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Welcome to Saturday's social story of #QPRvRDG. Compiled by @adamhulme86. (The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of QPR. Retweets are not endorsements)

Storified by QPR FC · Sat, Nov 10 2012 00:51:02

Before we kick-off today's action, let's first reflect on last week's 1-1 draw against Reading with R's duo Adel Taarabt and Esteban Granero ...
Not your stereotypical football, Granero enjoys a good read en route to Stoke yesterday ... 
On the way to Stoke. En el tren, camino de Stoke. #COYRS http://pic.twitter.com/OWZZUd94 · Esteban Granero
Right, back to the present and we got the views of First Team Coach Eddie Niedzwiecki exclusively on London Call-In ...
Early team news from filtered through yesterday from both camps ...

Nothing As “Exuberant” As Adventure Racing


The conventional sports are now giving way to the new and more adventurous ones where people can surpass the human limitations and unleash their talents and capacities. We certainly never come to know what we are capable of achieving until be embark on the journey of impossible. That is the prime re

Storified by Michellenaomi · Sat, Nov 10 2012 00:54:05

会話:@oniza_bot と @simasaco

The end of Jelena?


There was a mix of sadness and excitement on Twitter and Facebook in the wee hours of Saturday morning as Beliebers and non-Beliebers reacted to widespread reports that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had split. #RIPJelena

Storified by Canoe · Sat, Nov 10 2012 00:51:42

No one knows if Jelena is even over yet, but honestly Justin and Barbara would make the worlds most attractive couple. http://pic.twitter.com/qzZqFw6z · Lexi ❤
#textgram #repost #music #me #justin #bieber #justinbieber #selena #gomez #selenagomez #jalena #i #igers #igaddict #love #breakup #brokeup #yolo #cute #fire #fun #friends #sky #sun #swag #hashtag · AJ Kemp

Justin Biebers single noww!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that means my future 2 husbands are now single. #NiallHoran #JustinBieber

RT @BiebersBlondie: "if you're tweeting #RIPJelena you're basically celebrating Justin's broken heart." I can see how heartbroken he is http://pic.twitter.com/heOiQxH8 · ellie.

Honestly, I'm a huge @JustinBieber fan. I don't understand why so many people hate on him, let him live his life.

Is it just me or have Justin been quite sad lately? I hope he's okay. Seriously, I feel like crying. http://pic.twitter.com/fJmKWYtX · Justin Bieber Fan.

Tỳ Hưu 227 Xã Đàn. Ty Huu 227 Xa Dan. Secretive Solutions To Feng Shui Bedroom Tips - For Better Sleep and More Romance

on the Suspension of @LancetheWitten cc @eNCAnews #iAnM #LanceWitten


Should the eNCA lift the suspension of Lance Witten after apologising for his tweet on the #linkinparkAccident in Cape Town? I would argue: Yes

Storified by Cape Town · Sat, Nov 10 2012 00:53:04

How much influence should 40 characters have in the life and career of a person? It turns out, it could lead to losing your job if you make a joke at the wrong time: South African eNCA reporter, Lance Witten, was suspended this week in a quick reactive move from the channel...
The infamous Lance Witten tweet was in the hours after the tragic accident at the Cape Town Stadium, where the advertising board of scaffolding collapsed in gale force winds on Linkinpark fans - leaving 20 fans with various injuries and one person dead. 
It later became known that the deceased was Heaven Popa who moved to Cape Town 6 years ago and worked at the One & Only Hotel. Condolences to her family and friends. And of course, at the time, Lance Witten could not have known her name, nor was the fact verified that someone actually died!
I was surprised by the suspension of Lance Witten when I heard of the action taken by respected eNCA. Granted, @CapeTown unfollowed him - and as curator I personally think that the tweet was tasteless (my own tweet reply was deleted almost right after I was sure he saw it, but by that time he already retweeted his flippant replies to it) :
Other influencers also voiced their opinions early on before his suspension... and I, in fact, became aware of his dark humor and (now deleted) tweet via follower @StephanieBe:
Some people will do anything for a joke. Pathetic and sickening. In your own fucking city! @CapeTown pic.twitter.com/GpeEKQcn · Stephanie B
Stephanie's TwitPic of his tweet immediately drew attention and comments, like the one below:
...and by late the evening, she also posted an emotional blog entry about her experience at the Cape Town Stadium and the aftermath, giving much needed context to her taking on Lance Witten in Twitter:
I took a poll yesterday to determine how followers feel about the suspension of the anchor sports reporter. It reveals a divided public opinion with a bit more in favor in the suspension:

Tỳ Hưu 227 Xã Đàn. Ty Huu 227 Xa Dan. A Battle towards Attracting and Maintaining Friends With Feng Shui And The Ways...

Политичка историја света - 14. новембар


Storified by Марина Панић · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:17:11

Године 565. умро је ромејски (византијски) цар Флавије Аникије Јустинијан I  назван Јустинијан Велики (Магнус), који се прославио кодификацијом римског права, великом градитељском активношћу и освајањима.
Тежећи обнови Римског царства, тај владар - рођен у једном селу код Ниша под именом Управда, што на старословенском значи право, правда - покорио је 534. Вандале у северној Африци, 555. Остроготе у Италији и освојио део Шпаније. Ратовао је и против Персијанаца који су угрожавали азијске провинције, али није успео да спречи упаде Словена на Балкан.
Према његовом налогу, најбољи правници припремили су ''Corpus  iuris civilis'', састављен од пречишћених закона римских царева (''Codex Justinijanus''), разних правних списа (''Digesta'') и извода за школовање правника (''Institutiones''). Тиме је сачувао норме римског права, што је имало изузетан значај за развој правне теорије у Европи. Сазидао је 537. цркву Аја Софија, највећу у Константинопољу, коју су после освајања града 1453. Турци оскрнавили претварањем у џамију и нагрдили њену архитектуру дозиђивањем четири минарета.
 Шпански освајачи су 1533.године под командом Франсиска Пизара заузели град Куско, престоницу царства Инка, на територији данашњег Перуа.
У Швајцарској избио грађански рат, године 1847. снага Швајцарске конфедерације и седам католичких кантона, који је окончан крајем истог месеца поразом кантона.
 Године 1889. рођен је индијски државник Џавахарлал Нехру, један од оснивача покрета несврстаних.
По повратку са студија у Енглеској постао је адвокат, али се убрзо посветио политици и борби за независност Индије, поставши следбеник архитекте индијске независности Мохандаса Гандија . По стицању независности Индије 1947. постао је први премијер и шеф дипломатије. У спољној политици настојао је да очува неутралност Индије, залажући се за активну мирољубиву коегзистенцију.
 Томаш Масарик је 1918. године изабран за првог председника Чехословачке.
Године 1935. рођен је јордански краљ Хусеин, владар с ''најдужим стажом'' у арапском свету. На престо Јордана је ступио 1952, с непуних 17 година.
 У Лос Анђелосу је 1986. године ухапшен ратни злочинац Андрија Артуковић, министар унутрашњих послова Независне Државе Хрватске у Другом светском рату. Живео је у САД од 1948. где је доспео под лажним именом. Америчке власти су се упорно оглушивале о захтеве Југославије за екстрадикцију, и тек 12.фебруара 1986. су га изручиле. 
На суђењу у Загребу он је био оптужен само за нека појединачна злодела, али не и за злочин геноцида над Србима, Јеврејима и Ромима - 14. маја 1986. Осуђен је на смрт, али казна није извршена и умро је у затвору непуне три године касније.
Zalazak stoljeća aka. Testament Lordana Zafranovića · elbookers

Политичка историја света - 15. новембар


Storified by Марина Панић · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:17:48

Енглески гусар и адмирал Френсис Дрејк кренуо на пут око света 15.новембра 1577.године . После трогодишњег успешног путовања постао први Енглез који је опловио Земљу. Током путовања обишао обале Африке и Северне Америке, нападајући и пљачкајући шпанске бродове, што је допринело енглеском колонијалном ширењу, посебно у северној Америци.
Године 1708. рођен је енглески државник Вилијам Пит Старији, вођа виговаца, британски премијер од 1756. до 1761. и од 1766. до 1768, чија је агресивна спољна политика преобразила Велику Британију у највећу светску колонијалну силу и Француску готово лишила колонија. Као шеф дипломатије и рата спроводио је политику колонијалне експанзије и покренуо је 1756. Седмогодишњи рат, после којег је Француска 1763. морала да Канаду уступи Великој Британији и да се повуче из Индије.
Поборници републике којима су се по укидању ропства придружили велепоседници, 1889. године свргнули су другог и последњег бразилског цара Педра II и прогласили Бразил за републику, с председником Мануелом Деодором.
Године 1891. рођен је Ервин Ромел, немачки фелд- маршал, познат као "Пустињска лисица". Ромел се често спомиње не само због изузетне војничке вештине, него и због витештва према супарницима. Није успео да спречи савезничко искрцавање у Нормандији у јуну 1944, а после неуспелог атентата на Адолфа Хитлера у јулу 1944, у који је био умешан, приморан је да изврши самоубиство.
Исте године, током Бурског рата, на подручју Јоханесбурга бурски војник Питер Бота заробио ратног дописника лондонског Морнинг поста Винстона Черчила. Бота је касније постао врховни командант бурских снага и премијер после рата основане Јужноафричке уније, а Черчил премијер Велике Британије.
Године 1920.  Скупштина Друштва народа је одржала прву седницу у Женеви. Друштво је основано после Првог светског рата да би осигурало мир и међународну сарадњу, али је убрзо због супротности међу великим силама изгубило утицај.
Године 1928.  Велики фашистички савет у Италији постао је врховно тело у земљи и преузео је сву власт.
 Лидер кипарских Турака Рауф Денкташ, 1983. године прогласио Републику Северни Кипар.
Године 1994. председник Аустрије Томас Клестил  признао је приликом обраћања члановима израелског парламента да је његова земља пропустила да у прошлости призна сопствену улогу у нацистичком холокаусту.

Journey with Arsenal 2012-2013 [November]


Journey with my favorite,adorable club has always been a very difficult bitter-sweet ride with moments ranging a wide spectrum from joy to frustration to humilition to agony to esctasy...Get INNN!!

Storified by Bharat Poptani · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:18:39

We love you Arsenal, we do. We love you Arsenal, we do. We love you Arsenal, we do. Ooooh Arsenal we love you! http://pic.twitter.com/yYTv269s · Ahmed Al Khouri
One of the Poppy Shirts the players are wearing today for #AFCvFFC. These will be auctioned off for charity next week http://pic.twitter.com/tJBGBYGa · Arsenal.com

Arriving and Leaving Las Vegas


A collection of my tweets and pictures from working in Nevada for Sky News, covering the presidential election 2012

Storified by · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:18:56

Tonight Kay Burley goes live from Nevada for Monday's Sunrise on #skynews, here's our OB location: pic.twitter.com/OkBswWzS · Peter Diapre
Getting the OB ready in Las Vegas #USelection2012 pic.twitter.com/X82xSi2D · Peter Diapre
Kay Burley speaking to drag racers at the Las Vegas track, unbelievably noisy! #Nevada pic.twitter.com/kvkbrFSQ · Peter Diapre
Kay Burley speaks to the King on the Nevada campaign trail... pic.twitter.com/Pyubh4uN · Peter Diapre
Our live position at the Excalibur hotel on the Strip in Las Vegas, not sure turrets are originals pic.twitter.com/OBkYHHcK · Peter Diapre
About to go live from Nevada with Kay Burley again #uselection2012 pic.twitter.com/Mik6D6q6 · Peter Diapre
Kay Burley getting ready to go live with @benspillman702 on Las Vegas strip Nevada #uselection2012 pic.twitter.com/IsVDgAKU · Peter Diapre
USA today and Wall St Journal both go with 'Decision Day' headline #uselection2012 pic.twitter.com/NdJ9lJtT · Peter Diapre
Las Vegas neon 1 @ Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Sign instagr.am/p/RwERiHi6lX/ · Peter Diapre

Small Business Day 9 nov 2012 #sbday


Een dag voor (aankomende) studenten, docenten, alumni en ondernemers uit de regio om kennis op te doen en te netwerken. Beschrijving In de afgelopen jaren zijn er door studenten van de opleiding 'Small Business en Retail Management' succesvolle en innovatieve Student Companies opgezet en een aanzien

Storified by Hans Mestrum · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:21:38

RT @SBRMHAN: Er zijn zelfs sportvissers bij de #SBday. Workshophouder @fredrutgers #HappySellingclub is gearriveerd http://pic.twitter.com/Kq1rh6yG · fredrutgers
RT @SBRMHAN: Ondernemersles van @bernddamme tijdens de #SBday http://pic.twitter.com/VWuQVyBP · BDamme
Zeer geslaagde dag, nu onderweg naar huis #SBDay #HANnl http://pic.twitter.com/BFGS0e7N · Iris
RT @SBRMHAN: Gezellig druk bij de informatiemarkt #SBday en zeer tevreden over bezoekersaantallen workshops. #HANnl http://pic.twitter.com/npdgLq3J · Iris

Peut on réussir dans le Digital en étant Français ?


À l’occasion de son lancement, le Club Digital EMLYON Dauphine vous a convie le 8 Novembre à la conférence “Peut-on réussir dans le Digital en étant français ?” En voici les meilleurs moments !

Storified by Club Digital · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:26:10

Ce soir c'est le grand soir! #digitalfr @ Hôtel Napoléon http://instagr.am/p/RxmDiLjMCr/ · Sourisack
En attendant la conférence @TanAlexandra entre en scène ! #DigitalFr · Club Digital.Fr
Musique, maestria. #digitalfr · Vivian Roldo
#yasound participe à la conf club digital. Ça commence avec Alexandra Tan #digitalFR http://pic.twitter.com/bEZMC47V · YaSound
La table ronde "Réussir dans le digital en #France" est sur le point de commencer +190 participants #DigitalFR #tech http://pic.twitter.com/vcI0FO6z · Keley consulting
Tous les intervenants sont là @babgi @stephhospital @raphaelaflalo @simonbaldeyrou @fbellier @jmpatouillaud Grégoire Lassalle #DigitalFr · Club Digital.Fr
La salle est comble ! Bravo au club digital #digitalfr http://pic.twitter.com/59uNtthx · Mélanie Roosen
Gilles Babinet ouvre la séance :) #digitalFR http://pic.twitter.com/FWrZcgr9 · YaSound

Secure. . .This Covers Up Just About Everything On Setting Up Your Office With Feng Shui


Using "http://phongthuyvadoisong.com/San-Pham/438_1313/thach-anh-khoi-thach-anh-khoi-trang-suc-trang-suc.htm"

Storified by · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:23:29

How to Determine if Self Study Insurance coverage Continuing Education Is the Right Decision


Storified by · Sun, Nov 11 2012 01:23:57

You will find a expanding amount of different means insurance representatives may satisfy their proceeding education and learning demands. Currently, one of the most well-liked trends is self-study insurance coverage continuing education. To determine which strategy to continuing education and learning is the right alternative, there are a selection of elements which should be looked at.
The use of self-study courses has come to be significantly well-liked as a method of conference continuing education and learning demands for insurance coverage representatives. While there are a variety of benefits, many individuals nonetheless have complications choosing whether or not it is the right toned for their situation. To establish if it is the right choice, there are several issues which ought to be answered.
One of the most important variables to factor in is the capacity to self-motivate. Anybody who consistently has troubles stimulating themselves to research or uncover probably will certainly not advantage from self-study insurance proceeding education. In order to be effective, one should start studying well in advance. This is the only means to have sufficient time to satisfactorily examination and also find out all of the material given in the course. In a lot of instances, it is suggested to check out and assessment the components a minimum of two times a week.
A major cause individuals select the self-study possibility is as they fairly just need versatile organizing. The self-study approach enables people to research whenever they've time. There is no set routine they should observe in regards to class times. This has made the self-study approach specifically useful for full-time insurance coverage brokers.
Another aspect to think about is the researching procedure. Some people succeed in an involved class environment. This makes self-study insurance coverage continuing education a less pleasing choice to them. The crucial to choosing the most effective method to strategy proceeding education and learning is understanding individual studying routines. All of the conveniences self-study deals will certainly mean completely nothing if the individual does not actually know something.
Some insurance agents, specifically if they are not well set up, conveniences from going to insurance CE classes since it supplies a networking possibility. Traditional courses offer individuals with the opportunity to comply with a varied group of various other people within the very same industry. In usual, the networking opportunity accessible from taking standard courses is restricted just to those that are brand-new to the sector. As a result, a bulk of well established insurance coverage brokers like the self-study strategy.
A usual cause some people have concerns deciding just what technique of proceeding education and learning is most effectively for them is since they do not understand the advantages every strategy special offers. For instance, self-study has constantly proven to give a variety of distinguishing advantages various other methods of proceeding education do not deal. These advantages include no more transportation expenses, no even more taking time off of work, and also the capability to study as quickly or lagging as needed. Just by maintaining all of the possible benefits in viewpoint can easily someone make the right choice.
There is no doubt self-study insurance proceeding education and learning gives a bevy of advantages to all types of insurance coverage agents. At the exact same time, it absolutely isn't for every person. The necessary thing is to consider all of the conveniences and negative aspects each method of continuing education gives and decide which one gives the most benefits while even making certain the discovering process is successful.
CEU promotions insurance proceeding education and learning courses to insurance coverage experts throughout the United States


Twitter & US elections


This story will show the influence of Twitter on the US elections, before, during and after the vote.

Storified by Martial Debeaux · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:44:29

The victory of Obama is also a victory for Twitter. Indeed, the social network has a big influence on the election, before, during and after the vote. Obama has anounced his victory to his 22 millions followers with this tweet: 
But he also posted this picture with this wife and the text "four more years", and this tweet was the most retweeted of Twitter's history (813 279 retweets). 
Four more years. http://pic.twitter.com/bAJE6Vom · Barack Obama
Twitter has become the most obvious political media of communication. That's why, for the first time in the Contemporary history, an american president choose to announce his victory on Twitter. We can say that it is a small step for the president, and a big step for social networks. It is quite naturally that worldwide leaders has twitted their congratulations, like the british ally David Cameron.

During the night of the election, it was the political event the most twitted of the history, with 20 millions messages posted during the night, with peaks in 327.000 messages by minute.Before, during the first debate, Twitter had been saturated by messages of 140 characters, with 10 millions tweets, a record for a political event. Throughout the electoral process, Twitter has become a political place, where every statement of Obama and Romney was immediately commented, shared and diverted.
To realize Twitter's influence, according to a study 22 % of the american had announced on a social network for whom they had voted. During the campaign, teams of campaign of both candidates invested social networks (Twitter, Facebook and also Instagram). It's a new way of political marketing, due to one of the numerous assests of social networks: a "direct" communication with the public, without passing by the journalists.
Supporters in Florida are gearing up for a #RomneyRyan2012 Victory! http://twitpic.com/baxzpx · Romney Road Team
Forward, Wisconsin! http://pic.twitter.com/8xkGYGrH · Barack Obama
To conclude, we can say that if the social media will not doubtless have influenced the final result of the ballot, their place in the media landscape was widely imperative in 2012.

Els tweets del #sopar jove!


Què es va dir a Twitter sobre l'11è Sopar de l'Associacionisme Jove Català?

Storified by CNJC · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:44:54

Sergi Contreras President del CNJC En la clausura de la entrega d premios @sergicontreras #soparjove http://pic.twitter.com/lRIBC9SI · Mahme Garrido
Les JERC recollim el premi a la trajectòria del @CNJCxarxajove. + de 80 anys d'història i seguim endavant! #soparjove http://pic.twitter.com/YJjFcPOm · JERC
A l'11è Sopar de l'Associacionisme Jove Català. Malgrat tot el jovent associat tira endavant #soparjove #indignacció http://pic.twitter.com/hTjvLVZA · Eloi Cortés Serra
En @isaacperaire i @ricardsanchez31 recullen el premi a la trajectòria associativa de @lesJERC pels 80 anys #soparjove http://pic.twitter.com/q3EzLS5A · Festi Carles Bengue
Moltes felicitats @melderomerAV pel premi al mitjà de comunicació més compromès amb els joves @CNJCxarxajove #soparjove http://pic.twitter.com/lyrOYmC0 · Fund Triangle Jove
AJEC a l'11è Sopar de l'Associacionisme Jove Català al Casinet d'Hostafrancs #soparjove #indignacció http://pic.twitter.com/FR5nhzOM · AJEC
L'Ana Boadas agraeix l'assistència al #soparjove. http://twitpic.com/bc469k · CNJC

The 3rd Gawad Kalinga Hope Ball


Gawad Kalinga is privileged to present once again the event of the social calendar for 2012. Together with the Intramuros Administration, this year's GK Hope Ball is organized with the support of Lifestyle Asia, The Peninsula Manila, in cooperation w/ the Fashion & Design Council of the Philippines.

Storified by Gawad Kalinga · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:45:25

With Gawad Kalinga Chairperson Pinky Antonio, GK Founder Tony Meloto and host RJ Ledesma at tonight's GK Hop http://instagr.am/p/R0J9hcFYaU/ · Cristina Gomez
@GawadKalingaHQ GK Champions doing the runway!! #HopeBall2012 @FDCP1 @ The Peninsula Manila http://instagr.am/p/R3EwnzANsu/ · JC Buendia
@GawadKalingaHQ Champions walking the runway at the #HopeBall2012 @ The Peninsula Manila http://instagr.am/p/R6-zE3ANrx/ · JC Buendia
Maraming salamat po! :) RT @Randy_E_Ortiz: Salome Uy wearing a Randy Ortiz gown at the Gawad Kalinga ball. http://instagr.am/p/R2BnLhzco_/ · Gawad Kalinga
Ready for GK show. I'm always proud to wear JC Buendia. @jc_buendia @liandrearamos http://instagr.am/p/Rzol9fI7Md/ · Luis Villaruz
Playing with the auction paddles. On to 2024. Together we can end poverty! #GKBall http://pic.twitter.com/KOBPmlFP · Gawad Kalinga
Thank you to our GK advocates, Cong @aliahcimafranca and Ms. Rachel Grant, for joining us tonight! #GKBall http://pic.twitter.com/onoSbI1L · Gawad Kalinga
The season of hope :) @GawadKalingaHQ @FDCP1 #HopeBall2012 http://instagr.am/p/R1KLumANoO/ · JC Buendia
A toast to end the night and start of the journey out of poverty for the families in Intramuros. #GKBall http://pic.twitter.com/pEmYsgnU · Gawad Kalinga
A muse for hope. @lifestyleasia social editor @cristina301 :) and she has a model's gait! #GKHopeBall http://pic.twitter.com/N23wHGkk · Meryll Yan
@Armanddelro16 is here with us tonight joining the fashion show. http://pic.twitter.com/3cSjK17R · Gawad Kalinga
Thank you to our models and the designers of @FDCP1! Mabuhay po kayo! #GKBall http://pic.twitter.com/ea8EYfsV · Gawad Kalinga

Business Global Conference 2012


Desde aquí te contamos todo lo que sucede en el Congreso desde distintas voces - Ahots ezberdinen bitartez kongresuan gertatzen den guztia kontatuko dizuegu hemen.

Storified by Congreso BGC+i · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:45:28

Hoy 12 de Noviembre celebramos el Business Global Conference en el Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Bajo el título "Hazlo diferente" compartiremos ideas, experiencias con personas y organizaciones que saben que hoy las cosas no se pueden hacer de la misma manera que ayer.
Gaur azaroak 12 Business Global Conference dugu Bilbao Exhibition Centren. "Egizu desberdin" lelopean ideiaz, esperientziaz, pertsonaz eta erakundez beteko da aretia, denek dakitelako gaur egun gauzak ezin direla atzo bezala egin.
Todo preparado para el #ibgc12 · Amaia Landeira
Traductors for all visiting people, how great isn't this? #ibgc12 http://instagr.am/p/R7CKq-rR-l/ · Amanda
Los asistentes están llegando al BEC. Esperemos que con ganas de escuchar, aprender y compartir ;-D
Last people entering #ibgc12 http://instagr.am/p/R7FTidrR_o/ · Amanda

Comienza el Business Global Conference 

Business Global Conference hasi egin da

9:40-  Comienza el congreso! Maite Izaguirre, es la encargada de dar la bienvenida a los congresistas y presenta la undécima edición del congreso.
Now it starts, first out, our presentator Maite Izaguirre #ibgc12 · Amanda Astin
9:44 - Interviene Tomás Orbea, Director General de Spri (agencia de desarrollo empresarial del Gobierno Vasco ).
RT @suecaenbilbao: Tomás Orbea, General Director of Spri #ibgc12 http://instagr.am/p/R7Fn_jrR_x/ · Celia Aguado

9:47 - Turno para Imanol Pradales, Diputado de Promoción Económica de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Nos habla sobre la Innovación en Bizkaia.

Imanol Pradales, diputado Promoción Económica #DFB, en la inauguración del #ibgc12 http://pic.twitter.com/hbCNsmR3 · Beaz_Bizkaia
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