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Storified by Peter James · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:45:34

Sådan vinder du FUJ-prisen


Journalisten bag et prisvindende avisprojekt, Martin Kjær Jensen, gav gode råd til, hvordan man får succes i sit arbejde med undersøgende journalistik.

Storified by · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:45:57

Af Kurt Rasmussen, DMJX


Martin Kjær Jensen fra BT delte rundhåndet ud af sine erfaringer med et researchtungt projekter, der efterfølgende vandt Foreningen af Undersøgende Journalistiks årlige pris for bedste dagbladsproduktion.


Det startede med et dødsfald

Martin Kjær Jensen forklarede på meget levende vis, hvordan han løftede en efterforskning i fem dødsfald, hvor politiet efter hans mening havde svigtet.

Artikelserien startede med Pernille-sagen; et medieombrust dødsfald fra 2006, hvor politiet blev kritiseret for ikke at have undersøgt sagen til bunds men i stedet valgte at klassificere det som selvmord. Ved hjælp af Martin Kjær Jensens grundige og kreative research-arbejde der blandt andet indbefattede rekonstruktion af slettede sms-beskeder, lykkedes det at få politiet til at genåbne sagen som en drabssag.

Det var blot starten på det, der skulle blive en artikelserie under navnet ”Mord eller selvmord.”


Anonym kilde

Via en anonym kilde fik Martin Kjær Jensen nemlig kendskab til en anden selvmordssag, der virkede meget besynderlig, og det fik ham til at undre sig; fandtes der flere sager, hvor politiet valgte den nemme løsning i stedet for at efterforske sagen?

Gennem et omfattende og ihærdigt research-arbejde stampede han fire ekstra dødsfald op af jorden, som politiet havde lukket som selvmordssager.

I et af tilfældene skulle den døde have dræbt sig selv med 179 knivstik og med blodet sprøjtende op ad væggen i to meters højde, hvilket Martin Kjær Jensen kommenterede med følgende sætning:

- Man skal ikke have set meget CSI for at vide, at der var noget, der ikke stemte her.

En enkelt af de fire sager, som Martin Kjær Jensen undersøgte, valgte politiet at genåbne som drabssag.


Systematisk research

Martin Kjær Jensens bedrift er baseret på en kombination af ihærdighed, kreativitet og hårdt benarbejde.

Når han havde fundet egnede sager, opstillede han nogle centrale spørgsmål:

Hvad gjorde og erfarede politiet?

Hvad burde politiet have gjort?

Hvad var politiets bevæggrunde?

Hvad overså politiet?

Svarene på disse spørgsmål arbejdede han systematisk videre med og undersøgte navne fundet i rapporter, han lavede motivanalyser og holdt ”kaffemøder” med kilder, hvor han opbyggede tillid. Aktindsigt var en vigtig del af informationssøgningen, men han understregede også vigtigheden af at banke på naboers døre og finde kilder der. Noget som politiet ikke havde gjort i deres efterforskning.

Korpsånden i politiet gør, at man ikke taler negativt om hinanden, og den hurdle klarede Martin Kjær Jensen ved at finde frem til erfarne, pensionerede politimænd, der ikke havde noget i klemme men kunne tale frit fra leveren.

Tilsammen gav informationerne detaljeret viden om de afdødes liv og om politiets mangelfulde efterforskning. Artikelserien har bevirket, at politiuddannelse skal revurderes, og at der er fremsat krav om flere ligsyn og obduktioner i selvmordslignende dødstilfælde.



The chemicals from the Carlsberg Laboratory


The Carlsberg Old Laboratory was established in 1875 by the founder of the Carlsberg Brewery, J. C. Jacobsen. Since then the laboratory has been important in the biochemical world. The hemical bottles, which came to Medical Museion in 2009, has played a major role in the research into the proteins chemistry.

Storified by Nanna Gerdes · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:46:57

Now I work on preserving and recording a lot of chemicals bottles from Carlsberg Old Laboratory #medmus #conservation pic.twitter.com/Zxfp9Z70 · Nanna Gerdes
J.C.Jacobsen, the founder of Carlsberg Brewery, established the Laboratorium, where the chemicals come from, in 1875. pic.twitter.com/zSgHURGN · Nanna Gerdes
Our conservator @NannaGerdes is tweeting about her work w amino acid and peptide vials from the Carlsberg Laboratory pic.twitter.com/nr5sRnN0 · Thomas Soderqvist
The Chemicals from Carlsberg presents various amino acids and peptides. #medmus #conservation http://pic.twitter.com/AwXIhh81 · Nanna Gerdes
The fine collection of amino acids and peptides from Carlsberg came to #MedicalMuseion in 2009. #medmus #conservation http://pic.twitter.com/mUw1bjmf · Nanna Gerdes
The Chemicals bottles from Carlsberg Laboratory are very dirty and some of them have loose labels #medmus #conservation http://pic.twitter.com/JxaTX6zX · Nanna Gerdes
Preservation of the Chemicals bottles from Carlsberg. A cleansed (left) and dirty (right) #medmus #conservation http://pic.twitter.com/36acp9FY · Nanna Gerdes



Blogtrip organizado por el Hotel del Juguete de Ibi, los días 9, 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2012

Storified by Mayte Vañó · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:47:01

Presentación Hotel del Juguete - Ibi, Alicante · YouTube
RT @pacoviudes: Mimosos y pillos #ToyHotelTrip http://instagr.am/p/R4hbD8DR9e/ · Berjuan
RT @pacoviudes: Aquí están todas las pelirrojas @BerjuanSL #ToyHotelTrip http://instagr.am/p/R4gINEjR80/ · Berjuan
RT @pacoviudes: Cabezas de muñecas #ToyHotelTrip http://instagr.am/p/R3mlp9jRwu/ · Berjuan
Geniales!!! :))) RT @echaleku: Unos cracks organizando el blogtrip y promoviendo ideas #ToyHotelTrip http://pic.twitter.com/GVh9vT8Z · Elena Mariel
RT @echaleku: Unos cracks organizando el blogtrip y promoviendo ideas #ToyHotelTrip http://pic.twitter.com/JvS2yGsf · Berjuan
RT @enriqueburgos: Lo hemos pasado genial!!! Gracias @hoteldeljuguete genial viaje #ToyHotelTrip @ Hotel del Juguete http://instagr.am/p/R3cX_jxPTD/ · Berjuan

On the Wings of a Dove


Manal M. Al-Dowayan, a Saudi artist addressing social and cultural issues through photography and innovative art installations.

Storified by Rania Biltagi · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:47:52



Landscapes of the Mind. The artist's first foray working with neon lights and mixed media installation.


"Suspended Together," an installation that speaks of the state of women's freedom of movement.
"Ismi," that addressed the common taboo in Saudi Arabia of not speaking a woman's name. Women from across Saudi Arabia came together to write their names on beads that were displayed hanging from the ceiling. We say, out loud, this is my name!

0 > Verzamelde reacties en aandachtspunten voor blogs die komen


Reacties en aandachtspunten die jullie stuurden. Daar houd ik bij het schrijven van toekomstige blogs rekening mee.

Storified by Anke · Mon, Nov 12 2012 02:47:59

Reacties op blog 15 > Ieder product in een webshop? (vrijdag 9 november)

Goeie blog!

Reacties op blog 14 > Het hoe, wat en waar van een IMDB voor nieuwe media (vrijdag 2 november)


Reacties op blog 13 > Is mijn twittervakantie schadelijk voor m'n imago? (vrijdag 26 oktober)

Fraaie post weer. Grappig, ik dacht ook even in dezelfde richting voor een onderwerp want sinds ik terug ben van vakantie interesseert twitter me echt geen ene moer meer. Had jij daar geen last van?

Thanks Anke, mooi stuk geworden en een mooie aanleiding voor een blogpost van mijn kant :)

Reacties op blog 12 > SEO is gevaarlijk (vrijdag 19 oktober)
Reacties op blog 11 > Waarom volgt @tiptopDealnl mij op Twitter? (vrijdag 12 oktober)

@tiptopdealnl heeft me overigens inmiddels weer ontvolgt :D

Reacties op blog 9 > Last van je geweten? Huur een social-mediagoeroe in! (vrijdag 14 september)

He Anke, leuk om dit te lezen het is een mooi geheel geworden met rake punten :)

het verschil tussen een goeroe en een kangoeroe he....

Hele herkenbare frustratie... Mooi beschreven!

Reacties op blog 7 > Instagram stuurt me erop uit om kleine odes aan het alledaagse te maken (vrijdag 31 augustus)

Midday Money - Thu 13 Nov


Your lunchtime round-up of this morning's breaking money news and reaction

Storified by StepChange · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:22:49

Over 5 million people are considering taking out a payday loan in the next six months

Callaway Golf's Creative Driver Launch...


As always, I'm looking for creative ways that members of the golf industry #thinkoutsidethegolfshop. Callaway Golf took the Forward Pros mission to the next level recently, launching a social media campaign to create interest in their soon-to-be-released driver. Check it out...

Storified by Robert Williams · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:23:02

As you will see in the following article, the idea of the campaign is to reward those who promote the hashtag #longestdriveringolf with early access to photographs and videos of their new driver. The more people tweet, the quicker the product photos and videos are released...
Let's check out some creative tweets using the hash tag #longestdriveringolf
Want to be added to this Storify? Tweet #longestdriveringolf and be sure to mention me @forwardpro. 

Alex Cross


A crime thriller starring Matthew Fox, Tyler Perry and Rachel Nichols.

Storified by · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:23:10

Washington DC detective, Alex Cross, is told that a family member has been murdered. He vows to track down the killer but soon discovers that his family member was not the killer's first victim. Things are not what they seem...
Check out the trailer:
Alex Cross Official Trailer (2012) Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox · filmisnow
A funny tweet I just had to share with you:

Blaxploitation Saved Hollywood


Blaxploitation, a film genre that lasted no more than a decade, is often ridiculed and nullified as an important input in the American film industry. People do not know the true impact that the films had on Hollywood and not just the African American community.

Storified by Marika Williams · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:23:17

Arsenio Hall & Michael Jai White "Blaxploitation saved Hollywood" · blacktreemedia

What is Blaxploitation?

The term blaxploitation comes from the words "black exploitation."  The blaxploitation films whether perceived as positive or negative were extremely influential on the African American community.  Blaxploitation films had the same premise, strong African American lead character fighting against the oppression of "the White Man."  The films were violent in nature and played into many of the stereotypes that had been opposed upon African Americans.  The film genre was at its peak from 1970 to 1975.  By the end of the decade, blaxploitation had run its course.
The genre was seen by many as a negative portrayal of the African American community.  The films featured the ghetto, pimps and their women, drug dealers, and vioelnce.  The genre was branded with the name blaxploitation as Hollywood took notice and began to produce these films. It was thought by many that Hollywood took advantage of the films.  It was seen as Hollywood exploiting the hardship of the African American community to make a profit. 
Blaxploitaion brought about dialogue about its relevance in Hollywood and the African American community.  To know a subject is to study the history of it and how that history shaped the event itself.  http://www.uh.edu/~hkbigley/2321/raza/Research%20Paper.htm links to research done by a student.  The student covers the definition of blaxploitation through the comeback of the film genre.

The Rise of Blaxploitation Films

The state of the African American community was in a state of unrest.  The 1960's brought about the Civil Rights movement and the 1970's brought about the Black Panthers.  The African American community was neither represented or connected to the Hollywood film industry.  Hollywood films had African American stars but none of which the Black community could relate to or showed a representation of the struggles faced by the race.
Sidney Poitier, a fine and highly acclaimed actor, was at his career peak at the beginning of blaxploitation films.  Although, he was a main stream actor, the characters he portrayed were a far cry from the reality of the African American.  In the film, Guess Who is Coming to Dinner, Poitier portrays an African American physician seeking the approval of his Caucasian's fiancee's family. 
SIdney Poitier..Guess Who's Coming To Dinner..(1967) · valentinolover70
Hollywood was also in a state of unrest and uncertainty.  The Supreme Court case ruling of 1948 that put an end to Hollywood Studio System brought Hollywood studios to their knees.  Many studios were on the brink of bankruptcy.  The American audience had also fallen out of love with Hollywood film making.  The rise of television and the disconnect of the old movie telling kept viewers away from the movie theater. The following link gives insight into the Supreme Court trial and its crippling effect that it had on Hollywood:http://www.cobbles.com/simpp_archive/paramountcase_6supreme1948.htm

Enter the film, "Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song" produced by Mario Van Peebles.  The film was produced, distributed, and directed by an African American.  To the surprise of everyone, this film about a African American man killing a Caucasian police officer fared extremely well.  Hollywood took notice.  The low production cost and high pay out enticed Hollywood into embracing and over taking the blaxploitation film genre.  This brief article gives a little insight as to how blaxploitation films effected Hollywood:
Although, genre began as an African American venture, it soon became a Hollywood production.  Blaxploitation films were being written, produced, and directed by Caucasians.  This twist in the behind the film production lead to the appeal of blaxploitation films to Caucasian Americans.  Caucasians felt as though they could relate to the hero aspect of the films.  This link goes into great detail as to how the Caucasian community embraced and enjoyed blaxploitation films just as much as African Americans: http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/impact/s99/Projects/paper/joanne.html.

Blaxploitation at its BEST!

There are over one hundred blaxploitation films on record that were made during the 1970's.  Here is a complete list of blaxploitation films made during the 70's: http://www.ranker.com/list/blaxploitation-movies-and-films/reference.
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song" was the first blaxploitation film.  The film was highly successful.  The production cost for the film was $150,000.  The domestic box office revenue to date is $15,200,000.  These staggering numbers grabbed Hollywood's attention and began Hollywood's mass production of blaxploitation films.
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song - Trailer · xenonpictures
According to whom you ask, "Shaft" is also said to be the first blaxploitation film.  Shaft, also released in 1971, was the film blaxploitaion film to be produced by a major Hollywood studio, MGM.  The movie was a successful venture for MGM studios as it brought in $12 million dollars in revenue.  It's sequel released just one year later in 1972 also brought in another $10 million dollars for MGM studios. Isaac Hayes won an Oscar for the film's theme song.  
Shaft trailer (1971) · edtheuniquegeek
Rise of the Super Woman!  Foxy Brown, starring Pam Grier as the title character, was also a major hit for MGM studios in 1974.  
Foxy Brown (trailer) · deadenddrivein
Released in 1972, Superfly, the story about an drug dealer was continued the winning streak of the blaxploitation film genre.  Superfly continued the constant them of film genre but also featured a killer soundtrack.  Superfly's soundtrack was highly popular.  It outsold the number of movie ticket sold. 
Original Superfly Trailer · redmedia
The Mack, released in 1973, is a film about the exploits of a drug dealer turned pimp.  This film is one of the most memorable of the film genre.

محادثة مع @MarwaSB و @BAlmuneef

Best golf kicks on the market...


You can't have a good round of golf without a great pair of kicks. It is crucial that you be confident in the golf shoes you're wearing. Otherwise, you'll be caught off guard each time you set up to the ball. I'm in the market for new "kicks" so I asked you guys which one's you liked the best...

Storified by Robert Williams · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:24:11

Here's what you said...
@forwardpro kikkor golf. Most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. http://pic.twitter.com/j12B5Q5A · Andy Simpter
@forwardpro @FootJoy best golf shoe on the market.. http://pic.twitter.com/OODxI0r0 · Andrew Sterritt



Norman Babcock is a boy in the town of Blithe Hollow who has the ability to speak to the dead.

Storified by · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:24:00

No one besides his eccentric new friend, Neil, believes that he can speak to the dead. One day, Norman's estranged eccentric uncle tells him of an important annual ritual Norman must take up to protect the town from a curse cast onto it by a witch it condemned centuries ago. 

Norman decides to cooperate, but things don't go according to plan when a magic storm of the witch threatens Blithe Hollow as the accursed dead rise. Together with his new yet unexpected companions, Norman struggles to save his town.
Check it out here:
ParaNorman Official Trailer #2 - Stop Motion Movie (2012) HD · movieclipstrailers

Africa Com 2012


Africa Com as it happened....

Storified by Com World Series · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:24:12

Sistema ruso de promoción. También bailan. #AfricaCom http://pic.twitter.com/f9hd9KwG · Manel Cervera Díaz
The #AfricaCom exhibition space is once again huge (all four CTICC halls) - http://moby.to/jykk81 · Mandy J Watson
#africacom: Small is awesome in Africa's enterprise market -> http://pic.twitter.com/mWU7R4cF · Jon Hoehler
#AfricaCom exhibition 2012 has opened! Here's to 3 days of networking in Africa http://yfrog.com/gyb8nqbj · Emily Martyr
I-conX are at #AfricaCom - it's filling up! http://pic.twitter.com/IKNWuNpr · i-conX solutions Ltd
Nic Jotishchky from Informa introducing the Africa Industry Outlook 2012 #africacom -> http://pic.twitter.com/pWaxxlTD · Jon Hoehler
#AfricaCom @Vodacom stand http://pic.twitter.com/P1hjInqR · Neo Radise
The HumanIPO SA team at #AfricaCom 2012! ... Attending speeches, taking part in seminars and visiting exhibitors. http://pic.twitter.com/bWaSQUzm · HumanIPO
Jonathan Singer opening the #WiMAX Forum Operator Summit at #AfricaCom http://yfrog.com/ob7v9pxj · Julie Rey
Jabulani Dhliwayo speaks in a packed #Corning optical fibre workshop #AfricaCom http://yfrog.com/ess7dspj · Julie Rey
Lauren Leonard and Simone Johnson the 2 winners of our comp receive ipads to blog about #AfricaCom http://yfrog.com/h419ccmkj · Julie Rey
RT @TelecomsSahota: Amazing scenery in Cape Town, home of #AfricaCom, which kicks off tomorrow at the CTICC http://pic.twitter.com/tMLU1FdH · MACH

Social and economic empowerment in Lavasa


Lavasa, a new planned city in India, is looking for ways to equip its underprivileged urban population with the skills and resources to become active participants in the economic and social fabric of the community.

Storified by Citymart.com · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:24:34

That place in the clouds..that horizon i yearn for.. · Ankur Gupta
Prerna-Empowering Urban Poor · p10parimall
Lavasa city http://instagr.am/p/Rt_1ShFt4H/ · Abhijit Chaudhari

Skyfall: The Good Ol’ Times


Review of the newest Bond 007 series. 50 is the new sexy…

Storified by · Tue, Nov 13 2012 03:24:34

Even before its premiere on Nov 23, Bond series had confirmed Daniel Craig for 2 more series. Counting the usual 2 years break in between or maybe more, we can expect to watch Daniel Craig as James Bond when he’s 50. Does he have what it takes to be James Bond? Here is my review for Skyfall. I can’t help but falling in love with the man whose boredom and depression had made him chose murder as an employment.

Bond. James Bond. #skyfall #007 · Fai Yung

Bond and the Exotic Cities (or lack of thereof….)

Every part of EON production for the past 50 years had never failed to deliver most exotic cities. For those who had just jumped into the  series, it might be the attraction for watching the English bulldog espionage series. But after a few years, I got sick of guessing how many miles Mr. Bond has in his frequent flyer membership after all the excessive travelling. Skyfall boldly said goodbye to tense fighting scenes in Bratislava, Port Au Price, La Paz and many more. Instead, it brought back all the action to home, London, where it all started. I don’t deny what a movie is supposed to do, realizing all fantasy which most of the time stuck in our mind. What else could be possibly more alluring than an escapade with gorgeous babe at the untouched crystal blue beach away from prowling tourists or a thrilling spy games at the most dangerous part of the world? So, has Sam Mendes gone ballistic by choosing the dreary London of which best attraction is Kate Middleton? Oh I meant the Duchess of Cambridge. Nah! That’s so not true. At the very heart of MI6, we are reminded that its mission is to defend the nation and its people. So, where else we could feel the MI6 agents’ most devoted patriotic action in their duties to uphold freedom from a villainous cyber terrorist. There is only one obvious choice, LONDON where it all began; where it doesn’t only stand as MI6’s headquarter instead it is the cornerstone of why MI6 exists. Well… If you are not a fan of London, don’t be discouraged. Skyfall also featured few exotic cities such as Istanbul, Shanghai and Macau. Just take it you will get the best of both worlds. 

Bond and Gadgets (or lack of thereof … Again?!?)

Did Mendes try to strip Bond bare naked? I almost though so. Interestingly, I found solace in going back to the classics.  I like that Skyfall has the decency to ditch all superfluous fast cars and gadgets which sometimes made Bond movies too unbearable to watch. Those who watched X-Ray glasses in The World is not Enough, you do know what I meant. I, as a lady, certainly do not approve this gadget from ever being manufactured! If Mr. Bond wants to see ladies’ undies, for goodness sake, just ask. We will gladly oblige. *wink* Skyfall only introduced the barely minimally palm print gun which can only be operated by Bond and Bond alone. In the fighting climax scene, Bond were reduced to ancient hunting rifles and two aging grandpa and grandma, Bond’s family gamekeeper and Madam M respectively. So how could they make it? Don’t underestimate Madam M. She was not good with guns, but she was pretty handy with the homemade dynamite booby traps. Aided by many old mirrors, Kincade the gamekeeper, was not too shabby in exhibiting his shooting skills. At least, the trio managed to wipe out the first batch of intrusion. Of  ourse, we should leave the main course to James Bond who finished off with massive explosion merely by household gas canisters and a knife. When all else failed, we were back to basic, relying on Bond skills and brute force spiced with smart intuition. He knew where Silva would stop just by reading the map of the tube. He knew where Silva went to just by looking at the slightly ajar door. I have a little problem though. I still didn’t get it how he managed to get out of the ice lake.

What’s the best is of course Aston Martin DB5. So much for being inconspicuous! This baby had been around since Goldfinger in 1964, making it the lucky seventh appearances in James Bond series. We presumed this was exactly the same car which Bond won in Casino Royale. Now we know, the crisis has hit MI6. Bond recycled his goods!!!

#007 #skyfall #bond #JamesBond #astonmartin #film #instadaily · Julian Elnathio

Bond and Aging

Who can defy time? Certainly, James Bond and M can’t escape from time and its nature. Throughout my grown up years while watching James Bond, I kept wandering when James Bond or M would retire? As the movie was resurrected in Casino Royale, I was even more confused that they couldn’t do anything to reverse Judi Dench’s aging though the movie was supposedly a prequel. Skyfall made the perfect stage for the Dame’s last bow. M did quite a lot of action. There was no more blank cool face showing she was in control of anything. In Skyfall, M was only left with her pride and dignity to finish off her job despite the pressures of forced retirement. As M was paired with Kincade, I can’t help but pitying the old granny who way passed her retirement age. She deserved a good rest and thank goodness Skyfall gave it all to her with grace.

Let’s not account Daniel Craig’s age (he is 44 btw…) But don’t you think James bond had been in the field for ages. Doesn’t he get old which means slower and weaker? Skyfall answered my questions. After ‘betrayed’ by M and killed by his colleagues when M pulled the trigger, Bond helplessly inebriated with alcohol. Though he chose to be patriotic when MI6 HQ was bombed, he failed his physical and psychology tests. Lucky for Bond, M still had the power to say yes or no for a ‘new’ recruit. Whether she believed in Bond or she had no choice but to deploy Bond, M decided to turn a blind eye and accepted Bond back to field duty. As Bond failed his test, we were all reminded that Bond is only a man (a hot blooded one). He can fail, be killed, depressed and etc. With all his vulnerability, I found myself cheering for his success. I worried about Bond’s mission. I worried he wouldn’t be able to accomplish his mission especially when everyone around him keep saying, I can’t discern if it was really well wishes or hidden sarcasm

Coming up…. Bond and The Past plus Bond and His Feelings



Storified by · Wed, Nov 14 2012 03:49:26

Babel lower res · labelbarclay
News "Babel" & others
TF1 - leblogTVnews
Clip "I will wait"

A14 greba orokorra


Azaroaren 14an Euskal Herrian eta Europan deitu diren greba orokor eta mobilizazioen testuinguruan, egunaren jarraipena egingo dugu.

Storified by Argia Astekaria · Wed, Nov 14 2012 03:49:36

12:50 Nafarroako Herri Ekimena plataformako Ivan Perez bozeramaileari elkarrizketa, arratsaldean Iruñean egingo den manifestazioaren harira:
12:40 Greba eguna Portugalen (kronika):
12:30 ARGIAko langileok ordu erdiko lanuztea egin dugu, mobilizazioen testuinguruan:
#GrebaOrokorra http://pic.twitter.com/hOfPKZCN · Jon Ander O.
#GrebaOrokorra Iruñea: Pikete de CGT, ESK, CNT y movimientos sociales · ateakireki
Un policía se manifiesta en soledad. #GrebaOrokorra #14NNavarra http://pic.twitter.com/0Or8TlAM · Hordago!org #A14N
#14N en Megapark #Grebaorokorra #Huelgageneral http://pic.twitter.com/rRtLaM8x · UGT Euskadi
10:30 Greba Portugalen. Jarraipen berezia Público egunkarian:
#GrebaOrokorra: Iruñeako bizipiketea oztopo guztien gainetik · ateakireki
10:15 Greba eguna Europan (mapa):
Eguerdian hiriburu guztietan manifestaldiak #GrebaOrokorra A mediodía en todas las capitales manifestaciones #14N http://pic.twitter.com/td5cI2S2 · EQUO Berdeak

La vaga general del 14N al Prat


Seguiment de la vaga general al Prat a través del hashtag #VagaElPrat.

Storified by Pratencs.cat · Wed, Nov 14 2012 03:49:55

A l'Aeroport del Prat:

Taxistes desencotxant enmig del carrer, custodiats pels #mossos, per evitar el piquet de l'#aeroport #14n #vagaelprat http://pic.twitter.com/uGi1iU2D · Bertran Cazorla

A la indústria:

Al comerç:

Al carrer Ferran Puig del Prat està tot tancat. #vagaelprat http://pic.twitter.com/U4NSnNh7 · Xavi Iroz
Es van tancant els comerços oberts. #vagaelprat http://pic.twitter.com/xHveNPoT · Xavi Iroz
El caprabo del Prat de Marina a diferència de l'anterior vaga està tancat d'entrada. #vagaelprat #14N http://pic.twitter.com/lmTA1qaI · Xavi Iroz
La ferreteria Fermol es nega a tancar per la vaga. #vagaelprat #14N http://pic.twitter.com/vAHvAOxp · Xavi Iroz



Storified by Dave Walsh · Wed, Nov 14 2012 03:50:17

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