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North Korean Government Policy : Morally right or not


North Korea is well known for their Communism and Juche Ideology based policy. By the misleading authorities of high-ranking government officials, North Korea citizens lose their real humankind experiences and even their human rights.

Storified by Cason Jun · Tue, Dec 02 2014 21:35:58

No one could deny North Korea is very mysterious country. They have been shut off all the people from outside the world to keep their secrets. It is almost impossible to access their real situations, still now. There are no other possible ways to confirm what is going on in the country other than North Korean escapees' testimonies. However, according to North Korean defectors,
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - APRIL 15: South Korean conservative protesters deface a North Korean flag during a rally demonstrating against North Korea on April 15, 2013 in Seoul, South Korea. North Korea marks its founder Kim Il-Sung's 101th birthday today while the fear on possible missile launch continues. (Photo by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images) · Chung Sung-Jun

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Storified by Vire1940924 · Tue, Dec 02 2014 21:35:59

El Mercado de Bienes Raíces de lujo en Panamá (Parte 3)


Las motivaciones del comprador para la adquisición de bienes raíces de lujo en Panamá, incluyen el deseo de una mayor seguridad, la reubicación corporativa y oportunidades de negocio, así como una percepción de valor en comparación con los países de origen en el caso de una segunda compra de vivienda. La mayoría de los compradores [ ]

Storified by Gogetit Panama · Tue, Dec 02 2014 21:36:16

Music, Gender and Sexuality


Kate Bush: womanhood, maternity and Before the Dawn.

Storified by Hannah Black Lodge · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:43:32

The morning of March 21st 2014, Kate Bush announced via her website that she would be playing 15 London tour dates - her first live performances since her only tour 35 years prior. 

“Tour of Life” started in April 1979 and ran for just over a month. It received critical acclaim and was renowned for it’s use of extensive costume changes, poetry, projections and magic. Due to Bush’s determination to dance as she sung, her crew went on to developed the headset microphone that allowed for a new level of theatrics being incorporated into the show. 

[Below, 14:10]
Kate Bush - Documentary 1979 · symphonyofflowers
Despite the tours huge success, no other tour dates followed. Her apparent fear of flying could have contributed, but the tragic death of her young lighting engineer Bill Duffield also affected her greatly. Her guitarist Brian Bath commented on the incident: "It was terrible for her. Kate knew everyone by name, right down to the cleaner, she was so like that, she'd speak to everyone. It's something you wouldn't forget, but we just carried through it."

Kate Bush - Radio 4 - Front Row - 4th May 2011 - Part 1 · thehiddenlabyrinth
Referring to the tour in 2011, Bush said ”It was enormously enjoyable. But physically it was absolutely exhausting.” 

In another interview with Radio 4 that year to promote her album 50 Words For Snow she spoke of her dedication to her family, and her fortune for being able to record from home, something John Wilson calls a "domestic process"[Above, 7:32]. "At the moment my family life is incredibly important to me and it comes first. Then my work fits in around it which is quite easy to do with the recording process but something like doing shows would be incredibly disruptive and I just can't see that would be something that would work at this stage." [Below, 6:40]
Kate Bush - Radio 4 - Front Row - 4th May 2011 - Part 2 · thehiddenlabyrinth
Bush’s devotion to family life has always been apparent. Her son Bertie was born in 1998, and she proceeded to stray away from the public eye, determined to give her son a normal childhood. In 2005 she released Aerial, her first in 12 years. The album featured an ode to her son named after him, and Bush also recorded him speaking so as to capture his childhood voice forever which can be heard on the prelude to the second half of the album.
Kate Bush - Bertie · symphonyofflowers
Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 18.14.54 · hlodge274
Kate Bush - Prelude · symphonyofflowers
Bush’s maternal personality is something that has shone through her work, many years before Bertie was even conceived. I have located tracks in her discography that highlight her interest in family structures and relationships. 

Kate Bush - The Man with the Child in His Eyes - Official Music Video · katebushmusic
Written when Bush was just 13 years old herself, "The Man With a Child in His Eyes" reflects her youth, innocence and vulnerability through contradictory impressively mature songwriting . Lyrics depict a gentle and protecting possible father figure, watching over the protagonist. She has also spoke in reference to the meaning of the song in 1979, saying how some grown men are "still little boys inside". There are also implications of reverse Oedipus complex, or Electra complex, as Bush says "I think it's a very natural, basic instinct that you look continually for your father for the rest of your life, as do men continually look for their mother in the women that they meet. I don't think we're all aware of it, but I think it is basically true. You look for that security that the opposite sex in your parenthood gave you as a child." The official music video also depicts Bush laid in the foetal position.
Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 03.09.31 · hlodge274
Kate Bush - Breathing - Official Music Video · katebushmusic
“Breathing” featured on 1980’s album Never For Ever and the narrative is told from the perspective of a foetus growing inside a woman living in a country suffering from war. The desperation projected through the lyrics is evident through the use of the lyrics “keep breathing” - a conscious effort from the foetus to stay alive, and having to completely rely on the protection of it’s mother from the outside. The video also depicts Bush in a bubble 
curled up, utterly vulnerable. I feel like this track demonstrated perfectly her astonishing empathetic songwriting.
2/4 The Kate Bush Story: Running Up That Hill · kSINojTueJe9PkVAJysrLA
[Above, 8:30] In a recent documentary writer Neil Gaiman acknowledges the meaning of the song, describing it as "utterly political and utterly female." Musician and rapper Tricky also says that the song acts as a reminder of how important women are, and tells of the significance he feels towards the lyrics "breathing my mother in". He has grown up and had an entirely different life to Bush, but feels like those lyrics have universal meaning for everyone.
Kate Bush -This Woman's Work · ibs11

Nazi-Tyskland blev også hilst som befriere


BOGTIP - Laurence Rees: Hitlers Krieg im Osten. 256 sider (Heyne).

Storified by Hans Christian Davidsen · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:43:34

HVAD ER DET, der retfærdiggør endnu en bog om Anden Verdenskrigs østfront? Må det være mig tilladt at referere til min danske historieundervisning i gymnasiet - ikke atypisk for koldkrigstidens polarisering mellem øst og vest og venstre og højre.
MENS VI I DEN ENE lærebog udelukkende blev præsenteret for nazisternes grusomme fremfærd over for partisanerne i Ukraine og Hviderusland - og hvor uforberedt Sovjetunionen var - fik vi i den anden lærebog kun amerikanske og britiske befrielsesbilleder fra vestfronten.
Der manglede noget. Det lugtede af, at vinderne havde skrevet historien. Hvor var for eksempel billederne fra Sovjetunionens fremrykning mod Berlin?
Mange har aldrig fået fortalt, at tyskerne blev hilst som befriere i Ukraine og Bessarabien. Syv millioner mennesker led her sultedøden under kommunisterne, før Hitler begyndte Operation Barbarossa, overfaldet på Sovjetunionen.
»VI DRØMTE OM en ny ukrainsk stat«, fortæller Aleksej Bris, der de første par år fungerede som tolk for tyskerne - og senere sluttede sig til de nationalistiske partisaner i Ukraine.
»Enhver krig mod Sovjetunionen var en god krig«, fortæller han i bogen »Hitlers Krieg im Osten« skrevet af den britiske historiker Laurence Rees. Bogen er baseret på den research og de interviews, som han og hans historikerkolleger lavede, før de for en halv snes­år siden udsendte serien af samme navn på tysk fjernsyn.
HER SKAL FREMHÆVES, at mange af de tidsvidner og kilder, bogen bygger på, ikke var tilgængelige for vestlige historikere under den kolde krig.
Krigen på østfronten adskilte sig på flere områder markant fra krigen på vestfronten. Østpå havde det hvide flag ingen nytte.
For det første praktiserede nazisterne efter overfaldet på Sovjetunionen deres racistiske ideologi som ingen andre steder. Den jødiske bolsjevisme var verdensfjende nummer ét.
For det andet blev der begået massemyrderier mod civilbefolkningerne bag fronten. For det tredje er der et tal, som nogle gange er druknet i Holocaust-tallet på seks millioner jøder og sigøjnere. 3,3 millioner ud af 5,7 millioner sovjetiske krigsfanger døde i tysk fangenskab mellem juni 1941 og februar 1945. Af sygdom og sult.
Også denne størrelse er af en helt, helt anden dimension end antallet af døde krigsfanger på vestfronten. For det fjerde: I Hitlers og Stalins krig døde flere civilister end i nogen anden krig i historien - mindst 13 civile millioner sovjetborgere. Hvorfor netop i denne krig? Fordi for både Hitler og Stalin var menneskeliv komplet ligegyldige.
MEN FREM FOR ALT bidrog partisankrigen til uhyrlighederne, og som Laurence Rees skriver i bogen:
»Det ville være alt for nemt at sige, at nazisternes raceideologi var den eneste grund til partisankrigens grusomhed. Også andre faktorer bidrog til eskalationen, ikke mindst det faktum, at tyskerne kom til at kontrollere et kæmpemæssigt område. Samt de sovjetiske partisaners hensynsløshed over for egen befolkning«.
Det er farligt at bevæge sig ind på sammenligningens grund: Var Stalin ikke en tøddel bedre end Hitler? Laurence Rees afholder sig fra at fælde dommen, men konstaterer blot, at Stalin ikke var mindre hensynsløs, men nok mere snu. Stalin var indirekte med til at skrive den historie, vindere altid skriver.

Best bacon and egg burgers, your say


We asked our Facebook friends who makes the best bacon and egg burgers. Here's what they had to say!

Storified by Fairfax NSW South Coast · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:43:38

My place.

Cake store

Iga Nowra!

Hozzo's cafe Nth Nowra

Bluebottles BLD at Huskisson.

Fast and fresh

North Nowra take away

Fast and fresh

Pelican Rocks Cafe!

Lions club or chesters

McDonalds of course! 😛

from home too!

Maccas with a hash brown in the middle.


Zest cafe

At the uni Haven cafe

Northy shops take away!

Cafe rene.


Gary Girdlestone at shoalhaven uniteds soccer canteen yum

Realistic Strategies For Home Improvement - Some Tips


If one is looking for a method to enhance their house along with offer themselves with a supply of fresh food then developing a small chicken cage cou

Storified by cloistered273 · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:43:44

If one is looking for a method to enhance their house along with offer themselves with a supply of fresh food then developing a small chicken cage could be the important things to do. Not just will it supply one with a supply of eggs but it can even bring in money if one offers the eggs.

An exceptional option to siding on your house is to replace it with stucco. Stucco comes in a huge selection of colors and designs and can be versatile and fit your personal tastes perfectly. Stucco is also fire resistant which can be an excellent selling point down the roadway if you are attempting to move.

read the article

Set up energy saving windows in your house. They will certainly lower your energy costs while keeping you cool in the summer season and warm in the winter. They likewise increase the value of your home as purchasers like brand-new energy saving facilities. Make the effort to pick windows that are aesthetically appealing and fit your home's theme.

If your home was integrateded the seventies or earlier, possibilities are good that it was constructed with only an extremely thin layer of insulation throughout the whole structure. Preferably, the layer ought to be around 27 centimeters or 10.5 inches thick. By enhancing the thickness of insulation to the suggested four to six inches, you could quickly conserve a number of hundred dollars per year.

Before working in your bathroom or kitchen, shut the water off. It appears evident, however numerous homeowners make the mistake of forgetting this step and winding up with a major flood which requires additional renovations.

Setting up brand-new home appliances into your kitchen area to change any that might be out dated or in inadequate working condition can revitalize a people cooking area. These brand-new devices can be decided to make the most of any element of the kitchen. Whether they have brand-new functions, better performance, or simply look much better, one or a number of brand-new cooking area devices can be fantastic for Home Improvement.

Connecting 2 PVC pipelines is a simple process that requires PVC guide and PVC cement. It is essential that you make use of these certain items as your pipeline will not hold with other glues or cements (since PVC cement melts the PVC a little to develop a more firm bind) and it could be susceptible to leaking if you stay clear of a coat of PVC primer. Additionally, there should be no water on the surfaces of the pipelines.

Headline Sport News Events


What Social Media is saying about the Chicago Bears

Storified by Malik Ali · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:43:48

Forget #BreakTheInternet, the Chicago #Bears may have broken the newspaper industry. #NFL https://twitter.com...

Check out @ChicagoBears's Tweet: https://twitter.com/ChicagoBears/status/505398899226324992

Chicago Bears got Lambeausted tonight. http://twitter.com/marty81646/status/531692544695234560 Share...

New Story


Storified by devilishde086 · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:43:53

#noisocicoop in Consulta a Vicenza


Storified by biljaic · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:44:15

Con Dir.Risso ad analizzare come cambia l'Italia #Coopadriatica #noisocicoop @SWGpoliticAPP @OOPgiovani http://t.co/TmCJikttfx · sara donati
Consulta CoopAdriatica 2014: si parte!! #noisocicoop http://t.co/JHRgQvxLHN · Paolo Fioravanti

From Blogging Making Cash Online


Websites were unavailable until the last decade and only advanced users of the web have known what the term web log means. Anyone can have a site nowa

Storified by averagecof211 · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:44:03

Websites were unavailable until the last decade and only advanced users of the web have known what the term web log means. Anyone can have a site nowadays and there are many platforms to choose from. For those people interested in having a site, or a site, the next step might be to locate a hosting plan.\n\n\n\nBing is Microsoft's new infant. The old search engine is called MSN Live. MSN Live has been unable to deliver much traffic. But since the release of Bing, this search engine is gaining ground very fast. Maybe this is due to the large quantity of publicity created by the start of Bing. Bloggers are excited regarding the new search website. Webmasters have always desired a rival for Google. Bing does look like a strong challenger.\n\n\n\nThese bid prices change from a couple cents click! Assuming you do not have an endless seo 教學 PPC budget your spending limitation can be reached relatively fast. Once your spending limit has been reached your ads are taken down from the various search engines and that's the end of your traffic for the day.\n\nSEO India services are also well versed in these techniques. SEO was a new industry in India, in the beginning of 2000. But since then it's grown at rates that were astonishing. Now, India is regarded as the hub of all Search Engine Optimization service all over the world.\n\n12. Utilize the robots .txt it gives search engine spiders special commands to allow robot, crawler or spider on your web site. Robot .txt file must even be in your server's root.\n\nPrimarily, let's consider that concept of a promotion budget. Many small businesses have a promotion budget of about nothing! Given this situation, there is a considerable amount of interest in getting free sources of business. How realistic is this?\n\nMeta tags: Key words meta tags, description and titles have a rather significant role to play. They are important part of the total success strategy. So that they'll attract the attention of the users they need to be composed with powerful and appealing.\n\nIt provides the top quality services at relatively inexpensive costs. Consequently firms from all around the globe are drawn to Indian SEO business. All this work is outsourced by them to India and get the top results. Thus go see the difference it makes and hire a company for your website right now.

Así reaccionaron usuarios de Twitter tras imputación a María Corina Machado


Storified by Desiree Sousa · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:44:06

Hoy con @MariaCorinaYA en cada paso #YoEstoyConMariaCorina Fuerza y FE! http://t.co/LUVwF5pj0K · Lilian Tintori
escuchando a la gran venezolana #YoEstoyConMariaCorina http://t.co/WQyLrW9wee · roberto weil
Abrazo! @MariaCorinaYA http://t.co/a6vThRuLhO · Luis Chataing
Esto fue por hablar en su congreso. http://t.co/5ll9Q1uMtv Ahora quizá tras las rejas por ejercer el libre derecho a la oposición política · Claudia Gurisatti
Yo contigo @TAMARA_SUJU: Desde Praga #YoEstoyConMariaCorina los democratas del mundo atentos a su presentación. http://t.co/E9HfHaSqx2" · María Corina Machado
@MariaCorinaYA es democracia , es libertad , es la Venezuela que todos queremos #YoEstoyConMariaCorina http://t.co/wN0zdH0ZFT · Jose Amalio Graterol
¡Vamos a luchar hasta vencer! #YoEstoyConMariaCorina http://t.co/35dkORbV5m · David Smolansky
Estamos en contra de la persecución, el abuso de poder y el intento de asfixiar a todo aquel que piense distinto http://t.co/GPBDAXvWGr · Rodrigo Diamanti

Lille-PSG le match en direct (1-1)


Storified by Francetvsport · Wed, Dec 03 2014 21:44:24

83' : Changement offensif de Laurent Blanc. Les Parisiens veulent aller chercher cette 1ere place ! Ils n'ont jamais été en tête du championnat cette saison.

80' : Bon coup-franc pour le PSG tiré par David Luiz. Le ballon retombe bien mais c'est relativement loindu cadre...

78' : Les occasions se succèdent pour les Parisiens qui font de siège de la surface de réparation adverse.

Watch Yeahlome Fr's Vine "Lucas juste au milieu de quatre défenseurs rennais dribble et frappe repoussé ! #LoscPsg 1-1" taken on 3 December 2014. It has 0 likes. Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short, beautiful, looping videos in a simple and fun way for your friends and family to see. · Yeahlome Fr

77' : CAVANI ENCORE !!! L'attaquant du PSG fait le pus dur et ouvre son pied droit mais sa frappe manque cruellement de puissance pour tromper Enyeama !

74' : Cavani s'arrache mais ça ne suffit pas ! L'Urugayen ne compte pas ses efforts, comme souvent, même si ses interventions sont parfois peu académiques...

72' : Belle opportunité pour Marvin Martin !! A 20m le Lillois tente une belle frappe qui fuit le cadre. Il n'a toujours pas cadré une frappe de la saison...

✌⭐jerem's⭐✌'s post on Vine · ✌⭐jerem's⭐✌

Thomson Reuters Foundation debate: Will finance make or break a new global climate deal?


Catch up with headline news from our online debate from Lima climate talks on what next for the Green Climate Fund, and how to boost climate finance for developing countries to an internationally agreed goal of $100 billion a year by 2020

Storified by AlertNet · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:53:55

With Héla Cheikhrouhou, executive director, Green Climate Fund; Sven Harmeling, climate change advocacy coordinator, CARE International; Katie Sullivan, director, North American policy and climate finance, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA); Brandon Wu, senior policy analyst, ActionAid USA; and David Waskow, director, International Climate Initiative, World Resources Institute
Will climate finance make or break a new deal? Live debate starts now! http://t.co/zLCDm6D2ju… http://t.co/X7Pnn0OpcJ Story image #COP20 · alertnetclimate
On size of pledges to Green Climate Fund so far, which are now close to an informal goal of $10 billion
What happens next in terms of the GCF getting cash out to projects on the ground?
Why it's important for the Green Climate Fund to put half of its resources into measures to help poor communities cope better with extreme weather and rising seas, as planned over time

Peter Pan


NBC's Peter Pan Live 8pm ET

Storified by Ramón Ramirez · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:54:03

#livetweets Becoming Arrrgh Kelly in the Hair/Make Up chair with my girl Karen! #PeterPanLive #ticktock 2 hours left http://t.co/UHy2s8K8hk · James Brown III
Preview @NBC’s #PeterPanLive! with #AllisonWilliams and #ChristopherWalken #PeterPanPlaybill http://t.co/v37zaPdlPi http://t.co/Yl1I9cgcMI · Playbill
Allison Williams' post is making us VERY excited for #PeterPanLive! Lets than 2.5 hours away! http://t.co/p68RPIfm3n http://t.co/uR1q3V2ARU · TODAY

The young girl at the wheel


A day with the youngest chairperson of the CSSA in DCU.

Storified by QINQIN416 · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:54:04

QING · qinqinliu3
Life is not easy, especially for those who come from a different culture background as language,homelessness, loneliness and food are always like four mountains to them.

As a branch of the general association, the Dublin City University (DCU), Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) aims at uniting Chinese students and organizing various activities to enrich their spare time.

“My job is meaningful, despite that, it is not an easy thing to balance the postgraduate study and work time in the CSSA” Qing, the 24-year-old chairperson said.
It is the second year that Qing Sun has arrived in Ireland and she has become the youngest chairperson of the CSSA in DCU.

Appointed at 11 O’clock, Qing arrived a little late at the gate of DCU business school.Just as expected, she was such a pretty girl, although with a slightly tired look on her face.

She apologized again and again, saying that she was dealing with some issues just now. Then, on the way to canteen, Qing introduced some information about DCU CSSA.

“Apart from Chinese students, we, of course, welcome people from all over the world.Those activities promote the interactions among students and they could advocate Chinese culture as well.” Qing added.

After a simple lunch, Qing went back to the CSSA office located in the DCU. It was asmall room decorated in Chinese style. Nonetheless, her desk was a bit messy with all kinds of materials piled on it.

Qing said that she received an invitation from Japanese Association last week. They were going to share different kinds of tea between China and Japan in the evening. This was the reason why she returned to the office, to complete the preparatory work for the evening.

Qing was busy with the power point and some relevant materials needed that night inthe following hours. However, she received a phone call at 4 p.m. to inform herthat the room they originally booked was cancelled.
On hearing this, Qing smiled resignedly and said that it was not the first time that she confronted such things. ‘Similar cases happened from time to time.There would always be lots of twists and turns before an event to be held successfully’, she said. Then, she set about to solve this problem immediately.
Fortunately,all problems were solved by 6 O’clock and she made 3 cups of Chinese tea before the activity. Qing was confident that it would be a successful event tonight.

Just as she said, everything went well and loads of students participated in thisTea activity.

Tensho,who came from the Japanese Association, demonstrated the traditional Japanese tea ceremony and then Qing also introduced those three kinds of tea—red tea,green tea and wulong tea, as well as the Chinese tea culture to the members who attended.
Japanese · qinqinliu3
At the end of the event, Qing also helped to clean up the room with other members ofthe CSSA.

The young chairperson finally said with a smile of relief, that as the person behind the wheel, she acted like a bridge between the DCU CSSA and the general Association and she also put forward some suggestions for new activities. “Welcome to our next activity.” she said.
Difficulties foreigners come cross, people like Qing always attempt to stand on their feetand still feel positive and welcomed by the cold and unfamiliar country.

Is Laminine a Scam?Is Laminine a Scam?.


Laminine helps energy and physical strength improvement. http://oneven34638.livejournal.com/1356.html

Storified by Younproyes670 · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:54:06

Pills For Natural Breast Enhancement


If knowledge is power, then after you've finished this article, you is going breast enlargement product to be feel like Mighty Man when this subject i

Storified by massivealc815 · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:54:13

If knowledge is power, then after you've finished this article, you is going breast enlargement product to be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation. These substances are already used and proved useful for boost in breast size. These substances are already used and proved ideal for increase in breast size. Women want to feel feminine and desired; they need to look good in their clothes. The broad based phytoestrogen complex in Pueraria Mirifica far exceeds all other plant supplements.

These alternatives contain herbal breast enhancement and breast enlargement pills or supplements, suction devices shabby for any cycle of time, as well as hypnosis for breast enlargement. You can get it done any time you want and where ever you are. You ought to know that herbal breast enhancement doesn't hold the pressing results of place surgery. All of these safe ingredients work together to influence natural breast tissue development.

Evaluate any breast enhancement cream you could use for shelter and effectiveness. Most breast enhancement herbs take from 2 to half a year to achieve maximum results. This includes Ginkgo Biloba, also as Panax Ginseng. Thus, phytoestrogens that mimic hormones effects helps to stimulate breast growth again.

Vacuum pumps?. The only method to differentiate their difference would be to measure the amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol contain inside the roots of Pueraria Mirifica. While many do contain similar ingredients, that does not mean they offer exactly the same results. If you're considering a breast enhancement cream, examine carefully to get the safest, most effective ingredients for you.

The best companies let you know what herbal breast enhancement can perform and also informs you if this is not advisable to adopt certain herbs. While natural breast enhancement products do not produce exactly the same results as surgery, and so they do have risks, the risks are far lower for the products compared to they are for surgery. Look for a location that supplies a lot of invention information, and that genuinely tries to educate you because the consumer on their invention and why it is alleged to work as a natural breast enhancer.

Leading in Context Testimonials


People are Talking About How Leading in Context Helps Them Implement Proactive Ethical Leadership

Storified by LindaFisherThornton · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:54:20

To Kill a Mockingjay: The Story of The Hunger Games


This is a storify document for our introduction to media class. We will be discussing the involvement of the book/movie phenomenon of Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collines, in the uprising against the government in Thailand. We'll discuss the context of the book/movie and then discuss and reflect on the protest.

Storified by Justin Hauck · Thu, Dec 04 2014 22:54:46

The first hunger games book, The Hunger Games, came out on September 14th, 2008 and started its crazy journey.
Scholastic printed 50,000 copies, which was eventually bumped up twice to 200,000 copies. Just two years after its release it had sold over 800,000 copies. By March 2012 it had been on America's Best Seller List for over 135 weeks. The list of accomplishments goes on. In the next two books of the series, Catching Fire and Mockingjay, Collines continues the story of the first to tell a riveting, complete story of Katniss Everdeen.
In the story-line there are 12 districts who are ruled by The Capital that holds all the power, wealth, and security. Every year the Capital forces the 12 districts to draw 2 names, one of each gender, to take part in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games, in reality, would be our Monday night football or Thursday night hockey games. It was their form of entertainment. However, this entertainment was watching 24 young people kill each other in a created arena just for the games, until one remained as the victor. The book tells the story of Katniss Everdeen, from district 12, who joins the games and ends up becoming a part of a revolution against the Capitol. She becomes the face of rebellion and freedom. It is through this story that Thailand has picked up some of Suzanne Collins fictional ideas and made them a reality.
This wouldn’t be the first time that people have taken this fictional story into reality. Some people claim that the story talks about the poor vs. rich, hungry vs. full, needy vs. luxurious in the real world. The districts represent the variety of ethnic groups. There is a decent percent of our society that takes offense to this story because they think it is representing society.

After the great success that The Hunger Games books were having, it was just a matter of time before a film studio would want to scoop up the story and turn it into a movie. In March of 2009, a smaller, independent film studio named Color Force purchased the rights to the story for the film adaptation, and in conjunction with Lionsgate, production got underway. From the three book series, the first two books were made into separate films, and the third book was split up into two films. For the first film, Suzanna Collins actually did the adaptation herself from book to film script, and then the director, Gary Ross, along with screenwriter Billy Ray reviewed and revised it. After completion, the film, simply titled The Hunger Games, went on to be a huge box office success, ultimately making nearly $700 million worldwide.
After such a success, it was obvious that the film series would continue, only this time, Gary Ross was replaced by Francis Lawrence as director. Continuing the story from the first film, the second installation of the story, this time titled The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, was also a huge box office hit, making nearly $160 million at its opening, and eventually grossing $865 million worldwide.
For the third installment, Mockingjay – Part 1, Lawrence was brought back again as director, and, as expected, the film also did very well at the box office, making $121 million on its opening weekend, although it did receive some negative criticism for lacking a lot of action. People have argued, though, that the lack of action will be made up for in the fourth and final film, with an exciting storyline now set up after Part 1. Mockingjay Part 2 is set to release in November of 2015.
Based on the Daily Beast article by Asawin Suebsaeng, The release of the Hunger Games-Mocking jay part 1 has inspired groups of young citizens in Thailand to stand up to their military-run government using the world famous three-finger salute that was used in the movies.
This salute according to Suebsaeng represents a sign of rebellion against the government and the junta (military). There is a reason why these citizens from Thailand are rebelling against their government. For many decades, Thailand has been struggling with many political and governmental issues especially issues dealing with their citizens. Many of these citizens were rioting and protesting against their government and their junta because of the many laws that were being put on them. Thailand during these years has gone back and forth between content environments to a very violent chaotic environment. Because of the numerous amount of resistance with their people, Thailand’s junta decided to take matters into their own hands by overthrowing Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in 2006. Eventually, the junta assumed control over the entire government which was already very militarily based. They said that they realized that their country was getting very unstable and disorganized. They thought that they were getting rid of the problem when they decided to this but, in truth, they only made things worse when they gave power to the May 22 military coup which was led by General Prayut and his junta. It was this action by the government that drove the citizens to take action.

After watching the first two films from the Hunger Games saga, On June 1, 2014, many citizens including some who were democratic activists began the peaceful and silent protests on June 1, 2014, using the same three -finger salute that was used in the movies. This sign of resistance was not taken very seriously by the government at first because they thought it was nothing to be concerned about. As months have passed, however, the unveiling debut of the Hunger games- Mockingjay part 1 came and was released to theaters across the globe with flying sparks that inspired the protestors even more. The Junta threatened to ban the use of the three-finger salute in order to keep the peace and to get rid of this problem once and for all. The protesters, however, ignored this threat and continued on using this salute despite the consequences that may come their way. These consequences, unfortunately, had come their way on November 19, 2014, when five students from Khon Kaen University were arrested for saluting the three-finger salute at General Prayut during a campaign speech. They were sentence to attitude adjustment and taken to a military camp called Sri Patcharin where they would be held at.

Another consequence occurred on November 20, 2014, when three students were arrested at a movie theater in Bangkok, Thailand. While being taken out of the theater, one student salute the same three finger salute next to a large debut poster for Huger games –Mocking jay part 1 . The student had a chance to explain why she was doing this and why she felt that she had the right to do so. She said that” they came out express their opinions and to tell that they have a right to watch Hunger games”. She also said that this movie shows that Thailand is not free because of the government’s control over them. She included that everyone should have the same rights and declared that the three-finger salute may be the way to gain their freedom.
Thai police detain three at 'Hunger Games' screenings · afp

According to Suebsaeng, Most people understood why the filmmakers and stars did not say a lot during this situation. They knew that their jobs were to entertain and to make a living doing that. Brian Adams, an executive director of human rights watch in the Asian division, does not think this way at all. His argument is that the filmmakers and stars were not saying anything during these protests and arrests. He did not understand why they would not want to say anything. He believes that the filmmakers and the stars should have said something because it was their responsibility to do so. He declared that they should have been there for them and they should have taken their side. I agree with The Hunger Games Director Francis Lawrence as wells the other crew members who see it differently especially Lawrence. He heard about these protests when he still producing the new film. Lawrence was not sure what to think or say about the situation. He said that he had “mixed feelings about it “because of what was happening to the students using the Hunger Game salute. Although, he said that “My goal is not for kids to be out there doing things that are getting them arrested”. He also explained that “It’s just when the stakes become real, and … they’re affecting people and affecting families.” It gets very, very complicated”. He also said it was “an honor” that they were using this and it meant something to them. Lawrence mentioned that if the students used the salute to express what they believed than he does not see the problem with this. Although, he said that there would obviously be a cost for what they’re doing. Lawrence concluded that he does not really like that it happened but he hopes that all of the people involved understands the cost for their actions.

Apex Theaters, one of the largest theater chains in Thailand, has placed a ban on the Hunger Games playing in any of their theaters. Many theorize that the chain was under pressure from the government, which was concerned that the Hunger Games franchise was the inspiration for anti-government protests borrowing imagery from the films. However, Apex has not confirmed any government pressure, and claims to have banned the films of their own accord to avoid stirring up unrest.
Meanwhile, Mockingjay has been met with a similar reaction China. While not explicitly banned, the film’s premiere was cancelled. Reports are conflicting as to whether the cancellation is permanent, as some claim it will be released next year. The official explanation offered is that the government is protecting domestic Chinese films from foreign competition. However, it may be a response to pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong that have the Chinese government worried. After seeing how the film inspired protests in Thailand, China may fear that the current protests would be strengthened should the film be released.

The film’s cancellation in China could have financial repercussions for the studio. China has become Hollywood’s largest market outside of the United States. It is a growing market for American blockbusters, as seen from the latest Transformers film breaking Chinese box office records with $300 million. Online piracy is common in China and the film’s cancellation or delay will likely drive many people to watch it online instead. While the worldwide success of the Hunger Games is essentially assured, the loss of Chinese markets threatens to leave its mark.
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