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Experiencing the U.S. Budget Deal Through the Lens of Social Media


Storified by Lyndsey Gallaway · Wed, Nov 25 2015 15:07:56

Twitter has evolved. It is no longer just a place tocommunicate with your friends but a place to express your thoughts, opinionsand views about what is really going on in this crazy world. If you would havetold me a year ago that my American Government Professor would hold class onTwitter I would have called you crazy. However someone has finally figured itout. What better way is there to learn than through social media, a form thatpeople can actually relate to rather than sitting in a boring lecture hall.This experience was one of a kind. I have never been more intrigued to learnabout the U.S. Budget Deal and the relations that are involved in it. Twitterhas allowed me to learn about the issue in a quick and effective manner opposedto watching the news or reading a lengthy complex article about it. It alsoallows for Tweeters to view the issue from many different perspectives ratherthan just one source.

When thefloodgates opened and our Twitter class began I immediately searched thehashtag #budgetdeal in the Twitter search bar. Thousands of tweets and retweetspeaked my attention as I scrolled through news feed. My first mission was tofigure out what this budget deal was really about. I came across a tweet from The White House’s official twitteraccount hoping it would give me some direct insight on the budget deal.

The bipartisan budget agreement is a major step forward for our economy. Get the details → https://t.co/B9dxCWMoLw https://t.co/p4VAB56iL4 · The White House

This tweet was exactly what I was looking for. The attachedlink led me to an abundance of creditable information on what the Budget Dealwould do.

On the forefront of this article is what you need to knowabout the budget deal. The Budget Deal will increase jobs immensely adding 500,000 jobs within the next two years. And, by providing $80 billion of sequesterrelief over the next two years, as well as additional funding, the agreementwill also allow for increased investments in key areas that support oureconomic growth now and into the future for education, job training and medicalresearch.

The Budget DealAgreement will allow for the U.S. to invest in education and Head Start, a program of the UnitedStates Department of Health and Human Services that provides comprehensiveearly childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement servicesto low-income children and their families. It will prevent per-studenteducation funding from falling to the low levels as seen in 2000. Withoutadditional investment, Head Start would serve roughly 2,000 fewer children thanin 2015. Job training invest is also apart of the budget deal agreement.Without this agreement, sequestration level funding would likely result in 2million fewer workers with job training and employment services compared to thePresident’s current budget. This agreement will allow for the increase ofresearch funding for the National Institutes of Health and the National ScienceFoundation. Despite the agreement, if we continue to fund at sequestrationlevels for these programs it would result in $1 billion less for these vitalinstitutions.
When further searching Twitter for thoughts on theincrease of jobs and investment techniques of the Budget Deal a few keystakeholders caught my eye. Most importantly Barack Obama the Presidenthimself. He had retweeted on his official tweeter account the tweet above from @WhiteHouse.

Democraticleader Nancy Pelosi tweeted with support for preserving the full faith andcredit of the U.S. behind this Budget Deal.

StenyHoyer the Democratic Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives also showed hissupport as he states that we must continue to make progress for Americans.

Again,referring to @WhiteHouse the Budget Dealalso prevents a 50% increase in Medicare Part B premiums next year for millionsof seniors. Medicare Part B covers services and supplies that are medicallynecessary to treat health conditions. What this budget doesn’t do is balancethe budget on the backs of millions of seniors. Instead of harmful cuts toMedicare and Social Security beneficiaries like many republicans demanded, thisagreement protects and strengthens theses programs. The Bipartisan BudgetAgreement also prevents 20% cut in Social Security disability insurancebenefits to workers who’ve earned them. The agreement ensures that SocialSecurity will be able to pay full benefits without reducing benefit levels orimposing new eligibility restrictions.

Whensearching for opinions on how the budget deal prevents increases on MedicarePart B on Twitter I came across a tweet from Governor and PresidentialCandidate Mike Huckabee as he shows his support for seniors.
RepresentativePatrick Murphy quote tweeted what Steny Hoyer had tweeted about making progressfor Americans and also tweeted a link to his statement about his support forthe Budget Deal specifically for seniors. Here he states, “Ourseniors helped build our country, and it is our responsibility as members ofCongress to keep our promises to them. This deal shields seniors from massivepremium hikes to Medicare Part B and painful cuts to disability insurance,restores millions in funding to vital programs like Meals on Wheels, and upholdsour promise to not cut older Americans' benefits.”
When faced with thousands of tweets on theses issues Isteered towards accounts that were by elected officials, well-regarded newssources, or institutions that would be greatly effected by the budget deal. Iknew the creditable accounts apart from the uncreditable accounts due to thefact that most official twitters have a blue check mark obtained on theiropening page that verifies that this is the actual person or institution.

As our “class time” developed I also found stakeholdersthrough my classmates as well as other issues brought up by the Budget Deal. Itwas detrimental to our social media learning experience that we view theopinions of our classmates during this time because many were different from myown and seeing their side gave me a new perspective of the issue. Even thoughthere were many stakeholders to bash the budget deal such as Neil Cavuto ananchor for Fox Business Network who felt that the Budget Deal would not beworth the rise in national debt.

The #budgetdeal implies that by 2017, the national debt would be about $19 trillion @FoxBusiness https://t.co/p0Jl88YgON · Neil Cavuto

I still believe the benefits of the Budget Deal outweigh its counterparts. In the end the Budget Deal was passed in reflect of the promising work between both Democrats and Republicans in congress who were willing to come together to break the cycle of indecisiveness is order to make anagreement that would create jobs, support the middle class, and deliver astrong economy for our future generations.


1. Barack Obama
2. White House Official Twitter
3. Ted Cruz
4. Center for Women in Politics
5. Social Security
6. CNN
7. The Associated Press
8. Washington Journal
10. David Wessel
11. Brit Hume
12. Neil Cavuto
13. Steny Hoyer
14. Mike Lee
15. Mackenzie Eaglen
16. NARFE Headquarters
17. Federal Network
18. PPG Partners LLC.
19. Judy Woodruff
20. Heritage Action
21. National Journal
22. NBC Business News
23. David Young
24. NYT Politics
25. Senator Hatch
26. Governor Mike Huckabee
27. Representative PatrickMurphy
28. The Democrats Official Twitter
29. John Kerry
30. U.S. Capitol
31. Paul Ryan
32. Jeb Bush
33. Bill Nelson
34. Senator Tammy Baldwin
35. Bill Clinton
37. Planned Parenthood
38. Marco Rubio
39. House of RepresentativesOfficial Twitter
40. NRA
41. Donald Trump
42. Joe Biden
43. Department of State OfficialTwitter
44. Hillary Clinton
45. U.S. Department of Defense
46. Wall Street Journal
47. Bernie Sanders
48. Nancy Pelosi
49. John Boehner
50. Senator Patty Murray

Charla de Iñaki López en la UPV


El periodista se reunió con alumnos de la clase de Periodismo Social y Participativo en Internet y contó desde sus inicios en esta carrera hasta su visión del periodismo de hoy

Storified by Isadora Rui-Wamba Barra · Wed, Nov 25 2015 15:08:05

La expectativa era grande. Iñaki López, periodista egresado de la UPV, iba a reunirse con los alumnos que hoy ocupan las aulas que hace unos cuantos años lo acogieron a él. ¿Cuál es su historia?
¡Ya está aquí @_InakiLopez_ ! @maganzabal le presenta. #InakiUPV https://t.co/xOOHxZ9ky7 · Sandra Benítez
Iñaki entró a la universidad a estudiar publicidad. En sus tiempos libres trabajaba en Telebilbao, donde le tocó hacer de todo y descubrió su verdadera vocación.
Su larga trayectoria lo ha llevado a trabajar en distintos medios de comunicación como Telebilbao, Radio Nervión, ETB, Cuatro y ahora La Sexta. Esto también lo ha llevado a forjar una opinión sobre la televisión pública y los problemas que tiene esta.
En medio de este debate que se creó con respecto a lo "manejadas" que pueden estar las televisiones públicas un alumno le preguntó a Iñaki sobre las libertades de los periodistas en los medios de comunicación.
Iñaki se encontraba animando el programa el conquistador cuando recibió la propuesta de La Sexta para animar "La Sexta Noche", programa desde el inicio tuvo mucho éxito.

Les Panathénées , grande fête civique : en quoi est-elle une fête à la gloire de la cité ?


Problématiques: En quoi est-elle une fête a la gloire de la cité ? Adrien et Erwin 2nd6

Storified by Armsico · Wed, Nov 25 2015 15:08:12

Etape 1 : L'importance des fêtes religieuse à Athènes
Les fêtes sont l'occasion pour la communauté de se rassembler il y en a plusieurs , ce qui rythment la vie athénienne. au cours des fêtes il y a des processions des concours sportifs et théâtraux. Parmi elles , les grandes Panathénées ont un eclat particulier.

L'importance des Panathénées à Athènes

La frise des Panathénées · editionsbelin
la fête des Panathénées ce passe tout les 4 ans c'est la plus importante des fêtes car à la fin le prêtre met un nouvelle habit a la statue d'Athéna et ils font un grand sacrifice qu'ils distribuent a toute la population athénienne. La frise des Panathénées est située sur l'Acropole en l'honneur de la naissance d'Athéna.La frise a été réalisée entre 447 et 432 avant J.C sous la direction du sculpteur Phidias.

Les cavaliers et la fête des Panathénées

Mythologie, art du bronze et de la pierre, peintures des vases, réflexions cavalières nous permettent l’accès à une civilisation où le cheval est roi.Contrairement aux représentations équestres romaines, où le cheval est utilisé pourre hausser la dignité et le pouvoir du maître, les chevaux grecs sont présentés poureux-mêmes, dans un équilibre parfait entre monture et cavalier. Depuis les silhouettes des vases géométriques, en passant par les bronzes archaïques, pour aboutir à la puissance maîtrisée des cavaliers des Panathénées, les artistes grecs ont su ne pas se servir des chevaux, mais les servir, dans un geste d’admiration.

Les ergastines et la fête des Panathénées

Le Péplos est la tunique brodée en or pour la statue d'Athéna par les Athéniennes. Cette tunique lui est remise lors des fêtes des Grandes Panathénées.C'est le prêtre qui remet le peplos a Athéna.Toute la vie politique est rythmée par le religieux. Les femmes n'étaient pas citoyennes mais pouvaient jouer un rôle important dans la politique athénienne, par le biais de la religion.

Economia, Eurozona e non solo... (Dal 3 Ottobre 2015)


Storified by RiccardoDeias · Wed, Nov 25 2015 15:08:14

[Speciale] Il 1° Ottobre, L'Espresso scrive: "Bruxelles corrotta, Europa infetta".
Dedicato a chi dice: "Ci vuole più Europa"... @Rinaldi_euro @borghi_claudio @OGiannino @matteorenzi #europa #euro http://t.co/jrh088RxoP · Riccardo Deias
Dedicato a chi dice: "Ci vuole più Europa"... @Rinaldi_euro @borghi_claudio @OGiannino @matteorenzi #europa #euro #ue http://t.co/bno9f0k05k · Riccardo Deias
Tra bustarelle e lobby, ecco l'Europa del 2015.. @Rinaldi_euro @borghi_claudio @OGiannino @matteorenzi #europa #euro http://t.co/L02s9RQbqV · Riccardo Deias
[Speciale] Il 2 Ottobre 2015: "L’incompatibilità tra la nostra costituzione e l'eventuale costruzione degli U.S.E. (Stati Uniti d'Europa)".
Il 3 Ottobre 2015, Repubblica.it scrive: "Milano, settimana corta a scuola per risparmiare. Sabato a casa, riscaldare costa".
Il 4 Ottobre 2015, Repubblica.it scrive: "Digital tax già nel 2016 e stop decontribuzione. Il governo cerca fondi".
Il 4 Ottobre 2015, l'Huffington Post.it scrive: "Renzi, canone Rai abbassato a 100 euro e in bolletta. Taglio Ires per tutti nel 2016".
Il 4 Ottobre 2015, La Stampa.it scrive: "Sanità, torna a correre la spesa delle Regioni".
Il 4 Ottobre 2015, Vittalba Azzolini scrive: "il risparmio sarebbe di soli 106 mln, ma il Ministro proclama 13 mld (Repubblica 23/9/15). Dare i numeri".
@Phastidio "il risparmio sarebbe di soli 106 mln", ma il Ministro proclama 13 mld (Repubblica 23/9/15). Dare i numeri http://t.co/XuUVUat69C · Vitalba Azzollini
Il 5 Ottobre 2015, ScenariEconomici.it scrive: "Per Bloomberg le banche centrali stanno fallendo nei compiti loro assegnati".

GotMoS 2015


The Motorways of the Sea 2015, GotMoS 2015. MoS Conference in Gothenburg November 9-10/11 2015 on "Benefits to the society, maritime climate investments and job opportunities". Conference hashtag #GotMoS

Storified by Zero Vision Tool · Wed, Nov 25 2015 15:08:15

EU #shipping gathered in Gothenburg, hand-over by Josè Anselmo #GotMoS https://t.co/99eAVMtCmh · Zero Vision Tool
...and a joint lunch with @zerovisiontool @MONALISA2_0 #GotMoS #zvt https://t.co/DZqb6ANEVY · Zero Vision Tool
Motorways of the Sea connecting the dots. Anselmo #GotMoS #zvt https://t.co/cT7y5IV2HX · Zero Vision Tool
Josè Anselmo, EU DG Move, abt CEF new call information. Ten-T Regulation Art 21, Motorways of the Sea. #GotMoS #zvt https://t.co/Iwc6p6UzNB · Zero Vision Tool
Bergholtz describes the benchmarking predictaments abt Environmental Performance Initiative, EPI #GotMoS #ZVT https://t.co/Dfvi4oGmrU · Zero Vision Tool
Countries where @eknexport has commitment showed by @mkallervald in the presentation abt ZVT FI at #GotMoS #zvt https://t.co/cq5GQmmejn · Zero Vision Tool
Breaum, ZVT, presents the indicative structure guarantee scheme abt ZVT FI, the Financial Instrument. #GotMos #ZVT https://t.co/Rb0zeqPVta · Zero Vision Tool
Approx €280mil is needed in a risksharing fund & the industry then invest €1bil J Breaum Pilot Zvt FI #gotmos #zvt https://t.co/JlauDkOc4T · Helén
Schroder Bech, DMA describes different types of investments for the next 5 years. #GotMoS #ZVT https://t.co/k3jG7T9ReZ · Zero Vision Tool
Mogens Schroder Bech presenting types of investments planned in the #shipping industry the coming 5 years #GotMoS https://t.co/jn8q9yWV4C · Zero Vision Tool
Mogens Scroder Bech, DMA abt the thinking behind a new green financial structure. #GotMoS #ZVT https://t.co/pWFThRal0G · Zero Vision Tool

Formation à la collecte au centre Rèpriz, 21 novembre 2015


Organisée dans le cadre du 1er anniversaire de l’inscription du Gwoka sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité, sur l'impulsion de Rèpriz, CMDTP – centre de musique et de danse traditionnelle et populaire de la Guadeloupe.

Storified by Bagolina · Wed, Nov 25 2015 15:08:20

#Rèpriz Formation sur la collecte : pourquoi enregistrer ? https://t.co/ietEtMW6do · Bagolina
#Rèpriz Formation à la collecte, échanges avec les stagiaires : filmer ou enregistrer ? https://t.co/dsVajXe6Ik · Bagolina



#WorkPicBattle d'un mécano #SNCF à Lyon Part Dieu

Storified by bovar121 · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:13:24

#ClimateMarch: The World Demands Climate Action at #COP21


Storified by Angry Millennials · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:14:08

Building a movement who's beating heart is justice - @chilledasad100 talks at #ClimateMarch https://t.co/GJRafFSM1p · Friends of the Earth
Your glorious, global #climatemarch contributions: https://t.co/8FrPd2e15Y https://t.co/1EbPslB6Qe · The Guardian
#ClimateMarch rallies around the world demand action https://t.co/7dvUvw592K https://t.co/o05kuh0nLQ · BBC News (World)
Incredible turnout at #ClimateMarch. Thank you to everyone who joined us - Greens were seen & heard across the UK! https://t.co/Z3PtK3Fq4h · Green Party
“The Earth is Green and Beautiful” @natalieben with @_bintbilal of @IslamicReliefUK | #ClimateMarch #climatesense https://t.co/nD9TbjNJOY · Green Party
Global #climatemarch: are you taking part? Share your photos and videos https://t.co/zDTWnsfkS6 https://t.co/Ssyg6hND1H · The Guardian
Want to know what's brave? 800 people on #climatemarch in Beirut despite this month's horrible bombings https://t.co/t3tEsvXieZ · Bill McKibben
natürlich waren auch wir heute in #München auf der Straße #WeAreMarching #Cop21 #ClimateMarch https://t.co/hUyNxhxTtv · Greenpeace München
#ClimateMarch in Nairobi, Kenya https://t.co/chQlTBXKXV · Catholic Climate Mvt
GALLERIA FOTO #29N #Roma #ClimateMarch #Marciaperilclima https://t.co/SUDH2ObRS9 @Animalistiitaly #govegan #vegan https://t.co/4c0OkBL1dY · PiratStrike
@gardidian #ClimateMarch So nice to feel part of the human race coming together for good https://t.co/7FMGaB0oVp · Debbie Carter
What all of us need in the #ClimateMarch 2 #SaveTheWorld. Wisdom from @Gandhi @Mandela in moving the masses @TheWCS https://t.co/PIrkqbx0FU · M
#PittMeadows #climatemarch today. #cdnpoli https://t.co/W3fvnyS255 · verity howarth
#Athènes Plusieurs milliers de personnes marchent pour dénoncer l’état d’urgence climatique. #ClimateMarch #COP21 https://t.co/XL3yD779eJ · Max Gyselinck
#ClimateMarch Vancouver packs a crowd of hundreds into Art Gallery plaza for speeches before March kicks off https://t.co/jGHGs0oXXy · Dan Fumano
Great to share the streets with 50,000 people on the #ClimateMarch London need some serious commitment #COP21Paris https://t.co/il4l6ywWhu · Lorna Beaumont
AB leg climate change. #ClimateMarch https://t.co/k9EMl5rzxR · Nicole Bourdon
RT @AmicsdelaTerra: Unes 2.000 persones hem estat avui a la marxa pel clima a Palma. Gràcies #ClimateMarch #Mallorca https://t.co/yJKxksxoGz · KAIROS Canada
Strong #climatemarch turnout in Rochester New York, @billmckibben . A city with a social justice heritage. https://t.co/DTdo5r2C2S · Lawrence Torcello
#ClimateMarch #COP21 #Vancouver #BCNDP ClimateJustice .@SChandraHerbert .@melaniejmark https://t.co/ifdvyh7kqk · George Heyman

Los puntos de los verdinegros


Storified by Duendes Rugby Club · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:14:12

Buenos Aires campeón e invicto - ESPN Deportes Video · ESPNDeportes

Guten Appetit!


Auf den Spuren der deutschen Küche: Nicht nur Currywurst und Schweinebraten

Storified by MAG01 · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:14:20



Für jedes Land gibt es einige Vorurteile, das gilt auch für die Küche: die Französen trinken nur Wein, die Italiener essen nur Pizza oder die Japaner nur Sushi. Wenn man über die deutsche Küche spricht, denkt man an Currywurst, Schweinebraten und Bier. Aber das ist nicht alles. Unter Brot und Bier kann man viele Varianten finden. Auch sind die Deutschen nicht Weltmeister im Biertrinken, sie stehen an dritten Stelle, hinter dem Vize-Weltmeister Österreich und den Tschechen. Tatsächlich erzeugen die Deutschen viel Wein, circa 9 Millionen Hektoliter in Jahr. In Bezug auf das Essen gibt es verschiedene regionale Küchen, die von anderen Ländern beeinflusst werden. Zum Beispiel steht im Saarland eine Version des Stroganoffs, das von einer französischen Kombination beeinflusst wird (Fleischwurst, Gurken, Zwiebel, Champignons und Paprika). In der Tat schätzen die Deutschen auch die internationale Küche. Zum Beispiel stehen ganz oben auf der Rangliste der beliebtesten Hauptspeisen die Italienische Küche mit Spaghetti Bolognsese und Pizza, aber auch eine typische türkische Speise, die Döner heißt. Deswegen ist die deutsche Küche reich an verschiedenen und internationalen Restauranten.
Auf diesem Foto: der Döner, der Lieblingssnack der Deutschen.
Miracoli Spaghetti Werbung 80er · hdpvr200
Mirácoli Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce ist der Pasta-Klassiker von Mirácoli nach original italienischem Rezept.
Hier kann man weitere Informationen finden: http://www.make-it-in-germany.com/de/fuer-fachkraefte/deutschland-kennenlernen/deutschland-im-portraet/essen-und-trinken



Immer mehr Menschen beschließen, sich vegetarisch oder vegan zu ernähren. Um gut zu essen, muss man nicht unbedingt in ein Restaurant gehen. Es geht auch am eigenen Herd - mit guten und gesunden Zutaten. Ökologische Lebensmittel, Bio- und vegane Produkte werden immer beliebter in deutschen Supermärkten.
Ein typischer Slogan zugunsten von Veganismus: „Freunde, nicht Nahrung“.
Während Vegetarier kein Fleisch und keinen Fisch essen, lehnen strickte Veganer sämtliche Produckte ab, die vom Tier stammen. So meiden Veganer nicht nur Fleisch, Fisch, Eier und Milch, sondern auch Honig und andere tierische Hilfsstoffe, die in der Lebensmittelproduktion eingesetzt werden. Um Tiere zu schützen, tragen viele Veganer auch keine Kleidung aus Leder, Daunen oder Wolle.
Disney / Pixar - FINDET NEMO 3D - Filmclip - Fische sind Freunde · WaltDisneyStudiosDE

In A Week: November 22 to 28


Weekly Hozier Highlights and Happenings

Storified by HoziersGuitars · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:15:08

This week saw Hozier in Dublin, London, Cardiff, Oxford, Cologne, Amsterdam and then back to Dublin.


ANNOUNCED: Hozier will appear with Bono and The Edge from U2 on December 1st for World AIDS Day at Carnegie Hall in New York.
This Irish language school released their third Hozier video as Gaeilge (in Irish). In addition to Someone New, they've also produced Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene and Take Me to Church.
Bealach Nua - "Someone New" le Hozier as Gaeilge · TG Lurgan
Hozier adds his thoughts on how to deal with stage fright at 0:41.
Smacked by Stage Fright · Great Big Story


Hozier put his support behind 100minds.org to benefit ISPCC Childline. As we learned from 100minds.org and Hozier back in September, the program challenges Ireland's college students to raise €1000 each through a mentored program. As of 23 November, the campaign had raised €24k in 12 days. They released their full interview with Hozier this week.
100minds & Childline: Our Full Interview with Hozier · 100minds
Hozier headlines the ABLE 2UK fundraising concert in Glasgow with Kodaline on 7 January. The organization has named him the first ever ABLE 2 HERO.


Rehearsals in London:
Rehearsals day 2 London! #hozier #rehearsals · miafitzmusic

Guillermo Pfening, "osado" en Nueva York

Apocalypse Now


A 1979 film about Vietnam directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

Storified by aidanwalker · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:16:57

Trailer of Apocalypse Now:
Apocalypse Now Trailer (HD) · choloOnEaster10
History of Vietnam War:
The Vietnam War is known as the first war that America ever lost. It occurred at a time in history when the nation was very unsure of itself, and was undergoing many upheaveals, including the Civil Rights movement and the continuing grind of the Cold War. Vietnam was a piece of that war. After gaining independence from the French, the Communist North Vietnamese were aiming to conquer South Vietnam, a United States ally. Under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the United States intervened in Vietnam and sent troops to defend the South Vietnamese government in Saigon. Facing both the enemy and the harsh jungle terrain, the United States soon found the war to be costly, protracted, and difficult. At home, people began to protest the draft as well as continued American involvement in the region. In Vietnam, young American soldiers died by the thousands and it became increasingly clear that the war was unlike any other fought in American history. It cut deep wounds into America, and, after burning for almost a decade, it left the nation radically changed.
Apocalypse Now, which examines the Vietnam War, is probably one of the most interesting films ever made. It captures the trauma and insanity of the Vietnam, as well as the experiences of some who served. Based on the book Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, it transposes the darkness and violence from the 19th-century Belgian Congo to Vietnam in 1970. Capt. Willard, a clearly troubled young soldier (played by Martin Sheen) is sent upriver to kill Col. Kurtz (played by Marlon Brando), an insane "warrior poet" who has set up his own kingdom in the lawless jungle and raised an army of devotees willing to fight and die for him. Willard takes an Army cruiser boat upriver, manned by a captain that he clashes with, an acid-tripping surfer named Lance, and a young 17-year-old kid played by Laurence Fishburne.
Apocalypse Now is famous not only for being a great film, but for taking an insanely long time to make. The script was first written in 1969, while the war was still going on, by John Milius. Some years of rewriting and location scouting followed. George Lucas was originally going to direct the film, but he dropped the project to do Star Wars instead. Francis Ford Coppola, fresh from making the first two Godfather films, stepped in. Production took three years. Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. Martin Sheen had a heart-attack. Marlon Brando gained a massive amount of weight and had to be shot from unconventional angles so it didn't show.
The main reason why I recommend Apocalypse Now to people is this: not only does it recreate the setting and feel of the Vietnam War (through extensive research, fine detail, and a soundtrack of late-sixties rock), but it makes an effort to help Americans understand what the war was about. Because the story is essentially allegorical, it is able to expose the ideas and impulses that stirred beneath the skin of the war. There is the malevolent nihilism of traumatized men who have known only violence, the wild, atrocious killing of civilians, and the bloody, savage rituals of bombing raids set to Wagner and sacrifices of cattle. Like Dr. Strangelove, Apocalypse Now looks at the hilarious absurdity that lurks behind the most serious of things: war. Grown men are shooting at each other for reasons they don't understand, and twisting themselves into shapes they cannot recognize.
In the films that are in the course right now, we don't get a very nuanced view of America at war. Glory's subject is less so the war but more the racial dynamics at play, while So Proudly We Hail is essentially a propaganda film. Apocalypse Now offers a critical perspective on war, and on how American dealt with war, without being overly preachy. It covers an era of great ambiguity and turmoil, tells a complex, nuanced story, and shows the raw brutality of the war. It is also a piece of history in and of itself, because it helped shape the way that Americans understood the war, and was hugely popular in its time. Marlon Brando (winner of Oscars for On the Waterfront and The Godfather), Francis Ford Coppola, and Martin Sheen are all legends of American cinema, and Apocalypse Now is one of the best American films.
Reviews of Apocalypse Now:

Escrutinio definitvo - Ballotage entre Macri y Scioli


Informe por distrito, con información tomada de la Cámara Electoral por @DeliaFerreira

Storified by Silvina Márquez · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:17:01

Córdoba - Escrutinio Definitivo https://t.co/XSEDZK7uDE Macri 71,52% Scioli 28,48% https://t.co/LsskgNcvEQ · Delia Ferreira
Catamarca - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/XSEDZK7uDE https://t.co/r41LL5ThRu · Delia Ferreira
Corrientes - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/XSEDZK7uDE https://t.co/uX77Oy6zls · Delia Ferreira
Chaco - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/XSEDZK7uDE https://t.co/KfrCFsK9pS · Delia Ferreira
Chubut - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/XSEDZK7uDE https://t.co/sUqlXvlYOT · Delia Ferreira
Entre Ríos - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/XSEDZK7uDE https://t.co/JQjjlCcSj4 · Delia Ferreira
Formosa - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/PsIpITfpoW · Delia Ferreira
Jujuy - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/wqZtpaPRmu · Delia Ferreira
La Rioja - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/wmlMYaonq8 · Delia Ferreira
Mendoza - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/KihxjJqomt · Delia Ferreira
Misiones - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/RXBr4qT5wS · Delia Ferreira
Neuquén - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/HbycWmuJ5z · Delia Ferreira
Río Negro - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/nlYID40ybX · Delia Ferreira
Salta - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/rEHYlGpgVH · Delia Ferreira
San Juan - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/xyPPa7JZaG · Delia Ferreira
San Luis - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/xnVHCfg29N · Delia Ferreira
Santa Cruz - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/xCvEFgoZQe · Delia Ferreira
Santa Fe - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/WpxldeU0LY · Delia Ferreira
Santiago del Estero - Escrutinio definitivo https://t.co/FP9nLiFd15 https://t.co/FPLkgKMeux · Delia Ferreira

Paris #COP21: Reality or Fantasy?


E&E follows the triumphs and take-downs on the road to the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris in December, where both developed and developing countries have pledged to cut carbon emissions.

Storified by E&E Publishing · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:17:20

Dispatches from #COP11 in Montreal '05. Protestors, Bush team. Where are they now? https://t.co/fXqNLplNew #cop21 https://t.co/C7zecTI4Xy · Andy Revkin
Watch #UNSG Ban Ki-moon @UN_Radio interview on the eve of the opening of @COP21 @jpasztor | https://t.co/k7OaXtzlQV https://t.co/XdfEmjk1jp · UN Web TV
Science paper: #COP21 INDCs raise odds of avoiding 2C IF a "robust policy" follows. https://t.co/qr5L4cbLG9 https://t.co/TbPPi4Yglf · Andy Revkin
@PNNLab @EPA Question, of course, is what does "robust policy" look like. Does it have @OECD RD&D levels like these? https://t.co/mL3o61SSer · Andy Revkin
ClimateWire: #COP21 Next Monday--a busy & symbolic day for #Paris & the world @LFFriedman https://t.co/adVaCDkn0u https://t.co/yNV64APLmf · E&E Publishing
History of #climate negotiations - told as graphic novel! By @RichMonastersky @Nsousanis https://t.co/6MSRC6prtF https://t.co/uaeCSVWgBD · Alexandra Witze

Serie D, la 16esima giornata minuto per minuto


Storified by Massimo Putzu · Sun, Nov 29 2015 22:17:56

Finiti tutti i primi tempi

vantaggio del Derthona!!!! #pnrsport

#LavagneseNovese 1-0: Statistiche della partita · Usd Lavagnese

Los memes tras la renuncia de Delfina Rossi al Banco Nación


Storified by Los Andes Diario · Mon, Nov 30 2015 22:29:17

Encontraron un reemplazo para delfina rossi igual de idóneo que ella https://t.co/Z2vMCQu63r · Fernanda
La cartita de Delfina Rossi. https://t.co/iOGbLlMLHW · Mariano Finkelstein
Delfina Rossi vuelve a su trabajo anterior https://t.co/JdbBH8xip2 · Julio López
Delfina rossi, da el toque de grandeza. Felicitaciones! ! https://t.co/pBgvgfwR1f · Gretel Rabin
Delfina Rossi practicando "quiere agrandar su combo por 50 centavos más?" https://t.co/Se4sfps1uG · pablo
Tengo reemplazo de Delfina Rossi https://t.co/VOXf04O8Pi · Garzulo
@rossi_delfina De tal palo tal astilla. Dos Chorros a lo grande! @RossiAgustinOk https://t.co/Ks5PjrFBEl · Natali Conciencia
Chau Delfina Rossi...que tengas un lindo verano con otros delfinitos rosas https://t.co/rIPwSUKCwQ · te lo juro
@nicolastomas @rossi_delfina https://t.co/h1Y5ZDAZn5 · Isaac
Delfina Rossi dice que renuncia por ser peronista" .. Si, si como digas..... https://t.co/8OKJFGBZgC · 凸(^_^)凸 A̿̅N̿̅N̿̅
asi ue su paso de Delfina Rossi como directora del banco Nacion #korrupcion https://t.co/0c5v1TKtKb · C.A.R.P. 3
@rossi_delfina No pasa nada, ya encontramos tu reemplazo https://t.co/axjoHkRPci · Cristian Bernal
Exclusivo: Momento en que Delfina Rossi renuncia a su cargo y se suma a la tropa de desempleados K. https://t.co/8igeddGv4f · Adrián Bertolini
El reemplazo de Delfina Rossi está aterrizando en Buenos Aires para reemplazarla. https://t.co/vPIhmeZ6sI · Marcos Stupenengo
@carlbonifatti Delfina Rossi volverá a su antiguo laburo ... https://t.co/zIeyA2pQSF · 〽️@®©
Renunció Delfina Rossi al Banco Nacion, la imagen retrata el momento en que sus compañeros le dan la despedida. https://t.co/7Y57XHtOjU · el pequeño Óscar

Unmasking Halloween


Storified by itsjewlstho · Mon, Nov 30 2015 22:29:50


insert intro here

Background History

Halloween is a widely celebrated holiday among North American and European countries. It's a night to don costumes, play games, and go trick or treating. However, the holiday has interesting roots in the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain (SAH-win).
The Irish and Scottish Celts believed that on this night the veil between our world and the next was extremely thin. This allowed recently deceased relatives or evil spirits to traverse between them. The Celts would hold picnics in cemeteries and leave a food offering to appease the spirits. It was also a time to foresee the future and ask their ancestors how the next year may fare (Swimmer 2005). Samhain was in part a celebration of the harvest and the transition into winter, or the dark part of the year.The ancient Celts took this time to create symbols of their greatest fears for the new year and burn it. The festival allowed them to let go of what scared them and find comfort for the coming new year (Trevarthen 2010).
Alternatively, Halloween in modern western culture has become a characteristic of everything gruesome and horrifying. The 1970's were a time of heightened fears as the Tylenol murders and various other social factors caused parents to doubt their child's safety (Best and Horiuchi 1985). The urban myth of candy tampering soon followed and forever changed how adults treated Halloween.
Strong Victorian era morals have held tight through the ages are reflected in enforced gender roles regarding Halloween costumes. These old ideals could pose a threat to a child's self identity- especially when some parents have begun to impose their own identity on their children (Levinson, Stacey, Stacey Mack, Dan Reinhardt, Helen Suarez, and Grace Yeh 1992). Children choose their costumes because it gives them a new sense of power andallows them to gain newfound courage to assert themselves (Dell Clark 2005).
Halloween is a time for children and adults to creatively express themselves during the holiday celebrations. Sometimes through this self expression, costumes can become offensive to certain minority groups. Culturally insensitive costumes date back to Pre-Civil War era when Minstrel shows were a popular passtime. Actors donned blackface and imitated people of color for comedy.
Above is an example of how these actors would dress for the Minstrel show. As society has changed and these shows have become obsolete, on Halloween night young adults will wear insensitive costumes to parties as a joke. These racist costumes support the Pre-Civil War racial hierarchy of white supremacy and a ‘ritual of rebellion’ (Levinson, Stacey, Stacey Mack, Dan Reinhardt, Helen Suarez, and Grace Yeh 1992).


analysis intro
One of the biggest worries every year for parents is finding a razor blade in your child's apple or arsenic in a chocolate bar. The greatest urban legend regarding Halloween is that there is a presence of Halloween sadism. As we grow older Halloween takes a different shape and more real adult fears are brought to light. Sociologist Joel Best accurately describes this idea that, “we don’t worry about ghosts and goblins anymore, but we fear this maniac, this anonymous person who is so crazy that he-presumably he-poisons little children at random” (Best qtd. in Zeman 28:41). Halloween still holds a presence in adults but their childlike fears have manifested into something more sinister. There's still a belief that an anonymous threat could harm you or someone you love.
Recently, there's been an added concern that children will find drugs disguised as candy while trick-or-treating. It's caused enough panic that news sites, parent blogs, and police departments issue warnings regarding this issue.
The image above is an example of such warnings. It shows parents how easily children, and even adults, could be tricked by these handouts. On the other hand, there are few documented cases where children have received drugs in place of candy or been injured. Several reports were found out to be hoaxes because the child wanted attention from their parents and the media (Best and Horiuchi 1985).
An issue that is steadily gaining attention is controversial Halloween costumes. Americans see Halloween as a time to break social norms and gain a new sense of freedom through costumes. In Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming And Engagement Of The Racial Other it's states that, "this context of free license often creates the impression among revelers that all potential for insult is suspended.” (Mueller, Dirks, and Picca 316).It’s a widely held belief that for Halloween costume anything goes. It’s a constructive space for people to step out of their everyday life and just let loose.
Furthermore, children's costumes have seen many alterations over the history of Halloween and these changes have become problematic to some parents. To a child, their costume is symbolic of power and maturity. The boys dressed as superheroes or sports stars to “defend” themselves from their fears. Whereas the girls would get princess or similar costumes to show an adult-like beauty (Dell Clark 2005). As of today, young girl's costumes are becoming sexualized before they even turn 18. Retailers like Party City refuse to recall the risqué girls outfits because they believe they aren't "offensive". Why should tween costumes be so different from the child version? The aberration of the two versions is astounding, as seen below. The tween girl Little Red Riding Hood has a much shorter skirt and a lower neckline compared to the child counterpart. These sort of discrepancies are teaching young teenage girls that these sort of costumes are the only adequate option (Silverman 2010).
Below, is a photo of a girl's police officer "uniform" versus a boys. This shows the huge difference between what society finds acceptable for a girl in opposition to a boy. As stated previously, boys will naturally gravitate towards costumes that convey

Conversation with @TylerIAm, @Yo_UncleLRoY and @Dillmatic_6


Storified by Warriors in 5 + 1 · Mon, Nov 30 2015 22:30:01

First date


Just another scoop on the dating scene 2015

Storified by Ashley Saunders · Mon, Nov 30 2015 22:30:41

It’s a Friday night in the city of Toronto, after countless failed dates Lilly has decided to try out a dating app in hopes of finding Ryan Gosling twin or even Mr. Right instead of spending the night in with Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream. Swipe after swipe Lilly went looking for a date for the night , she suddenly came across a guy named Josh who was a model and also loved Ben & Jerry’s.,
Two hours later, a knock came to Lilly’s door,sh bute was expecting to open the door to a handsome 25 year old bu t she is welcomed by a man who had more chest hair than he did have on his head. I gues s Photoshop is really stepping up their game these days .
"Hello hot mama ready to hit the town?" said Josh and if that didn’t make Lilly close the door and run what happened next would. Lilly straighten her dress grabbed her jacket and thought to herself that she needed to make the best of this night and you can’t judge a man based on looks and silly pick up lines.She then smiled at Josh and followed , him out to his..... wait that’s not a car. He chuckled to himself " It’s a sweet ride , it's better than driving an ice cream truck. Just the thought of Ben and Jerry’s makes me sick"
Lilly wiped her head around and looked at Josh he was insane "Don’t you dare say that! These two man are better than you could ever be. Now Goodbye" Lilly stormed back into her home, changed out of her tight dress and sky high heels into sweat pants and baggy sweater.
Lilly thought to herself as she watched the Notebook and ate her Ben & Jerry’s that dates may come and go but these two men that will never leave your side. Ben & Jerry’s will beat any first date and they will never use cheesy pick up lines or ride a bike with a sidecar. Just like men there is different types and one day you’ll find one that you’ll want to spend the rest of your Fridays with.
One year later......
Lilly found Ben Jerry, a man who loved Ben and Jerry’s as much as her and didn’t need Photoshop to sweep her off her feet. He proposed in the most romantic way and they were married a year later in a Ben & Jerry’s themed wedding.
And Lilly and Ben lived happily ever after enjoying Ben and Jerry’s the rest of their lives together. Sometimes ice creams is better shared with someone you love than watching romantic movies and wishing for Ryan Gosling.
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