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A memorable Christmas Day with intelligent Airwheel S6 mini saddle-equipped electric walkcar


Christmas Day is a holiday worldwide. Some workplaces hold Christmas parties prior to December 25. Festive activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, going to parties.

Storified by mengazee · Sat, Dec 12 2015 08:18:26

Christmas Day is a holiday in many, but not all, countries. Many homes have Christmas trees and other decorations in the weeks leading to Christmas Day. Some workplaces hold Christmas parties prior to December 25. Festive activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, going to parties. You will have a memorable Christmas Day with Airwheel S6 mini sitting posture self-balancing scooter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeu-uvpNJJ0

Some may be not familiar with the Airwheel S6 saddle-equipped electric scooter. So, a brief introduction will be given. Airwheel S6 intelligent electric walkcar is the newly born sitting posture self-balancing scooter, different from the Airwheel A3 in two main aspects. For one, there is no control shaft on S6 and the modelling is rather small with the 8 inch customized Chengshin tyres, in contrast to A3 with the 16 inch tyres.

For another, Airwheel A3 is the first saddle-equipped electric scooter in Airwheel family, which caused a sensation the moment it launched. However, the release of Airwheel S6 mini electric scooter realizes a breakthrough in the progress of electric scooters, as S6 has been equipped with two sensing systems. That is, riders can stand or sit to ride which is suitable for a wider range of application scenarios.

On Christmas Day, you can ride Airwheel S6 mini saddle-equipped electric scooter to give gifts to your friends. They will be overjoyed if you can send the gifts in person, other than by express delivery. What’s more, you can ride the S6 mini self-balancing scooter to attend the Christmas parties. No matter it is winter or summer in your country; Airwheel sitting posture self-balancing scooter S6 will enable you to enjoy the festive atmosphere fully. There is no need for you to consider the traffic jam, as S6 mini self-balancing scooter is not going to be stopped by the heavy traffic. In a word, you will have a memorable Christmas Day with Airwheel S6 mini sitting posture self-balancing scooter.


Established in 2004, Airwheel Technology was initiated by a group of pioneers who took constant adventure to reshape the world with edged technology. With a global view, the U.S.-based enterprise started to build since its establishment R&D centers located in L.A., Beijing, and Changzhou, a marketing center in Beijing and a manufacturing center in Changzhou. As the leader in global portable intelligent transport industry, we have been dedicated to extend the fun and benefit of cutting-edge technology to everywhere in the world.

Media Contact:
Company Name: Airwheel Technology Holding Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Mr Tang
Address: FL9 Zhongchuang, 396 Tongjiang Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Phone: +8618861270200
E-mail: business@airwheel.net
Website: http://www.airwheel.net



Truman is a great biopic that bridges many historical events. World War II, dropping of the bomb, the Cold War, creating the Jewish state, and Korea. Over top of that is a great story of a couple that came from and returned to a hubble lifestyle in Independence, MO.

Storified by freeman1 · Sat, Dec 12 2015 08:20:04

I put this clip in there because it shows the scene of the Trumans moving from the White House back to Kansas City. Eisenhower had just stood them up for tea and as Harry was ready to raise a ruckess, Bess just said "Lets go." I am having some difficulty figuring out how to edit and spellcheck within this program.
Truman (1995) - Gary Sinise - Let's Go ·
This New York Times review does fair justice to trying to fit so many events into a 2 hour movie. Having lived in the Kansas City area for 3 years I visited many of the Truman sites. Through his life I am impressed with how life prepares us for later challenges. When his Dad died he worried if he could continue to run the farm without him, he ends up doing fine. Later having breakfast with FDR he realizes on his death he will have to run the country and again does well. Harry is persistent and nothing shows that like his courtship to Bess Wallace. His willingness to support the reconstruction of Europe after WW II with the Marshall Plan, born right out of his experiences of the lack of reconstruction efforts after the American Civil War and the Outlaw Wars that broke out afterward. The life of Harry Truman is a great way to bridge a lot of history.
Harry made many tough decisions yet he made them. To drop the bomb, to fire GEN MacCarther, and in this case create the state of Israel. Many of these decisions still empact our lives today.
Harry left the office in 1952 with a low approval rating largely due to Korea. David McCulloughs book was published when the American public was so dissatisfied with Richard Nixons presidency that Trumans style looked a whole lot better. The movie ends with a great quote "Things came late to Harry, soldier by 30, father by 40, congress by 50, and President by 60.

Klimaattop in Parijs: jouw dagelijkse update


Van 30 november tot 11 december komt de wereld bij elkaar in Parijs om te komen tot mondiale afspraken over klimaat tijdens de VN-Klimaattop: COP21. Campagneleider Klimaat & Energie Faiza Oulahsen is bij deze top en zal dagelijkse updates geven.

Storified by Greenpeace Nederland · Sat, Dec 12 2015 08:20:12

Alles op een rijtje...

December 12: #D12 en de laatste ronde

Terwijl we wachten om te horen of de concepttekst nou om 9 uur of om 11.30 komt (roddels, roddels overal) - en of hij nou definitief is of niet, maken duizenden in Parijs zich klaar om de straat op te gaan voor het klimaat!
#ClimateJusticePeace #COP21 https://t.co/AgpAB3ZwQz https://t.co/U8w6yXKk2d · lopez
Indigenous gathering at the Notre Dame as the sun rises. So it begins #D12 #redlines #tangatawhenua https://t.co/kgg4Ch0PP2 · India Logan-Riley

December 11: Terwijl u wacht... actie bij de Eiffeltoren

In het concepttekst dat gisteravond werd gedeeld stond NIETS over de noodzaak om over te schakelen op 100% schone energie. Tijd voor een reminder. Collega's van Greenpeace Frankrijk zetten duurzame energie vandaag dus volop in het zonnetje op een indrukwekkende locatie.
Greenpeace International | Facebook · Greenpeace International
Ondertussen in Le Bourget:
Hoe lang gaat dit allemaal nog duren? Dat vragen we ons nu allemaal af. De concepttekst gisteravond heeft veel losgemaakt, en achter gesloten deuren wordt nu driftig geonderhandeld. Een ding is zeker... we zitten hier op z'n minst tot morgen: als alles goed gaat - en dat is maar zeer de vraag - wordt er om 9 uur 'sochtends weer een concepttekst verwacht.
Er zijn toch meer onderhandelingen nodig: de klimaattop wordt met een dag verlengd #COP21 https://t.co/wpuiZkJoJq https://t.co/uGF7nVsXj0 · Trouw

December 10: de concepttekst voor het klimaatakkoord heeft een gapend gat...

22.25u: Na snel ploegen door lappen tekst, komen we tot de conclusie dat er veel te weinig concreet is geworden sinds de vorige versie van het klimaatakkoord. Er is nog steeds een gapend gat tussen het beoogde doel en de gemaakte afspraken. De ambities gaan bij lange na niet ver genoeg om de opwarming van de aarde onder de 1,5 of zelfs 2 graden te houden. “Ook Nederland heeft zich op deze klimaattop niet hard gemaakt voor een afscheid van kolen, gas en olie. Er staat in het akkoord niets over de noodzaak om snel over te schakelen op 100 procent schone energie”, zegt Faiza. “We roepen wereldleiders op om over hun schaduw heen te stappen en dit keer niet genoegen te nemen met een slap compromis. Er staat teveel op het spel.”
21.15u: Zojuist is de laatste conceptversie van het klimaatakkoord vrijgegeven. De 27 pagina's worden razendsnel door ons team gelezen om te kijken wat voor aanpassingen er zijn gedaan. Overe een paar uur gaan de vergaderingen verder. Vannacht nog moet er een definitieve tekst komen.
Greenpeace-team bestudeert bijna finale tekst voor uitkomst klimaattop Parijs #COP21 · Joeri Thijs
De jonge generatie komt met oplossingen!
Selfie met Mander, het jochie vooraan. Gaat zo iets aanbieden aan Sharon Dijksma @Min_IenM #COP21 #duurzaam https://t.co/uZU7LnWcYz · Faiza Oulahsen
Het viel Mander (11) op dat Staatsecretaris Dijksma altijd van die plasticflesjes gebruikte. Dus kwam hij langs bij de klimaattop om haar een oplossing aan te bieden:

Can You Earn Money Without A Website?


Storified by RichardWilliom · Sat, Dec 12 2015 08:21:06

There are plenty of online home business opportunities on the internet. All you have to do is look. Having a specific skill is also a great help. Specialize in a field, and become the best that you can be in your chosen field.Robin Van Persie is a player who represents the football club of Arsenal in the English Premier League and represents Netherlands. This guy was born on the 6th of August in 1983. He plays as both as a winger and as a striker. He is a busy and hyper active player who has a lot of ability, skills and has a cool temper. He made his debut for his home club of Feyenoord during the year 2000. But due to an argument with his coach he moved to the Arsenal club in EPL in the year 2004. He made his debut for his country Netherlands in the year 2005. He has also participated in the recently concluded 2010 football world cup. The Robin Van Persie fan sites feel unique.Work From Home programs ranges from a variety of skills that you can earn from. For those people who want an additional income, online work programs will be the alternative. Those office jobs that require you to work eight hours a day and you think you don't earn enough then better think of work programs at home. These programs will not require you to go to an office; in fact you can work with out leaving your house.Your dream to make a fortune on the Internet is similar to the dreams of so many others. And, though it's not an impossible dream, it's not an easily possible one, either. Have patience, do research, and most importantly, come up with something bigger than Yahoo!If you set goals and Earn At Home Club put in time to be successful you will notice results. He's a computer, a telephone connection and some basic software needed to start. After that the key to success, his work ethic and how you must have put in the hours that are induced.There are plenty of online home business opportunities on the internet. All you have to do is look. Having a specific skill is also a great help. Specialize in a field, and become the best that you can be in your chosen field.Robin Van Persie is a player who represents the football club of Arsenal in the English Premier League and represents Netherlands. This guy was born on the 6th of August in 1983. He plays as both as a winger and as a striker. He is a busy and hyper active player who has a lot of ability, skills and has a cool temper. He made his debut for his home club of Feyenoord during the year 2000. But due to an argument with his coach he moved to the Arsenal club in EPL in the year 2004. He made his debut for his country Netherlands in the year 2005. He has also participated in the recently concluded 2010 football world cup. The Robin Van Persie fan sites feel unique.Work From Home programs ranges from a variety of skills that you can earn from. For those people who want an additional income, online work programs will be the alternative. Those office jobs that require you to work eight hours a day and you think you don't earn enough then better think of work programs at home. These programs will not require you to go to an office; in fact you can work with out leaving your house.Your dream to make a fortune on the Internet is similar to the dreams of so many others. And, though it's not an impossible dream, it's not an easily possible one, either. Have patience, do research, and most importantly, come up with something bigger than Yahoo!If you set goals and Earn At Home Club put in time to be successful you will notice results. He's a computer, a telephone connection and some basic software needed to start. After that the key to success, his work ethic and how you must have put in the hours that are induced.

Blog Profit King Review and 1K+ Bonus


Blog Profit King Review and Bonus

Storified by jameshyde · Sat, Dec 12 2015 08:21:32

Blog Profit King Review and 1K+ Bonus

Here's Are Some Key Benefits of Using Blog Profit King:

Step by step instructions in detail on how to build a blog from start to finish...
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The easiest way to build a site even if you have no technical skills...
Blog Profit King Review and 1K+ Bonus · myreviewbonus

Blog Profit King Review and Bonus The Blog Profit King E-book is designed to help people learn how ...

Brazilian Human Hair Extensions


Brazilian human hair extensions

Storified by Ali Queen Mall · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:28:19

Aliqueenmall provides Brazilian human hair extensions. We have many types of hair extension like Brazilian hair extensions, Brazilian curly hair and human hair supplier.

Buy Fioricet


Storified by orderfioricet9 · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:29:09

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TMTV is dynamic online entertainment platform which entertain our viewers with targeted programming with substance. Download TMTv App for free, click away and explore.

Storified by Tmtvsa · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:29:45

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Aquí teniu el recull de TUÏTCONTES publicats diàriament durant el mes de novembre, del 712 al 741 . Després de cada tuïtconte hi trobareu una breu explicació de la frase feta catalana utilitzada per escriure’l.

Storified by CONTES PER A CRÉIXER · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:32:57

how to troubleshoot the calibrate touch screen on launch x431 diagun


Storified by Likaibin · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:33:20

Just as we know, for all the launch X431 tool, all the software should download from the related official website, and if you want update is, you also should update online, this is easy for me, but after one year, you can't update the version any more, but now, in this November, cnautotool.com release the service for the update after one year using.
As we all know,Launch X431 adopts open diagnostic technology, which is the most advanced in the world as well as the future of automotive diagnosis.But do you really know how to work it well? Here let’s focus on how to troubleshoot the calibrate touch screen on launch x431 diagun for our customers.
At first, you should remember that after switchiing on the machine,follow the tips to press the hot key.The calibration interface will be opened.If you followed this step then you should Click the cross cursor on the screen accurately (precisely in the center of the cross), and wait until it changes. The X431 Diagun will then move to each of the four corners.After the second step,then you should repeat the process of clicking in the center of each cross-cursor until the process finishes. The screen will then return to the main interface.
Launch X431 Diagun is Launch Company perfect Automotive Diagnostic Scanner. Original X431 diagun iii is new launch diagnostic tool. Diagun 3 is update version of launch x431 diagun. Auto Diaganostic obd centre x431 diagun update by Email while X-431 Diagun III upgrade via Internet.

Fire Officer Test Prep – Help For Your Fire Officer Exam


Storified by rickyrescue · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:34:30

Fire Officer Test Prep – Help For Your Fire Officer Exam · TOCSIALERT
Fire Office Test Prep – Help For Your Fire Officer Exam
http://www.rickyrescue.com/7-fcdice-florida-state-fire-certification-online-exam-prep - Trying to take your State of Florida Fire Marshals Office / Bureau of Firefighter Standards and Training exam and struggling?
Help is at hand. Ricky Rescue Fire Academy specialises in helping fire fighters and other qualified personnel successfully sit and pass these, and other State of Florida Bureau of Firefighter Standards and Training exams. Our online exam preparation guides will assist you with your fire officer test prep and other exam preps to help you sail through these exams with ease.
These guides are part of our extremely popular Florida State Fire College approved online, open enrolment curriculum. They consist of informative tutorials cover each of the relevant Florida State Fire College course units for Florida Fire Officer 1, Florida Fire Officer 2, Florida Fire Officer 3 and Florida Pump Operator.
Check our website for more information about the online study prep guides available through Ricky Rescue.

The European Senior Tour 2015 @constancehotels #MCBGolf


The European Senior Tour 2015 finale is in full swing at Constance Belle Mare Plage, Mauritius, on the appropriately named #Legends course. Can Monty finally win it? Can Frost or Wesselingh get their third? All the action right here. Also follow us on @constancehotels #constancehotels

Storified by Constance Hotels · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:35:22

Monty talking about his hole in one.
Man of the moment Colin Montgomerie discussing his hole in one & golf in #Mauritius @constancehotels #MCBTourChamps https://t.co/19sU9tGMVK · Compleat Golfer
That's going to be one busy leaderboard today!
It's a numbers game. The old school leaderboard workers getting ready for a busy afternoon. #MCBtourchamps #golf https://t.co/W40MBEFAfw · Constance Hotels
Golf is part of our DNA here but there's lots more to Constance, too. #dive #gastronomy #weddings #honeymoons #spa.
The world is waking up to golf in Mauritius, @constancehotels led from the start: https://t.co/llgkjl1xtG #golfing https://t.co/APZWEO2QyN · Constance Hotels
Here's Monty, looking relaxed and ready for the day.
Looking forward to the final round of the year. @constancehotels #MCBgolf https://t.co/NRXp7ybpcr · Colin Montgomerie
Great infographic on holes in one.
Good morning! The Final round of @EuroSeniorTour year & front runner Monty is in charge: https://t.co/sSLpThguyV https://t.co/I4BLufcjN6 · Constance Hotels
Here's how it all stands after Round 2 yesterday.
Check this infographic of Monty's hole in one @montgomeriefdn @EuroSeniorTour https://t.co/xReMxoTp8B #MCBTourChamps https://t.co/mrDiFO1cLs · Avish Ramgolam
Read how an imperious @montgomeriefdn surged 4 shots clear in Mauritius on day 2 here: https://t.co/FqzrHP1GRS https://t.co/UYuPXLtxvS · European Senior Tour
Meantime, in the Rookie competition Broadhurst has 8-shot advantage over Zhang.
Rookie race of year: with 1 round to go Broadhurst has 8-shot advantage over Zhang @EuroSeniorTour #MCBGolf https://t.co/c0eVknm36p · Constance Hotels
Monty's in charge and in position for an historic win after a scintillating round yesterday. But it's not over 'til it's over and there's plenty others in contention who want their hands on that trophy.
Hell of a finish for @montgomeriefdn !! https://t.co/01LgKSXC0r · Gareth Wyn Hughes
A great 4-under start from @Montgomeriefdn. Primed for Legends? #mcbgolf https://t.co/LL05q31WiQ #constancehotels https://t.co/5PJnFkUGEE · Dhoni



Historic agreement to mobilize the nations of the world to stop catastrophic climate change. It means the end of the age of Fossil Fuels. It doesn't yet mean the end of the dig, burn, and dump economy, and some hard work is about to begin... but this is not a victory to slip by unmarked!

Storified by Brian Fitzgerald · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:36:35

#COP21: mission accomplished. Today is a great day because mankind was able to show that when we stand together we can achieve everything. #unitewestand #betterfuture #earth #togheter · Marco Zorzi
Clubbing with Christiana Figueres, #Cop21 superstar, at the NGO party after an amazing day at the UN Climate Summit. https://t.co/z5uqAOgLvZ · Pete Bowyer
This is a day we should all be proud of.... · tamarambphotography
Thanks world, it’s not perfect, bu... · marc-henry
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax "Let it Grow!" · AgentBenny
Post #COP21 party, Todd Stern dancing the YMCA! So fun! https://t.co/RIuiCxFRDF · Stephanie Roe
ARCTIC Party ! #🐧 #Cop21 #GoCop21 #Hope... · elyxyak
When the party stamp is 100% RE u feel like you are with a one big family #COP21 https://t.co/32enJpfQ5n · Safa' Al Jayoussi

#Climatepact Nearly 200 nations adopted the first global climate pact, which aims to keep global temperatures from rising another degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) between now and 2100. http://bit.ly/1Ujh7HR

Incredible scenes... UN climate chief + EU's @DieschbourgC dancing at NGO party post #COP21 https://t.co/x2dlGYnaxc · Edward King
Moment of #COP21 - Christiana Figueres dances to Queen's 'We Are The Champions' at the @CANIntl wrap party. https://t.co/CJ64m6BZhF · James Shaw
British Economist and Environmentalist Stern, Former Vice President Gore, and French Minister Royal Applaud After Representatives of 196 Countries Approved a Sweeping Environmental Agreement at COP21 in Paris · Latin American Herald Tribune

Conversation with @JaySaif


Storified by Saif · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:36:44

Property price in Singapore


Storified by harislukman · Sun, Dec 13 2015 08:37:17

<a href="http://propertyinvestment88.sg/property-prices-in-singapore/">Property prices in Singapore</a> are inclining down, with monetary development moderate. The private property list fell by 3.83% amid the year to Q1 2015. At the point when balanced for expansion, house costs fell by 3.45% amid this period.

Amid the most recent quarter (i.e. q-o-q in Q1 2015), private costs fell by 1.02% (- 0.89%% expansion balanced).

In Core Central Region, costs of non-landed private properties fell by 3.52% (- 3.14% swelling balanced) y-o-y to Q1 2015.

In the Rest of Central Region, property costs were around 3.74% (- 3.35%% expansion balanced) over the same period.

Outside Central Region, property costs fell by 3.13%(- 2.75% swelling balanced) amid the year to Q1 2015

The log jam in house costs is the aftereffect of conscious government arrangement. Prior and then afterward the worldwide financial emergency, Singapore's property business sector surged, and Singapore encountered an amazingly overheated business sector. The private property value file rose 38.2% amid the space of stand out year to Q2 2010 (34% in genuine terms).

The Singapore government sensibly started to make strides, and when these ended up being insufficient, took further measures.

What ToExpect From Good Hand Pruners


Storified by gardenpruners · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:49:07

Hand Pruners by The Gardeners Friends, Best Christmas Gift · TheGardenersFriends
When choosing good hand pruners, most important thing is to avoid cheap, low price models. They could only be used about 50 working hours in the spring, and they will hardly last for summer pruning, and not to mention following year. Good quality secateurs could last up to 2,000 working hours. Here are some suggestions as to what to expect from good pruning shears.

There are five most commonly used model types.

Double blade model was for a long period of time one of the most used models. Main characteristic of this model is that it doesn’t damage wood’s tissue during the cutting, which leads to faster wood wound healing. This model makes a good tool for cropping young trees.

Blade is made of hardened steel, and for that reason it is laser sharpened. Most of double blade models that have steel grip are usually much heavier than other garden pruners, which is the main reason why this model is getting less popular every day. Even though its working mechanism is very simple, there are not many spare parts produced, and there is no replacement of defected blades.

You shouldn’t use any products based on chlorine for disinfection of this model because of easy oxidation of material and permanent tool destruction. Alcohol is a better choice. Double blade model are recommended only for young seedlings.

So called anvil model are now the industry standards. Main characteristics of this cutters is simple construction, and they are lighter by more than 1/3 from the previous model, which is important feature for the cutter if he works more than 50 working hours per week. Grip is usually slightly smaller than the “double edge” blade.

During past years some manufacturers added few interesting performance benefits, like ergonomic aluminum handles, that made this model lighter and much easier to use. Blade is made of material suitable to be sharpened with grindstone, and it is possible to replace damaged parts.

The ergonomic model, after long term use in horticulture, is applicable for both fruit and vegetable and ornamentals growers. Reputable manufactures mostly deliver quality production of this model, with the fact that grip width is the main limiting factor during selection. This type of tool can be much superior in function than the by-pass model and this one can be a quality replacement. It is important to emphasize that every model that has curved anvil and blade, may involve usage of the second hand to assist cutting.

Next, basis model is, above all, indicated for pruning the vineyard. If it’s used in fruit tasks, it is good only for pruning berry fruits.

Some of reputable manufacturers with standard models, also manufacture ones with rotating grip. During pruning and hand movement, rotating handle adjust to hand and avoids friction and making damage to the arm. Most cutters in the beginning feel insecure with holding and handling this model, but after few days they would hardly go back to previous model. Models with rotating grip are heavier and about 30% more expensive than others. And they are certainly not for everyone.

During past years, especially in viticulture, it's widely accepted usage of electrical pruners. There are many advantages, like working efficiency and less tiredness, but it main downside is the pricing, and it is profitable only if you are owner of a very large orchard.
Go here to read similar article.

Gile red blue stripe sweater for boys


Storified by quanaotreem · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:49:11

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Radio Advertising Australia - Brand Music


Storified by hinkswhite · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:49:30

If you want to promote your product and brand through radio, then reaching Brand Music will be the best. We have creative professionals efficient in radio production, sound effects and media placements allowing you reach the targeted audience easily. We use pleasing sound tracks, music and composition helping catch user’s attention easily and effectively. Feel free to connect with us to generate inspiring Radio advertising Australia.

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Sau vòng 16 Serie A: Nỗi buồn AC Milan


Storified by maidung · Mon, Dec 14 2015 08:49:43

Theo 7m cho biết Trong khi Inter và Juventus đều tiến bước, AC Milan lại mang tới nỗi thất vọng ghê gớm…

Trong mùa Hè qua, AC Milan và Inter cùng “gieo hạt giống” khát vọng với khoản tiền kếch xù trên thị trường chuyển nhượng. Nhưng giờ đây, họ đã “thu hoạch” hoàn toàn khác nhau. Trong khi Mancini và các học trò nếm hương vị của trái ngọt thì những gì Rossoneri thu về chỉ toàn… vị đắng ngắt.

Sau trận đấu với Hellas Verona, Carlos Bacca và hàng loạt cầu thủ AC Milan đã đổ gục xuống sân. Đó là đỉnh cao của những nỗi thất vọng dâng trào.

Trong phòng họp báo, HLV Mihajlovic đã dành nửa thời gian để… đổ lỗi cho trọng tài (vì từ chối phạt đền). Tuy nhiên, dù ông có nói bất kỳ lời nào cũng không thể bào chữa cho sự yếu đuối của AC Milan.

Dù thi đấu trên sân nhà trước đội bét bảng Hellas Verona, kẻ chưa biết tới chiến thắng từ đầu mùa, nhưng AC Milan đã không thể làm chủ được tình hình. Họ đã chơi thiếu người trong phần lớn thời gian ở hiệp 2, trước khi để Hellas Verona gỡ hòa.

Thực tế, ở mùa này, sự ổn định là điều quá xa xỉ với AC Milan. Họ từng chơi rất tốt trong giai đoạn tương lai HLV Mihajlovic nguy ngập (sau trận thua Inter) nhưng rồi, Rossoneri không thể tìm được sức bật. Trong hai vòng đấu gần nhất, đội bóng của HLV Mihajlovic đều chia điểm trước những đối thủ yếu như Carpi hay Hellas Verona trong thế trận bạc nhược.

Nên nhớ, trong mùa Hè qua, HLV Mihajlovic đã đưa về hàng loạt cái tên chất lượng cho hàng công của CLB như Carlos Bacca hay Luiz Adriano nhưng tình hình không được cải thiện. Họ thất thường như chính… AC Milan.

Sự kỳ vọng về điều mới mẻ khi tỷ phú Bee Taechaubol mua lại đội bóng đang trôi dần trong những đôi chân của Rossoneri. Thêm 1 lần, người ta lại nói về tương lai của Mihajlovic trong sự ngờ vực lớn.

Cách đây vài ngày, 1 gom ông chủ Berlusconi từng nhấn mạnh thông điệp: “AC Milan không thể lỡ hẹn với cúp châu Âu thêm nữa”. Tuy nhiên, lời hiệu triệu ấy dường như không có tác dụng.

Trái ngược lại với hình ảnh bạc nhược của AC Milan là niềm vui của Inter và Juventus. Chiến thắng 4-0 trước Udinese đã giúp Inter “đóng đinh” ngôi đầu với khoảng cách 4 điểm so với đội xếp thứ 2. Lần đầu tiên kể từ thời hoàng kim (từ 2005-2010), Nerazzurri dẫn đầu Serie A trước khi kỳ nghỉ Đông khép lại (Serie A chỉ còn 1 vòng đấu). Trong khi đó, Juventus cũng đánh dấu sự trở lại bằng chiến thắng thứ 6 liên tiếp và họ đang tiệm cận top 3.

Nhiều chuyên gia nhận định cuộc đua Serie A năm nay sẽ là câu chuyện nội bộ của Inter và Juventus. Vấn đề ở chỗ, sự ổn định của Inter sẽ tồn tại trong bao lâu?
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