chávez al país el lunes, después de permanecer más de dos meses en Cuba bajo un tratamiento para el cáncer, y se ubicó entre las declaraciones más sombrías hasta el momento sobre la débil condición del líder.

¿Tendremos a Chávez de vuelta gobernando el país de Venezuela? o es algo de lo que el pueblo debería ir olvidando?

La salud de Chávez: surgen graves contradicciones en el gobierno venezolano
Más información

Did newspaper trigger police raid on Pryce?


Storified by Anya Palmer · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:41

On 21 June 2011 the police conducted a 7am raid on the home of Vicky Pryce, went straight to the second floor where her 18 year old son Peter was sleeping, woke him, and seized his mobile.  Here's a report in the Mail two weeks later:  
The content of a number of text messages found on that phone was made public 18 months later in the first trial of Vicky Pryce.  The texts, read out in court, included this exchange between Peter Huhne and Chris Huhne on 22 May 2011: 
PH:  We all know that you were driving and you put pressure on mum. Accept it or face the consequences. You’ve told me that was the case. Or will this be another lie?

CH: I have no intention of sending Mum to Holloway Prison for three months. Dad.

PH: Are you going to accept your responsibility or do I have to contact the police and tell them what you told me?

My question is this: How did police know to raid the family home and seize Peter Huhne's mobile?
The Mail report on 3 July 2011 (above) says "It is not clear how the police became aware" of the existence of the text messages.
But during the recent Vicky Pryce trial, the Mail published a full report on the content of the texts, and that report (on 5 February 2013) stated that the police became aware of the texts through "a newspaper".  
Directly beneath the box setting out the content of the texts, the report says this:

"In one, he branded his father ‘a pathetic loser and a joke’. Peter, now 20 and a languages student at St Peter’s, Oxford, begged the MP to ‘accept responsibility’ and threatened to tell police his father had privately admitted the crime."

"When part of this message was leaked to a newspaper it prompted officers to raid the Huhne £2million family home to recover the mobile phone."  [Emphasis added]
I was struck by this on reading it, because you would not normally expect a leak to a newspaper to end up serving as a tip off to police.  That information could only have come, directly or indirectly, from within the Pryce household.  It's clear that by this time Vicky Pryce was talking through "friends" to both the Sunday Times and the Mail.  But newspapers are supposed to protect their sources, aren't they?  
And also: which newspaper? 
As of 22 May 2011, both the Times and the Mail were carrying stories about the points allegation. The Mail on Sunday carried a double page spread including a photo of Vicky Pryce's driving licence showing the points:  
The same day, the Sunday Times ran a story that one of Huhne's children may testify against him:
That's the background to the text exchange between Peter Huhne and his father, also on 22 May 2011, already quoted above. 



Storified by «Большой город» · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:47:42

БГ: Аэропорт. Такое письмо прислали нам читатели: Вот уже второй десяток лет жителям района Аэропорт не удается получить внятного ответа ни от муниципальных, ни от городских властей о судьбе дома-недостроя по адресу 2-й Амбулаторный проезд, вл. 2. При этом вот уже 12 лет подряд перед каждыми выборами жителям непосредственно прилегающих домов приходят по почте обещания, что этот недострой - будущий спортивный центр, будущий досуговый центр и т.д. Начиная с января 2013 года на эту территорию стали свозить снег со всей округи! Его уже горы, и непонятно, что будет весной - ведь если он весь (на минуточку - весь снег района Аэропорт!) начнет таять, то мы просто поплывем. А Камазы с 19 до 4 утра работают под окнами. Дети не спят, мы тоже. Все слушаем шум и дышим выхлопными газами. Жизнь прекрасна!
Думаем, что с этим делать. Если есть идеи, пишите в комментарии к записи.
БГ: Цветной бульвар и Сухаревская. Площадка для посиделок у подъезда в Лиховом переулке.
БГ: Пушкинская. Голова на фасаде дома по Сытинскому переулку, 7. Фотография пользователя Instagram mewoshki. Если есть идеи, как она сюда попала, пишите в комментарии к этой записи в фейсбуке.
БГ: Курская. В Нижнем Сусальном переулке.
БГ: Проспект Мира и Алексеевская. Магазин под названием Гламур от носа до хвоста появился недавно в помещении салона красоты на Проспекте Мира, 54. Тогруют здесь собачьими домиками, колясками, пледами и одеялами, а также свитерами, дождевиками, украшениями и даже свадебными платьями.
БГ: Сокол. Наша читательница прислала нам вопрос, на который мы не знаем ответа. Кто знает - пишите в комментарии к записи: Лезу на стену от сигаретного дыма с лестничной клетки: курят соседские подростки. Увещевать их, кажется, бесполезно. От дыма лапы ломит и хвост отваливается. Как оградить себя от табачного дыма? Плюсы, минусы, подводные камни?

2013 Trends Library


A comprehensive compilation of 2013 Trends

Storified by FUTUREPerspective · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:48:21

Top 20 Trends of 2013 Forecast? · worldfuturetrends

"Renzi salvaci tu", l'appello del web


Dal momento in cui i risultati elettorali hanno delineato la sconfitta del centrosinistra al Senato, centinaia di messaggi hanno sommerso i profili Twitter e Facebook del sindaco di Firenze. Con Renzi candidato premier, teorizzano i più, le cose sarebbero andate in tutt’altro modo. Eccone alcuni...

Storified by Il Tirreno · Tue, Feb 26 2013 07:48:46

La maggior parte dei commenti vengono "postati" sotto la foto pubblicata sul profilo Facebook del sindaco di Firenze il 22 febbraio. In tutto i messaggi a Renzi sono più di 3.200: c'è chi commenta il risultato elettorale ma soprattutto chi chiede al sindaco di scendere in campo

....aiutaci tu sei l'ultima speranza!!!!!

Renzi dì qualcosa!

allora???? sveglia!!!!!

adesso è il momento di mordere. Dai Matteo che siamo tutti con te!

Matteo abbiamo bisogno di te!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matteo torna in campo..... sei la nostra unica speranza.

Matteo siamo con te!!! Mandiamoli tutti a casa questi "vecchietti antiquati"!!! Ci hanno stufato!!!

Matteo ti aspettiamo

Renzi ti prego salvaci! Sei la nostra unica speranza

Matteo salvaci tu, è stata una delusione troppo grande

CPS takes tough stance on charter accountability


Chicago charter schools will be held to a tougher standard if the Chicago Board of Education approves the district's recommendation to place charters that do not outperform neighborhood schools on a warning list. Six charters have been placed on a warning list and two have been recommended to close.

Storified by Bryan Lowry · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:07:27

Así opinan los internautas sobre el apagón en varios estados del país


A través de las redes sociales los internautas opinaron sobre el apagón eléctrico que ha afectado a varios estados del país luego de que un incendio forestal afectara en horas de la tarde tres líneas de transmisión en la estación Guri.

Storified by Noticias24.com · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:07:53



Storified by · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:08:05


Madeleine Petrovic

Landesrat Sobotka ist seit Wochen abgetaucht. Wir überlegen, eine weltweite Suchaktion zu starten, falls er zufällig auf den Cayman Islands verweilt, bitten wir um sachdienliche Hinweise - diesbezüglich hat uns jetzt auch die Finanzmarktaufsicht bestätigt, dass die Spekulationsgeschäfte nicht durchsichtig sind !! Ich hoffe, dass Erwin Pröll und seine ÖVP für die immensen Spekulationsverluste am Sonntag von den WählerInnen einen Denkzettel verpasst bekommt!· 18.00 Uhr · 

Junge Grüne Niederösterreich

Freunderlwirschaft à la Erwin Pröll muss gestoppt werden. Ein "falsches" Parteibuch der Eltern darf nicht vor die Qualifikation der Jugendlichen in Niederösterreich gestellt werden!· 20.00 Uhr ·
2 Personen gefällt das.


Sozialistische Jugend Niederösterreich shared a link.09:57

Radio einschalten und 88.6 hören - denn ab jetzt gibt´s den SJ-Radiospot für Naomi in ganz NÖ zu hören. Jeweils von Nachmittag bis Abend! Inhalte statt Personenkult!

Auch die NÖN berichtet über eine unserer zentralsten Forderungen: In günstigen Wohnraum für die Jugend investieren statt Wohnbaugelder am Finanzmarkt verzocken! Mit explodierenden Mietkosten muss Schluss sein!

Beste Pflege. Weil unsere SeniorInnen einen Anspruch darauf haben!
Medienvielfalt made in Lower Austria. Wollen wir das? RT @gruene_at: ORF NÖ: Unseren täglichen Pröll gib uns heute! http://twitpic.com/c75r7y · FSG NIEDERÖSTERREICH

Erwin Pröll in die Pension schicken!

Gerade haben wir folgendes entdeckt:

Der Stil der "Jungschwarzen" ist um nichts besser, als jener der "Parteibonzen".
Bitte Teilen und Verbreiten.
Krumböck Florian (JVP Vorsitzender der Stadt St. Pölten)
· 8.30 Uhr · 
Helma Meierhofer Florian Krumböck - auf der FB VP NÖ Seite ein eifriger Verteidiger der Machenschaften der VP NÖ und des Herrn Pröll *g*

Erwin Pröll in die Pension schicken!

Für Ewigkeiten auf unserer Plattform verewigt, herzlichen Glückwunsch Herr Krumböck!
8.30 Uhr · 

SPÖ Niederösterreich

Damit am Sonntag die Stimmen dort ankommen, wo sie hingehören ;-)
· 9.30Uhr · 

Jg Niederösterreich

Interessant wie der JVP Vorsitzende aus St. Pölten Florian Krumböck die "Genderpolitik" betitelt.
· 19.00 Uhr · 


Team Stronach

In der Geschichte gab es immer gute und schlechte Personen die den Weg bestimmten. Seit ihr zufrieden mit dem eingeschlagenen Weg oder soll sich endlich etwas ändern?
· 12.00 Uhr · 

Team Stronach

Arbeiter und Angestellte sind das Rückgrat dieses Landes, geben wir ihnen die Macht zurück!
· 18.00 Uhr · 



Police Informs Mother About Sons Death Over Facebook


Storified by Gabriela Giambrone · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:08:19

         In todays society, Facebook and other social media websites has become a big recourse on finding information out. However vital information that a person should know is put on Facebook. Information extremely important but sometimes unseen by the person. In this article Anna Lamb-Creasy, found out her sons death over a Facebook message from there local police station. 
            We relay so much on getting and giving information through Social Media cites. But when should we realize that important stuff should be said over a call? Lamb-Creasy's son disappeared without a trace one night. After months and calls trying to find out where her son was she went on her Facebook finally to write on his wall leaving him a comment in hopes he would respond. On Facebook what most people don't know exists is called the "other" folder. She opened it up to find a message from the Clayton County Police Station. It read for her to please call them because they have information about her son. When you get a message that you are not friends with on Facebook it gets sent to a "other" folder on Facebook. In order for her to see and get the message is if she pays 1$. However with something like a childs death should not be over a Facebook message. We have gotten so used to using social media that we don't realize what is right and what is wrong about giving information through a cite. 
             Because of the Polices actions and contacting her through Facebook, Lamb-Creasy didn't find out about her sons death until two months later. Our technology and our use and dependency of social media cites have grown and only keeps growing. We forget that it is easier to pick up a phone to speak to someone. 

Programa electoral


Durante los días de campaña iremos presentando nuestro programa electoral, según los cuatro objetivos que hemos determinado para este año de trabajo

Storified by Sentido Común · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:09:07

Un Consejo fiable, para todos por igual. Este objetivo responde a los principios de gestión que aplicaremos durante el próximo año para seguir teniendo la confianza de los estudiantes y transmitir seguridad y tranquilidad en su vida académica. Igualmente, responde la estructura, organización y funcionamiento que debe tener el órgano de los estudiantes en el campus.
Consulta este epígrafe del programa electoral:
Así te lo hemos contado en Twitter:

#Repsol envía cheques descuento al #Parlamento de #Canarias


Storified by Rafael López · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:09:17

Las grandes corporaciones y empresas  no se andan con chiquitas a la hora de conseguir sus objetivos. Les da igual arrasar territorios, desatender a opiniones de las poblaciones afectadas o buscar estudios que patrocinen sus turbios intereses. Y la empresa Repsol, al parecer, ha puesto en marcha toda su maquinaria.
Leemos en la prensa que  Repsol ha enviado cheques descuento al Parlamento de Canarias. Pobres diputados, representantes de la voluntad popular, que no tienen ni para llenar el tanque de gasoil o gasolina.
¿Será casualidad? ¿Qué intenciones se esconden en estos pequeños detalles? 
No debe ser casualidad que con la llegada de Soria al Gobierno una de sus primeras y rápidas medidas ha sido la de autorizar prospecciones petrolíferas muy cerca de Canarias.A Repsol, claro. No debe ser casualidad que los máximos responsables de Repsol hayan estado de visita en los principales medios de comunicación de Canarias en animadas charlas con los directores. Y como no, tampoco será casualidad que al Parlamento de Canarias hayan llegado los cheques regalos. Pareciera que ahora la corrupción es mucho más transparente. Total, nunca pasa nada.
Casualidades de ayer mismo, el Alcalde de La Laguna se empieza a desmarcar de acuerdos de su corporación contra estas prospecciones así como de su propio partido Coalición Canaria, hasta ahora, al parecer, también contrario a estas prospecciones, siquiera sea por un puñado de votos. ¿O estará cambiando Coalición Canaria?
Sea como fuere está muy feo Señores diputados que les empiecen a llegar regalitos de este tipo. Sean honestos y preguntan a los canarios. No sea crean en posesión de la verdad, a veces comprada. Permítan que opinemos y no se vendan por un plato de lentejas.O unos pocos millones de euros. Dignidad.
 No manchen nuestra tierra. Y como dijera el poeta Pedro Lezcano en su poema la maleta:
Los invasores de la paz canaria
que cojan la maleta.
Los que venden la tierra que no es suya
que cojan la maleta.
Los que ponen la muerte en el futuro
que cojan la maleta¡
Que cojan la maleta,
¡que cojan para siempre la maleta!

Te ofrezco algunas notas relativas a esta información. Si te queda algo de amor a estas islas habremos de seguir luchando. De lo contrario, pues nada, pide tu tarjeta descuento y espera sentado a que destruyan tu futuro y el de tus hijos

Our Google+ hangout with #GifMaker finalists


Storified by Shorty Awards · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:09:31

In honor of the season premier of Duck Dynasty on A&E (our GIF partner), we had a Google+ Hangout with #GIFMaker finalists T. Kyle MacMahon (@tkylemac), Dianna McDougall (@DiannaMcD) and Ryan Broderick (@ryanpbroderick)-- along with GIFMaker Jake Olimb and special guest, singer Jennel Garcia (@JennelGarcia).
Shorty @AEDuckDynasty #GifMaker Hang! · shortyawards
@DiannaMcD is feeling our #Gifmaker Duck Dynasty hangout! http://pic.twitter.com/osbP0RzOYB · Shorty Awards
Hey guys @tkylemac @DiannaMcD @ryanpbroderick & @JennelGarcia. http://bit.ly/XGBTmm http://twitpic.com/c7brqm · Dianna McDougall

LLRG discussion - Strengths-based Leadership #llrg


Discussion held on 27th February 2013.

Storified by Jo Alcock · Wed, Feb 27 2013 14:09:40

The Library Leadership Reading Group is an online reading group who discuss readings to do with leadership and libraries via Twitter using the #llrg tag. For more information see my earlier blog post:
This month's discussion was on Tom Rath and Barry Conchie's Strengths-based Leadership:
This book proved elusive for me - I thought it would be relatively easy to borrow this but couldn't find a library who stocked it, even via Inter Library Loan! In the end I bought a copy from Amazon, and was glad I did as it meant I got to complete the strengths test (you get an online access code for one use with the book). I really enjoyed the book - it was easy to read, practical and had some interesting case studies. It seems most people who read it thought the same.
The focus on strengths rather than weaknesses was one which we welcomed (makes a nice change!)
We also found it heartening to read a book which doesn't encourage every leader to be perfect in every single area. However the book did emphasise the importance of having a leadership team which encompasses different domains (these areas are identified in the books as executing, influencing, relationship building and strategic thinking). 
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