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Joris van Moort Fotografie



Storified by jorisvanmoort · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:03:57

Helsinki 6563 · Joris van Moort
Iemand tips voor een leuke afstudeerplek voor een HBO communicatie student (vierdejaars)? Het gaat om het tweede semester, vanaf februari t/m ongeveer half juni 2017. Tijdens de stageperiode zal ik een onderzoek gaan uitvoeren en een scriptie schrijven.
Tips? Stuur een bericht naar jorisvanmoort@gmail.com
#blackandwhite #music #Zeeland #website #photography #artist · Joris van Moort Fotografie
Rockin' on the stage @demiramusic #music #Zeeland #singer · Joris van Moort Fotografie
#music #Zeeland #singer #Goes #jayden @racoonband · Joris van Moort Fotografie
. @directband #music #Zeeland #singer #Goes #DenHaag #Di-rect Verslag op @3voor12_zeeland @3voor12zeeland #3voor12 · Joris van Moort Fotografie
#music #Zeeland #singer #guitar @suethenightmusic #Klomppop · Joris van Moort Fotografie

5 Best Ideas of Gaming Desktop under 600


Gaming PC under 600 ideas most recommended foryou are Alienware Steam Machine Desktop, iBUYPOWER AM-FX01 Gaming PC, SyberVapor SVEB300 Desktop PC, CybertronPC Borg-Q Gaming PC, & CybertronPCPatriot One Gaming Desktop.

Storified by kathrynbartlett · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:03:59

Today, the need of computer and laptop is increased. People may choose personal computer (PC) or laptop depending on their desire. It should be based on their purpose. However, if you want to use it for gaming, itwill be better for you to buy a PC. Besides more powerful, gaming PC is also more durable and more enjoyable. So, you can play games on your PC all day excitedly. Even though most gaming PCs have expensive prices, there are many products of the best gaming desktop under 600available in the market today. For the recommendation, I suggest you the following options.
1. Alienware Steam Machine Desktop
This is the first option that you can choose. This PC comes with affordable price but offers high specs.Starts from the processor used, it offers Intel Quad Core i3 4170T. This processor comes with 3.2 GHz speed so that it can provide high performance. So,you can play games all day and it will not slow down the performance. This PC is sold without the monitor so that you should buy the monitor separately.
This desktop PC also has8 GB of RAM capacity with 16 GB maximum capacity. It allows you to install games or apps freely. You can also save various games or other files with large capacities because it comes with Hard Disk Drive storage with 1 TB capacity.For the operating system, it uses Steam OS that is very sophisticated. It also includes Steam Controller. For the maximum quality of display and graphics, it offers NVIDIA GeForce GTX GPU. This graphic can provide clear images so that you can play games using this PC excitedly.
2. iBUYPOWER AM-FX01 Gaming PC
This desktop PC is also powerful for gaming. Priced affordable with less than $ 600, this PC uses AMD FX-4300 Quad core processor. This processor is able to produce high performance. Even more, the processor speed also supports it performance with 3.8 GHz. So, it can run games smoothly and fast even though the games are heavy or have big capacities. The processor speed can also be boosted up to 4.0 GHz speed with Turbo for maximum performance. You can use the keyboard for playing games comfortably because it applies iBUY POWer gaming keyboard. The mouse is also very comfortable to use.
The quality of images is also very satisfying. In this case, you should thank to its NVIDIA GeForce GT730 with 2GB of dedicated gaming video card. This can provide high quality display and graphics so that the images on the games you play will look very clear. It is also great because you are offered with 8 GB RAM so that you can install many games and apps. It also offers spacious storage in its hard drive with 500 GB capacity. For the operating system, it uses Windows 10. Overall,what it offers are great for gaming.
3. Syber Vapor SVEB300 Desktop PC
It will also be a good idea for you to buy this desktop PC. Comes with black color, it looks very elegant. With this PC, you can play games using the keyboard or sticks comfortably. It depends on your desire. For the performance, you do not need tobe doubt because it is powered by a powerful processor that is AMD Athlon X4740. This processor is able to generate great performance. Even more, it also comes with 3.2 GHz processor speed that optimizes the performance. So, it will not slow down the power even though you play hard games using this PC all day.
Syber Vapor A PC/Gaming Console Review: It's Like a Super Powered X-Box! · Joanne Tech Lover

You also need to thank to its storage and memory. The first is its RAM where it is great enough with 4GB of capacity. With this RAM, you can install many games you want freely. It also makes this PC able to run games or apps smoothly. If you want to save many files, such as games, pictures, videos, movies, etc, you can use its hard drive where it has 500 GB of capacity. So, the storage and memory are very useful.
4. CybertronPC Borg-Q Gaming PC
You can also consider this desktop PC. It comes with AMD FX-4230 Quad Core processor that is very powerful. It also offers AMD 760G Chipset. For the RAM, it applies 8 GB. This capacity is very spacious so that it can be used to install many games you want. You can also save games with great capacities freely because it offers a large HDD with 1 TB of capacity. For the operating system, it uses Windows 10 Home with 64 bit pre-installed. To produce high quality display and graphics,it is equipped with NVIDIA GeForce GT610. It is also featured with mouse,keyboard, LAN, and some ports & slots.
Some types of connectivity are also applied on this gaming desktop PC such as VGA, HDMI,audio, Ethernet, USBs, etc. In addition, it also offers a satisfying warranty.The warranty is able to coverage this desktop PC for gaming up to 1 year from the manufacturer. The warranty does not only include the parts but also labor warranty. Anyway, it is very satisfying and really appropriate for gaming.
5. CybertronPC Patriot One Gaming Desktop
This option can be another best idea that I can recommend to you. Even though the price is affordable with less than $ 500, it is very powerful so that it supports for gaming well. It can be seen from its processor that is Liquid Cooled AMD 6300 2 Core paired with 3.70 GHz processor speed. The speed can be busted up to 3.9 GHz for maximum performance. You should also thank to its 8 GB RAM, 1 TB hard drive, and Genuine Windows 10 operating system.
For the high quality graphics, it applies AMD Radeon HD 8370D. It is also equipped with mouse, keyboard, Gigabit LAN, audio and dual layer drive. Various ports and slots are also applied on this desktop PC. It is also covered with one year warranty that coverage the labor and parts. Therefore, it is considered as one of the most recommended ideas of gaming PC under 600.

Drei Empfehlungen zu der Angelegenheit Kredit Für Rentner


Storified by Villarreal36Pea · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:04:51

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Rio Games 2016: Aussies in focus


Hundreds of elite Australian athletes are in Brazil for the Games of the XXXI Olympiad.

Storified by FairfaxRegional · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:05:09

El líder como coach de la Comunicación Interna


Storified by Yanyn Rincón-Quinter · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:05:34

Todos invitados a participar mañana de un nuevo #DialogusCI Moderado por @zchagoya https://t.co/WIEY2VO1ks · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter
Todos invitados a participar mañana de un nuevo #DialogusCI Moderado por @zchagoya https://t.co/WIEY2VO1ks · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter
Excelente DialogusCI nos espera mañana moderado por @zchagoya https://t.co/GxQLUmzcZf · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter
Mi cariño les saluda desde #Colombia #DialogusCI @rgprofesional @zchagoya @mbilella @jaimejavier #DialogusCI https://t.co/SMxC8jHPD9 · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter
Mi cariño les saluda desde #Colombia #DialogusCI @rgprofesional @zchagoya @mbilella @jaimejavier #DialogusCI https://t.co/SMxC8jHPD9 · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter
Saludos a los Comunicadores en Ecuador @agenciaesocial #DialogusCI https://t.co/32s6YLqFpd · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter
Gracias ha sido un día #Bacano como los jueves de #DialogusCI @rgprofesional @PRORPMexico @AMCOMexico @zchagoya https://t.co/bYVFU0beXV · Yanyn Rincón-Quinter

'Closing the Gap': The divide gets bigger


According to the latest productivity commission report a large number of 'Closing the Gap' targets will not be met within the next year.

Storified by ZoeDuggan · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:06:12

Founded in 2008 'Closing the Gap' is a formal initiative to achieve indigenous equality in Australia.
Close the Gap 2016 · OxfamAustralia
Despite The Council of Australian Governments effort and investments, the gaps for life expectancy, reading and numeracy for the Indigenous community of Australia have remained the same, whilst employment gaps have widened.
Closing the gap · Tony Markham
"Meeting the targets for life expectancy, reading and numeracy and employment seems an unlikely prospect at this stage." Peter Harris, Chair of the Productivity Commission, said.
Closing the Gap 2016 - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull · IndigenousGovAu
The target to provide early childhood education to Indigenous children in remote areas was not met.
Today is International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The 2016 theme is Indigenous Peoples' Right to Education. We’re asking you not only to celebrate the progress that has been made for Indigenous people around the world - but to use today to help our nation take another step toward a brighter future for Indigenous Australians. www.wallofhands.com.au · The Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation (ALNF)
More positively the report states good progress has been made in reducing child mortality and has seen an improvement in year 12 attainment rates.
"If we are to see improvements in outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians we need to move further into the detail, examining which policies and programs work better than others and why. Our current focus is on setting targets and monitoring outcomes. This must be complemented by evaluation," Productivity Commission Chair Peter Harris said.
Close the gap | James Fitzpatrick | TEDxPerth · TEDx Talks
The 'Closing the Gap' initiative falls even further from the mark in remote areas of Australia. Even if the national achievement rate for 'Closing the Gap' improves, there are still large improvement rates to be made in less populated areas.
How Indigenous people are still homeless in modern Australia. Read the full story here: https://t.co/i6jsW5lIU2 https://t.co/XJeuz7ojgp · First Nations Tgraph
"Homelessness rates in the territory are 15 times the national average, 12% of all people in the Katherine region are homeless; six of the ten regions with the highest homeless rates in Australia are in the Northern Territory, regions that cover almost the entire state," - Geordan Shannon, Institute of Global Health.
Digital resources are slowly being implemented in remote Indigenous communities in an attempt to bridge the 'Digital Divide' and counteract some of the disadvantages faced by Indigenous Australians.
Poverty in the Aboriginal Community · Sherman Peh
The report has highlighted the dire need of improvement in the 'Closing the Gap' initiative. The Council of Australian Governments has called for a reform in policy evaluation, and the implementation of a strong procedural and evaluation dominated target to the 'Closing the Gap' initiative.



Storify lets you curate social networks to build social stories, bringing together media scattered across the Web into a coherent narrative.

Storified by Yanyn Rincón-Quinter · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:06:57

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Welcome To Storify · StorifyVideos
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Control and Crawlspace Fix - Expel Termites and Mold


Storified by lakecloset9 · Wed, Aug 10 2016 01:07:25

Mites are little buggers that are destructive. They are irritating toxins that may cause more injury than possible, and they may proceed unseen for quite a while. In fact, they can be mistaken for different insects which can be very benign, if you have improperly recognized your pest problem but sadly, you may produce an a great deal more critical matter. You could lose your property.
While shape may well not force you to eliminate your home, it could be quickly mistaken for issues or additional stones, such as dirt or an "old house" stench. Nevertheless, shape might be harmful as well as in several situations can increase the hypersensitivity. Therefore, when you believe you happen to be reacting to the pet you might actually be responding to the shape at home.
Also you'd much favour the facts about these home problems and if you do not desire to misdiagnose, continue reading. We'll discuss termites and mold and the way to maintain a wholesome home free from pest and shape injury.
A termite is often mistaken to get a flying ant because of its thin physique and set of wings. Nonetheless, a flying ant really has more of an hourglass shape as opposed to insect's ovular form and is much less unsafe. The pestis wings are also almost double its body's length.
You'll find three types of termites in a household, the reproductives, workers and the troopers. Which means that they truly are a " find and eliminate " type of kin which means organization. To put it differently, both have an one track intellect, one objective, that they do very well.
The termite survives when it's humidity, food, refuge, along with a cozy temperature. They truly are ideal supper contains normal material for example document drywall, guides, cardboard hardwood, crates and cellulose items. Nevertheless, they are famous for destroying whatsoever is within their course to be able to get to their food.
How Do You Understand There's A Difficulty?
The swarming provides whilst the pest duplication schedule in which ladies and men leave their borough to become pilgrims of their own community. Though there has been a reduction in the "swarm" pastime that many people have noticed, termite imitation is still as effective as ever. The swarm is most commonplace in March through July and September and July.
Form swarm to be a key sign of an invasion, listed here are three other items to watch out for in order to nip this insect inside the butt!
Pad- piers, like dust tubular formations nearby the foundation surfaces, sills, joists, and other like regions. Wings that were bug found in windowsills. Wood with damage and dirt -covered pockets.
There are numerous ways to help alleviate problems with and respond to a probable or extremely real insect issue. However, speaking with your local pest-control pro is above-all your best move since mites aren't to be used or underestimated. An expert not only put you at-ease, but get rid of the matter most successfully and can offer far more insight in to the concern.
Lumber may be the setting that is ideal. A termite has it built if it is on the floor. It's humidity, food plus a house. Moisture can accumulate your base along and attract mites. Ensure you have plumbing that is correct. Lumber within the crawlspace or over the residence will surely appeal the mites. Keep up with the property and maintain all things that are such far from the house. Compost along with other cellulose goods bring the tastebuds of most termites. Rather, you should try gravel or jewel. Mites are attracted by moisture in crawl rooms and thus you have to preserve basement and your crawlspace dried!
Moist crawl spaces don't simply attract termites, but mold growth is also attracted by this moisture. Shape requires water to develop, it needs to consume normal product plus a comfortable temp is needed by it. Problem? Oh, and mold likewise damages whatsoever area whatever it needs to complete to access eliminate termites , or it's feeding on.
Did not recognize how termites that are equivalent are to mold? And just as mites can be mistaken for ants, we reviewed how mold is misdiagnosed also. Therefore, in the event you smell that stinky damp stench, you can not be uncertain it's form. You should be sure to contact a crawl-space fix specialist if basement or your crawl-space is humid. Not simply may this specialist manage to fix your crawl space, but in doing this, there will nolonger be the ensuing allergies or shape, must.

Conversation with @Chris_arnade, @chaos_slc, @mKandlikar, @takethepith and @KS1729


Storified by Jediphone · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:18:59

6. As a woman in Kingsport TN told me, who lost her child to a heroin overdose, https://t.co/FfjrVYZ0MY https://t.co/1acdDIu5jC · Chris Arnade

səʎə s,npueu


Storified by Peter Griffin · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:21:43

Lo mejor de Río 2016 en las redes


Sigue todos los detalles de los Juegos Olímpicos RÍO 2016 a través de redes sociales

Storified by EL INFORMADOR · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:24:14

Mañana es el día por el que he luchado toda mi vida! #teammexico #rio2016 #olympicgames #vamos @… https://t.co/h6Z7BOcrnb · Lino Muñoz
#AtletasNavales de Remo mañana en semifinales, orgullosos de representar a México en #Rio2016 https://t.co/M1lQlonkvG · SEMAR México
#Rio2016 Una foto que habla por sí sola. De eso se tratan los #JuegosOlimpicos 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 https://t.co/zj1oYnrwai · Rio 2016
#ViveRioXCONADE Con 405.30pts, #MEX termina 5o en sincronizados 3m #Clavados #GBR #Oro #USA #plata #CHN #bronce https://t.co/L5zyn1dW0B · CONADE
#Rio2016 ¡#ORO para #PUR! María Pérez venció a @alvear_yuri #COL en la final y la colombiana gana #Plata ¡Bravo! https://t.co/WuK9UWVsUs · Rio 2016
Increíble, Argentina fue eliminado de furbol por Honduras
#Rio2016 ¡#HON a cuartos de final! La H igualó con #ARG 1 a 1 y el campeón 2004-2008 queda eliminado. #Futbol https://t.co/7rQXojpxMg · Rio 2016
Ale Bayardo fue eliminada por Alemania en Tiro con Arco individual.
#ViveRioXCONADE @GABRiELABAYARDO pierde 6-4 Vs Lisa Unruh #GER, el duelo por el boleto a 16vos #TiroConArco https://t.co/Q9d95Dhrmo · CONADE
#ViveRioXCONADE El duelo #MEX Vs #GER por el pase a 16vos se desarrolla bajo una pertinaz lluvia #TiroConArco https://t.co/mYdOkIiNG1 · CONADE
¡Excelente! Alejandra Valencia a los octavos de final de Tiro con arco
#ViveRioXCONADE Así clasificó Alejandra Valencia a los octavos de final del #TiroConArco https://t.co/NtMaa3SGqr https://t.co/GQ88BI1CRl · CONADE
#Hockey has the most passionate volunteers at #Rio2016 - check out Ginaldo's #SambaSticks inspired haircut! https://t.co/VKluvFXioW · FIH
¡Termina la jornada en #Rio2016! Estados Unidos está a la cabeza del medallero. Conoce más: https://t.co/f2IKkqTe63 https://t.co/yymcwvkDq2 · DEPORTES
Un día más en Río 2016

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Storified by ftpjil52 · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:24:50


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Rio 2016


Storified by ABC News · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:26:28

The girls are in the house! #OneTeam #basketball https://t.co/WgSi7JtOnz · AUS Olympic Team
I can't wait for the swimming to start! #goaussies #oneteam https://t.co/DVZOf7emjN · John Millman
I'm going to jump in here! It's a fast track and is a beautiful breezy blue. @athleticsaustralia @ausolympicteam https://t.co/HitpqODraF · Chelsea Jaensch
Look who has arrived. @bambamsam30 is loving BK! #OneTeam https://t.co/IGzCssRRm8 · AUS Olympic Team
Tomorrow's the day I have been dreaming of for the last 4 years!!! #thebigdance #OneTeam https://t.co/GDyztM5CvA · Alexander Edmondson
This is where the magic happens! Checking out the Stadium ahead of my 400m heat this Saturday morning! #Rio2016 https://t.co/mP6gIlYtpy · Anneliese Rubie
Nor great weather @AmandaSpratt @gracieelvin @gaudryt braving the elements to cheer for @Katrin_Garfoot #OneTeam https://t.co/dLsuqo8cqG · AUS Olympic Team
Great to see @Elzywellings & @GenGen_LaCaze take time out of their busy schedules to pose for fans! 😉⚡️ @7olympics https://t.co/toJLnlhCqP · Athletics Australia
Time to flip into supporter mode and cheer on my fellow @ausolympicteam mates and enjoy this incredible experience! #oneteam #rio2016 · Rachel Neylan
It might not be where we wanted to be today but I'm glad we were there together @jess_hall_ ! Thank you everyone for the amazing support, we are all still feeling pretty shocked and devastated, but your messages have made our days so thank you ❤❤ #rio2016 #lookouttokyo #whatajounery #quadsquad · Maddie Edmunds
Quarter finals, we're coming!! So proud of the girls and thrilled to get my first Olympic goal ⚽️💪🏽🇦🇺💚💛 @ausolympicteam #oneteam #olympics #AUS · alannakennedy
Passionate 🇦🇺 · Patty Mills
Bom Diaaaaa Brazil! 👐🏾 #Olympics2016 https://t.co/4527SFGe98 · Morgan Mitchell
So nice to have a place to relax during the games! #FanUpAUS #theEdge @AUSOlympicTeam https://t.co/ua94UuP9f7 · Jenny Blundell
For Australia #OneTeam #Aus @AUSOlympicTeam https://t.co/KUpUsFza3t · Patrick Mills
On our way to Rio!!! 😀😀😀 #excited #Rio2016 #Olympics #RoadToRio @ellanelson200 https://t.co/gsK8tJbEIP · Michelle Jenneke
GAME DAY!!! We play our first game today against RUS at 2am AEST @WaterpoloAus @7olympics @AUSOlympicTeam #oneteam https://t.co/PZljwl2w2K · Zoe Arancini
Tennis: @johnhmillman may have lost the match but he won plenty of fans & volunteers tonight #OneTeam https://t.co/wqbcl18PdZ · AUS Olympic Team
Helloooooo Rioooooooo! Our athletes have arrived! https://t.co/Wm7Zxo0Old #7Olympics #OneTeam https://t.co/9B1Al7Fhdl · Athletics Australia

The Cassette Tape Age

Las redes sociales explotan tras crítica de Maradona contra Honduras


Storified by Diario El Heraldo · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:25:52

How Philippine Brands Reacted to Pokémon GO


How Philippine brands reacted to the launch of Pokémon GO, including their real-time content and Pokémon GO related promotions.

Storified by Sherwin Sowy · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:26:48

The first posts came from the telcos, offering free 7-day access to Pokémon GO.
Pokémon GO is FREE to all Smart iOS/Android users until August 12! Catch 'em all, Pinoy Trainers! #SmartPokemonGO https://t.co/cHh4FHVRqn · SMART
Gotta search far & wide to catch 'em all! Get #GlobeSwitch for FREE #GlobePokemonGo access: https://t.co/PxXaBsLk5i https://t.co/3aevYf8Dcg · Globe Telecom
Swish got in on the game early
Gotta catch them all, pero baka naman pala iba ma-catch mo! ;) You never know! So when the moment to say "I choose you!" comes, #SayItWithSwish! · Swish
And the malls, with their locations quickly took advantage.
Let's have a ball this weekend! Drop by Town and hunt away because we're having a lure drop party! 😊🎉 #FindEmAllAtAyalaMalls · Alabang Town Center

#GottaCatchEmAllAtSM with #TheSMSquad: Assemble your parties and gear up, because SM is throwing the BIGGEST Nationwide #PokemonGo Lure Party! Save the date: August 12, 5-9PM at over 50 malls nationwide!

What makes for a life well lived? Time well spent exploring diverse communities that are friendly and safe, for all those training to be the very best.

Local restaurants and coffee shops followed suit
Pokémon GO trainers, here are some of the verified Jollibee branches with PokéStops: Jollibee Metro Point, Jollibee San Miguel Ave Branch, Jollibee Paranaque City Hall, Jollibee Bonifacio Stopover BGC and Jollibee Lipa. Catch your Pokémon while enjoying your Jollibee treats in one go! If you've stumbled upon any more Jollibee stores serving as Pokéstops, let us know in the comments below. · Jollibee
POKEMON SIGHTING ALERT!!! A super rare & hungry Pokemon was spotted lurking in our restaurant! Hurry and head to Oyasumi Ramen to try and catch 'em all! #PokemonGo #OyasumiRamen · Oyasumi Ramen
No life because of Pokémon GO? Get some dignity back in sandwich form. THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE to bring five (5) different bird Pokémon nicknamed “Fowlbread" to our store tomorrow (August 10) will get a FREE chicken sandwich. ✨ BONUS: Share your strongest bird Pokémon nicknamed “Fowlbread” on Facebook/Instagram with the hashtag #myfowlbird for a chance to win a SUPER SECRET AND VERY EXCELLENT SURPRISE this Friday. ✨ #fowlbread #myfowlbird · Fowlbread
Calling all Team Mystic! Exclusive to the girls and boys in blue, from 3-5PM tomorrow, Aug 11, show us your Team Mystic pride, follow us on Instagram and get a 1/4 Cheeseburger No. 3 for just Php88 in any of our joints. Valid for dine-in only. Teams Instinct and Valor, watch out for when you guys can win these gyms back. #PokemonGoPH #8Cuts #8CutsPopUp · 8Cuts Burgers
Secret's out. Team Instinct members, make your way to Ooma for some Php99 Ebi and Kani Aburi Makis! No lures required. Just come by tomorrow, August 11, from 3-5pm. Hold up your phones for Team Instinct proof, give us a quick follow on Instagram and you're good to go. Valid for dine-in only at Megamall and Rockwell. #PokemonGoPH #OomaPH #OomaRocks · Ooma
ATTENTION POKEMON TRAINERS/COFFEE DRINKERS: Our shop is also a PokeStop. Just saying. We will also start using lures regularly so stay tuned for announcements (24 hours before we put lures out) during our daily posts. Like our page or follow us at @ydgcoffee Help our tiny shop get through rainy days and spread the good Pokemon word by posting this on your facebook/instagram wall. Go go go!!! One more Pokemon-related promo in the works so stay frosty. Not literally. Stay safe and dry. Cheers!!! · YDG Coffee
The airlines wanted in on the game.

You don't need to search far and wide for this one! Simply visit our website at http://www.philippineairlines.com and book your tickets for PAL’s Ultimate Seat Sale now!

Catch ‘em all on your travels with this #CEBSeatSale! Book now! https://t.co/1XCzrwfl8U https://t.co/epjKgxjV8g · Cebu Pacific Air
Even the MMDA got in on the fun.

Live Blog: #LOUvHAR


Storified by LouisvilleCityFC · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:26:47

The @ModeloUSA #MOTM voted on by #LouCity fans is goal scorer @pdp03! https://t.co/ZTV8l0Wli3 · Louisville City FC
Tonight's attendance: 5,563. Props to this fan for making it out on the first day of school! #LOUvHAR https://t.co/ev82GIIdIF · Louisville City FC
.@pdp03 (Paolo DelPiccolo) gets his first goal for @loucityfc and equalizes the match! #LOUvHAR https://t.co/w7KMYYV4bR · USL
We 💛 our beautiful city and our @loucityfc ⚽️ #perfect night #kenmarkeyewear https://t.co/SPf7svyL49 · Kenmark Eyewear
.@pdp03's first goal in a #LouCity uniform equalized against the @city_islanders! https://t.co/nXPSduWhZq · Louisville City FC

Situaciones por las que has pasado si eres sarcástico


Storified by Diario El Heraldo · Thu, Aug 11 2016 01:27:36

1. Cuando te vienen conociendo piensan que todo lo que dices es en serio pero te toca aclarar que el sarcasmo fluye en tu cuerpo
2. Tus amigos más cercanos suelen describirte como el sarcástico del grupo
3. A todos les cuesta tomarte en serio
4. Sueles usar el sarcasmo como una defensa para no salir afectado en un mal momento
5. A la gente le cuesta entender tu humor

6. Aunque sabes que no debes ser sarcástico, es una utopía no serlo

7. Recibir cumplidos es lo más complicado ya que nunca sabes cómo reaccionar ante ellos más que con la esencia pura del sarcasmo
8. Dices cosas muy crueles, pero reales y dices que fue sarcasmo
9. Encontrar a otra persona igual de sarcástica que tu puede tener dos posibles finales: la terminas odiando o la terminas amando, no hay un punto medio
10. Cuando alguien dice algo sin sentido, te quedan viendo porque saben que eso es un GRITO para una respuesta sarcástica

Juegos Olímpicos: los resultados de los argentinos en la jornada #6 de Río 2016


Seguí minuto a minuto la actividad de la delegación albiceleste en la máxima cita del deporte.

Storified by popularonline · Fri, Aug 12 2016 01:32:25

#Rio2016 🏀 #Baloncesto La Generación Dorada #ARG ya juega frente a Lituania #LTU https://t.co/vizNrIczK1 https://t.co/LP0BmYUw1a · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #Rugby Los Pumas terminaron sextos en el regreso del rugby a los Juegos Olímpicos https://t.co/A81rV8MUqI https://t.co/oGrdgvGOqA · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #Vela #ARG Lange-Carranza, quintos en la clase Nacra 17 https://t.co/8jvuCTtFpm · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 Detonaron un paquete sospechoso antes del inicio de Nigeria-España https://t.co/86qsyuKzHa https://t.co/c9vHoLGCA0 · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 | El vóley masculino perdió el invicto ante el último campeón del mundo https://t.co/r8zjBPDFfc https://t.co/k0W1RH5Jxv · Diario Popular
#PopuEnRío Informa @Fglamas que en el estadio de #Basquetebol encontraron un paquete sospechoso que fue detonado https://t.co/kaupmDcjNx · Diario Popular
⚫️Dos policías de la Fuerza Nacional, asesinados en una favela. Por @Fglamas https://t.co/LhR5Q3rIzV https://t.co/GFMHIwf84y · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #Hockey Masculino: Gol de #GER. En la última, llegó el empate y es final: 4-4 https://t.co/xQ9Iw1AuM8 https://t.co/ZEjjeTeoEw · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #AHORA #Hockey Masculino: ¡GOL de #ARG! Perdía 3-1, ahora le gana 4-3 a #GER. https://t.co/xQ9Iw1AuM8 https://t.co/IAyHs92Tc1 · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #Golf @FabianGomezGolf terminó el día con -1 bajo el par (70 golpes). https://t.co/xQ9Iw1AuM8 https://t.co/e9xLKc0Aui · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #Tenis @delpotrojuan le ganó 6-7 6-1 6-2 a @tarodaniel93 y está en cuartos de final https://t.co/xQ9Iw1AuM8 https://t.co/BZjCcd1spd · Diario Popular
#Rio2016 #Natacion @FedeGrabich terminó quinto en su serie clasificatoria de 50m. Libre https://t.co/xQ9Iw1AuM8 https://t.co/ACU1pUYm6L · Diario Popular

#ILAchat: Back to School


Don Goble tackles back-to-school routines and strategies and how to bring technology into the classroom.

Storified by International Literacy Association · Fri, Aug 12 2016 01:34:39

Hope you guys can join us in a few mins. #ILAchat https://t.co/O67XAhOvbm · Don Goble
Reminder if you can join our #ILAchat in a few minutes. Would love to have your input on all things #literacy. https://t.co/uMV766DtBy · Don Goble
We are about to start #ILAchat in 10 minutes! Join us! #engchat #litchat #moedchat #elemchat #literacy https://t.co/5hzTxQgGDZ · Don Goble
Up in 10 min, it's #ILAchat! Can't wait to talk #BackToSchool strategies with @dgoble2001 and @ILAToday friends! https://t.co/8fF6NNs0VF · Kristin Ziemke
Less than 10 mins away for our back to school #ILAchat. https://t.co/Zq0FmZ1nyJ · Don Goble
#ILAchat recap of #ILA16 https://t.co/qiveei8PXJ https://t.co/u5zZC3uJs0 · Carol Varsalona
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