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Philippines Echo U.S. "Free Speech" Sentiments: Win Turnover Battle over Internet Law


On Tuesday, the Philippines Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining order stopping the government from enforcing the controversial Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 which President Benigno Aquino III signed into law last month.

Storified by Courtney Congjuico · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:53:37

Once upon a time, a country proposed a cyber “safety” law, which on the very surface, seemed to be perfectly well-intentioned.  However, after the country’s citizens astutely realized that this cyber law would do more actual harm than potential good, they rallied and petitioned against this bill by garnering media attention and utilizing social media tools to spread the word on the World Wide Web.  These efforts achieved great success and the law was quickly repealed, proving victory for the people and an astounding defeat to a control-seeking government.

Does this story sound familiar?

It should.  But if you’re thinking that I’m referring to the instance earlier this year when the entire internet shut down in protest to the SOPA and PIPA bills in the U.S., then you’re wrong.  The event that I’m eluding to above happened just recently, more urgently, and in a tiny country that’s not often mentioned in mainstream media. Today, the Philippines Supreme Court unanimously issued a 120-day temporary restraining order (TRO) on the entire Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or Republic Act 10175.

A Law More Dangerous Than SOPA and PIPA
Last month, many speculators were convinced that dark times were ahead for internet users of the Philippines after its government passed the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 – a cyber “safety” law that reeks of the same underhanded threats of censorship that the SOPA and PIPA bills proposed to enforce in the U.S. not too long ago.  Similar to the intended purposes of the SOPA and PIPA acts, the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 was brought forward as an attempt to deem the usual online abuses of hacking, cracking, identity theft, and spamming as illegal acts while its main goal was to eliminate major problems such as cybersex, child pornography, file-sharing (which was SOPA's main target), and the prevention of cyber bullying. But what makes this cyber prevention act a law "that makes SOPA look reasonable" is its problematic provisions on online libel.  Not only does this addition to the cyber law criminalize anonymous online criticism, but Section 19 of the Act would allow the country's Department of Justice to have complete control over blocking users to access whatever "computer data" or shut down whichever website that they deem criminal or illegal. The very idea of online libel is so vague and loosely defined that some Filipinos feared that the government could put you in jail for anything -- from "liking" a post on Facebook to re-tweeting to freely speaking your mind on the basis of criminalizing anonymous online criticism under this law.  According to The Philippine Star, when asked about possible libel suits because of posts on Twitter or Facebook, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte answered: "We will leave it up to the lawyers to determine.” 
Palace defends cybercrime law · theabscbnnews
The People's Reaction

Much in the way that U.S. citizens reacted and retaliated quickly to the SOPA and PIPA bills, the Philippine citizens were driven by imperative necessity due to the act having been passed a month ago and actually reinforced last week.  The act’s questionable provisions and its implied infringements on the freedom of speech and expression on the internet was brought to the attention of online users everywhere in the Philippines – from activists groups, forum posters, bloggers, social media users, and garnering major attention from mainstream media outlets.

Some organizations like the The Akbayan Citizen’s Action Party released a press statement about the crime prevention law in which they “laud[ed] the intent of President Aquino III" and still believed that the law was founded on good intent, they still viewed the libel provision as “ill-conceived and will only serve to limit the public’s use of the internet as a venue for airing their opinions, views, and even dissent."  Other outspoken groups such as The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines outright criticized the new law's criminal libel provision "and the insidious way it was inserted during the bicameral deliberation — without benefit of public consultation — are direct strikes at the rights to free expression and press freedom."  Besides media organizations and activist groups banding together collectively on their stances in strong opposition of the cyber safety law, individual online users were openly sharing their views with each other through multiple social networking platforms and website forums in order to generate more awareness about it.  The Act stirred up conversational debate not only among its own Filipino citizens that it would be solely affecting, it also caught the attention of many citizens all over the world.  From everyday citizens, to celebrities, to political public figures themselves, it seemed that everyone was participating in this controversial debate over the freedom of online speech.
Santiago: Cybercrime law has vague provisions · theabscbnnews
The People Take Action

With everyone’s reactions feeding off of each other, it took absolutely no time for these passionate reactions to manifest itself into concrete action.  Many of the activist groups such as the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility and the Philippine Press Institute declared the Cybercrime Prevention Act as unconstitutional and set up a petition for the country’s Supreme Court to rule on “a law that establishes a regime of ‘cyber authoritarianism’ and undermines all the fundamental guarantees of freedoms and liberties that many have given their lives and many still give their lives work to vindicate, restore and defend. “  Other organizations such as The Philippine Internet Freedom Alliance had taken further initiatives through active online participation that is reminiscent of the SOPA-style blackout protest, with the Filipino variation being referenced to as “Black Wednesday.”   Online users also encouraged each other to raise awareness and bring about action through the social media practices of hash-tagging slogans such as #NoToCybercrimeLaw or #ReviseCyberCrimeLaw and changing Facebook profile pictures to express anti-Cyber Martial Law sentiments.  Even more severe measures have been put into action in opposition of the Cybercrime Prevention Act in which hackers that claimed to be part of a group called Anonymous Philippines hacked into government websites to demonstrate a resilient stance against the cyber law.

Black Tuesday Protest vs. Philippines Cyber Crime Law gains international support http://www.mindanaoexaminer.com/news.php?news_id=20121004232953 http://pic.twitter.com/M7iErrOG · Mindanao Examiner
Future Cybercriminal #2? #mugshot #ReviseCyberCrimeLaw · gretzhy

Stora läsardagen 2012


Storified by SSB Stockholms stadsbibliotek · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:52:06

Idag får du en ny chans att skapa dina egna bokmärken! Verkstaden är öppen 15.30-17.00. Passa också på att låna en hög med böcker så att du direkt får användning för bokmärket. <br> Just nu håller vi på att samla ihop våra allra bästa boktips inför den Stora Läsardagen!<a href="#" class="">See translation</a>

Idag gick jag av vid Ängbyplans tunnelbanestation och påmindes genom den här publicerade litterära skylten om att Barbro Lindgrens uppväxtskildringar i dagboksform utspelar sig i Södra Ängby. Böckerna "Jättehemligt", "Världshemligt" och "Bladen brinner" är fortfarande angelägna för alla åldrar. Böckerna har för några år sedan nyutgivits med nytt bildmaterial och nyskrivna efterord av författaren. Läs, och läs om, vetja!! · Blackebergs bibliotek
Dagens vuxenboktips:<br> Rosor, min kära, bara rosor <br> av Mark Levengood · Vällingby bibliotek
Lästips! En ungdomsroman.<br> <br> Min syster är i tusen bitar av Annabel Pitcher<br> <br> Detta är en bok jag verkligen kan rekommendera. Den är sorglig, tänkvärd, vacker och hoppfull.<br>... <br> Tvillingsystern Rose har dött i ett terrordåd i London. Roses död blir svår att komma över. Jamie, lillebror och berättaren, minns inte så mycket av sin syster Rose. Syster Jasmine, tvilling med Rose, får för föräldrarna ett symboliskt värde i att likna den döda. Föräldrarna blir förlamade av sorgen och ser inte de barn som de fortfarande har kvar. I en urna förvaras Rose på spiselkransen.<br> <br> Föräldrarna bryter med varandra. Pappan flyttar till landsbygden med de två barnen och har problem med alkoholen. Mamman hör knappt av sig. Barnen blir så svikna av föräldrarna och vuxenvärlden utanför reagerar inte på barnens situation. Jamie och Jasmine har varandra till stöd. Jamie förlorar aldrig hoppet och längtan efter mamma känns väldigt stark.See more</a> · Vällingby bibliotek
Över en halv miljon affischer finns samlade på Kungliga biblioteket i Stockholm. Nu har författaren Olof Halldin plockat ut ca 300 av dessa och samlat dem i praktverket "Svenska affischer 1880-1960".<br> Här finns affischerna som gör reklam för produkter och utställ­ningar, för biofilmer och teaterföreställningar, samt även en del valaffischer. <br> Kul med en bok med fokus på några utvalda formgivare som Wilhelm Kåge och Einar Nerman, tidningstecknaren Birger Lundqvist och reklampionjären Anders Beckman. Inga kvinnor dock. Kanske finns det inte så många kvinnliga affischmakerskor under denna tid? Någon som vet? · Blackebergs bibliotek
Missa inte Stora Läsardagen nu på lördag 13/10. Då kommer Karolina Ramqvist och berättar om sin krititerhyllade bok "Alltings början", kl 13. · Vällingby bibliotek

Följer du presidentvalet i USA? Oavsett om du gör det eller inte tycker vi att du ska ta dig en titt på boken om Barack Obamas fru, Michelle Obama. Läs om hennes klassresa och hur hon träffade sin make. En mycket intressant bok om en mycket klok kvinna!<a href="#" class="">See translation</a>

Poesifrossan på Hornstulls bibliotek är en återkommande djupdykning i poesi som vanligtvis varar i två timmar. Den 13/10 kl. 15.00, på Stora Läsardagen, bjuder våra trogna poesivärdinnor Berit Lundgren och Siv Truedson på en avkortad frossa:<br> Temat blir "Dröm och Verklighet" med fokus på två diktsamlingar: <br> James Joyce: "Med blänk av ametist"<br> och Aleksandrs Čaks: "Hjärtat på trottoaren"<br> Det blir hö...gläsning, sång och musik!<br> Dessutom: Fritt fram för att läsa egna och andras dikter.<br> <br> Välkomna!See more</a> · Hornstulls bibliotek
Nu på lördag den 13/10 firas Stora Läsardagen - också på Hornstulls bibliotek! Förutom barnboksdebutanten Jonatan Brännström (12.30-14.30) blir det poesifrossa i biblioteket (15.00-16.00). Mer om frossan i inlägget ovan...<br> <br> Stora Läsardagen arrangeras av Dagens Nyheter, Kulturhuset och Stockholms stadsbibliotek, i samarbete med Svensk lärarförening som firar 100 års jubileum samma dag. · Hornstulls bibliotek
Välkommen in på STORA LÄSARDAGEN 13 Oktober!<br> Vi har skyltat upp med läsvärda böcker i hela biblioteket och bjuder på massor av lästips under dagen.<br> Kl. 14.00 blir det högläsning för 5-6-åringar i galleri Hades. · Aspuddens Bibliotek
Lördagen den 13 oktober är det dags för Stora Läsardagen och på Spånga bibliotek lyfter vi speciellt fram deckare och spänningslitteratur. Kom in och få boktips av bibliotekets kunniga personal! Dessutom kommer författaren Richard Nordström och berättar om sin senaste deckare "Mord med guldkant" kl. 13.00. Välkomna! · Spånga Bibliotek
I ljudbiblioteket får du #lästips att lyssna på. #läsardagen #ssbnu #bibliotek · ssbnu
Erika Rodins #lästips inför Stora #läsardagen : Zip av Elvira Birgitta Holm: http://ow.ly/ee90g Låna: http://ow.ly/ee8Va http://ow.ly/i/ZDPl · Stockholms stadsbibliotek
Erika Rodins #lästips inför Stora #läsardagen : Zip av Elvira Birgitta Holm: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fow.ly%2Fee90g&h=tAQHKkfmE&s=1" class="">http://ow.ly/ee90g</a> Låna: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fow.ly%2Fee8Va&h=uAQGc3VkM&s=1" class="">http://ow.ly/ee8Va</a> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fow.ly%2Fi%2FZDPl&h=6AQFa11Q6&s=1" class="">http://ow.ly/i/ZDPl</a> ·
Testpostar lite inför Stora #läsardagen 13 okt @ Stadsbiblioteket http://instagr.am/p/QUrJ09FKkH/ · Stockholms stadsbibl
Välkommen att fira Stora Läsardagen 13/10 med oss! · Vällingby bibliotek


Hornstullsenheten i sociala medier


Storified by SSB Stockholms stadsbibliotek · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:52:30

Idag får du en ny chans att skapa dina egna bokmärken! Verkstaden är öppen 15.30-17.00. Passa också på att låna en hög med böcker så att du direkt får användning för bokmärket. <br> Just nu håller vi på att samla ihop våra allra bästa boktips inför den Stora Läsardagen!<a href="#" class="">See translation</a>

Poesifrossan på Hornstulls bibliotek är en återkommande djupdykning i poesi som vanligtvis varar i två timmar. Den 13/10 kl. 15.00, på Stora Läsardagen, bjuder våra trogna poesivärdinnor Berit Lundgren och Siv Truedson på en avkortad frossa:<br> Temat blir "Dröm och Verklighet" med fokus på två diktsamlingar: <br> James Joyce: "Med blänk av ametist"<br> och Aleksandrs Čaks: "Hjärtat på trottoaren"<br> Det blir hö...gläsning, sång och musik!<br> Dessutom: Fritt fram för att läsa egna och andras dikter.<br> <br> Välkomna!See more</a> · Hornstulls bibliotek
Nu på lördag den 13/10 firas Stora Läsardagen - också på Hornstulls bibliotek! Förutom barnboksdebutanten Jonatan Brännström (12.30-14.30) blir det poesifrossa i biblioteket (15.00-16.00). Mer om frossan i inlägget ovan...<br> <br> Stora Läsardagen arrangeras av Dagens Nyheter, Kulturhuset och Stockholms stadsbibliotek, i samarbete med Svensk lärarförening som firar 100 års jubileum samma dag. · Hornstulls bibliotek
Det var många som hittade till vår mysiga barnhörna i går på öppningsdagen!<br> TACK ALLA härliga besökare som kom och förgyllde vår första dag med fina kommentarer, goda synpunkter och glada tillrop. Och Tack för fina blommor från medarbetare och författare! · Gröndals bibliotek
Välkommen in till oss på STORA LÄSARDAGEN 13 OKTOBER!<br> Årstas läsecirkel finns på plats från kl. 12.00. De ger lästips och högläser ur cirkelns favoritböcker!<br> Kl. 14.00: Unga berättar sagor för yngre! Bibliotekets fantastiska sagoberättare är 15-17 år och vänder sig till dig mellan 4-10 år eller till dig som kanske bara vill trollbindas av en saga och mysa i höstmörkret. · Årsta Bibliotek
Välkommen in till oss på STORA LÄSARDAGEN 13 OKTOBER!<br> Årstas läsecirkel finns på plats från kl. 12.00. De ger lästips och högläser ur cirkelns favoritböcker!<br> Kl. 14.00: Unga berättar sagor för yngre! Bibliotekets fantastiska sagoberättare är 15-17 år och vänder sig till dig mellan 4-10 år eller till dig som kanske bara vill trollbindas av en saga och mysa i höstmörkret. · Årsta Bibliotek
Välkommen in på STORA LÄSARDAGEN 13 Oktober!<br> Vi har skyltat upp med läsvärda böcker i hela biblioteket och bjuder på massor av lästips under dagen.<br> Kl. 14.00 blir det högläsning för 5-6-åringar i galleri Hades. · Aspuddens Bibliotek
VÄLKOMNA TILL GRÖNDALS BIBLIOTEK! Idag öppnar vi igen - ÄNTLIGEN!- KL. 12.00 slås dörrarna upp. · Gröndals bibliotek
Mikrobiblioteket utanför ICA har överlevt den ... · Facebook
Febril aktivitet råder på bibblan för att få allt i ordning till måndag när vi slår upp dörrarna på nytt! Nedräkningen har börjat...Bara 4 dar kvar! · Gröndals bibliotek
Just nu har vi utställningen "Strays of Greece" av Magdalena Larsson. Genom sin fotoutställning vill hon skildra hur både djur och människor lider i krisens spår. Utställningens fokus ligger på djuren. · Gubbängens bibliotek
I lördags hade vi besök av Fatima Bremmer som talade om sin bok De sista tanterna - från husmor till modeikon. Efter en intressant föreläsning följde en spännande diskussion som engagerade. · Gubbängens bibliotek
Febril aktivitet råder på bibblan för att få allt i ordning till måndag när vi slår upp dörrarna på nytt! Nedräkningen har börjat...Bara 4 dar kvar! · Gröndals bibliotek
FRÅN TV-SOFFAN TILL ÅRSTA BIBLIOTEK. BOKTIPS MED MAGNUS UTVIK!<br> Författaren och bokrecensenten från Gomorron Sverige kommer till biblioteket och tipsar om både gammalt och nytt.<br> Måndag 8 oktober kl. 19.00 · Årsta Bibliotek
SE UPP FÖR FULA FISKAR!<br> Välj schysst fisk och skaldjur. Naturskyddsföreningens utställning hjälper dig att välja rätt i fiskdisken. Utställningen med tävling pågår veckan ut: 1/10 - 6/10. Gå en trappa ner i biblioteket till Galleri Hades. · Aspuddens Bibliotek
FÖR DIG MELLAN 10-13 ÅR! <br> Filmklubben visar "Hoppet" (2006) av Moni Nilsson. Onsdag 3 oktober kl. 15.30. Gratis filmvisning och att vara medlem!<br> Du som gillar spel, glöm inte att det är speleftermiddag nu på måndag 1 oktober kl. 15.00-17.00.<br> Vi ses i sagorummet! · Årsta Bibliotek
Passa på! Sista dagarna som ni kan se fotoutställningen Perspektiv här på Luma. Visas till och med söndag. <br> <br> Delar av fotoutställningen Perspektiv visas nu på Luma bibliotek! Under våren ställde 300 förskolebarn ut sina bilder på Fotografiska genom ett samarbete mellan Stockholms stadsbibliotek och Fotografiska. · Luma bibliotek
Lördagen den 13 oktober kommer författaren Jonatan Brännström med sin fina bilderbok Blixtslukaren till Hornstulls bibliotek. Han kommer att vara här 12.30-14.30 och högläsa för alla intresserade barn - och vuxna.<br> Välkomna! · Hornstulls bibliotek
Nu drar det ihop sig till Bok- och biblioteksmässa i Göteborg, Temat i år är Norden.<br> Du som är kvar i stan...för dig har vi lagt fram flera böcker i ämnet! · Årsta Bibliotek
TEATER TMMELITEN<br> I fredags var 74 barn här och upplevde "Petter och hans fyra getter" med Teater Tummeliten. Agneta Malmén Danielsson och hennes fantastiska dockor gjorde succé bland både stora och små! · Årsta Bibliotek

PHP Job and recruitment script


Job Portal Script, Job Portal Scripts in PHP PHP Jobs Scripts, Recruitment, Jobs Website Readymade Script Job Portal Script, Job Portal Script in PHP PHP Jobs Script, Recruitment, Jobs Website Readymade Script

Storified by Peoples Innovation · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:52:50

Jobs and recruitment Script is one of the most powerful php script to run aprofessional job portal site. Jobs-recruitment-scripts.com’s Jobs and RecruitmentScript comes with many powerful inbuilt features. It provides a complete Jobportal solutions for companies or agencies who are willing to start a onlinerecruitment services or planning to provide a online platform wherein jobseekersand employers can interact with each other in terms of job search and resumesearch.
Jobs-Recruitment-Script.com’s Jobs Portal is a web product for running powerfuland customized job portals. Jobs Portal comes with a front site (fully customizableand template based), jobseekers administration space (with functionality forthe users to edit their profile, consult the job offers, manage their resume etc.),employers administration space (allowing the employers to post job ads, managetheir company profile, search the database with the jobseekers resumes andmany others) and powerful back office for the administrators (providing fullcontrol over the website, structure and content management, detailed usermanagement, search engines reports, statistics and many others).
Significance of Job portals
Applying for a job online or search for a potential candidate has become theorder of the day. Earlier the job posting was limited to newspapers. However, atpresent, millions of people are using job portals to bag their dream job or hirea suitable applicant. While the job aspirant get hold of the most lucrative job
opportunities, the employers make sure that they got the best possible individualwith the help of these jobs sites, employment sites, or job centre. As the trend ofonline recruitment is getting popular day by day, each individual is compelled totry their luck in the employment sites.
Job portal plays a very vital role in the job market and function as a bridgebetween recruiters and job seekers. Software, IT, management, pharmacyand finance companies were the sole users of job portals earlier; however, astime progresses, people from all other sectors started posting jobs on suchportals. There are certain things, which make Job Portals an ideal place forcomplete hiring and recruiting process. Recruiters can hire employees as per theirrequirements.
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Completely configurable site colors, icons and graphicsJobs are categorized into multilevel categories for CONVENIENT BROWSINGFront page display for job categories, front page featured jobs and latestjobsJob CATEGORY ORDERING can be configured by the admin or can be set asalphabeticSupport for featured/paid job listingsContact us form for getting feedback from visitorsTELL A FRIEND systemEMAIL VERIFICATION (Can be switched on/off from admin panel)Password retrieval systemIn built AD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSupport for banner ads, text ads and affiliate ads.Support for running google adwords
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Show the Ultimate Love to Your Spouse by Wedding with Diamond Wedding Ring


Diamond is the precious metal that is loved by everyone. When a person decides to get married he would think of celebrating the marriage with high standard and dignified manner. He would arrange a big and most modernized hall for the marriage occasion.

Storified by · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:53:12

Diamond is the precious metal that is loved by everyone. When a person decides to get married he would think of celebrating the marriage with high standard and dignified manner. He would arrange a big and most modernized hall for the marriage occasion. He would be arranging for light music orchestra for wedding reception. He would book a caterer who is doing the topmost business in the city. Above all he would like to present a suitable diamond wedding ring to his life partner. Marriage parties are always special as the occasion unites two different people into one life.

Hence the persons who decide to get married would buy the costly and precious jewelry to the spouses. The wedding rings are made in gold or diamond as the case may be based on the financial capacity of the person. The jewelry sellers are selling the diamond wedding ring with simple diamond stone or with multi stones. The cost of the diamond wedding ring would be decided upon the size of the diamond stone or the quality of the diamond stone. The diamond stone is processed in many ways and finally it is polished and pressed with the golden ornaments. There exists a belief in the society that the diamond stones are having power to bring fortune into one’s life. Hence the buyers would discuss with the astrologers to select the suitable type of diamond stone for them.  

The diamond wedding rings are bought by the rich people in the society. In some cases, the people who have love towards with their spouse would like to show their ultimate love by buying a diamond wedding ring to their spouse in spite of their inadequate financial position. They express their love by buying the wedding ring with diamond stone. The diamond stones would be small and big sizes and the people can select big size diamond stones    when they buy diamond necklaces or chains. The diamond rings are very costly and it needs los of work on the goldsmith side. There are minute sharpening and cutting work to make the diamond stone shining and glittering on the sunshine. The diamond stone fitted jewels are to be maintained with special method. They need not be washed for shining and they could be just wiped with soft cloth now and then. The user should be careful when he is applying oil for his hair or when he is taking bath.

October 9, 2012- POLITICS


Storified by SPEECHLOGNGR · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:52:59

Bakassi Peninsula: Case Closed!

“It would be impossible for Nigeria to satisfy the requirements of Articles 61(1) - (5) of the ICJ Statute. Government has therefore decided that it will not be in the national interest to apply for revision of the 2002 ICJ Judgment in respect of the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria.

“Government is, however, concerned about the plight of Nigerians living in the Bakassi Peninsula and the allegations of human rights abuses being perpetrated against Nigerians in the Peninsula and is determined to engage Cameroon within the framework of the existing implementation mechanisms agreed to by Nigeria and Cameroon in order to protect the rights and livelihoods of Nigerians living in the Peninsula,” (Attorney-general of the federation, Mohammed Bello Adoke).


“President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan will address the nation at 7am tomorrow (today), Tuesday, October 9, 2012.

“All television and radio stations in the country are advised to hook up to the network services of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) for the broadcast.” (Special adviser to the president on media and publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati).


“The Presidential Advisory Committee set up by President Jonathan is yet to submit its report as I am talking. Although the report may be submitted today (yesterday) to President Jonathan, it is the president who has the final say.

“The appeal cannot be filed by the office of the AGF until a go-ahead comes from the president.

“The AGF himself will address the press shortly over this matter as soon as the position of President Jonathan is made known.” (A source close to the office of the AGF).


 “If Nigeria wanted to ask for a review of the ICJ judgement, it ought to have given the UN six months’ notice of her intention to ask for the review of the case. The notice of intent will set the tone for the process; and we never did that.

“In any case, we willingly submitted ourselves for the legal process that led to the judgement and we cannot turn around to say the judgement was not domesticated. The facts used against us were obtained from our country.”

“Nigeria is staking a claim on false premise. What is the administrative history of the Bakassi territory? What is the point flogging an issue that is straightforward and verifiable?

“Was the creation of Bakassi local government area at the height of the dispute not a mortally strategic blunder? Is there any truth in ancestral or residual claims over Bakassi? Who in truth are the displaced persons and where are they located today?” (A senior lawyer).Leadership


 “I think appeal is a line of action that should not be neglected because that is legal, since Nigeria subjected itself to the court. And if that is what is available through the court, we should also utilise it. I think that is the most appropriate thing to do at this point in time.” (Senate president David Mark).


 “An application for revision of a judgment may be made only when it is based upon the discovery of some facts of such a nature as to be a decisive factor, which fact was, when the judgement was given, unknown to the Court and also to the party claiming revision, always provided that such ignorance was not due to negligence.” (Article 61 (5) of the ICJ).


 “Nigeria recognises the important role of the International Court of Justice and other international tribunals in the peaceful resolution of international disputes.

“The work of the ICJ and other international criminal tribunals has contributed to the promotion of world peace and security as well as ending impunity around the globe by holding accountable those responsible for grave violations of international and humanitarian law.

“Member states should therefore continue to provide support for these international adjudicatory mechanisms to enable them discharge their respective mandates.” (Dr. Reuben Abati quoting President Jonathan).

Php matrimonial script | match making software |shaadi clone


Complete clone of shaadi.com. Life time support.http://php-matrimonial-scripts.com

Storified by Peoples Innovation · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:53:51

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SAD Treatment: Effective ways to deal with SAD


Storified by · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:54:32

Is it SAD that has been bothering you for the past few years and you are eager to find remedies to this unique mood disorder? To help you in your quest, here are a few snippets that bring to the fore the various ingenious and time-tested methods of SAD treatment.

The light from a light box mimics outdoor light. This is thought to cause a chemical change in the brain that lifts your mood and eases other symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Light therapy can also be used to help adjust daily sleep cycles (circadian rhythm), which may play a role in mood. Light boxes are generally used for 30 minutes or longer each morning, with bright light shining indirectly toward your eyes.

Different light boxes produce different types and intensities of light. They also come in different shapes and sizes and have different features. Light boxes are all designed to be safe and effective, but they aren't approved or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Research on light boxes is still limited, so it can be challenging to sort out which ones are safest and likely to work best for your particular needs. That's why it's important to understand your options before you choose one.

Ref: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/seasonal-affective-disorder-treatment/DN00013

Antidepressant medications and talk therapy can be quite effective in treating SAD patients.


To manage your symptoms at home:

•    Get enough sleep.
•    Eat a healthy diet.
•    Take medicines the right way. Learn how to manage side effects.
•    Learn to watch for early signs that your depression is getting worse. Have a plan if it does get worse.
•    Try to exercise more often. Look for activities that make you happy.
•    Practice good sleep habits.

Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. These can make depression worse over time. They may also affect your judgment about suicide.

When you are struggling with depression, talk about how you're feeling to someone you trust. Try to be around people who are caring and positive. Volunteer or get involved in group activities.

Ref: http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/seasonal-affective-disorder/overview.html

At work, keep yourself active and challenged. Clearly understand your job description and your employer's expectations of you. Talk with your employer if you need assistance. Use resources available to you in the workplace such as human resources or an employee assistance program. Work can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment and therefore, boosts your self-esteem. Set yourself up for success by treating and managing your depression!

Ref: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/depression-in-the-workplace/MY00357

Tips for Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you experience symptoms of seasonal depression, there are a number of different ways to cope. For mild depression, consider getting more sun exposure during the day. Take a midday walk to get as much sun as possible to help relieve symptoms. For more severe bouts of depression, consult your doctor for treatment advice. Light therapy, antidepressants and psychotherapy are all possible options, but it is important to discuss your concerns with a mental health care professional to ensure that your chosen treatment is the best choice for your specific needs.

Ref: http://psychology.about.com/od/psychiatricdisorders/a/sad-treatments.htm

The methods that have been described above have been proven to be quite effective in SAD treatment. They can end your nightmares and will help you to do away with difficulties like morning sickness, oversleeping, lack of energy, overeating, feeling of hopelessness, decreased social activity, etc. Just in case you feel more interested to know about these procedures in detail you may refer to………….

Natural Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Treatment · mercola

Les journalistes oublieraient-ils leur déontologie ?


Un Observatoire de la déontologie de l’information vient d’être lancé et le syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) vient d’appeler à la création d'une instance déontologique des médias pour "regagner la confiance" des lecteurs, auditeurs et téléspectateurs.

Storified by · Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:54:36

Samsung says Galaxy S III sales hit 20 million


Non passare per il sangue - Twettrama


#NonPassarePerIlSangue #EdizioniEO #Savarese

Storified by Eduardo Savarese · Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:01:26

Stadsbiblioteket/Asplundhuset i sociala medier


Storified by SSB Stockholms stadsbibliotek · Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:01:42

Nästa måndag i Poesibazaren handlar det om haiku. Kaj Falkman, Japankännare och före detta Japanambassadör, kommer och pratar som sin nya bok Överraskningens poesi, läser haiku och samtalar med bibliotekerien och haikuförfattaren Lars Granström. Välkomna 15 oktober kl 18! · Bibliotekets Bokbazar
Missa inte <a href="#" class="_hootified">#ADAFTW</a> imorgon! Ett digitalt drama i realtid om Ada, Lord Byrons dotter och världens första programmerare! <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fow.ly%2FekMec&h=TAQGNOcj2AQHbf_EQJfEjYwsxcggrTe8nVf6qF2QRjYeTOg&s=1" class="">http://ow.ly/ekMec</a><a href="#" class="">See translation</a> · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm
Filmaren o regissören Babis Tsokas bjuder oss alla på tidigare ej visat filmmaterial om samt med författaren o konstnären Helga Henschen. Bl.a. från ateljén i Sundbyberg. 11 okt. kl. 18.30-19.30 i Rotundan. Fri entré. · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm
I ljudbiblioteket får du #lästips att lyssna på. #läsardagen #ssbnu #bibliotek · ssbnu
VÄLKOMNA imorgon på ett annorlunda teckenspråkscafé! · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm
Nästa måndag får vi fint besök i Poesibazaren: poeten och essäisten Giannina Braschi talar om sin bok Drömmarnas imperium med översättarna och poeterna Helena Eriksson och Hanna Nordenhök. Kl 18 som vanligt. Välkomna! · Bibliotekets Bokbazar
Testpostar lite inför Stora #läsardagen 13 okt @ Stadsbiblioteket http://instagr.am/p/QUrJ09FKkH/ · Stockholms stadsbibl
Just nu i rotundan: Anna Pettersson läser stockholmarnas berättelser och Tensta Gospel Choir sjunger. · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm
Just nu i Rotundan: fantastiska Anna Pettersson och lika fantastiska Tensta Gospel Choir förmedlar stockholmarnas berättelser om hemmet. · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm

Missa inte Starta egetkvällen på Kista bibliotek, imorgon (3/10) klockan 18.30. Föredrag från Nyföretagarcentrum, Coompanion samt en representant för nätverket Kvinnors företagande. Varmt välkomna!<a href="#" class="">See translation</a>

Göran svarar på publikfråga från Arvika, som finns med via Skype. Bästa melodifestivalkänsla! · Bibliotekets Bokbazar
Just nu i Bazaren: Greider pratar om ensamheten i Vingåker och om sin första diktsamling · Bibliotekets Bokbazar
Imorgon tisdag den 2 oktober kl 18.00 läser skådespelaren Anna Pettersson några av stockholmarnas berättelser om Hemmet som stadsbiblioteket och stadsmuseet har samlat in under året. Gustave Lund står för ljudeffekterna och Anna ackompanjeras av medlemmar från Tensta Gospel Choir. Välkomna!<br> Här en bild från söndagens repetition! · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm
Gunnar Edander, Laila Nygren, Berit Skogsberg och Kent Malte Malmström förgyllde kvällen med sitt härliga och sprudlande Helga Henschenprogram på Stadsbibblan den 26 sept. då Helga Henschenmånaden sparkade igång. Nästa program den 11 oktober kl. 18.30 i Rotundan då det blir film från bl.a. Helga Henschens ateljé i Sundbyberg. · Stadsbiblioteket Stockholm

Obama and the Race Card


discussions about obama and race as a factor during the US election campaign

Storified by · Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:01:48

Sounds like an Obama supporter....

President Obama on Racism · presidentobama2

Facts check! many Americans don't care if romney destory America,as long as President Obama get defeated. Its all about his ancestors not the white ones. Some times our television show can say a lot,the one I am thinking about was the Jefferson's when this young white man father was dying and needed a blood transfusion,the young man was a employee of G. Jefferson and Jefferson found out he was a match to the young man father,so Jefferson gave the blood that save the young man father,when the father found out it was Jefferson blood that save his life!he was upset with his son for allowing a N word to contaminate his blood,and said you should have let me died! So America is still young and think like the son,their is no place for the father in our future,let us be the generation to kill racism, if not kill send it back to hell for it have been a tool of the devil and a anchor to stop our growth far to long!

Sounds like they don't like Obama...

SAME POLICY..................JUST LIE · SS&SS
Obama Ape - Racist Tea Party Email · theyoungturks

Which side are you on, tell me which side are you on?

This grocery store claw machine has some interesting plush toy options. #obama #racism · skottastic
Note: the above tweet forgot to include the URL of the article. It is here: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/09/fear-of-a-black-president/309064/

Ready for iPhone 5? Apple announces event next week

Advantages of Plastic Business Cards

Social Media Club Breda


1 jaar SMC076: bijeenkomst Personal Branding

Storified by Jurreu · Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:02:21

RT @tikkel: De fotografen @lourenssmak @luukkoenen in actie #smc076 - http://moby.to/50t2iq · Anne ter Braak
Goed gevulde zaal, beloofd veel goeds! #smc076 http://instagr.am/p/QVG0Wmru_s/ · Luuk Op Heij
@esthergoos trapt jubileum sessie #smc076 af over #personalbranding http://pic.twitter.com/vWsHc7ml · Jurreu
#SMC076 borreltijd! Weer wat opgestoken op het vlak #personal branding http://yfrog.com/es4m3cfj · Kirsten Vermulst
RT @tikkel: De fans van @smak67 @luukkoenen staan in de rij #smc076 #profielfoto - http://moby.to/jg9q3k · Luuk Koenen
Volle bak bij #smc076 over Personal branding http://pic.twitter.com/FR0xUrMC · maaike gulden

How my TL celebrated West Indies winning the finals!


A few days late still worth its weight.

Storified by rajat sharma · Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:02:25

Even before the match really ended-
The MAN himself-
The WORLD is Mine!!!!!! CHAMPION!!!! Give thanks LORD...Well Deserve, Really Been through a lot!!! Faith!!! http://lockerz.com/s/251159616 · Chris Gayle
The presentation ceremony- the best in all respects...



Storified by Ingrid Wong · Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:02:38

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