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My Birth Family Search


Hi, I'm Kelly. I was born in Seoul in 1982 as Jung Boo Yong and adopted by an American family in 1983 (Portland represent!). In late 2015, Kevin and I traveled to Japan and Korea for vacation and decided to dig deeper into my heritage.

Storified by okiehai · Thu, Jan 07 2016 23:50:28


July 2001

When I was 18, I attended the Korea Motherland Tour. This included a visit to Holt Korea to view my adoption file.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 4pm HST
We finished booking our trip: Honolulu → Tokyo → Osaka → Seoul. I emailed Holt USA to schedule a Holt Korea visit and got a response the next day with instructions.
email-from-holt-usa · okiehai
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 6pm KST
After 8 days in Japan, we took a crazy cab ride to Kansai International Airport for our flight from Osaka to Seoul.
KIX · okiehai
Personal space: Korean American vs. Korean · okiehai
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 10pm KST
We arrived in Seoul on a frigid night and emailed Holt Korea from the train in hopes of a last-minute file viewing the next day.
It be cold here. #Seoul https://t.co/u2bJjbZjrA · Kevin Bowling
First COLD night in Seoul · okiehai
email-to-holt-korea · okiehai
Friday, December 4, 2015 4pm KST
We took the subway to Holt Korea for a file viewing with Esther. She shared a form in Hangul that I hadn't seen before. My birth parents apparently shared personal information (physical characteristics, etc.) with the Holt social worker at the time of adoption. Esther sat with us for almost two hours going through my file. At the end, I formally requested a Korean Adoptee Service (KAS) search for the last known location of my birth parents based on provided names and ID numbers. Esther warned us about the low probability of success.
Adoption file baby pictures · okiehai
Sunday, December 6, 2015 3pm KST
I emailed Esther inquiring about the name and old address of birth clinic.
Monday, December 7, 2015 10am KST
Reply received from Esther with name and old address of birth clinic. We had American breakfast while Googling like crazy to find where that address would be now.
Old address of the hospital · okiehai
Monday, December 7, 2015 3pm KST
Took the train to Sinjeong 3, went into nearby birth clinic, city registration building, finally found the new address translation and a nice gentleman to escort us to that location. We snapped some photos, walked the surrounding neighborhood then had some cheesecake and cappuccinos while discussing how far we'd come.
One of our many Google Translate attempts: "How can we find the location of a birth clinic that closed 25 years ago?" · okiehai
We find the hospital! · okiehai

Conversation with @aysha87


Storified by Aysha Ahmed · Thu, Jan 07 2016 23:50:30

Conversation with @VeryLonelyLuke, @KyloR3n, @LTDANKSKILLZ, @psyduckisbest, @Skawtnyc, @Challis2070, @MrMixxoplixx,...


Storified by Robin Andersen · Thu, Jan 07 2016 23:51:23

@VeryLonelyLuke this is a lot to take from someone who used to dress like a Clockwork Orange extra https://t.co/71vcyZoNBN · Emo Kylo Ren

SC Sen. Billy O'Dell died


Sen. Billy O'Dell, who served in the South Carolina General Assembly for more than a quarter-century, has died. O'Dell, a Republican from Ware Shoals, represented parts of Anderson, Abbeville and Greenwood counties in the Senate.

Storified by Mike Ellis · Thu, Jan 07 2016 23:52:15

Breaking: SC Sen. Billy O'Dell has died. https://t.co/6z5xsm2S6Y · Mike Ellis
Great guy, what a loss for #SC . State Sen. Billy O'Dell, 77, WareShoals, passed away. RIP. https://t.co/3nD8LgyYUu https://t.co/LSIZXgJmvf · Ken Ruinard
SC Sen. Billy O'Dell has died, he has represented the Upstate in the senate since 1989. https://t.co/y7TrCz0oaJ · Mike Ellis
SC has lost one of its longtime public servants Sen. William "Billy" O'Dell. https://t.co/I3rxfuoeOk · SC Senate GOP

Cancro: "Mea Culpa"?


Que o cancro é a doença do século já todos sabemos. Mas teremos nós alguma culpa nisso? Estudos recentes procuraram dar uma resposta. E nós procuramos ouvir a voz de quem venceu o maldito problema.

Storified by Andreiacosta · Thu, Jan 07 2016 23:53:01

No último mês o Diário de Notícias avançou com a notícia que atribuía aos nossos maus hábitos de vida a culpa de grande parte dos cancros.
Segundo a mesma fonte, em cada 10 cancros somos culpados de 9. Desde os fatores ambientais e externos, como o tabaco, o álcool, a exposição ao sol ou até mesmo a poluição, todos estes são fatores que parecem fazer as maravilhas dos malditos tumores. Acabando assim com a ideia de que a maioria dos cancros seria causada por mutuações aleatórias nos genes. Se assim for podemos afirmar que o cancro pode ser evitado através da escolha de um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado a todos os niveis.
Porém existem alguns casos que parecem não se identificar com o recente estudo. Um deles é o de Teresa. Uma mulher positiva que primorou sempre por uma vida saudável, alimentação equilibrada, exercicio fisico regular, sem álcool ou tabaco. Uma vida sem excessos ou irresponsabilidades. Porém também esta foi uma vida marcada pelo cancro.
Aos 45 anos e sem nada o fazer prever, uma mamografia revelou o pior: era um tumor, era maligno e a biópsia era urgente.
"O mundo fugiu-me naquele momento. Tinha saído do trabalho para ir a uma mamografia de rotina. Estava super tranquila e desejosa por chegar a casa para ir jantar fora. Esse jantar nunca chegou a acontecer e as horas que se seguiram foram passadas sozinha no carro a tentar cair em mim e perceber o que tinha acabado de me acontecer", afirma Teresa.
Contar o cancro à família
"O passo seguinte foi ganhar coragem para entrar em casa e contar a terrível notícia. Soube desde aí que vida nunca mais sería a mesma. O meu marido ficou em choque, aflito e sem saber o que dizer ou fazer. A minha filha, que na altura tinha 17 anos, reagiu de forma mais tranquila. Ela prefere guardar os sentimentos e os medos para ela. Nisso sai a mim. Depois deste passo seguiram-se inúmeros telefonemas para tentar encontrar a equipa que melhor conseguiria tratar-me."
Notícia dada restava dar início ao percurso para a cura.
"Depois disto foi tudo muito rápido. Nem uma semana depois e já estava a ser operada. Mastectomia conservadora e esvaziamento axilar. Nunca nada me foi escondido daqui para a frente. Tinha desde logo sido avisada que a quimioterapia e a radioterapia eram garantidas. E essas eram as maiores pedras no meu caminho."
A primeira ida ao IPO
"Fiquei boquiaberta assim que entrei no estacionamento. Não havia um único lugar disponível. Eram 7h30 da manhã. Estavam dezenas de pessoas a chegar. Entrei para a primeira consulta com aquela que iria ser a minha médica. As salas de espera estavam lotadas. A zona pediátrica fez-me imediatamente repensar no sentido de justiça do mundo. Eu não tinha feito nada para merecer um cancro. Mas muito menos tinham feito aquelas crianças. Tão pequenas, e tão debilitadas. Rapidamente passou-me pela cabeça a quantidade de vezes que me chateei por coisas tão mínimas como o trânsito ou a chuva, ou o frio em demasia, ou o sol que não se aguentava. Tudo o que as pessoas que ali estão desejam é poder viver para apanhar a brisa fria de Inverno, o sol quente de Agosto, poder ouvir as buzinas matinais da VCI ou poder testemunhar a loucura das compras de Natal. Tudo coisas que agora estavam bem longe do alcance daquelas pessoas. E do meu alcance também. "

"Eu não tinha feito nada para merecer um cancro"

O início dos tratamentos
"Seguiam-se 6 sessões de quimioterapia acompanhadas de muitas restrições. Tinham-se acabado os restaurantes, os espaços ao ar livre, os shoppings, qualquer saída nos próximos tempos. A comida tinha de ser muito bem confecionada, com inúmeras restrições. Uma simples sopa não podia ser feita no dia anterior. Tudo tinha de ser fresco e bem cozinhado para eliminar qualquer micróbio que pudesse vir minar o meu tratamento e a minha condição. Numa situaçaão destas, uma simples gripe pode ser fatal. Com as defesas super em baixo, todos os cuidados eram poucos. Os meses seguintes foram passados na cama. A fome não era nenhuma e as noites eram passadas a vomitar na casa de banho. Não tinha forças para nada e todo o corpo doía."
Mas este era uma das várias provas de fogo que Teresa tinha para enfrentar. Outra prova por superar era aquela que ia caindo aos poucos no seu duche. O cabelo.
Rapar ou deixar cair? O que fazer ao cabelo que teima em ir embora?
"Logo na segunda semana após a primeira quimioterapia o cabelo começou a cair. Teimava em ficar no duche, na escola, em todo o lado, menos onde deveria estar. Percebi que tinha pouco tempo para tomar uma decisão sobre algo que até ao momento tinha evitado pensar. Nesse fim de semana rapei o cabelo.E foi a melhor decisão que tomei. Vê-lo cair com o tempo seria, de longe, muito pior."
O cabelo, símbolo da feminilidade e da sensualidade da mulher, é um aspeto que pode mexer muito com a auto-estima da paciente. Não foi o caso de Teresa nem da atriz Sofia Ribeiro, cujo cancro da mama foi detetado a 13 de Novembro e a 7 de Janeiro partilhou num video a sua decisão de cortar o cabelo quando este "Começou a cair. Como se estivesse colado com a cola que usava na escola", afirma a atriz.

Çelik Konstrüksiyon Yapı


Storified by acyapi · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:25:29

Çelik konstrüksiyon yapı tüm taşıyıcı sistemlerin çelikten üretildiği, özellikle deprem tehtidi taşıyan coğrafi bölgelerde tercih edilen, çoğunlukla çelik konstrüksiyon fabrika binaları, çelik konstrüksiyon hangar, çelik konstrüksiyon spor tesisleri, çelik konstrüksiyon depo ve çelik konstrüksiyon atölyelerde kullanılan, geniş açıklıklara ve yüksekliğe sahip çelik yapı sistemidir.
Ülkemizdeki kentleşmenin büyük çoğunluğu 1. ve 2. derecede deprem bölgesinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Buna oranla çelik konstrüksiyon yapı sistemlerine olan tercih geçmişte oldukça azdı. Çelik yapılar diğer taşıyıcı sistemlere göre çok üstün mekanik özelliklere , statik yeteneklere ve uygulama kolaylığına sahiptir. Çelik konstrüksiyon, çelik bina, çelik ev, çelik yapı gibi çelik konstrüksiyon yapılar hızlı, güvenli ve ekonomik olması ve belirli standartlara sahip olması nedeniyle hızla yaygınlaşan çelik yapı sistemidir.
Çelik Konstrüksiyon Yapı Nerelerde Kullanılmaktadır?
Çelik konstrüksiyon yapı
çoğunlukla çelik fabrika binaları, çelik sanayi yapıları, uçak hangarları, spor tesisleri, çelik konstrüksiyon hangarlar, çelik konstrüksiyon atölyeler, çelik konstrüksiyon depolar gibidir.
Çelik Konstrüksiyon Yapı Avantajları Nelerdir?
Hafif olması nedeniyle çelik konstrüksiyon yapılar daha az deprem yüklerine maruz kalır, sağlamdır, imalat ve montajda işçilik ve zamandan tasarruf sağlar. Çelik konstrüksiyon yapılarda farklı konstrüksiyon sistemleri uygulanabilir.
Çelik konstrüksiyon yapıların kurulumu hızlıdır, defalarca sökülüp tekrar monte edilebilir ve uzun ömürlüdür. Çelik %100 geri dönüştürülebilir ve bu işlem kaç kez yapılırsa yapılsın, özelliğini kaybetmez, çevreye zarar vermez.

ISO Yük Konteyneri


Storified by acyapi · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:25:55

Özel üretim konteynerler sayesinde sizler de şirketlerinizin şehirler arası taşıma hizmetlerini çok daha kusursuz bir hale getirebilirsiniz. İso yük konteyneri özellikle kargo şirketlerinin çok daha fazla tercih ettiği ürünler arasında yer alıyor. Geniş kapasitesi ile ürünlerinizi en iyi şekilde muhafaza ederek sorunsuz bir şekilde saklayacak olan bu konteynerler için sizler de firmamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Taşıma işlemlerinin daha sorunsuz bir şekilde gerçekleşmesi için özel ölçülere sahip olan bu ürünlerin siparişlerini verebilir ve gününde teslim alabilirsiniz. Uluslar arası ya da şehirler arası ticaret yapan sayısız firma bu yapılar sayesinde ürünlerini daha sağlıklı bir şekilde adreslere teslim edebiliyor.
Ölçüler standart olarak karşımıza çıkıyor ancak daha büyük taşımalar için bu ölçüleri biraz daha büyütebilir ve sizler için özel olarak tasarlayabiliriz. Bu yapıların kapasitesini biraz daha arttırabilmek adına çalışmalarımıza devam ediyoruz çünkü sizlerden gelen talepler bu doğrultuda ve bizler de en iyi şekilde taleplerinize cevap vermeye devam ediyoruz.Yük Konteyneri kalitesi ile piyasada yer alan birçok konteyner müşteri memnuniyetini en üst seviyelere taşımak için sizlere hizmet veriyor ve özellikle yük taşımacılığında daha büyük firmalar ile çalışıyor olmak da referanslarımızı çok daha güçlü kılıyor. kalitesine göz atmak için sizler de görselleri inceleyebilir ve konteyner modelleri hakkında daha fazla fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz, eğer sorularınız varsa canlı destek hattımızdaki yetkili isimlerden de yardım alabilirsiniz.

#WCC TGIF - Welcome 2016


Friday has always, always been "a thing".

Storified by WCCsports · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:26:08


Judging by All-American candidate Domantas Sabonis' reaction here he's either a) Having a heart attack b) Just found out Drake was at the Pepperdine/Pacific game on Thursday or c) That today is FRIDAY!
When the best part of spring semester is getting back in the Kennel https://t.co/fm5mmtEWcn · Matthew Clark


Drake and Waves Basketball. This is now a thing.
Great #Team win over the Pacific Tigers tonight! We appreciate @champagnepapi for coming out to support the #Waves! #Drake #OVO #WhatATimeToBeAWave #WavedUp #RollWaves #Pepperdine · pepperdinehoops


That time when @Drake was on our network... #WCChoops https://t.co/L5gCnmrljB · TheW.tv


ICYMI, the one and only @Seal made an appearance at last night's @smcgaels @LMULions game! https://t.co/4x85T50vMH https://t.co/5xXKo36ohZ · Campus Insiders


Military Appreciation Night featured Dons, Toreros and the "Few and the Proud".
USD athletics honored to have the MCRD take part in tonight's men's basketball game at the JCP. Thank you for everything! #TorerosTogether · usdtoreros


Some cats just know how to make an entrance.
Thanks for cheering me #safely to the bottom!! #safetyfirst !! I wouldn't have made it without you. The #roc is the best #studentsection in the country! #gocougs #stairs #handstand #mascot #byu · cosmo_cougar


Happy snow day to all the Pilots who here on the Bluff! Stay warm in this winter weather ❄️ Safe travels to everyone returning to campus in the next week! ✈️ #gopilots #portlandpilots #winterweather #snopocalypse2k16 #staywarm · portlandpilots


What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?


What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?

Storified by jaquithglick · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:26:26

What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
BEST ANSWER: I recommend this site where you can compare free quotes from different companies: http://LOWER-QUOTES.NET/index.html?src=storify25r-sofdeMN27
QUESTION 1: I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.
I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.
QUESTION 2: Progressive vs Allstate Auto Insurance?
I am going to be saving $500 with either company. Just curious on anyone's opinions. Both are going to be saving me about $40 a month.
QUESTION 3: What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
QUESTION 4: What is the cheapest moped insurance?
I need help finding cheap insurance for my moped its a KYMCO Agility 50. I have checked all of the most well known comparison sites but the cheapest quotes are 190 for a full year. Any suggestions would be of help.
QUESTION 5: Why can auto insurance co legally discriminate?
Like gender, age, seems like everything (When you run tests through their quote systems) How can they legally discriminate like that? like 50% of the variables are user's preference determines the problem (Like having a classic, red sportscar, that's not my personality type but it raises rates)
QUESTION 6: How much would insurance be for a Corsa C 1.2 SXI?
I am 17 just got my licence and want to know how much on average would it cost ?
QUESTION 7: Car Insurance?
I am a foreign student and I am about to drive a car!!!!! I am so excited, but there's a problem: Car insurance. I do not have any family in United States, so I have to get my own insurance. Thankfully, I am 18 years old, so it is possible. But however, I am going back to my home country in summer which means I don't need to drive. Is it possible to cancle the car insurance over the summer?
QUESTION 8: Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I am trying to figure out why my car insurance costs so much, and I am having problems getting a straight answer from any insurance company. In the last 5 years I have 0 speeding tickets, no dui's, and 1 not at fault accident. I am a 26 year old male with full coverage on an 07 Cobalt ls, so not even a sports car. The absolute cheapest insurance I could find is just shy of 350$ a month. Most companies wouldn't even cover me, and none of them would tell me why. So if anyone has any ideas of what could be causing this I would really appreciate it.

Nathan Does Not Approve


Alice is ready to wrap up following the books, but Nathan isn't.

Storified by katehackett · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:27:36

La Musica Impressionista


L'esteriorizzazione dei sentimenti e l 'allontanamento dall naturalismo attraverso i suoni

Storified by Fabio Rossanigo · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:28:04

L'espressionismo fu una tendenza artistica del novecento sviluppatasi nel periodo compreso fra il 1909 ed il 1925 soprattutto nell'area dell'Europa settentrionale, in Germania. Questo fenomeno culturale si manifestò in tutte le arti: Architettura, musica, pittura, letteratura, cinema e teatro.
Please like my Facebook page http://t.co/pn59p834FS 🍄#art #paintings #expressionism #abstract #contemporary http://t.co/apoO4AeymJ · Rio Shayne Art
Al centro delle teorie espressioniste troviamo una diretta contraddizione con l'impressionismo: Come l'impressionismo infatti rappresentava un moto dall'esterno verso l'interno, l'espressionismo al contrario predilige un movimento dall'interno verso l'esterno; dunque la realtà si trova ad essere rappresentata come l'artista la sente nel suo animo,in base quindi ai sentimenti e alle passioni dell'artista, mostrando il lato più drammatico e travagliato dell'animo umano


Uno degli ambiti in cui l'espressionismo si concretizzò maggiormente fu la musica: Con il termine espressionismo musicale si indicano soprattutto le concezioni musicali di A. Schoenberg, il quale, così come i pittori si allontanavano progressivamente dal naturalismo, per primo cominciò ad staccarsi dall'uso della tonalità percepita ormai da secoli come il linguaggio naturale dell'occidente.
Le vere origini dell'espressionismo musicale però si possono inizialmente ritrovare nell'opera "Secondo Quartetto" del 1907 di Stefan George e solo successivamente nelle opere "Attesa" di Schoenberg del 1909 e soprattutto nella sua "Pierrot Lunaire" del 1912 che ancora ai giorni nostri viene considerata l'opera manifesto della musica impressionista di inizio '900
Complete performance: Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire · csowebmaster
L’espressionismo musicale si identificò con la corrente rappresentata dalla cosiddetta Seconda Scuola di Vienna, nata negli anni che precedettero la Prima guerra mondiale: i suoi esponenti principali furono lo stesso Schoenberg e i suoi allievi A.Berg e A. Webern. Ponendo alla base della sua estetica il soggetto e la sua complessa e drammatica spiritualità, l’espressionismo svincolò la musica dalla realtà per farla approdare in uno spazio virtuale e immanente. Sul piano formale ciò si tradusse in un linguaggio libero, mettendo prima in crisi il primato del sistema tonale, e approdando poi alla dodecafonia.


El compositor Arnold Schoenberg nos clava su brillante mirada en este cuadro de Richard Gerstl en 1907 #FotoMúsica http://t.co/PlNguhosv2 · Soraya Bartolomé
Arnold Shoenberg è stato un compositore austriaco. È stato uno tra i primi, nel XXsecolo, a scrivere musica completamente al di fuori dalle regole del sistema tonale, ed è stato uno degli applicatori del metodo dodecafonico
Nelle composizioni vocali di Schoenberg d’inizio ‘900 si trovano già gli aspetti caratteristici dell'espressionismo: atmosfere angosciate; canto spezzato e continuamente oscillante tra la parola sussurrata e il grido; la violenza degli effetti orchestrali; l'utilizzo di tecniche compositive che operano forti rotture nei confronti della tradizionale musica basata sulla tonalità.Nasce così l’atonalità, la modalità di scrittura della musica secondo cui il compositore definisce autonomamente le regole per la realizzazione del brano, dando maggiore importanza all'effetto prodotto dai suoni piuttosto che alla loro appartenenza ad un assegnato sistema tonale.
Ancora più in rottura con il sistema tonale nel 1920 iniziò a comporre usando la tecnica della dodecafonia secondo cui tutti e dodici i suoni della scala cromatica dovessero essere ripetuti un egual numero di volte cosicchè nessuno prevalesse sull'altro
Arnold Schoenberg: Suite per pianoforte op.25 (1921) · TheWelleszCompany


Il giovane Berg fu uno studente di Schoenberg e compagno di Webern. La sua produzione musicale giovanile risentì dell'influenza di Schönberg e nel 1912 il suo percorso di ricerca di una espressione musicale svincolata dall'armonia tonale, si concretizzò in un utilizzo sistematico della dissonanza. Esso viene considerato il più conservatore fra questi tre artisti poichè in tutta la sua carriera compositiva il suo stile stile sarà sempre diviso tra l'anelito al futuro atonale e reminiscenze legate alla tradizione tonale; tra le sue più grandi opere si puo citare "lulu" che rimase pero incompiuta.

Jan 8


Storified by BHBeat · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:27:55

Me comprometo en asegurar que todos en el Condado tengan igual oportunidad de disfrutar de la prosperidad económica. https://t.co/KthFPomsAV · Hilda Solis

PGA Tour live blog: Hyundai TOC, second round


Follow Round 2 from Kapalua Resort in Hawaii.

Storified by Golfweek Magazine · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:28:32

Update 7:27 p.m. ET: Jordan Spieth joins Kevin Kisner at 10 under by making an 18-footer for birdie at the par-3 eighth.
Update 7:20 p.m. ET: From nearly 17 feet, Kevin Kisner drains another birdie putt, at No. 11. He is now the outright leader at 10 under.
Update 7:15 p.m. ET: Danny Lee, playing just his second tournament round at Kapalua, is 9 under after a birdie at the par-5 ninth. He shot 6-under 67 on Thursday.
Update 7:12 p.m. ET: Kevin Kisner gets a birdie putt to drop at No. 10 and he joins Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth at 9 under.
Update 7:08 p.m. ET: And Jordan Spieth makes the 6-footer for birdie at No. 6. He's now tied for the lead with Patrick Reed at 9 under.
Update 6:58 p.m. ET: Jordan Spieth is 1 over at the par-4 sixth hole in his last five rounds at Kapalua. However, he's inside 10 feet and looking at birdie.
Update 6:56 p.m. ET: Kevin Kisner misses short birdie putts at Nos. 8 and 9, and he remains at 8 under. Speaking of 8 under, Fabian Gomez's three straight birdies, at Nos. 5 and 7, have him in that four-way tie for second.
KAPALUA, MAUI, HI - JANUARY 08: Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth leave the first tee during the second round of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions at Plantation Course at Kapalua on January 8, 2016 in Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii. (Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR) · Stan Badz
Update 6:50 p.m. ET: The par streaks are over for Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth, who each two-putt for birdie at the par-5 fifth. Reed moves to 9 under, where he leads outright, while Spieth climbs to T-2 at 8 under.
KAPALUA, MAUI, HI - JANUARY 08: (L-R) Jimmy Walker and Jason Day takes a photo on the first tee during the second round of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions at Plantation Course at Kapalua on January 8, 2016 in Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii. (Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR) · Stan Badz
Ok, so some folks come to see more than the scenery at #HyundaiTOC. There are great golfers on site, too. https://t.co/GuSQS8uYVV · Jim McCabe
Update 6:18 p.m. ET: First it was Kevin Kisner making eagle at the par-5 fifth to move to 8 under. Now, Brooks Koepka makes an eagle-3 at No. 5 to jump to 7 under.
KAPALUA, MAUI, HI - JANUARY 08: Kevin Kisner is introduced on the first tee during the second round of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions at Plantation Course at Kapalua on January 8, 2016 in Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii. (Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR) · Stan Badz
Update 6:14 p.m. ET: Two holes, two pars each for Patrick Reed (8 under) and Jordan Spieth (7 under). Reed is trying to become the third player to win the Hyundai TOC in back-to-back years at Kapalua.

South Asia


Storified by Intro to Art History · Sat, Jan 09 2016 00:28:44

Indus Valley
Religions: Buddhism
Beliefs Made Visible: Buddhist Art in South Asia (Part 2 of 2) · Asian Art Museum

The Music Video is READY!

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Beberapa Tips Untuk Mengusir Jerawat


Storified by GotfredsenWalth · Sun, Jan 10 2016 07:18:32

Beberapa jerawat jerawat korban akan bersemangat ke bergerak ke berhenti dari tanah di pembelian ke menyingkirkan mereka tubuh . Orang berusaha segala sesuatu dari parah senyawa kulit untuk sinar laser resurfacing jenis prosedur yang dapat tinggal mahal dan terkadang berbahaya . Akan ada lainnya taktik ? Periksa yang petunjuk di bawah ini dan mendapatkan cara untuk perjuangan jerawat .
cara menghilangkan jerawat dan komedo Bagi Anda mencari murni cara ke rendah Anda jerawat , ini bisa mendapatkan a besar membantu untuk Anda. Blend beberapa stroberi dan menambahkan beberapa beracun krim ke kombinasi karenanya . Setelah Anda memiliki pasta yang baik, menerapkannya pada kulit Anda selama beberapa menit. Melaksanakan ini biasa ke bantuan mengurangi jerawat jerawat keprihatinan .
Jika Anda mencakup a singular baik ukuran tempat jerawat atau bercela , berusaha menggunakan setetes krim hidrokortison . Hidrokortison krim akan kering keluar posisi dan dukungan yang jerawat tempat ke kepala keluar off lebih cepat Namun, harus digunakan dengan hemat atau dapat menyebabkan penyebab pulih efek yang mungkin bisa buruk daripada pelarian jerawat aslinya.
Melaksanakan pasta gigi ke bantuan Anda jerawat . Ini pasti a sangat baik properti obat untuk blow drying up jerawat . bubuhkan sedikit pada jerawat sederhana, Stroke dalam lancar, dan meninggalkan dalam satu hari. Setelah mendapatkan, scrub Anda pengalaman , dan menerapkan sedikit minyak bebas pelembab ke beberapa tempat . Anda akan melihat perbedaan jelas Dua peringatan saat menggunakan pasta gigi: hanya menggunakan pasta, gel tidak, dan tidak pernah menerapkan pasta gigi untuk rusak kulit..
Untuk dukungan membebaskan diri Anda dari Anda epidermis dari jerawat , minum sampai minimal 8 kacamata dari air a saat Minum air dapat membantu membawa bahan limbah yang menyebabkan jerawat dan komedo keluar dari tubuh Anda dan bekerja untuk flush kulit Anda. Ini akan bantuan jelas Anda kulit dari jerawat dan jerawat .
Untuk stop berminyak tubuh yang dapat bantuan untuk membuat itu mudah untuk aman jerawat , Anda harus menerapkan krim kelembaban hypoallergenic atau gel setelah setiap membersihkan selalu . kering kulit secara tidak langsung hasil dalam jerawat dengan pembuatan minyak untuk melindungi dan melumasi sendiri. Ini penyebab penyumbatan dari permukaan, kunci pemicu dari jerawat pelarian.
Gunakan rumah pengobatan rumah bukannya produk Anda dapat menemukan di toko-toko Ini akan menghemat uang dan lebih sehat. Terapkan hangat kompres pada Anda daerah wajah dan kecil sedikit dari dari krim hidro-kortison, paling terkenal sebagai anti-gatal krim bahkan. ini bekerja pada jerawat dan ketidaksempurnaan lain dan Anda tidak perlu khawatir bahan kimia.
Ketika Anda yang berusaha ke hati-hati untuk Anda jerawat , itu dapat penting yang Anda membuat Upaya itu dalam sensitif teknik . The dermis di mana jerawat bentuk akan berubah menjadi muda . Jika Anda capai tidak mungkin berurusan dengan ini pori-pori dan kulit benar , karenanya dapat mendapatkan hancur dan mungkin penyebab pori-pori dan kulit ke memiliki kekal cedera di masa depan mungkin masa depan .
Profesional jenis prosedur sendiri pergi dikonfirmasi ke melakukan pekerjaan , tetapi mereka biaya a banyak dan bisa menanamkan a baik kesepakatan dari bahaya pada Anda tubuh di beberapa keadaan Daripada pergi rute bedah atau menghabiskan banyak uang untuk merawat kulit Anda, pastikan bahwa Anda menggunakan tips yang telah membaca dalam artikel ini untuk melawan jerawat Anda. Anda akan menjadi datang untuk menjadi senang Anda lakukan memiliki.

Journalist of the Year: Content promotion on my Twitter account


Storified by Justin Curto · Sun, Jan 10 2016 07:19:07

Still awake? Check out my photos of @tall_tales_band and @williker_music on @millvalleynews: https://t.co/M19vTWyKpA https://t.co/vcuSRXNqn0 · Justin Curto

I reviewed and photographed @965TheBuzz's #TNTBSXmas3 last night for @millvalleynews: https://t.co/gfYaep6SfK https://t.co/nl3MHJtT35 · Justin Curto

I took some photos of @millvalleypdc for a story about the new club. More on @millvalleynews: http://t.co/3mPol08yWm http://t.co/N0UVrvOT0C · Justin Curto

.@jenasmith98 and I wrote about our #KSPA2015 presentation (photos by @mrt_journ): http://t.co/Da9HztcApm @kspastaff http://t.co/Wc8e0yeJ7f · Justin Curto

I interviewed new interim superintendent Dr. Ron Wimmer today. Check out @millvalleynews for a full story on Monday! http://t.co/xBm5CIzE1J · Justin Curto

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Branding in a social world


Storified by Olga Gutman · Sun, Jan 10 2016 07:23:35

From social media to social customer relationship management
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Brand communities embedded in social networks. Journal of Business Research
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