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El riu Ripoll


Un paseo por su historia

Storified by martimonistrol · Tue, Jan 26 2016 12:31:40

Agentes rurales participando en un censo de aves acuáticas en el río Ripoll.
#AgentsRurals participen en el cens internacional d'#aus aquàtiques hivernans al riu #Ripoll i riu #Besos https://t.co/QysuBUIl1u · Agents Rurals
Pero la historia de este río no ha sido siempre tan idílica.
Nuestros antecesores del paleolítico ya aprovechaban su curso para abastecerse de agua, leña y alimentos.
Y los romanos se asentaron en sus márgenes, fundando la villa de Arraona en lo que actualmente es el término municipal de Sabadell.
Posteriormente, fue durante la edad media cuando empezaron a construirse algunos molinos para aprovechar la corriente de sus aguas.
Pero es con la revolución industrial que aparece un uso extensivo y depredador de sus aguas.
Durante el segle XIX la ciudad de Sabadell se especializa en la producción textil y situa al lado del río las industrias dedicadas al tinte y los acabados.
La utilización de sustancias altamente contaminantes en los procesos industriales durante el siglo XX y la explotación intensiva del acuífero del río rompen el delicado equilibrio que durante siglos se había mantenido entre la explotación agrícola, la industrial, el ocio y los recursos naturales. Las aguas estaban gravemente contaminadas. Ya solo quedaron huertos marginales con escasas condiciones higiénicas rodeados de industrias que se ampliaban sin una ordenación previa ni planificación de infraestructura urbanística alguna.
El territorio natural del río no podía absorver el gran impacto industrial de una territorio que en 20 años había triplicado su población y el Ripoll pasó a ser sólo conocido por sus altísimos índices de contaminación.
Poco sirve de consuelo que, desgraciadamente,esto fue un hecho habitual en zonas europeas altamente industrializadas durante la revolución industrial.
E incluso actualmente siga ocurriendo en otras zonas de nuestro planeta.
Pero llegan los años 80 del pasado siglo.
Y una combinación de profunda crisis de la industria textil, junto con un cambio político y social, lleva a que vuelva con fuerza el interés popular por su río y su regeneración como espacio natural y de ocio.

Fail de Rubí dejó la grande en la web


Storified by La Cuarta [El Diario Popular] · Tue, Jan 26 2016 12:31:47

cuando rubí le preguntó a pascual como se dice vino en su "idioma" #VCTEX https://t.co/Thpc8LAEYV · sole
JAJA TE AMO RUBÍ #VCTEX #VolveriasContuEX https://t.co/BBGMuPbnIR · Ger
DE LOS CREADORES DE "TREGUA", LLEGA "VINO" DE RUBÍ. #VCTEX #VolveriasContuEX https://t.co/mMWSNckiHO · Lita Vda. de Achondo

Alden's Kennels provides world class dog vacations


If you are looking for a world class Dog Spa in Chicago, look no further than Alden's Kennels. They offer a wide range of services designed to make your pet look and feel his best.

Storified by jones49he · Tue, Jan 26 2016 12:32:07

Live: Michael Gove takes justice questions in the House of Commons


Storified by LawGazette · Tue, Jan 26 2016 12:32:16

12:30 Dominic Raab confirms he will form a working group with the minister for armed forces to look at measure to prevent returning troops 'being hounded by ambulance chasing lawyers'.
12: 29: Gove: 'It has been the case we've had to reduce spend on legal aid to reduce deficit we inherited from last government. It's also the case we maintain more generous legal aid in this country than in any other comparable jurisdiction.'
12:27 Michael Gove is pressed on criminal legal aid future. Says very little in response to rumours of an imminent climbdown.
12: 23 Raab says public opinion is consistently in favour of a British bill of rights and a consultation will be published 'in the near future'.
12: 21 Labour's Harriet Harman points out there are eight weeks until parliaments in Scotland and Northern Ireland are dissolved and purdah is in place. Urges government not to 'squash out' devolved administrations in its consultation on the British bill of rights.
12:20 Raab: met with many of our international partners. Meetings important opportunity to reinforce Britain's proud tradition of promoting freedom and discuss how this government intends to strengthen it both at home and abroad.
12:18 Question now on discussions ministers have had regarding the future of the Human Rights Act. He accuses some critics of 'baseless scaremongering'.
12:16 Justice minister Andrew Selous MP now discussing efforts to improve safety in prisons.
12:15 Lengthy debate about youth justice and youth custody.
12:14 Gazette columnist Joshua Rozenberg on Michael Gove's increasing goodwill from the legal profession: 'The biggest difference between the two secretaries of state is the one that is the least obvious: Mr Gove has managed to establish much better relations than Mr Grayling ever had with what the Ministry of Justice regards as its stakeholder groups, notably the judiciary.'
12:05 Caroline Dinenage says government has given child sexual abuse the status of 'national threat' in strategic policing requirement.

Social Media Report 26-1-2016


Storified by Sanskriti Dhingra · Tue, Jan 26 2016 12:32:23

Social Media Report 26-1-2016

French President's Tweet :
What we like about the France, is its ability to create, to be free and able to carry an ideal that goes beyond our country. #IndePR
On Republic day :
Greetings from around the world :
(Premier of New South Wales)
Australian PM :
Mark Zuckerberg celebrating Republic Day. (Facebook)
Happy Republic Day to everyone celebrating in India!
I’m grateful that I’ve been able to visit India many times and experience the spirit and diversity of the world’s largest democracy. Every time I learn something new about India, the world and myself. I can’t wait for my next visit.
Author :
TV coverage :
प्रधानमंत्री के राजपथ पर पहुंचते ही लोगों ने गर्मजोशी से उनका अभिवादन, जिसे सभी चैनल पर एंकर ने नोटिस किया।
न्यूज 24- मोदी जी के आते ही मोदी मोदी शुरू हो गया।

आजतक- रिपब्लिक डे परेड के डिक्शन के दौरान सेना के रिटायर्ड जनरल शंकर प्रसाद ने कहा कि मोदी जी के आने के बाद हमें उम्मीद है कि इंडिया के आसपास न सिर्फ नया वार मेमोरियल बनेगा, बल्कि प्रधानमंत्री अपने इसी कार्यकाल में उसका उद्घाटन करेंगे।

रिट. जनरल शंकर प्रसाद- अब हमें नए किस्म की लड़ाई के लिए तैयार होगा, जो आतंकवाद के रूप में है। इसमें इनफैंट्री की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होगी।

वाइस एयर मार्शल मनमोहन बहादुर- राज्यों की झांकियां दिखाती हैं कि भारत आधुनिक है, लेकिन वो अपनी परंपरा को नहीं छोड़ रहा। ये भारत की विविधता को दिखाती हैं।
प्रधानमंत्री मोदी भी यही संदेश दे रहे हैं कि भारत दिल्ली नहीं है। राष्ट्रपति ओलांद का स्वागत चंडीगढ़ में किया गया।
On PM’s safa :

"Mio padre ha provato ad insegnarmi le emozioni umane...sono difficili"Sonny,I,Robot


Attraverso le nove storie percorse da Isaac Asimov nel suo libro intitolato"Io, Robot",ci troviamo dinanzi il sorprendente mondo della robotica ,di quelle che l'autore ne considera le leggi fondamentali e del rapporto con il genere umano ,l'etica, la paura del <<nuovo>>.

Storified by Chiaras · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:55:31

Tratta dal film ispirato all'opera di Asimov, l'affermazione del robot protagonista Sonny risulta davvero incisiva e fuorviante. E' ,infatti, proprio il tema emozionale,affettivo che ci mette in difficoltà dinanzi tutto il mondo dei robot e del concetto di "macchina"in generale. Come si può cercare di smorzare attraverso l'uso dei robot ,tutto ciò che rende l'uomo l'essere più sorprendente e ciò che ne rende l'esistenza autentica,ossia le emozioni,le pulsazioni,le passioni,la creatività ,la fantasia? Basti pensare alla rivoluzione Romantica,cosa ha portato con sè e come ha cambiato la vita umana per capire quanto sia fondamentale la sfera intima,emozionale dell'uomo,il suo universo interiore. O ancora andando più lontano a Socrate ,il primo che ha riconosciuto l'esistenza di un mondo interiore ,del valore del sentimento!Allora viene da chiedersi ,si tratta di progresso o regresso?Eppure per Asimov la conoscenza della tecnica è un trampolino di lancio verso nuove e sorprendenti scoperte ,come quelle in ambito robotico, di cui non bisogna affatto aver paura ma con saggezza saperle comprendere ed apprezzare.E' questa la provocazione di Asimov ,fare i conti con un mondo ,quello dei robot,più umano del nostro forse,delle nostre presunzioni di superiorità e onnipotenza,degli incolmabili pregiudizi.
A tal propposito merita di essere visionata qui una delle scende più cruciali del film "Io, Robot" tratto dal libro.
IO, ROBOT: Interrogatorio del robot · momentiALTATENSIONE

Di cosa parla l'opera di Asimov?Qual è il punto di vista ?

E ciò si evince chiaramente attraverso le nove storie del libro ,da "Robbie" al "Circolo vizioso","Essere razionale" e così via.L'intento di Asimov è chiaramente reagire ,in particolar modo attraverso il primo dei nove racconti "Robbie" all'idea di robot <<come minaccia>>.E' in due categorie infatti che l'autore suddivide i robot,la prima di robot visti come minaccia ,gli altri sono robot <<stile patetico>>.L'approccio dell'autore è quello di portare il lettore all'abbandono del pregiudizio che vede i robot e il nuovo come qualcosa che possa minare l'uomo e la sua vita, promuovendo un atteggiamento aperto ad accogliere una realtà nuova che regolata da leggi ben chiare non può far altro che arricchire la vita umana.Anzi, potremo dire, che è proprio la scelta dell'autore di stabilire delle leggi all'interno di questo mondo a promuovere e sollecitare nel lettore l'interazione con il mondo della tecnologia e della robotica .Infatti è la scelta di darsi delle leggi forse la scelta più civile e umana di sempre .Ma quali sono queste leggi?

Le tre leggi della robotica

1.Un robot non può recar danno a un essere umano né può permettere che, a causa del proprio mancato intervento, un essere umano riceva danno.
2.Un robot deve obbedire agli ordini impartiti dagli esseri umani, purché tali ordini non contravvengano alla Prima Legge.
3.Un robot deve proteggere la propria esistenza, purché questa autodifesa non contrasti con la Prima o con la Seconda Legge. »
(Manuale di Robotica, 56ª Edizione - 2058 d.C.[1])
Partendo dalle considerazioni e sollecitazioni di Asimov, sono tante le opere cinematografiche e non di carattere fantascientifico che da sempre hanno presentato il mondo dei robot come un mondo tutt'altro che offensivo ma innocuo e perchè no, con quella componente così sorprendentemente umana ma nella sua accezione migliore ossia in altruismo,generosità,cortesia.
E' quanto si celebra in uno dei film-capolavoro di Robin Williams,intitolato "L'uomo bicententenario",forse tra le migliori prestazioni dell'attore. Andrew,robot-elettrodomestico, arriva a mostrare capacità assolutamente superiori rispetto ad un robot normale fino ad instaurare con la sua famiglia un legame di profondo affetto,fiducia,amore.
L'uomo bicentenario · andryTotorn
Non a caso lo sfondo della mia storia è tratto da una scena culmine del film, in quanto meglio porta ad interiorizzare come il mondo della tecnologia può e deve essere concepito come qualcosa che non può far altro che migliorare la vita dell'uomo, compensandone i limiti.Senza entrare in competizione: questo è il punto.Andrew come il Robbie di Asimov sono la prova e provocazione allo stesso tempo di una realtà in cui il mondo dell'uomo e della tecnologia sono in perfetta armonia .Non si tratta di sostituire ciò di quanto l'uomo ha dentro di più meraviglioso e unico da trasmettere ma di comprendere e promuovere un'idea diversa della stessa tecnologia.
Se volessimo fare degli esempi di come la tecnologia abbia migliorato la vita umana,ebbene essi sarebbero chiaramente infiniti. Tuttavia non si può non far riferimento al più evidente e lampante di tali esempi in ambito medico, dove grazie alle applicazioni delle più sofisticate tecnologie, si è potuti intervenire anche dove sembrava impossibile.
Ma soprattutto risultano sorprendenti ,in relazione alla tematica della robotica proprosta da Asimov ,le sue applicazioni e relazioni in ambito formativo ed educativo .A testimonianza di ciò un intervista a uno dei gruppi di Robotica Educativa in merito alla loro esperienza nella scuola.
Ecco che ,senza allontanarci e perdere di vista quello che rimane il fine ultimo di ogni insegnante e della scuola,non si può non prendere in considerazione il cambiamento ogni giorno in atto per effetto dell'influenza nuove tecnologie nelle nostre vite dinanzi al quale si può decidere di scappare in maniera anacronistica e improduttiva oppure di buttarcisi dentro e con equilibrio e saggezza affrontare una convivenza armoniosa e produttiva con il mondo delle tecnologie e a tale tipo di rapporto educare le nuove generazioni.
La tecnologia rimane pur sempre frutto di ciò che di più sorprendente caratterizza e forse rende tale l'uomo: il suo pensiero. Farne uso in maniera equilibrata e saggia ,questa la chiave di lettura.
A conclusione ,le parole dell'autore:

Hydroponic Systems Do It Yourself Bubbler System


Storified by Wholloiuse91 · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:55:45

There are a number of kinds of hydroponics systems ranging from fundamental to more complex. If you decide to buy a system initially, when you begin to make your very own, you can use parts from your purchase to build your new one.

Here is a system that you can check out making for yourself.
Glass bubbler hydroponics system - This is most likely the most fundamental system and simplest making. Your plants root system will hang down into a container of oxygenated water and nutrients. You can save cash on this system due to the fact that you can use household items to keep the plant sitting on top of the water. , if you have any Styrofoam laying around from old boxes or cups you can use these products.. You can cut holes into a plastic bowl cover or other items you have around the house.

Other products you will have to complete this hydroponics system is

1. Plastic container - to hold your cups or whatever you chose to hold your plants.

2. Lid - to fit over the container. You will cut your holes in this to sit your plants down into.

3. Air pump - If you have actually seen an air pump in a fish bowl this is precisely what you require.

4. Air stone - Same as you have actually seen in a fishbowl once more.

5. Air tubing - Utilized to link your pump to your stone.

6. Development medium - You can clean gravel, usage charcoal like in fishbowls, perlite, and others.

I would recommend that you buy a complete hydroponics system starting out to see one established and how it works initially. After that move on to making your own.

Bubbler hydroponics system - This is most likely the many basic system and easiest to make. Your plants root system will hang down into a container of oxygenated water and nutrients. You can conserve money on this system due to the fact that you can utilize household products to keep the plant sitting on top of the water. If you have any Styrofoam laying around from old boxes or cups you can utilize these products.

Kitchen Stone Benchtops - KAY Stone Benchtops and Vanities


Storified by hinkswhite · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:55:53

Updating, renovating, installing, or fabricating your stone kitchen benchtops is the thing in which we at Kay Stone Benchtops and Vanities ace. We are emerging as the eminent stonemason, owing to the flawless granite kitchen benchtops that we offer. We can provide you with a large variety of kitchen stone benchtops.

How much would car insurance be under my dad's policy? Or by itself under my name?


How much would car insurance be under my dad's policy? Or by itself under my name?

Storified by sclafanimargalo · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:56:45

How much would car insurance be under my dad's policy? Or by itself under my name?
I'll be 21 in September and I'm getting a car really soon. I just have no clue how much the premium is going to cost me. I'm getting an older car. 100,000+ miles. So ...show more
BEST ANSWER: I recommend this site where you can compare free quotes from different companies: http://insurancetocompare.info/index.html?src=storify25r-evwcuSB34
QUESTION 1: How much will it cost to replace my alloy wheels wih normal wheels/tyres?
My fiat punto has non-standard alloy wheels and they're making my car insurance too high. How much will it cost to replace them with normal wheels/tyres?
QUESTION 2: My car got impounded for no license or insurance? How much, and how can i get it back?
Hi, i got pulled over today for having my windshield cracked, now they impounded my car for 30 days because i had no license or insurance(I know) Can i get it back sooner? How much will it be at the end? I am in Arizona btw..
QUESTION 3: What is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old young man?
I'm 17 and passed my test a couple of months ago. i've checked websites like go compare and the cheapest car insurance i can get is around 2000 pounds. this is way too high. whats the cheapest i can get? i understand if i go on my mums insurance i could probably get it cheaper. whats can i do to make it cheapest? for example go on my grandma's with 3 other people insured on it or something ? i havent got a car so if anyone could tell me the cheapest car to insure? i understand clios are quite cheap? thankyou
QUESTION 4: Any one know about car insurance for teenage driver in north carolina?
so im going to be driving soon and i will need to get insured. does anyone know how much this will cost if i live in north carolina? by the way, i dont know what car im getting...im looking. ;] so it would be helpful if you could give me a range for different types of cars. oh yeah, and sources would be nice. =] thanks a bunch!
QUESTION 5: Stolen care, will insurance cover it?
Hi, My car was stolen a week ago, and just got recovered now. The are dmg on the body that i know insurance will cover. But what about the engine? i dont want that engine anymore, a friend of mine saw them thrashing the car like 150+km/h. and my clutch are probably warned out by them. I dont want the engine, as it could break down on me anytime after the theif been through it... If with JustCars Insurance.
QUESTION 6: What do the left mean by making health insurance 'affordable'?
Affordable is a relative term. Affordable to who? It is already affordable to tens of millions of Americans. How can it become affordable to the poorest when they don't even have the means to feed or house themselves?
QUESTION 7: Is it possible to pause a car insurance but resume it again?
I want to know that if I buy car insurance, will I be able to stop the insurance so that I don't have to pay, just temporarily as I might sell my current car and until I get a new car I don't want to be paying without even having a car yet.
QUESTION 8: My parents just lost there health insurance. ?
My dad retired from the city of Stockton after 36 years. Due to our city filing bankruptcy all retirees now have to pay for there health insurance(1200 dollars a month for my parents). This is just not affordable for then so they lost there insurance. My mom takes enbrel for her medical condition. How can I get her that medication at an affordable price? I have been looking but can't find any help. My parents are 60 years old.

windows cleaning for commercial properties

Subject Futures Week 2016


get all the fresh insights right here!

Storified by Bruna Tomšić · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:57:05

Every year the University of Northampton provides students with a whole week filled with famous and successful guest speakers. Doesn't matter which course are you doing, everyone is welcome. You get the opportunity to ask questions that you always wanted, get lots of contacts and think about your future goals.
Monday 25.1.2016
In only one hour, this incredible anchorman @alstewitn explained us what journalism is all about. #sfweek2016 https://t.co/IiA8fUsUgn · Bruna Tomsic
Also, if you have always wondered how to do your make up and how important it is to know the basics (especially if you will work as a TV presenter or as a reporter in general!), this lady shared her top tips with us.
Make up session with an amazing @JulesOsmany and the volunteer @IdaHamer #sfweek2016 @Journalism_UoN https://t.co/ZiBzQQPN7N · Bruna Tomsic
26.1 Tuesday
@CroftyF1 is sharing his passion for sports with us!!! #sfweek2016 @Journalism_UoN https://t.co/LhVCpT9ZNf · Bruna Tomsic
Adam Bagley, American writer came today to speak about his astonishing career. #sfweek2016 @TedSullivan1 https://t.co/b01fMc4VCR · Bruna Tomsic

Deals Connect


Storified by Jason Potterfield · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:57:09

Deals Connect brings to afore an impressive range of discounted luxury bath towels. The plush towels, we offer, are recommended for their high quality, super absorbent property, and luxurious feel. Buy them in varying shapes, sizes, and colours from us!

Solitaire Bridal & Estate Jewelers Offers the Trendiest& FinestJewelry Online


Redefining the online shopping experience, this jewelry store in Hawaii has been attracting attention.

Storified by ramonmarshall86 · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:57:14

January 27, 2016-Honolulu, Hawaii: Solitaire Bridal &Estate Jewelers recently launched an online jewelry store to cater to a large customer base. Like their resident retail outlet in Honolulu, Hawaii, the online store is stocked with some of the most stunning andfinestquality jewelry and accessories for both men and women.
The company, with an intention to step into newer genres of international and inter-state markets has launched a comprehensive online jewelry store. The online presence has allowed Solitaire Jewelers to set foot into the markets of all 50 U.S. states, in addition to the international markets of Europe, Canada, South East Asia, the Middle East, and Australia. The move thus far has received noteworthy response from local and international customers, alike.
Marco Salem, The president of Solitaire Jewelers commented, “It has been an exhilarating experience. The move gave us a chance to cater to an extensive range of customers from all around the world. We have made sure our product line is the epitome of trend and sophisticated designs; which is why we offer exclusive, unique pieces of jewelry that the customers do not find elsewhere. We believe this is what sets us apart from the online jewelry stores. The response we have received in such a short span of time only reiterated the fact that we are providing our customers high quality products that have gained us appreciation and loyalty.”
“Having our retail store in Honolulu, Hawaii, we meet and create relations with clients from all over the world. We wanted them and others to have access to our services and ever-changing collections from the convenience of their homes as well.” Our clients have the right to be able to stay in touch with us at anytime, it is not just about the products we sell but the after service that we provide”.
The company deals in high-end jewelry and accessories for men and women that include wedding and engagement rings, diamond jewelry, vintage and estate jewelry, andwristwatches. All products in the collection are carefully selected to provide customers an exclusive range of fine jewelry articles that are not readily available otherwise.
Continuing his explanation about the company operations, Marco stated, “Our top priority is providing our customers with unmatched customer service and quality products, which promote the core values of the company. Each item on our online store, from the rings to the cufflinks is carefully selected to make sure nothing but the best reaches our customers. We don’t just sell accessories and jewelry; we market convenience. This is just a start, and with the overwhelming response that we have received, we are committed to get better with every transaction that we complete.”
Catering to a much wider market now, Solitaire Jewelers is making definitive strides towards emerging asa fine jewelry provider based in Hawaii.

About the Company

Solitaire Jewelers is devoted to offering premium jewelry and watches for men and women, with incomparablevalue and service at theiroutlet in Honolulu, Hawaii and the online store.The store contains a remarkable collection of diamonds, engagement and wedding rings, vintage jewelry, and luxury watches. Their additional services include buying jewelry, and specializing in precious metal coins and bullion.


Solitaire Jewelers
Century Center
1750 Kalakaua Ave, #105
Honolulu, HI 96826
Phone: (808) 955-3333
Fax: (808) 955-3334

Car Bulbs | Unipart Group Limited


Storified by Will Sabastian · Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:57:17

It doesn't matter if someone is in need of the new LED lights for their vehicle or if they are searching for some of the older car bulbs, having access to the right lighting equipment is important. Unipart Group Limited has the necessary bulbs.


Fat Burning Kitchen Reviews: DoN't Give Fat the Opportunity!


Storified by riyajackson · Thu, Jan 28 2016 13:16:10

The Fat Burning Kitchen review supplies you with sound information on what beneficial nourishment is, the reason you've it and how you incorporate it in your life style. There's no-hype, just nicely studied details that are dietary. This plan actually work for several individuals no matter of your age and gender. This system utilizes and assists some selected food and ingredients that actually lets you boost the metabolism program up your shed some pounds in just a few months without reducing your food consumption. This plan will help you to know which burn fats and food to eat to boost your metabolism. The given strategies in the plan will even enable you to remove your designs for foods that's certain. This really is perhaps not only has the capacity that will help someone to lose weight, but it can serves as a basis for total wellbeing.

The best-selling nutrition manual The Fat Burning Kitchen review helps one to transform your daily diet. The reality is, it supplies meal homework information that is not unhealthy to you. Also you'll learn about diets as well as various foods so that you can make well-informed choices. In the book, the author Paul Geary cause serious ailments and summarizes as to what constitutes a healthy diet and what foods assemble not thin. He also supplies tips regarding the way you improve overall wellbeing, reduce heart disease risk, can remove toxins and feel younger. People that want accentuate their wellbeing and also to lose weight frequently try numerous fad diet plans and weight loss programs, including weight loss pills, prepackaged meals and nutritional supplements.

Fat Burning Kitchen plan is actually a healthier eating program about altering your diet technique to stimulate your whole body to melt away fat. This program may reveal the approaches that are appropriate to differentiate between half meals and find the ones which will help to enhance reduction that is fat and increase the entire body's healthy metabolism. The Decline Kitchen provides complete nutritional information about eating plan and health foods that assistants may make choices that are well informed. This novel is divided in to two main parts: re carrying it with meals that may subsequently cleaning your kitchen of all meals that WOn't help you accomplish your goals out. It's possible for you to locate many meals which you believed were basically healthy for you but they're not good for losing fat.

USA Swimming's Deck Pass


USA Swimming's first mobile app is out in the App Store, Deck Pass connects swimmer, coaches, and parents. The build up to this mobile app was at a critical time to begin the anticipation and excitement for the Summer 2016 Olympics.

Storified by jenniemay · Thu, Jan 28 2016 13:16:15

USA Swimming debuted its first mobile app, Deck Pass. This is an all inclusive app to allow swimmer receive patches for various accomplishments like swimming on Independence Day to beating a lifetime goal.
Deck Pass started as an online platform for swimmers, coached and parents to keep track of patches, times and meet information.
Great job Stella and Nicholas! Brrrrr!!! ❄️❄️ #occs #snowswimming #snowchallenge #redcapdomination #usaswimming · Occoquan Swimming
Deck Pass is increasing user engagement as USA Swimming members share photos such as this one by Occoquan Swimming with two swimmers not being inhibited by the feet of snow.
Have your kids collected the nutrition Deck Pass patch? https://t.co/s20aGKg1rV #TrueSportInAction #LastOneFastOne https://t.co/tATr2RyuYl · TrueSport
USA Swimming's Deck Pass teamed with TrueSport to promote healthy nutrition by creating a new badge members could receive.
We want YOU to come to #SwimBiz! Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from the best about social media, sponsorship and riding the Olympic wave for your team! Sign up today: https://goo.gl/URkDos · USA Swimming
The launch of the Deck Pass Mobile App also coincides with the major sporting events in 2016. SwimBiz is promoted to all members to gain knowledge on about social media.
Have you collected the Good Sport #DeckPass patch yet? Grab it here: https://t.co/H7jiTIS5eX #LastOneFastOne https://t.co/l79qWowQW5 · USA Swimming
USA Swimming's Twitter account also promoted the various patches available for members to receive.
Dude dropped like 10s in the 100 IM! And 20 in the 100fly. #usaswimming #hlhkSEALS · Charlie Benson
The Deck Pass will make memories more accessible as past swim records, times and patches are available on the mobile app.
Behind-the-scenes filming with @ebeisel34! #truesportinaction #behindthescenes #deckpass #swimming #olympics #olympian · TrueSport
TrueSport and USA Swimming enlisted top swimmer Elizabeth Beisel to promote Deck Pass.
Have you collected all of the 2015 Deck Pass patches? https://t.co/ARN7mDjV04 #TrueSportInAction #LastOneFastOne https://t.co/mzqmSyppFC · TrueSport
Just like retail stores USA Swimming set up collectible Deck Pass patches for 2015 only so there is a time constraint to achieve all the possible patches.
AUSTIN, TX - JANUARY 17: Competitors swim in the Men's 100 meter backstroke during the Arena Pro Swim Series at Austin on January 17, 2016 in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images) · Ronald Martinez
In Austin, Texas during the Arena Pro Swim Series top swimmers were featured on Deck Pass as members can follow their favorites.

Acton-Boxborough news and notes Jan. 28


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Storified by The Beacon newspaper · Thu, Jan 28 2016 13:16:39

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Here's this week's page 1! Call 888-697-2737 or visit https://t.co/tNwIQ7y5Gs to subscribe! https://t.co/IF8vXRkYJ6 · The Beacon newspaper

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Useful Tips to Stop Snoring


Storified by snoring62 · Thu, Jan 28 2016 13:16:58

Almost everybody snores occasionally, but if this problem happens more frequently then, it might result in insufficient or improper sleep. This could further lead to fatigue, irritation and increased health and mental problems. However, you don't need to be worried as there are many treatments for snoring and if you are suffering from this problem then the following points can prove very useful for you.

How to stop snoring?

* Exercise and weight loss: One of the main reasons behind snoring is being overweight. The fat pushes down the throat and worsens snoring, producing highly audible noises. So, if you want to be snore free, then you should start exercising or you could even enroll yourself in a weight loss program.

* Adjust your position - Most of the times, snoring is caused due to the wrong position of your body. You should try to sleep as such to prevent your tongue from blocking your throat by falling back. You can use pillows and adjust the position of your head which will make sure that there is plenty of room for the air to pass through your nose without making any sounds.

* Avoid alcohol: Drinking substance like alcohol makes your airway muscles more relaxed than the normal which causes increase in the snoring sounds. You should either completely avoid drinking alcohol or you can also avoid drinking at least 3 to4 hours before going to bed.

* Don't smoke - Though, you have heard this million times, but you should stop smoking if you want to stop snoring. The gases and the smoke leads to congestion and inflammation in the nose which intensifies snoring. On the other hand, if you quit smoking it will not only help you avoid snoring, but your overall health will also improve.

* Medications: Some medicines are made as such to give relaxing effects which increases snoring. So, it is advised that before taking any medicines, you should consult your doctor about such effects.

* Allergies: Due to some kind of allergy, the nasal system gets blocked and causes snoring. Again, visit to a doctor can help you avoid such problems.

* Tools: There are many tools available in the market for stopping snoring. From nasal dilator strip to mouth guards, you can choose any item according to your problems.

* Surgery: At last, if your snoring is causing lot of problems and if you are not able to stop it using any of the above mentioned methods, then the only thing that you can do is to go for surgery.
Mitchel Musso is author of this article. To know more about Treatments for Snoring and please visit our web site: Sydneysnoring.com.au
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