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Charlotte Bronte: The Professor: CHAPTER X


NEXT day the morning hours seemed to pass very slowly at M. Pelet's; I wanted the afternoon to come that I might go again to the neighbouring pensionn

Storified by elitekinks · Fri, Mar 27 2015 23:41:59

NEXT day the morning hours seemed to pass very slowly at M. Pelet's; I wanted the afternoon to come that I might go again to the neighbouring pensionnat and give my first lesson within its pleasant precincts; for pleasant they appeared to me. At noon the hour of recreation arrived; at one o'clock we had lunch; this got on the time, and at last St. Gudule's deep bell, tolling slowly two, marked the moment for which I had been waiting.

At the foot of the narrow back-stairs that descended from my room, I met M. Pelet.

"Comme vous avez l'air rayonnant!" said he. "Je ne vous ai jamais vu aussi gai. Que s'est-il donc passe?"

"Apparemment que j'aime les changements," replied I.

"Ah! je comprends--c'est cela-soyez sage seulement. Vous etes bien jeune--trop jeune pour le role que vous allez jouer; il faut prendre garde--savez-vous?"

"Mais quel danger y a-t-il?"

"Je n'en sais rien--ne vous laissez pas aller a de vives impressions--voila tout."

I laughed: a sentiment of exquisite pleasure played over my nerves at the thought that "vives impressions" were likely to be created; it was the deadness, the sameness of life's daily ongoings that had hitherto been my bane; my blouse-clad "eleves" in the boys' seminary never stirred in me any "vives impressions" except it might be occasionally some of anger. I broke from M. Pelet, and as I strode down the passage he followed me with one of his laughs--a very French, rakish, mocking sound.

Again I stood at the neighbouring door, and soon was re-admitted into the cheerful passage with its clear dove-colour imitation marble walls. I followed the portress, and descending a step, and making a turn, I found myself in a sort of corridor; a side-door opened, Mdlle. Reuter's little figure, as graceful as it was plump, appeared. I could now see her dress in full daylight; a neat, simple mousseline-laine gown fitted her compact round shape to perfection--delicate little collar and manchettes of lace, trim Parisian brodequins showed her neck, wrists, and feet, to complete advantage; but how grave was her face as she came suddenly upon me! Solicitude and business were in her eye --on her forehead; she looked almost stern. Her "Bon jour, monsieur," was quite polite, but so orderly, so commonplace, it spread directly a cool, damp towel over my "vives impressions." The servant turned back when her mistress appeared, and I walked slowly along the corridor, side by side with Mdlle. Reuter.

"Monsieur will give a lesson in the first class to-day," said she; "dictation or reading will perhaps be the best thing to begin with, for those are the easiest forms of communicating instruction in a foreign language; and, at the first, a master naturally feels a little unsettled."

She was quite right, as I had found from experience; it only remained for me to acquiesce. We proceeded now in silence. The corridor terminated in a hall, large, lofty, and square; a glass door on one side showed within a long narrow refectory, with tables, an armoire, and two lamps; it was empty; large glass doors, in front, opened on the playground and garden; a broad staircase ascended spirally on the opposite side; the remaining wall showed a pair of great folding-doors, now closed, and admitting: doubtless, to the classes.

Mdlle. Reuter turned her eye laterally on me, to ascertain, probably, whether I was collected enough to be ushered into her sanctum sanctorum. I suppose she judged me to be in a tolerable state of self-government, for she opened the door, and I followed her through. A rustling sound of uprising greeted our entrance; without looking to the right or left, I walked straight up the lane between two sets of benches and desks, and took possession of the empty chair and isolated desk raised on an estrade, of one step high, so as to command one division; the other division being under the surveillance of a maitresse similarly elevated. At the back of the estrade, and attached to a moveable partition dividing this schoolroom from another beyond, was a large tableau of wood painted black and varnished; a thick crayon of white chalk lay on my desk for the convenience of elucidating any grammatical or verbal obscurity which might occur in my lessons by writing it upon the tableau; a wet sponge appeared beside the chalk, to enable me to efface the marks when they had served the purpose intended.

I carefully and deliberately made these observations before allowing myself to take one glance at the benches before me; having handled the crayon, looked back at the tableau, fingered the sponge in order to ascertain that it was in a right state of moisture, I found myself cool enough to admit of looking calmly up and gazing deliberately round me.

And first I observed that Mdlle. Reuter had already glided away, she was nowhere visible; a maitresse or teacher, the one who occupied the corresponding estrade to my hair chalking own, alone remained to keep guard over me; she was a little in the shade, and, with my short sight, I could only see that she was of a thin bony figure and rather tallowy complexion, and that her attitude, as she sat, partook equally of listlessness and affectation. More obvious, more prominent, shone on by the full light of the large window, were the occupants of the benches just before me, of whom some were girls of fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, some young women from eighteen (as it appeared to me) up to twenty; the most modest attire, the simplest fashion of wearing the hair, were apparent in all; and good features, ruddy, blooming complexions, large and brilliant eyes, forms full, even to solidity, seemed to abound. I did not bear the first view like a stoic; I was dazzled, my eyes fell, and in a voice somewhat too low I murmured--

"Prenez vos cahiers de dictee, mesdemoiselles."

Not so had I bid the boys at Pelet's take their reading-books. A rustle followed, and an opening of desks; behind the lifted lids which momentarily screened the heads bent down to search for exercise-books, I heard tittering and whispers.

"Eulalie, je suis prete a pamer de rire," observed one.

"Comme il a rougi en parlant!"

"Oui, c'est un veritable blanc-bec."

"Tais-toi, Hortense--il nous ecoute."

And now the lids sank and the heads reappeared; I had marked three, the whisperers, and I did not scruple to take a very steady look at them as they emerged from their temporary eclipse. It is astonishing what ease and courage their little phrases of flippancy had given me; the idea by which I had been awed was that the youthful beings before me, with their dark nun-like robes and softly braided hair, were a kind of half-angels. The light titter, the giddy whisper, had already in some measure relieved my mind of that fond and oppressive fancy.

The three I allude to were just in front, within half a yard of my estrade, and were among the most womanly-looking present. Their names I knew afterwards, and may as well mention now; they were Eulalie, Hortense, Caroline. Eulalie was tall, and very finely shaped: she was fair, and her features were those of a Low Country Madonna; many a "figure de Vierge" have I seen in Dutch pictures exactly resembling hers; there were no angles in her shape or in her face, all was curve and roundness--neither thought, sentiment, nor passion disturbed by line or flush the equality of her pale, clear skin; her noble bust heaved with her regular breathing, her eyes moved a little--by these evidences of life alone could I have distinguished her from some large handsome figure moulded in wax. Hortense was of middle size and stout, her form was ungraceful, her face striking, more alive and brilliant than Eulalie's, her hair was dark brown, her complexion richly coloured; there were frolic and mischief in her eye: consistency and good sense she might possess, but none of her features betokened those qualities.

Caroline was little, though evidently full grown; raven-black hair, very dark eyes, absolutely regular features, with a colourless olive complexion, clear as to the face and sallow about the neck, formed in her that assemblage of points whose union many persons regard as the perfection of beauty. How, with the tintless pallor of her skin and the classic straightness of her lineaments, she managed to look sensual, I don't know. I think her lips and eyes contrived the affair between them, and the result left no uncertainty on the beholder's mind. She was sensual now, and in ten years' time she would be coarse--promise plain was written in her face of much future folly.

If I looked at these girls with little scruple, they looked at me with still less. Eulalie raised her unmoved eye to mine, and seemed to expect, passively but securely, an impromptu tribute to her majestic charms. Hortense regarded me boldly, and giggled at the same time, while she said, with an air of impudent freedom--

"Dictez-nous quelquechose de facile pour commencer, monsieur."

Caroline shook her loose ringlets of abundant but somewhat coarse hair over her rolling black eyes; parting her lips, as full as those of a hot-blooded Maroon, she showed her well-set teeth sparkling between them, and treated me at the same time to a smile "de sa facon." Beautiful as Pauline Borghese, she looked at the moment scarcely purer than Lucrece de Borgia. Caroline was of noble family. I heard her lady-mother's character afterwards, and then I ceased to wonder at the precocious accomplishments of the daughter. These three, I at once saw, deemed themselves the queens of the school, and conceived that by their splendour they threw all the rest into the shade. In less than five minutes they had thus revealed to me their characters, and in less than five minutes I had buckled on a breast-plate of steely indifference, and let down a visor of impassible austerity.

"Take your pens and commence writing," said I, in as dry and trite a voice as if I had been addressing only Jules Vanderkelkov and Co.

The dictee now commenced. My three belles interrupted me perpetually with little silly questions and uncalled-for remarks, to some of which I made no answer, and to others replied very quietly and briefly. "Comment dit-on point et virgule en Anglais, monsieur?"

"Semi-colon, mademoiselle."

"Semi-collong? Ah, comme c'est drole!" (giggle.)

"J'ai une si mauvaise plume--impossible d'ecrire!"

"Mais, monsieur--je ne sais pas suivre--vous allez si vite."

"Je n'ai rien compris, moi!"

Here a general murmur arose, and the teacher, opening her lips for the first time, ejaculated--

"Silence, mesdemoiselles!"

No silence followed--on the contrary, the three ladies in front began to talk more loudly.

"C'est si difficile, l'Anglais!"

"Je deteste la dictee."

"Quel ennui d'ecrire quelquechose que l'on ne comprend pas!"

Some of those behind laughed: a degree of confusion began to pervade the class; it was necessary to take prompt measures.

"Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.

"Et vous, mademoiselle-donnez-moi le votre," continued I, more mildly, addressing a little pale, plain looking girl who sat in the first row of the other division, and whom I had remarked as being at once the ugliest and the most attentive in the room; she rose up, walked over to me, and delivered her book with a grave, modest curtsey. I glanced over the two dictations; Eulalie's was slurred, blotted, and full of silly mistakes--Sylvie's (such was the name of the ugly little girl) was clearly written, it contained no error against sense, and but few faults of orthography. I coolly read aloud both exercises, marking the faults--then I looked at Eulalie:

"C'est honteux!" said I, and I deliberately tore her dictation in four parts, and presented her with the fragments. I returned Sylvie her book with a smile, saying--

"C'est bien--je suis content de vous."

Sylvie looked calmly pleased, Eulalie swelled like an incensed turkey, but the mutiny was quelled: the conceited coquetry and futile flirtation of the first bench were exchanged for a taciturn sullenness, much more convenient to me, and the rest of my lesson passed without interruption.

A bell clanging out in the yard announced the moment for the cessation of school labours. I heard our own bell at the same time, and that of a certain public college immediately after. Order dissolved instantly; up started every pupil, I hastened to seize my hat, bow to the maitresse, and quit the room before the tide of externats should pour from the inner class, where I knew near a hundred were prisoned, and whose rising tumult I already heard.

I had scarcely crossed the hall and gained the corridor, when Mdlle. Reuter came again upon me.

"Step in here a moment," said she, and she held open the door of the side room from whence she had issued on my arrival; it was a SALLE-A-MANGER, as appeared from the beaufet and the armoire vitree, filled with glass and china, which formed part of its furniture. Ere she had closed the door on me and herself, the corridor was already filled with day-pupils, tearing down their cloaks, bonnets, and cabas from the wooden pegs on which they were suspended; the shrill voice of a maitresse was heard at intervals vainly endeavouring to enforce some sort of order; vainly, I say: discipline there was none in these rough ranks, and yet this was considered one of the best-conducted schools in Brussels.

"Well, you have given your first lesson," began Mdlle. Reuter in the most calm, equable voice, as though quite unconscious of the chaos from which we were separated only by a single wall.

"Were you satisfied with your pupils, or did any circumstance in their conduct give you cause for complaint? Conceal nothing from me, repose in me entire confidence."

Happily, I felt in myself complete power to manage my pupils without aid; the enchantment, the golden haze which had dazzled my perspicuity at first, had been a good deal dissipated. I cannot say I was chagrined or downcast by the contrast which the reality of a pensionnat de demoiselles presented to my vague ideal of the same community; I was only enlightened and amused; consequently, I felt in no disposition to complain to Mdlle. Reuter, and I received her considerate invitation to confidence with a smile.

"A thousand thanks, mademoiselle, all has gone very smoothly."

She looked more than doubtful.

"Et les trois demoiselles du premier banc?" said she.

"Ah! tout va au mieux!" was my answer, and Mdlle. Reuter ceased to question me; but her eye--not large, not brilliant, not melting, or kindling, but astute, penetrating, practical, showed she was even with me; it let out a momentary gleam, which said plainly, "Be as close as you like, I am not dependent on your candour; what you would conceal I already know."

By a transition so quiet as to be scarcely perceptible, the directress's manner changed; the anxious business-air passed from her face, and she began chatting about the weather and the town, and asking in neighbourly wise after M. and Madame Pelet. I answered all her little questions; she prolonged her talk, I went on following its many little windings; she sat so long, said so much, varied so often the topics of discourse, that it was not difficult to perceive she had a particular aim in thus detaining me. Her mere words could have afforded no clue to this aim, but her countenance aided; while her lips uttered only affable commonplaces, her eyes reverted continually to my face. Her glances were not given in full, but out of the corners, so quietly, so stealthily, yet I think I lost not one. I watched her as keenly as she watched me; I perceived soon that she was feeling after my real character; she was searching for salient points, and weak; points, and eccentric points; she was applying now this test, now that, hoping in the end to find some chink, some niche, where she could put in her little firm foot and stand upon my neck--mistress of my nature, Do not mistake me, reader, it was no amorous influence she wished to gain--at that time it was only the power of the politician to which she aspired; I was now installed as a professor in her establishment, and she wanted to know where her mind was superior to mine--by what feeling or opinion she could lead me.

I enjoyed the game much, and did not hasten its conclusion; sometimes I gave her hopes, beginning a sentence rather weakly, when her shrewd eye would light up--she thought she had me; having led her a little way, I delighted to turn round and finish with sound, hard sense, whereat her countenance would fall. At last a servant entered to announce dinner; the conflict being thus necessarily terminated, we parted without having gained any advantage on either side: Mdlle. Reuter had not even given me an opportunity of attacking her with feeling, and I had managed to baffle her little schemes of craft. It was a regular drawn battle. I again held out my hand when I left the room, she gave me hers; it was a small and white hand, but how cool! I met her eye too in full--obliging her to give me a straightforward look; this last test went against me: it left her as it found her --moderate, temperate, tranquil; me it disappointed.

"I am growing wiser," thought I, as I walked back to M. Pelet's. "Look at this little woman; is she like the women of novelists and romancers? To read of female character as depicted in Poetry and Fiction, one would think it was made up of sentiment, either for good or bad--here is a specimen, and a most sensible and respectable specimen, too, whose staple ingredient is abstract reason. No Talleyrand was ever more passionless than Zoraide Reuter!" So I thought then; I found afterwards that blunt susceptibilities are very consistent with strong propensities.


Rwanda - Africa - MOOC/황순택 초대 르완다 대사


Storified by Hyungyul Kim · Fri, Mar 27 2015 23:42:02

Soontaik Hwang - Photos from Soontaik Hwang's post | Facebook · Facebook
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President Kagame Press Conference- Kigali, 15 January 2015 · presidentkagame
President Kagame Speaks at Climate Change panel at World Economic Forum - Davos, 23 January 2014 · presidentkagame
Rwanda's Untold Story Documentary · RDI-Rwanda Rwiza
Ghosts Of Rwanda (Greg Barker, PBS, 2004) · BtPA9JMejPiLqKEqQWUk3Q
The MOOC Model of Higher Education in Rwanda · educationatillinois

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A powerful message from Robert!! http://catcountycorruption.com/index

Storified by jamesmillerlive · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:52:30

Here's a great lesson on how to play I Want You To Want Me by Cheap Tricks on guitar.


Check it out! http://bit.ly/1By7Cch

Storified by Dude, Sustainable! · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:52:48

NSBE Convention 2015 -- Day #2 ... Thursday 3/28/15


The 41st annual convention of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) was held in Anaheim, CA ... hashtags = #NSBE41 #ReimagineNSBE

Storified by Roy L Beasley · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:54:00

WIT NSBE in Anaheim, CA now for @NSBEconvention ! 1 FIYAH! #ReimagineNSBE #NSBE41 #MakedaforChair #TeamOpportunity http://t.co/NQcA1tid5G · NSBE WIT
"Samir Mehta, President, Defense Systems & Services is featured guest at #NSBE41 talking to prospective engineers" http://t.co/ltOkv0PYeY · newspyre
Hey @NSBEConvention attendees, don't forget - our own Keith Jernigan will be at Mentoring Circles today! #NSBE41 http://t.co/jGaRAkEeJ3 · Georgia-Pacific Jobs
Good morning Anaheim! #AUCNSBE #R3NSBE #NSBE #NSBE41 https://t.co/thEfC0tMhl · AUC NSBE
And the sun rises on #NSBE41 while @Recpass gets set 2 pour on the #careerfair in #anaheim #jobs #diversity @RECSOLU http://t.co/ZJwj01CrXd · David Stiefel
Join @Dell TODAY@NSBEconvention at Booth#435 & find out how you can own your own success! #nsbe41 http://t.co/SaE0fHPiA6 · Life At Dell
We're up early working out! Remember this from PDC? It's back! #ReimagineNSBE #nsbe41 #TPC2015 http://t.co/ByqrVs6oLB · NSBE Professionals
We're up early working out! Remember this from PDC? It's back! #ReimagineNSBE #nsbe41 #TPC2015 http://t.co/ByqrVs6oLB · NSBE Professionals
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Storified by smithTribe2 · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:53:10

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Storified by nerdstorm · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:53:16

GMO Informational


A story about the GMO food debate. Food. It is essential for life. It is never far from thought. It is celebrated by all. It has become a concern for some. It has become an issue of debate. One focal point of this debate, genetically modified food, has many people talking. Is our food safe?

Storified by heiddespre · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:53:23

The relevance of the debate? Consider that eighty percent of the food in grocery stores in North America are genetically modified or are made from genetically modified food ingredients. High risk crops include: alfalfa, canola, corn,cotton, papaya, soy, sugar beets, and zucchini and yellow squash. Common ingredients made from high risk crops include: amino acids, ascorbic acid, aspartame, sodium ascorbate, Vitamin C, citric acid, sodium citrate, ethanol, flavorings, high fructose corn syrup, hydrolyzed vegetable protien, lactic acid, maltodextrins, molasses, monosodium glutamate, sucrose, textured vegetabgle protein, xantham gum, vitamins, and yeast products. Foods of concern include: tomatoes, potatos, salmon, and pigs. This is a list from the Non-GMO Project. This means that almost every processed food on the market today contain some form of a genetically modified food.
The Definition
So, what is a genetically modified food?
Science and History
The genetic modification of organisms results when genes are deleted, inserted, or mutated within an organism. Insertion is the most common method of genetic modification and it occurs in the form of horizontal gene-transfer with genes from a different species. Insertion can occur naturally when exogenous DNA, DNA outside of the cell, penetrates the cell membrane. Artificially, this can occur through a variety of methods: attaching the genes to a virus, viruses enter cells to use the cells reproductive capacity as its own; physically inserting the extra DNA into the nuclues of the intended host cell with a miniscle syringe; using an electric pulse to introduce the DNA of one organism into the intended host cell; or using a gene gun to fire small particles of genetic material into the intended host cell. This video gives an example of the science of creating a genetically modified food using insertion techniques. It is pro genetically modified foods.
How Are GMOs Created? · gmoanswers
When genes are combined into specific sequences in a laboratory the resulting DNA is referred to as recombinant DNA. There are three possible variations of recombinant DNA. When genetic material from the same of similar species are used the recombinant DNA is cisgenic. When genetic material from different species that could not naturally interbreed are used the recombinant DNA is transgenic. There are instances where synthetic sequences of genetic material are used. Most genetically modified foods are transgenic and, therefore, would not happen in nature.
The first recombinant DNA was produced in 1972 by the scientist Paul Berg. This advancement was taken further by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, who were the first to use biotechnology to directly manipulate genes, in 1973. The science of genetic engineering was born. In 1976, the technology of genetic engineering became commercialized. Food companies were now empowered to produce and sell genetically modified foods. Genetically modified foods were introduced into the food supply in 1995. Food companies were also able to obtain patents for these foods because they are classified as "novel living organisms". With these advancements in science and changes in agricultural practices, the food fight began.
The Debate
As with any debate, there are two sides to the discussion.
PRO Argument
GMO controversies - science vs. public fear: Borut Bohanec at TEDxLjubljana · tedxtalks
CON Argument
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths · mercola
It has become difficult to find unbias information on the subject of GMOs. The debate has become clouded with emotion and propoganda and its emergence in politics has intensified the debate further.
In recent years, GMOs have made election ballots across the nation. Many American consumers want GMO foods or foods containing ingredients made from GMO foods to be labeled. Thus far, the GMO lobbist have been successful in blocking proposed legislature to require the labeling of GMO products.
Over 60 countries, including the European Union, Japan, and Australia, have restrictions or ban the production of GMOs. The US allows the production and sale of GMOs.

Conversation with @Niamatullah, @SanaSaeed and @AnonOperations2


Storified by Yasmin · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:53:30

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Storified by jamesmillerlive · Sat, Mar 28 2015 23:54:17

Need Expert Suggestions On Wordpress? Read This Write-up


Wordpress is an incredibly valuable platform, largely because of the amazing accessibility it provides to a wide range of potential bloggers. Its ease

Storified by vacuoussto597 · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:14:36

Wordpress is an incredibly valuable platform, largely because of the amazing accessibility it provides to a wide range of potential bloggers. Its ease of use is truly remarkable, but that is not to say that some amount of education is unnecessary before putting it to work. Use the information below to get a good grounding in Wordpress so that you can get started blogging today.

Check out add-ons to find simple tools which will make your site or blog better. For example, you could add a calendar to your side menu bar in order to share events which would be interesting to your readers. You can also find many great add-ons which provide control for advertising, turning your site into a revenue maker.

Take out any special characters in the URLs of your blog entries. They make life hard for search engines when they spider the site, so get rid of them. It is also wise to make all URLs as short as possible. Only use the key words to avoid overwhelming those who visit your site.

Remember that the title and description of each page on your site is what many other sites will use to categorize your link and share it with the world. For example, it will be what Google shows when someone searches for a site such as your own. Fill them with SEO key phrases and make sure there are no typos.

You are unable to change the images sizes yourself if your site has its own gallery plugin. The gallery plugin automatically sets the sizes of the images, and you don't actually have any control over this. If you really need the image sizes changed, ask your developer to help you change the settings.

Do you have lots of comments? If so, you and other visitors might find it difficult to weed through all of them. Use a plugin to insert page numbers in the comments area. This navigational tool will save time and make your site look organized.

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Get to know your Wordpress WYSIWYG editor. When you write a new post, you'll see a small bar that goes across the text input area. This is your WYSIWYG editor - meaning whatever you push will happen to whatever text you have highlighted. If you choose bold in the editor, the text you have chosen will become bold. It's similar to using Microsoft Word.

Are you having a hard time keeping to a schedule of posting regularly? Write your posts beforehand, and have them automatically posted at a certain time or on a specific day. When opening the page where you post new content, there will be an option to schedule a publication in the future. This means you should get started on everything ahead of schedule.

If you find that writing new posts is cluttered and confusing because of all the stuff on your page, clean it up! Use the Screen Options link to choose what shows up on the composition page and what remains hidden. Many of your plugins may add content you don't want, so remove it there.

Know that you can write posts and send them in the future via WordPress. All you need to do is change the post from "Publish Immediately" to a specific date and time in the future. This way you can write posts and have them set up to go out even while you are on Business Development Software Free vacation!

As you begin getting comments on your posts, consider allowing people to post with an avatar. It helps your site feel like more of a community, and it only takes a minute to do. Simply go to the settings area of your dashboard and then click on "discussion." You should see the option there to enable avatars.

Be sure to use a robust spam plug-in to filter out spam and bad content. People with ill-intentions are always looking for ways to spam a blog for link building purposes. This kind of spam will create a bad impression on your blog because your legitimate readers will think that your blog has security issues.

Always back up your Wordpress files and database regularly. Although your website has backups, they may not do backups as frequently as you would like. You can find plugins that can make the back up process much easier. When you have your files and database backed up, you can easily restore your site if anything happens to it.

Use a security plugin. Keeping your blog secure is important, and there are plenty of plugins out there that promise to do just that. Try a plugin you feel you can trust. Wordfence is a good choice. It offers a firewall, does virus scans, blocks any malicious networks, and is free.

If you want to post on off-days, schedule http://www.pinguisweb.com/ them a few days before via WordPress. This allows you to post any time of the day, even when you're not near a computer. Find the 'publish' box under the edit options. Then, you'll see the choice to "publish immediately." You can input the date and time you want your post to be posted. Choose the "OK" option. Check the Schedule For screen and choose Schedule.

When planning your site, look up help resources. Some things you can do include looking up Facebook groups, WordPress forums, and blogs for advice. These sites are a great way to get answers for issues as they arise.

Do not keep the default sidebar. Go in and customize both the titles and sections in the theme directory. This will ensure that your site is unique. In addition, while you can have different sidebars on different pages of the site, you may want to consider keeping everything uniform for your visitors.

Always extensively examine your blog before and after adding a new theme or plugin. New plugins can have some nasty and unintended side effects. Identify these before they cause you any issues. After installing a new theme or plugin, look your site over carefully. Make a few test posts to ensure that your blog is functioning as it should.

Comments can end up making your pages long and unruly. To avoid this problem, install the Paginated Comments plugin. This will break your comments into pages so that no single post on your site ends up as long as Rapunzel's hair. Long pages tend to be those that people don't bother waiting to load, after all.

WordPress is a blogging platform that is popular, easy to use and has many capabilities. As you can see from this article, there is a whole lot you can do with the platform to make your blogging more successful. Make use of the simple tips outlined above to get the most from WordPress.

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LeBron performance a ete a la hauteur, mais la Chaleur ne sont pas arrives a obtenir tout aligne. Peut-etre peut-etre que si LeBron fait de la substit

Storified by crazycobwe314 · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:14:57

LeBron performance a ete a la hauteur, mais la Chaleur ne sont pas arrives a obtenir tout aligne. Peut-etre peut-etre que si LeBron fait de la substitution de la prochaine Nike Air Max LeBron VIII V2, il va l'emmener a un autre degre de La V2 air max 1 pas chere femme va bientot remplacer la Nike Air Max LeBron VIII http://www.franceshoeszone.com/ sur les pieds de King James pour la 2e moitie de la saison. Avec un poids plus leger de conception et une poignee de nouveaux creatifs colorways le long du chemin, les devots de LeBron chaussures seront sans aucun doute beaucoup a etre excite. Nous aurons a voir comment ils affectent le reste du heat de Miami saison, tout de meme. Jusqu'alors, ce contexte faits saillants King James nom a l'aide d'une couronne. L'un des rochers qui intemporel 'Laser Blue style, un autre etre de meme de la persuasion, mais avec du noir de remplacement de tous les blancs de composants pour un bien plus sombre toute apparence. Cliquez pour voir ces deux Air Max 90-2014 Quickstrikes plus en detail et le baton avec Sneaker Nouvelles pour US liberation info.

Laissez-nous jeter un oeil a un nouveau colorway qui sera ajoute a la marque de nouveaux modeles de la Nike Air Max 90 de Bande de chaussures de sport. Le "Eclaboussure Air Max 90 Tape, dispose d'un Gris et Noir superieure, et a Defi reflets rouges integre dans la langue, unite d'Air Max, lettrage, et de la langue de l'etiquette. Le garde-boue dispose d'un Noir et Blanc des eclaboussures de mise en page qui donne a ces articulations un savoureux de soude. La Nike Air Max 90 Cassette "Splatter est actuellement disponible en ligne et chez certains detaillants NSW. Decouvrez les photos ci-dessus pour un regard approfondi.mots Luis Sanchez Pendant des annees, l'armee de l'Air 1 Mid a ete parmi les plus celebres de styles de Nike Sportswear a jamais mis. Il y a beaucoup de variantes, de la de basket-ball classique dans le temps, certains de devenir immediat des classiques et d'autres, meme pas trop grand. Cependant, il semble que Nike Sportswear a un autre coup sur leurs mains avec ces, des pourvoiries de l'intemporel Air Force 1 Mid avec, il est la signature "Tech Tuff batiment qui est aussi durable que jamais. La Air Force 1 Mid arrive dans un classique de la mi-coupe de style, construit en grande partie cuir noir de qualite superieure. La permanente Tech Tuff lambris court le long de l'orteil et oeillets, avec le Swoosh et le panneau de talon. En dehors de cela, ces bijoux restent fideles a leur classique Air Force 1 style. La "Technologie-Tuff Nike Air Max Force 1 Mid est desormais disponible a l'achat a partir de notre site web.mots Luis Sanchez La Nike Air Max 2012 Lite fait de sa presentation officielle, juste a temps pour les jeux Olympiques de cette traditionnelle etats-unis divine de la colorway. La cour de la Jordanie chaussures de prendre la deja a haute performance de Nike Air Max 2012 pour le niveau suivant, qui reduit les materiaux pour reduire le poids et d'offrir a gant, comme ajustement. Un composite de blanc et obsidian, gere la plupart de la tige synthetique, alors que gym rouge Flywire est vu tout au long de l'ensemble de la partie superieure.

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Details Of Baby Monitor In The Usa


Like audio baby monitors, most video baby monitors are wireless devices. video baby monitor reviews consist of options of your color monitor, or black

Storified by watchfulli594 · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:14:57

Like audio baby monitors, most video baby monitors are wireless devices. video baby monitor reviews consist of options of your color monitor, or black & white picture display. A video baby monitor seems as if a wireless phone with computer screen or a small portable TV.

A charger will save you some dough from buying replacement batteries, considering that the video screen requires pretty big power consumption. The larger would be the screen, the bigger may be the power consumption. A color display also consumes more power when compared to a black & white screen. It is recommended to make off the display if it is not being used. Turning for the sound only can help saving battery.

The stand-by mode will automatically turn the recording screen on when it baby monitor detects a loud sound. Choose a video baby monitor which has a stand-by mode for power saving purpose.

A video camera as part of the strategy is placed nearby the crib and yes it picks up a photo of your baby. A lightweight colored LCD or black & white screen kept in your area simultaneously displays video of the babys activities.

Video baby monitors, also called baby cams, are well-liked these days. Its power to keep a closer eye on the baby from your different room brings probably the most reassurance for many people parents. With a video baby monitor, besides having your babys sound, also you can see: - Your babys sleeping position, that she or he lies on her / his back (safe sleeping program), particularly for a premature born, or ailing baby - That your babys face just isn't covered by the blanket - That their own foot just isn't caught between cribs trellis - A particular spot that you can need to be pointed at, for example your babys cot - Other things which may worry you about your baby

Portability is an additional thing to consider, whether you will need a handheld portable, or even a tabletop video baby monitor. A tabletop video baby monitor commonly has a bigger screen, normally sizes 5 or higher. It is also AC powered.

Its equally important to check its audio monitor function, since certainly you can not continuously watch it. The audio quality just isn't less important as film quality, regarding missing to watch it, or film is not working well.

Summer Infant, Bebe Sound, and Safety 1st are probably the most popular video baby monitors you could easily find around the baby store. They have good customer rating, and a lot of models available.

When buying a video monitor for the baby, frequency is certainly one particular aspect to consider. A video baby monitor that provides ability to vary channels is unquestionably a good choice. You can minimize or perhaps eliminated interference by switching from channel completely to another.

If you would like to find out more please go to site

VAFA Practice Matches Week 3


Check out the summary of the third official weekend of practice matches below. #VAFA2015 is officially underway on 11 April. @VAFA_HQ's win over the NFL was hard to top from the weekend but see how your club tuned up. Of course congrats to Australia in the #CWC15 Final - World Champions!

Storified by VAFA_HQ · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:15:29

St Bedes/Mentone Tigers (Premier B) defeated Sale (Gippsland FL) by about 10 goals.
University Blacks (Premier) and Beaumaris (Premier) had a hit out at Bulleen.
Old Carey (Premier) had good win over Old Scotch (Premier) by a couple of goals in their match at Anglesea.
Prahran Assumption (Division 1) took on RDFNL club Wooden Hestket
Aquinas (Division 3) also played Southern Football League opposition but they lost with inaccurate kicking against Caulfield Bears (Division 2 - SFL). But as is often the way, VAFA reserves sides hold just a little more depth....
Hampton Rovers (Premier B) had their final hit out and completed a clean sweep of their preseason with a win over Mordialloc (Division 1 - SFL). The Rovers are looking primed for their return to Premier B.
Marcellin (Premier C) had a big win over Old Brighton (Premier B). The Eagles now primed for their round 1 clash with Williamstown CYMS. Willy didn't have a formal hit out this weekend but were keen for their debut in Premier C.
De La Salle (Premier) visited Collegians (Premier) at Harry Trott and put on a good show before just falling short by five points, although, judging by the tweets, it seems both sides weren't overly keen to keep exact scores.
@DLSOCAFC returning to the field to complete their last preparations before Rd 1 #puckflies http://t.co/eaijm5wMjQ · De La Salle OCAFC
St Kevin's (Premier B) and Old Xaverians (Premier) played six matches between them in Mornington, highlighting the strength of both clubs in terms of their numbers. In the main game it was SKOBs who got the chocolates, winning 12.8.80 to 9.7.61.

Silverdale Wellness | Wellness Centers In Silverdale - YouTube


Silverdale Health & Injury Center 9414 Ridgetop Blvd NW Suite #101 Silverdale, WA 98383‎ (360) 310-4403 goo.gl/NXpEFl http://kitsapwellness.com http://youtu.... http://bit.ly/1GF6tq3

Storified by renegademedia · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:15:33

Treatment For headaches Silverdale | Silverdale Chiropractic - YouTube


Silverdale Health & Injury Center 9414 Ridgetop Blvd NW Suite #101 Silverdale, WA 98383‎ (360) 310-4403 goo.gl/NXpEFl http://kitsapwellness.com http://youtu.... http://bit.ly/1BBHLQK

Storified by renegademedia · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:15:40

Chiropractic Treatment For Pregnant Women | Chiropractic Adjustment For Pregnant Women - YouTube


Silverdale Health & Injury Center 9414 Ridgetop Blvd NW Suite #101 Silverdale, WA 98383‎ (360) 310-4403 goo.gl/NXpEFl http://kitsapwellness.com http://youtu.... http://bit.ly/1GF6zhm

Storified by renegademedia · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:15:47

Benefits Of A Gold Ira Rollover


Those who strategy to have their property transferred into a different account kind can make use of an IRA rollover. Property from an Ira account can

Storified by luckyperfu778 · Mon, Mar 30 2015 00:15:54

Those who strategy to have their property transferred into a different account kind can make use of an IRA rollover. Property from an Ira account can be transferred into an additional custodian if you make use of a transfer.

It is much simpler to secure a coin assortment than a pile of gold or silver bars. After all, safety is a major aspect when it comes time to gold ira!

You don't have to be concerned about the absence of historic back again-ups. A lot of human history has integrated gold investments. And, what's nice about it is that numerous of those who did that have learned that it was not a incorrect decision, nor a poor move. If background itself can inform you that purchasing an American gold coin and putting your trust on it will only experience good advantages, what ought to quit you from doing just that?

I have a adore for the gold and silver coins I buy, and question if I can component with them when essential. I have lastly discovered how to buy gold and silver coins with the intention of later selling.

People looking to transfer their funds from their current IRA accounts or the ones who want to roll over their financial savings or assets into a gold ira rollover can do it extremely effortlessly with UGD. The company provides selection of advantages to people seeking a gold or valuable metals-backed IRA.

Exceptions are sometimes produced to the 60 working day rule. For example, throughout the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, people were permitted to use their retirement savings for emergency functions with out penalty. The IRS gave those people an prolonged time period of time to either return the money to the account or consist of the amount used in their earnings for that yr. But, generally talking, you require to adhere to the rule, if you don't want to spend unnecessary taxes.

Look for a higher degree of consumer service (as long as you have set up that the business is a dependable 1). You should get prompt and correct replies to all your queries or you will find that most of your time is invested on doing follow ups with the business.

Keep in mind that while a gold IRA turnover is a good way to make sure that your wealth is safeguarded, you need to avoid placing as well a lot of your money into gold. It is usually very best to have a well balanced portfolio or else you expose your self to a great offer of risk.
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