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Il Romanticismo


Contesto Storico

Storified by grecchigiacomo · Tue, May 17 2016 21:15:40

Il periodo storico della restaurazione, successivo al Congresso di Vienna, ha come fine quello di rinchiudere ogni stato nei confini prenapoleonici. Questo portò alla perdita degli ideali di universalità propri della cultura illuministica e dell'arte neoclassica. Si formarono nuovi ideali: quelli tendenti a rivalutare le origini e la storia di ciascun popolo. Il concetto di popolo è connesso all'idea di Nazione, cioè l'insieme di individui legati fra loro da vincoli indissolubili di lingua, religione, cultura e tradizioni. Come il popolo anche il singolo individuo può legittimamente vantare la propria storia personale, unica, preziosa e irripetibile. Da ciò deriva la nuova attenzione per i sentimenti, gli affetti e le passioni di ogni uomo
Idealogia Romantica
Il romanticismo si afferma in Europa intorno al 1830, presentandosi con caratteristiche diverse da nazione a nazione. Il romanticismo rivaluta le sfere della passione, dell'irrazionalità e del sentimentoche erano state messe da parte in favore della razionalità nel periodo illuminista, rivalutando anche, in questo modo, il genio individuale e l'ispirazione. Mentre il neoclassicismo si rifà all'arte classica, il romanticismo si rifà al medioevo che fino a questo momento era considerato un secolo buio e decadente. La poetica romantica si basa sul concetto che la natura non produce il bello ideale, ma immagini che possono ispirare due sentimenti fondamentali: il pittoresco e il sublime. Secondo le teorie di Burke il pittoresco e il sublime sono due opposti tra loro, il sublime non nasce dal bello, ma nasce dal conflitto tra sensibilità e ragione e dal sentimento di sgomento, di fragilità che prova l'uomo di fronte allo spettacolo dei grandi sconvolgimeti e fenomeni naturali.

Carel Pedre Representing Haiti in #IVLP


Carel Pedre has been selected to represent Haiti in this year’s international visitor leadership program #IVLP. More info on SawPanse.com ==> http://bit.ly/1TEV8sP

Storified by SawPanse.com · Tue, May 17 2016 21:15:09

. @KCTS9 With @TamaramaPD and the @Crosscut crew exchanging about digital media best practices #IVLP @StateIVLP https://t.co/dIJWKg4IdP · carel pedre
It was nice meeting you @shehunk. you guys are doing a tremendous job @nwfilmforum #ivlp https://t.co/sB2CYH5if3 · carel pedre
. @Shehunk is giving us a tour @nwfilmforum and a private screening of some #CitizenMinutes videos #IVLP @StateIVLP https://t.co/t3SMDbvVNF · carel pedre
With @RMcClureIW co-founder & executive director of @invw. We're talking about investigative journalism #IVLP https://t.co/cIKClEEyhf · carel pedre
Meeting @KUOW with @KUOWRoss & @cathyduchamp #IVLP https://t.co/dUh3E2K3PY · carel pedre
. @SFrameK5, Chief Investigative Reporter for @KING5Seattle talking about her biggest investigations #IVLP https://t.co/Wm9RbtfLlV · carel pedre
We're @KING5Seattle Touring the K5 News studio #IVLP https://t.co/z9Zf0EOZUy · carel pedre
"Meet my Broadcast Journalists #IVLP colleagues @stateivlp " - Tweeted Carel Pedre
Carel Pedre | Facebook · Carel Pedre
Premye Pati IVLP Nan Washington DC https://t.co/lYok0FmJ0A https://t.co/SXwC3Of7O0 · carel pedre
My colleague @nzmdali 🇲🇾 and I 🇭🇹 getting our hands dirty @ Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands in Seattle #IVLP https://t.co/uleTietZ2H · carel pedre
Starting our tour and volunteer activity @ Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands @seattletilth @StateIVLP #IVLP https://t.co/bP9cGimVyZ · carel pedre
Altitude: 34,006 ft. Ground speed: 479mph. 🇹🇳🇩🇿🇱🇻 🇭🇹 on their way to Seatlle #IVLP via @united @StateIVLP https://t.co/X6GBk9a2OE · carel pedre
Amazing #IVLP experience in DC! Thank you @StateIVLP @StateDept @MeridianIntl @USEmbassyHaiti @ECA_AS @ECAatState https://t.co/RgzVDyCZOB · carel pedre
Last meeting In DC with Brian Carter & Alicia Tambe @FCC Multilateral & Regional Affairs Branch #IVLP @StateIVLP https://t.co/poZOvoYEhS · carel pedre
Meeting with @MarkNelsonCIMA Sr. Director @CIMA_Media about Improving the development of independent media #IVLP https://t.co/WuBRUkn1b2 · carel pedre

Cracking the Nut 2016


Climatelinks attended Cracking the Nut 2016 as a media partner to learn about developments in climate-smart agriculture and more.

Storified by Climatelinks · Tue, May 17 2016 21:15:10

About Cracking the Nut 2016

Cracking the Nut 2016 focused on three cross cutting themes: regenerating rural and agricultural landscapes; financing environmentally sustainable development; and encouraging investment in climate-smart agriculture.
Conversations touched on ways the public and private sectors can collaborate to restore deforested areas while improving agricultural productivity, how to ensure that all farmers, including women and youth, have access to finance, markets, fair prices and climate-smart technical assistance, and how the private sector can profitably invest in climate-smart agriculture.
As a media partner, Climatelinks live-tweeted the conference using the hashtag #crknut16. On the first day of the conference, the Climatelinks team attended the opening plenary and a session on attracting private-sector investment by improving climate services.
On the second day of the conference, Climatelinks attended a session on increased coffee yields and farmer resilience through climate-smart ag and finance, integrated finance and insurance to support sustainable crop production intensification in Senegal, and a plenary on public and private partnerships facilitated by USAID's Noel Gurwick.

Welcome Remarks and Keynote

Presenters: Anita Campion (Connexus), Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen (IDB), and Dr. Nancy Stetson (US Special Representative for Global Food Security)
Anita Campion opening #crknut16 - our focus is on #climatesmart rural and #agdev @crackingthenut https://t.co/WIK2324E9E · Cracking the Nut
Nancy Stetson: SDGs balance economic, social, & environmental facets of development #crknut16 https://t.co/HKK6WrX1F2 · Climatelinks
Presenters: Bronwyn Irwin, Michael E. Cote, Lauren Leifeste (Engility)
Learning about attracting private-sector investments by improving climate services @engilityintldev #crknut16 https://t.co/p6sg5X5iD0 · Climatelinks

The meaning of market failure


Storified by DeeKnows100 · Tue, May 17 2016 21:15:46

Negative externalities is a type of market failure. for example, if congestion levels are high, the social costs are higher then the private costs. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3592388/Will-driverless-cars-cause-congestion-nightmare-Researchers-predict-people-use-much.html

Information failure is also another ttype of market failure. This occurs when marrkets do not provid information for goods and services, leading to consumers making the wrong choices. http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/74698339/Consumers-angry-at-lack-of-information-about-food-safety-scares

A Not So Simple Grade 8 Science Story About Simple Machines and Efficiency!


What do you imagine a machine to look and sound like? In science, a machine is any device that reduces or changes the direction of force needed to move an object-strangely it doesn't reduce the work! Have you ever thought of a stairway or a road to be a simple machine? Well in science they are!

Storified by amandagaeeni · Tue, May 17 2016 21:16:14

It's really important that you read the information in between the links CAREFULLY. They are almost more imporatnt than the links. Remain focused and be attentive as the concepts can get tricky. Be responsible for your own learning by asking your teacher for clarifications as soon as they arise. Don't be shy to raise your hand and ask. When asked, check all your answers off the smart board, edit and ask more questions if necessary. There will be a quiz after each section of this story.
Do not advance onto the next section until your teacher tells you to. Section G at the very end of this story has some extra links if you are ahead and waiting. Page 15a sent to you will also have interesting articles for you to read if you are ahead. Most sections have extension worksheets as well if you want to challenge yourself.
There is no need to write notes in this story. Rather spend your time re-reading and re-listening. You will be provided with notes and worksheets. However, you can summarize a point after each link if you wish. You can also copy and paste these notes onto a page ....but you don't need to write everything that you hear down.
Section A:There are 6 main types of simple machines that can be used in machine systems: Levers, pulleys, incline planes, wheel and axels, screws and wedges. Let's start with an introductory song. Listen to the chorus line! Machines help us work smarter!
Simple Machines Song · Science4Us
We will focus and concentrate on the following three types of simple machines.
1. Incline planes......
Did you see how they reduce the force but increase the distance travelled? Would you agree that it is easier to apply a weaker force over a greater distance? This is how the work is made easier for us!
2. Levers......a very versatile simple machine. Watch two or all three of the links. Listen to what the fulcrum, effort and load are. There are three classes of levers depending on where the fulcrum, load and effort are situated. You need to recognize these and understand what specific type of work each class is used for.
Three Classes of Levers · TutorVista
Do you see that there is a relationship between the forces produced by the effort and load, and both of their distances from the fulcrum? If you wanted to play on a teeter totter with someone heavier than you where would you have to sit? Where could they sit?
3. And lastly pulleys.....watch the FIRST link only or both!
Pause for a second...... Can you see how a wedge and screw are adaptations of inclined planes and how the wheel and axel and pulley are variations of a lever? This is the reason why some people see only inclined planes and levers forming the two main groups of simple machines.

Rapid Re-Housing: Landlord Engagement


On May 17 we hosted an #AllianceQA on Twitter. We were joined by representatives from the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, Abode Services of CA, West Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness, Community Rebuilders of MI, the LA Homeless Services Authority and Friendship Place of DC.

Storified by National Alliance to End Homelessness · Tue, May 17 2016 21:16:21

The National Alliance to End Homelessness hosted an #AllianceQA to discuss rapid re-housing landlord engagement.
We got the ball rolling with a question to our followers: What are your most important landlord engagement techniques?
Q1: Can RRH work in high-cost, low-vacancy areas?

The Story of the Chinese Zodiacs


Storified by Lily Yan · Tue, May 17 2016 21:16:21

Competition for the Sequence of the 12 Zodiac Signs

There is an interesting folktale about how the order of the 12 animals was determined.
The legend goes that the Jade Emperor ordered all the animals that inhabited the earth to congratulate him on his birthday on January 9th one year, and he determined to select the 12 animals that arrived first to be guards of the Heavenly Gate, so they could take turns on duty in order to prevent deities from secretly descending to the earth.
All the animals were very excited and were itching to start upon hearing the good news. The Jade Emperor made a rule that all animals would run across a river, and each animal's position in the zodiac would be set by its place in the race.

Enmity Between the Cat and the Rat

Although the cat and the rat were neighbors, the former always bullied the latter, and the rat felt very angry but dared not say it out loud; therefore, he sought his revenge on the cat. The rat chuckled to himself upon hearing the Jade Emperor's decree and he thought to himself: "This is an opportunity".
The sleepyhead cat kicked the rat's door open, ordering the rat to keep him informed about when he was going to the Jade Emperor's birthday party, and the rat readily promised that he would.
The rat promised to do so; however, he was so excited that he left quietly without informing the cat on the morning of January 9th. All the other animals gathered at the bank of a river and the race began.

Result of the 12 Zodiac Signs

Early as he was, the rat had to stop by the river owing to the swift current. Having waited for a long time, the rat saw the ox crossing the river, so he swiftly jumped into the ox's ear.
The kindhearted ox did not mind at all and kept on crossing the river. After crossing it, he ran towards the palace of the Jade Emperor.
Suddenly, the rat jumped out of the ox's ear and rushed to the feet of the Jade Emperor; therefore, he won the first place, followed by the ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon (an imaginary Chinese dragon), snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and the pig. These 12 animals became guards of the Heavenly Gate.
The cat didn't wake up until the race was over and it was too late — he was not able to make it into the cycle. After the party, a great enmity grew between the cat and the rat, so the rats scattered in all directions when a cat appeared.
The Chinese people created the 12 Chinese zodiac signs according to the arrival order of the 12 animals, and each zodiac sign is designated to a specific year, so the same zodiac sign returns every 12 years.

Taxi to Mont Clare, PA Taxi to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.


Taxi to Mont Clare, PA Car Service, Limo Service and Taxi Cabs to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.

Storified by airporttaxicab · Wed, May 18 2016 21:48:51

Taxi to Mont Clare, PA Taxi to the Airport, Train Stations, Bus Stops, Hotels, Motels, Hospitals,Casinos and Doctor Offices.

Lens #12: Poems


experiences expressed through poetry

Storified by Vida · Wed, May 18 2016 21:48:54

What is poetry? - "

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." -Robert Frost
Poetry is a form of literature that generally uses rhythmic qualities of a language to evoke meanings in place of or in addition to prosaic statements of a language. There are many different types to write poetry, from Haiku to Free Verse Poetry. This form of literature has been used by many different civilizations as it has a long history.

While it was difficult at first to find an inspiration for the following poems, I was able to find relevant influences through specific personal occurrences that I have experienced.

Cinquain Poem

Line 1: 2 syllables
Line 2: 4 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 8 syllables
Line 5: 2 syllables


in the unknown.

Endless, jet-black journey

hopelessly flailing for support.

Wake up.

This poem represents one of the few dreams that I still remember. I remember having a sense of panic when falling into an endless pit. But just as I began to understand what I was falling into and what was happening around me, I woke up and forgot most of the events that occurred in my sleep. It is very likely that many other individuals have discovered similar dream sequences to this.

Tybur Poem

A six line poem consisting of 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9 syllables. The first four lines rhyme and are all descriptive words. The last two lines rhyme and incorporate the first, second, third, and fourth lines as the 5th through 8th syllables.





From afar we are listening, watching

shocking horrors, hoping for better

The horrors expressed in this poem represent the terror attacks that have occurred in Europe that have made headlines across the world. When first hearing of these attacks, I am always engulfed with sadness and intrigue. I appreciate the coverage of the media and I always aim to be informed of new developments on these ongoing stories. It is always in my interest to find background on individuals who have been affected in these incidents and the background of the incident itself, so I listen to and watch many news reports who cover these events. This poem also represents the support that the victim countries receive from the rest of the world, who are not at the scene of grief and disbelief.

Tanka Poem

Conflict App Review


Storified by CannonCannon4 · Wed, May 18 2016 21:49:10

This can be essential, and it is needed to net you free cards if you are in serious need. It is possible to see the common quantity of elixir your deck expenses simply by scraping about the deck (these details is exhibited in pink). The depressing reality is it won't short before you'll find as many versions of Battle Royale about the App-Store as there are Clash of Clans. Should anyone ever played with a comparable recreation or Hearthstone before going in to the Conflict Royale world then you likely know how essential it's to make the journey to recognize the cards available in the game in regards to deck-building.
Generally, mix up with equally reduced and large Elixir soldiers, along with both terrain and oxygen. After arena so or 4 you simply don't possess enough income to keep improving everything except for your deck that is effective. Unlike this online software supplies the following benefits. If participants wish to fill their Elixir, even as they deploy the cards, it is great concept that they are released by them behind your Market Systems.
In the case that no units are observed, you are truly thinking about using a deck that is totally hidden! The main basis for its meteoric success is the common Conflict of Clans company (Battle Royale uses the identical lore, people and aesthetic design), part may be the massive marketing budget Supercell are willing to spend money on the game, but perhaps the biggest element is the fact that the game is clearly great. Once you have found a deck that you like you can see that deck if every other people have presented suggestions about how-to play with that patio to see.
You are able to check out the whole, extremely fascinating AMA on Reddit of Primary Pat, and watch the video below to get a Polygon summary of Battle Royale. It may be advantageous routinely improving items that aren't within the participantis veranda. 10 Methods For Beginners Battle Royale has a couple dozen cards at this time, but most of them are easily recognizable as people from Conflict of Clans. Clash Royale is a strategy sport and can enable you consider controll of Clash Of Clans figures. You could possibly view numerous Television Royale fits while observing your Grasp Veranda about the SEARCH A DECK page.
Contemplating such activities live and die by simply how much their developers supported them, it'dnot shock me in any way to determine a constant drip feed of new material slowly funneling into Clash Royale. There are many competitors from Battle of Clans in Clash Royale, like the barbarian and the enormous, but they have different shows. Vou tentar manter esse article atualizado frequentemente net dicas de para industry that is units 4 no Clash Royale. Underneath point is Battle Royale Deck Builder allows you to able and more informed to defeat your adversaries. But Conflict Royale demonstrates Supercell still has massive strengths at the same time as it stays a relatively small game studio.
Today I'm likely to make contact with work because I have another hour and thirteen minutes before I - can open this magic torso taking one-of my chest slots up. Clash Royale 3 Huge Deck Method The Giant is really a solid protection and wrongdoing specially in Arena 3. Discover ways to utilize the Big Patio method here. You are going to wish to addin a number of the Clash cards that were strong you on the Most-Used Cards page.

Taxi to Montandon, PA Taxi to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.


Taxi to Montandon, PA Car Service, Limo Service and Taxi Cabs to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.

Storified by airporttaxicab · Wed, May 18 2016 21:49:21

Taxi to Montandon, PA Taxi to the Airport, Train Stations, Bus Stops, Hotels, Motels, Hospitals,Casinos and Doctor Offices.

Taxi to Montgomery, PA Taxi to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.


Taxi to Montgomery, PA Car Service, Limo Service and Taxi Cabs to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.

Storified by airporttaxicab · Wed, May 18 2016 21:49:50

Taxi to Montgomery, PA Taxi to the Airport, Train Stations, Bus Stops, Hotels, Motels, Hospitals,Casinos and Doctor Offices.

Taxi to Montgomeryville, PA Taxi to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.


Taxi to Montgomeryville, PA Car Service, Limo Service and Taxi Cabs to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.

Storified by airporttaxicab · Wed, May 18 2016 21:50:20

Taxi to Montgomeryville, PA Taxi to the Airport, Train Stations, Bus Stops, Hotels, Motels, Hospitals,Casinos and Doctor Offices.

Le disuguaglianze sociali


una Unità di apprendimento sul problema della concentrazione della ricchezza

Storified by aurora · Wed, May 18 2016 21:50:36

Il termine disuguaglianza identifica le differenze dei livelli di benessere derivanti principalmente dalle disparità nel livello dei redditi, dei consumi, nell’accesso all’assistenza sanitaria, nell’istruzione e nella speranza di vita. Nel dibattito pubblico si tende a dare per scontato che la disuguaglianza sia solo un problema di tipo economico. Questa visione rischia però di mettere in secondo piano la complessità del fenomeno. Esistono infatti svariate forme di disuguaglianza: sociale, economica, politica, digitale. Cuccinelli
Disuguaglianze sociali · stampavr



Celebrating the William Paterson University Class of 2016!

Storified by William Paterson · Wed, May 18 2016 21:50:48

I know I have said this before but God has truly blessed me with some amazing-PHENOMENAL STRONG WOMEN in my life. One that happens to be my sister Jess. I honestly don't have enough words to describe how EXTREMELY PROUD I am of her and all her continuous achievements and accomplishments. I swear, you absolutely are the most intelligent and by all means strongest woman I know! And I'm blessed I am to not only have you as sister but also as a best friend-ride or die confidant and mentor!! I'm so proud of you! You are huge inspiration to not only for me, but to a lot of women that think it can't be done! Well it can, and you have proved it (once again) A hardworking-thriving-goal digger-mother of two! FREAKING True inspiration🙌🏼🙏🏼She should honestly walk the grass with cape on. Today we celebrate you and YOUR HUGE accomplishment of achieving your Masters of Arts🎓🎉! #wpunj #masterofarts #englishmajor #FREAKINGLOVEYOU @imnotabitchimahumanbeing · Eli Brito♑
Props to @diazn3 for this amazing #WPUNJ water tower cap!! #CapsOfWP · William Paterson University
Congrats to all the #teamhobart seniors! Graduation is only two days away! #wpunj2016 · WPTV6
Bc I took 3 masters classes on top of my first year teaching & planned wedding. I'm a little proud 💁🏼#wpunj #yay #p3cert · rosaria francesca
#graduation #wpunj #twillyp #classof2016 #ΣΑΙ #SigmaAlphaIota 🎓🌹❤️🌈 · Mel
"Even after all this time? Always." —J.K. Rowling The left is prom 2005 and the right is Senior Sendoff 2016. In just two days we'll both be graduating college together. #love #prom #wpunj #classof2016 🎓 · Jasmine Vargas
#wp16 #wpunj #twillyp #willyp #wpu #capsofwp #theatre&comedy #wpcomm #wizardofoz #classof2016 #graduationcap #gradcap @twillypgram @wpunj @wpunj_alumni · Tara Dernelle
🎉🎓☺️😁🙌😛 #graduation #commencement #wpunj2016 #masters #slp @tiff_babe · Michelle (Zaritsky) Kulnevsky
I MERMAID IT! and yes it's all glitter and cut paper .... Friday I'm ready for you #WPUNJ #capsofwillyp #twillyp #artedmajor #artmajorsrock #glitter #thelittlemermaid #mermaidlife #imreally5 #art #collage #college · Rachel Ambrogio
#done #with #physics #breaktime #focused #almostthere #tothetop #wpunj · Jose C.
We came, we saw, we conquered. Thank you ladies for making my four years at WillyP unforgettable. #wpunj2016 #blackgirlmagic #collegegrad #educatedblackwomen · 👸🏿👑Vanessa👠💄💋
@wpunj_edu Graduate Ceremony ready to go! #WPUNJ2016 @WPStudentDev https://t.co/L24pb9bpdV · Francisco Diaz
Starting to look like Graduate Commencement...#wpunj2016 ·
Special shoutout to Dory for reminding me to "Just keep swimming!" throughout the past four years 💕💙🐠🐢 #capsofwp #wpunj2016 #graduationcap #findingnemo #disney #justkeepswimming #doyouhaveyourexitbuddy #classof2016 · Jackie Mako
Congratulations to the Class of 2016! #wpunj #wpunj2016 https://t.co/Zx1lbZxSB6 · WP Career Center
From seeing my dad in over two years to getting pinned, I feel like life can't get any better than this✨ #nursesally #wpunj2016 · Sally Na
Was honored tonight at Senior Send-off as a nominee for the Outstanding Senior Award. Want to thank both Toni LaSala and @toekneekay for nominating me for this great award, as well as thank my wonderful parents for accompanying me! #wpunj2016 #seniorsendoff #classof2016 #outstandingsenior #wpunjalumni · Tyler R. Mortensen

Taxi to Montoursville, PA Taxi to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.


Taxi to Montoursville, PA Car Service, Limo Service and Taxi Cabs to the Airport and Local 973-539-2500.

Storified by airporttaxicab · Wed, May 18 2016 21:50:50

Taxi to Montoursville, PA Taxi to the Airport, Train Stations, Bus Stops, Hotels, Motels, Hospitals,Casinos and Doctor Offices.

Usage responsable du web social


Réflexion pour une déontologie dans ses pratiques de l'Internet, de sa messagerie et de ses réseaux sociaux, tant sur le plan professionnel que sur celui des loisirs. Hervé Moine

Storified by Herve Moine · Wed, May 18 2016 21:50:55

Une réflexion critique sur nos pratiques dans l'univers du web social d'une manière générale et dans les réseaux sociaux, nos messageries plus particulièrement, s'avère plus que jamais nécessaire. Tout d'abord, il est toujours opportun de réfléchir sur ce qu'on fait. Si l'homme n'agit pas simplement par instinct comme le fait généralement l'animal, il lui faut le plus souvent réfléchir avant d'agir ou bien réfléchir sur ses actes. Ainsi, réfléchir sur nos actes dans la vie réelle ou dans la vie virtuelle apparaît non seulement normal mais surtout souhaitable. Encore faut-il être convaincu du fait que l'espace virtuel dans lequel nous opérons lorsque nous sommes sur le net, ne nous autorise pas pour autant, à faire n'importe quoi. Ce n'est pas parce qu'on ne voit pas l'autre en face de soi et que l'on peut s'adresser à lui, caché derrière son écran par un pseudo, un avatar, une identité fabriquée de toute pièce, qu'on n'a pas à le respecter. D'ailleurs, la distinction virtuel / réel, qui n'est pas aussi nette que l'on veut bien le croire, et, l'utilisation que l'on en fait, demandent à être repenser.
D'autre part, il est important de réfléchir sur nos pratiques dans le but de poser les conditions de possibilité d'un usage responsable du web social. Ce souci est d'autant plus fort que l'on a en charge l'éducation des plus jeunes.
C'est donc d'une part une réflexion critique du web social et de ses usages et d'autre part une tentative d'élaboration d'une déontologie dans les pratiques du web social dont il sera question. Nous élaborerons cette recherche pour une large part à partir de documents numériques trouvés sur le net traitant de près ou de loin des thématiques nous intéressant mais aussi de pensées philosophiques pouvant nous offrir problématiques, concepts et argumentations.
Dans un premier temps, nous travaillerons les définitions, les usages et les préconisations trouvés sur le net.
Tout d'abord que faut-il entendre par web social ? Qui en sont les usagers ? Quel en est le but ?


Ce titre est provisoire, mais il indique clairement ce dont il sera question ici, à savoir une tentative de définition, un état des lieux des usages et une recherche des pratiques responsables du Web social. D'ailleurs tout est provisoire et l'entreprise demandera certainement du temps pour arriver à son terme, si toutefois la chose s'avère possible. Aussi, il est demandé au lecteur, toute son indulgence et pourquoi pas sa participation. Il est possible de me contacter à l'adresse électronique suivante : rvmoine@gmail.com ou en laissant des commentaires ci-dessous à dans les différentes rubriques.
Sommaire (provisoire)

Prova storia con Storify


Un prova per capire il funzionamento di storify

Storified by matzlanz · Thu, May 19 2016 22:23:36

Piccole grandi #letture dalla #biblioteca di #Cologne #libri #bambini #primeletture · Terre dell'Ovest
Attenti al furgone della @retebscr pieno di #libri e #letture per gli utenti delle #biblioteche della #Rete #bibliotecaria #bresciana e #cremonese #prestitointerbibliotecario #pib · Terre dell'Ovest
#biblioteca di #sulzano #novità #letture #books #bookslover #christo #libri #libro #biblioteche #ovest #breaciano · Terre dell'Ovest

Un prova di embed con un link

Ciao ragazzi...è fantastica questa cosa! Io il 22 non sarò presente ma volevo dare ugualmente il mio contributo almeno in libri...posso lasciarli in biblioteca durante la settimana prima e venire a prendermeli la settimana dopo???

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Eat Pray Love

Storified by izzynitso · Thu, May 19 2016 22:23:32

Exile is when a person is voluntarily absent from their home country, or a person who has been expelled from their home country. Some synonyms are evict, drive out, cast out, eject, or deport.
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In Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert's out of body experience was her one women search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia. She decided to disconnect from her world and create a hunger for her life, to feel that there was still so much that she could still do. On her journey she experienced many different cultures and foods, that sometimes didn't taste that great. Throughout the memoir she shared her personality through each line with sass and overall reflecting on how you should stop and discover yourself in life. “You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” Elizabeth Gilbert (Page 132)

The quote I believe refers to that exile is a thought in your mind, and your mind is very powerful. In exile I believe a key personality trait is loneliness and depression. Which are both personality traits that Elizabeth has a broad background in , especially in the year she captured in her memoir.
Loneliness and depression are key traits of sadness.
In the beginning of the memoir life as Elizabeth Gilbert is actually quite epic with her having the classic dream of every women. She has money a soulmate, and a job.
Elizabeth gilbert wrote Eat Pray Love after an emotionally draining moment in her life, yet in the end, the moment came out on top. She had experienced an divorce which drove her to a self discovery journey across three countries. She faced exile within in herself, after her divorce and hook up all ended with a burn. Elizabeth was faced with a specific challenge, and that challenge was herself. She wanted to self harm herself to feel pain, and overall she felt lonely and depressed which both symbolize exile. In the end her mind was growing thoughts of exile, and the self discovery journey was her way of relieving herself of exile. “You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control.” Elizabeth Gilbert.
In the real world there are many issues and examples of exile, such as the threats from Donald Trump who is a candidate for the position of the president of the United States. His campaign message and promise, is to make America great again, but his plan is to un- unite the United States. He is threatening to ban (exile) all muslims due to the problems happening where they came from. He is blaming innocent people for the actions of others. I hope Donald Trump thinks more about the freedom and history of America before kicking out immigrants.

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Storified by MercadoMollerup · Thu, May 19 2016 22:23:36

Wisconsin is well-known for it's festivals and fairs and the Wisconsin State Honest is no exception. This eleven day honest operates the initial and 2nd weekends of August. There is music, food, buying, rides, and fun.
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Part of what I needed to explore in those songs was the concept that Hope is all about us. It's like spring. Each year we see the bodily evidence of spring undoing the death of winter - the worst that winter season can do to us. We see it in Easter. We are graced to see it from time to time in the information, like what is taking place in Rwanda. After the horrific genocide there and how the nation is coming alive again through the grace of forgiveness. I think there is proof that would suggest that redemption is a very genuine factor.
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