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First species counterpoint


Storified by Kris Shaffer · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:14:45

Parte nominación de premios Oscar con NO como precandidata a mejor película extranjera


Storified by La Tercera · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:14:49

'Lincoln' leads race for British Academy Awards http://thenewage.co.za/77535-1022-53-Lincoln_leads_race_for_British_Academy_Awards http://pic.twitter.com/vFHwT7x8 · The New Age
Lincoln es una de las favoritas a nominada como mejor película, del director Steven Spielberg.
#TODAY Will take place the ceremony for nominations for the Academy Awards 2013 #BreakingNews http://pic.twitter.com/eNlchKi1 · Fherp Hernández
El conductor de la ceremonia de nominación Seth MacFarlane.
A las 10.30 se inicia la ceremonia de nominación a los premios Oscar, donde la cinta chilena NO, del director Pablo Larraín, está como precandidata a mejor película extranjera. 

Northern DIG-System


Un contributo per preservare l’ambiente di lavoro pulito e decontaminato.

Storified by · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:14:59

L'impegno nella salvaguardia della salute e dell' ambiente coinvolge anche piccole attività in ambito Universitario e di ricerca. 
Roche Applied Science è stata una delle prime aziende ad offrire una tecnologia non radioattiva indiretta che permette ai clienti di abbandonare l'uso
di pericolosi isotopi radioattivi. Il punto di forza di questo sistema e' l'utilizzo di un marcatore, la digossigenina, legata all'uracile  in posizione 5 dell’anello pirimidinico mediante una catena spaziatrice di 11 atomi di carbonio dalle dimensioni estremamente contenute. Questo consente, grazie ad un piccolo ingombro sterico, una frequenza di incorporazione nella costruzione della sonda di 1 ogni 20-25 bp, il più alto in assoluto. In questo modo il frammento generato è stabile(legame fisico e non chimico) e molto sensibile alla fase di rilevazione(molti nucleotidi marcati). 
Rispetto alle tecniche di marcatura radioattiva  il sistema DIG ha molteplici vantaggi:
❖ Alta sensibilità
❖ tempi di esposizione brevi (in minuti anziché ore o giorni)
❖ Sicurezza (nessun contatto con materiali pericolosi- nessuna contaminazione ambientale)
 ❖Sonde  riutilizzabili e stabili da un minimo di un anno.
❖ Protocolli per ogni tipo di applicazione
❖ Reprobing di Southern blot
❖ Protocollo speciale per strepping facile di Northern blot
 Queste sonde possono essere utilizzate per tutte le reazioni di ibridazione, in particolare
❖ Southern blotting, dot blotting,
❖ Northern blotting,
❖ Array,
❖ Colonia ibridazione
❖ Ibridazione in situ 
Il Northern blotting può essere effettuato sia  con sonde DNA che  RNA . Solitamente, le sonde ad RNA sono più specifiche e più sensibili. Tuttavia,  una sonda di DNA può essere più conveniente se la massima sensibilità e specificità non sono necessari.
Se deve essere usata una sonda ad RNA e' raccomandato il DIG Northern Starter Kit. Questo kit utilizza DNA linearizzato come modello
e SP6, T7, T3 o RNA polimerasi per l'incorporazione di DIG-11-UTP nel trascritto di RNA. La rivelazione viene eseguita da una reazione di chemiluminescenza con CDP-Star. La rilevazione di attività della fosfatasi alcalina con CDP-Star genera emissione di luce che può essere registrata mediante esposizione della pellicola a raggi X  o con uno strumento di imaging. Ciò consente di risparmiare tempo  in modo significativo  ed ottenere il segnale più intenso circa 100 volte il sistema colorimetrico,. Sono inoltre possibili anche esposizioni multiple in quanto
il segnale dura per circa due giorni. I substrati chemiluminescenti possono essere applicati però solo su membrane di nylon. 
Tutti i reagenti contenuti nel kit possono essere successivamente acquistati singolarmente consentendo anche un risparmio economico nel proseguimento dell'attività di ricerca. 
Il servizio tecnico Roche assicura assistenza nella fase di start-up del sistema chiamando il numero verde 800620622.
di alfredopagnotta
Per il protocollo dettagliato per ibridazione ad una sonda di RNA
Northern blot leggi sotto. 

Sciences de l'intelligence et intelligence des sciences


A propos de tout ce qui relève de la prospective en matière d'exploration, de compréhension et d'activation de l'intelligence, qu'elle soit artificielle ou naturelle, individuelle ou collective, humaine ou autre... Intellegere, c'est discerner, comprendre, concevoir. "Intellegens", un connaisseur.

Storified by Jacky Degueldre · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:15:57

Solve for X: Adrien Treuille on collaborative science · wesolveforx
> Article paru dans ©La Libre Belgique du 30/11/2012, p.25 Planète Biodiversité.
A mettre en relation avec les observations prémonitoires de Maurice Maeterlinck (1911) sur les stratégies fines développées par le monde végétal (cf. article sur L'intelligence adventive, repris ci-dessous), notamment la stratégie adventive des plantes invasives, les herbacées exotiques d'abord (Renouée du Japon, Berce du Caucase, etc.), et maintenant la seconde vague d'assaut mondial des espèces ligneuses envahissantes... La systémique de notre civilisation a encore beaucoup à apprendre du...règne végétal quand il reprend ses droits. Préoccupant?  

Une nouvelle vague de plantes invasives

Julie Anciaux

Mis en ligne le 30/11/2012

Après les plantes herbacées exotiques, voici les arbres et arbustes. - Envahissantes -

Au rayon des plantes exotiques invasives, on connaissait déjà, chez nous, la balsamine de l’Himalaya, la berce du Caucase ou encore le séneçon d’Afrique du sud. Introduites dans nos jardins pour leur beauté, elles se dispersent dans la nature où elles prolifèrent de manière incontrôlable. Actuellement, une nouvelle vague d’espèces végétales envahissantes, plutôt ligneuses qu’herbacées, frappe la planète entière.

"L’hémisphère sud est le plus fortement touché", explique Etienne Branquart, le responsable de la cellule interdépartementale sur les espèces invasives de la Région wallonne. "Des plantations colossales de pins et d’acacias, originaires du nord, ont été réalisées en Afrique du sud, en Nouvelle Zélande, en Australie pour produire du bois et de la pâte à papier. Maintenant, on se rend compte que certaines de ces espèces envahissent les milieux ouverts adjacents et épuisent les ressources en eau du sol. Des millions d’hectares sont concernés."

L’Europe occidentale n’échappe pas au problème. Ici, les empêcheurs de tourner en rond sont en grande partie des arbustes ou des arbres introduits avec des objectifs ornementaux. Ils se nomment cornouiller soyeux, cotonéaster horizontal, rhododendron, rosier rugueux, spirée, faux-vernis du Japon "Le cerisier tardif a, lui, été planté pour tenter de produire du bois de qualité et d’augmenter la fertilité des sols grâce à sa litière améliorante. Non seulement il n’est pas l’essence miracle qu’on pensait, mais en plus il peut former des fourrés très denses. Après une coupe en forêt, il peut présenter un développement explosif, entraver la régénération naturelle des autres ligneux et même mettre à mal le succès des futures plantations."

Les ligneuses invasives sont une menace importante pour la biodiversité. Car si les herbacées s’installent dans des terres soumises à une gestion intensive comme les prairies et les bords des routes, les ligneuses leur préfèrent les milieux semi-naturels, souvent dotés d’une grande valeur biologique. C’est ainsi que l’on retrouve, par exemple, le cotonéaster horizontal sur les pelouses calcicoles, le faux-verni du Japon dans les milieux rocheux, le cornouiller soyeux dans les zones humides, le rosier rugueux dans les dunes "Les déchets verts sont le plus grand vecteur de contamination des milieux semi-naturels par les plantes invasives", poursuit notre interlocuteur, qui lance un appel au public. "Ne déposez jamais vos déchets verts dans la nature. Même broyées, certaines espèces végétales sont tellement résistantes qu’elles peuvent régénérer une nouvelle plante. Ces pratiques sont prohibées par la loi et peuvent être à l’origine d’importants dommages environnementaux."

Mais quelles sont les mesures mises en œuvre pour ne plus planter d’arbres ou d’arbustes exotiques au caractère envahissant ? Le projet AlterIAS (Alternatives aux plantes invasives) a permis d’établir, en concertation avec le secteur horticole, un code de conduite reprenant une liste de plantes ayant un impact élevé sur la biodiversité, que les professionnels s’engagent à ne plus produire et planter. Leur plantation sera aussi prochainement interdite dans le cadre d’une nouvelle circulaire à l’attention des pouvoirs publics. Mais M. Branquart reconnaît que "peu de précautions sont prises avant l’introduction de nouvelles espèces ligneuses potentiellement invasives. Le recours à des analyses de risque n’est pas systématique. Elles devraient pourtant être réalisées avant tout projet conduisant à l’introduction de grandes quantités de plantes dans l’environnement, en particulier dans le cadre des aménagements forestiers, du développement de l’agro-foresterie ou de la production de biomasse. On pourrait ainsi mettre en balance le bénéfice socio-économique attendu et le risque environnemental".

Une réflexion à prendre en compte à un moment clé où notre pays pourrait se tourner vers de nouvelles essences adaptées au réchauffement du climat.
Julie Anciaux

Navigation secondaire : relire l'article de mai 2011 ci-après...

RSA Animate - The Power of Networks · thersaorg
Les ordinateurs quantiques... L'autre voie royale, longtemps délaissée après-guerre, de la recherche en matière de réseaux neuronaux et d'intelligence artificielle.
Et voilà les "sexbots"... la prochaine bulle économique ? En tout cas de quoi faire fantasmer une bonne partie de l'humanité. Pauvres de nous...

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Storified by MCOT DOT NET · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:16:06




Storified by La Tercera · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:17:16

10.17: Motos: Tras pasar el primer way point, Daniel Gouet marcha 13, Felipe Prohens 47, Esteban Smith 48 y Jaime Prohens 54.
10.14: Quads: Seabstián Palma es el segundo nacional en marcar por el primer way point y marcha en el cuarto lugar.
10.12: Motos: Jeremías Israel tiene mejor tiempo que López y se ubica en el tercer puesto. "Chaleco" ahora es cuarto. Una carrera muy cerrada se vive en Chile.
10.10: Motos: Francisco "Chaleco" López comienza a marcar diferencias en el desierto chileno y pasa el segundo way point como líder con un tiempo de 57'38''.
10.05: Quads: Gran carrera de Ignacio Casale quien pasa el primer way point en el primer lugar con un tiempo de 30'18''.
10.02: Motos: Francisco López pasa en el séptimo puesto el primer WP a 01'44'' del líder.
10.01: Motos: Jeremías Israel marca el primer way point y es líder de la sexta etapa del #Dakar2013 
09.58: Todos los representantes nacionales en motos y quads que quedan en competencia, ya están en la ruta de la sexta etapa.
09.50: Otro chileno menos en el Dakar: Pablo Quintanilla se retira por lesión. Revise las declaraciones de Quintanilla tras su retiro del #Dakr2013
09.34: Quads: Ignacio Casale, Sebastián Palma, Barry Cruces y Ricardo Vinet ya están en competencia en la sexta etapa del #Dakar2013
09.23: Motos: ¡¡¡Pablo Quintanilla se retira del #Dakar2013!!! El piloto nacional que debutaba en el rally anució en su facebook el retiro de la competencia por una lesión lumbar.
09.15: Motos: Jeremías Israel ya comienza a disputar la sexta etapa del #Dakar2013

Egyptian Cotton Sheets- Wonderful Addition to Your bedroom


Storified by Linda Hudson · Thu, Jan 10 2013 05:17:34

It is worthy to say that Egyptian cotton sheets are great add-on to a bedroom to make it look more attractive. Basically these sheets are used as sort of cover for the mattresses in order to keep them clean and remain just like new for longer time.

They are simply world-class choice to make the mattresses more durable and comfortable. Egyptian bedding materials are comfortable and soft because they are made with high quality thread and fibers; these are in high demand in the marketplace. Richness of these bedding sheets can be felt in their elegance. 

These are durable enough and the reason behind is the cotton fibers that are used in making them are lengthier than the regular cotton, they make long-lasting material for making sheets. Even the stitching is strong enough, so it will not rip like other common sheets available in the market. Egyptian cotton makes fine yarns that manufacture strong sheets that last longer as compared to other types of fabrics.  

If we talk about maintenance of Egyptian cotton sheets, it is very easy. You just need to wash them separately by using mild detergent. Experts suggest cold water to wash them due to their softness. Avoid using bleach, phosphates and chlorine as they are harsh products and can cause damage the softness of the fibers. After washing, they should be either hung to dry or tumbled dry on low heat. They are easy to be dried soon, can be used again soon after washing. Though after first wash, they may look little stiff, but after 3-4 wash they will become quite softer. After washing your sheets, warm iron will be helpful to add extra softness to them.

As different people have different taste, variety of designs, patterns and colors can be found available in the market that offers opportunity to make a choice to the buyers. Most of the stores provide home delivery as well, you can place your order just with few clicks. 

Tweets and context


Read the link before you retweet.

Storified by G. Mangiaratti · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:55:39

We're only given 140 characters in a tweet, which means that succinctness is of high consideration when composing a tweet. When news is involved, timeliness is just as important. But where does context fit in?
When I first saw this tweet retweeted in my home feed, my first response was disgust. I thought, "Not again." -
I checked out Terkel's profile, found that she is the senior political reporter and politics managing editor for the Huffington Post, and has a verified account. I admit it: I didn't actually check out the link in her tweet before I retweeted it, adding my comment, "Sick of this..."
When my RT started to gain a response from my limited number of followers, but I didn't see echoes of the statement Terkel tweeted, I felt a wave of concern, and finally, I checked the article Terkel had linked. The headline was "Gingrey says he’s open to certain gun control measures." This didn't help my concern so I scrolled down (though when I looked back about an hour or so later I saw that the headline was changed to: "Gingrey speaks out on the issue of 'legitimate rape' and guns."In the last few paragraphs of the article, I found that Terkel had been referring to comments Rep. Gingrey, an OB-GYN, made on Rep. Akin's statements last year (I bolded some parts for clarity) -

“And in Missouri, Todd Akin … was asked by a local news source about rape and he said, ‘Look, in a legitimate rape situation’ — and what he meant by legitimate rape was just look, someone can say I was raped: a scared-to-death 15-year-old that becomes impregnated by her boyfriend and then has to tell her parents, that’s pretty tough and might on some occasion say, ‘Hey, I was raped.’ That’s what he meant when he said legitimate rape versus non-legitimate rape. I don’t find anything so horrible about that. But then he went on and said that in a situation of rape, of a legitimate rape, a woman’s body has a way of shutting down so the pregnancy would not occur. He’s partly right on that.”
Gingrey pointed out that he had been an OB-GYN since 1975.
“And I’ve delivered lots of babies, and I know about these things. It is true. We tell infertile couples all the time that are having trouble conceiving because of the woman not ovulating, ‘Just relax. Drink a glass of wine. And don’t be so tense and uptight because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate.’ So he was partially right wasn’t he? But the fact that a woman may have already ovulated 12 hours before she is raped, you’re not going to prevent a pregnancy there by a woman’s body shutting anything down because the horse has already left the barn, so to speak. And yet the media took that and tore it apart.” 

So was Terkel's tweet false? Not necessarily. It seems that what Terkel tweeted could very possibly capture what Gingrey implied, and to me, his statements are inappropriate in the same vein as Akin's and other politicians'. But in Twitter, where tweets are perceived with the same credibility as the news and are spread and amplified like wildfire, is there room for implications? When tweeting that someone "says" or "said" something, should we shy away from implications and stick with more direct quotes?

I looked back at Terkel's tweet. Most responses were like mine, taking the tweet as fact and without skepticism or apparent further investigation into the content, but I noticed this response seemed to touch upon my concern - 
I soon saw a tweet from Talking Points Memo, which linked to a TPM article quoting the article Terkel had linked, but describing his statements differently -
I found this to be a more accurate description of Gingrey's comments, and better communicated the problem at hand: that some politicians are still drawing out inappropriate comments from which they should be moving on and separating themselves from, not justifying.
With Twitter, while I deeply appreciate its timeliness in news dissemination, I think we need to be equally concerned with accuracy in what's being tweeted and retweeted. When implications are spread over the facts, the facts might become momentarily reduced beneath misinformation and emotional responses. And in cases such as the statements of Akin and Gingrey, the facts are shocking enough on their own.

Day 11 of 365


Timeline & Conversations

Storified by Poonam Parihar · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:55:52

RT @henricbresson: Once the picture is in the box, I'm not all that interested in what happens next. Hunters, after all, aren't cooks. http://pic.twitter.com/xe2nuWRI · Poonam Parihar
beautiful. rT @KeralaTourism: one of the few reasons i love fort kochi #biennale http://pic.twitter.com/gJCHNfWD via @supsonthemove · Poonam Parihar

Worldview: Haiti three years after the earthquake and global bull riding


Worldview takes a look at the current political, economic and social conditions in Haiti, and a trio of local musicians perform the music of Haitian composers.

Storified by · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:56:03

Google Image Result for http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/2010/0127/0127-haiti-banks-economy-atm/7303438-1-eng-US/0127-haiti-banks-economy-atm_full_600.jpg · Google
Haiti three years after the earthquake
This week marks the third anniversary of the deadly earthquake that devastated much of the Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. Most of the rubble has been cleared away but the country hasnt necessarily been able to “build back better.”  Unemployment is rampant and at least 350,000 Haitians are still living in tents in scattered camps. The U.N. recently made a new humanitarian appeal for 144 million dollars to tackle cholera, homelessness and a food shortage. We talk with Bob Maguire, professor of international affairs and director of the Latin America and Hemispheric Studies Program of the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University about Haiti today.
Weekend Passport: International bullfighting and Haitian classical music
Global citizen Nari Safavi helps listeners plan their international weekend. The Crossing Borders Music Collective stops by to give Worldview a preview of their concert “Beyond the Headlines: Haiti in Music.” The concert takes place Saturday and features string quartets by Haitian composers.
Professional Bull Riders Chicago Invitational
Watch Pure PBR Saturday from Chicago · pbrnow
When: Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm, Jan.12-13, 2013 (6:45pm early admission to see bull riders arrive, main event at 8pm)
Where: Allstate Arena, 6920 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines, Illinois
Price: Ticket prices $15, $35, $50, $75, $125

The nationally-televised Built Ford Tough Series will feature top 35 bull riders in the world.  Each event has a winner, and riders accumulate points towards the ultimate goal, the Professional Bull Riders World Championship. The highest-paid bull riders in the world are not only competing for the coveted Championship Buckle, but also the 1 million bonus awarded to the winner. Robson Palermo of Brazil was last year’s winner. Saturday’s event is televised by CBS Sports Network at 9 pm. Sunday’s event is televised by CBS Sports Network at 7pm.
The Iran Job screens at the Gene Siskel Film Center
Trailer - The Iran Job · filmindependent
When: Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013 at 3:00pm
Where: The Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 North State St. Chicago, IL 60601
Price: Visit www.ticketmaster.com for cost

There will be Q&A and a light reception at the Gene Siskel's Cafe/Gallery following the 3pm screening of "The Iran Job" on January 12, 2013. {General theater admission & Cash Bar}.

"The Iran Job" follows American basketball player Kevin Sheppard as he accepts a job to play in one of the world’s most feared countries: Iran. With tensions running high between Iran and the West, Kevin tries to separate sports from politics, only to find that politics is impossible to escape in Iran. Kevin’s season in Iran culminates in something much bigger than basketball: the uprising and subsequent suppression of Iran’s reformist Green Movement – a powerful prelude to the currently unfolding Arab Spring.
Crossing Borders Music Collective presents its debut concert: "Beyond the Headlines: Haiti in Music," featuring string quartets by Haitian composers
When: Saturday, Jan. 12, 7:30PM
Where: Fulton Hall, University of Chicago, 5845 South Ellis Avenue
Price: Free-will offering

Crossing Borders Music Collective features string quartets by Haitian composers on the third anniversary of Haiti's earthquake. While commemorating the tragedy, the concert will also explore the untold stories of the richness of Haitian culture. The concert will support the relief efforts of the Haitian Congress to Fortify Haiti, a not-for-profit 501c3 organization of Haitians in the Diaspora dedicated to mobilizing themselves to help develop Haiti.

Alt Digital News & Views


Bringing the Digital World into focus with interesting news, views, tips and tricks to accentuate your Digital Experience

Storified by plasmaborne4rel · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:56:32

Digital Community · Pinterest
Digital Community · Pinterest

Jolly News: Friday 11.Jan.13


It's been a tough week for news this week. Following a please for some happy news, we were delighted to be cheered up by the following!

Storified by On The Wight · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:57:03

doom and gloom makes the stars seem brighter :)

Changed internet and phone provider. I was expecting to get stung by the old provider with a heft severance charge, but instead they wrote and said that we were £215 in credit, and they would transfer the money back to us.

Managed to register with nhs dentist on the island. Obviously this means will have to visit dentist bit at least we have one now.

A friend gave me some of her fab free range eggs, so lovely fresh and healthy omelette for tea :)

My new weekly creative movement-drama workshops start tomorrow - 'Inter-Action' in Cowes at Northwood House community hall 10.15 until 11.45 for 11-19 year olds - SO good for using their creativity and imaginations - Inter-Action, explore your potential! :)

Husbands 'snore ring' works...! Best nights sleep for ages, looking forward to another..marriage saver!

My twins had there first day at pre school today :)

Bull to yourself lol

lol at the above, they said good news not Bull

hey its gunna snow!!!! yipeeeeeee lol

Our minibus broke down on the ferry!

i have 5 days off work

there's nothing that'll brighten your thursday up like realising it's friday

I had a double decker. It was awesome.

Small World is announcing a show tonight

that's all i've got

i already have , will keep looking for more though

Internet Hacking


Mass media final project.

Storified by · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:57:08

I chose the topic of Internet hacking because it is a big problem that's almost impossible to fix without discontinuing the Internet all together. Everyone online has the potential and ability to hack another. Children are learning how to hack their friends neopets or myspaces as a form of cyber bullying. In some circumstances people have to hack themselves if they forget their password or username. Through this mass media course we have learned the benefits and limits of the internet, I believe that hacking can go both ways.
As our society today keeps increasing the involvement and what can be accomplished on the Internet, individuals have also become more aware with hacking. Internet hacking is known to be a part of the Internet that disrupts the flow and causes panic. While this does stand true there are also some cases out there where internet hackers have good intentions to help out society.

Killing fields in Kawit?



Doe ook mee? #Tuacctegeltje

Storified by Robert · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:57:37

Grassley not ruling out limiting high-capacity magazinesSa


Sen. Charles Grassley spoke about gun control and other issues today during the taping of "Iowa Press."

Storified by · Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:59:37

U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley said today he would “have to say no” to a federal assault weapons ban at present, but suggested controls on high-capacity magazines might pass constitutional muster.

Overall, Grassley appeared open to considering legislation being prepared by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., saying he thinks it will be a “different sort of bill” than an assault weapons ban.

Asked about high-capacity magazines, he said, “I think that’s a whole different issue, that can maybe be dealt with without violating the 2nd Amendment, but I want to see the legislation,” he said.  However, he stressed he wants to read Feinstein’s bill before he commits to supporting restrictions on ammunition.
The gunman responsible for the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., last month reportedly had clips allowing 30 rounds to be fired without the need to reload.

Grassley made his comments during the taping of “Iowa Press” on Iowa Public Television. You can watch the show at 7:30 p.m. today or noon Sunday, or later on IPTV.org/iowapress.  I live-tweeted the show; tweets are below or at Twitter.com/kobradovich.

Black Hair Barbers & Hair Stylist in Las Vegas...


Blacksinvegas.com is your source in Las Vegas for a Professional Black Hair Stylist & Black Men's Barbershop. Several locations to choose from all over the valley. African American Black Hair Professionals provide quality products, service & knowledge..

Storified by blackvegas.com · Sat, Jan 12 2013 12:28:23

U Part Wigs and Virgin Hair Co.. · Blackvegas.com

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#Marseille-provence 2013, en direct des réseaux sociaux !


Bienvenue à tous, voici l'histoire de Marseille-Provence 2013 vue sur les réseaux sociaux ! Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube , vous ne manquerez absolument rien de cet extraordinaire évènement !

Storified by LaProvence.com · Sat, Jan 12 2013 12:28:33

RT @AnneChabot: À #Marseille la culture, c'est l'attaque ! #MP2013 http://pic.twitter.com/tCktUN64 · Sabrina Haddo
En direct du quai de la Fraternité pour la grande #clameur #MP2013 http://pic.twitter.com/EsIGp3lh · Eugène Caselli
En direct du restaurant Le Caribou #clameur #corse #MP2013 http://pic.twitter.com/F4zpbeOi · Eugène Caselli
Emerveillement total à Estienne d'Orves #MP2013 http://lockerz.com/s/276411604 · Kali
It's raining feathers #mp2013 http://pic.twitter.com/vlsPgBaa · Frederic Martinent
Un pot pourri de ce qui se passe sur les réseaux sociaux , c'est le feu !
Marseille Provence 2013, Belle de Mai. #Marseille http://pic.twitter.com/ot9XWRFU · ESchulthess
Ambiance festive et joyeuse, les déambulations continuent sur tout le territoire de #Marseille-Provence2013 , les sourires s'affichent en grands et les regards sont pétillants !
Marseille 2013 ! #marseille #people #capitale #culture #européenne #party #friend ❤ · Lauréline Lpc
#mp2013 · clarieclarie
Retour en images et en tweets sur la grande clameur !
Marseille Capitale de la culture #MP2013 #Marseille #Paris http://pic.twitter.com/g0Y6GihE · NED


Très émue par les images de France3, je regrette de ne pas être sur place pour ce coup d'envoi de #MP2013.

#MP2013 http://pic.twitter.com/ZfIdTRJh · Jessica Grondin
#mp2013 http://instagr.am/p/UZQ9QnmlCi/ · Amine Hadni

Errol Denton: Malicious spamming quack


Storified by Guy Chapman · Sat, Jan 12 2013 12:28:41

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