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Rebajas democráticas


Castellón Liberal

Storified by Javier Moliner · Thu, Jan 14 2016 09:16:50

Enero avanza de forma atropellada con todos los acontecimientos políticos que se superponen. Enero es, por antonomasia, el mes de las rebajas. Pero desde luego no debe ser el tiempo del descuento democrático. El Estado de Derecho, tal y como lo entendemos, no está sujeto a saldos ni a ofertas, sino que debe ganar en robustez, en cohesión y en garantía de los derechos y libertades de todos.

Para el PP el Estado de Derecho no está en funciones. Hay principios que están por encima de los intereses de unos pocos, en eso consiste la democracia: en incrementar la libertad y, más en concreto, mi visión liberal del mundo: más libertad individual pero con los límites claros de la Ley que nos protege y nos ampara.

En los últimos tiempos, parece que ser útil como representante público es lo de menos. Son muchos los partidos que esquivan el fin último (y único) de los servidores públicos y su único fundamento es ganar en importancia, en ganar poder frente a la realidad por la que han sido escogidos a través del sufragio universal.

Y ante las situaciones difíciles, las soluciones nunca son fáciles. Sólo la dificultad nos permite fortalecer la voluntad de llegar a acuerdos y no caer en conclusiones perversas. Con la dificultad maduramos, como dijo Henry Miller, y esa es la cuestión fundamental de todo: que el proceso de aprendizaje debe contar con la sensatez que encarna el Partido Popular.

España necesita de un nuevo proceso de aprendizaje y los políticos debemos estar a la altura de las nuevos principios. De la misma forma que miles de castellonenses ponen en pie esta provincia en cada amanecer, igual que los emprendedores imprimen sus sueños en proyectos audaces. Tal y como un deportista se enfrenta a una nueva marca, sin importar el cansancio.

Es el tiempo del diálogo, de bucear en las democracias que nos llevan años de ventajas como Alemania, Holanda, Suecia o Finlandia. Desde mi perspectiva, es el tiempo de la unidad, de más Constitución, de más igualdad entre todos los españoles, de más defensa y unión contra el terrorismo.

Fue Maquiavelo quien acuñó el aforismo de que no puede haber grandes dificultades cuando abunda la buena voluntad. La ilusión es lo que nos debe unir, como un primer kilómetro o un lienzo en blanco: en España, como en la propia Diputación, donde también iniciamos una nueva etapa tras la marcha del mejor compañero que uno puede tener, como es Miguel Barrachina.

La vida y la política son lo mismo. Se retroalimentan y se nutren de forma incuestionable como el sueño y la vigilia, con el pasar del tiempo, con los nuevos escenarios que se dibujan de la voluntad de todos. El interés general de España, de Castellón, debe estar por encima de cualquier interés personal o partidista. Sin rebajas, sin lastrar los derechos y vigilantes de lo que de verdad quieren los ciudadanos.

Derniers préparatifs pour le spectacle Outremonde


Ce weekend, le théâtre du Grand Sud à Lille accueille un spectacle transmédia participatif intitulé Outremonde, à l’occasion de la clôture de Lille 3000. Cette, semaine, 120 artistes de tous âges et de tous niveaux participent aux derniers préparatifs.

Storified by simonprigent · Thu, Jan 14 2016 09:17:01

Une pyramide de cubes amovibles et reconfigurables à souhait, un dispositif d’éclairage scénographique tamisé ou encore 5 grands draps blancs destinés à servir d’écran pour la projection de films : les techniciens du spectacle Outremonde installent les derniers éléments de décor.
IMG 4635 ·
La première représentation publique au théâtre du grand sud à Lille, a lieu vendredi et le metteur en scène, Thierry Poquet, explique sa démarche.
Thierry poquet, metteur en scène, explique le spectacle #lille3000 · Alice Maruani

Un projet qui germe dans son esprit à l’occasion d’un séjour au Brésil. "Je suis allé à la rencontre d’adolescents dans des prisons pour mineurs et j’ai récolté leurs témoignages. Ca m’a donné l’idée d’un spectacle sur la renaissance, qui colle au thème de Lille 3000".
Il se rend ensuit à Marrakech où il effectue la même démarche, puis à Lille où il rencontre des habitants des quartiers populaires Wazemmes, Lille sud, Faubourg de Béthune et Moulin. De ces rencontres, il tire 200 interviews qui seront projetées au cours du spectacle, en plus des performances musicales, ou de danse. "Car ce spectacle est un véritable projet transmédia", explique Thierry Duirat, créateur de la chorégraphie finale de ce spectacle de 57 minutes.
Pour autant, la musique n'est pas oubliée non plus dans le spectacle. Les musiciens profitent de cette dernière semaine pour s'imprégner de l'atmosphère de la salle et répéter leurs partitions.
IMG 4634 ·

Autre point important de l’identité du spectacle, la dimension participative du public.
"Il n’y a pas de gradins ou de sièges, le public sera debout, au milieu des artistes et sera amené à se déplacer au fur et à mesure", explique Thierry Poquet. Une originalité rendue possible par des jeux de lumières "qui guideront le public à travers la salle au cours de la représentation de manière à ce qu’ils ne gênent pas les performeurs", précise Annie, éclairagiste en chef.
L’idée du mouvement est d’ailleurs très présente dans le spectacle car les éléments de décors (des cubes entassés en pyramide) sont prévus pour bouger et se reconfigurer au cours de la représentation. "Je voulais donner l'impression au spectateur qu'il est dans la rue, que tout se meut autour de lui".

Et dans dans la salle de répétition, la rue n'est pas loin, puisqu'un groupe de jeunes danseurs hip-hop révise les derniers mouvement d'une chorégraphie basée sur l'échange d'énergies.
Originaires des associations N'dance et Perspectives, il sont une vingtaine. à suivre les conseils avisés de leur professeur.
IMG 4630 ·

simon prigent's post on Vine · simon prigent
Trois représentations sont prévues de vendredi à dimanche.
Simon Prigent

Can marriage counseling Help?


According to research clientele contentment following marriage counseling therapy appointments can be quite high. That suggest that it may be worth looking at.

Storified by Joann Dinah · Thu, Jan 14 2016 09:17:58

<p>Before settling with the first marriage counselor you come upon, it is best to do proper research first then narrow down your options. Keep in mind that your counselor should do everything in his/her will to make your marital relationship work, and not further damage it. It is necessary to feel comfortable with your counselor-- he/she must not side with you nor your companion. Your counselor must also have proper training and an in depth educational background in psychology. </p>
<p><a href="http://www.kkterapi.dk/parterapi.html">More Help</a></p><p>Working together with your partner will give you the most effective chance to succeed in marriage therapy. You would be fighting a losing battle if only you are doing all the work and your partner is not prepared to do anything. To give you the best chance of triumphing in marriage therapy, you should search for a highly regarded counselor. Meeting half-way is needed between partners in order for counseling and communication to be efficient. </p>
<img style="width: 265px; margin: 20px; float: left;" src="http://i.imgur.com/un0N5aQ.png"><p>If you are unhappy with your marital relationship, speak up and don't wait for things to be irreparable. A great deal of marriages end up in divorce considering that they take marriage counseling for granted and just let the opportunity go by. A ton of couples look for therapy when it is too late already because initially they don't view it as a sensible solution. </p>
<p>In marriage therapy, couples will learn how to speak up and listen closely without interrupting their partner. Couples will discover how to establish realistic objectives and not just grumble about their partner. Whenever goals are not accomplished by couples, they will be taught how to be constructive in their objections. </p>
<p>If you're questioning how much marriage counseling will cost you, this actually relies on many things like your counselor's certifications, your location and your number of consultations. Not all couples can manage this-- a rough approximation of one counseling session is $ 140. Despite the significant price tag, marriage counseling is proven in many cases, to be well worth it as it has rescued a great number of relationships from divorce. Divorce will come at an expense that not everyone will be able to pay for. Marriage counseling is not cheap but it will be more reasonably priced. </p>
<p>A counselor is needed to moderate communications between you and your loved one and makes certain that everything stays reasonable. Your counselor will constantly be there for you particularly when you frantically need direction. Marriage counselors are accredited to help and work with struggling couples. With their qualifications, you need not hesitate to ask them anything and everything. </p>

Doden bij bomexplosies in centrum van Jakarta


Storified by ADNL · Thu, Jan 14 2016 09:18:21

10.13 uur: Een studiegenoot en vriend van de ernstig gewond geraakte Nederlander Johan Kieft, Nok van de Langenberg, reageert geschokt op het nieuws. Tegen Het Parool zegt hij: ,,Ik kreeg gisteren nog een facebookbericht van hem over het overlijden van David Bowie. We hebben pas ook nog gesproken over zijn terugkeer naar Nederland. Zijn ouders worden een dagje ouder. Hij wil in de buurt zijn."
9.59 uur: Volgens een woordvoerder van de Indonesische politie probeerden de aanslagplegers de terroristische aanslagen in Parijs te imiteren. Dat meldt persbureau AP.
9.39 uur: Minister Bert Koenders van Buitenlandse Zaken veroordeelt de terreurdaden in de Indonesische hoofdstad Jakarta. ,,Opnieuw steekt terreur zijn akelige kop op, en opnieuw zijn onschuldige burgers het slachtoffer'', zegt Koenders.

De ambassade heeft Nederlanders in het gebied gewaarschuwd binnen te blijven. ,,Mensen zijn per sms geïnformeerd om de veiligheidsinstructies van de lokale autoriteiten te volgen en contact te houden met de ambassade'', aldus Koenders.
9.30 uur:Alle daders gedood of gearresteerd. ,,Wij denken dat er geen aanvallers meer zijn bij Sarinah. Wij hebben de zaak onder controle", zegt politiewoordvoerder Muhammad Iqbal.
9.20 uur: Terwijl het vermoeden groot is dat de Islamitische Staat achter de aanslagen zit, zegt de politie nog niet te weten wie er verantwoordelijk is. President Joko Widodo drong er bij het publiek niet te speculeren over de mogelijke aanslagplegers.
9.10 uur: De Indonesische politie heeft vier verdachten gearresteerd. Er is ook een foto vrijgegeven met de inhoud van een rugzak van één van de verdachten. Er werden onder meer wapens aangetroffen.
Kepala BIN: Ledakan berasal dari bom bunuh diri #TerorJakarta #PrayForJakarta Nonton LIVE https://t.co/xocwDZHhvK https://t.co/etngeAu0uH · KOMPAS TV
9.00 uur: De Nederlander die zwaargewond is geraakt bij de aanslag in Jakarta is een medewerker van de Verenigde Naties, hoofd van de duurzaamheidsafdeling.
De man, Johan Kieft, zit sinds 1998 in Indonesië. Hij zou geraakt zijn door geweerschoten, toen hij koffieketen Starbucks in het getroffen winkelcentrum bezocht. ,,We zijn er kapot van", laat het hoofd van zijn team, Satya Tripathi, weten aan The Sunday Morning Harold. ,,Ik kan niet geloven dat iemand dit doet. Hij is één van de beste experts die de Verenigde Naties Indonesië kan bieden."
8.45 uur: Weer schoten gelost in Jakarta. De politie zou een inval hebben gedaan in het pand waar nog enkele aanslagplegers zich verscholen. ,,Het is voorbij", tweet journalist Adam Harvey van ABC News. Ook de politie bevestigt dit.
8.40 uur: Terreuraanslag raakt Jakarta in het hart. Lees hier meer.
8.33 uur: Het is de eerste grote aanslag in Jakarta sinds twee bomaanslagen op hotels in de Indonesische hoofdstad in 2009, waarbij zeven doden en meer dan vijftig gewonden vielen. Een bomaanslag op een nachtclub op Bali in 2002 kostte aan 202 mensen, voornamelijk buitenlandse toeristen, het leven.
8.30 uur: De Indonesische politie waarschuwde in de afgelopen weken meermalen dat er een nieuwe grote terreuractie van islamitische extremisten op til was.

8.20 uur: Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken meldt dat er een Nederlander zwaargewond is geraakt bij de aanslagen. Hij wordt op dit moment geopereerd in het ziekenhuis. Media meldden eerder dat deze man overleden was. ,,We zijn aan het uitzoeken of er meer Nederlanders betrokken zijn bij de aanslagen", aldus een woordvoerder.



L@s residentes de Geriatros CUENTAN sus experiencias vitales y CUENTAN para todas las personas que trabajamos por su bienestar.

Storified by Gestión Sau · Thu, Jan 14 2016 09:19:06

Geriatros - Timeline Photos | Facebook · Facebook

Geriatros - Timeline Photos | Facebook · Facebook
#NuestrosMayoresCuentan hasta por Skype! Así habla Mercedes de 94 años con su sobrino en China desde #GeriatrosNarón http://t.co/wemMJLGsdJ · Geriatros

Geriatros - #NuestrosMayoresCuentan | Facebook · Facebook

Geriatros - Timeline Photos | Facebook · Facebook

Get Quick Cash With Payday Loans


Storified by manik86sharma · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:31:24

When sorting ways to deal with financial restriction that has come up due to unexpected expenses, nothing is going to suit you better than short term loans. The reason why these loans come up as an excellent choice is the fact that these are easy to avail and offer you credit on instant basis without worrying about the existing terms and conditions. In most cases, you can avail the credit within 24 working hours from application. One such amazing short term credit option is Payday loan fresno.
These are well suited for all those who wish to stay away from the complicated application process that applies as in case of traditional loans. Since, these are short term loans, you will have to repay the loan within 15 to 60 days from approval. You do not have to visit any bank or lending company to apply for loan. All that you need to do is to visit the website and fill in a simple application form that asks for basic details. As soon as the form is evaluated, the company offers approval in the form of an email or a phone call. The decided amount is then credited directly to the account of applicant.
An important condition in this case is that the applicant needs to be minimum 18 years old. He or she should hold citizenship of US. The applicant needs to be employed with some organization that offers a minimum monthly salary as decided by the lending company. The company might ask for salary slips for last three months as a proof for the income earned. Based upon the salary, the applicant can earn nearly 50% of the monthly salary as credit. When applying for Payday loan fresno, you do not have to worry about the existing credit score as the company ask you to undergo credit history evaluation.

Science of controlling money


why we so often make irrational financial decisions—behavioural economics—help us make better financial decisions?

Storified by Movie Desk · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:33:39

Science of Controling Money -Mind over Money - ·

Dance School in Worcestershire


We are very popular known for the best Dance school in Worcestershire and provide the various dance styles for adults by our experienced teachers.

Storified by severnsideuk · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:36:17

Global Entrepreneurship Tales 2015


8 steps along the road to InnoVits Grand Finale @ Global Entrepreneurship Congress (Milan, 18 March 2015).

Storified by Massimo Pelaia · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:36:30

GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TALES 2015: 8 steps along the road to InnoVits Grand Finale @ Global Entrepreneurship Congress (Milan, March 2015).
InnoVits cultivates entrepreneurs in early stage, shortening the distance between the Ordinary World and their Entrepreneurial Debut and coupling young ideas with the superpowers of expert managers and entrepreneurs. Provided with special cares, the wannabe entrepreneurs will tackle temptations of running away. They will have to learn to retake their lives in their hands, changing themselves and their own destiny.
CHAPTER ONE. You can see the people are barely getting by, burying their dream deep under the reality. Unemployment rate does not decline. Times are bad, but a few of us are filled with restless energy. Like you. You're uncomfortable, feeling you no longer fit in with this exhausted economy. You'll undertake a journey to restore wealth, an adventure in which the only sure thing is that you'll be changed.
endo-SIGHT: the idea · massimo pelaia
ViciniDiCasa: the idea · massimo pelaia
MYSchoolLAB: the idea · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER TWO. The seed of change are planted, it takes only a little new energy to germinate them. Clearly someone must go out beyond the familiar territory. That unknown land fills us with fear, but pressure mounts to take some risks. Going beyond means also to imagine the unknown path ahead in one year's time. Listen how they see this unpredictable road today.
One year's time: Endo-Sight talks to MySchoolLab and ViciniDiCasa · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER THREE. All around you hear people complain that the journey is foolhardy, doomed from the start. Powerful figures raise the banner of doubt, questioning your very worthiness to be in the game. Guardians block you before the adventure has even begun. "You cannot pass! Go back!"
You cannot pass! · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER FOUR. The road to Change is paved with Hurdles and Pains: scarce venture funding available, no culture of networks to join the energies, difficulty in gathering the right competencies, few private or public structures to access technology and support. Do you need any additional intimidation?
Hurdles and Pains: 100KmDaMilano talks to Endo-Sight · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER FIVE. Protecting, guiding, teaching, testing, training, providing magical gifts. From the Mentors you gain knowledge and confidence needed to overcome fear and doubt. They have a strict relationship with the Entrepreneurs as they play as role models. They are professionals and managers who wish to support the projects, giving back their experience and motivation.
The Mentors Journey: the iTutor, that is resilience · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER SIX. Now you enter the mysterious Special World. No matter how many schools you have been through, you're a freshman. Different things are valued here and you have a lot to learn. Here you skills will be tested and you'll come one step closer to what you seek. Most of the time in this period of adjustment is dedicated to a series of trials to prepare you for greater step ahead.
The Startup Journey: testing the pitch · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER SEVEN. It's natural for you just arriving in the Special World to spend some time figuring out who can be trusted and relied upon for special advice. This too is a kind of Test, examining if you as Entrepreneur are a good judge of character. You may walk into looking for information, but you may walk out with new friends or allies.
InnoVits success stories · massimo pelaia
CHAPTER EIGHT. Now you face the greatest challenge and the most fearsome opponents. You can hardly breathe. Whatever the outcome of the battle, it will change you.
Here the jury of investors and corporate of #innovits #startup final competition http://t.co/JcW50hIRvi” · InnoVits

Discussion from Twitterrific


Discussion from Twitterrific

Storified by ابو ريان · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:37:20

61% من طالبات جامعة نورة يؤيدن تعدد الزوجات ...و أكاديمي #التعدد_هو_الأصل للرجال https://t.co/NRpPx7HTyz - https://t.co/2iGC7dkUgd · صحيفة تم

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Storified by pasoceku · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:37:44

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Choose Check Cashing For Quick Credit


Storified by manik86sharma · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:41:21

Owing to the highly fluctuating economy, one could never predict the upcoming financial state. Considering the fact that each of you loves to live a lavish lifestyle, it is essential that you have something to backup your finances. To deal with the existing financial crisis, the best way out would be relying upon short term loans such as Check Cashing Fresno. The reason why they come out as a reliable choice is the fact that these are easy to avail and let you escape all sort of complicated terms that come across while you apply for the long term loans. Considering the fact that the application could be done online, you do not have to visit any financial institute or bank.

The best part is that the lending company does not consider the assets and resources available with you while offering approval. It is important for the applicant to have a source of running income such as job that pays well on monthly basis. The applicant needs to earn a minimum salary as required by the lending company. The company offers you approval within a few working hours. In most cases, up to 50% of the monthly salary is offered as credit. In most cases, the company asks the applicant to submit salary slips for last three months.

There is no need for you to worry about the existing credit score as the company offers you credit without any consideration of your existing credit score or the bad debts listed in your name. Since, Check Cashing Fresno are short term loans, you will have to repay the loan within 15 to 60 days from approval. You do not have to pledge any asset as collateral as these loans are not secured in nature. Since, these are easy to avail, anyone who is in need of instant cash can rely upon these loans.

Tactics And Tips For Strengthening Your Memory


Storified by taiwanhockey48 · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:42:55

Several of us have professions that count on our ability to don't forget facts and figures. Great Dragon Mania Legends Hack Android and iOS If we had been to begin slipping in our responsibility and causing productiveness to fall, we would inevitably shed our professions. If you feel this are not able to take place to you, you are woefully mistaken. Verify out these fantastic memory-preserving ideas.
If you have discovered that your memory is not what it utilised to be, perhaps you aren't acquiring adequate snooze. You want to be sleeping 7 to eight hours every night in get to boost your memory. During your snooze cycle, your mind procedures all new info to produce these recollections for you so you have them to remember later on.
Try having a brain boosting vitamin. Specified nutrients have been shown to impact our memory and brain purpose general. Ginko Biloba and other people are very usually considered to be the very best at it. Get a vitamin that is geared in direction of memory retention or look for approaches to include foods wealthy in these nutrition into your diet regime.
The ideal way to improve your memory if you are finding out, is to incorporate construction to what you might be making an attempt to discover. Categorizing and taking items one step at a time, will enable you to learn and to retain the understanding of a previous subject, before you shift on to the up coming. This is certainly the ideal way to examine.
Arrange the details you might be trying to study. Research have demonstrated that your mind shops related info in the exact same spot. So to maximize your learning work, you want to try out and team comparable things collectively when you happen to be researching. Employing an outline to group topics or sub-topics jointly can be advantageous in the long run.
When attempting to memorize new data, consider the time and effort to consider about how this unfamiliar content relates to some thing that you currently know and recognize. By locating a connection among new principles and formerly uncovered materials, you will enhance the chance of committing the new details to memory.
Try out to visualize what you are trying to don't forget. When you see a mental photograph of what you want to discover, you can recall it much better. Visualize items like images, charts, or special factors of the materials that you are reading through. The Best Dragon Mania Legends Hack Android When you don't forget these characteristics, you can recall the material much more efficiently.
If you are making an attempt to remember a large list of objects, consider positioning them in types. For occasion, if you are headed to the grocery store and have a number of products that you want to get while are there, mentally team them into types this sort of as meat, dairy, make and grains. Breaking down big lists into smaller sized subcategories tends to make them considerably simpler to keep in mind.
Working Dragon Mania Legends Hacked APK Employing guidelines like what you have just read through will support you to hold your memory strong and lively. The information you take up will be retained and you will be considerably considerably less very likely to experience from memory reduction as you progress in age. By just making use of these straightforward tips, you could change your complete daily life.

Ferienmesse Wien 2016 - Tag 4


Auch 2016 steht die #TravelLive Reportage von der Wiener Ferienmesse ganz im Zeichen des Reiselands Deutschland bei der #fmw16. – Tag 4: Musikland Deutschland, Barrierefreies Reisen (17.1.2016)

Storified by #TravelLive · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:43:20

Tag 4 (17. Jänner 2016): Musikland Deutschland, Barrierefreies Reisen

10:00 Uhr – Messeeröffnung
11:00 Uhr – Periscope Live-Interview auf @TravelLiveCC: Musikland Deutschland (Leipzig, Gewandhaus, Dresden, Sächsisches Staatstheater/Semperoper)
14:00 Uhr – Bühnengewinnspiel
16:30 Uhr – Periscope Live-Interview auf @TravelLiveCC: Barrierefreies Reisen (Erfurt, Thüringen)
Guten Morgen vom letzten Tag der #Ferienmesse in Wien! #germanytourism #fmw16 https://t.co/zs4zpaBYUM · #TravelLive
Zahlreiche Deutschland-Reiseideen haben wir in den vergangenen Tagen bereits präsentiert. #fmw16 #germanyto... https://t.co/yPRW0iUdDG · #TravelLive
Beim ersten Livestream-Einstieg um 11 Uhr stehen Tipps für Musikliebhaber am Programm. #fmw16 #germanytourism https://t.co/t1hELaGGSY · #TravelLive
Im #germanytourism #talk am Nachmittag (16:30 Uhr) geht es dann um das barrierefreie Deutschland. #fmw16 https://t.co/V8ZCowBBRm · #TravelLive
Heute 11:00 Uhr: #germanytourism #talk über das Musikland Deutschland mit Anna Porseva (@DD_Marketing) #fmw16 https://t.co/FH2uyNFcIs · #TravelLive
Heute 11:00 Uhr: #germanytourism #talk über das Musikland Deutschland mit Fränze Wulf (@semperoper) #fmw16 https://t.co/FfTTLbfWcq · #TravelLive
Heute 11 Uhr: #germanytourism #talk über das Musikland Deutschland mit Kathleen Schramm (@LeipzigTourist) #fmw16 https://t.co/qSdys1bm58 · #TravelLive
Heute 11:00 Uhr: #germanytourism #talk über das Musikland Deutschland mit Tanja Pohl (@Gewandhaus) #fmw16 https://t.co/G7EYd6687h · #TravelLive
#germanytourism #talk: Das Musikland Deutschland – live von der #fmw16 https://t.co/CfBsK4C07O · #TravelLive

Open Streets in CT today: Highlights


Dancing, skating, biking, cricket, gaming and fun in Bree Street today. #OpenStreets

Storified by Women24 · Sun, Jan 17 2016 10:43:36

Words to live by! #openstreets #scrabble #words #playinthestreet #breestreet #capetown @ Bree… https://t.co/ZbZGD8QOyP · Aneekah Fataar
@jackparow went floral for @skinnylaminx #openstreets#skinnyphotostudio#breestreet@openstreetscapetown#skinnylaminx · Jenna Pietersen
Great vibes @openstreetscapetown on Bree Street today. Lots of families, bikes, skateboards, food trucks, performances and doggies #community #neighbourhood #openstreets #capetown #cityofcapetown #lovecapetown #southafrica #meetsouthafrica · Cove Cold Brew | Cape Town
Meet Don the mime artist, catch him at #OpenStreets in Bree Street. He is very friendly, we promise! #KFMLife · KFM
Constant stream of city dwellers and riders today. #openstreets https://t.co/AMBwH9i2R4 · The Handle Bar
#HitPovertyForASix out of Bree Str with @cptcricketsixes & @OpenStreetsCT @CricketSchool #OpenStreets https://t.co/SLW7vsUdRc · Bigger Than Me
Bree Street is filling up fast for #OpenStreets fun, activities, art, dance and loads of friendly people! #KFMLife https://t.co/XBRnr27Vs0 · KFM
There's a pump track at #OpenStreets - on Riebeeck Street. Come check it out #openstreetsbree https://t.co/d9y6Nb78kk · Jodi Allemeier
#OpenStreets #BreeStreet · Nicole Sweet
Day drinking in 36deg heat. Best thing on a Sunday #breestreet #openstreets ·
Bree #openstreets #hotinthecity #capetown lovely to see everyone! Thanks for the bagel tip @jennabruwer @tarryno @rustybeukes 😘 · Sylvie Hurford
#CapeTownSwing #dance #swing #OpenStreets · Youngblood Arts and Culture

Jerri Sher Announces Partnership with Discovery Program Sales


EMMY-Winner Jerri Sher is proud to announce that Discovery Program Sales, the program licensing arm of Discovery Communications, will distribute her 12-part television documentary series on the power of healing and life transformations using alternatives to Western medicine, LIVE LIFE.

Storified by mengazee · Mon, Jan 18 2016 10:46:26

EMMY-Winner Jerri Sher is proud to announce that Discovery Program Sales, the program licensing arm of Discovery Communications, will distribute her 12-part television documentary series on the power of healing and life transformations using alternatives to Western medicine, LIVE LIFE.

LIVE LIFE tells the true-life stories of people whose lives have been transformed through the power of the mind and alternative medicine. Many of these people had been written off as beyond hope by the mainstream medical and psychological establishments -- only for them to learn how to tap into the healing power and strength within themselves.

From a woman whose childhood was a nightmare world of extreme child abuse and psychosis at the hands of her own mother; to a woman who had to be institutionalized for post-traumatic stress following a savage sexual attack; and from a Peabody award-winning journalist who contracted terminal cancer after exposure to degraded weapons; to a woman whose skin disease was so fierce she "felt like she was on fire”, each person candidly shares their remarkable story. All participants were dealt hands by life that they -- and the doctors and experts -- were sure would break them but instead found the alternative paths to LIVE LIFE.

LIVE LIFE is an empowering, gripping, entertaining, and uplifting show that has something to offer everyone who wants change, joy and love in their lives. Using up-to-the-minute visual techniques, storytelling, interviews, and authentic documentary footage, the program is designed to tell the story behind the story of life's ultimate survivors -- and to share their knowledge and unusual methods of healing with everyone.

EMMY Award-winning director and producer Jerri Sher, is uniquely qualified to tell these people's true stories in top quality fashion, having already created THE “F" WORD: FAT, tiny word BIG Impact, and boasting a stellar industry track record, including active membership as one of the all-too-few ranking female directors in the DGA (Directors Guild of America), and the AWD (Alliance of Women Directors).

The sale of LIVE LIFE for distribution by Discovery Program Sales was brokered by veteran Hollywood producers' representative Jeff Porter of Porter Pictures.

Telly Davidson
Porter Pictures
468 N. Camden Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
info at porterpictures.com

Här är KA-läsarnas krav


Storified by Simon Rothelius · Mon, Jan 18 2016 10:46:29

Vi frågade våra läsare vad som krävs för att de ska återfå förtroendet för Kommunal. Här är ett urval av svaren:

Att hela styrelsen byts ut omgående!!

Byt ut alla i styrelsen som vart inblandade utan att de får sina fallskärmar utbetalda och ge de samma karens som vi andra dödliga får!!

Ta tillbaka våra värderingar och och respekten, lyft på alla stenar och åtgärda. För att vi ska kunna påverka ska vi bli kvar i kommunal för tillsammans kan vi ställa krav.

Hela styrelsen borde avgå, finns inget förtroende nåt mer! Annelie bör avgå om vi inte ska tappa medlemmar, jag kommer inte ha något förtroende för henne!

Jag som medlem kräver att hela kommunals ledning avgår med omedelbar verkan då jag har mycket svårt att tro att dom inte känt till vad som pågått. Dålig bortförklaring! Tillsätt en opartisk granskning av bolag, bokföring mm samt ev polisanmälan om förskingring och ekonomiska oegentligheter. Jag har inget förtroende för dessa människor. Pengarna dom har supit upp och festat upp & försnillat skall ersättas till oss medlemmar. Några fallskärmar ska inte heller utbetalas dom anses förbrukade!

Jag tror inte att man förstår hur stor skada man gjort. Vi som förtroendevalda - i mitt fall AO/SO - kämpar på för att förbättra villkoren i en redan ansträngd yrkeskår. Det är så otroligt skamligt att personer i ledningen kommer undan med sånt här beteende. Ett fackförbund talar vi om! Värdegrunder o styrelseetiska principer är ju som bortblåsta idag. Jag är så besviken. Igår fick jag ur mig ilska, idag känner jag stor sorg. Hur ska man nu kunna stärka vår position i lönerörelsen, hur ska folk bry sig om att engagera sig?

Sänk alla pampars löner till medlemmarnas nivå.

att ledningen avgår utan fallskärm och att dom redovisar vart våra pengar går.har ej lust att betala dyra resturanger eller lägenheter.

Ska det drickas alkohol får de betala själva/noll tollerans bort m fallskärmar !! Bra att det granskas

Styrelsen borde ta ansvar och avgå!!! Även revisorer bort!!!

När vanliga arbetare klättrar upp mot toppen får man hybris och glömmer bort var man en gång startade. På golvet. Fallskärm har kommunal inte råd med. Avtalsrörelsen får inte ta skada nu i denna turbulensen. Vi lågavlönade är i chock

* Styrelsen ska avgå* Inga mer direktörslöner* Avtalen ska såklart styras demokratiskt, av medlemmarna. http://www.aftonbladet.se/debatt/article22093423.ab

Det som har hänt måste innebära att all surdeg skall ut, samtliga som sitter i höga förtroendeposter skall bort, utan avgångsvederlag eller andra bidrag. Det är brist de yrkesgrupper Kommunal företräder, de får väl stå till arbetsmarknadens förfogande, eller så kan de få någon fas 3 uppgift.

Ingen fackligt anställd ska tjäna mer än dubbla det beloppet som den med minst lön tjänar enligt kollektivavtalet. Inga fallskärmar.Men först måste ledningen avgå. Så är det bara. Och en polisanmälan göras mot dom som bott privat på Marholmen utan att betala.

Ja vill ha tillbaka mina pengar!

Kommunal måste alltid sätta medlemmen i centrum. Detta får aldrig glömmas bort även om man får en hög position. Man är förtroendevald av medlemmarna.Vilket man ska förvalta väl och vara ödmjuk inför. Man får aldrig glömma sina rötter.

Social Media Report 18-1-2016


Storified by Sanskriti Dhingra · Mon, Jan 18 2016 10:46:54

Social Media Report 18-1-2016

On Hyderabad University student suicide case :
आरपीएन सिंह, कांग्रस- पिछले 19 महीनों में इस सरकार का एंटी दलित और एंटी गरीब एजेंडा पूरी तरह उजागर हो गया है। हमने हरियाणा और राजस्थान जैसे राज्यों में दलितों का उत्पीड़न देखा. हम दलितों और पिछड़ों के सुनियोजित उत्पीड़न पर चिंता जाहिर करते हैं। एचआरडी मिनिस्टर स्मृति ईरानी को तत्काल हैदराबाद यूनीवर्सिटी जाना चाहिए।
The anti-Dalit mindset of the Modi Govt was revealed in the last Union Budget, where Rs.19,000 crore outlay was cut in the SC sub plan.
Dear @timesofindia is filing FIR same as "being charged"? https://t.co/ekczaBchj9 https://t.co/txj1qQ4cMk · Yashasvi
@kavita_krishnan don't spread false propaganda in the name of Dalit. Guy was in depression since childhood. https://t.co/GGatiXRWHB · Ankur Dhaka
Dear @kavita_krishnan, Rohith used to hate you for your "Progressiveness and Luxury Life". Pls, Don't use him now! https://t.co/Jbqz2Iak6G · Ankur Dhaka
On Delhi/AAP :
आम आदमी पार्टी की प्रेस कान्फ्रेंस-
(एबीपी न्यूज, टाइम्स नाउ पर लाइव)

आशुतोष- क्या किसी पुलिस वाले पर कोई कार्रवाई हुई। इस देश में राजनीतिक हत्या का लंबा इतिहास है। और गुजरात के हरेन पांड्या का इतिहास सबको मालुम है। खुलेआम उनका कत्ल हुआ, और जिसने कत्ल किया, उसका भी कत्ल हो गया।
कोई अनहोनी हो, इससे पहले मैं देश की जनता को बता देना चाहता हूं कि इसके पीछे कौन है। कहीं न कहीं देश के प्रधानमंत्री और उनकी पुलिस के पीछे कोई षडयंत्र है। वो औरत कौन है क्या इसका आलकन आप कीजिए, लेकिन सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी किसकी है।
मुख्यमंत्री जब लुधियाना से ट्रेन से लौटते हैं, तो उनके साथ एक भी पुलिस नहीं थी। इसका जवाब प्रधानमंत्री दें। क्योंकि दिल्ली पुलिस देश के प्रधानमंत्री को रिपोर्ट करती है।
आम आदमी पार्टी सुरक्षा नहीं मांगती है, लेकिन अगर आपने सुरक्षा दी है तो चूक क्यों होती है। इसका जवाब प्रधानमंत्री को देना होगा।

Adele Case Study


Storified by Zack_Brown97 · Mon, Jan 18 2016 10:47:11

Born - North London, England. May 5th 1988
Is a single child.
Father left at an early age and her mum was only 18 when she was born
Kept in contact with her father until she was in her teens, where his alcohol problem caused there relationship to end.
Her mum encouraged her 'to explore, and not stick with one thing
She leant towards 'Lauren Hill, Mary J Blige and Destiny's Child
At 15, she came across Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald
Attended the preforming Arts BRIT school
While at school she cut a three-track demo that was a class project and put in on her myspace page
XL Recordings heard the tracks and in November 2006, signed a record deal. This was four months after she grauduated. She was aged 18.
Her debut album 19 (Named after her age) went on sale in 2008. This got released in the us by Columbia Records
She appeared on SNL in 2008. At this time her album was at No.40, less than 24 hours after this she was at No.1
In the 2009 Grammy Awards, she won Best New Artist
BBC named her 'Sound of 2008'
She won Critics' Choice prize at the BRITS
Her second album 21, was released in early 2011. Sold 352,000 copies
'Someone Like You' and 'Rolling In Deep' both featured in the top 5 list at the same time (Only others to achieve this are 'The Beatles' and '50 Cent')

DIY Gift Idea : How to Make Cute Envelope in 5 Mins for Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend!


If you are in love and thinking of an Amazing Handmade Craft or Gift Idea there is ample choice of the Handmade Gifts that are available for you to specially customize for your loved one. Therfore, there is an extremely simple and beautiful envelop patterned design for that I bring for you.

Storified by Ananvita09 · Mon, Jan 18 2016 10:47:17

With Valentine's Day just few days away all those fabulous people experiencing the beautiful feeling of love are on the lookout of some amazing to look at and easy to make handmade Love Cards.In such a scenario a you've got to learn how to make a cute envelope in 5 Minute envelope cards.
Handmade cards and DIY Gift Ideas are a very special way of showing your special one how much you care for them and show affection for them.So this Valentines's Day Surprise your special one with a beautiful gift, customized for them.
DIY Gift Idea : How to Make Cute Envelope in 5 Mins for Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend! · StylEnrich
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