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Twitter and the Locus of Research


The Tweet as a Venue for Short-form Slow Scholarship

Storified by Jesse Stommel · Sun, Mar 15 2015 18:33:37

In our efforts at scholarly publishing, I would argue for the exact opposite of objectivity -- for an intense subjectivity. Not just open peer review but collaborative peer review, where works are read and produced by and for a community of scholars.
This is the kind of work that Twitter and other social media facilitate. This is not, though, a kind of scholarship made possible only by computer technology. Depending on how it's used, the chalkboard is also a social media used for scholarship, as is the camera, the pencil, the stage, the salon, and the classroom.
Public Digital Humanities 2 · Jesse James S
Before I used Twitter, I passed notes, doing collaborative work with pen and paper. The scholarly work was contained in the bits, in each individual question or claim on that paper, but even more the work was contained (and spilled out of) the chaotic, multiply-authored, often multi-colored scrawl across the page.
It isn’t that a single tweet constitutes scholarship, although in rare cases one might, but rather that Twitter and participatory media more broadly disperses the locus of scholarship, making the work less about scholarly products (the bits) and more about community presence and engagement (the scrawl).
On thinking critically about tech. Quote from @hrheingold in my @GWDHI presentation yesterday. http://t.co/8yf166WUlz http://t.co/VI7BR2H8vE · Jesse Stommel

What is a Tweet?

Digital Badges: The good, the bad and the funny


The idea of digital badges plays off the of the idea of acknowledging people for their knowledge, skills or abilities using online tools and programs. A badge is awarded and is the responsibility of the person who earned it to store it and display it as they see fit.

Storified by stephanie lavado · Sun, Mar 15 2015 18:33:53

My first thought of digital badges was "WHY, HOW AND WHAT IS THE POINT?"
Being told I had to show what I learned last semester to earn a few badges last semester I was dizzy with the idea of how the process would work.
Finally after completing all of my badge requirements and being able to place those badges on my learning hub I celebrated not quite as much as this man but it was close.
Thinking about how I could use badges in my sophomore Health Education classroom has me stunned again but I crack myself up with the potential possibilities that are out there for badge images with topics such as Human Reproduction, Drugs, Body Image, Mental Health and the Brain/CNS.
Sometimes you just have to laugh to get through the week. But I truly think there needs to be a more structured and universal system that acknowledges the credentials of badges for those who spend the time to earn them and wish to use them for professional development proof.

Dick Vitale and Ashley Judd's awkward kiss goes viral


It could have been the heat of the game or simply the heat of the moment, but the photo of former ESPN broadcaster Dick Vitale and actress Ashley Judd's awkward kiss caused quite a stir and, naturally, went viral.

Storified by WKYT27 · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:41:13

It all started with a kiss.
Just before the Kentucky vs. Arkansas game on Sunday, former ESPN broadcaster Dick Vitale planted one on Kentucky native and Wildcat-fan Ashley Judd. Apparently, Vitale meant to kiss Judd's cheek before the game, but somehow missed and this moment was made.
Dickie V gives @AshleyJudd a good luck smooch prior to @KentuckyMBB 's game with the Hogs. #SECMBB #AllKentucky #bbn http://t.co/CLs6ustCaj · UK Photo
Judd tweeted that the kiss was merely the result of the "crazy" excitement around seeing the undefeated Kentucky Wildcats play, but that hasn't stopped the Internet from picking up the photo and running with it using the hashtag #thekiss.
Vitale offered an apology to his wife on ESPN's selection show, and Judd doesn't seem to be holding any grudges for the kiss either.

How Alternative Spring Breakers Are Changing Communities Across America


604,800. That's how many seconds are in one week-long spring break. And every year, it's how much time each and every one of our Alternative Spring Break students spends giving back to their community, inspiring real change in the world around them, and building life-long friendships.

Storified by United Way · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:41:34

Throughout every March, United Way hosts a series of alternative spring break trips (ASB's) from Newark, NJ and the Jersey Shore, to Baltimore, MD, Washington, D.C. and Tennessee all the way down to Miami and on over to the west coast in San Francisco. This year we are so pumped with the groups that have come together, we want to be sure you hear their stories.
Prepping for volunteers. Visiting service site after meeting w/Coordinators at #UnitedWayASB #BreakADifference http://t.co/jjdZyX8cCP · Heavenly Peace
One word I can use to describe my alternative spring Break is REWARDING!!! #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/dXeOmWX22o · DeWayne Gilliard
Volunteers are the most flexible people we know! #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB #ASBYoga https://t.co/CpzkqAxndy · Break A Difference
#BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/V9ZWx9L4r6 · Emily Casey
#BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB On the ferry to Manhattan http://t.co/CEly0x2gQ0 · Oluwasegun Emenogu
Excited to attend ASB Jersey Shore WK3, powered by @livecube #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/lkhWH2HqJF · Jaymi Merson 
ASB, (nailed it) #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/TjvJ6n66Cb · Jayson Vivas
Excited to attend ASB National Event 2015, powered by @livecube #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/5eWgcOnTIu · Heather Searfoss
Because alternative spring breaks aren't just fun -- they are outlets for creating meaningful change in the world.
#I believe we were in Mississippi #Beautiful #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/MxCNew5OfP · Heavenly Peace
On the east coast, from D.C. to NYC and New Jersey, students are bundled up and staying warm despite the snowy winter we've been having!
So much snow. So much #SpringBreak #UnitedWayASB #BreakADifference #Onnicha #TweetsForOnnicha http://t.co/XYfXuBLZt3 · Glenn Grigsby
The #BAD NYC volunteer crew chillen' on the Subway. @hearartandlove @BrkADifference #UnitedWayASB #BreakADifference http://t.co/e4q1v1xBrN · Glenn Grigsby
Yesterday and today at the Boys & Girls Club of DC #SnowDay #WhereIsSpring #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/wvL95H3G7l · Shannon Dusute
Who needs the beach when you can have a snowball fight! #LetItGo #SnowDay #BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB http://t.co/II6bVBzVxM · Shannon Dusute
#BreakADifference #UnitedWayASB Snow day here at the DC/BMore site! Stay safe everyone! http://t.co/8XkTWx7pRi · Chloe Herrera
Seriously. #lunchladychic is so on trend right now.
#BAD NYC volunteers at the food bank. @hearartandlove @BrkADifference #UnitedWayASB #HairNetSexy #LunchLadyChic http://t.co/5MoutDn30c · Glenn Grigsby

SPPS Superintendent in DC for Council of the Great City Schools Collaborative


President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan met this week with Saint Paul Public Schools Superintendent Valeria Silva and other Council of the Great City Schools leadership to discuss efforts to strengthen educational opportunities for students in city schools.

Storified by Stpl Public Schools · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:41:38

Another beautiful piece outside of WH SPPS_news http://t.co/Z3BDsFtWDB · Valeria S. Silva
@michaelehanson thanks for this pict.The White House is incredible. I wish all SPPS stud would have this opportunity http://t.co/pOvm2Vsmm1 · Valeria S. Silva
Waiting before meeting with Presidential Obama and Secretary Duncan. ESEA bill proposal will hurt students! http://t.co/mZViQFbBqG · Valeria S. Silva
"It is our job not to put a ceiling on our children" Sec. Duncan at the 2015 CGCS Annual Leg.Conf @GreatCitySchls http://t.co/AGErlUVBAx · Denise M Walston
On ESEA reauthorization: "We have to fight for equity, excellence & innovation." - @arneduncan http://t.co/7kbO9gHmj7 · Kaya Henderson
"Lower dropout rates, more students graduating, more students of color going to college," says Secretary Duncan http://t.co/Jeix7LGuPb · Sherry Carlstrom
@arneduncan greets Council members with a warm welcome! http://t.co/L3CbN1B0mA · CGCS
Ready to listen to Sec Duncan speech. @SPPS_news http://t.co/nNqSuJyaV4 · Valeria S. Silva

Aprendiendo por la razon que no estudiar en linea mi carrera


Con el paso del tiempo las cosas van mejorando

Storified by blueanasta429 · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:41:53

Con el paso del tiempo las cosas van mejorando, y conocer de una manera diferente suele estar algo que nos llama la atencion especialmente si es posible adaptar la escuela a nosotros, con esto podemos llegar a la conclusion que necesitamos una educacion que nos permita adaptarla a las nuevas necesidades que tenemos por esto varias universidades han creado planes que brindan una solucion para este tipo de casos, muchas personas hemos escuchado el termino a pesar de esto no tenemos muy claro que es o pueden encontrarce dudas acerca de como las universidades en linea funcionan, si te lo preguntas, yo estudie en esta modalidad y por ello vengo a desmentir un poco referente a los rumores que corren acerca de este tipo de eduacion para dejar las dudas de una vez por cada una de.

¿Deberia estudiar asi?

Esta es una pregunta muy frecuente de quien conozco, como veras es una pregunta frecuente y que estas en lo correcto de plantearte, veamos ya que Y bien las licenciaturas en linea dependen en enorme parte del alumno a pesar de esto pensandolo un poco podras ver que realmente tambien la modalidad presencial depende demasiado del exito del alumno, es por ello que mientras tengas buenos fundamentos de aprendizaje y acerca de todo que seas una persona que es autodidacta, no tendras mayores problemas para resolverlo.

A pesar de lo dicho previamente muchos de ustedes se preocuparan por que su maestro no se encuentre presencialmente frente a ustedes, en cambio olvidan que tendran valiosos recursos a la mano, por ejemplo mas aya de las conferencias los videos que crean los profesores a partir de temas complicados son de muchisisma utilidad para el alumno que se encuentra en la etapa de aprendizaje, las plataformas de las licenciaturas en linea son excelentes tienen de todo desde videos sobre los temas mas complicados a donde el profesor se toma su tiempo para ser capaces de explicar punto por punto un tema que a muchos alumnos tienden a tener complicaciones con ellos por ejemplo las matematicas en las ingenierias, asi que no temas recursos a tu favor tienes mas que encontra, eso solo existe en tu mente.

Es considerable que tengas bien verificado que la licenciatura que estudiaras este acreditada ante la SEP,varias instituciones publicas, mas bien cada una de estas deben tener estas acreditaciones sino es asi no pueden sacar al publico una determinada licenciatura nueva y como nos hemos enfocado a las escuelas publicas no debes preocuparte por ello, muchas escuelas de alto renombre privadas sabras que no hay duda con ellas sin embargo gran cantidad de mas pequenas es primordial que revises si realmente puedes confiar en estas y darles tu dinero para estudiar todos los dias revisa la avalacion por la SEP antes de inscribirte o darles algo de tu dinero, no te gustaria quedar con un mal sabor de boca ¿Verdad?.

Estudiar una licenciatura en linea tiene tanto sus ventajas como desventajas y lo hemos visto en este texto, muchas son las dudas que podras tener y escribire mas acerca de ello, pero vamos realmente hay mas ventaja en estudiar de esta forma si realmente lo necesitas, de esta forma continuar con el fomento de esta modalidad que poco a poco genera mas confianza en la poblacion para ver dentro de ella una oportunidadte invito a que le des una oportunidad a esta modalidad de estudio y que creas en ella se encuentran muchos casos de exito y uno de ellos seras capaz ser tu, solamente hace falta que te animes a ello.

Los hombres de Barracas


Historia de RACING - la academia de campeones

Storified by Mariano · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:41:56

Entre esos conjuntos hubo uno que comenzó a ejercer una superioridad manifiesta. No sólo por el nivel de sus integrantes que a unaban temple con capacidad técnica, sino porque mostraba mayor sentido organizativo.Esto lo entendió la mayoría de los concurrentes a los espectáculos que se improvisaban, quienes terminaron por volcarse enteramente hacia los formidables componentes de Barracas al Sur. Esta entidad tomó aspecto serio el 12 de Marzode 1900.

A estas instancias de los hermanos Arturo y Zenón Artola,Germán Vidaillac y Leandro Boloque comenzaron a celebrarse reuniones,tendientes a la formación de una entidad de neto corte futbolístico. Los hermanos Artola eran sin duda la pura cosecha de aquella semilla echada por los“yonis” en esa tierra donde el humo de las chimeneas y las callejuelas de tierra surcadas por los carros rechinantes transportadores de frutas, verdurasy ganados se conjugaban, para componer la más típica expresión de lo que era el suburbio, del o que empezaba a forjarse con perfiles propios: el gran BuenosAires. Ese enorme monstruo que durante años fue el pulmotor que dio aire a unametrópoli que enfocaba hacia él, con admiración, su mirada.

El obsesivo impulso de Zenón y las ocurrencias de Arturohicieron que varios muchachos se interesaran por la idea. Germán Vidaillac,amigo íntimo de Boloque, se acercó hasta los hermanos Artola. El justamentetrajo a Pedro Viazzi y a Pedro Werner. Fueron los primeros hombres, los inspiradores de esa aventura que significaba fundar un club de fútbol. Luego aparecieron más “devotos”. Así fue quese sumaron los hermanos Lamour (Alfredo y Raimundo), Ignacio Oyarzábal, Ricardoy Ernesto Martín, Salvador Sorhondo, Julio Planisi, Francisco Balestrieri,Bernardo Etcheverry, Evaristo y Alfredo Paz, Enrique Pujade, Elías Calmels,José Guimil, Juan Sepich y José Paz.

La edad promedio no superaba los 18 años. Todo ellos eranchicos que usaban atuendos bastante distinguidos. Muchos podrían creer,confundidos quizás, que estos hombres en estado embrionario eran la mixtura del desalíneo y el afán callejero. Totalmente erróneo. Estos chicos cargados de iniciativa y vocación deportiva, solían pasearse por la avenida Mitre los sábados por la tarde, vestidos de gaucho montando orgullosamente caballos altivos y briosos.

Las primeras reuniones tuvieron su punto de celebración en la cocina de los hermanos Lamour. La madre de ellos dejaba después de la nuevede la noche el lugar que de inmediato tomaba “estado” de secretaría. Así entreel olor “pesado” que dejaban las frituras y los asados los pibes comenzaron aforjar el gran destino de una de las instituciones más prestigiosas del fútbol argentino: RACING CLUB.



Storified by One Nation Blog · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:41:58

It’s the clown & the official Friday The 13th take over is happening now. Tweet your ?s w/ #AskClown http://t.co/cDwrVJxgT2 · Live Nation








very short stories for kids


kids stories - Funny kids stories are perfect for storytelling! Flannelgraph teaching is still a winner. Toddlers and preschoolers to first grade, chi

Storified by miadushae · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:42:01

kids stories - Funny kids stories are perfect for storytelling! Flannelgraph teaching is still a winner. Toddlers and preschoolers to first grade, children love fuzzy felt and short funny stories. Playtime felt stories are the best. Start teaching with felt board or flannel board today.

10 days. 42 students. 3,153 miles across the Atlantic. This is Caz to Dublin.



Storified by Cazenovia College · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:42:04

On March 6, 2015, 42 students & 2 professors traveled to Dublin, Ireland for spring break as part of a 3 credit course, "Peat, Potatoes, & Pubs: The Culture of Ireland." Students shared photos using #CazToDublin and a photo blog, www.caztodublin.com/blog. View from top to bottom!
10 days. 42 students. 3,153 miles across the Atlantic. This is Caz to Dublin. Stay connected with students traveling to Ireland by reading their blog and following their website: caztodublin.com & caztodublin.com/blog Follow the hashtag #CazToDublin to view additional photos taken by students! #CazenoviaCollege #CazAbroad · Cazenovia College
Seniors Naomi Mekeel and Paul Roberts created a website to help document the class's adventures in Dublin. Check out the "Adventure Chronicles" blog!
Going through the last set preparations before the big trip, very excited to be leaving for Ireland in a little over a day. Looking forward to and feeling very blessed for this amazing experience. #ireland2015 #caztodublin #todayistheday #carpediem #irishgirl #heritage #untyingthekelticknot 🍀 · Bri
Everyone is packed and ready to go!
Bags are packed, I'm all set, nerves and butterflies and everything in between... Leaving for Newark airport in 40 minutes and leaving the U.S. in a couple hours. So excited!! #ireland2015 #irishgirl #travel #wanderlust #caztodublin #carpediem · Bri
#caztodublin Going to Ireland! ! ☆☆☆ · Mackenzi VanSlyke
#caztodublin · Mackenzi VanSlyke
#caztodublin · Mackenzi VanSlyke
Pre-departure selfies! Almost time for Ireland✈️ #caztodublin · Shakiya Booker
Almost time!!!!! #caztodublin · Shakiya Booker
#CazToDublin boarding the plane!!! We're headed to Ireland 🍀 · Bri
My first flight ever was a success! ✈️ landed safely in Dublin 🍀 #CaztoDublin · Veronica Page
Flying over Ireland #caztodublin #ireland #springbreak #instagood #instamood #instadaily #igersbestshot #awesome #bestoftheday #love #abroad · Liz Orosz
"My first flight ever was a success! landed safely in Dublin"🍀- @pagingveronica #CazToDublin #CazAbroad · Cazenovia College

#cut50 at SXSW


Storified by cut50 · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:42:10

#PackedHouse #SXSW #BMeAtSXSW #Cut50 congrats @shakasenghor @bmecommunity @ JW Marriott Austin https://t.co/htwbjD3Wtc · BMe Community
Incredible panel of men doing inspiring work. Makes me so proud of the work @Skillpoint is doing. Check out #cut50 http://t.co/zZS6FibqqR · Leah Grossman
@ShakaSenghor thankyou so much for welcoming me to ur inspiring panel. # kind #sincere #cut50 #helpedmebeyondwords http://t.co/d6oBrUHjwH · @kikidivicino
Ex-prisoners deserve a second chance #sxsw #cut50 #superstarpanel http://t.co/gKtXLpH8MG · Dream Corps Unlimite
Ex-prisoners deserve a second chance #sxsw #cut50 #superstarpanel http://t.co/DhI85jaaPn · yeswecode
Ex-prisoners deserve a second chance #sxsw #cut50 #superstarpanel http://t.co/W07fTf8U3Q · cut50
#cut50 swag! #sxsw http://t.co/ePlom6dw7D · Charles Koch Inst.
#CUT50 hands out stickers. @cut50 http://t.co/pEadXByVzw · Brianne Huntsman

Design et Tiers-Lieux à Saint-Etienne : le Carnet de Bord


Suite à la Quinzaine des Tiers-Lieux en avril 2014 à Saint-Etienne, les tierslieusards de toute la francophonie se retrouvent du 4 au 11 avril. En point d'orgue : la journée du 8 avril "Design-moi un Tiers-Lieu". En attendant, on se prépare...

Storified by Amazing, le média des Tiers-Lieux · Mon, Mar 16 2015 18:42:15

Vous souhaitez écrire sur ce Storify ? Rendez-vous ici.
Pour envoyer vos publications médiatiques (tweet, youtube...etc...) : #Beaujacquard

Tagboard de veille : https://tagboard.com/BEAUjacquard/214625

Lundi 15 mars : Du Sport, du design urbain et un FabCafé !

La journée s'annonce chargée dans les Tiers-Lieux stéphanois : deux workshops et la préparation du FabCafé à OpenFactory.
Le FabCafé propose de découvrir la fabrication numérique et l'impression 3D dans la convivialité d'un bar. Plusieurs services seront proposés. Il est déjà possible d'imprimer des emporte-pièces en 3D. Un service qui peut être utilisé par les particuliers ou les professionnels. Les tests ont été effectués avec les marques OpenFactory et Supercagette :
@OpenFactory42 Le #FabCafé est lancé. Des emporte-pièces pour des gâteaux de marques @Supercagette #Biennaledesign15 http://t.co/w7JDRfGME5 · Amazing!
Tous Champions, tous makers à venir...
@ArkaicConcept transforme le public en usine à Skateboard #touschampions #biennaledesign2015 http://t.co/HNhHsknZF1 · Amazing!
Des sportifs en devenir fabriquent un vélo en bois #economiecirculaire #touschampion #biennaledesign15 http://t.co/Eb93rbmah8 · Amazing!
Du côté du B.E.A.U à venir....
Lancement matinal du workshop #HumanCities avec @CartonPlein42 à @lacitedudesign http://t.co/7V6r6MHtBK #BEAUjacquard http://t.co/NsSW3jkvuQ · Eddie JAVELLE
#BEAUjacquard: le hashtag de référence du B.EA.U. pendant la #biennaledesign15 @CollectifEtc @CartonPlein42 http://t.co/RdIniKtCAu · Eddie JAVELLE
Le #BEAUjacquard reçoit les participants européens du workshop #HumanCities http://t.co/7V6r6MHtBK #biennaledesign15 http://t.co/kCDzBtAi7v · Eddie JAVELLE
Mais quel est cette inquiétante créature créée par #studiocarton? #beaujacquard #biennaledesign15 http://t.co/DMxIVNk5EJ · Anthony Côte-Pages

Samedi 14 mars : le B.E.A.U c'est parti !

Coup d'envoi pour le Bureau Ephémère d'Activation Urbaine...
Inauguration du B.E.A.U. ce samedi de 12 à 14h, 1 rue J. Ledin http://t.co/oNHBr7cu1i #BEAUjacquard #biennaledesign15 http://t.co/Mo5UFcTSgS · Carton Plein
#SaintÉtienne La Cartonnerie refait les façades pour 3 semaines d'activation urbaine #BEAUjacquard #biennaledesign15 http://t.co/AFYbxSwvMg · Eddie JAVELLE



Testing implementation on homepage

Storified by damejido · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:20:38

Hot men alert: @maddenrichard This GOT man has a jawline to die for. 😍 #GOT #RobbStark #Gameofthrones · Priyashi Bubna
#nataliedormer #got #gameofthrones #margaerytyrell ·
Can't wait! Season 5 is coming #GameOfThrones · Lucia Peñalva Aramburu
Bästa scenen ur bästa säsongen. -i'm so happy for everyone. -i'm faking it. -i'm faking everything. #girlshbo · annika andersson
Latest Girls on GIRLS is up! #GirlsHBO http://youtu.be/GsaHUqd1uq4 ·
Bei pomeriggi con Game Of Thrones #gameofthrones #skyatlantic #secondastagione #2x09 · Chiara Maria Marras

Need a 10 Letter word for "Studied Ignorance, Obtuseness"


It's a brick wall for any useful debate

Storified by scott van dutton · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:20:47

If you own a pitchfork, you will grab it when you see this chart. http://t.co/BlHNmufut0 http://t.co/eZVLjPt18z · Mother Jones

6 Warning Signs Of Your Diamond Demise.


Diamond bands create incredible engagement rings and ornate rings; thus you are going to possibly discover yourself shopping for one. A band that is

Storified by sound95 · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:21:10

Diamond bands create incredible engagement rings and ornate rings; thus you are going to possibly discover yourself shopping for one. A band that is actually also tough are going to create unpleasant lumps behind the finger or even could not even slide all the way in in any way. A stout annualry could not seem too captivating with a band along with a quite vast band that supports a few rocks piled one in addition to the other. Actual diamond bands are actually not affordable but you may meet high quality rings with an excellent cutback and clarity for budget friendly costs. The lack of color enables illumination to travel through the rock which makes this shimmer as well as shine.

Buying among these bands will definitely present your potential wife-to-be that you are actually committed and dedicated to this marital relationship, and also possibly even more significantly however, these bands are going to symbolize the love you eat them and also her.

A diamond that is cut superficial will have a bigger appearance, whereas a diamond that is actually cut deep are going to possess a much smaller appeal. The TABLE feature is the major factor on the leading of the diamond as received Physique 2. This size is actually the SIZE of the DINNER TABLE feature. This percent is actually the genuine DINING TABLE dimension, as determined in millimeters, partitioned by the ordinary DIMENSION of the diamond. When you examine the pictures in Designs 6 and 7, you can easily find the effect that the culet has on https://engagementringseason.wordpress.com/2015/03/17/the-6-most-well-guarded-diamond-engagement-ring-secrets/ the diamond. Where you see WHITE, lighting is going through the diamond without being actually demonstrated back to your eye.

The diamond ring at the right-hand man makes the brand new liberated Lady think that the left hand ring means the labors that spousal relationship carries along while the right hand Band goes through as the careless, happy side of lifestyle.

Apple Slice, Carnival Candy, Chocolate Truffle, Sugar-cinnamon Roll, Sugar-cinnamon Herbal tea, Cozy Log cabin, Cuddle, Dish, Sunset, New Cut Turf, Fresh Snowfall, Gingerbread Cappucino, Hawaiian Coconut, Honeydew Watermelon, Honeysuckle, Lavender Lime, Midnight Smooch, Unclear Dawn, Tangerine Vanilla, Orchid Pasture, Keen Mango, Pecan Pie, Pomegranate extract Lemonade, Rosewood, Strawberry Joy, Summer months Time, Sunwashed, Sweety Pea, Exotic Retreat, Vanilla Cream, Watermelon Wedge, White Dark chocolate.

The ring along with the violet stone I got from my birthday Diamond Candle light became a genuine amethyst as well as white colored sapphire ring that my jeweler said costs pertaining to $350.

. Both leading certification business in the planet, gia and ags, make use of really similar vocabulary as though this perplexes nearly every person that is discovering diamond for the initial time.

These Right-hand man Diamond Rings being actually a symbol of affection this additionally drew in the unusual guy as well as man Gay Fans as well as gal and also woman fanatics likewise. If the view is actually true as well as legitimate, then that diamond engagement ring, in spite of its own price in dollars, is specifically what you ought to have.

Do More With Photos On Google Plus


When forming your social websites technique of your company, Instagram can be a great mobile marketing app that could effectively carry over your comp

Storified by gabbyavala538 · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:21:11

تحميل فيلم Chappie.2015.NEW.ViDEO.CAM.XViD تورنت سريع


تحميل فيلم Chappie.2015.NEW.ViDEO.CAM.XViD تورنت سريع

Storified by semo123 · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:21:13


#BvBJuve, il liveblog bianconero


Ora per ora, il percorso di avvicinamento alla gara di ritorno degli ottavi di finale di Champions League, in programma mercoledì sera alle ore 20,45 al Signal Iduna Park

Storified by Juventus Football Club · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:21:14

Domani competizione molto appassionante! #FinoAllaFine #ChampionsLeague #UCL #Vamos #ForzaJuve http://t.co/2ulndppGUx · fernando llorente
Niente paura. Siamo qui per questo.
Domani qui sarà una bolgia. Ma come ha detto il Capitano saprà "entusiasmarci e regalarci motivazioni supplementari" http://t.co/oB1yZRQMsg · JuventusFC
.@bvb boss Jürgen Klopp is under no illusions ... #UCL http://t.co/6HnkzhFXPL · Champions League
Jurgen Klopp carica così i suoi alla vigilia della sfida di ritorno degli ottavi di Champions. Il tecnico tedesco è ben consapevole della forza della sua squadra, ma anche dei suoi punti deboli e avverte: «Dovremo mantenere la calma, perché all'andata abbiamo subito due gol in contropiede. Abbiamo una bella sfida davanti a noi: battere una formazione italiana a cui basta un pareggio. Se vogliamo passare il turno dovremo fare del nostro meglio e aiutare i nostri tifosi a creare un’atmosfera speciale».
(il tempo era nettamente migliore a Dortmund, oggi)
Training ahead of tomorrow's UEFA Champions League important game. #GOBVB! http://t.co/0WllOVRvWh · Henrikh Mkhitaryan
Così il capitano del Borussia Dortmund, il primo a parlare in conferenza stampa. Segue l'intervento di Klopp.
Sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda del tecnico è il capitano dei tedeschi, Mats Hummels: «Sappiamo che lo 0-0 non basterà, ma anche che sarebbe sufficiente una vittoria di misura, quindi non dovremo sbilanciarci troppo.. Abbiamo il vantaggio di giocare in casa e dovremo sfruttarlo cercando di trascinare i tifosi con il nostro gioco. Nelle gare contro Colonia e Amburgo non abbiamo creato molto, è vero, ma credo che domani avremo più occasioni».

Movilidad en Medellín


Estas son las últimas noticias de la movilidad en la ciudad.

Storified by MovilidadSura · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:21:36

Hearing on Proposed Human Services Cuts in Illinois


On March 16, the Illinois Senate Appropriations Committee held a hearing on proposed cuts to the Department of Human Services budget.

Storified by mnicolet · Tue, Mar 17 2015 19:21:19

Full house at Senate Appropriation I committee on DHS Budget! #nocuts #twill http://t.co/86XEYqxuMS · NAMI Chicago
@chihomeless at DHS budget hearing to oppose cuts to human services #nocuts #twill http://t.co/WNLjw3JeY2 · Shruti Sharma
Illinois Action for Children testifying in front of the Senate Appropriations Committee re: after school care #twill http://t.co/21APLFIh2q · MetroFamily Services
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