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Hear It Tell It


Entries for the Hear It, Tell It promotion.

Storified by Logitech UE · Sun, Dec 02 2012 15:58:43

Loving the sound quality of #LogitechUE headphones! Noise cancellation is superb! I want some for Christmas! #TheKillers · Amy
Trying out the #Logitechue headphones. I was shocked at the crisp and clear quality of sound, and the fact that I could pick up sounds that I couldn't in other headphones. These feel outstanding on my head and cancel outside noises. I definitely think these can beat out other competitors in the audio industry. Check them out! @logitchue #thekillers · . ij .
Love listening to the killers on #logitechUE 's Ultimate Ear 6000!! · Rikki Miller
#logitechUE #thekillers · Bradley Cranford
I #LiveforMusic and @logitechue headphones make music sound better! #WalktheMoon #mysistersucksatfacepainting · Janelle Miranda
Listening to the killers with some #LogitechUE ultimate ears 6000 · Cindy Miller
Smooth crisp HD sound. I like. @logitechue #TheKillers · narcissoadonis
Tried out a few set of head phones, but this one had superior sound. @logitechue #thekillers · alfredarossy
Listening to music via these Logitech UE headphones is the next best thing to actually being at the concert. Smooth bass, and high resolution treble that results in an overall clean sound. Check them out today. @LogitechUE #TheKillers · Ben Azadi
Listening to #battleborn on Logitech UE headphones at the Apple Store. The sound is almost as hot as #brandonflowers ;). You gotta try em! @LogitechUE #thekillers · Jessica
This guy is my ultimate celebrity crush forever & ever! #thekillers #brandonflowers #heartthrob #hottie · alaythea


¿Dónde buscar empleo en Colombia?


La manera de buscar empleo ha cambiado. Y por eso hemos recogido los espacios digitales donde puedes empezar tu búsqueda:

Storified by Herramientas Publicitarias - Seminario · Sun, Dec 02 2012 16:00:59

En el super conocido portal de empleo de El Tiempo 
Otro portal que ha logrado ganar muchas visitas: Computrabajo
Al igual que Jobomas
El portal de empleo del Sena, previa inscripción y verificación de documentos y hoja de vida en la oficina de tu ciudad (no es verdad que hayas debido realizar previamente un curso allí).
Las webs de empresas de trabajo temporal como Adecco, son otra opción 
Los portales de Head Hunters o cazatalentos
Si tienes identificada la empresa en la que quieres trabajar, lo más sencillo es inscribir tu hoja de vida en las sección "trabaja con nosotros":
En socail media,  la red por excelencia es Linked In, así que puedes hacer búsquedas de empleo, seguir empresas en las que te interesaría trabajar, unirte a grupos con integrantes similares a tu perfil laboral y conectar con gente que pueda ayudarte
Recuerda que estar en la Web 2.0 también implica compromiso y aportar información sobre las vacantes que conozcas, como en este grupo "Trabajo para amigos", que está presente en Facebook
Si quieres dirigir tu carrera en el área de la docencia o la investigación, las webs de las universidades convocan periódicamente para cubrir sus plazas

SI-C Tourism & Innovation


How to reduce the impact of mass tourism on the environment and liveability of Barcelona while creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and local tour operators?

Storified by Citymart.com · Sun, Dec 02 2012 16:01:12

Tỳ Hưu 227 Xã Đàn. Ty Huu 227 Xa Dan. Eliminate Examples of Bad Feng Shui Issues Immediately

Perfilando al Community Manager


No es tan sencillo como aparece en esta infografía

Storified by Herramientas Publicitarias - Seminario · Sun, Dec 02 2012 16:01:59

Quien-NO-es-Community-Manager · bluemintstudio
Entonces ¿no sería mejor hablar de habilidades que de profesiones?
Y que debería diferenciarse una posición táctica de una estratégica
Teniendo lo anterior claro, un community manager debe asumir estos frentes y funciones:
¿Qué es un Community Manager? · chiomania100
También se espera que él o ella en sí mism@ posea habilidades propias de otras de otras ocupaciones :
Porque esta puede ser su  rutina al interior de una empresa: 
Community manager en Oxylane · decathlonaldaia
Por esto, las empresas buscan a alguien con estas características para ejercer la función táctica:

What is happening in North Korea? What will they do with the rocket?


North Korean rock, in Pyongyang, could launch next week (later this month) which will fly south over the Philippines and Australia. North Korea says that it will carry a communications satellite but the US, Southe Korea and Japan seriously concern about this and see this action as misile test. Also, China warns North Korea about the rocket, which will increase tension with the US and South Korea. So Japan is threatening to shoot down the rocket and the US will take an action aganist this action. Other communities should take some strong action against this.

Storified by · Sun, Dec 02 2012 16:02:48

North Korea will launch the rocket next week and the rocket is carrying a communications satellite. But other countries like the US, South Korea, and Japan are strongly against this decision and especially, Japan will threaten to shoot down the North Korean rock.
The Situation Room - North Korea a step closer to launch · cnn
North Korea is about to launch the rocket. However, it is unacceptable and dangerous since no one really knows the truth of the rocket. It might be missile test. We have to pay close attention to North Korea so they do not take any further action on the rocket. 
Since North Korea plans to launch the rocket later this month, China warns and concerns about North Korea's plan about rocket test. China knows that by doing so, North Korea will raise tensions with the US and South Korea.
The US is strongly concerned and agaisnt to North Korea's rocket. The US considers that North Korea's rocket launches as covers for tests of long-range missiles. Also, South Korean officials have accused North Korea of trying to influence its presidential election.
North Korea said it would carry out its second rocket launch of 2012 as its youthful new leader Kim Jong-un flexes his power. However, another states see that a North Korean 'satellite' launch would be a highly provocative act that threatens peace and security in the region.
I picked these five news from ABC, CNN, Csmonitor, Examiner, and CNBC. I got the source from news.google.com. I picked these five news because all of them are about the North Korea's plan on the rocket and all news clearly summarize about what is happening in North Korea and the reaction/ respone from all other countries like the US, South Korea, Japan, and China.

People are glad Aaron Rodgers shaved his mustache


And they are telling Twitter about it. BONUS: People who believe Aaron Rodgers DID NOT shave his mustache.

Storified by Robert Mentzer · Sun, Dec 02 2012 16:03:38

I had the same important question as these people:
I felt I was getting mixed messages from the Internet on the issue of Aaron Rodgers' mustache:
Luckily my friend Shawn Sullivan came through:
However, the issue has divided Twitter:

The following people are glad Aaron Rodgers shaved his mustache:

Målet Neutral mycket puttar kuvertet - bp holdings press releases and news articles


Storified by · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:33:27


BP mål Neutral har undertecknat en större affär med FedEx att kompensera för koldioxidutsläppen 200 miljoner kuvert levererade varje år. Följaktligen gynnas låg kolhalt utvecklingsprojekt globalt ytterligare investeringar 
Vad har miljontals FedEx kuvert och ett skogsbruk projekt i Afrika gemensamt? Mer uppenbara svaret kan vara papper. Men det verkliga svaret är koldioxid (CO2). 

I en banbrytande uppgörelse undertecknas mellan BP mål Neutral och FedEx ® – världens största globala express transport företag – cirka 200 miljoner kuvert ett år kommer att ha sin klimatpåverkan från sjöfarten förskjutning genom investeringar som stöder projekt som ta bort eller förhindra att koldioxid släpps ut i atmosfären. 

FedEx kommer att beräkna CO2 frigörs genom FedEx kuvert transporter på årlig basis och köpa motsvarande mängd kol förskjutningar från BP: s icke-vinstdrivande mål Neutral programmet. Medel från carbon offset inköp styrs av BP till att stödja projekt för låga koldioxidutsläpp utveckling över hela världen som kommer att neutralisera en motsvarande mängd CO2-utsläpp. 

Ett sådant projekt för närvarande om kommersiella skogar vid Uchindile och Mapanda distrikt i tanzanisk södra högländerna i ett område som klassificerades som försämrade gräsmark. Projektet minskar CO2-utsläppen genom avskiljning eller "kolsänkor": en process som tar bort växthusgaser (GHG) från atmosfären. Skogens ekosystem anses naturlig kol avskiljning och lagring av produktionssystem, de är dock allt större hot. 

Plantering träd bekämpar effekterna av avskogning — som orsakar en direkt ökning av utsläppen, minskar jordens naturliga förmåga att ta bort CO2 genom kolsänkor och förvärrar jorderosion och effekterna av torkan. 
Dessa låga koldioxidutsläpp utvecklingsprojekt också skapa ytterligare lokala miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska fördelar. De omfattar en biogas anläggning anläggning i Nederländerna, deponi gas samling system i USA och Thailand, en micro-hydro power programmet i Kina och en vindkraftspark i Turkiet. 

Andrea Abrahams, global chef för målet Neutral, anser att en carbon offset initiativ måste erbjuda mer än en känsla av "gör rätta" till sina kunder. 

"Vi sätta en business stränghet att allt vi gör i målet Neutral. Projekt som vi stöder är mycket noggrant valt och övervakas för att säkerställa att de uppfyller de högsta normerna i minskning av koldioxidutsläpp eller riskreducerande och att kostnaderna för avräkning kol är konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Projekten att också andra viktiga fördelar, som lokal sysselsättning, affärsutveckling, utbildning och färdigheter förbättringar. Vi är mycket glada över att arbeta med FedEx och erbjuda en lösning på deras verksamhet syftar på hållbara transporter och leveranstjänster." 
Smarta lösningar 
FedEx är en stor kund i BP och som en del av initiativet EarthSmart ®, företaget valde mål Neutral som enda leverantör av kol förskjutningar att neutralisera transport utsläppen är associerade med leveransen av varje FedEx kuvert globalt. Detta tros vara den första gången som en inbäddad offset erbjudandet ingår transporten med utan kostnad för konsumenten, – oavsett var i världen är kuvertet levereras till. EarthSmart är initiativet FedEx ge "smartare lösningar för en mer hållbar värld". 

Mitch Jackson, VP miljöfrågor och hållbarhet, FedEx Corporation, sade: "genom EarthSmart, FedEx fortsätter att leda i hållbar sjöfart. För att kompensera våra FedEx kuvert, valde vi BP mål Neutral baserat på hur noggrant de vet och forskning sina projekt, extra tillsyn av oberoende kvalitetssäkring och rådgivande panelen att bildskärmar mål Neutral och prisvärd kurs struktur." 

Målet Neutral är den första officiella Carbon Offset partnern en sommarspelen och har satt samman en särskild London 2012 portfölj av projekt, som används för att kompensera koldioxidutsläpp som är associerade med resor till spel. Åskådare har uppmanats att kompensera sina resor till evenemang gratis via hemsidan. 


#PackardPlant Twitter chat


Following publication of "The Packard Plant: Why It Has to Go," a Free Press special report, we held a Twitter chat to discuss the future of the crumbling former factory. Here's how it went.

Storified by Detroit Free Press · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:33:45

Here are @HistoricDET & nancykaffer in the newsroom, ready to take your #packardplant questions! http://instagr.am/p/SyX27aPUVI/ · Detroit Free Press

Turismo rurale


il seminario sul turismo rurale organizzato a Legnaro (PD) da Veneto Agricoltura è appena terminato. L'incontro, che mi ha visto relatore e coordinatore è stato davvero interessante, e direi fuori dagli schemi; e così raccolgo in questo spazio qualche brevissima riflessione.

Storified by Giancarlo Dall'Ara · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:33:46

Turismo rurale a convegno · Giancarlo Dall'Ara
Eravamo in 120, nella bella sala della Corte benedettina di Legnaro (Padova). Nel'introduzione ho esordito citando una ricerca francese di pochi giorni fa. Eccone una sintesi:

Una ricerca francese del mese di novembre 2012 sostiene questa tesi: i turisti “rurali” amano il paesaggio, il patrimonio legato al territorio, le sue feste e tradizioni, i suoi prodotti, e non chiedono molto di più. Inutile quindi, osservano i ricercatori, investire in parchi di attrazione o in animazioni e festival con personaggi famosi, o esagerare con progetti di itinerari. I turisti della campagna amano la campagna per quello che è!

Poi ho delineato alcune indicazioni per lo sviluppo del turismo rurale sostenendo che non si tratta affatto di un turismo minore, e che proprio per questo ha necessità di strumenti e progetti propri, non copiati dal turismo balneare e da quello delle città d'arte.

Legnaro (PD). Una bioregione propone beni relazionali come la convivialità, la lentezza...) #turismorurale http://pic.twitter.com/0exs8Tt0 · Giancarlo Dall'Ara

Buy your decorative wall hangers from the home décor stores at affordable price


There are many traditional idols and statues available in the home decor stores for the customers. In many places, the customers prefer to buy the traditional items that can be fitted as decorative purposes in the drawing hall. The handcrafts made with the beads and artificial stones.

Storified by · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:33:51

The home decoration is made according to the nature of the premises in which the decoration is required. If it is study room then the decorative items like the portraits of great authors, wall paintings containing the great words of the wise persons, paintings showing the skills of the artists, natural sceneries, animals and birds’ pictures or dolls are to be kept and decorated. If it is the drawing room then the latest types of wall clocks, mini clocks, pen stands, cell phone stands and many more modernized show pieces are required to be fitted. The walls are decorated with the show pieces, wall hangers’ home accents and other unique items. The people are selecting different accessories from miscellaneous stores for decorations. There are home décor stores in the city in which all the accents are being sold in different materials.

In the home decor stores they are selling silk plants which are made in artificial silk material to appear like original plants. The silky flowers fitted in the silk plants are used as home décor accents. These types of show pieces are costlier than other accents as the sophisticated nylon fibers are knitted and joined together using the adhesive and tissue papers. The home accent décor items are available in attractive colors, designs and models. The people are buying the accessories for decorating their house at festival occasions. The business people are buying the home décor accents for decorating the bedrooms and halls of the resorts where the guests come and stay on vacation times. The people who stay in the cottages temporarily love and enjoy the decorated rooms with the home décor accents. The children admire when they see the artificial decorative items, show pieces and like to stay for longer period in the resorts and cottages with their parents. There are many families in the country who are doing these show pieces on their own hands. They are making the table cloths with embroidery designs, clay dolls and clay made appliances for decorating the hall and other rooms.

There are many traditional idols and statues available in the home decor stores  home decor stores for the customers. In many places, the customers prefer to buy the traditional items that can be fitted as decorative purposes in the drawing hall. The handcrafts made with the beads and artificial stones. The top ranking hotel rooms are fitted with many home décor accents brought from the different parts of the world.

Saint-Nicolas pour tous - Jour 4 - Tournai


Ce mardi 4/12 à Tournai, de 6h à 19h, Nostalgie est sur le parking des Bastions.

Storified by Nostalgie Belgique · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:34:33

Il y a des mouettes sur le parking des Bastions à Tournai #saintnicolaspourtous http://pic.twitter.com/wPhJpW9b · Nostalgie Belgique
Christelle, 1ère chauditrice à nous apporter des jouets à tournai et... Un panier gourmand ch'ti #saintnicolaspourtous http://pic.twitter.com/Q3MsPn1e · Leslie Rijmenams

Dont Start The Celebration Just Yet Toronto: Rob Ford will appeal or run for byelection.


It was announced recently The Mayor of the City of Toronto, Rob Ford was ousted out of office by judge ruling that Ford violated the city's conflict-of-interest law by using a letterhead to fundraise for his beloved high school football team he coaches.

Storified by Jessica Myrie · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:34:58

This will definitely add to the amount of controversy that seems to always surrounds the Toronto Mayor
#farewell #douchebag #robford #notloving · toddkjargaard
Re-elect #robford · Molly Johnston
Toronto Argos Victory Parade · nouspique
Many Torontoians seems happy to hear the news about the mayor being ousted out of office
Anti Rob Ford signs · centennial college journalism

My my my Toronto. You're looking sharp. Have you lost weight? #robford

"It's a shame God only gave me two middle fingers on a day like today." - Rob Ford #RobFord #byebyeford

Dammm!@#robford is out of here! :D

Sorry · Georgie_grrl

- "Outright ignorance of the law will not suffice, nor will wilful blindness as to one's obligations" #quoteoftheday #robford

Goes to show that the balance between the justice system and democracy is absolutely critical to proper governance. #RobFord

Mayor Rob Ford however will not leave office without a fight. Ford intends to file for an appeal.
Mayor Rob Ford, Conflict of Interest "ABOVE THE LAW" cartoon · MISSISSAUGAWATCH www.mississaugawatch.ca

Rob Ford has a plan. If the appeal doesn't workout for him he will run in the byelection in 2014.

Wanna Stay Young? Meditate!


Scientific studies on meditation have shown that this practice yields many physiological, mental or emotional benefits. One of the more exciting discoveries is in the area of cell biology, particularly with regards to the effect of meditation on cellular aging.

Storified by MeditationPlex · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:35:07

Buddha · ToGa Wanderings
Scientific studies on meditation have shown that this practice yields many physiological, mental or emotional benefits. One of the more exciting discoveries is in the area of cell biology, particularly with regards to the effect of meditation on  cellular aging. Watch video below.
The video below cites another study where meditators were compared with non-meditators over a period of five years, and with all other factors being the same, meditators were found to have reversed their age by an average of 12 years. This is remarkable. Because it means that not only was the aging process slowed down, but it actually reversed! Watch video below.
You can watch more videos on the many benefits of meditation on health and more by visiting MeditationPlex.com.
Related social mentions:

THOTP: Nature Calls


Scene: Ingalls Family Home / / Scenario: In urgent need of help, Laura wakes Mary to ask an important question. / / Visit www.twitterhouse.org for more "Twitter House on the Prairie" stories!

Storified by Twitter House Stories · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:35:42

Marquez vs Pacquiao online video tv stream


Watch Pacquiao vs Marquez Live Stream: Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez Live Streaming Online Free HBO PPV Boxing 8 December 2012 at MGM Grand – Las Vegas, Nevada.PC TV Video Kickoff Time,Radio Commentary,Scores, Results, Highlights Videos Boxing Instant Streaming Internet TV.Pacquiao vs marque

Storified by · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:35:48


No Win No Fee Solicitors


Storified by James Vincent · Mon, Dec 03 2012 23:36:49

When fun is not enough


Storified by Patricia Hernandez · Wed, Dec 05 2012 00:46:32

Interestingly, Orson Scott Card is the only figure that people name-dropped to me specifically, and in large numbers.
And maybe it's just that it's the flavor of the month, but Far Cry 3 also came up often, along with Hitman: Absolution
Something else that was common was having people feel strongly about something, but perhaps not strongly enough to boycott altogether if the deal was right or if they know the money won't go toward the publisher/developer.
And sometimes, no matter how problematic something is, people will play it anyway if there's something else in there that's worthwhile.
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