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Viikon Mekaselonteko


Ammattijärjestäjä listaa viikkojen 28-29 mielenkiintoiset linkit ja osuvat twiitit.

Storified by Milla @Mekaselska · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:38:12

Vanhassa keittiössä fiksauksetkin saavat olla omalaatuisia. https://t.co/nIVYFQ56N8 · Mekaselska

Teepakkaukset ja jättilökäpöksyt

Mukana liikaa vai liian vähän?

Konmarille kilpailija


My #library https://t.co/MN4jDJ8UWT · Katri Kanervo

Hävikki- ja robottikasvikset

Same-sex Marriage Movement #lovewins


In 2015, just minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court announced its landmark 5-4 decision to strike downstate bans on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional – the Internet went all out to show its support for the LGBT community.

Storified by Van Luong · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:38:00


The following discourse analysis is in response to the timelines of the same-sex marriage legalized event along with the use of the trending hash tag #LoveWins. On 26th of June, social media news feeds exploded with colours of the rainbow, in celebration of the US Supreme Court’s ruling to legalize Gay Marriage in all 50 states of the United States of America.
Since President Barack Obama is the first U.S president to fully embrace the civil rights for gays, it was no surprise that he was among the first to mention the movement on social media. He also who described the historic event as being “a victoryfor friends, family and organizers who fought tirelessly for years for marriage equality”, a statement which supporters of gay marriage would undeniably agree with.
Due to President Obama's media power and influence, the hash-tag #LoveWins went viral, reaching 6.2 Million Tweets in 6 hours!


As the news broke, reactions exploded across social media. Supporters of the gay movement can be seen as the ‘primary community of interest’. This includes, gay/homosexual males and females of all ages, human rights activists, politicians, companies and celebrities, who openly expressed their support byposting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the viral trending hash-tag #LoveWins, to share their responses with the rest of the online community.
People from different communities and they have different responses, because it depended on self-presentation, gender, race, class,access, personality, social networks, utility, necessity, and algorithms. Social media sites have the advantage of giving people the opportunity to express their opinions not only with their friends or family but also with many strangers who have mutual feelings on an issue or concern. (Das & Sahoo,2011)
People's responses in this discourse are mostly positive. They use various social network platforms to express their points of views about the event. Anyone from anywhere in the world can use the hashtag #LoveWins to join this community of interest. Participants present their ideas and engaging into displaying self-expression/identity after they heard about the event.
Many politicians welcomed the ruling:
All people – no matter who they love – should be treated with dignity and respect. #LoveWins http://t.co/ynEcOmlwcd · Vice President Biden
My interns are outside #SCOTUS witnessing history! They will never forget this! #SCOTUSMarriage #lovewins http://t.co/y6SilwQTHY · Janice Hahn
Overjoyed -- #lovewins! Marriage equality is now the law of the land! #SCOTUSMarriage http://t.co/RJYppQzkF2 · Rep. Dan Kildee
The White House account changed its Twitter avatar to the colours of the pride rainbow after the news:
#LoveWins. http://t.co/s5aiwIsFz8 · The White House

Best Application to transfer content from Android to iPhone6s without PC/Cables, Try SmartIO App


Best Application to transfer content like contacts,photos,videos,Calenders and more from Android to iPhone6s without PC/Cables, Try SmartIO App

Storified by Khalid Masood · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:38:16

SmartIO - Content Transfer App for Smartphones and Tablets · Aomata

Notícias de Sexta, 22 de julho de 2016


Eis as suas Notícias de Sexta de 22 de julho, com uma entrevista da série Brasileiros no Exterior, um roteiro por cidades pequenas em vários países, a bordo do Viajando pelo mundo, e mais

Storified by trivago_BrPt · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:38:47

Pampulha é Patrimônio Mundial

A UNESCO nomeou o Conjunto Moderno da Pampulha como Patrimônio Mundial da Humanidade. A Pampulha passa a ser o 20º bem do Brasil na lista da UNESCO. Principal cartão postal de Belo Horizonte, a Pampulha é famosa por incluir a Igreja de São Francisco de Assis (foto), projeto de Oscar Niemeyer, com um painel externo de azulejos pintados por Cândido Portinari. A lagoa é circundada por jardins projetados por Roberto Burle Marx. Além desses, há ainda no local o antigo Cassino (atualmente Museu de Arte da Pampulha), a Casa do Baile (onde hoje funciona o Centro de Referência em Urbanismo, Arquitetura e Design de Belo Horizonte) e o Iate Tênis Clube.

Brasileiros no Exterior

A nossa conversa de hoje é com Joceline Pertel (na foto acima, numa viagem à Irlanda), que foi gerente da nossa comunidade BR/PT durante um bom tempo. Aproveitem bem as dicas.

NS: Você planejou se mudar para o exterior ou foi estudar e acabou ficando? Como foi a adaptação com língua, costumes, culinária?
Joce: Quando tinha 15 anos fiz um intercâmbio no Canadá, desde então sempre quis repetir a experiência. Então acho justo dizer que foi uma mudança planejada, mas que, a princípio, deveria ter durado apenas um ano. Acabei me apaixonando pela ideia de morar em um lugar que facilite minhas viagens e sinceramente adoro a língua alemã. Já comida e costumes foram coisas mais complicadas. Acho que, como toda pessoa que se muda para um outro país, passei pelas fases de “tudo é bonito”, “tudo é estranho”, “tudo é ruim” para chegar na fase em que estou agora: não entendo tudo, mas aceito.

NS: Você ainda sente saudades do Brasil ou já está totalmente em casa aí? Está satisfeita com a sua decisão de viver na Alemanha?
Joce: Saudades eu acho que sempre vou sentir, principalmente da família, dos amigos, da felicidade e simpatia brasileira e daquele arroz com feijão e bife sagrado de domingo. Mas, toda vez que vou ao Brasil, depois da segunda semana já estou louca para voltar pra casa – Alemanha. Sou muito feliz na Alemanha e se fosse preciso, eu faria tudo de novo.

NS: As oportunidades de viagens curtas interessantes são bem maiores na Europa: você viaja muito? Qual cidade/país você recomenda a um brasileiro em férias na Europa?
Joce: Eu tento dar pelo menos uma escapadinha por mês, nem que seja por 24 horas. Justamente como você falou é tudo tão pertinho! Com 2 ou 3 horas de trem estou bem longe da Alemanha. Eu gosto muito da Holanda no geral. As pessoas são muito simpáticas, e o país é lindo! Amsterdam é muito charmosa e cheia de vida. Vale a pena passar pelo menos 3 dias para aproveitar também os museus. Já se holandês não for a sua praia, eu diria que vale muito a pena ir à Irlanda. O país é lindo, cheio de paisagens inacreditáveis, como a Giants Causeway, os penhascos de Moher, Burren e o bog lands, além de ter cidades que parecem tiradas de uma aula de história como Dublin, Galway e Belfast. O país oferece muitos passeios / mini viagens interessantes, além de uma ótima cerveja local e muito, mas muito bom humor.

NS: Que dica você tem para um brasileiro que esteja pensando em morar no exterior?
Joce: Se joga! Morar no exterior, nem que seja por um período determinado de tempo, é uma experiência e tanto! Você não tem nada a perder e com certeza vai aprender muita coisa e amadurecer muito. Se você está na dúvida, ou com medo de não dar certo, você pode procurar no Facebook por páginas de brasileiros que vivam na cidade para a qual você está planejando ir. Tenho certeza de que você vai encontrar alguém disposto a te ajudar, pelo menos nos primeiros dias.

O que é, o que é?

A pergunta do quiz desta semana já está disponível. Clique aqui e participe conosco! Os 3 vencedores vão receber 500 milhas cada.

Com as Olimpíadas Rio 2016 quase chegando, a pergunta da semana passada foi: “O Estádio Aquático Olímpico, onde serão realizadas as provas de natação, fica em qual das sedes abaixo?”. A resposta correta é “Parque Olímpico da Barra”. Foram sorteados 3 entre os que acertaram a resposta. Os vencedores são: JBMoura, LilianaD e BeatrizHonorio. Cada um deles vai receber 500 milhas. Parabéns a eles e a todos os participantes!

Já tem cadastro no fórum novo?

O fórum novo é um espaço criado para você. Lá você vai encontrar novidades, avisos importantes, inclusive sobre jogos e notíciasem português. Se você ainda não fez o seu cadastro, preencha os seus dados neste formulário que o trivago vai lhe enviar um convite nominal.

Viajando pelo Mundo: Saindo da Rotina

Ao viajar, a maioria das pessoas acaba indo a cidades grandes, cheias de atrações e com as mais variadas opções. Mas há um interesse crescente por passeios a cidadezinhas, aldeias que parecem saídas de contos de fadas, ou que dão ao viajante uma sensação de ter entrado numa máquina do tempo. Mesmo que o seu interesse sejam as metrópoles, que tal embarcar num passeio incomum a algumas cidades com um encanto diferente?

Pennan (foto abaixo) fica na Escócia, cerca de 70 km ao norte de Aberdeen. A povoação surgiu há cerca de 300 anos como uma aldeia de pescadores. Sua característica marcante é que toda a aldeia consiste em uma única fila de casas entre uma falésia e o mar. Pode até ser uma aldeia longe de tudo, mas o trivago pode lhe ajudar a achar hospedagem lá, no The Pennan Inn. A aldeia ficou famosa por ter sido o local de filmagem de Local Hero, que no Brasil foi lançado como Momento Inesquecível. No filme, estrelado por Burt Lancaster, Pennan era a cidade fictícia de Ferness. Turistas ainda procuram a cidadezinha para tirar fotos na cabine telefônica que aparecia no filme.
Pennan, na Escócia
Do outro lado do Atlântico, mas ainda à beira mar, fica Nanortalik, no extremo sul da Groenlândia, que faz parte do Reino da Dinamarca. Com cerca de 1.300 habitantes, é uma cidade de médio porte, para os padrões groenlandeses. Na foto abaixo, vemos a cidade no verão, que é a época que os turistas costumam visitar a região. A cidade é muito procurada por escaladores, graças às suas montanhas com grandes paredões verticais.
Nanortalik, na Groenlândia

Climate Smart Agricultural Practices to Combat Climate Change impact on Food Security in Ethiopia


My Name is Tibebu Assefa. People call me Tibe. It is shortened from of my name. I am an Ethiopian.I am working on climate change expert in a private consulting company called Echnoserve, which is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Storified by tib2008 · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:39:34

#globalonline #climatechange #foodsecurity

Video · Asefa Taddese

Ethiopia designed climate resilience green economy strategy (CRGE) in 2011. The strategy outlined 41 adaptations and 60 mitigations options to climate change for seven sectors. Agriculture is one of the sectors which the CRGE focuses. The sector is highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change and it shares 76% GHG emission.

The threats posed by climate change to the agriculture sector include the following: Greater total or more intense rainfall across Ethiopia will increase soil erosion and crop damage. Ethiopia is particularly vulnerable to accelerated soil erosion because of existing pressures and degradation on our land area, 79% of which has a slope of greater than 16%, with 25% having a slope of greater than 30%. There will also be changes in production system viability; cropland area and cropping patterns; pest and disease frequency and distribution brought by changes in seasonality; timing and distribution of rainfall; higher evapotranspiration; drought and flood damage. Livestock yields will be impacted directly through temperature effects on annual growth, milk and wool production and reproduction; and indirectly by changes in the quantity and quality of pasture, forage, grass and disease and parasites.

The ministry of finance and economic cooperation (MFEC) announced to submit a proposal for a project called fast-track project which would fund CRGE proposals. The ministry of agriculture and natural resource (MOANR) in collaboration with Echnoserve consulting company submitted a proposal to the MFEC to implement climate -smart agricultural practices in 26 pilot woredas under a project named agricultural fast track project (AFTP).
After the proposal approved, the project implemented for 21 months. The project sites were covering all 10 regions of Ethiopia. The smallest unit structure of the government that based at grass root level called kebele. A kebele has about 5,000 population. Kebeles (like 8-40) form woreda (village).The project is implemented in one of selected micro-watershed in the woreda. A micro-watershed was cover around 700-1000 ha and 150-250 households. The selected micro watershed may lie down in a kebele or more than one kebele . The project was implemented under the supervision of woreda level agriculture office and development agents (DAs) in the kebeles.

The expected outcomes of the project are to improve food and income security of farmers and pastoral households, climate resilience and ensured environment sustainability. AFTP consists of three interrelated components of climate-smart practices; these are crop production, livestock production, and natural resource.


The sector is a source of livelihood for 85% population. Climate change is impacting crop and livestock production. The impacts are very high especially on subsistence farmers whose production depends on rain calendar. In the drought year where rainfall is low, the production of crop and livestock reduce. When the rain calendar is not on time, it will reduce crops productivity or total loss. More than half million cattle die due to lack of field grass when April rain is late. When these livelihood sources are affected, people look at natural resources for survival, typically to forest as income. Farmers sell wood and wood product like charcoal to nearby towns. These increase the deforestation rate and exacerbate the degradation of natural resources, like soil. Moreover, it increases flooding and decreases water availability in water sources like pond.


The project was planned to pilot the CRGE initiatives in 26 micro-watersheds. The micro-watershed was cover around 700-1000 ha and 150-250 households. These watersheds are located in a various geographical area of the country. The areas were varied because it was supposed to pilot a diverse agro-ecological zone of the country.

The climate-smart practices (CSA) were practiced in crop, livestock and natural resource production. In crop, the objective is to increase the productivity of crops through CSA practices that also contribute to GHG emission reduction. The practices include such as undertaking soil fertility management activities, apply improved crop and coffee management practices, and conduct efficient irrigation water and crop practices. In livestock, the objective is to increase the productivity of livestock through CSA practices that also contribute to GHG emission reductions. The practices include such as pasture and forage demonstration sites established, provide veterinary services, improved and adapted breeds, and increase animal value chain efficiency through fattening and milk production, facilitating access to credit for farmers and promoting market linkages. In natural resource, the activities were broadly categorized as biological and physical measures. The biological measures include afforestation and reforestation. The physical measures like stone bund terracing.

The project was planned to benefit a total of 56,188 households of which 39,198 are male headed and 16,990 are female-headed within 26 selected pilot project woredas. In actual implementation, the project has benefited a total of 51,751 households of which 33,643 were male headed and 17,582 were female headed.

The practices were implemented through high participation and mobilization of the watersheds communities.


Environmental Education

Ethiopia has policies and strategies that safeguard environment and climate change. With regards to environmental policy, these are the Environmental policy in 1997 and proclamation in 2013. With regards to climate change, there are a number of documents. These are 1994 UNFCCC ratification, 2007 national appropriate adaptation plan (NAPA), 2010 Ethiopia programs of adaptation to climate change (EPACC),nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA), 2011 CRGE, 2013 energy proclamation and 2014 draft climate resilient strategy for water and agriculture. These strategies and policies are the backbones to support the country to carry out environment education.

The project mainly focuses on climate change measures of adaptation and mitigation. Federal, regional and village (woreda) level experts were given training about policies and strategies that combat climate change impacts on the livelihood of small-scale farmers. Farmers were also trained about the causes and impacts of climate change. For instance, farmer identifies the major climate hazards, the change in natural resources and the way forwards. The project is focused piloting CRGE in the agricultural sector. The CRGE strategy has the vision to build a green economy that is resilient to climate change and have net zero CO2 e emission until 2025.

Environmental Psychology

Environmental psychology brings about people behavioral change. It helps people to bring behavior that significantly contribute to environmental conservation. Experience sharing was organized for farmers and experts to visit areas where there are successful experiences in the conservation of natural resources. This made the visitors better understanding about the environment and incorporate nature. For instance, farmers were able to observe the impacts adaptation options such as pond construction and natural resource activities such as terracing and tree planting for better resilience to climate change. Through sharing these experiences, the participants developed a sense of conservation towards climate change, biodiversity, and other wicked problems.

Environmental Sociology

Social structure is defined as the expectation of social groups that enable or constrain to act in a certain way .The environmental sociology believes that an individual behavior is the sum of not only information provided through environmental education but the social structure. Identifying those structure will help to engage a meaningful intervention. Therefore, giving information and knowledge to an individual may not bring behavior change; thus, according to the concept of structure in the environmental sociology, it is needed to consider a social structure that has an impact on individual behavior change in a certain way. With the view of addressing social structure, social, religious and community leaders were trained about climate change so that these groups are a high influence on the life style of their followers.


Agriculture fast track project (AFTP) has four major outcomes including-

Outcome 1: Improved farmer resilience to climate change in piloted woredas. The community in target areas potentially exposed to related hazards and AFTP has been worked in order to maintain and build resilience capacity of the community to an acceptable level. Expanding of rainwater and underground water harvesting practices like the construction of community pond, Hand dug wells with rope and washer and geomembrane ponds. There was also flood catchment rehabilitation and cutoff drain construction to minimize a risk of flood damage and also drought tolerant and early maturing crop varieties were distributed to selected beneficiaries.

Outcome 2- According to oral discussion with the communities on the pilot watersheds, crop, and fodder productivity has increased because of soil and water conservation practices and also through the implementation of improved soil fertility and improved crop management practices on the farm lands.

Outcome 3- According to site observation and preliminary interview with the communities in the piloted watersheds degraded lands are rehabilitating.

Outcome 4- In those targeted watersheds the selected beneficiaries household have been started to improve food and income security. Simultaneously, since they are implementing climate-smart livestock and crop productivity technologies with the integration of soil and water conservation activities for reclaiming degraded area.


1. What are the wicked problems for Ethiopia agriculture?
2. What is the name and vision of Ethiopia strategy for climate change?
3. Is mitigation or adaptation to climate change a priority for Ethiopia?



UNITAID strives to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV more quickly and effectively. At the International AIDS Conference 2016 in in South Africa, UNITAID showcased its work to promote innovations in testing, treatmentand monitoring of HIV with a range of partners.

Storified by UNITAID · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:39:42

A selection of a few tweets:

At #AIDS2016, @UNITAID will showcase its #innovation to #endHIV with many partners: https://t.co/4drsFduvXf https://t.co/AcUHQUvZrv · UNITAID
Talking access, equity & rights: Looking forward to week-long discussions on how to #endHIV at #AIDS2016. https://t.co/jGq1oMLKAc · Lelio Marmora
@UNITAID ED @LelioMarmora thanks for listening the advice of #women for work on #RMNCH. More to come. https://t.co/qWAcTkkO9T · Violeta
Robert Matiru launches the #HIVselftest video featuring @DebraMessing with community workers in #Malawi #AIDS2016 https://t.co/CuYheACmKG · UNITAID
@Unitaid says Innovation is not enough. Need to introduce HIVST in a sustainable way #HIVselftest #AIDS2016 https://t.co/pcmSU985se · Cheryl Case Johnson
Philippe Duneton: We need regional approaches 2 simplify & streamline regulatory hurdles #AIDS2016 #AIDSFreeGen https://t.co/QiyqZkdjKb · Lelio Marmora
@UTDCommunities supporting the @UNITAID Strategy, #innovation requires great minds to come together https://t.co/QPqElUkNiS · Violeta
"In Favour" is general consensus on #HIVselftest by @UNITAID @GlobalFund @gatesfoundation @PEPFAR @WHO #AIDS2016 https://t.co/ozFDJXUYwR · INSTI 60sec HIV Test
.@PSIimpact @UNITAID @WHO Thank you for presentation. Looks like #HIVselftest could be handy for 1st 90 #aids2016 https://t.co/CKn28DJCOH · BioSure UK
Thanks @UNITAID @ClintonHealth @DNDi!! We're all #LOUDERTHANTB! #AIDS2016 https://t.co/g7p1Jvees0 · DNDi
@PSIImpact Global Ambassador @DebraMessing joins @UNITAID & STAR to learn about #HIVSelfTest in #Malawi. WATCH https://t.co/F87DJ3CbsN · PSI
Of Goats and Chickens: Village leaders champion #HIVselftesting in #Malawi https://t.co/oG2oVrOXRa #AIDS2016 https://t.co/jrLcHneXWA · UNITAID
Karin Hatzold discusses #HIVSelfTesting at the #AIDS2016 Global Village. @UNITAID @WHO https://t.co/EDcjQlCroI · PSI

Day Five


Storified by EducationNC · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:40:06

The National Institute of Education (NIE) is Singapore’s teacher training institute. NIE’s programs are designed to provide academic and professional development for their students to become effective beginning teachers in Singapore’s schools. The Burroughs Wellcome Fund scholars were briefed on NIE’s mathematics and science education programs.
Next stop... #singBWF https://t.co/IhNvY0A8qx · Mebane Rash
The Singapore ed system by the numbers #singBWF https://t.co/wrzM6ygcAg · Mebane Rash
The importance of the curriculum framework #singBWF https://t.co/kh5DW2LDe9 · Mebane Rash
Singapore blends the best of East and West perspectives on teaching math. #singBWF https://t.co/o5JelZhCn2 · Mebane Rash
Solving new problems. Thoughts on how to solve this math problem? #singBWF https://t.co/JmTzeD1amX · Mebane Rash
NIE professor describes attributes of a good math teacher. #SingBWF https://t.co/3BkjDySwjq · Alisa Chapman
Teachers matter #singBWF https://t.co/Y7wWTqQWm5 · Mebane Rash
Learning about science education in Singapore #singBWF https://t.co/P80eW9FDrb · Mebane Rash
And educating science teachers #singBWF https://t.co/DaBTWNHUqC · Mebane Rash
Debriefing on lots of lessons learned and what we will take home to NC #singBWF https://t.co/HgSp7rCI3n · Mebane Rash
"We have a better sense of systems. You can be change makers." @AlisaChapmanUNC #singBWF https://t.co/SEZcA7tBle · Mebane Rash

Etappe 19: Tour de France


Een bergrit met finish op de flanken van de Mont Blanc. Het is de laatste etappe met aankomst bergop.

Storified by ADSportwereld · Fri, Jul 22 2016 12:40:17

Nog 90 kilometer: De koplopers aan het werk in het begin van de rit:

Nog 93 km: De renners zitten nu in een dal en krijgen een vlak stuk van 15 kilometer voor de kiezen. Inmiddels zijn drie leiders weggereden: Vuillermoz, Majka en De Gendt.

Nog 96 km: Ten Dam, mee in de kopgroep, kent de beklimmingen die in het parcours liggen niet. Dat liet de renner van Giant-Alpecin weten aan NOS.

Hij noemde de Alpenrit van vrijdag ,,atypisch'' en keek ernaar uit. ,,Nieuwe oorden, net als Megève waar we overnacht hebben. Dat kende ik nog niet. Leuk om te zien. De benen zijn in ieder geval nog vrij redelijk. Ik hoop dan ook dat ik erin slaag mee te springen, maar het zal lastig zijn. Ik ben een diesel.''

Dat meespringen lukte dus, want op dit moment zit de klimmer in een kopgroep van zo'n 20 reneners.

Nog 98 km: In de afdaling is Burghardt weer teruggekomen. Ook het peloton is boven op de Forclaz, de eerste beklimming van de dag. Inmiddels loopt de kopgroep weer wat uit: 3'30 is de voorsprong.

Nog 102 km: Greipel moet nu ook lossen uit het peloton. De sprinters moeten er één voor één af.

Nog 102 km: Vlak voor de top moest Burghardt (BMC) lossen uit de kopgroep.

Nog 103 km: Kiserlovski trekt door in dienst van Majka. De Gendt en Vuillermoz zijn nog mee. De Gendt pakt de volle buit, voor Majka en Vuillermoz.

Nog 103 km: Andriy Grivko is de renner op kop in het peloton. De achterstand op de 20 koplopers is 2'50. De koplopers zijn bijna boven op de Forclaz.

Nog 104 km: Kittel, Sinkeldam en Groenewegen lossen nu.

Nog 105 km: Luis León Sánchez maakt tempo in het peloton voor kopman Fabio Aru. Het is oorlog en Dylan Groenewegen komt daardoor in de problemen en hangt achteraan in het peloton.

Industrial Epoxy Flooring


Complete solution for all Industrial Epoxy Flooring Systems need and factory Epoxy flooring Contractors and floor coating needs in Chennai, India.

Storified by mprtechnique · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:09:54

Hair transplant popularity in Dubai uae


Storified by tptdubai · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:11:11

Bhutani Infra Presents Integrated Business Park in name of Alphathum at sector 90 Noida


Alphathum by Bhutani Group one stop commercial destination in noida exclusive retail shops space, office space, entertainment corner in noida

Storified by sumit1010 · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:13:59

Situated at a prime area in Central Noida, Alphathum brags to have Sector 137 Metro Station at its doorstep along 60m wide high road that meets Expressway and Noida sector 75 to give simple and advantageous correspondence office to this Business Hub. A multi-level stopping range with plentiful space has been intended to park 5000 vehicles at once considering the gigantic footfall that will going to rule this business center. To elevate the extravagance and plenitude of this business venture in Noida, the brilliant passage has been patched up with streaming waterfalls and other architecture.
Highly maintained exclusive office spaces, lavish service apartment, rich retail spaces, broad food corner, solitary floor for kids play and 5-screen super multiplex, Alphathum Noida is a one of its kind business venture in Noida. Moving more than 25 acres of land area, the undertaking highlights a structural marvel with complete answer for business and relaxation. To make it a world class shopping destination, style and extravagance are in every point of interest of this anticipate. Alphathum in Noida, Sector 90 guarantees to open the entryway towards worldwide way of life, giving a support to both monetary and social improvement.

Email to a Girlfriend on Twitter That I Admired


But it never got delivered because I broke some rule I wasn't aware of. So now I am banned from contacting her. The content is worth sharing with my readers.

Storified by JesusLover33 · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:14:19

I notice you have wings to fly, ~ Lady Liberty ~. I only just started using them in place of lesser punctuation. I am sending you what I have sent to my 40 contacts. A music list from A ~ Z+, so after loading youtube you can copy & paste any of these artists or genres [or your own fancies], to the search line & then follow my instructions, if you need to, for overwhelming visual+aural relaxation.

You are a noble woman in my eyes ~ LadyLiberty ~. I'm grateful to God for having met you. I believe I can LOVE more than one woman in my life. It would be UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO. [I didn't say this in the letter but I CERTAINLY DID NOT MEAN OR INTEND SEXUAL LOVE, BECAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE IN ADULTERY]

God likes us to speak from the heart. It does get you into HOT water sometimes, doesn't it? Like the time I told my 2nd possible lie. When I confessed the truth to this person of high authority he replied, unexpectedly: Your Achilles heel, Rob, is telling the truth.

You may like to read my Autobiography of a Bipolar [had about 250 views in 18 months], which can be Googled. The first 48 pages is about me etc. But the remainder of the 120, A4 page document is references, that can be skipped, unless you are into the lives of such renowned people as St. Thomas Aquinas & St. Therese of Lisieux, in France. Both wrote books that were and are universally read.

Aquinas wrote his "Summa Theologica" from 1265–1274, and The "Little Flower" , her “Story of a Soul”, who only lived to the age of 24, around the turn of the 19th century. She was canonised in 1925. A priest friend of ours who was there in the Vatican Basilica witnessed the dying prophecy of this sweet, pure, loving & guiless girl who had a heart as big as the universe.

She prophesied that after her death, she would send a shower of roses upon the earth. Father Cousin's, the unassuming Provincial of the Dominican Order in Australia, was blessed with seeing rose petals flutter down from the ceiling on that great, memorable day.

I have also written 150 Gospel Stories which can be Googled, Facebooked, Twittered or on Storify. My user name at Storify is JsusLover33. After 100 stories they wanted to get rid of my "spam" and desert me. They let me leave my stories which I shared with Google+. Later: Facebook and Twitter, once I had joined them. At present I've been blessed with about 4,300 views. I hope they are doing good for souls. The priest @ Mass often makes a parting comment. “Go and preach the Gospel of the Lord”. I feel comfortable that I have not shirked that now, because once [IT WAS NOT IN MY COMFORT ZONE].

My aim in life is to co-redeem with Jesus in getting as many souls as possible to Eternal Heaven, which is the destination desired by God for everyone. Sadly, so many don't want to be with God after they die, so God reluctantly let's them follow their own desires.

St. Paul, the greatest Christian convert of all time, was the only one I know where God stepped in to change their set will.

Aurevoir ~ LadyLiberty ~ of the USA, which was the greatest country on earth [until now]. I detest abortion you see, & that most evil woman ever [in my opinion, Hillary Clinton, wants to slaughter babies at any stage of their life in the womb which so obviously began at conception. [I still pray for her]. I am going to France on August the second, to stay @ my inexpensive, 4 story, historical house. On the door lintel, is carved in the stone: 1768. It is the 2nd, oldest house in the village of 650 people.

My full <b>autobiography of a bipolar</b> is on storify if you care to read it. It's only 48 pages if you skip the references.

Live updates: Sea Palling rescue


Live updates below as two males are pulled from the water at Sea Palling

Storified by Eastern Daily Press · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:14:56

2pm: A bystander who saw the aftermath of the rescue said there was a "pretty somber mood" as one of the casualties was flown away from the scene by helicopter.
She said she "just heard siren after siren after siren". She said she saw two casualties, one of who was "completely horizontal" and another who was sitting up.
This was the scene as the emergency services mounted a rescue at Sea Palling https://t.co/N8XnYxF07F · Eastern Daily Press
1.40pm update: some of the emergency services are starting to leave the scene.
Here is the location of Sea Palling - the scene of today's rescue operation https://t.co/ED22WYYxzl · Eastern Daily Press

NARUC 2016 Summer Committee Meetings


The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) 2016 Summer Committee Meetings are being held in Nashville, Tennessee, July 24-27. naruc.org/summermeetings

Storified by National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:15:18

NARUCSummer16_Program-Cover · NARUC
This #NARUCSummer16 agenda has me pretty excited. Two more weeks! https://t.co/FhJ9VM9332 @NARUC #mtenergy https://t.co/O51gzVZ8t4 · Eric Sell
#NARUCSummer16 is approaching quickly. What sessions are you excited about? #UtilityChat https://t.co/OQdVgcDY0o https://t.co/GQRERxWE8M · NARUC
Channeling Yoda: "For #NARUCSummer16 rate design manual release anticipation builds" #energy https://t.co/5vUvfmC0Qs https://t.co/NvEUj4Tt86 · NARUC
Excited to unveil our draft Distributed Energy Resources rate design manual! #NARUCSummer16 https://t.co/KemaYgJwLF https://t.co/Eqpwua306L · NARUC
DER wonks' reaction to the release of @NARUC's rate design manual. #NARUCSummer16 #mtenergy #renewables #Energy https://t.co/CEHIJbNq5U · Eric Sell
Preparing for my presentation at #NARUCSummer16 on the way we do solar in GA. No subsidy. Benefitting all ratepayers https://t.co/AweRdfM3bu · Tim Echols
#EnergyRead w/ its own 7/23 Town Hall? #HowWeRoll! 😎 Follow #NARUCratedesign! #NARUCSummer16 https://t.co/KemaYgJwLF https://t.co/Dy4XbmDSDy · NARUC
The @NARUC staff is fired up for #NARUCSummer16. Need advice on electricity policy or where coffee is? We got ya. https://t.co/3d64cBxz1s · Miles Keogh

The Saem - Red Velvet


Storified by jam · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:15:23

피부톤은 매일 달라지는데 파운데이션은 주구장창 21호만 쓰고 있진 않나요? 오늘 컨디션에 필요한 나만을 위한 造色 #더샘 #더함 아시안핏 #파운데이션 탄생 예정(8월)😅 #레드벨벳 #아이린 https://t.co/DAFO9qY7MT · 글로벌 에코 더샘 (the SAEM)
배어나듯, 물들이듯 촉촉하게, 생기있게 마치 스무살처럼 청담동 라뷰티코아 함경식원장 스페셜 #콜라보 #쿠션블러셔 탄생😍 #더샘 #더함 #레드벨벳 #슬기 https://t.co/rqcPh0qBSQ · 글로벌 에코 더샘 (the SAEM)
아티스트태양 스페셜 콜라보 아티스트태양 바이 더샘 해어시리즈 탄생😀 한올한올 살아있는 정돈되지 않은듯 자유로우면서 곡선미가 살아있는 아름다운 헤어 #더샘 #레드벨벳 #웬디 https://t.co/XqsYariols · 글로벌 에코 더샘 (the SAEM)
무쌍에서 유쌍까지 음영에서 스모키까지 어느 색을 발라도 부어 보이지 않는 그런 절 대 컬 러 👍 #더샘 #더함 아이섀도우 팔레트 #절대컬러 #레드벨벳 #조이 https://t.co/jrOMH2UcZU · 글로벌 에코 더샘 (the SAEM)
누구나 매력적인 매트레디 누구나 세련된 매트누디피치 누구나 사랑스러운 촉촉핑크 누구나 예뻐보이는 촉촉피치 누구도 실패하지않는 촉촉누드 그게 바로 #더샘 #더함 #립컬러 #립펜슬 #레드벨벳 #예리 https://t.co/QaZYLtIiOG · 글로벌 에코 더샘 (the SAEM)
The Saem 🍃🌿🌹 #RedVelvet #레드벨벳 https://t.co/cpD27OMcMc https://t.co/QhrqJCXiKP · jam
The Saem - Seulgi #RedVelvet #레드벨벳 #슬기 https://t.co/jVpNkrVVvw https://t.co/WQn4g5LQVk · jam
The Saem - Wendy #RedVelvet #레드벨벳 #웬디 https://t.co/hqGVfndKnu https://t.co/VlfQhD3BsB · jam
The Saem - Irene, Seulgi, Wendy #RedVelvet https://t.co/8MbYNz3kh8 https://t.co/x406glWEE7 https://t.co/r2UB8rbdK0 https://t.co/UlOOqv9V8r · jam
The Saem - Joy and Yeri #RedVelvet #레드벨벳 #조이 #예리 https://t.co/qjlVDiqfMS https://t.co/6zCZQCwwz5 https://t.co/kKnPWivaON · jam


https://t.co/yYdxbdg6F9 배우 덕질하나봄 https://t.co/QnB3j1BssI · 1-4-3
더샘 배경화면, 헤더 #레드벨벳 #RedVelvet https://t.co/9mugn5QeL5 https://t.co/kUZfqAqdUf https://t.co/Y9bnDUfG7r · 3월
더샘 보정 #레드벨벳 #RedVelvet https://t.co/BOHc6lSSGC https://t.co/l9CURYfFfl · 3월
#레드벨벳 #RedVelvet #조이 #예리 #joy #yeri https://t.co/AfG49aX9MD https://t.co/5fuZ1NU8VD https://t.co/EYy1hsrsTx · 썸머멜로디
#레드벨벳 #RedVelvet #슬기 #웬디 #seulgi #wendy https://t.co/ZDYQrH9Uqk https://t.co/A5ntsfgfg3 https://t.co/qfArDP55lX · 썸머멜로디
아이린 헤더 #레드벨벳 #RedVelvet #아이린 #IRENE https://t.co/XjRVRK9wrC https://t.co/t40GxnfSUR · 썸머멜로디
#레드벨벳 #RedVelvet [160722 더샘 보정 10p] 🏠🔗https://t.co/DEzmBGnGpf *꼭 한번 누른뒤 저장해주세요 💞 https://t.co/7bpiYE932K · 러브레인
[EDIT]#JOY #조이 #YERI #예리 https://t.co/2dkCuj3B6m https://t.co/JR7W62wFrL https://t.co/4CEcAXiQcf https://t.co/kvNOalXDUH · 반짝이는 별
[EDIT] #IRENE #아이린 #WENDY #웬디 #SEULGI #슬기 https://t.co/mfdL4ByWjw https://t.co/WexIwzB1Bv https://t.co/8yZAmLD6XO https://t.co/IEvjSPocQn · 반짝이는 별

Etappe 20: Tour de France


Klimetappe over 146,5 kilometer van Megève naar Morzine

Storified by ADSportwereld · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:16:24

Nog 62 km - Sagan en Kreuziger houden het tempo hoog in de kopgroep op de Cal de la Ramaz. Het peloton ligt nog altijd vijf minuten achter en ook de groep achtervolgers komt niet echt dichterbij.
Sagan (TNK)'s effort brought the break's lead to a maximum of 6'24 over the peloton at km 67. #TDFdata #TDF2016 https://t.co/5LDwMMxeRY · letourdata

Nog 66 km - We gaan beginnen aan de Col de la Ramaz, van de eerste categorie. De voorsprong van de kopgroep op het peloton is inmiddels weer een beetje geslonken, tot 5.36.
Le groupe de tête est au pied du Col de la Ramaz : 13,9km à 7,1% ! #MaillotapoisCarrefour https://t.co/hTKpKJ6rOL · Carrefour France

Nog 72 km - De volgende acht renners gaan nu aan kop: Izagirre, Nibali, Sagan, Kreuziger, Rui Costa, Pantano, Alaphilippe en Gougeard. Zij krijgen een flinke stortbui over zich heen, maar rijden hard door. Kreuziger doet goede zaken in het klassement. Zo ziet het virtuele klassement er nu uit:
.@Roman86_K est actuellement 2ème au classement général provisoire/ Kreuziger is now 2nd of the virtual GC! #TDF2016 https://t.co/jX1uVH1XDv · Le Tour de France

Nog 77 km - De Fransman Pierre Rolland is de finale van het EK voetbal, waarin Frankrijk verloor van Portugal, duidelijk nog niet vergeten.
Quand Rolland embarque un drapeau du 🇵🇹 #TDF2016 https://t.co/3mMCJIS0Ty · Eurosport.fr

Nog 80 km - Er is een record in de maak. Er zijn nog 175 renners in koers, een dag voor de finish in Parijs. Het recordaantal renners dat de Tour de France ooit uitreed was 170, in de Tour de France van 2010.

Nog 85 km - De grote kopgroep heeft inmiddels een voorsprong van 5.33 op het peloton. Roman Kreuziger, de nummer 12 in het peloton met 9.45 achterstand op Froome, zit in de kopgroep. Hij staat virtueel nu op een tweede plek in het klassement. Sagan helpt zijn ploeggenoot Kreuziger door de bergen.

Nog 95 km - Het is slecht weer in Morzine, de aankomstplaats van vandaag. Mist, regen en onweer aan de finish.
The tour is coming and they're BRINGING THE RAIN!!! #thunder #vivaletour #morzine #instadaily #instagood #tourdefrance #morzineavoriaz · Richard Coleman

Eramo Counter-statement of Facts


More material regarding Rolling Stone-UVA debacle

Storified by kcjohnson9 · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:16:42

Eramo counterstatement of facts opens w/(correct) observation that Erdely reporting on issue operates from template https://t.co/dZ06qx7gZQ · KC Johnson
In her deposition, Erdely effectively concedes that she had her thesis before she had done any research at UVA: https://t.co/4GIYW1ov94 · KC Johnson
Activist Pinkelton claims she was "manipulated"--but in Erdely notes, she was very critical of Eramo. https://t.co/87fLlaoFC7 · KC Johnson
Activist Pinkleton now claims Erdely lied to her; yet reporting notes show her enthusiastic source for the article. https://t.co/1Su9xU4TZ6 · KC Johnson
Activist Sara Surface--another eager Erdely source--now claims that Erdely didn't reflect her views. https://t.co/MlkcYluHTy · KC Johnson
Erdely's reporting notes show exact opposite--that she listened to no one *but* the activist community on campus. https://t.co/BD1XjJ8KJJ · KC Johnson
More historical revisionism--UVA employee Renda was Erdely's original source for Jackie. No Renda, no article. https://t.co/sYgxLvJYtb · KC Johnson
RS editor outlines article's basic thesis->essentially same as offered by OCR, pol. allies, NYT, campus activists: https://t.co/iQbunUBqFF · KC Johnson
RS managing editor admits that Erdely never told him that Jackie's story dramatically changed over time. https://t.co/7Mvha8nOKa · KC Johnson
A reminder of the reporting that the Washington Post did (by speaking to Duffin) that Erdely did not: https://t.co/H6JxIrqxgW · KC Johnson
Rolling Stone editorial team now concedes obvious: Erdely shouldn't have relied on Jackie's portrayal of friends. https://t.co/fjO840qJxy · KC Johnson
Contemporaneous text from activist Pinkleton--now claims was critical of Erdely--describing herself v. differently. https://t.co/L7T4CxYjGJ · KC Johnson
Text b.w Erdely (blue) and campus activist Pinkleton (gray)-Pinkleton sure seems enthusiastic about Erdely argument https://t.co/luvIKkAExI · KC Johnson
A remarkable exchange between Erdely & story's editor--they knew their article's weaknesses, & didn't care. https://t.co/N5m5OfvYIK · KC Johnson
Article described three victims. Fact-checker concedes she didn't know if other 2 victims were even real people. https://t.co/sdmf6cmLsm · KC Johnson

Social Media Report 23-7-2016


Storified by Sanskriti Dhingra · Sat, Jul 23 2016 13:17:02

Social Media Report 23-7-2016

On PM's address to All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation :
डीडी न्यूज़ पर लाइव दिखाया जा रहा है।
आज तक पर शुरू के 10 मिनट्स ही लाइव दिखाया गया
Negative :
On Reliance foundation event :
Negative :

Soapbox for Cultural Equity, @Brandywine_Art and the#DNC


Saturday, July 23 at the Brandywine Workshop and Archives, 17 people involved in arts, education and politics spoke about the need for community-centered and multicultural arts funding in schools and the public square.

Storified by Sabrina Vourvoulias · Sun, Jul 24 2016 13:53:45

#soapboxforculturalequity starting outside of #brandywineworkshop https://t.co/9UbwhuUNJu · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Artist Michael Platt and poet Carol Beene at #soapboxforculturalequity at #brandywineworkshop… https://t.co/y4AoqTU2Wz · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Bobbi Booker talking at #soapboxforculturalequity at #brandywineworkshop https://t.co/9yQTh2jb6x · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Doris Nogeira Rogers #soapboxforculturalequity at #brandywineworkshop https://t.co/xpcxBbMiW8 · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Torrential rain moves the #soapboxforculturalequity inside the #brandywineworkshop . Bea Joyner… https://t.co/lXUNzfJa0p · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Bea Joyner "I believe we have to tell our stories in a responsible manner" #CulturalEquity #BrandywineSoapbox #DNC https://t.co/ZkYHkrxSip · Nadine Patterson
Pleased to support Soapbox for Cultural Equity @BrandywineWorks. https://t.co/A9wo57oyVS · Dwight Evans
Hon. Dwight Evans #CulturalEquity QT #JohnAllen "You also must think about the Arts" #DNC https://t.co/YuOQh7pzBQ · Nadine Patterson
QT "Struggle is a part of any progress we are going 2 make" Dwight Evans #DNC #CulturalEquity https://t.co/CdUptxlV0P · Nadine Patterson
Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown talking at #soapboxforculturalequity https://t.co/ohYUcIjnCQ · Sabrina Vourvoulias
At #soapboxforculturalequity, independent filmmaker Shannon Newby. #brandywineworkshop https://t.co/28W0TUcSZq · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Shannon Newby "Images Travel" #CulturalEquity #BrandywineSoapbox #DNC https://t.co/LtC1SsIqnI · Nadine Patterson
Poet Carol Beebe speaking at the #soapboxforculturalequity at #brandywineworkshop https://t.co/PsLRchyfna · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Independent producer-director Nadine Patterson and #brandywineworkshop's Allann Edmunds at… https://t.co/D0Qtz4o5dl · Sabrina Vourvoulias
#brandywineworkshop's Allan Edmunds introduces fashion designer Smiley Jones.… https://t.co/2NppVCtiNs · Sabrina Vourvoulias
Smiley Jonez QT "Persistence outways Talent" #CulturalEquity #BrandywineSoapbox #DNC https://t.co/5yJyuiPqAN · Nadine Patterson
Bob Lee on Cultural Appropriation via New Audiences initiatives in 80's #CulturalEquity #DNC https://t.co/uiM8EEIxPC · Nadine Patterson
Tyler Art student Juan Hurtadi speaking about #culturalequity at #brandywineworkshop https://t.co/FW7U6MPp9j · Sabrina Vourvoulias

How you can use WhatsApp for marketing/promoting your business


If you are good at attracting users using Facebook, WhatsApp marketing can become easy for you.

Storified by miltonferrara83 · Sun, Jul 24 2016 13:53:35

WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging app,though it’s parent network is Facebook but it has its own community base of million users. It cannot be counted as a typical social media platform as it doesn’t offer any public activities to participate in. But its reach is gigantic due to the social messaging service that it offers that included photos, audio, videos,group chats and location sharing feature while messaging, which can be send to anyone across the globe.. No geographical limitation is its most liked USP. For promoting your business you can explore some of the following areas to promote your business by using WhatsApp as an effective tool:
Useful for small business

Since 2014 WhatsApp is associated Facebook, which makes it obvious that they both share some common embedded features. Whats Appcan get various activities done on a single platform such as sending mass messages, sharing images and promoting special deals and offers at low cost. It’s a handy app for a local business to pick up with its sales and consumer base.Sharing your exact location, inviting customers with lucrative offers, pitching the best offers available at reasonable prices is how one can improve their business.
EffectiveCustomer support

WhatsApp is combination of SMS and media sharing service that makes it a satisfying tool for customer service. Many small scale business owners claim to have benefitted by using Facebook as the conversiontool for their business, you can get some leads there and WhatsApp helps you to follow up with the customers. It’s comparatively a better option for sending updates about the offers related to sales of a product or service.
Expedient Promotions and advertising

Marketers can send attractive e-brochures, images and even videos as promotional tools. The question here is the usage of the app as possibilities are infinite. For instance, there have been few successful attempts by few brands to cater their target market, such as Colgate did by inviting selfies from the customers and declared rewards for the winners. Such strategies are more likely to get good response from the users. If you are good at attracting users using Facebook, WhatsApp marketing can become easy for you.
Market survey and feedback

To get real-time suggestions and feedback from the customers WhatsApp can provide instant results. You can ask your customers about the product or services you are offering and get some straight forward and sometimes can get motivating ideas for further improvements.
See also: Tumblr for Social Media Marketing and SEO

Build sound team

Collaboration and association of groups on a simple group chat is a time-effective tool to adapt. Audio messaging and video recording can make the functioning easier,decision-making gets convenient for the team manager and incorporating any modification during the functioning of the conduct of any process is easier.
Budding social sharing tool

WhatsApp is the rising social sharing platform along with Facebook, twitter and Google+. It has got more than 900 million users worldwide, a humongous number to compete with other networks and therefore,it’s gaining popularity among the social marketers for disseminating business proposal among its audience.
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