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Where can i discover spinster software and initiate-supply software program?


Storified by HolmesSchofield · Tue, Mar 20 2018 16:32:43

Of course it's, it is a macro, and is definitely a fruitfulness of third get together software. It provides a bonus that other gamers haven't got, conception it against the tenet.
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Here are in ffmpeg of solely single software. For lists that include non-single software, see theHowTo Wikispinster and start on supply Wikia- person editable FOSS database The software program directoryfrom the spinster software basis (single content material) supplyForge- get to it source software program improvement web site spinster software program pamphlet- a group of the perfect single software program and online companies that features make a start supply and spinsterware Ohloh- instigate source tasks with undertaking and developer metrics OS ReviewsReviews of free and source software program (spinster content material) spinster internet software(GPL net software)This query was requested onThe HowTo Wiki .
Other Audio editing software program
Alpha-model" denotes development standing, not price. at all alpha models can be found free of charge, several or not. no matter cost, it's usually not advisable to make use of alpha model software unless nothing else is on the market, because it typically accommodates bugs that will [hopefully
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Dante IP prime is a tender IP answer that implements excessive-performance Dante endpoints Xilinx FPGA platforms. It enables you to add Dante audio networking flexibly and cost-effectively to FPGA-based mostly AV merchandise, minimizing footprint and lowering BOM expenditures.
As it seems, you can also make great-sounding productions without tweaking each fade for an hour...- Jeff Towne, audio tech editor, Transom.org
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To add mp3gain , toSpecial:Uploadwhere one can find a kind to upload one.
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SMART studying Suite softwareThis suite gives you 4 of the world's best education software instruments, premeditated particularly to vocation by means of SMART Boards, integrate by means of gadgets and build learning partaking and interactive.SMART learning SuiteSMART Board 7zero0zero seriesThe most superior SMART Board, it consists of exclusive iQ know-how, unmatched intensive features and soothe of usefulness, and is for any educating or studying model.7zerozero0 SeriesSMART Board 600zero seriesThe hottest SMART Board, presently includes exclusive iQ know-how and the same progressive options that hundreds of thousands already esteem.60zerozero SeriesSMART Board four hundred0 seriesA foundational interactive display by means of options that originate learning enjoyable and interesting.four hundredzero Series

What is the difference mp3 format and tmt3 format?


Storified by HolmesSchofield · Tue, Mar 20 2018 16:32:50

mp3gain , displaying1 - 2four of 79 inside iPod and MP3 gamers previous Page123fournext Page
Then I used unsystematic to generate unsystematic bytes, 0 to 255, into a byte scale the same measurement because the audio bytes a frame and initially containg these audio bytes previous to altering all of them. Then appended the body header and new audio bytes collectively an output excellent good thing the brand new checklist(Of Byte()). And if the checkbox is tartan then Button4 code donate output that knowledge to an MP3 file. Which ffmpeg had no issue playing the MP3 though it just seems like a mixture of Dolphcontained by/Whale/Birdchirps or one thing.
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New MP3 Skype Recorder opposed to.four.29 Freeware Skype call recorder. predominant features of MP3 Skype Recorder: it's completely free by means of no limits attached for private, non-business . both versions 'Skype UWP App'(windows 10 Skype Prein opposition toiew) and classical 'Skype for desktop' recording supported. automatic or guide recording capabilities. YOUTUBE TO MP3 of saved information (mp3 recordsdata). could also be familiarized record P2P,SkypeOutcalls and calls made to your Skype online quantity . succesful to track simultaneous calls and to avoid wasting them individually. simple amalgamation by means of Skype conference recording. telepathic straightforward to use interface.study extra ⇒
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MP3 Downloader is for those that veneration music from the 1ninety five0s to immediately.It contains a person interface that even the newest laptop person can pass through by the ability wanted stopping at a hardcore downloader.
I didnt learn all of the feedback, but a significant component is that most people taking this test won't be able to listen to a distinction unless they know at all to listen for.nearly all of the music is not going to present a significant difference on the larger bradawl charge also the truth that they're in all probability listening to both samples by the side of a pc sound system, which might not adhere to hi-fi.one of the main differences in audio, especially music, is passing RESPbySE.A temporary is a minuscule lump of din that can be solely missed at decrease sampling rates, yet contains the data that makes music come alive to our ears.early CDs had been criticized for ing or uninteresting compared to vinyl (I nonetheless think they barn dance, but they're much better and since Im sixty three it esnt concern as much anymore).temporary respbyse and fast-moving vary are two very important elements in our enjoyment of music.the upper the tool charge, the greater your chance of listening to all of the briefs which are present in your music.every that stated, if Im pay attentioning to earbuds or 4-inch computer audio system, I dby the side oft a lot if its an MP3 or WAV or AAC procession.If Im pay attentioning to a nation-of-the-art system, Im gby the side ofna play vinyl via a fantastic turntable by means of a really prime quality preamp and a couple ofzerozero watt-per-channel amp right into a subwoofer and super audio system.THERES where all the components of fantastic audio come voguish rough and tumble.

How shindig you add an audio pole?


Storified by SlaughterNelson · Tue, Mar 20 2018 16:33:20

Who made up digital audio? mp3gain ,128questions on Wikianswers Add New page Edit Edit sourceHistoryTalk 0This question is awaiting an answer...Please leave this subject clean except you're answering the question. do not ask questions you already know the answer to. thank you.Retrieved from " " Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a -to-use web site that makes money from advertising. we now have a adapted expertise for viewers utilizing ad blockers Wikia shouldn't be accessible if youve made additional modifications. remove the customized ad blocker catalog(s) and the page land as anticipated. categories : Un-answered questions InventionsAdd class CancelSave
Location located on the twosixth flooring of the stock change Tower, Audio Z enjoys gorgeous views of the St. mp3gain . The studio is just ladder away from a number of the top hotels, restaurants and boutiques Montreal has to offer. Our important location puts you in the coronary heart of Montreals inventive life which is recognized across the . From music to visual arts, cinema to dance, drama to museums, Montreal presents all the pieces a inventive thoughts might wish for without discarding apart whatsoever cherishes the belly, as gastronomy is most positively not left at the rear on this cultural whirlwind.
Click the rank name field, type a pole identify for the recorded , and then click regenerate to save lots of the recorded racket as an audio editorial.
Convert your audio to another format
In newer variations of iTunes, you click by the side of a tune in iTunes, go to the highest menu that gives you the option to"convert this song to MP3." ffmpeg may have a say "cby the side ofvert this track to AAC" in that shell go to your preferences in iTunes, and choose your most popular cby the side ofversiby the side of is MP3 (not AAC). From that point you'll be able to cvert all of your files to MP3 if you wish. You might not have the ability to convert songs by means of extensinext to M4P; those are iTunes bought information. it is advisable to call Apple and ask how you can cvert those, however a simple workaround is to an audio by all of the safe recordsdata; then addition the album within your computer and cby the side ofvert them to MP3.

What is the French phrase for software program?


Storified by HolmesSchofield · Tue, Mar 20 2018 16:34:42

ffmpeg will need to trouble a recording burner, a blank album, and recording software. discuss with your compact disk excited software for instructions on methods to proceed to burn your album.
In: YOUTUBE TO MP3 can i eliminate virius in my computer that virius scaning software cant eliminate it for ?
Some simpler programs do not have a configure writing; they only need ladder four and 5. extra complicated ones confer on typically need extra software program to generate the configure script. you need to learn any set up that come with the source package.
For purpose? living thing digital, it would not truly delay capable of producing or recording . A virtual (or null) audio card could shelter used as the "output" system for a instruct that expects a clatter card to house current.
While there are various people who even though personal diverse costly anti-adware and pop-up softwares, (Symantec, McAfee, and many others.) they can not keep away from having apiece kind of issues when utilizing those packages. safety warnings for a mere internet cookie generally stops the busiest of users from doing their necessary profession.
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NOTE: shopping for audio codes from internet sites or inside-game is a violation of Ankama's TOS
In:Video modifying softwareWhy should din and video enter into a laptop cling on to converted from analog to digital?
How dance you compile software surrounded by Lux?
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When a Canon digital digicam begins, it ahead of time checks for a particular paragraph called DISKBOOT.BIN on the SD card and if it exists it runs it (this is normally created Canon to update the software program contained in the digital camera).
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App is short for utility software but is ceaselessly used to mean cellular app (more particular) or computer instruct (more normal).
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Fred Cohen mechanized the primary methods for anti-virus software program; but Bernd repair supposedly was the first particular person to apply these strategies by way of removing of an precise virus train surrounded by 1987.

Is Microsoft word an built-in software program utility?


Storified by SlaughterNelson · Tue, Mar 20 2018 16:35:43

Mp3Gain , or just software, is any solidify of piece of equipment-readable instructions that directs a pc's to carry out specific operations. The time period is familiarized contrast via computer hardware, the bodily things (computer and related gadgets) that carry out the instructions. Computer hardware and software program each other and neither can be faithfully used without the other. by the use of wikipedia
To add an audio string, negotiate toSpecial:Uploadwhere you'll discover a form to upload one.
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I tried a number of softwares that could download YouTube movies. however, many of them doesn't support converting the downloaded video to different codecs manner MP3. till recently, i found a video instrument called WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe. it could possibly simply and quickly download YouTube movies and straight enable you convert them to common formats. the process is simple and quick. you can also use it as a photograph slideshow maker and SD, HD and UHD video converter. highly useful.
What is an audio podcast?
Alpha-version" denotes growth status, not value. a few alpha models can be found at no cost, whichever or not. regardless of value, it's usually not advisable to use alpha model software program except trifle else is available, because it often comprises bugs that may [hopefully
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You must ask your self at all functions you have and software program you want. when you need something greater than easy grahics software program like Irfanview, and workplace software program type office or Micrsoft workplace, then you might be probably not seeking to a netbook; any software program via more demands is not bound for intensely nicely in any respect by a netbook.
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In:Multimedia softwareHow do you rename a file by a .mkv support overhang for it to look similarly whenever you fun it on vlc?

Ainda Tem Fibras, Proteínas E Vitaminas


Storified by emagrecanet77 · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:14:23

A Minha Dieta

As Principais Referências de Vitamina K que precisamos saber. Também, a vitamina K é uma vitamina solúvel em gordura que desempenha um papel pela coagulação do sangue. A vitamina K ativa a proteína que coagula o sangue. Assim como é necessário para a sinopse de proteínas ósseas. Uma deficiência de vitamina K podes conduzir a doenças cardíacas, ossos enfraquecidos, cáries dentárias e câncer.

Amplo porção da vitamina K em nossas dietas provém das bactérias intestinais que agora temos, então, seus níveis de vitamina K conseguem precisar muito da saúde do intestino. Como reduzir de peso da Barriga à Noite com Ajuda Dessa Bebida! Dicas Simples Para Apagar Todas as tuas Varizes! Chá que Assistência a Derreter Gordura da Barriga Rapido! Bebida Caseira Para Perder 5 KG em dois Dias!

1 pote (170g) de iogurte natural desnatado batido com 1 Pera
vinte e um:30 - Ceia
Tire medidas
2 fatias de presunto magro
Macarrão frio com maionese
1 xícara (chá) chá erva-doce
um batata adocicado média picada
Aves de carne branca e magra pra substituir aos poucos a carne vermelha

Exclusivo: Esposa Emagrece 32 kg e Surpreende Marido que Estava Há 6 Meses Viajando a Trabalho. Existem 2 tipos de vitamina K que temos em nossa dieta, vitamina K1 e vitamina K2. A vitamina K1 é encontrada em vegetais onde vitamina K2 assim como chamada de menaquinona é encontrada em produtos lácteos e produzida pela bactéria em teu intestino. Ao procurar complementar ou juntar à sua dieta, os alimentos ricos em vitamina K2 demonstraram ter maiores privilégios para a saúde do que K1. Truque Fácil Para se livrar da Celulite Eternamente!

Mulheres de São Paulo Estão Emagrecendo Mais rápido, Visualize COMO! Há também uma versão sintética que é vitamina K3 que eu não recomendo. Em vez disso, siga a lista de alimentos da vitamina K abaixo. O RDA da vitamina K é de 120 mcg / dia pra homens e 90mcg / dia para as mulheres. O valor diário é de 80 mcg.

Couve: A couve é uma das principais fontes de vitamina K. Também, a vitamina K auxílio pela coagulação do sangue, permitindo que seu corpo faça proteínas envolvidas no recurso de coagulação do sangue. A coagulação é significativo porque auxílio a evitar que teu organismo sangra além da conta. A couve é a rainha da vitamina K. É conhecida como um dos superalimentos.

Com causa, pelo motivo de assim como é repleto de cálcio, potássio e folato, entre novas vitaminas e minerais. Couve de Bruxelas: As crianças podem não querer da ideia de couve de Bruxelas, contudo várias receitas conseguem torná-las realmente boas. Veja mais conteúdo sobre esse tema referenciado relacionados com o web-site .Dê a estas couves de Bruxelas crocantes de alho com a receita Sriracha aioli. Alface: A alface porventura é a fonte mais popular de vitamina K nas dietas americanas.

Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen Delft


Storified by ADonline · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:14:28

14:59 In 2014 gingen in totaal bijna achtduizend Delftenaren naar de stembus. Dat was meer dan de helft van alle stemgerechtigden.
14:44 De expats staan versteld van het aantal kandidaten tijdens deze verkiezingen
There are so many candidates, even for local elections. In Delft alone, there are ten parties running and they can each have fifty people on their candidate list. Ahead of the election, the government sends you a mock ballot so you can figure out who to vote for. https://t.co/8pkamZWMrQ · WeAreXpats - Molly
14:17 Bij stembureau De Keet in Oud-Delfgauw hebben vader en zoon gestemd. ,,Ik heb dit keer op een landelijke partij gestemd."
In Pijnacker-Nootdorp heeft inmiddels ruim 20 procent van de kiesgerechtigden gestemd. Ook in stembureau De Keet in Oud-Delfgauw druppelen de kiezers binnen. Stemmer Dick van der Zwam nam zijn zoon mee. ,,Ik heb dit keer op een landelijke partij gestemd.'' https://t.co/PqWWHZwq7c · carelvandervelden
14:06 Voor 13:00 uur hebben 14.903 Delftenaren gestemd. Dat is 18,8% van alle stemgerechtigden, werd net bekend gemaakt.
13:56 Om 13:00 uur was het tussentijdse opkomstpercentage in Pijnacker-Nootdorp 18,28%, dat meldt de gemeente zojuist op Twitter
13:49 Bij het stembureau op de TU Delft staat een lange rij doordat veel studenten willen stemmen
Op de TU staan lange rijen bij het stembureau. Goed om te zien dat er zoveel gestemd wordt. Ook Michelle Corten van STIP is gespot! https://t.co/C3ZNl4aoCI · Britt Henneken
12:56 Weet je nog niet waar je gaat stemmen? In Delft kun je terecht bij49 stembureaus in de stad. Zo zijn er in het stadhuis op de Markt twee stembureaus en is in het stadskantoor, achter het station, voor de eerste keer een stembureau geopend.
12:34 De gemeente Delft laat zojuist op Twitter weten dat om 10:00 uur 6.207 Delftenaren wezen zijn stemmen. Dat is 8,7% van het totaal aantal stemgerechtigden.
12:22 Ook wethouder Lennart Harpe (VVD) heeft zijn stem uitgebracht.
Zojuist met lijsttrekker @bsmals stem uitgebracht op lijst 7 @VVDDelft Onder andere om #delft financieel gezond te houden. https://t.co/2rf0tlTvYd · Lennart Harpe
12:10 Huub Halsema (D66) liet weten het gemeentehuis op de Markt het mooiste stembureau van Delft te vinden, andere Delftenaren vinden andere plekken weer mooier...
Mooiste #stembureau van #Delft #GR2018 ❤️ https://t.co/LS98Lz8XKe · Astrid Overvoorde
12:07 Het eerste stembureau is zojuist gesloten! Bewoners van verzorgingstehuis Akkerleven in Schipluiden konden tot twaalf uur stemmen bij hun thuis. Veertig mensen hebben gestemd.
11:57 Om 11:00 uur was de opkomstpercentage in gemeente Midden-Delfland 14,3%. Voor het referendum was dat percentage 13,8%.
11:41 Wie vanavond snel op de hoogte wil zijn van de uitslagen van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen, kan naar het stadhuis op de Markt gaan. Van 21.00 uur tot rond middernacht is daar de traditionele uitslagenavond.
11:06 Volgens Onderzoeksbureau I&O is de kans groot dat de lokale partijen goed scoren deze raadsverkiezingen. Dankzij de groei van het inwonertal tot boven de 100.000 inwoners zijn er in Delft twee extra zetels te verdelen.

Locksmith Land O'Lakes


Storified by Locksmith LandO'Lakes · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:15:16

There is a team of professionals at Locksmith Land O’ Lakes that has one primary goal in mind, and that is to make sure that locals in Land O Lakes, Florida have access to quality automotive, commercial and residential lock and security services. We achieve this goal by working with quality lock brands (Ilco, Kaba, ASSA, Baldwin, Arrow, Falcon and Yale are some of our favorites) and by extensively training the technicians who work for us. Locals who use us for services like key duplication, lock installation, rekeying locks, break-in repairs, high security sidewinders, mailbox locks, cabinet locks, upgrades, repairs and more can trust that the job will be done with expertise. Lockout assistance is provided too, thanks to the fact that we are willing to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if needed. Call us at any time that locksmith assistance is needed, and you will find the help that you deserve. Our prices are low, too, and you can see for yourself by calling for a free price estimate. Locksmith Land O’Lakes hopes that you will call us for relevant assistance. Schedule a free consultation today! You will be glad you did.

Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in Utrecht


Storified by ADUN · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:15:27

14.45: Kaasboer Joey Knaapen in Houten stemt op een wel heel bijzondere 'partij'.
Kaasboer Joey Knaapen in Houten heeft - zoals vaker - voor zijn zaak een ludieke bord neergezet. 'Ik stem zon, die komt echt voor me op'. In het stemhokje neigt Knaapen overigens naar D66. 'Maar ik twijfel nog'. https://t.co/thnO1Pi1M0 · Peter Koop
14:20 In Doorn moeten mensen even op hun beurt wachten in het stembureau.
Op het stembureau Huize Beatrix in Doorn staan de inwoners te trappelen om te kunnen stemmen. De democratie leeft in de UH. #uhstemt #gr18 https://t.co/wjjoem51ch · Frits Naafs
14.09 uur: In Houten had om 13 uur 28.7% van de kiezers zijn stembiljet in de bus gedeponeerd. Daarmee loopt de gemeente iets voor op een jaar geleden.
We hebben een tussentijds opkomstpercentage! Op ons stembureau in het gemeentehuis was vandaag om 13 uur de opkomst 28,7%. Dat was in 2014 nog 27,2%. (Foto: Leen van Put) #GR18 #GR2018 #ElkeStemTelt #HoutenKiest https://t.co/OcA3RNTiTh · Gemeente Houten
14.07 uur: Wie stem in Nieuwegein, is een ster, aldus de gemeente
#nieuwegeinstemt https://t.co/OC0JUOKEIR · Gemeente Nieuwegein
13.54 uur: Volgens Piet Zoon, waarnemend burgemeester in Veenendaal, is het bij stemdistrict 8 al de hele dag druk.
Hele drukte bij stembureau 8 (Groenhof) #Veenendaal. Belooft veel goeds voor het opkomstpercentage! U kunt stemmen tot 21 uur. https://t.co/9G41560uxi · Piet Zoon
13.51 uur: Ook bij afvalscheidingsstation De Stits in Vleuten kan er vandaag gestemd worden.
Het Utrechtse stemdistrict 165 zit in het afvalscheidingsstation De Stits in Vleuten. Leden stembureau zitten in een omgebouwde kantoorruimte. Mét aquarium #stemdistrict165 #GR18 https://t.co/7eVFwaIZMn · Peter Koop
Volgens leden stembureau is er een gescheiden wereld tussen kiezers een mensen die hun afval wegbrengen. Tot nu toe nog geen klussers of bouwvakkers aan de tafel gehad #stemdistrict165 #GR18 https://t.co/osR4h2tsTD · Peter Koop
13.49 uur: In Utrecht wordt overigens nog altijd flink campagne gevoerd. GroenLinks deelt flyers uit bij het station en D66 staat bij de Stadhuisbrug.
Twijfel je wat je gaat stemmen? @D66Utrecht staat ook nu nog op de Stadhuisbrug voor al je vragen. https://t.co/B4vqAwZfHM · Jelmer Schreuder
13.29 uur: Frits Naafs, burgemeester van Utrechtse Heuvelrug, filmt erop los in onder meer Amerongen, Leersum, Maarsbergen en Overberg. Bij elk stembureau zet hij stemmers op camera.
Bij het stembureau de Proloog in Amerongen wordt er druk gestemd. Aan het woord een inwoner die voor het eerst mag stemmen. #uhstemt #GR2018 https://t.co/UOtygTRZSO · Frits Naafs
Ook in Leersum wordt er gestemd doir de oudere generatie. #uhstemt #GR2018 https://t.co/l0oS8zQzZA · Frits Naafs
12.59 uur: In Stichtse Vecht is D66 van de kieslijsten gehaald na bonje tussen verschillende politici. De partij is met zes zetels de grootste partij in de raad. De grote vraag is dan ook waar die zetels na de verkiezingen belanden. Bij stemdistrict 9 in Maarssen-Dorp is het al de hele dag druk. De vrijwilligers bij het stembureau hebben nog geen kiezers aan hun tafel gehad met de vraag waarom D66 niet op de lijst staat.
Net na schooltijd is het aanschuiven in het stemlokaal. Volgens voorzitter van het stembureau is het al de hele ochtend druk #stemdistric9 #StichtseVecht #GR18 https://t.co/NnQywnM7MN · Peter Koop

Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen Den Haag


Storified by ADonline · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:15:32

15.11 Om 14.00 uur had 18,9% van de Hagenaars al gestemd, maar vier jaar geleden was dit maar liefst 26%. Ook in 2010 waren Hagenaars de stemmers van vandaag ver voor, met een opkomst van 24%. Disclaimer: de opkomst werd tijdens die verkiezingen telefonisch opgevraagd, terwijl deze nureal timewordt bijgehouden en dus nauwkeuriger zal zijn.
15.04 Aan de Prinsessegracht nemen ze het woord 'stembus' wel héél letterlijk.
Hoe gaaf is dit. Een stembus in een echte oude bus! Het ultieme Droste effekt. Bedoeld voor jongeren, maar die vergeten vaak stempas. Alles digitaal..aan Prinsessegracht.#GR18 https://t.co/CFYY0kCjYy · hanshemmes
14.51 Drukte bij het stadhuis!
Zo’n lange rij als in het ijspaleis heb ik niet gezien. Is ook hol van de leeuw onder de raadzaal. Voor wachtenden heeft de brasserie wat lekkers.#GR18 https://t.co/Qdw53tWAG6 · hanshemmes
14.23Tom Beugelsdijk had het nog iets te druk om te gaan stemmen. Maar! Dit gaat hij naar eigen zeggen wel doen!
ADO-verdediger Tom Beugelsdijk heeft nog niet gestemd. Dat doet hij straks. De voetballer startte een plaatjesactie bij Hoogvliet met een minuut winkelen. De artikelen in zijn karretje schonk hij aan de Stichting Hoogvliegers. https://t.co/qNqQYJVOqd · Hans Klippus
14.22 Stemmen op de bowlingbaan, ook dát kan!
Wordt het een Lucky strike voor politici? Dat kan je bepalen in het stembureau van de bowling Scheveningen. Leden gaan na aflossing van 16 uur de baan op. #GR18 https://t.co/EikNOow7mN · hanshemmes
14.15 Niet alleen kiezers die zich binnen de stadsgrenzen bevinden stemmen, ook Hagenaars in het buitenland stemmen!
Bij briefstembureau. Hier worden de stemmen geteld van kiezers die vanuit buitenland over referendum wiv hebben gestemd.Met dank aan @GemeenteDenHaag. https://t.co/ReUwFI9y9q · chriskuijpers
14.11 Bakkie? Dan moet je bij brasserie Scheveningen zijn!
Gratis koffie in brasserie Scheveningen! Lekker arrangementje voor kiezers in Palace Promenade. In het stembureau smulden ze van lekkerbekjes. War een uitzicht!#GR18 https://t.co/QlKMS4nDSL · hanshemmes
14.08 Ed Braam, de lijsttrekker van Beter voor Rijswijk, voorspelt een nek-aan-nek race met Wij, de partij van Björn Lugthart.
14.05 Het ROC Mondriaan organiseert vandaag een verkiezingsfestival.
Op het @rocmondriaan in Den Haag organiseren we vandaag een verkiezingsfestival. De StickerStemWijzer is goed gevuld en studenten laten weten waarom ze stemmen. Straks bezoek van minister @KajsaOllongren van @MinBZK. https://t.co/1kgwe5N8Uc · ProDemos
14.00 Hierbij de nieuwe, tussentijdse opkomstcijfers! Tot 14.00 uur ging 18,9% van de kiesgerechtigden naar het stembureau om te stemmen voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen. Voor het referendum stemde 17,1%. Vorige verkiezingen had 26% van de kiesgerechtigden al een stem uitgebracht.
13.51 Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Kajsa Ollongren (D66) en burgemeester Pauline Krikke bezoeken op verkiezingsdag stemlokaal Haagse Hout om te bekijken hoe toegankelijk het is voor mensen met een lichamelijke beperking.
Imgur · Imgur

Pink Shirt Day


Pink Shirt Day is an international anti-bullying day that started in 2007 when David Shepherd and Travis Price stood up for grade 9 student, Chuck McNeill, who was getting bullied for wearing pink. As a way to show support to the victim, they got everyone in the school to wear pink the next day.

Storified by hzphilosophy4 · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:15:33

By Hussan Mirza and Zavia Mclaighlin


can be seen in the positive response showcased by many people who wish to put a stop to bullying.

Appeal to Authority

can be seen here when people of significance, or with some kind of fame, or authority, support the anti-bullying day campaign by wearing pink. Fans or people that idolize them might be more inclined to wear pink and support the campaign because they want to be like them.

Supporting Pink Shirt Day! @SaultPoliceCSO2 @SaultPoliceCSO1 @bobkates #antibullying http://t.co/n15ZDp0WQd · Sault Police Service
We’re all wearing pink shirts today for #PinkShirtDay. RT to stand up against bullying along with us! http://t.co/B22cs27BzV · TELUS

The Bandwagon Effect

is shown when people wear pink shirts because everyone else is doing it, although they might not know why they do it. Even though "everyone" seems to be participating, some are only in it because their friends or family are.

Pink Shirt Day 2012 - Flash Mob - Victoria BC · LearnNowBC

Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in Amersfoort


Storified by ADAmersfoort · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:15:45

15.14 uur: Burgemeester Bolsius heeft nog 40 stembureaus te gaan. Zien we hier de eerste tekenen van vermoeidheid?
Imgur · Imgur

15.07 uur: Net als 4 jaar geleden zit het vaste team van stemmentellers weer in De Stuw in Hoevelaken.
Al jaren vast team van stemmentellers in De Stuw #Hoevelaken ‘Als we maar niet al te laat thuis zijn. Vorige keer half 3 ‘s nachts’ #GR18 https://t.co/XQd9FZjHhc · Johan Hardeman

15.04 uur: VVD-lijsttrekker Kees Kraanen stemt op VVD-wethouder Hans Buijtelaar.
Zojuist gestemd voor DOEN Op de efficiëntste wethouder van Amersfoort 👊🏻😀 @Buijtelaar https://t.co/MY9kGtaEvx · Kees (C.W.) Kraanen

15.03 uur: In vergelijking 2014 vinden in Eemnes weinig stemmers hun weg naar de stembus.

14.57 uur: Meester Wouter Siebers van de Caeciliaschool in Randenbroek koppelde zijn stemrecht vandaag aan een lesje democratie. Met de hele klas op excursie naar het stembureau.
Met bovenbouwers stembureau in @Gem_Amersfoort bezocht. Geweldige uitleg van de voorzitter. Mijn stem samen met een leerling uitgebracht. Terug op school gedebatteerd over uitdagingen in de wijk. #GR2018 https://t.co/4xldjZAoEL · Wouter Siebers

14.55 uur: De stemkeuze is duidelijk!
In de oude haven van #Spakenburg is de stemkeuze duidelijk. https://t.co/9QLj4oPXrq · Rachel van Kommer

14.50 uur: Stemmen kan in Bunschoten ook in de Noorderkerk.
Stemmen in de Noorderkerk. #spakenburg #Verkiezingen2018 https://t.co/pSsBesARwi · Rachel van Kommer

Cinco Formas Fáceis De Perder 1 Kg Por Semana


Storified by blogseutratamen · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:16:02

Dieta Hipocalórica Não é Um Sacrifício

Apesar de tudo, sem atividade física você pode até emagrecer, porém o corpo fica flácido e as gorduras estrategicamente localizadas não irão apesar de tão cedo! Claro que diversas pessoas sofrem com um inimigo tão robusto quanto a gula, que evita de movimentar o corpo humano e deixar o conforto da cama ou do sofá de lado: a preguiça! Verdade seja citada, a preguiça impede qualquer pessoa de estabelecer uma atividade, fazer uma viagem sensacional, sair de casa ou qualquer outra coisa que envolva interesse e planejamento. Ter uma meta de onde quer vir é respeitável, sendo assim você poderá usar uma pessoa como fonte de inspiração para obter seus objetivos. Fazer atividades físicas com alguma companhia agradável é uma legal dica pra não abandonar o exercício, afinal, um incentiva o outro e se cria um tratado de sair e fazer exercícios em determinado horário. Desse jeito, nada de sabotar o exercício se um dia não puder comparecer, a dica é sacudir a poeira e começar tudo mais uma vez!

Uma xícara de abóbora cozida cortada em cubos retém 22 g de carboidratos, sendo 6 g pura fibra alimentar. Fora isso, o alimento contém carotenoides, um antioxidante que combate doenças. Aveia - O tipo específico de fibra localizado por este alimento está conectado à melhor saúde do coração e controle do peso, do mesmo jeito que ao pequeno colesterol. Pipoca - Ela é o novo grão integral. Prepare sem óleo e não exagere no sal pra adquirir um alimento livre de gordura e pequeno em sódio.

Uma xícara de pipoca tem seis g de carboidratos (sendo um g de fibra) e só 31 calorias. Quinoa - Além de ofertar cinco g de fibras em um xícara, a quinoa é uma proteína completa. Isto significa que ela tem 9 dos aminoácidos essenciais, que não conseguem ser construídos pelo corpo e, dessa maneira, precisam ser fornecidos pela alimentação. Batata-açucarado - Qualquer tipo de batata com casca é uma legal referência de fibras, porém a batata-açucarado é carregada de carotenoides, vitamina C, proteína e potássio. Frutas vermelhas - As berries fornecem não apenas fibras como uma quantidade expressiva de vitaminas e antioxidantes. O mirtilo é uma das opções mais benéficas, visto que uma xícara cheia da fruta tem apenas oitenta e quatro calorias.

Com um recurso muito bom, criativo e de fato capaz, o aplicativo de redução de gordura GPES chega com tudo. Conheça essa solução que pode te fazer emagrecer até quatro kg em quatrorze dias. Os aplicativos de perda de calorias prontamente não são novidade. Existem milhares deles pra serem baixados no Celular. Todos com funções bem bacanas como determinar distâncias percorridas e batimentos cardíacos. Nós conhecemos há pouco tempo um app novo e muito curioso, o GPES. E antes que você sonhe que possa ser apenas mais um entre tantos, é prazeroso prosseguir a leitura uma vez que você vai perceber que existem apps de redução de calorias e existe o GPES.

Apresenta mesmo com finalidade de perder peso seguindo um app de redução de calorias? Com o GPES oferece! Um personal trainer virtual pela palma da tua mão, te motivando, dando dicas e treinos personalizados para cada usuário. Essa é a ideia do aplicativo GPES (Guia do Programa de redução de peso e Saúde). E ele tem 2 grandes diferenciais que o deixam a frente de cada outro “rival”: treinamento personalizado e motivação com apoio em conquistas. O Anderson é especialista em treinamentos personalizados e conseguiu levar isto para teu aplicativo.

Acelera o metabolismo e portanto queime mais gorduraQuer que ele conheça seus amigos e famíliatrês - Crucifixo invertidoAgachamento com cadeiraElimina o Exagero de GorduraReduza o sal e o açúcar4 - Água de coco

A partir de um algoritmo inteligente, o GPES define o treino e a intensidade pra cada pessoa. Seja você sedentário ou agora experiente nas atividades físicas, o aplicativo aproximadamente vai se moldar a você e ao seu ritmo. O tópico são os exercícios aeróbicos, de forma especial a corrida e a caminhada. E se quer emagrecer mesmo, fique sabendo que a duração do exercício, distância percorrida e intensidade fazem toda a diferença. Tudo isto é instituído pelo GPES pra cada usuário. Todo o acesso aos treinos é feito diretamente pelo aplicativo no celular. Será elaborada uma rotina para ser seguida em 14 dias, como menores desafios a serem cumpridos pra se entrar à tua meta.

E outra coisa bem legal: como o app aproximadamente se “molda” ao seu estilo de vida, ele vai também te ceder dicas nutricionais e outros conteúdos que irão acentuar a redução de calorias. Numa interface bem atraente e intuitiva, o GPES exibe tuas metas e conquistas por funcionamento. Ele vai pegar no seu pé! O app usa o GPS e conexão com a internet (3G ou 4G) pra permanecer te monitorando, te acompanhando em cada treino. E ele vai fazer marcação pesada em você!

Se esquecer de treinar ou não completar a distância indicada, ele vai emitir alertas pra te recordar e te cobrar. Pra você tarefa dada é incumbência cumprida? É isso que o GPES quer de você. E vai te oferecer treinos pra se fazer em 14 dias, com dois dias possíveis de descanso! Seguindo os quatrorze dias propostos pelo GPES, a Luana emagreceu mais de 4kg! Mas ele também vai te motivar muito! Detalhes e novas infos sobre os temas que estou falando por esse site pode ser localizados nas outras fontes de importância tal como a http://www.louisvuittonbagsoutlet.org.uk/quitoplan-vai-funcionar-com/ .Pela forma em que foi criado, o app prontamente é muito motivante. Acompanhar as orientações, e ver as metas concluídas a partir da fantástica interface do programa anima bastante.

E pra preservar a motivação lá em cima, você recebe medalhas e conquistas baseadas em teu esforço nos treinos. Fornece até afim de falar sobre este tema nas redes sociais a tua vitória por ter percorrido 10 km, por exemplo. O GPES de fato nos surpreendeu. O que parecia ser só mais um aplicativo pra emagrecer, é na verdade um robusto programa de perda de calorias pela palma da mão. O fato dele se acertar a cada usuário é sem dúvidas o teu enorme diferencial. Queremos expressar que esse app fantástico é como um personal trainer virtual, afinal são esses profissionais que analisam o perfil de cada aluno, elaboram treinos específicos para cada um e ainda motivam a ultrapassar cada exercício em pesquisa do objetivo. O GPES faz exatamente isso. Clique aqui para acessar o blog oficial do programa e veja como obter agora. No momento ele está acessível somente para sistema Android, contudo logo vai ser liberado para iOS bem como.

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Storified by arilathu · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:16:05

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Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 2018


Alle stembureaus zijn geopend. Mensen kunnen vandaag hun favoriete aspirant-gemeenteraadslid kiezen én zich in het raadgevend referendum uitspreken over de nieuwe Wiv-wet, bekend als de ’sleepwet’. In principe zijn de stemlokalen van 07.30 uur tot 21.00 uur open.

Storified by De Telegraaf · Wed, Mar 21 2018 14:16:19

Vandaag zijn de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen. Volg hieronder alle ontwikkelingen in het land!
15.14 uur - In Amsterdam werden ’waarnemers’ gespot die de stemmers vergezelden in het stemhokje om alles in het Turks uit te leggen.
15.07 uur - Ook bij De Speld hebben ze de mooiste stemplekken op een rij gezet....
De 5 mooiste plekjes om te stemmen - Wij zetten de pareltjes op een rij https://t.co/YkM5gnVbEj https://t.co/F6PicdA4BD · De Speld
14.59 uur - Dilemma voor Harm vandaag.
Harm weet nog niet of hij op zijn broer of op de buurman gaat stemmen - 'De buurman heeft mijn heggenschaar nog' https://t.co/GKwnt6BaCW https://t.co/7zDnSqBauu · De Speld
14.51 uur - In Rotterdam is de opkomst iets hoger!
Opkomstpercentage in #Rotterdam voor de #gemeenteraadsverkiezingen om 14:00 uur: 18, 3%. Bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2014 was dat 18,2%. Volg live de opkomstcijfers - ook voor het referendum, gebiedscommissies en wijkraden via: https://t.co/GFX483271P #GR2018 #GR18 https://t.co/w89dk7yK5Z · Rotterdam
14.47 uur - Dat gaat niet helemaal goed in Nijmegen...
Controle stempassen faalt, in Nijmegen kan twee keer worden gestemd https://t.co/bTotZWcwgd https://t.co/opilxr9EQW · Omroep Gelderland
14.45 uur - Haha!
14.36 uur - Ook de geleidehonden 'stemmen' mee vandaag!
Het is de dag van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen! Ook onze instructeurs brachten met deze #geleidehonden in opleiding een bezoekje aan het stembureau. #GR18 https://t.co/L0lQyaTzJS · KNGF Geleidehonden
14.34 uur - 'Politici en luiers hebben 1 ding gemeen, je moet ze om de zoveel tijd veranderen met dezelfde reden'
Deze bakker in De Lier heeft nog wel een verkiezingsboodschap #GR18 #wldebat #westland https://t.co/d9BeQFN88f · Bart Lelieveld
14.27 uur - Dit gebeurt er volgens deze twitteraar in Bos en Lommer...

Dieta Da Batata-adocicado: Mais Músculos E Menos Peso


Storified by tratesedicas4 · Wed, Mar 21 2018 23:02:40

Tabela De Pontos Dos Alimentos

Para que tuas perguntas sobre a Dieta dos Pontos possa ser sanada, neste local no Guia do Emagrecer, você verá a partir de agora quais são as principais vantagens e as desvantagens de fazer a dieta dos pontos. A principal vantagem da dieta dos pontos é permitir que a pessoa possa ingerir todos os alimentos, tendo como limite apenas o número máximo de pontos para aquele dia. Desse modo, a pessoa que está em dieta precisa só apurar quais os alimentos que está consumindo e dirigir-se somando a pontuação até entrar ao teu limite diário, independente de quais os alimentos que ingeriu.

Um outro ponto considerável é que pra uma dieta ter um consequência afirmativo é necessário a prática de exercícios e se os mesmos forem efetuados corretamente a pessoa ganha pontos para ingerir um a número mais de alimentos por dia. Um dos grandes dificuldades da dieta dos pontos é o cálculo pra voltar ao número certo que podes ser consumido a cada dia. É significativo que o cálculo seja efetuado acertadamente (se não tiver certeza peça para o seu médico ou nutricionista fazer pra ti), uma vez que toda a dieta se baseia nele. Como a dieta dos pontos permite o consumo de todos os alimentos pode ser uma amplo desvantagem caso a pessoa não saiba escolher os alimentos corretamente e, deste modo, acabe não ingerindo alguns nutrientes indispensáveis para o corpo. Logo abaixo estamos disponibilizando uma tabela pra download (formato PDF) com os pontos dos principais alimentos, para que dessa maneira você possa calcular os pontos dos alimentos e elaborar a sua alimentação diária. Preferimos disponibilizar para download, em razão de senão o artigo ficaria muito longo, sem revelar que fazendo o download você podes imprimir e transportar pra onde querer, basta clicar no botão abaixo e fazer o download através das redes sociais.

Dois xícaras de água quente um xícara de flocos de milho sem açúcar 18º Dia: suco puro de 2 limões um prato de sopa de legumes verde-escuros com 2 colheres de quinoa,

Boa parcela do mérito é de Troy, 44 anos, fisiculturista e marido de Barbara. Apesar dele nunca ter dito nada a respeito do peso da namorada (quando se conheceram, ela pesava 75kg), namorar o dono de uma academia sem ter um organismo em forma era custoso. Eu me sentia muito insegura. Ele sempre foi musculoso e as pessoas comentavam ‘o que ele está fazendo com essa gordinha? Aos poucos, com paciência, Troy foi auxiliando a namorada. Primeiro, ele ligava em residência para acordá-la mais cedo. Depois, saía com ela pra caminhar de bicicleta 3 vezes por semana. Eu tinha uma existência muito sedentária.

Dormia até 11h todo dia e quase não me mexia. Ele me levava pra percorrer de bicicleta, passei a me exercitar sem perceber”, relata. O segundo passo foi começar a frequentar a academia do marido, como aluna. O treino inicial foi fundamentado em atividades cardiovasculares, como caminhada ou elíptico, 30 minutos, 3 vezes por semana. Depois, foram incorporadas aulas de step e musculação até gradualmente voltar ao treino diário em circuito. No início, foi difícil. Mas o que era um vigor foi se ocasionando um hábito”, declara. Atualmente, ela faz quarenta e cinco minutos de aeróbio, divididos entre 3 ou 4 quiilômetros de corrida e elíptico, além de 6 exercícios diferentes alternados pra cada grupo muscular.

Contudo a alteração mais radical ficou a cargo da alimentação. Pela moradia de Troy, há alguns anos, sal, açúcar e gordura não entram. Barbara, que vivia à base de sorvete, fritura e pão francês, se viu obrigada a abandonar esses alimentos. O café da manhã era descartado e a curitibana partia direto para o almoço. A primeira vez que fui cozinhar liguei para minha mãe, desesperada, pelo motivo de não tinha sal”, conta, rindo. Com a auxílio do marido, ela assimilou a utilizar pimenta, alecrim e outros temperos para oferecer sabor à comida.

Passou a consumir de 3 em três horas - num total de 5 ou seis refeições por dia - e aboliu o trigo branco do cardápio. Eu não passo fome, mas diminuí muito a quantidade. Um prato que eu comia no almoço, antigamente, hoje seria o equivalente a três refeições”, compara. No café da manhã, ela toma um shake de proteína com banana e come uma omelete feita com quatro claras de ovos e uma torrada. No almoço, peito de frango ou peixe grelhados com aspargos e arroz integral. Pra não errar na quantidade, Barbara tem uma fórmula. A carne precisa ser do tamanho da mão aberta, a porção de arroz tem que ser do tamanho da mão fechada em concha”, indica. Entre as refeições, seus lanches prediletos são queijo cottage com morango ou iogurte com fruta. Pela cozinha, só entram produtos naturais.

Selling A Home: The Best Property Guidance


Storified by lentillarch9her · Wed, Mar 21 2018 23:02:47

There are visit the following web site can turn to if you want to receive advice on what you should do when buying a home, but what about advice for people trying to sell homes? Home-sellers need advice too, but there are few places giving it out. In this article, we'll go over quite a few great tips that you can use, in order to sell your property.
Curb appeal is a very important factor in selling your home; meaning that it is just as important what your home looks on the outside as it is on the inside. Before even looking, most people are concerned with what a home looks like from outside. If you are selling your home, make sure to clean up your yard, add some patio furniture and plant some nice flowers and plants outside for maximum curb appeal.
When you are selling your home and working on the outside to add nice curb appeal take a look at your front door. A nice front door can go a long way in making the outside of your house look nice. Choose a bright or contrasting color so that it doesn't match your house. Red looks good with green hues and blue goes well with orange hues.
Before you put your home on the market, you need to make sure it is in the best shape possible. There is no need to do expensive upgrades. Get rid of clutter. This will make the home look larger. Do simple repairs. If quick property sales have been ignoring a broken kitchen drawer, then now is the time to fix it. Paint any areas that need it. Mow the yard and plant some flowers. Make the most of what you have to capture and keep a buyer's interest.
To find the best agent to sell your real estate you should never list with the one who is suggesting a a much higher price than the other agents you are interviewing. In many cases it simply points out that they are unfamiliar with your market or just trying to get the listing and have you reduce the price later.
To make money flipping real estate you need to find solid houses that need cosmetic repairs. Without having to invest big money into major system repairs, you can get more bang for your buck by updating and freshening a home's cosmetic appearance and make it appeal to buyers who do not have the confidence to do those type of repairs.
When you decide to sell your house, you need to disconnect from it emotionally. That is because your emotional attachment will skew your perception of the whole selling process. company that buys homes to rent are not selling the way you live; you are merely selling the building in which you are living. When you approach this objectively, you will be able to sell your house efficiently.
Prior to listing your home, make sure your air conditioner and heater work by having them both serviced. Most buyers are not willing to make a huge investment for a new heating and cooling system after purchasing a piece of property.
If a potential buyer is coming to look at your home, do not try to force a conversation. Try to be as friendly as possible but allow them to open up the conversation. Be prepared to answer any questions that they may have about your home. Avoid talking too much when selling your home, let the buyers focus on what they see, not hear.
To make your home more attractive to the buyer, try getting rid of some of your furniture. Big pieces can make your home look small. Find a place to store these items until you move; you will be surprised at how much larger your rooms appear. This will help the buyer see the potential in your property.
If you want to sell your home quickly, you must prepare it to be viewed by prospective buyers. Clean up all the clutter, even from the closets. You want the house to appear spacious and clean. Remove personal items, such as photos, so that prospective buyers can more easily imagine their own furnishings in the home.
Having a property that will remain free of houses being built directly in front or behind it can be an attractive feature for any possible customers when marketing one's real estate. This can be an important thing to consider when looking at different properties as well when considering to buy.
Make sure to organize all items in your home before showing your home to potential buyers. When someone is viewing a home, they will want to look at everything. This will include your medicine cabinets, pantries, and closets. If a buyer sees that all of your things are organized, they will assume that you are a well-organized person who probably took good care of the home.
Choosing the right real estate agency can be a key factor in how quickly your home sells. Keep an eye on the "for sale" signs in your area, and take note of which agency seems the most popular or, more importantly, which company puts up "sold" signs the fastest. Visit open houses in the neighborhood to watch the realtors in action and to see how they interact with potential buyers. Choose an agency that seems to sell homes within a reasonable amount of time and has friendly and informative agents.
When deciding on a real estate agent, be sure you tell the agent how much communication you would like. A lot of people say that they do not hear from their agent as much as they would like. Let the agent know what communication you expect from them and how often you want to communicate. Tell the agent first to see if it will be a problem and if you will be a good fit with that agent.
Rusty faucets or leaky pipes will cause most buyers to run away. Check your plumbing system, and replace your fixtures if you need to.
If your front or back yard has too many trees, you may want to think about chopping them down before putting your home on the market. Many people are not interested in purchasing a home that has too many trees around it, while other people may simply be allergic to the trees.
To achieve success in selling your property, it is important to be open to suggestions. If you have hired a real estate agent to help you with selling your property, you should listen to what they have to say. Since your agent sells several properties each year, listen to their professional opinion on the best ways to present and market your home.
Venturing into the real estate market doesn't have to be a frightening and frustrating experience. With the information provided in this article, you can transform your home into a residence that every buyer will put on their short list. Get started now and watch the offers begin pouring in!

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Storified by McCann79McCann · Wed, Mar 21 2018 23:03:23

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3 Ways To Be Promoted At Your Job Within A Year


You shouldn’t carry old habits into new spaces so allow me to introduce you to three pragmatic ways to establish yourself as someone of great value at your new workplace.

Storified by Makiah Brown · Wed, Mar 21 2018 23:03:41

Set the Tone in the Interview

One could argue that this is potentially the most important first step in elevating your status in your workplace and I’ll tell you why. Too many times millennials go into interviews with a “hope” mentality instead of “win” mentality. They’re hoping to land the job instead of believing that the company they're pursuing will only benefit from bringing them into the fold. So what you want to do first is train yourself to present confidence and ambition in the way you appear to a hiring manager. The way you do that is through your attire, body language, and the questions you ask. Always overdress, regardless of the position you're applying for you should be dressed like you’re going into a interview with the CEO of the company because before you can even speak you’re being judged and the clothes you choose to wear could be the very best first impression or the worst. Sit up straight, but also strategically lean a bit during your interview. You want to do both because you want to show professionalism but you also want to show confidence and a level of comfort. You want your hiring manager to know that you’re built for these high-intensity situations that cause many people to embarrass themselves but you certainly aren’t one of them. Before the interview is over usually the person interviewing you will ask “Do you have any questions for me?” and you will reply “Yes I do.” This part is most important because it shows that you have interest in the company. This also creates the perfect window for you to flex more of your vocabulary, your knowledge of the company, and your ambitious motives. Ask questions that require answers which can't be found on their website, answers that only people who work there should know. Be strategic with your words and speak in a way that paints a picture of you in the company.

Sell Yourself and Your Value

Whether you know it or not in every conversation you have you're essentially selling yourself to whoever is listening to you and the bottom line of that is that you’ll benefit greatly to accept that fact and to practice on the way you sell yourself. You might ask “How do I sell myself?” You sell yourself through the conversations you’re choosing to engage in and also with charm. When I first arrived at one of my jobs I made it my priority to first observe my new coworkers and listen carefully to the conversations they were having. I realized that older people I worked with were held to a much higher level than the people that were closer to my age. So what I did was I made it my mission to absorb as much information as I could from them. I spent the first three months at my job picking at the brains of the older people so that I had a better knowledge of where I was working, but also to plant my own seeds and gain the respect and support of them. I wouldn’t allow myself to engage in much small talk and if I had no choice I would always turn that small talk into what I like to call “big talk.” To turn small talk into “big talk” means to turn a conversation that has minimal short and long term value to a conversation that you can actually grow from. I essentially taught myself how to turn pointless conversations into conversations that created connections and that I could learn from because you’re not really living if you’re not learning. Now understand, being charming doesn’t mean you have to be physically attractive. Charm has more to do with wit, mixing subtle compliments and jokes into conversations, and being able to make the person you’re speaking to feel like whatever they’re talking about is what’s most important to you in that moment. The best part about being charming is that it comes with the ability to encourage whoever you’re speaking with to be comfortable with your conversation and presence without any force whatsoever.

Find a Problem and Be the Solution

Being the solution to a problem in the company is the way you separate yourself from someone that appears easily expendable versus someone that is of high value. When you enter a new workplace it doesn’t take long to see who is complacent and way too comfortable in their minimal role in the company, don’t be that person. Find a problem with the company; for example if you went on your company's Twitter and Instagram feed and found that their social media presence was nonexistent and you knew that you majored in Public Relations and for the last four years you’ve been studying the culture shift and the ins-and-outs of social media then be the solution to that problem. You want to go home and work on a clear, comprehensive pitch and then you approach your manager or director and you tell them "I found this problem" and “this is how I can help us.” You want to be especially careful about shooting random ideas at your superiors, but you should never feel discouraged or afraid to be the solution to a problem in the company because that’s exactly what they hired you for.
Ultimately, these are ways that worked for me and I believe they can work for you as well. I believe the content is not only relevant but practical and could potentially help you or someone else on their pursuit of a more favorable position at their work place. I'll leave you with a quote from American novelist Chuck Palahniuk he said "May I never be complete. May I never be content. May I never be perfect." There is always room to grow. Thank you.

Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 2018


Volg vandaag in dit liveblog het nieuws rondom de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen het referendum over de sleepwet. En alles wat daarbij komt kijken.

Storified by deStentor · Wed, Mar 21 2018 23:03:49

CDA: 7 (8)
GEMBEL: 6 (4)
VVD: 4 (5)
GroenLinks: 3 (2)
PvdA: 2 (3)
D66: 2 (3)
CU/SGP: 1 (0)
VVD: 6
Inwoners Partij Lelystad: 3
PvdA: 3
SP: 2
D66: 2
CU: 3
CDA: 2
GroenLinks: 2
Leefbaar Lelystad: 4
Lelystads Belang: 1
PVV: 3
JongLelystad: 2
Forum voor de Ouderen: 1
De voorlopige uitslag @gem_Lelystad in zetels na tellen van 38 van de 38 stembureaus. Def uitslag wordt as vrijdag om 10 uur bekend gemaakt https://t.co/tFHoMYoaF3 · Ina Adema
23.55 uur Het opkomstpercentage in de gemeente Hardenberg was vier jaar geleden circa 56 procent. Dit jaar is dat gestegen tot ruim 60 procent. Het CDA blijft de grootste.
Gemeentebelangen: 9
CDA: 5
CU: 3
PvdA: 2
D66: 1
VVD: 1
LP: 0
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Om 23.00 u hadden we een tussentijdse uitslag met 65,6% van de Apeldoornse stemmen geteld #gr18 #055kiest #uitslag https://t.co/bYcHJ8ghMd · Gemeente Apeldoorn
23.43 uur Nieuwe tussenstand in Raalte, nadat de stemmen van 17 bureaus zijn geteld:
1. GemeenteBelangen
2. CDA
3. BurgerBelangen.
22.40 uur Ook in Elburg is het tellen bijna klaar:
We wachten nog op 1 stembureau. Dit is de voorlopige uitslag na 11 stembureaus. #gr2018 #uitslag https://t.co/xXSzNgKraf · Gemeente Elburg
23.39 uur In Kampen zijn ze bijna uitgeteld:
Na de telling van 28 stembureaus is dit de voorlopige uitslag #GR2018 #Kampen Nog 3 stembureaus en de verdeling van de restzetels! https://t.co/43Dz4pjS70 · Gemeente Kampen
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VOORLOPIGE einduitslag aantal stemmen https://t.co/LcJKI6swUG · Gemeente Berkelland
23.31 uur Sylvana Rikkert, lijsttrekker van GroenLinks in Zwolle, viert alvast een feestje. Haar partij staat op megawinst.
Imgur · Imgur
23.29 uur In de gemeente Hardenberg is het opkomstpercentage gestegen ten opzicht van 4 jaar geleden:
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