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Tips for Creating Effective Lighting for Your Trade Show Exhibit


While there are many strategies you and your exhibit company can employ to make your custom exhibits stand out, one of the most important is the type of lighting you use. Even a great design may not stand out by itself among the many other designs bombarding attendees.

Storified by SteveBailey · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:49:48

Create a welcoming atmosphere with your lighting.

Regardless of the type of lighting you use, the key is to create a welcoming atmosphere inside your booth. Usually, this means that you should choose warm, gentle lighting over harsher tones. By doing so, you cast your booth (and your products) in an inviting light. Attendees will want to enter your booth, because it will make them feel comfortable and allow them to relax as they learn about your business.

Another way to create a welcoming atmosphere with your lighting is to choose an option that is flattering for booth visitors. For instance, certain colored lights can make booth visitors look unattractive. If they feel awkward trying to discuss your products and services because of your lighting, they will be less likely to commit to a sale. You should also avoid placing lights where they might get into visitors' eyes or reflect off surfaces to create an unpleasant glare. The goal is to create an atmosphere that allows booth visitors to focus on your business, not on the lighting.

Set the mood that appeals to your target audience.

One of the primary uses of booth lighting is to set the mood for your display. It allows attendees to understand something about your business at a single glance. As a result, you should strive to create a mood with your lighting that appeals to your target audience. For instance, say that you are a high-end jewelry store. In order to appeal to your target audience, you should probably opt for elegant, luxurious lighting that highlights the beauty and quality of your products. On the other hand, if you are a software company that is targeting a younger and more casual audience, you may choose slightly bolder and less traditional lighting.

By using lighting that appeals to your target audience, you immediately make your booth attractive to the kinds of people who might be interested in your business. With one look, trade show attendees can decide whether or not your business has what they are looking for. As a result, you are more likely to succeed at making sales, and are more likely to stir up genuine interest within your target audience. Once you know who your target audience is, your exhibit company may be able to help you determine which lighting options will best set the right mood for your particular trade show exhibit.

Consider using accent lighting to highlight booth elements.

Lighting options such as track lighting can help to illuminate your entire booth. However, to add touches of interest to your display, you should also consider using accent lighting. Accent lighting is valuable primarily because of its ability to highlight particular elements within the booth. This type of lighting works best if you are showcasing certain products. For instance, if you are rolling out a new line of jewelry, accent lighting arranged over these new products can draw attention to them (and accentuate their beauty). You can also use accent lighting to draw attention to other elements in the trade show exhibit, such as information tables.

When using accent lighting, consider using just one light to illuminate each item. You can do so by using clamp lights or arm lights that place the light directly over the object you are highlighting. While this type of lighting might cost a little more because it requires you to use more lights, it produces an elegant look that draws attention to each individual object. Once you have your accent lighting in place, booth visitors will naturally be drawn to the products and other booth elements that you want them to see.

Opt for cooler lighting solutions.

The one downside to the most common lighting options is the fact that they become very hot. As a result, they must be carefully situated out of the way of booth visitors in order to avoid accidental injury. While these lights are still a popular choice, there are also other, cooler lighting options. These options, because they do not give off as much heat, are safer than and sometimes preferable to more traditional options.

For instance, one of the more common options for cool lighting is LED lighting. This type of lighting provides a bright and appealing look without the heat. In addition, it can create unique looks, especially against fabric backdrops. As a result, it is a good choice if you are looking for an outstanding look and a cooler lighting option for your trade show exhibit. Other cooler lighting options include halogen bulbs in a protective casing and ceiling lighting, both of which keep the hot bulbs safely away from your booth visitors.

Creating effective lighting in your trade show exhibit is an important step in developing the look you need to attract visitors. Your exhibit company's design services should be able to help you decide which lighting choices will work best for you. However, by creating a welcoming atmosphere, setting the mood, using accent lighting, and opting for cooler lighting solutions, you can create the kind of attractive and successful trade show display you need.

How to hire your Leak detection specialists


Storified by leakdetection · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:50:12

Avoid Way to-Entryway Agents. You get a thump at the entryway, and somebody wearing a uniform lets you know they have to check your water warmer. In the event that you let them, they will probably let you know the water warmer is old and wasteful and ought to be supplanted, regardless of the possibility that that is not genuine. You ought to never at any point welcome way to-entryway business people into your home; there are vastly improved approaches to locate a solid water warmer repair organization.

Notoriety is Everything with leak detection specialists. The web permits you to effortlessly discover which water warmer repair organizations have the best notorieties. By looking at water warmer repair administrations on the web, you can get to client surveys and appraisals. It is fitting to check with Cry or Angie's Rundown and the Better Business Agency for grumblings, also.

Check for the Affirmation! While they don't require the same measure of specialized preparing as different temporary workers, water radiator repair administration experts still require confirmation. It is critical to check their affirmation before permitting them to repair or supplant your water warmer.

Is it accurate to say that they are Experienced? Experience is critical with regards to water radiator repair administrations. For the most part, the more encountered the specialist, the higher the nature of the work. It is dependably the best to work with somebody who has been in the business for more than thirty years. Experienced organizations will give ensure while unpractised ones will attempt to nickel and dime for extra administrations.

Sensible Cost? By the day's end, cost is dependably an integral component. Then again, it shouldn't be the main component—you ought to be extremely careful about an organization that gives you an assessment that appears to be unrealistic. You will most likely wind up paying more over the long haul to alter their low quality work or to repair or supplant the water radiator again only a couple short months or years after the fact.

For an immediate leak detection specialists substitution, establishment is direct. Basically, this includes putting the new unit in simply like the old one turned out, including the association of supply water lines and power to the new unit. By taking after these straightforward steps, you will have the capacity to recognize which water radiator repair administration is the most solid, the most experienced, and executes quality work.

The Importance of Regular HVAC Checkups for Industrial Units


Storified by HVAC Knowledge · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:50:15

Regular checkups and routine maintenance ensure that commercial air conditioning units perform at high levels of efficiency and enjoy a long life.You should schedule a yearly checkup for your business’ HVAC system to ensure that the components are functioning properly and to avoid major breakdowns.

Filter Maintenance

The filters of any air conditioning system must be checked regularly for signs of dirt, dust or debris.Dirty filters block air flow and reduce efficiency by up to 15 percent!Check the filters monthly and replace them at least every other month during the cooling season.

A Professional Examination

Call an expert to check your unit at least once a year.Scheduling preventative maintenance before the summer months is ideal.During this examination, the technician should inspect the following:

Refrigerant level
Air flow through the coil
Thermostat accuracy
Belts, motors and fan blades
Evaporator coil
Drain lines

Any moving parts should be checked for signs of wear and should be well-oiled at the conclusion of the visit.Additionally, you should expect the serviceman to clean the coils and ensure that the area around the unit is free of debris that could be collected by the evaporator coil.Keeping up on maintenance safeguards your unit and keeps it functioning properly and reliably for many years. For more information on industrial conditioning in Holly Springs, visit this website.

Cop21: siglato l'accordo per la salvaguardia del clima


A tredici giorni dall'avvio dei lavori, la Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite ha raggiunto l'intesa sulla bozza finale dell’accordo di Parigi

Storified by Frenk1989 · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:50:22

195 pays adoptent le premier accord universel sur le climat : l'#AccordDeParis https://t.co/OMeTE1ttvc #COP21 https://t.co/8XiZogtSin · COP21 - Paris 2015
Dopo lunghe ore di trattative, a tredici giorni dall'avvio della Cop21, Laurent Fabius, Presidente degli Esteri francese e Presidente della Cop21, ha presentato alla sala congressi Le Bourget la bozza dell'intesa sul clima."L'accordo conferma il nostro obiettivo centrale di limitare il riscaldamento globale al di sotto di 2 gradi e di raggiungere un limite di 1.5 gradi" ha affermato Fabius, affiancato dalla presenza del Presidente Hollande e dal Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki-moon, aggiungendo che "tutto ciò permetterà di ridurre significativamente i rischi e gli impatti derivanti dai cambiamenti climatici." Il testo, composto da 31 pagine e 29 articoli, prevede la firma dell'accordo alla cerimonia presieduta dal Segretario delle Nazioni Unite e fissata per il 22 Aprile del prossimo anno, e entrerà in vigore solo dal momento in cui almeno 55 paesi membri, responsabili complessivamente del 55% delle emissioni di gas serra, lo avranno ratificato.
COP21: l'émotion de Laurent Fabius pour "tous ceux qui auraient voulu être là" · BFMTV
L'articolo 2 del testo prevede tra i suoi obiettivi la volontà di rinforzare la risposta globale contro il cambiamento climatico, attraverso politiche eco-sostenibili e alla lotta alla povertà: attuazione di misure di adattamento e resilienza al pericolo climatico, in conformità del principio di equità sociale e di responsabilità comune; stimolare le attività economiche compatibilmente a uno sviluppo basato sulla riduzione sostanziale delle emissioni di gas serra e tenendo conto delle differenti capacità dei paesi firmatari e dei contesti economici nei quali esse sono inseriti. In merito a questo aspetto, i paesi industrializzati dovranno fornire un contributo pari a 100 miliardi l'anno a partire dal 2020, desitinati ai paesi in via di sviluppo. Inoltre, a cadenze quinquennali i paesi firmatari dovranno presentare informative sulle emissioni prodotte e utilizzate, aggiornamenti sulle politiche ambientali avviate e sui progressi nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati attraverso la stesura di INDC(Intended Nationally Determined Contributions).
#COP21 L'accord historique et ses principaux points #AFP par @AFPgraphics https://t.co/TthsFBbpBr · Agence France-Presse
L'accordo è stato accolto positivamente da diverse associazioni ambientaliste: "l’azione di contrasto ai cambiamenti climatici procede lentamente, ma ha cominciato a fare progressi. Questo accordo mette l’industria dei combustibili fossili dalla parte sbagliata della storia" ha dichiarato Kumi Naidoo, direttore esecutivo di Greenpeace International , affermando anche qualche aspetto negativo "l’accordo trascura inoltre i popoli più vulnerabili agli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici e contiene un’intrinseca e radicata ingiustizia: le nazioni maggiormente responsabili del riscaldamento globale hanno promesso un aiuto misero a chi già oggi rischia di perdere la vita e i mezzi di sostentamento a causa dei mutamenti climatici."
#COP21 puts fossil fuel industry on wrong side of history: https://t.co/0FvqKj6vqC https://t.co/ZmxP79ZpWz · Kumi Naidoo
Pareri positivi sono arrivati anche dal presidente del WWF Italia Donatella Bianchi: “La conferenza sul clima di Parigi non ha solo prodotto un accordo, ma ha lanciato un segnale che sprona la comunità globale verso una collaborazione su larga scala per affrontare il problema climatico. Anche il Ministro dell'ambiente Gian Luca Galletti ha commentato con entusiasmo il raggiungimento dell'accordo: "Siamo nella storia, e a questa storia ha contribuito anche l'Italia".
Ma non sono mancate le critiche all'accordo, reo di non essere all'altezza degli impegni presi : James Hansen, climatologo americano e scienziato Nasa, ha affermato al The Guardian che l'accordo è "una truffa. È assurdo dire: poniamo l’asticella a 2 gradi e poi cercheremo di fare un po’ meglio ogni cinque anni. Si tratta di parole prive di significato: non c’è alcuna azione, sono solo promesse. Fino a quando i combustibili fossili saranno i più economici nel mercato dei combustibili , si continuerà a utilizzare quell'energia. Solo tassando le emissioni di gas serra si riuscirà a indurre le nazioni ad abbassarle abbastanza velocemente da evitare il disastro”.
Gli fa eco Nick Dearden, direttore della campagna Global Justice Now: "è oltraggioso che questo accordo venga presentato come un successo quando invece mette a rischio i diritti delle comunità maggiormente vulnerabili e non contiene praticamente nulla che serva a garantire un clima sicuro e sostenibile per le future generazioni". Si associa a questa critica Helen Szoke, direttore esecutivo di Oxfam Australia: "Abbiamo solo una vaga promessa di un obiettivo futuro, ma non c’è alcun obbligo per le nazioni a tagliare le emissioni abbastanza velocemente da evitare la catastrofe climatica".

Recuperate Your ED Trouble with Filagra


Filagra 50mg and 100mg is a PDE-5 type inhibitor containing Sildenafil Citrate as a key ingredient. It is the most preferred medicine used for management of impotence in men. Buy Filagra Online from Chemist247Online at best price.

Storified by Chemist2470nline · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:50:29

Baram Dam Blockade


Storified by Sarawak Report · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:01:14

Micro Power, Mega Empowerment · Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia
Damned dams https://t.co/jcYnFqmL8x https://t.co/AKK2uQuGFl · Aliran
Plans to build a dam that would have forced 20,000 Penan from their land have been shelved: https://t.co/yKyzc0pi3s https://t.co/dwDNazMtEb · Survival
当今峇南Baramkini | Facebook · 当今峇南Baramkini
Kudos to the communities fighting the #Baram Dam. #Sarawak's CM says the dam is put on hold till further notice! https://t.co/BUibVal1cK · Sarawak Report

Global High Voltage Cables & Accessories Market 2015 - 2019 Industry Size, Trends, Demand, Growth, Analysis and Forecast


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:01:15

Global High Voltage Cables & Accessories Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

The study Global High Voltage Cables & Accessories Industry 2015 is a detailed report scrutinizing statistical data related to the Global High Voltage Cables & Accessories industry. Historical data available in the report elaborates on the development of the High Voltage Cables & Accessories market on aGlobal and national level. The report compares this data with the current state of the market and thus elaborates upon the trends that have brought the market shifts.

Access full report with TOC athttp://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/high-voltage-cables-accessories-market-2015-global-industry.html

The market forces determining the shaping of the High Voltage Cables & Accessories market have been evaluated in detail. In addition to this, the regulatory scenario of the market has been covered in the report from both the Global and local perspective. Market predictions along with the statistical nuances presented in the report render an insightful view of the High Voltage Cables & Accessories market.

The demand and supply side of the market has been extensively covered in the report. The challenges the players in the High Voltage Cables & Accessories market face in terms of demand and supply have been listed in the report. Recommendations to overcome these challenges and optimize supply and demand opportunities have also been covered in this report.

For sample request click onhttp://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39194/request-sample

Growth prospects of the overall High Voltage Cables & Accessories industry have been presented in the report. However, to give an in-depth view to the readers, detailed geographical segmentation within the globe High Voltage Cables & Accessories market has been covered in this study. The key geographical regions along with their revenue forecasts are included in the report.

The competitive framework of the High Voltage Cables & Accessories market in terms of the Global High Voltage Cables & Accessories industry has been evaluated in the report. The top companies and their overall share and share with respect to the Global market have been included in the report. Furthermore, the factors on which the companies compete in the market have been evaluated in the report.

This report also presents product specification, manufacturing process, and product cost structure etc.Production is separated by regions, technology and applications. Analysis also covers upstream raw materials, equipment, downstream client survey, marketing channels, industry development trend and proposals. In the end, the report includes High Voltage Cables & Accessories new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, investment return analysis, and development trend analysis. In conclusion, it is a deep research report onGlobal High Voltage Cables & Accessories industry. Here, we express our thanks for the support and assistance from High Voltage Cables & Accessories industry chain related technical experts and marketing engineers during Research Team’s survey and interviews
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Joel John
3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138,
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442,
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GMT Tel: +49-322 210 92714
USA/Canada Toll Free No. 1-855-465-4651

Global Reclosers Market 2015 - 2019 Industry Size, Trends, Demand, Growth, Share, Analysis and Forecast


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:01:23

Global Reclosers Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

The report offers a holistic overview of the Reclosers market with the help of application segments and geographical regions that govern the market currently. Further, the report delves deep into the value chain of the Reclosers market so as to emerge with information specific areas that hold high revenue-generating potential. With the Reclosers market having undergone certain inherent shifts in the past decades, the report discusses how these changes will impact the future.

Browse full report with TOC @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/reclosers-market-2015-global-industry-size-trends-growth.html

Moreover, the report also provides a realistic picture of the state of both traditional and emerging markets. The advantages and disadvantages of investing in these markets are discussed at length in the Reclosers market report. Companies in the Reclosers market have realized that innovation is of utmost importance for sustained growth. In keeping with this pressing need for innovation, the report tracks latest developments and analysts have dedicated substantial efforts toward spotting new business opportunities.

Which application segments will perform well in theReclosersover the next few years? Which are the markets where companies should establish a presence? What are the restraints that will threaten growth rate? What are the forecasted growth rates for the Reclosers market as a whole and for each segment within it? All of these questions are answered using industry-leading techniques and tools as well as a vast amount of qualitative research.

Inquiry for buying reporthttp://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39195/inquiry-for-buying

The report further focuses on the leading industry players that will steer the course of the Reclosers market through the forecast period. Each of these players is analyzed in detail so as to obtain details pertaining to their product/services, recent announcements and partnerships, investment strategies and so on.A detailed segmentation evaluation of the Reclosers market has been provided in the report. Detailed information about the key segments of the market and their growth prospects are available in the report. The detailed analysis of their sub-segments is also available in the report. The revenue forecasts and volume shares along with market estimates are available in the report.
Contact Us
Joel John
3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138,
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442,
United States
Tel: +1-386-310-3803
GMT Tel: +49-322 210 92714
USA/Canada Toll Free No. 1-855-465-4651

Global Transformer Monitoring Solutions Market 2015 - 2019 Industry Trends, Demand, Growth, Share, Opportunities and...


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:01:30

Global Transformer Monitoring Solutions Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

The report begins with a broad introduction of The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market and then drills deeper into specific segments such as application, regional markets, end-users, policy analysis, value chain structure, and emerging trends. The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market report makes a case for investments in particular regions based on a realistic view of their regulatory environment, manufacturing dynamics and availability of skills and resources. Also, recommendations are made based on regions and market segments that are not poised for appreciable growth in the near future.

Get full report with TOC @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/transformer-monitoring-solutions-market-2015-global-industry-size.html

The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market and its dynamics are evaluated using industry leading tools and techniques. A qualitative analysis forms a sizeable portion of the research efforts as well. With emerging changes on the horizon, The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market is poised for certain important change. It is imperative that market players gear up for these changes. The report helps companies—both new and established—to identify white spaces and opportunities for growth in The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market.

The leading companies in The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market are profiled to offer a complete overview of their growth strategies, financial standing, product and services pipeline, as well as recent collaborations and developments.

Inquiry for buying reporthttp://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39196/inquiry-for-buying

The report’s analysis is based on technical data and industry figures sourced from the most reputable databases. Other aspects that will prove especially beneficial to readers of the report are: investment feasibility analysis, recommendations for growth, investment return analysis, trends analysis, opportunity analysis, and SWOT analyses of competing companies. With the help of inputs and insights from technical and marketing experts, the report presents an objective assessment of The Transformer Monitoring Solutions market.

A detailed segmentation evaluation of the Transformer Monitoring Solutions market has been provided in the report. Detailed information about the key segments of the market and their growth prospects are available in the report. The detailed analysis of their sub-segments is also available in the report. The revenue forecasts and volume shares along with market estimates are available in the report.The competitive landscape of the market presented in the study profiles the most prominent players in the market.
Contact Us
Joel John
3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138,
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442,
United States
Tel: +1-386-310-3803
GMT Tel: +49-322 210 92714
USA/Canada Toll Free No. 1-855-465-4651

Global Vacuum Contactor Market 2015 - 2019 Industry Size, Trends, Demand, Growth, Share, Analysis and Forecast


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:01:37

Global Vacuum Contactor Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

The Vacuum Contactor report is offers a clear picture of the current and future trends, developments and opportunities. The report, prepared by a highly seasoned team of analysts and data experts, carries an array of tables and graphs besides qualitative analyses. Starting with a discussion on the current state of The Vacuum Contactor market, the report goes on to discuss the dynamics affecting each segment within it. The report segments the market to up to three levels and studies each of these in great detail. The result is a set of sharp insights and recommendations that will help companies stay ahead of the next new trend in The Vacuum Contactorindustry.

Browse full report with TOC @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/vacuum-contactor-market-2015-global-industry-size-trends.html

A basic overview of The Vacuum Contactor market is offered to readers through the use of market definition, segmentation, applications, and value chain analysis. The analysis for The Vacuum Contactor market is not limited only to traditional or emerging markets. It also covers regions that have been hitherto unexplored but have white space that could be lucratively tapped. In order to do this, however, a clear understanding of one’s competitors is imperative. The report provides just that through a section dedicated to key company profiles and news. Equipped with this vital information, players in The Vacuum Contactor market will be in a better position to foresee opportunities and threats alike and make informed decisions.

The regulatory environment, being such an intrinsic part of The Vacuum Contactor market, does need special focus. The report collates information relating to current and future policies and regulations that could directly or indirectly affect business operations. The report is an invaluable business intelligence repository for new and existing players in The Vacuum Contactor market.

Access request sample @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39197/request-sample

For technical data and manufacturing plants analysis, the report analyzes Vacuum Contactor leading suppliers on capacity, commercial production date, manufacturing plants distribution, R&D Status, technology sources, and raw materials sources.

This report also presents product specification, manufacturing process, and product cost structure etc.Production is separated by regions, technology and applications. Analysis also covers upstream raw materials, equipment, downstream client survey, marketing channels, industry development trend and proposals. In the end, the report includes Vacuum Contactor new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, investment return analysis, and development trend analysis. In conclusion, it is a deep research report on Global Vacuum Contactor industry.
Contact Us
Joel John
3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138,
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442,
United States
Tel: +1-386-310-3803
GMT Tel: +49-322 210 92714
USA/Canada Toll Free No. 1-855-465-4651

Global Instrument Transformers 2015 - 2019 Industry Size, Trends, Demand, Growth, Share, Opportunities and Analysis


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:01:43

Global Instrument Transformers Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

The Instrument Transformers market research report distils the most essential aspects of the market and presents them in the form of a comprehensive and cohesive document. The findings of this report have been obtained via a balanced mix of both primary and secondary research. Interviews of C-level executives in The Instrument Transformers market form a chunk of the qualitative analysis contained in this report.

Get full report with TOC @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/instrument-transformers-market-2015-global-industry-size-trends.html

To begin with, the report defines The Instrument Transformers market and segments it based on the most important dynamics, such as applications, geographical/regional markets, and competitive scenario. Macroeconomic and microeconomic factors environments that currently prevail and also those that are projected to emerge are covered in this report.

With a view to deepen the scope of the analysis, the report also tracks milestone developments and regulations that have shaped The Instrument Transformers market thus far. To help readers effectively plan their future strategies, the report provides a set of expert recommendations. The analysts working on the report have successfully identified expected policy changes, industry news and developments, and trends and opportunities – this information can be harnessed by companies to strengthen their market presence.

Download request sample @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39198/request-sample

Other important aspects that have been meticulously studied in the Instrument Transformers market report are: Demand and supply dynamics, import and export scenario, industry processes and cost structures, and major R&D initiatives.

Based on all of this information, the report provides recommendations and strategies to the following market participants: New players, investors, marketing departments, regulatory authorities and suppliers/manufacturers. The Instrument Transformers market research study has been composed using key inputs from industry experts. Furthermore, the extensive primary and secondary research data with which the report has been composed helps deliver the key statistical forecasts, in terms of both revenue and volume. In addition to this, the trends and revenue analysis of the global Instrument Transformers market has been mentioned in this report. This will give a clear perspective to the readers how the Instrument Transformers market will fare worldwide
Contact Us
Joel John
3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138,
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442,
United States
Tel: +1-386-310-3803
GMT Tel: +49-322 210 92714
USA/Canada Toll Free No. 1-855-465-4651

Human Resource Management Software Enables Better Collaboration Between Employees and Managers


Everyone – employees, management, HR professionals – has a stake in improving the productivity of an organization and its business processes. One component of this is a healthy collaboration among employees. Human resource management software enables and improves this collaboration.

Storified by hrsoftware994 · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:02:08

First International Symposium on Anti-Gypsyism


The German Federal Foreign Office hosted the first international symposium on anti-Gypsyism. December 1st, 2015 - Berlin

Storified by OSFRoma · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:02:11

The event was placed under the patronage of Michael Roth MP, Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office, and was co-hosted by the Open Society Foundations, the Schwarzkopf Stiftung
Young Europe and the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma.
The debates, conferences and workshops emphasized that anti-Gypsyism is the major obstacle to the socio-economic advancement of Roma in nowadays Europe. Less than a matter of tackling individual anti-Roma sentiments, combating anti-Gypsyism is about advocating for inclusive institutions and fair public services.

Read the report about the international symposium on anti-Gypsyism on the website of the German Federal Foreign Office:

Watch the video of the symposium on the YouTube channel of Euractiv:

How Can State Institutions Help Overcome Anti-Gypsyism in Europe? · EurActiv
Eröffnung des Internationalen Symposiums zu Antiziganismus in Europa im @AuswaertigesAmt #AntiGypsyismBerlin https://t.co/PCvT1UNBKM · Antidiskriminierung

Global Floating Production Systems Market 2015 - 2019 Industry Size, Trends, Demand, Growth, Share, Opportunities and...


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:02:15

Global Floating Production Systems Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

Global Floating Production Systems Industry 2015 presents an executive level blueprint of the global Floating Production Systems market. This is an analytical research report that delves into evaluating the dynamics of the global Floating Production Systems market drawing reference to the key trends shaping the supply-chain pattern of the industry. To study the exhaustive information sourced from detailed primary and secondary research, the analysts of the report have used industry leading analytical tools such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces. The observation made from the analysis not only helps analysts to compile a comprehensive report on the global Floating Production Systems market, but the same also assists them to understand the prevailing competitive landscape of the market.

Get full report with TOC @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/floating-production-systems-market-2015-global-industry-size.html

For a study to be beneficial for stakeholders, it should constitute a detailed research on the market competitiveness. For the purpose of the same, the research report profiles the leading and prominent players in the Floating Production Systems market. Information pertaining to key strategies adopted by these companies has been obtained from their respective financial reports, and a meticulous study on the market trends that has impacted their plan of action. Results achieved from the strategies is analyzed thoroughly in the report to update stakeholders about the trends impacting the market. Key findings of the report on the global Floating Production Systems market will also help companies operating in the market to identify the growth opportunities to propel their operations.

To provide a comprehensive report of the global Floating Production Systems market, the study has segmented it on the basis of product types, applications, end-use industries, and geography. The leading geographic segments is identified in the report, which also studies the prospects exhibited by the emerging regional markets. With an aim of presenting a 360 degree overview of the market, the report studies the growth drivers, market restraints, and opportunities in detail. Based on in-depth study, the report presents refined growth forecasts for the Floating Production Systems market.

Inquiry for buying reporthttp://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39185/inquiry-for-buying

An exhaustive qualitative review of the factors accelerating and restraining the growth of the Floating Production Systems market and approaching opportunities has been deployed. The Floating Production Systems market has been analyzed based on applications, geographic distribution, and the substantial factors accountable for the rising demand of the Floating Production Systems market globally have been detailed in this report. The report covers the global Floating Production Systems market right from its definition to the numerous categorizations of the market as well as its key end-use applications.

The elementary weaknesses and strengths of the leading vendors coupled with the rate of growth for each of the segments of the Floating Production Systems worldwide market have been conferred after a complete analysis of past and prospective trends, regulatory needs, and technological innovations.
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Global Transmission Tower Market 2015 - 2019 Industry Size, Trends, Demand, Growth, Share, Opportunities and Analysis


Storified by jobsmark · Tue, Dec 15 2015 09:02:24

Global Transmission Tower Market 2015 Size, Share, Demand, Analysis, Industry Growth, Trends, Product Price, Technology, Applications, Outlook, Research, Report, Opportunities and Forecast

The report Global Transmission Tower Industry provides a comprehensive analysis of the Transmission Tower market. The report features industry insights from experts. A detailed segmentation of the Global Transmission Tower market has been included in the report. Furthermore, the report also covers the sub-segments. The leading sector, the emerging sectors, along with their growth statistics have been mentioned in the report.

Browse full report with TOC @http://www.9dresearchgroup.com/market-analysis/transmission-tower-market-2015-global-industry-size-trends.html

After a brief overview of the Global Transmission Tower market, the report analyzes the market dynamics. The top drivers supporting market growth and the key restraints hampering market growth are covered in this report. Additionally, the report also states the threats and opportunities that companies in the market need to look out for. The most influential trends that will shape the market during the forecasting horizon are also covered in this report. Current market development trends such as partnerships, M&As, collaborations, etc., have also been discussed in detail in the report. Moreover, the report elaborates on the regulatory scenario governing the Transmission Tower market and its potential effects on the market in the foreseeable future.

Detailed business overview, revenue analysis, strategies, and SWOT analysis of the key players has been included in the report. Players in the Global Transmission Tower market are aiming to expand their operations to emerging regions. Further, companies in the Transmission Tower market are focusing on innovation and positioning their products at competitive prices. An in-depth supply chain analysis in the report will give readers a better understanding of the Transmission Tower market.

Inquiry for buying reporthttp://www.9dresearchgroup.com/report/39184/inquiry-for-buying

To evaluate the market better, each market segment and its sub-segments are evaluated in the report with their market drivers, restraints, shares, and growth rates. Valuable forecasts and other market statistics in this research study make it an indispensable intelligence tool for companies operating in this market.
Contact Us
Joel John
3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138,
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442,
United States
Tel: +1-386-310-3803
GMT Tel: +49-322 210 92714
USA/Canada Toll Free No. 1-855-465-4651

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"Here at Richmond Locksmith Service, we promise you the fastest, most comprehensive, most efficient commercial, residential and automotive services that you can have anywhere in the region, at the best prices in town."

Storified by Richmond LocksmithService · Fri, Dec 18 2015 09:39:12

Learning for Sustainability in Scottish schools


A case study of Lawthorn Primary school and climate change

Storified by beth2812 · Fri, Dec 18 2015 09:40:10


This is the story of how Lawthorn Primary School in Scotland has encouraged young people to address climate change by reducing the global footprint of their school. Lawthorn School adopted an action competence approach by encouraging pupils to consider their environmental impact before co-constructing and implementing local, community-linked and school-based solutions to this issue. This focused case study exemplifies one way in which a group can at a local level, and with the support of a specific national educational policy infrastructure, begin to address a more complex problem, in this case global climate change, and at the same time introduce greater opportunities for active citizenship and outdoor learning, key aspects of Scotland's Learning for Sustainability agenda.

Climate Change: A wicked problem

Climate change is a widely recognised global challenge. It can be understood as a wicked problem as it is highly complex and the solution can remain elusive as the many factors that contribute to the problem can feel difficult to comprehend in their entirety, therefore difficult to address. Also, any move towards a solution often requires both individual and collective action at local, national and international levels. Therefore, as individuals, it can feel too big to tackle effectively and this can leave us feeling unsure and unable to take positive action.
We spoke to Professor Dave Reay, Professor Carbon Management at the University of Edinburgh, and asked him to provide an introduction to Climate Change and explain how it can be both a local and a global issue and how individuals could begin to take action.
W 3 - Learning for Sustainability - Interview with Professor Dave Reay: Part 1 · OpenEdinburghUni

Action competence

Schnack, (1993: 7) describes the concepts of action and competence and explains how they combine to form the term action competence:
"Developing action competence becomes a formative ideal in a democratic perspective. At best, ‘competence’ should evoke associations to something about being able to (and wanting to?) be a competent participant. And ‘acting’ needs to be read into the entire complex of distinctions concerning behaviour, activities, habits – and hence actions. Strictly speaking, actions may well consist of the same movements as kinds of behaviour, yet are invariably characterised by being conscious, reflected, and targeted.Consequently, we also must understand and explain actions by referring to motives and arguments, rather than to mechanisms and causes (Schnack 1977). Perhaps, this is expressed most succinctly by the term of intentionality. Actions are intentional."
The focus is grounded in the developing a capacity within the 'learner' to feel enabled, and empowered to take some form of action, within their context. This concept is fundamental to learning for sustainability, as learning for sustainability is action-oriented and encourages learners to move towards action informed by the development of their personal ethics. (Learning for sustainability is described in more detail below)
To bring this into a school-based educational context, a teacher from Craigievar Primary School describes how their pupils have developed a form of action competence through a community based Learning for Sustainability project. In this case the teacher evidenced the puils' development through the changing nature of their behaviour towards others in the school:
‘When they look outside the bubble of their school, their maturity evolves because of that knowledge. They are learning responsibility. I’ve seen a lot more patience in terms of resolving issues – learning to balance fairness and equality.’ Teacher - Craigievar PS - pg 42

Interdisciplinary Outdoor learning

Learning for sustainability lends itself to interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Upon investigation it becomes clear that one issue or topic can hold connections across and between various elements of the school curriculum. Further the links extend out, beyond school into the local community, pupils' homes and families, and a range of other contexts too. As one Headteacher describes it:
"The difference with learning for sustainability is how easily it lends itself to the theme of connections – how it links. By definition, learning for sustainability has to get beyond your fence and school grounds into your community. Learning for sustainability can’t be insular." (Education Scotland, 2014: 21)
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Learning for Sustainability: The Scottish context

Education Scotland, the National body supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education, describes Learning for Sustainability as "an approach to learning, life and work...[which] enables learners, educators, schools and their wider communities to build a socially-just, sustainable and equitable society"
It is also described by Education Scotland as being about:



Was für ein Jahr: Wir schauen gerne zurück!

Storified by Mann beisst Hund · Fri, Dec 18 2015 09:39:39


Auf ins neue Jahr mit einer Aktion in eigener Sache: In Kooperation mit vier renommierten Wettbewerben veröffentlichen wir ein Whitepaper und teilen darin Erfahrungen rund um die Kommunikation von Schülerwettbewerben.
Zum gleichen Thema veranstalten wir eine Online-Diskussion via Google-Hangout - und diskutieren mit den Verantwortlichen der Schülerwettbewerbe sowie einer Schülerin und einem Schüler, die gewonnen haben.
Schülerwettbewerbe: Wenn alle gewinnen ·


Am 20. Februar kommt heraus: Ein Redakteur der taz hat seine Kollegen bespitzelt und sich Daten von ihren Rechnern gezogen. Wir kommentieren bei uns im Blog die Krisenkommunikation der taz zu #tazgate.


Für unseren Kunden "Deutscher Gründerpreis für Schüler" haben wir in Kooperation mit Ari Gröbke die Website modernisiert - Anfang März erscheint sie im neuen Outfit und responsive Design.


Und noch eine Website aus unserer Werkstatt geht online: Die Universität Koblenz-Landau im frischen Outfit.
Die Abschiedsgeschenke unserer PraktikantInnen sind immer wieder eine tolle Überraschung. Dieses hier hat es uns 2015 besonders angetan:
Und wieder: Unsere Praktikanten sind die besten! Oder wer sonst hat so gute Ideen für kreative Abschiedsgeschenke? http://t.co/tixj9sJZh2 · Mann beisst Hund


Für den Online-Lernspezialisten scoyo haben wir schon im letzten Jahr das interaktive Format "Digitaler Elternabend" entwickelt. Beim vierten Online-Talk diskutieren im Google-Hangout Mütter und Väter zum Thema Vereinbarkeit - als Experten genau wie als Betroffene.
4. Digitaler scoyo-Elternabend: Beruf und Familie vereinbaren - wenn immer etwas zu kurz kommt · scoyo


Zozzoni Day 2015 - The party


Segui la diretta social!

Storified by Radio Deejay · Fri, Dec 18 2015 09:39:54

Alle 10 in onda con @volofabio ma nessuno dei due vuole stare seduto #cesvi #zozzoniday · Vittorio Lelii
@alecattelan e @federussos ospitano gli Street Clerks per lo #zozzoniday #zzzday #cesvi #45599 #donaora · Radio Deejay
Street Clerks - Timeline Photos | Facebook · Facebook
Sciabolata allo #zzzday con @alecattelan e @federusso80 45599 https://t.co/UTj73qn7N7 · Trio Medusa
Certo che @federusso80 e @alecattelan sono proprio belli belli belli in modo assurdo @radiodeejay #zzday https://t.co/B4lDPiXHyK · Trio Medusa
@federusso80 in versione Superman! #ZZZDay https://t.co/s5kTHIkrdl · Jacopo Reale
#zzzday arriviamo. @radiodeejay #sms45599 charitystars.com · Federico Russo
@triomedusa @RudyZerbi @DaFiumicino @pabmene @LePrisque @russoff @LauraStellin grandi @radiodeejay #zzzday https://t.co/L1mZfjNDub · Roberto Giudici
Gli eroi delle 06:00 di mattina!! @triomedusa #zzzday #sms45599 https://t.co/aZynemxZje · DanilodaFiumicino

Samen voor de Voedselbank


Slotdag is inpakdag bij Omroep West. Deel je foto's via #vb15

Storified by omroepwest · Fri, Dec 18 2015 09:39:55

Toch nog een beetje Sinterklaas bij @omroepwest Dieuwertje Blok is er ook om te helpen! #vb15 https://t.co/jJnvB4rpmq · Renzo Veenstra
Het complete college van @Gem_Rijswijk helpt mee bij #vb15. Inclusief burgemeester @MichelBezuijen https://t.co/ntXww0i2ZU · Renzo Veenstra
De hele dag rijden wagens door de regio om het ingezamelde voedsel op te halen.
Bij Knofje @TriodusDenHaag staan de volle dozen al klaar om opgehaald te worden !#samenvoordevoedselbank https://t.co/H5bu3oQ0go · Sheila Groos
En dat waren Marjolein en Michiel. De komende uren presenteren Debby en haar 'man'Manuel.
Super : Samen voor de voedselbank. @omroepwest kanaal 709 Ziggo. Dit zou @SeriousRequest ook eens moeten doen! https://t.co/ZTi4DMTl3G · Jan B
Vera Smits, vast krantenlezer Van Mogge Michiel schuift aan tafel aan om te doneren,
@renzomobiel @omroepwest @LeeTowers Feliz Navidad ..... samen voor de voedselbank. Goed intiatief. https://t.co/2gqyBbe0N1 · Jan B
En daar is basisschool Het Kristal uit Rijswijk. Fredje was van de week al bij ze op bezoek ( zie liveblog: dag 6 Samen voor de Voedselbank.) Nu komen ze de ingezamelde producten brengen.
Basisschool het Kristal uit Rijswijk komt de 500 ingezamelde producen brengen! #vb15 #omroepwest https://t.co/FrxGDGMhSN · Marlous Scheenstra
Vorig jaar sloot hij de actie af, dit jaar opent hij de dag. fijn dat je er weer was Lee.
#vb15 Lee Towers zingt voor de vrijwilligers die helpen bij Samen voor de Voedselbank · Omroep West
Gezellig. Lee Towers in huis. #vb15 https://t.co/buegn1vytO · MoggeMichiel
De gezichten ken je niet, maar de stemmen wel. De filelezers van de ANWB kwamen ook doneren.
Cees Quax en Erwin de Hard, filelezers van @ANWBverkeer zijn er ook om te helpen. #vb15 @ANWB @omroepwest https://t.co/pXS4gZ5RBH · Renzo Veenstra
Niet alleen Hoogvliet was inzamelpunt. Ook bij de buurtsuper van Hans Meijer in Delft kon je doneren voor de Voedselbank. En dat deden veel mensen.
#vb15 Hans Meijer, buurtsupermarkt Delft en inzamelpunt Voedselbank · Omroep West
Lee Towers gaat zo voor ons zingen!
Lee Towers is binnen! #vb15 @omroepwest Luisteren en kijken dus zo! https://t.co/NAdZIOUBJ6 · Renzo Veenstra
Loods bij @omroepwest loopt vol met vrijwilligers die komen inpakken #vb15 YES! https://t.co/2CpwfALgrz · Renzo Veenstra
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