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Open Your Own PanIQ Escape Room Franchise in the United States

Storified by paniqroomusa · Wed, Feb 22 2017 13:17:09

The live action escape games have already started their conquest in the second half of the 2000s, although their real popularity began much later, mostly in Budapest. Each escape room is built around a different story; the characteristics and style of the room are shaped with the help of accessories and interior design connected to the story. The point of the real-time adventure game based on the flow experience is that a team has to escape a group of locked rooms within a specified time period. According to its classical form and the relentlessly ticking clock, the players have 60 minutes to escape, while the unstoppable searching, determined teamwork necessary to get out, and the essential excitement to figure out the next step overrides the normal, everyday rules of behaviour. Completely immersed in logical puzzles, skill tasks and concentrating on the hidden connections, keys and locks, the time and space virtually cease, private troubles disappear and only the codes and secret messages exist and need to be solved. An essential element of the game is to maintain a level of adrenaline, which increases in direct proportion to the passing of the time, the continuous claustrophobic feeling, as well as solving the codes of the creative tasks invented by common sense, logical knowledge and intuitive thinking. The escape room is a team and a self-awareness game in one.
Owning a PanIQ Room provides you an opportunity to partner with an industry leader in a completely new sector of real life entertainment, whose sales grow more and more annually. With our international presence, we have geared our company to provide you with knowledge, support and training that will allow you to effectively meet and surpass any consumer expectations.

We offer two different types of escape room franchise opportunities in the United States. You can choose to own a single unit franchise which allows you to operate your own PanIQ Room in a protected territory of your choice. We also offer area development franchises for those looking to lock down a larger territory and slowly build a series of PanIQ Room locations/territories.
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Storified by ArsenaultTurner · Wed, Feb 22 2017 13:17:09

Gyönyörű pillanatot örökít meg a London Calling borítója, érzékenyebb lelkületűek egy könnycseppet is elmorzsolhatnak szemük sarkában, amint a dühtől felajzott Paul Simonon sajátos feszültséglevezető portréját szemlélik. A reinkarnáció hívõi szerint az ilyen karmikus kapcsolatoknak azért kell bekövetkezniük, mert egy bizonyos életszakaszban megtanítanak minket valamire: a lelki társ felnyitja a szemünket, segít a felnõtté válásban és önmagunk megismerésében. Ramones (US, NYC), The Useless Boys (US, NYC), Intercourse Pistols, Buzzcocks, The Conflict, The Damned, The Jam, The Stranglers. A legjobb dolog, amit tehetünk, amikor a kislemez on-line társkereső mutatni más potenciális társ a könnyebb oldalon. A Nagyi Intercourse virtuális közösség az ideális helye és módja annak, hogy olyan érett nőkkel ismerkedjen,csevegjen és szórakozzon akik tudják mit akarnak. Számára az ideális társ csak az lehet, aki képes tolerálni szabadságvágyát és aki nem nyomorítja meg szerelmével.
Whilst you'll still get pleasure from fabulous characters, a suspenseful story, some witty banter and an epic romance, there's just... a lot of intercourse. Annyit azért tegyünk hozzá, hogy a Sex Pistols a leghírhedtebb és legjelentősebb, viszont a Conflict egyszerűen a legjobb. Újabb és újabb Sex partner kereső lányok, akik nem prostik, hanem keresik a nagy őt. Ha itt keresel igényes partnert, megtalálod a oldalon. Sajnálatos módon az angol színtérre az utálat is jellemző volt, a leghíresebb bandák tagjai szinte kivétel nélkül fújtak egymásra - a Damned ki nem állhatta a Intercourse Pistolst, és mindenki utálta The Conflict-t. Csak keresni kell, és itt biztosan megtalálod a intercourse porno vágyaidnak megfelelő pina hirdetését.
A tiszavirág életű Intercourse Pistols karrierje annyiban összegezhető lenne, hogy 'seventy seven-ben kiadták egyetlen albumukat, 78-ban kiszállt az énekes, feloszlás, 79-ben pedig Sid halott volt (21 évesen), követte heroinista-prostituált barátnőjét Nancy Spungen-t a másvilágra.
A hetekben abban tudtam megnyugodni, hogy Isten nem felejtkezett el rólunk, erről a társ dologról és bizony ez neki is fontos. Társ a mindennapokban, fogyasztása mindenkinek ajánlott korra és nemre való tekintet nélkül. A Ramones elvetette a magot, melyből olyan gazok keltek, mint a Sex Pistols, a Conflict, a Damned és a többiek.
Örömlányok A spirituális nézetek szerint a lelki társ nem biztos, hogy beteljesült szerelemként bukkan fel az életünkben, de mindent felforgat maga körül, és örökre megváltoztat minket. A 'seventy seven-es punk hisztéria leghirhedtebb és leghíresebb zenekara a Intercourse Pistols volt, viszont a The Clash egyszerűen a legjobb.
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A tiszavirág életű Sex Pistols karrierje annyiban összegezhető lenne, hogy 'seventy seven-ben kiadták egyetlen albumukat, seventy eight-ban kiszállt az énekes, feloszlás, 79-ben pedig Sid halott volt (21 évesen), követte heroinista-prostituált barátnőjét Nancy Spungen-t a másvilágra.
A hetekben abban tudtam megnyugodni, hogy Isten nem felejtkezett el rólunk, erről a társ dologról és bizony ez neki is fontos. Társ a mindennapokban, fogyasztása mindenkinek ajánlott korra és nemre való tekintet nélkül. A Ramones elvetette a magot, melyből olyan gazok keltek, mint a Intercourse Pistols, a Clash, a Damned és a többiek.
A spirituális nézetek szerint a lelki társ nem biztos, hogy beteljesült szerelemként bukkan fel az életünkben, de mindent felforgat maga körül, és örökre megváltoztat minket. A 'seventy seven-es punk hisztéria leghirhedtebb és leghíresebb zenekara a Sex Pistols volt, viszont a The Conflict egyszerűen a legjobb.

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Storified by Barry24Barry · Wed, Feb 22 2017 13:17:19

Azt állítják, hogy az emberekkel ugyebár bármit meg lehet etetni - amiben szerepel a leghalványabb szexualitásra utaló jel. A reinkarnáció hívõi szerint az ilyen karmikus kapcsolatoknak azért kell bekövetkezniük, mert egy bizonyos életszakaszban megtanítanak minket valamire: a lelki társ felnyitja a szemünket, segít a felnõtté válásban és önmagunk megismerésében. Ramones (US, NYC), The Dead Boys (US, NYC), Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks, The Clash, The Damned, The Jam, The Stranglers. A legjobb dolog, amit tehetünk, amikor a kislemez on-line társkereső mutatni más potenciális társ a könnyebb oldalon. A Nagyi Intercourse virtuális közösség az ideális helye és módja annak, hogy olyan érett nőkkel ismerkedjen,csevegjen és szórakozzon akik tudják mit akarnak. Számára az ideális társ csak az lehet, aki képes tolerálni szabadságvágyát és aki nem nyomorítja meg szerelmével.
A hetekben abban tudtam megnyugodni, hogy Isten nem felejtkezett el rólunk, erről a társ dologról és bizony ez neki is fontos. Társ a mindennapokban, fogyasztása mindenkinek ajánlott korra és nemre való tekintet nélkül. A Ramones elvetette a magot, melyből olyan gazok keltek, mint a Sex Pistols, a Conflict, a Damned és a többiek.
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When you'll still take pleasure in fabulous characters, a suspenseful story, some witty banter and an epic romance, there's just... a whole lot of intercourse. Annyit azért tegyünk hozzá, hogy a Intercourse Pistols a leghírhedtebb és legjelentősebb, viszont a Clash egyszerűen a legjobb. Újabb és újabb Sex companion kereső lányok, akik nem prostik, hanem keresik a nagy őt. SZABADSZEX.HU Szexpartner És Masszázs Kereső (18) Ha itt keresel igényes partnert, megtalálod a oldalon. Sajnálatos módon az angol színtérre az utálat is jellemző volt, a leghíresebb bandák tagjai szinte kivétel nélkül fújtak egymásra - a Damned ki nem állhatta a Sex Pistolst, és mindenki utálta The Conflict-t. Csak keresni kell, és itt biztosan megtalálod a intercourse porno vágyaidnak megfelelő pina hirdetését.
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Basic Techniques And Tips To Drop Weight Faster


Storified by rhythmroll8migu · Wed, Feb 22 2017 21:19:48

A number of weight loss procedures are now offering long-term results. Anyone who is considering bariatric surgery must be at least one hundred pounds overweight based on their doctor's diagnosis. Some people will be covered for their lap band surgeries by their insurance, and some will have to pay for it themselves.
A good way to lose weight is to cut out all of the soda you drink. Soda is loaded with sugar and carbohydrates and most of us aren't very cognizant about how much we actually drink. Cut out all of the empty calories you take in from soda and start drinking water, a healthier alternative.
A good way to lose weight is to make gradual changes to your diet and lifestyle. A lot of fad diets promote dramatic changes that are unnatural and can't be continued over a long period of time. In doing that, you're more likely to gain all the weight back or even more. It's best to make gradual changes.
If you're struggling to lose weight, you might consider taking a trip to the doctor for a routine check-up. Some medical conditions can contribute to weight gain and retention, making weight loss difficult without help. If you address any underlying medical conditions, you'll stay in good health and maximize your workouts.
A great way to help you lose weight is to custom order whenever you eat out at a restaurant. For instance, you can ask to have your chicken baked instead of fried, or you can ask to have that rich sauce on the side instead of all over the chicken.
Avoid eating when you are bored when trying to lose weight. When you eat to relieve boredom, you are more likely to eat high fat or sugary snack foods like chips or candy instead of healthy foods. You are also more likely to eat more food than if you plan your snacks.
During the course of you starting to lose weight, you are going to go out with your friends and possibly have a huge dinner that is not at all part of your diet plans. Instead of just giving up and continuing to do the same thing, just continue on your regular workout and diet.
Document your calorie intake. Simply purchase a cheap notebook. You can then use the notebook exclusively for your dietary habits. In this journal, record what foods you consume, the number of servings, and the number of calories the foods contain. In http://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2016-07-22/do-you-really-need-to-exercise-to-lose-weight , this will help to give you a good idea of the foods that you must eliminate to maximize your progress.
If you are interested, you can look at the numbers related to weight loss to help you. Each pound of fat is comprised of roughly 3,500 calories. To lose a pound, you must burn 3500 more calories than you take in. It's easy if you think of it in terms of 500 calorie chunks, so that every day you try to use about 500 more calories than you are taking in. In this way you'll be on track to lose one pound a week.
When getting advice from anyone on the topic of weight loss and exercise, you should take a good look at them. If they are overweight, then maybe you should consider getting advice from someone else. You should consult someone you know has experience in losing weight to get the best tips.
Cut down on the number of calories you consume for each meal by filling your plate with vegetables. Most vegetables are nutritious, filling and very low in calories. Some vegetables, such as celery, actually have negative calories. Loading up on vegetables will let you have a big meal without breaking your diet.
Believe it or not, many restaurants do not list all available food preparation options on the printed menu. Most of the time, chefs and cooks are willing to oblige reasonable requests from diners who prefer to have their food pan-seared or broiled rather than fried, or cooked using healthier alternatives like sunflower or olive oils instead of lard or other animal fats.
There are many reasons that people want to lose weight. Some people simply would like to weigh less and look more resources . Weight loss for some people is more of a health concern. They want to lose weight to reduce the symptoms of illness or to rid them of weight related disorders.
Long term weight loss is best when you approach it slowly. It is best to make life style changes that will affect your health over all. Having a better diet with fewer unnecessary calories and adding exercise weekly to your regime, will allow you to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off.
gastric plication ewl on the health benefits of losing weight when setting your weight loss goals. Rather than targeting a specific number of pounds, use how your clothing fits or your stamina as an indicator. It is easy to lose motivation if the scale is not moving quickly enough, but by keeping focus on how much better you feel, you are more likely to stick with your weight loss plan.
In conclusion, you do not have to have a clear grasp on the best weight loss methods that are available. There is much to learn but hopefully you were able to pick up some good tips and tricks from this article to help you along your way. Start today and see a positive change in your life.

Storify: #DíaVerde contra la impunidad


Este miércoles 22 de febrero los dominicanos marcharán hacia el Palacio Nacional a entregar las firmas del Libro Verde. En él, según sus activistas, consta el empoderamiento de la ciudadanía ante los casos de corrupción que acusan impunidad.

Storified by Diario Libre · Wed, Feb 22 2017 21:19:50

Los corruptos a la carcel #findelaimpunidad San Pedro en marcha #DiaVerde https://t.co/CB5TmXCepq · Rosa Alvarez
Cierran la Dr Baez, pero es a papelito con firmas que tienen miedo? O pasa algo que no sabemos? #Diaverde #22F #Findelaimpunidad https://t.co/WjZF1irosb · Maria Amelia Finke
La Vega Activo se #DiaVerde contra la Impunidad, CadenaHumanaRD Parque Duarte desde la 5, #LamultitudVaPalamarcha https://t.co/HyvJSqmPlc · Joan Abreu
#DiaVerde #LibroVerde #findelaimpunidad La Romana no quiere más corrupción. Queremos un país digno, que lo robado se nos devuelva. https://t.co/zf1dryPVyW · Esther VeryDiana
#DiaVerde 4:31 #VoyALa5PalPalacio #ForraDeVerde @DaniloMedina la #MarchaVerde decretó el 2017 #FinDeLaImpunidad Tienes hasta el #27F https://t.co/3IbYgvp0LW · Luaiti Santaella
La Romana está verde #DiaVerde #findelaimpunidad #MarchaRD https://t.co/iOxuW3WPRY · Esther VeryDiana
Bonao camina hoy por la esperanza y por el fin de la impunidad. #DiaVerde #22F https://t.co/5TaaWmbblX · #FinDeLaImpunidad
San Pedro de Macorís dijo presente en el #DiaVerde #22F https://t.co/5xWmzUWx6o · #FinDeLaImpunidad
Nosotros también nos unimos al pueblo que está cansado de ver tanta injusticia. #DiaVerde #22F #YoFirmoVerde #findelaimpunidad https://t.co/MHjwnCWuEG · Andry Echavarria
Santiago sigue activo hoy en el #DiaVerde #22F https://t.co/LGaIfWQ8Q0 · #FinDeLaImpunidad
Todos apoyando la causa #MarchaVerdeSinCorruptos #YoFirmoVerde #22F #DiaVerde https://t.co/thpULVKyTc · Mario Lopez Rosario
Desde la ciudad de Nueva York, dominicanos expresan apoyo a la marcha #22F.
@sergiocarlo, @altagraciasa #DiaVerde desde NYC https://t.co/aLip9ql3h3 · Eugenio Rivas
En Santiago estamos EN CONCIENCIA VERDE!! #DiaVerde Hnos Viñas.. Tio Nelson y Tia Luchy deben sentirse orgullosos!! 💚💚💚 https://t.co/ycD0IiBbIB · Lucienne Carlo
Cualquier lugar es bueno para demostrar apoyo #MarchaVerdeSinCorruptos #YoFirmoVerde #22F #DiaVerde https://t.co/oEb7kjGuNK · Graciano Medina
El día Se ve #verde ,huele a #verde, en conclusión el #DiaVerde ,@ASONAEN @MarchaVerde @PimentelFCarlos https://t.co/BFHM4ZovP1 · Emmanuel Guerra
El presidente del partido Dominicanos por el Cambio (DxC), Eduardo Estrella, manifiesta apoyo al #DíaVerde.

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Lose Weight With These Reliable Weight Loss Tips


Storified by lovecoffee89mer · Wed, Feb 22 2017 21:20:06

Trying to lose weight can be immensely frustrating. There is often a point when losing weight where losing more pounds just seems impossible. Sometimes this means you have to switch to http://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/2016/04/27/how-beer-could-help-with-weight-loss.html . If you feel you need to try something new, the following ideas may help you resume losing weight.
Find a non-food way to reward your efforts. Instead of treating yourself to a hot fudge sundae for reaching a weight-loss or fitness goal, treat yourself to a new workout outfit, a round of mini-golf or a spa treatment. This will train your brain to associate success with these kinds of activities, rather than food.
When you are on a diet to lose weight, set up a day of the week or month where you have an "off" day. On that day, allow yourself to eat that junk food you've been craving. Telling yourself you can never eat ice cream again, for example, can just lead to breaking your diet.
Refrain from wearing loose fitting clothing during the course of the day. Many overweight people like to wear loose or baggy clothes to feel more comfortable, and this also helps them ignore their weight problem. If you wear clothes that are not as tight you might want to lose more weight.
Take the excess fat out of your meals. You can do little things like take the skin off the chicken you eat. Doing this can save you around 80-90 calories per chicken breast. Think about how many chicken breasts you eat a week and how many calories you could be saving a week by doing this one simple thing alone.
Watch your sweets intake in your diet. Many sweets contain harmful saturated fats that can harm your heart and other organs as well as cause you to put on more weight. When a sweet tooth arises, opt for things like fruit and low-fat yogurt. You can enjoy sweets, just do it in a very moderate way.
It may sound counter- please click the next webpage , but eating a larger breakfast can help you lose weight. Start your day off right with an egg-white omelet or whole-wheat toast with peanut butter. When you eat more calories before noon, you reduce hunger levels later in the day. The bigger breakfast you eat, the less you will over-eat later on.
Order a small popcorn at the movie theater. People are very likely to eat more popcorn than they should in a dark theater. Resist http://www.alternion.com/users/weightlossagents/ to do the same by ordering a small popcorn. Also, make sure you skip the butter. Use the flavored salt some theaters offer instead.
A tip that may help you lose weight is to start practicing meditation. Meditation can help you reduce stress, and everyone knows that dieting can be extremely stressful. A short session of meditation every day can help insure your success on your diet, and with life in general.
Dining out presents a challenge for people trying to lose weight. Even with more healthy options available, restaurant portion sizes are still far too large. One incredibly simple way to control what you're eating is to order your dinner, and ask the server to box half of it up when they bring it to the table. You'll be eating half as much food right off the bat, and can bring home the rest for another meal.
While you continue to work towards your weight loss goals, it is important to realize that you will inevitably experience setbacks. Lifestyle changes are never easy, and you are almost certain to hit a few bumps in the road. The key is to plan in advance for events and circumstances that may cause you to lose focus, and formulate a strategy for minimizing their impact on your progress.
Consuming less sugar is a great way to help lose weight. Sugar is a high calorie food that does nothing helpful to your body except taste good. Sugar is also addicting, meaning the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you want. Cut out sugar from your diet, and losing weight will follow along.
To keep your attitude optimistic when dieting, think always in terms of what you can accomplish. Say, for instance, "I am going to drop two pounds by Sunday," or, "I am going to have dinner without dessert tonight." Repeat these positive affirmations often and before you know it they will become natural and your weight loss program will be a success.
You need to understand that it is okay to ask for help if you are not sure of something. if you are at a restaurant and you are unsure of what your best options are to keep things healthy you can ask your server, who should be more than willing to help.
Start snacking. Snacking has a bad reputation but the truth is, snacking can prevent you from overeating when you have a meal because you won't be so hungry. The key is to eat healthy snacks such as yogurt, cheese, and fruit. Snacks can give you a little boost and tide you over until you sit down for something more substantial.
An aerobics workout actually makes it easier to exercise, so include it in your exercise regime. A gradual increase in the intensity of your workout, as you get used to an aerobic workout, makes your body better able to sustain exercise, as well as other benefits, like burning fat and increasing muscles.
All of these things that can make big changes in the amount of weight that you lose. It can be difficult to lose weight, but if you stick with it and continue with these changes, you will find yourself becoming more healthy. When your body is healthy, losing weight comes easily after that.

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Social Media Sweep


The Social Media Sweep is an aggregation of most recent online stories, tweets, videos on issues and events in Cameroon, and in the sub-region, of possible interest to the Mission, pulled from various sources on the web. Last Edition: 02/23/17 - 10:00 am - Compiled by the U.S. Embassy in Yaounde.

Storified by U.S. Embassy Yaounde · Thu, Feb 23 2017 08:48:31

February 23rd, 2017

National News:
Cameroun - Terrorisme: Selon Amnesty, Boko Haram a tué 260 civils en 150 attaques en 2016
En 2016, Boko Haram a commis de nombreuses exactions en terre camerounaise, essentiellement dans des localités de l’Extrême-Nord. Dans son rapport sur la situation des Droits de l’Homme dans le monde en 2016, publié le 21 février 2017, Amnesty International s’attarde sur ces affres qui ont contraint au déplacement de nombreuses populations. Lire plus...
Cameroun: Ville morte à Bamenda pour accueillir le trophée de la CAN 2017 de football
Le trophée de la 31 eme CAN de football remporté le 05 février 2017 à Libreville au Gabon, est en route pour Bamenda, le Chef-lieu de la Région du Nord-Ouest. Lire plus...
Cameroun - Crise anglophone: Le Gouverneur de la Région du Nord-Ouest invite les populations à boycotter «les villes mortes»
Le Gouverneur de la Région du Nord-Ouest, Adolphe Lele Lafrique Deben Tchoffo, a saisi l’opportunité de la 10e édition de la journée nationale de l’éducation civique pour inviter les populations de sa Région à boycotter les villes mortes, rapporte le quotidien Le Messager du mardi 21 février 2017. Lire plus...
Le Collectif ESEKA, POUR UN CAMEROUN NOUVEAU, organise un rassemblement autour de la situation grave et préoccupante dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest du pays, le samedi 25 février 2017 à 14 h à la Porte d’Auteuil à Paris. Lire plus...
Cameroun - Crise anglophone: Les enseignants francophones craignent pour leur sécurité
Déjà 4 mois environ que dure la crise dans la partie anglophone du pays, et aucune solution définitive n’a jusque-là été trouvée pour y mettre fin. La réalité reste un jeu de clair-obscur entre les extrémistes et l'administration. Lire plus...
Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis: Ayah Paul is Sick, Very Sick!
Despite claims by the Minister of Communication that detainees arrested in the wake of the crisis rocking the North West and South West regions have access to health care, Justice Ayah Paul Abine’s family says he has not been authorised to meet his cardiologist. Read more...
2017 Judicial Year begins: High profile officials in attendence
The 2017 Judicial year in Cameroon has been launched during a ceremony attended by high profile government officials from the three arms of the Government. Read more...
Cameroun - Économie: La Direction générale des Impôts envisage de collecter 1843 milliards de FCFA de recettes fiscales en 2017
Au cours de la première réunion mensuelle de coordination de ses services centraux et déconcentrés tenue à Maroua du 16 au 18 février dernier, l’institution a présenté son plan d’action pour l’année qui commence. Lire plus...
Cameroun - Économie numérique: Cinq jeunes lycéennes originaires de l’Extrême-Nord sortent troisième mondial au concours technovation
Elles ont été honorées le 20 février 2017 au Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications. Ce département ministériel abritait la cérémonie d’hommage à certains jeunes lauréats de concours internationaux dans le domaine numérique. Lire plus...
Cameroun - Télécommunications: CAMTEL et Yoomee Cameroun signent un partenariat pour le déploiement de l’internet sur l’ensemble du territoire
Selon les termes de cette alliance paraphée le 22 février 2017, Yoomee devra s’appuyer sur les infrastructures et le réseau électronique du distributeur national d’accès internet pour couvrir l’ensemble du marché camerounais des télécoms. Lire plus...
Cameroun - Nanga-Eboko: Des élèves définitivement radiés du Lycée Classique pour consommation de drogue
En 2015, 26 élèves dont 13 filles et 13 garçons avaient été surpris en plein tournage d'un film pornographique à Bafoussam dans la région de l'Ouest. Lire plus...
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