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Befrijingsdei yn Fryslân


Wat docht Fryslân op 5 maaie: folgje it op dit liveblog.

Storified by Omrop Fryslân · Tue, May 05 2015 09:52:14

O wauw. Dit was voor mij echt een kippenvel momentje . Het ouderen ontbijt #bevrijdingsdagvoorouderen #speciaal http://t.co/dejOFrfssH · Iris Kroes
Felle buienlijn nu in Zeeland met wolkbreuken en onweer. Trekt straks verder, ook op de weg even oppassen #codegeel http://t.co/aVVq3LybJ0 · VID
Noodweer in Vlissingen. #5mei http://t.co/z3ouUBZvbG · Henrik-Willem Hofs
Zware #buien trekken #Zeeland binnen. Buien bewegen noordoostwaarts. http://t.co/YmUWINQVY3 · weeronline.nl
11:50 oere ir yn Ljouwert skynte de sinne, mar op guon plakken yn Nederlân is it al aardich needwaar. In oersjoch.
En oude ambachten. #Sneek #bevrijdingsfestival http://t.co/vxADLYwkqO · Wytse Vellinga
Stoommachines, tractors en kranen in het centrum van #Sneek. #bevrijdingsfestival http://t.co/XwmYA5V7b0 · Wytse Vellinga
Vlag waait van toren Martinikerk - http://t.co/ME6FoLpnOH http://t.co/hMtElBQGzH · TV Bolsward
Keep them rolling. #Joure grote stoet 5 mei viering. http://t.co/avIWyKYbQD · Andre van Dalfsen
Ferslachjouwer Geert van Tuinen yn ien fan de jeeps · Omrop Fryslân
Burgum, foto's Auke-Jan Pruis · Omrop Fryslân
Burgum, foto's Auke-Jan Pruis · Omrop Fryslân
11:45 oere Wat foto's fanút Burgum
Drachten · Omrop Fryslân
Drachten · Omrop Fryslân
Drachten · Omrop Fryslân
11:30 oere Even wat foto's fanút Drachten.
Gezamenlijk ontbijt in @SsbDeHarmonie voor ouderen, in het kader van 70 jaar vrijheid @4en5mei #Leeuwarden http://t.co/S0sFAe1lEU · Sjoerd Feitsma

lost love spells caster in Usa/Canada/Australia/uk substantial lost love +277894634791 ...


LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER ,QUICKEST LOVE SPELLS , STRONGEST LOST LOVE SPELLS, BEST LOST LOVE SPELLS , REAL LOVE SPELLS , HERBALISTDOCTOR AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER , TRADITIONAL HEALER AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER , SPIRITUAL HEALER AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER, ASTROLOGIST LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER , PSYCHIC AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER ,IN UNITED KINGDOM, GERMAN, FRANCE, ITALY,NORWAY,SWEDEN,SOUTHAFRICA, SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, SOUTH AMERICA, CANADA, BRAZIL,NEWYORK, SPAIN, CHEALSEA, TOTTEMHAM, HULL CITY, EVERTON,FULHAM,SUNDERLAND,CRYSTALPLACE, SOUTHAMPTON,WESTBROMWICH,WESTHAM,CARDIFF CITY, MANCHESTERCITY, SWANSEA CITY, LUTON, AJACCIO, PARIS, TOULOUSE, BERLIN, JUVENTUS, PAKISTAN, MUNICH, DORTMUND, EGYPT, JERUSALEM,LAZIO, NORTHERN IRELAND, THAILAND, PORTUGAL, GLASSGOW, MADRID,BARCELONA, BOLTON, WIGAN, BLACKBURN, WATFORD, READING, BLACKPOOL, MIDDLESBROUGH, BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA, ZAMBIA, ZIMBABWE, BURNLEY, MILLWALL, HUDDERSFIELD, BRIGHTON, BIRMINGHAM, WORCESTER, HISTON, STOCKPORT COUNT • Relationship problem solution/husband wife problem solution/get back lost lover • Work related problems/get promoted at your work/win work hearing • Win bonds/Tenders/contracts/loans within 12 hours • Criminal matters/legal matters/court cases/divorce cases • Lottery wins/ lotto/horses/soccer big wins/ all gambling activities • Body cleansing/property cleansing/ business cleansing. • Business promotion/sales promotion/ customer attraction. • Unfinished jobs by other doctors/ Delayed jobs/ failed jobs. • Magic ring/ magic wallet/ magic stick for wealth and marriage. • Spells for getting married to the lover of your life. • Spells for love, victory and sympathy. • Fix broken marriage, relationships and finding a missing person. • Spells for getting job/employment/higher pay/job protection. • Spells for loan repayment/debts and financial problems. • Expert in destroying effects of black magic/evil witch craft. • Getting rid of effects of evil eyes/ evil spirits. • Fertility medicines/ impregnation of a woman/birth medicine. • Spells for release of a captive/prisoner in 12 hours. • Spells for fulfillment of any need within 12 hours. • See your enemies in dreams/in mirror. • Free telephone reading/palm reading/ tarot reading/ photo reading. • Spells for bad dreams/ night mares/ sleeplessness. • Cure of stress/hysteria and all forms of worry. • Passing exams at all levels/ and interviews. • Work/ visa/ travel/accommodation. • Cure of diabetes and high blood pressure. • Spells for achievement of wealth and sustenance. • Spells for getting rid of evil designs of enemies/ evil spirits. • Protection of life/wealth/business. • Cure of colic, leprosy, shaking palsy, leucoderma, epilepsy. call:+27784634791”

Storified by Ziwa Shadati · Wed, May 06 2015 10:20:54

*Powerful love spell. *Revenge of the raven curse.
*Break up spells. *Magic spells.
*Protection spell. *Curse removal.
*Remove negative energy. *Curse spells.
*Spiritual cleansing. *Africa witch craft healers.
*Hex removal. *Spiritual healing spell.
*Wicca witch craft. *Good luck charm.
*Break up spells. *Magic love spells
*Sangoma traditional medicine. *Gay love spell.
*Real magic spells. *The spell to defeat your rival.
*Fertility spells. *Divorce spell.
*Marriage spells.
*Native healer. *Traditional healer.
*Herbalist. *Fortune teller.
*Madness coursed by witch craft. Break Up & Come Back To Me Get your ex back, even if they are currently with another lover. They will break up and he or she will come back to you, to be in your loving arms, the way it should have been all along. Break them up and bring back your lost love with The Break Up and Come Back To Me Love Spell .
Binding Love Spells Meant for more serious relationships like marriage, or the path to something very special and permanent. Once the binding love spell is cast, it is extremely difficult to reverse. It is highly recommended that you ensure you are choosing the right person for yourself before asking us to cast The Binding Love Spell .
Stop Divorce Are you going through a divorce you just don’t want? Still feel strong love towards your husband or wife and they no longer feel the same way? If it’s not about the legal fee’s, division of personal property, the countless arguments, or nights on the couch. Stop a divorce with The Stop a Divorce Love Spell, dr ziwa email, ziwashadati@gmail.com +27784634791

طائرة الدعم الجوي اللاسلكية شاركت في المهام


Storified by Menabulletin3 · Wed, May 06 2015 10:20:54

فريق الإمارات للبحث والإنقاذ يباشرمهامه الإنسانية في نيبال

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة - يوم الأحد 3 مايو 2015 [ME NewsWire]

باشر فريق الإمارات للبحث والإنقاذ، التابع لوزارة الداخلية، مهامه في تقديم الدعم اللوجستي ضمن عمليات الإغاثة الدولية، جراء الزلزال الذي ضرب جمهورية نيبال، وأدى إلى وفاة 6659 شخصاً وإصابة 14062 آخرين، بحسب المقدم محمد عبد الجليل الأنصاري قائد الفريق مدير عام الدفاع المدني في أبوظبي.

وشاركت إدارة الدعم الجوي في الإدارة العامة للإسناد الأمني "المستحدثة أخيرا " في الأمانة العامة لمكتب سمو نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الداخلية بطائرة لاسلكية مع مجموعة الهندسة التابعة لفريق الإمارات للبحث والإنقاذ ؛ في تقييم المباني المتضررة من حيث مدى صلاحيتها للاستخدام أو الهدم وتعدّ التجربة الأولى من نوعها على مستوى العالم في مشاركة هذه الطائرات بأعمال البحث والإنقاذ؛ والمسح الميداني لمناطق الكوارث بما يوفر مزيداً من الوقاية والحماية للعنصر البشري المشارك في تلك العمليات.

وأوضح الأنصاري أن هذه النوعية من الطائرات دخلت ضمن التجهيزات الأساسية للفريق، في مجالات البحث والإنقاذ؛ حيث تقدم رؤية واسعة لموقع الحدث والمساعدة في تحديد المخاطر الموجودة، وتحديد المداخل والمخارج المثلى للمواقع، واستفادت منها مجموعة الهندسة في اتخاذ القرار المناسب.

وذكر أن مهمة الفريق في نيبال، وفور وصوله، تركزت في تقديم الخدمات الطبية من حيث فحص المرضى، وتقدير أوضاعهم الصحية ودعم المستشفيات بمعدات طبية وتجهيزات حديثة؛ فضلاً عن عقد الدورات التدريبية للأطباء والممرضين النيباليين لتعريفهم بأفضل الطرق لفرز الحالات الطبية المختلفة، وذلك تجسيداً لحرص دولة الإمارات المستمر على عون المنكوبين وإنقاذ ضحايا الكوارث الطبيعية في مختلف بقاع الأرض، ونجدة الدول الشقيقة والصديقة.

ولفت الأنصاري إلى أن الفريق قام بدعم العمليات اللوجستية لفرق البحث والإنقاذ الدولية وهيئة الهلال الأحمر الإماراتية، ومؤسسة الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان للأعمال الإنسانية ومؤسسة محمد بن راشد للأعمال الخيرية وغيرها من المؤسسات التابعة لحكومة الإمارات، فضلاً عن الدعم الفني والتقني لمركز تنسيق عمليات البحث والإنقاذ التابع للهيئة الدولية للبحث والإنقاذ بالأمم المتحدة؛ من خلال تزويده بالأجهزة الحديثة للاتصال بالأقمار الصناعية، وأطقم فنية مدربة للتعامل مع غرفة العمليات وإدارة الحدث .

وذكر أن الأمم المتحدة تدير عملياتها الإنسانية الخاصة بالبحث والإنقاذ من خلال مخيم فريق الإمارات للبحث والإنقاذ، مستفيدة من قدراته الميدانية العالية وتجهيزاته المتطورة للتعامل والتعايش مع الكوارث، لافتاً إلى أن عدد الفرق المشاركة بزلزال نيبال بلغ 76، منها 16 فريقاً مصنفاً ومعتمداً من الهيئة الدولية للبحث والإنقاذ وفق الآلية المعتمدة.

وتقدر الإحصائيات الدولية عدد المتضررين من جراء زلزال نيبال بـ8 ملايين شخص والمحتاجين للمياه النظيفة 4,2 مليون، والمحتاجين للغذاء 3 ملايين شخص، والمنازل المنهارة بالكامل 160786 منزلاً، والمتهدمة جزئياً 143673 منزلاً.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن:

وزارة الداخلية، الرجاء النقر هنا

شرطة أبوظبي، الرجاء النقر هنا

يمكنكم متابعتنا والاطلاع على آخر أخبارنا على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي على: يوتيوب، فيسبوك، تويتر


الأمانة العامة لمكتب سمو وزير داخلية دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، إدارة الشؤون الفنية والإعلام الأمني

القيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي - الإعلام ألأمني

الصحافة العربية:

شرف الدين الطاهر 00971503196353

نبيـل عويـدات 00971509992139

مجدي الكساب 00971506625470

تنسيق التغطيات الصحفية:

سمير خميس 00971508242353

Permalink: http://www.me-newswire.net/ar/news/14474/ar

Coeur de Pirate - Oublie moi


Storified by Maison Barclay · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:01

Vidéo Coeur de Pirate - Oublie-moi (2015) - Les clips officiels de Coeur de Pirate - Musique · WAT

ACentral Stay - AlthoffSeehotelUberfahrt


Storified by Jhon222 · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:01

Looking for a centrally located city centre hotel that blends all the trappings of a design led contemporary and cosmopolitan hotel with all the warmth and comfort of a more boutique style stay? Then this is surely the hotel for you – offering a design wheretraditional meets modern allowing you the very best of both worlds. Offeringguests a true sense of old world German classical cool – this stunning stayimmerses you in a truly authentic Bavarian atmosphere – where character andcomfort are at the heart of your stay. Every aspect of this hotel has beenthoughtfully considered – from the manifest guest facilities available throughto the meticulously arranged and turned down guest spaces. You will come expectcertain things of this stunning stay from the second you enter the building –and you expectations will be continually met as you see more and more of thehotel. An exceptional stay.
The Hotel

This is a hotel that offers guests the very best of both worlds.You can enjoy a cosy and authentically German homelike feel from the hotelwhile also making the most of a modern hotel stay. The décor is warm andinviting – with exposed wood and brickwork making up the fittings and spacesgiving you the feel of being immersed in a very cosy home away from home. Thehotel’s handpicked furniture only adds to the ambience allowing guests tofurther immerse themselves in the sense of the hotel. If you looking for cosycharm with a great location then this is the stay for you.

The hotel’s excellent location makes for the perfect pick whetheryou’re looking to get out and about and explore the sights and sounds of thecity to full effect or whether you have opted for a somewhat more relaxed breakin which you can gently and easily explore the city in your own time. Thepretty street the hotel is found on immerses you in the charm and atmosphere ofthis whimsical German town and there is so much to see and do right withinwalking distance; from cute and cosy cafes to explore to elegant restaurants toenjoy an excellent supper.

Rooms at the AlthoffSeehotelUberfahrtonly add to the hotel’s ethos of classical cosy charm – and fit the same décoras can be found in the rest of the hotel. A decidedly warm and laidback colourpalate allows a comfortable and lreaxing atmosphere. Bedsare large and comfortable and your room is big enough for you to while awaysome time relaxing and enjoying a little of your own company.

lost love spells caster in Usa/Canada/Australia/uk substantial lost love +277894634791 KUWAIT, SOUTH AMERICA,...


LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER ,QUICKEST LOVE SPELLS , STRONGEST LOST LOVE SPELLS, BEST LOST LOVE SPELLS , REAL LOVE SPELLS , HERBALISTDOCTOR AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER , TRADITIONAL HEALER AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER , SPIRITUAL HEALER AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER, ASTROLOGIST LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER , PSYCHIC AND LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER ,IN UNITED KINGDOM, GERMAN, FRANCE, ITALY,NORWAY,SWEDEN,SOUTHAFRICA, SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, SOUTH AMERICA, CANADA, BRAZIL,NEWYORK, SPAIN, CHEALSEA, TOTTEMHAM, HULL CITY, EVERTON,FULHAM,SUNDERLAND,CRYSTALPLACE, SOUTHAMPTON,WESTBROMWICH,WESTHAM,CARDIFF CITY, MANCHESTERCITY, SWANSEA CITY, LUTON, AJACCIO, PARIS, TOULOUSE, BERLIN, JUVENTUS, PAKISTAN, MUNICH, DORTMUND, EGYPT, JERUSALEM,LAZIO, NORTHERN IRELAND, THAILAND, PORTUGAL, GLASSGOW, MADRID,BARCELONA, BOLTON, WIGAN, BLACKBURN, WATFORD, READING, BLACKPOOL, MIDDLESBROUGH, BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA, ZAMBIA, ZIMBABWE, BURNLEY, MILLWALL, HUDDERSFIELD, BRIGHTON, BIRMINGHAM, WORCESTER, HISTON, STOCKPORT COUNT • Relationship problem solution/husband wife problem solution/get back lost lover • Work related problems/get promoted at your work/win work hearing • Win bonds/Tenders/contracts/loans within 12 hours • Criminal matters/legal matters/court cases/divorce cases • Lottery wins/ lotto/horses/soccer big wins/ all gambling activities • Body cleansing/property cleansing/ business cleansing. • Business promotion/sales promotion/ customer attraction. • Unfinished jobs by other doctors/ Delayed jobs/ failed jobs. • Magic ring/ magic wallet/ magic stick for wealth and marriage. • Spells for getting married to the lover of your life. • Spells for love, victory and sympathy. • Fix broken marriage, relationships and finding a missing person. • Spells for getting job/employment/higher pay/job protection. • Spells for loan repayment/debts and financial problems. • Expert in destroying effects of black magic/evil witch craft. • Getting rid of effects of evil eyes/ evil spirits. • Fertility medicines/ impregnation of a woman/birth medicine. • Spells for release of a captive/prisoner in 12 hours. • Spells for fulfillment of any need within 12 hours. • See your enemies in dreams/in mirror. • Free telephone reading/palm reading/ tarot reading/ photo reading. • Spells for bad dreams/ night mares/ sleeplessness. • Cure of stress/hysteria and all forms of worry. • Passing exams at all levels/ and interviews. • Work/ visa/ travel/accommodation. • Cure of diabetes and high blood pressure. • Spells for achievement of wealth and sustenance. • Spells for getting rid of evil designs of enemies/ evil spirits. • Protection of life/wealth/business. • Cure of colic, leprosy, shaking palsy, leucoderma, epilepsy. call:+27784634791”

Storified by Ziwa Shadati · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:09

*Powerful love spell. *Revenge of the raven curse.
*Break up spells. *Magic spells.
*Protection spell. *Curse removal.
*Remove negative energy. *Curse spells.
*Spiritual cleansing. *Africa witch craft healers.
*Hex removal. *Spiritual healing spell.
*Wicca witch craft. *Good luck charm.
*Break up spells. *Magic love spells
*Sangoma traditional medicine. *Gay love spell.
*Real magic spells. *The spell to defeat your rival.
*Fertility spells. *Divorce spell.
*Marriage spells.
*Native healer. *Traditional healer.
*Herbalist. *Fortune teller.
*Madness coursed by witch craft. Break Up & Come Back To Me Get your ex back, even if they are currently with another lover. They will break up and he or she will come back to you, to be in your loving arms, the way it should have been all along. Break them up and bring back your lost love with The Break Up and Come Back To Me Love Spell .
Binding Love Spells Meant for more serious relationships like marriage, or the path to something very special and permanent. Once the binding love spell is cast, it is extremely difficult to reverse. It is highly recommended that you ensure you are choosing the right person for yourself before asking us to cast The Binding Love Spell .
Stop Divorce Are you going through a divorce you just don’t want? Still feel strong love towards your husband or wife and they no longer feel the same way? If it’s not about the legal fee’s, division of personal property, the countless arguments, or nights on the couch. Stop a divorce with The Stop a Divorce Love Spell, dr ziwa email, ziwashadati@gmail.com +27784634791

My Storify sobre alegatos en Bolivia vs Chile


Comentario en tiempo real e información útil en el dia del alegato de Bolivia.

Storified by Paz Zárate · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:15

#MarParaBolivia Antonio Remiro Brotóns: La objeción de Chile es absolutamente ajena a la solicitud boliviana http://t.co/jYeIWui1iz · La Razón - Bolivia
Coagente chileno:"Vamos a responder a todas esas citas fuera de contexto" http://t.co/pDZhUqk23B http://t.co/jaYuI56bT0 · 24 Horas

Sarah To Win - The Final Week - Day 6


Storified by Sarah To Win · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:24

Yesterday we had a runner giving us an overview of support in Finchley and now we have a supporter giving us a rather positive 30 mph snap poll
Thanks for making the journey back Miriam. It will be well worth it!
You know you are on a canvassing roll when you manage to get an endorsement from the entire staff of a steak grill restaurant!
Tessa came across the video about our campaign and gave it a big thumbs up. The video has racked up over 1500 views in just two days. It's a lovely portrait of a wonderful team effort over these past few months, if not years
Sarah and Luciana Berger, who is standing for re-election in Liverpool Wavertree, joined Sarah to speak to residents in Golders Green
@lucianaberger and @sarahsackman having a walkabout in Golders Green today, speaking to residents #sarahtowin http://t.co/Af76U2Hckf · F&GG Labour Party
Some students at a school in Golders Green have clearly tied their colours to the mast!
Golders Greens Girls Vote Labour @sarahsackman @Ed_Miliband @UKLabour @annaruthfox #milifandom #VoteLabour http://t.co/WP09lczJlS · Emily Precious
This has to be one of of our favourite pictures of the campaign. Home made hand painted Sarah posters! If we did have Blue Peter badges, you guys would be getting them! Can't wait to see a picture of them on display
@byrontorme inspired us to our home campaigning @annaruthfox @sarahsackman @UKLabour @FGGLabour http://t.co/uW7GqpnZJ1 · Emily Precious
Bad weather or the wind of change? Be careful though guys!
It's a bit windy on tonights @sarahsackman @FGGLabour #labourdoorstep with @alonorbach but will be close onThursday http://t.co/PRx08JjI4y · Alan Schneiderman
Here's a very chirpy Fintan. With a Sarah stake in his front yard and warmed by a cracking embroidered number, he has every right to be!
Young Fintan and new Labour stake in North Finchley today @FGGLabour @sarahsackman #SarahToWin http://t.co/msRyh3IrWy · darbygallagherauthor
This car, lets call it the Sackman-mobile, looks like a lot of fun to be in!
Canvass road trip! Here's a snap of our team before they head out to spread the word about Sarah #SarahToWin http://t.co/xv0jogC5Ic · F&GG Labour Party

«Echo der Zeit»-Blog: Erster Tag


Das Echo der Zeit feiert seinen 70. Geburtstag. Ab heute zeigen wir, wie die Sendung entsteht. Via Live-Blog, Videos, Tweets und Fotos lassen wir Sie am Alltag der Redaktion teilhaben.

Storified by SRF News · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:26

12.15 Uhr
Nach der Redaktionssitzung nimmt die Sendung Formen an. Heiss diskutiert: Ein Vorstoss von FDP-Nationalrätin Christa Markwalder für Kasachstan.
11.30 Uhr - Interview mit Simone Fatzer nach der Echo-Sitzung. · schweizerfernsehen
11.30 Uhr
Zu Besuch bei «Stamm»-Hörern. Am Abend kommt ein Porträt der Kommunikationsfachfrau Karin Friedli in der Sendung. Hier schon vorab im Netz.
Heute portraitieren wir die #SRFecho-Hörerin @karinfriedli. Wer nicht warten kann: http://t.co/Bcpcuy2nu9 http://t.co/Lr4tGSti9o · Tobias Gasser
11.00 Uhr
Der zukünftige Echo-Moderator Samuel Wyss befragt den Koch Andreas in der Radio-Betriebskantine. Hier wird auch auf die Wünsche der Mitarbeiter eingegangen. Doch das hat auch seine Tücken. «Maria hat sich Pommes Frites gewünscht. Aber natürlich ist sie genau heute nicht hier», erklärt er.
Koch Andreas · schweizerfernsehen
10.00 Uhr
Ein schöner Geburtstag. Die Hörer schwelgen in Erinnerungen. Milchkaffee und Fotzelschnitten – und was bedeutet das «Echo der Zeit» für Sie?
9.45 Uhr
Der verantwortliche Produzent hat bereits eine genaue Vorstellung, was heute Abend über den Äther gehen wird.
9:45 Uhr - Interview mit Produzent Matthias Kündig · schweizerfernsehen
9.15 Uhr
Eine Stunde vor der Redaktionssitzung. Zeit für einen Überblick.
9.00 Uhr Interview mit Echo-Moderatorin Simone Fatzer. · schweizerfernsehen
9.00 Uhr
Das waren noch Zeiten....
8.45 Uhr
Bei der Tageslektüre setzt die Redaktion auf Qualitätspresse. Auch aus Entenhausen.
Wie wohl auf den meisten Redaktionen beginnt der Tag mit Zeitungslesen. Das hier ist die Pflichtlektektüre. #SRFecho70 · SRF News
8.30 Uhr
Der Redaktionstag für den «Echo der Zeit»-Produzenten und die Moderatorin beginnt etwas ungewöhnlich: Mit einem Selfie.
Guten Morgen. Heute begleite ich meine Kollegin Simone Fatzer durch den Tag. Sie moderiert das Echo heute Abend. Meine Name ist Tobias Gasser, ich bin Produzent beim Echo. #SRFecho70 · SRF News
8:00 Uhr
In den nächsten Tagen gewährt das «Echo der Zeit» einen Einblick in ihr Redaktionsleben. Produzent Tobias Gasser geht der Frage nach: Gehört die Redaktion wirklich zur Birkenstockfraktion? Und was ist ein Kader-Drink, bitte?

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Storified by Ziwa Shadati · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:31

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Storified by kusumetrade · Wed, May 06 2015 10:21:36

Japan Intercultural Consulting


A Writing Curriculum By Pearson Do you have got a desire to write down, however perhaps you find yourself pissed off by an incapacity to develop or

Storified by efficiepho147 · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:17

A Writing Curriculum By Pearson

Do you have got a desire to write down, however perhaps you find yourself pissed off by an incapacity to develop or organize your writing, or perhaps you are getting slowed down within the process? He or she doesn't essentially edit your work, though the writing coach might also be an editor (and/or a writer) by commerce. A writing coach is a information, and in most other endeavors, the best point in a journey to hire a information is at or close to the start, though you're more likely to benefit from a writing coach's help beginning at any stage of the writing course of. A writing coach helps the author focus, gives an objective perspective, and guides and encourages.

The relationship between a writing coach and a writer generally begins with a face-to-face or cellphone interview by which the writing coach asks the writer in regards to the venture, what the author hopes to accomplish with it, and what's holding the writer again. A writing coach then helps the author organize editing his or her mission, decide a schedule, and choose a completion date as a aim. A writing coach helps the writer develop a clear and compelling premise or plot, decide a tone, fashion, and voice based on the intended viewers, and produce a coherent, captivating narrative, whether or not fiction or nonfiction.

A writing coach may also help an expert share experience, a enterprise proprietor sell a product, an academic report on analysis, or a scholar complete an utility or course essay. A writing coach helps elicit the writer's expertise and experience, guides the writer to develop a creative, productive spatial and temporal atmosphere, and trains the writer to craft efficient prose. Writing coaches are more likely to cost writers extra per hour for his or her companies, however their function is in the end less costly than that of a developmental editor or copy editor, or perhaps a proofreader. Our Writing Coach service, born from requests by our shoppers, is designed to assist with this problem.

More personalised and targeted than a training session, this service supplies each client with a dedicated enterprise-savvy editor and trainer, who will polish his or her writing and assist with mastering higher writing methods. The coach not solely improves what the consumer has written, leading to a better enterprise consequence, but also explains the adjustments they've steered, creating a personalized, palms-on studying experience.

A writing coach might help a professional share experience, a enterprise proprietor sell a product, an instructional report on research, or a pupil full an software or course essay. A writing coach helps elicit the writer's expertise and expertise, guides the author to develop a creative, productive spatial and temporal environment, and trains the author to craft effective prose. Writing coaches are likely to charge writers more per hour for their services, however their role is finally less costly than that of a developmental editor or copy editor, or perhaps a proofreader. Our Writing Coach service, born from requests by our purchasers, is designed to assist with this challenge.

Market Research: Global Puncture Needles Industry Report 2014


Global Puncture Needles Industry 2014 Market Research Report

Storified by marketresearchz · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:18

Market research Zone presents Global Puncture Needles Industry 2014 Market Research Report is comprehensively analyzed insight. Global Puncture Needles Industry Report discussed on key factors, trends, in-depthanalysis, growth, and forecast. It also includes with industry overview, segmentation and detailed strategic insights from Manufacturing & Construction on crucial topic. Complete report isavailable @ http://www.marketresearchzone.com/Global-Puncture-Needles-Industry-2014-Market-Research-Report/26818
A professional and depth research report on Global Puncture Needles that you would know the world's major regional market conditions of Puncture Needles, the main region including North American, Europe and Asia etc, and the main country including United States ,Germany ,Japan and China etc.

The report firstly introduced Puncture Needles basic information including Puncture Needles definition, classification, application and industry chain overview; Exercise Wheels industry policy and plan,Puncture Needles product specification, manufacturing process, cost structure etc. Then we deeply analyzed the world's main region market conditions that including the product price, profit, capacity, production, capacity utilization, supply, demand and industry growth rate etc.

In the end, the report introduced Puncture Needles new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis and Global Twin-screw Extruder industry.

In a word, it was a depth research report on Global Puncture Needles. And thanks to the support and assistance fromPuncture Needles chain related technical experts and marketing experts during Research Team survey and interviews.

The report including six parts, the first part mainly introduced the product basic information; the second part mainly analyzed the Asia Puncture Needles; the third part mainly analyzed the North American Puncture Needles; the fourth part mainly analyzed the Europe Puncture Needles; the fifth part mainly analyzed the market entry and investment feasibility; the sixth part was the report conclusion chapter.
Table of Contents

Part IPuncture Needles Overview
WhiteBronze tin
ChapterOne Puncture Needles Overview
1.1Puncture Needles Definition
1.2Puncture Needles Classification Analysis
1.2.1Puncture Needles Main Classification Analysis
1.2.2Puncture Needles Main Classification Share Analysis
1.3Puncture Needles Application Analysis
1.3.1Puncture Needles Main Application Analysis
1.3.2Puncture Needles Main Application Share Analysis
1.4Puncture Needles Chain Structure Analysis
1.5Puncture Needles Development Overview
1.5.1Puncture Needles Product History Development Overview
1.5.1Puncture Needles Product Market Development Overview
1.6Puncture Needles Global Market Comparison Analysis
1.6.1Puncture Needles Global Import Market Analysis
1.6.2Puncture Needles Global Export Market Analysis
1.6.3Puncture Needles Global Main Region Market Analysis
1.6.4Puncture Needles Global Market Comparison Analysis
1.6.5Puncture Needles Global Market Development Trend Analysis

ChapterTwo Puncture Needles Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis
2.1Upstream Raw Materials Analysis
2.1.1Upstream Raw Materials Price Analysis
2.1.2Upstream Raw Materials Market Analysis
2.1.3Upstream Raw Materials Market Trend
2.2 DownStream Market Analysis
2.1.1Down Stream Market Analysis
2.2.2Down Stream Demand Analysis
2.2.3Down Stream Market Trend Analysis

Part IIAsia Puncture Needles (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But NotAll)

ChapterThree Asia Puncture Needles Market Analysis
3.1 AsiaPuncture Needles Product Development History
3.2 AsiaPuncture Needles Process Development History
3.3 AsiaPuncture Needles Policy and Plan Analysis
3.4 AsiaPuncture Needles Competitive Landscape Analysis
3.5 AsiaPuncture Needles Market Development Trend

ChapterFour 2009-2014 Asia Puncture Needles Productions Supply Sales Demand MarketStatus and Forecast
4.12009-2014 Puncture Needles Capacity Production Overview
4.22009-2014 Puncture Needles Production Market Share Analysis
4.32009-2014 Puncture Needles Demand Overview
4.42009-2014 Puncture Needles Supply Demand and Shortage
4.52009-2014 Puncture Needles Import Export Consumption
4.62009-2014 Puncture Needles Cost Price Production Value Gross Margin

[ Global Puncture Needles Industry 2014 Market Research Report Price : $2850 and 176 Pages Report ]

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A New Home-Based Bakery “Sugarbakers” Expands Its Wings and Now Available Online


Sugarbakersandmore is the online site of Sugarbakers and More, a bakery and online store that is operated from Ripley, Ohio. They are presenting a range of baked food items and kitchen items like kitchen linens and lamps.

Storified by alexaz91 · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:21


Ripley, Ohio (May 04, 2015) - With the desire of creating the best, Beckie Tucker and Sharon Hughes have launched their own homemade bakery and store. They were colleagues who inaugurated this baking business from their home. It is said that they have taken up this initiative with the urge of delivering the taste and quality of real homemade bakery items. They operate their business from Ripley, Ohio and they are budding due to the fondness of the customers towards their fresh baked breads and cakes. Apart from baked food items, the customers can also purchase specialty Balsamic Vinegars, extracts, dip mixes, cheesecake mixes, infused olive oils, candy and many more items. Among the candies, local favorites are buckeyes that need special acclamation, as told by one of their regular customers. Essential kitchen linens can also be bought from their official site. Each shop section is clearly segmented for easy accessibility of users. The fat onion lamps were an instant favorite, with high-demand that put the lamps on back-order until August. Browse their website to learn more about locally delivered food items and nationally shipped kitchen items. New items will be added to the shop regularly. Visit the website at http://www.sugarbakersandmore.com.

According to the spokesperson of the firm, “Our secret of success is experience and premier ingredients. Our aim is to maintain the exquisiteness of home-baked goodness by using the farm fresh ingredients into our served items. Our fresh baked goods are healthier than the store bought food items laden with artificial ingredients.” The unique range of kitchen items such as fat onion lamps and monogrammed linens also make perfect gifts.

Sugarbakers and More, a homemade bakery and store was initiated with the collaboration of Beckie Tucker and Sharon Hughes. The outcome of their yearlong experience is finely baked, delicious food items. They also sell cheesecake mixes, sweet dip mixes, Balsamic vinegars, extracts, candies, infused olive oils and much more. The specialty cakes and buttery yeast breads are made of farm fresh ingredients. The products are professional quality with home-baked goodness, offering healthy and delicious baked goods.

Media Contact:
8149 North Pole Road
Ripley, Ohio 45101
Contact Email- sugarbakers14@gmail.com
Tel: 937-725-8320
Or 937-213-1146
Website - http://www.sugarbakersandmore.com


Beauty Und Hautpflege Blog


Magnificence Und Hautpflege Blog Im Markenartikelgeschaeft ist Henkel Beauty Care in den Bereichen Haarkosmetik, Koerperpflege, Hautpflege und Zahn

Storified by gutturfash098 · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:26

Magnificence Und Hautpflege Blog

Im Markenartikelgeschaeft ist Henkel Beauty Care in den Bereichen Haarkosmetik, Koerperpflege, Hautpflege und Zahnpflege aktiv. Henkel Magnificence Care verfuegt ueber eine umfassende Produktpalette in den Bereichen Haarpflege, Haarstyling und Haarcoloration exklusiv fuer Friseure. Im Friseurgeschaeft ist Henkel Beauty Care weltweit die Nummer three unter den High-Beauty-Unternehmen und setzt mit innovativen Einfuehrungen immer wieder neue Marktimpulse. Unser Ziel ist es unseren Kunden den bestmoeglichen Service zu bieten und nachhaltig vom ersten Kontakt an zufrieden zu stellen.

Die patentierten Produkte optimieren die Hautpflege sowie die Beauty-, Wellness- und Massagebehandlungen bei einfacher Handhabung mit effektiven Ergebnissen. Erfahre die wichtigsten Magnificence News und Developments direkt auf iluqua - am besten du meldest dich kostenfrei oben fuer unserem Publication an. Alles was du dafuer brauchst: das noetige Wissen....und genau das bekommst du bei uns. Melde dich jetzt kostenfrei fuer unsere Pores and skin Notes an und erfahre alles ueber die ideale Hautpflege fuer dich und die Beduerfnisse deiner Haut.

Ayurvedische Massagen, eignen sich zur Koerperpflege, sie straffen die Haut, wirken entspannend und beruhigend, foerdern die Gesundheit und sind eine wahre Wohltat fuer Koerper und Geist. Ein Aufenthalt in einem balinesischen Spa bedeutet Hautpflege, Beruhigung, Entspannung, Entgiftung und Regeneration fuer Koerper und Seele. But now, lastly, almost 1 / 4 year later here it is. My third publish underneath the wonder topic. What I wish to current as we speak are my beauty necessities that I really use on a daily basis. Skincare: You may remember my very first article for the wonder part of The Vogue Fraction. Therefor their kind and focus is extra essential to let ourselves shine in our full beauty.

Ayurvedische Massagen, eignen sich zur Koerperpflege, sie straffen die Haut, wirken entspannend und beruhigend, foerdern die Gesundheit und sind eine wahre Wohltat fuer Koerper und Geist. Ein Aufenthalt in einem balinesischen Spa bedeutet Hautpflege, Beruhigung, Entspannung, Entgiftung und Regeneration fuer Koerper und Seele. However now, lastly, nearly 1 / 4 yr later here it is. My third publish beneath the wonder topic. What I wish to current as we anti-aging speak are my beauty necessities that I really use every day. Skincare: You may keep in mind my very first article for the beauty part of The Fashion Fraction. Therefor their form and focus is further necessary to let ourselves shine in our full magnificence.

Die patentierten Produkte optimieren die Hautpflege sowie die Beauty-, Wellness- und Massagebehandlungen bei einfacher Handhabung mit effektiven Ergebnissen. Erfahre die wichtigsten Beauty News und Trends direkt auf iluqua - am besten du meldest dich kostenfrei oben fuer unserem Publication an. Alles was du dafuer brauchst: das noetige Wissen....und genau das bekommst du bei uns. Melde dich jetzt kostenfrei fuer unsere Skin Notes an und erfahre alles ueber die ideale Hautpflege fuer dich und die Beduerfnisse deiner Haut.

CJA 354 Week 3 DQ 1 NEW


Adam Smith is angry with Karl Marx (not their real names) and wants to engage Marx in a fistfight. Marx refuses, but Smith won’t let it go and throws a punch that lands on Marx’s chin causing a bruise. What it also causes is Marx’s rapid descent to the sidewalk he was just standing on. Marx topples backwards like a fallen oak tree and slams his head on the concrete. Blood starts trickling out of his left ear. Smith, frightened (because he certainly didn’t intend for this to happen), calls 911 and an ambulance soon arrives. To no avail. Marx dies. What, if anything, should Smith be charged with? Simple assault? Aggravated assault? Homicide? If yes to the latter, which degree of homicide? Should he not be charged with any crime? Explain your reasoning, using your text and the case law and any research into states’ laws you wish to find

Storified by assignment93 · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:29

Test Preparation Centres India


List of top Entrance Exams Coaching Classes, institutes, preparation centres in India. These centres prepares for all types of entrance exam in India.

Storified by Jignesh Gohil · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:33

Entrance1.com provides free information of top and best coaching centres in India. You will get all good coaching classes information in your city. Check their reviews, credibility, experience, reputation, rates and services before making a final decision.
Test Preparation Centres India. http://t.co/jDOP9HiYiK #centres #test #preparation #india #testpreparation #classes http://t.co/cECRXaV5Zd · Entrance1.com
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Storified by bellaswan20 · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:34

Wood Chivari Chairs - Factory Direct Prices


Storified by 1stfoldingchairs · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:40

Available Ballroom Colors:
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Stacks 12 High for easy Storage.
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Our Ballroom Chairs are Manufactured with the finest detail. Our most popular ballroom and rental chair. Special factory direct pricing.

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Phone: 855 620 7296
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E-mail: sales@1allchairs.com

Concepts of integration testing vs functional testing


A process goes through several phases and life steps when it is developed. A process keeps evolving over time. To perform quality checks, a process needs to evolve to such a level that it is capable of initiating such checks.

Storified by sharmasoniya21 · Thu, May 07 2015 10:36:51

A process goes through several phases and life steps when it is developed. A process keeps evolving over time. To perform quality checks, a process needs to evolve to such a level that it is capable of initiating such checks. The product then keeps evolving such that improvements can be added at each stage and finally the end result is satisfactory and conforms very well to the requirement specifications. It is highly important that the developer as well as the testing team has complete knowledge about the software quality assurancebasic conceptsin a way that they can implement all necessary steps to perfection. Such developmental processes should also involve the management team such that they understand all the aspects as well as gain information about the importance that quality tests hold.

Testing should be performed by experienced and skilled professionals so that there are no chances of a mistake or carelessness. A well organized testing process comprises of a proper requirement specification that leads to the formation of accurate test plans and test cases. This way the level of quality expected can be thoroughly maintained. Testing can be accompanied with the use of proper testing tools which can enhance the results obtain and at the same time eases down the task of the testers. Possessing complete knowledge of software quality assurance basic concepts lets the quality assurance team set out metrics which can play a vital role incomparing the current development with the previous versions. It helps in identifying what was missed out previously and why the system has been lagging behind. Proper quality check can be assured only with the presence of a productive environment. Test data used should be appropriate as well as precise. Adjustments with respect to configuration changes should also be incorporated.

After individual units have been tested, they are joined together to work with the other units forming a module. It is essential to understand the basis behind integration testingvs functional testing. In the former, the units are integrated and then checked to see whether it works in accordance to the stated requirements or not. On the other hand, in case of functional testing, it is a more practical oriented check where the integrated module needs to be run to see whether it performs as stated.

Functional testing involves testing the application to see whether it fulfills the business requirements or not. In case of non functional testing, the non functional requirements are analyzed and checked. It works more towards reflecting the quality of the developed product. Therefore, it is essential for the developer as well as the tester to be aware of all the functional and nonfunctional testing types.
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