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Storified by michael juiliano · Sun, Aug 17 2014 07:18:56

فوز ريميني ستريت بلقب بائع تقنية المعلومات لهذا العام مجدداً


Storified by Menabulletin · Sun, Aug 17 2014 07:18:59

"هايستينجز إنترتينمنت" تكرم دعم "بيبل سوفت" الممتاز من "ريميني ستريت" للمرة الثانية

لاس فيجاس - يوم الجُمْعَة 15 أغسطس 2014 [ME NewsWire]

(بزنيس واير): أعلنت اليوم شركة "ريميني ستريت"، المزود المستقل الرائد لدعم وصيانة برمجيات المؤسسات لشركة "ساب إيه جي" (المدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز: NYSE: SAP ) وهي "بزنيس سويت" و"بزنيس أوبجيكت" وبرمجيات شركة "أوراكل كوربوريشن" (المدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز NYSE:ORCL) وهي "سيبيل"، و"بيبل سوفت"، و"جي دي إدوادز"، و"إي بزنيس سويت"، و"أوراكل داتابايز"، و"أوراكل ميدلوير"، و"هايبيريون"، و"أوراكل ريتايل"  للبرمجيات، أنها فازت بلقب "بائع تقنية المعلومات" لهذا العام من قبل عميلها منذ فترة طويلة، شركة "هايستينجز إنترتينمنت" (المدرجة في بورصة ناسداك تحت الرمز: NASDAQ:HAST ) للمرة الثانية. وتكرم هذه الجائزة دعم "ريميني ستريت" المتميز لتطبيقات "بيبل سوفت" الخاصة بـ"هايستينجز إنترتينمنت"، بما في ذلك الخدمات ذات المستوى المتميز، والحلول فائقة التجاوب لقضايا الدعم، ودعم التخصيص والتسليم في الوقت المناسب والدقيق لتحديثات عالية الجودة في المجالات الضريبية والتنظيمية.

تأسست شركة "هايستينجز إنترتينمنت" عام 1968، وهي متجر تجزئة كبير ورائد في مجال الوسائط المتعددة والترفيه يقوم بتشغيل أكثر من 120 متجراً كبيراً في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة. وقد تحوّلت الشركة إلى "ريميني ستريت" من أجل دعم تطبيقات "بيبل سوفت" الخاصة بها في عام 2007 وحققت الكثير من الفوائد المضافة من الوفورات السنوية لتكاليف الصيانة. وهي تشمل مهندس دعمٍ أساسيّ (بي إس إي) متواجد على مدار الساعة طوال أيام العام، ودعم التخصيص دون تكاليف إضافية، وتجنب إجراء تحديث مكلف وغير ضروري إلزامي بهدف الإبقاء على الدعم، بالإضافة إلى الدعم المضمون لمدة لا تقل عن 15 عاماً للإصدارات الحالية دون الحاجة للتحديثات.

 ويشكّل دعم جدول الرواتب في الولايات المتحدة باستخدام الخدماتالضريبية والقانونية والتنظيمية من "ريميني ستريت" والحاصلة على شهادة الآيزو (9001:2008) والتي تضمن الامتثال القانوني والمالي للمنظمات جزءاً من برنامج الدعم النموذجي لـ"هايستينجز إنترتينمنت" مع "ريميني ستريت".

وقال بريان لي، المدير الاول لتطبيقات تقنية المعلومات لدى شركة "هايستينجز إنترتينمنت" في هذا الصدد: "منذ التحول إلى دعم ’ريميني ستريت‘ منذ عدة سنوات، ونحن نتمتع بمستوى أعلى بكثير من الدعم والاستجابة لتطبيقات ’بيبل سوفت‘ الخاصة بنا مقارنة مع البائع. وإننا ندرك الدور الهام الذي قامت به ’ريميني ستريت‘ في دعم احتياجات تقنية المعلومات لدينا على مر السنين ونحن سعداء بكوننا قادرين على منحهم هذه الجائزة ".

ومن جهته، قال سيث رافين، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "ريميني ستريت": "تتشرف شركة ’ريميني ستريت‘ وتشعر بالامتنان لحصولها على هذا التقدير للمرة الثانية من ’هايستينجز إنترتينمنت‘ لتوفير الدعم المتميز للبرمجيات. وتشكل هذه الجائزة انعكاساً للشراكة العظيمة التي أنشأناها مع أصدقائنا في ’هايستينجز إنترتينمنت‘ والتزامنا وتركيزنا المتبادل من أجل تحقيق أهداف خدمات تقنية المعلومات الخاصة بهم وكذلك الأهداف المالية. ومع أكثر من 850 من العملاء المسجلين حتى الآن، بما في ذلك 91 شركة مدرجة في قائمة ’فورتشن 500‘ و16 من ’فورتشن غلوبال 100‘،  تلتزم ’ريميني ستريت‘ بتقديم خدمات دعم مبتكرة وقيمة استثنائية لمساعدة العملاء على تحقيق النجاح ".

لمحة عن "هايستينجز إنترتينمنت"

 تأسس "هايستينجز" عام 1968 وهو متجر بالتجزئة رائد في مجال الوسائط المتعددة والترفيه يجمع ما بين بيع الكتب الجديدة والمستعملة، وأشرطة الفيديو وألعاب الفيديو والأقراص المدمجة، والصرعات وتجارة الإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية، مع تأجير أشرطة الفيديو وألعاب الفيديو في شكل متجر كبير. نقوم حالياً بتشغيل 126 متجراً كبيراً، بمساحة تبلغ حوالي 24 ألف قدم مربع، في أسواق متوسطة الحجم في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة. كما نقوم بتشغيل ثلاثة محلات تجارية مميزة بأفكارها، هي: "صان أدفينتشور سبورتس" في أماريلو بولاية تكساس، و"لابوك" بتكساس، و"ترايدزمارت" في ليتلتون بولاية كولورادو.

ويقوم "هايستينجز" أيضاً بتشغيل www.goHastings.com وهو موقع للتجارة الإلكترونية على شبكة الإنترنت يوفر   لعملائه منتجات ترفيه جديدة ومستعملة، وهدايا معاصرة فريدة من نوعها وألعاب للأطفال. يضم الموقع عروضات استثنائية من المنتجات والأسعار. ويحتوي قسم علاقات المستثمرين في الموقع بيانات صحفية، ورابط لطلب المواضيع المالية وغيرها من المطبوعات وإمكانية الوصول إلى الوثائق في لجنة الأوراق المالية.

لمحة عن شركة "ريميني ستريت"

"ريميني ستريت" هي المزود المستقل والرائد في مجال توفير خدمات دعم برمجيات الشركات. وتعيد الشركة تعريف خدمات دعم الشركات مع برنامج مبتكر حائز على جوائز يسمح لحملة تراخيص "أوراكل" و"ساب" بادِّخار ما يصل الى 90 في المائة من إجمالي تكاليف الدعم على مدى عشر سنوات، بما في ذلك توفير 50 في المائة على رسوم الدعم السنوية. ويمكن للعملاء أن يحافظوا على إصدار البرنامج الحالي دون الحاجة للقيام بأية تحديثات أو عمليات نقل لمدة 15 عاماً على الأقل بعد الانتقال إلى "ريميني ستريت". وقد وقع اختيار مئات المؤسسات العالمية، والشركات المدرجة على قائمة "فورتشن 500" وشركات السوق المتوسطة ومنظمات القطاع العام من جميع القطاعات على شركة "ريميني ستريت" باعتبارها مزود الدعم المستقل والموثوق به. للمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني التالي:  www.riministreet.com، أو الاتصال من داخل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية على الرقم:  9692-870-888، أو دولياً على الرقم: 9671-839-702-1+.

إن "ريميني ستريت" وشعار "ريميني ستريت" هي علامات تجارية مملوكة من قبل شركة "ريميني ستريت". وقد تكون جميع أسماء الشركات والمنتجات الأخرى علامات تجارية لمالكيها المعنيين. حقوق الطبع والنشر 2014. جميع الحقوق محفوظة.

إنّ نصّ اللغة الأصلية لهذا البيان هو النسخة الرسمية المعتمدة. أمّا الترجمة فقد قدِمتْ للمساعدة فقط، ويجب الرجوع لنصّ اللغة الأصلية الذي يمثّل النسخة الوحيدة ذات  التأثير القانوني.


"ريميني ستريت"

ألما بارك

 +1 323-229-7282

البريد الإلكتروني: apark@riministreet.com





Permalink: http://www.me-newswire.net/ar/news/11852/ar

A Guide On The Subject Of Facebook Marketing


People from all over the world use Facebook. For you, this site can be an effective tool to expand your business. Facebook does have some marketing op

Storified by levelgestu067 · Sun, Aug 17 2014 07:20:12

People from all over the world use Facebook. For you, this site can be an effective tool to expand your business. Facebook does have some marketing options that require payment, but some of the most successful businesses can implement free ideas as well. Whether you pay or not, here are some tips that will help you on Facebook.

While you want your personality to show, you must keep things professional when making Facebook posts. While social media sites provide a relaxed atmosphere, your business still needs a professional appearance. If you stay professional at all times then people are going to respect you and your business a lot more.

Link all of your published content to your Facebook. Link post summaries of blog entries from your site onto Facebook. Your Twitter page and other pages can be linked straight to your Facebook account.

Facebook Offers allows you to easily and rapidly promote contests or giveaways that are offered on the website. First, write a description of your offer. Then, set the "Promoted Post" flag from your wall. If it is a really good offer, you can even promote it to non-fans.

Before you do anything else, you must build your audience. That means you really shouldn't put too much investment into marketing products or promotions there until you have at least 5,000 fans. After you hit that many people you should see your conversion rates start to rise.

Look into buying ads through Facebook. You ad can be customized to be shown only to certain ages or genders. You may also use a given budget and do a lot or a little as you can manage. And best of all, you are not committed long term. When the promotion is over, you can put an end to your ad.

Don't forget to discuss your business on other Facebook pages. If you are posting on a page that isn't your own, it can gain you attention. Having said that, it's crucial that this attention is desirable. Only post on another person's profile page if you're sharing something valuable. Make sure that you avoid spamming other pages.

Everything you put up on Facebook needs to have value. Stated otherwise, all followers ought to gain something from your postings, even if it is just a helpful hint or a bit of advice. You don't want to "sell" your customers too often because this will irritate them.

Don't post updates that are dull and boring. For personal posts, use your personal Facebook page. Your customers may not be interested in personal updates if they are not related to your business. Try using your personal account to share personal project updates.

Have your fans participate in decisions about your company. People love feeling important and in-the-know. Give your followers the power to make some simple decisions. For instance, if you are a blogger, consider asking them what posts they'd like to read.

Don't turn off comments! While some see it as a method of keeping negativity away from them, it sends a bad message to your followers.

Encourage users to interact with you and other fans. A post may generate a conversation that you should try to keep going. Acting like a hall monitor is no way to get on your users good side. But, don't hesitate to jump in if the content becomes mean or offensive.

If you will not be able to update your Facebook page in real time, try a scheduling tool. Get a reliable tool that can post your updates at the time when your subscriber base is likely to be visiting your page. Experiment a little with different options to see what works best for you.

Your posts should contain a variety of content while staying on one subject. These posts can be loosely related to your products or services. Find different types of content that will keep your fans engaged. You can try posting a photo to incite conversation, or you can create a posting that has a question that needs to be answered.

Facebook matchmaking can help you get the word out about your business. You can often bring help two people meet on Facebook. Do it. Then you could end up at the center of an awesome story that they go on to tell for years. You can't ask for better marketing than that!

It is important that you understand the fundamentals of Facebook. The greater your understanding of it, the more you will get out of it. Take a look at the help section on the Facebook site to teach yourself as much as you can. You will gain a competitive advantage.

Now, you're equipped with useful Facebook marketing tips. Setting up a Facebook marketing campaign is not costly, so you can easily experiment with the advice from this article. Make sure you start immediately because it is unlikely that your competition is using Facebook. You don't want them to find this article as well and get started first!

Have an Exotic Wedding Ceremony with Perfect Music


Wedding is obviously a memorable incident in our life and we all like to have a perfect arrangement for this ceremony. Wedding is not only a rituals but it involves lots of entertainments. A wedding ceremony will only becomes perfect with the application of suitable music and entertainments.

Storified by karizmaroadshow · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:34:50

Wedding is obviously a memorable incident in our life and we all like to have a perfect arrangement for this ceremony. Wedding is not only a rituals but it involves lots of entertainments. A wedding ceremony will only becomes perfect with the application of suitable music and entertainments. Hence, we must need to get in touch with some wedding planner or some event management companies who can make this occasion really entertaining and impressive. If you are in search of some exclusive companies which can help you in having a well organized wedding party, then just go for a search on the web. Here you can definitely find out the reliable and experienced service providers who will help us to have a wonderful wedding entertainment arrangement.

Before you make contact with any of these companies, at first you must have a complete detail about the portfolio of such companies. Generally, you can find out that these companies have a vast experience in this field and capable to make arrangements for Asian entertainment for wedding functions. Hence, if you are from any country of Asia, then there will not be any problem regarding conducting a perfect wedding or birthday parties in Asian style. Just here you need to find out the suitable company. Again, you may be worried that these expert companies will charge a lot from the customers for organizing a party. Most of these companies follow a package system and accordingly you can choose those packages. Let us have a look at the packages that we can have:

Ø  Bronze package: In this package you can have the services of DJ music, moving head lights and DMX controlled lighting system

Ø  Silver Package: In this package you can have more services than bronze package. We can have a perfect wedding entertainment with rocking DJ music, moving lighting system with DMX system, radio microphone, haze machine and many more

Ø  Gold package: In this package we will get some more options than Bronze or silver package. Here we can have more options like 2x plasma screens, LED backdrop etc

Ø  Platinum package: This is the highest paid package. In this package we will get more options like 2x projections screen other than plasma screens, BJ booths, Confetti Blast either silver or multi colored

Hence, from the above discussion it is very easy to know that you can get all types of packages as per your requirements and budget. Here you can have both western and Asian entertainment arrangements. Again, these companies are well known for organizing several functions and they also look for having a long term relationship with their clients. Hence, just have a conversation over phone and arrange a memorable party for any special day.  

Main Article Resource: http://www.sooperarticles.com/art-entertainment-articles/music-articles/have-exotic-wedding-ceremony-perfect-music-1354819.html

WA Museum


Reviews, write-ups and photos from our visitors

Storified by Western Australian Museum · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:01

#museum #happy #tagsforlikes #potd #perth #friends · instagram.com
Launch of National Science Week at the Perth Cultural Centre @Aus_ScienceWeek #NatScWk http://t.co/6Ze5zbuddv · Alec Coles
It's all going off with the liquid nitrogen at the launch of Perth Science Festival @Aus_ScienceWeek #NatScWk http://t.co/xmNo2KwrFx · Alec Coles
Chris Smith @NakedScientists on Stage at Perth Science Festival @Aus_ScienceWeek #NatScWk http://t.co/l75KBxoMHT · twitter
Remote #Kimberley teeming with unclassified life http://t.co/BdbwDeTISq @wamuseum #KingsPark #Frogs ^NB http://t.co/K5W3WFdf9j · ScienceNetwork WA
Remote #Kimberley teeming with unclassified life http://t.co/BdbwDeTISq @wamuseum #KingsPark #Frogs ^NB http://t.co/K5W3WFdf9j · ScienceNetwork WA
@WAMuseum's Prof Mark Harvey shares world of creatures that live in soil at National Science Week Festival launch http://t.co/9rKeFkmFQM · Lyn Beazley
Dr Chris Smith gets close to a burrowing dinosaur, @WAmuseum's brilliant Dinosaur Discovery exhibition (1 week to go) http://t.co/hKqoYLVzhE · Lyn Beazley
Tim Jarvis Aus Geog Soc Explorer of the Year2013 'In Shackleton's Footsteps' @wamuseum @Aus_ScienceWeek #NatScWk http://t.co/XKCYigz5my · Alec Coles
@wamuseum 's Amber Beavis & Mark Harvey and their invertebrate friends thrilling the crowds @Aus_ScienceWeek #NatScWk http://t.co/198baM95SJ · Alec Coles
Lyn Beazley, Chris Smith @NakedScientists and Mikael Siversson @wamuseum at Dinosaur Discovery #dinodisco #NatScWk http://t.co/2KK1IRMioV · Alec Coles
Having fun at the museum! #perth #perthculturalcentre #playtime #niece #vsco #vscocam #perthmuseum · instagram.com

Determine If You May Make Stay At Home Jobs In Kansas City Work Well


For those who have learned that classic job settings aren’t on your side, then stay at home jobs in Kansas City might be just what you require.

Storified by bmebusinessinfo · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:05

Lots Of People Are Juggling Far Too Much
So many people are not able to do the things that make a difference most to them with regard to their careers. It’s typical for individuals to feel that they are being pulled every which way. There is no doubt that particular tasks are much simpler as a result of technology. For that reason though, folks are expected to be more busy compared to what they ever have been. The outcome is people who are unsatisfied with every area of their lives. Even though for some, stay at home jobs in Kansas City is the better alternative, others will discover that this is tougher for them.

Between work and home, countless discover there is just too much demand on their time. More individuals make use of caffeine and constant productiveness in order to extend days and weeks to fit more in. The strain can be overpowering, especially for people that have families. There are other alternatives besides allowing a career to dictate the remainder of your life. Stay at home jobs in Kansas City can be worth looking at if you have never examined what you can do.

Living Daily Life How You Want To
Lots of people are searching for free time in their routine to do things that matter most to them. Quite a few will offer a lot of assistance with getting your work and personal life to match up. Occasionally, folks just need to find a different job when they discover they are missing out on time with their families or things they value on a consistent basis. You still have to work hard with stay at home jobs in Kansas City. But you are in a position to schedule your individual time, which helps people prioritize the rest of their lives well.

Efficiency is a significant topic in a lot of business books and meetings. Maybe you have heard of those who are trying to discover the perfect sense of balance between work and living. Through rigorous organizing and discipline, people should be able to make anything work right? In theory you can do whatever you need to. However in real life, it could require having stay at home jobs in Kansas City if you want to avoid giving up every other facet of your lifestyle.

Precisely Where Jobs Are Going
Work studies have been carried out to compare the environment of stay at home jobs in Kansas City with more classic office jobs. The conclusions are that those who can work with more independence are much more satisfied. For some time it was thought that without a manager to continuously oversee employees, nothing would get done. More and more this is being disproven by the fact that employees are more productive when they work on their own. Because of this, more corporations are becoming open to the idea of telecommuting. This is demonstrating to work out well for businesses as well as personnel.

Developments are displaying a new alternation in the work place. As the years carry on, stay at home jobs in Kansas City will only become more prevalent. Predictions are usually that those amounts are only going to climb as the world continues to be taken over by technology and online jobs. For any person wanting a career that may be accomplished from the comfort of their home, this is motivating news.

Decide If Working From Home Is Tougher For You
Independence in a job isn’t the best for every individual. There are people who actually detest working alone. Plenty of stay at home jobs in Kansas City indicates hours of doing work on your own, which could be a positive or negative thing dependent on your identiity. However if you discover that you enjoy group interaction or simply being around people, these kinds of jobs can take a toll on you.

Stay at home jobs in Kansas City can really be an ideal option for people. But at times people don’t end up liking them as much as they think they will. It really is dependent upon the kind of person you are. Evaluating what you actually delight in and need in a job is vital before you are making a determination similar to this. This way you can make a decision you won’t desire to take back in a few months.

Locate Methods To Make Your Like Simpler
Every individual has a different set of strengths and weaknesses. According to your personality type, you need to figure out what you can in fact do and enjoy in a career. Anyone with stay at home jobs in Kansas City will need to have a large amount of self-discipline, time management skills, and autonomy. Not everyone gets what they need to completed without supervision. If you know that you don’t work effectively by yourself, you will need to be truthful about this. There isn’t room to be missing out on work when you do it from your home.

Just know that you are not exactly the same as other folks you may know. Parents make up a large number of those who consider stay at home jobs in Kansas City as a prospective option to get time with their children while still making money. As excellent as something such as this sounds, not everybody can handle it practically. For some parents, attempting to do work while their kids are tugging on them and playing around isn’t favorable.

Working At Home Versus In A Regular Job
Comparing and contrasting your alternatives is a good method to make a decision. There are numerous differences between stay at home jobs in Kansas City and traditional settings. Your home office will not have a boss micromanaging what you carry out. For many people, it is really an incredibly freeing feeling that actually allows them to work harder and do top quality work.

Do You Need To Get Away From The Morning Commute?
When you have never had stay at home jobs in Kansas City, it may seem to be a paradise compared to a cubicle profession. Knowing what’s included in working out of your house is important if you are seriously considering it. I encourage you to look into jobs that can be achieved from home. Just know that a career like this is probably not how you would picture it is.

Work At Home Takes Your Willingness
Not every person can manage the commitment of stay at home jobs in Kansas City. Be real with yourself. If you don’t get pleasure from doing a job well, and bearing the brunt of a project, you aren’t likely to prosper in a setting such as this. Individuality plays a big role here. As most home office job opportunities require you to assume responsibility, not having that attribute is going to hurt your likelihood of carrying out a great job.

Establish If You Will Do Good Yourself
The more in control workers are of assignments and their own work schedule, the better their job and the more effective they are. This is an element of why companies are giving more stay at home jobs in Kansas City. However, there are still employees who take advantage of not being supervised by a boss.

Doing The Job On Your Own Agenda
Undeniably, many employees find the most attractive factor of home office jobs the adaptable routine. If work was all individuals had to bother about, this wouldn’t matter. But with all the many requirements and obligations in todays lifestyles, being in a position to have your work work around your life makes a massive distinction. If you are lucky and have a nice boss, you might get the time off you ask for. But only stay at home jobs will assist you to constantly live your life the way you choose to. This solitary feature may also be enough for people to do whatever needs doing to make these job opportunities work.

Not Having Time Management Techniques, You Can Expect To Fail
With autonomy and the capacity to make your own agenda comes the issue of whether or not you can really make yourself get work accomplished on time. The best way to do that is to make sure that stay at home jobs in Kansas City take place in a scheduled way. While it’s great to be able to put other things first, work still has to be a center point of your life. Otherwise you won’t do well at jobs similar to this.

Examine what most jobs that can be achieved out of our home involve. A great deal of stay at home jobs in Kansas City are project based. This means that provided that the work gets completed, you can do it whenever you want. If you don’t reserve time to accomplish it, however, you may find yourself in a bad situation when a deadline comes around. Be sure you treat working at home seriously, and you will be fine.

Your Jobs Have To Get Finished Punctually
You actually need to be the right person to do nicely in these jobs. It doesn’t matter how badly you need it. If you can’t get the precise work completed on your own, then stay at home jobs in Kansas City usually are not the best match to suit your needs. If you can’t be self-disciplined and prioritize your work, you will likely end up missing critical deadlines. If you are in a position to grow in these areas, you really can make these kinds of jobs into satisfying employment opportunities. It’s simple really. Simply do your best on assignments and make certain that your work is done in a timely manner.

Does the idea of working from home appeal to your interest? For more information on work from home jobs have a look at this web page.



Storified by Independent.ie · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:12

Delighted to say that I am now officially a student of @DublinCityUni! So happy! http://t.co/We4KzgI205 · Ruth
The nerves!! #CAO Great result @Sophiliciouss http://t.co/Qcp4niiQz6 · Joanne Sweeney-Burke
NCAD, here I come! Best feeling. So glad I waited until a college course came along that I genuinely wanted to do! http://t.co/WhtRTZTEPz · Leanne Woodfull
Got up at 5:55am for the CAO - feckin site crashes the minute I click "accept" on my course http://t.co/sYzSY7hmYJ · Leanne Woodfull

Pocket Watch Serial Numbers


Mr. Pocket Watch publishes pocket watch reviews and ratings for 2014 on the best pocket watches available in today's market and also articles and tips on a variety of pocket watch topics.

Storified by mrpocketwatch · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:15

Pocket watch serial numbers are a unique set of numbers (letters may be included too) assigned to each pocket watch when it is manufactured. These numbers can be found on many watch company’s history pages. There are several pocket watch manufacturers and each watch manufacturing company uses a different combination of letters and numbers for each of their ranges of products. To keep records of these huge sets of numbers companies usually maintain a database of their products and their respective serial numbers. The main pocket watch manufactures are Ball, Elgin, Hamilton, Illinois, Rockford, South Bend, and Waltham. A composite database has been formed, where it is possible to trace watches made by these companies.

The Pocket Watch Serial Numbers are of two types, movement serial numbers and case serial numbers.

Movement Serial Numbers: Movement serial numbers are the unique numbers that are stamped on the movement of the watch, rather like the chassis number of a motor vehicle. The movement of the watch is the working part of the watch consisting of wheels, levers and gears.

Case Serial Numbers: Case serial numbers are a different set of numbers that are printed inside the back case of the pocket watch.

Movement serial numbers and case serial numbers are always different from each other. This is because it is possible that these two parts are made by two different companies, and they use separate numbers to identify their own product. Also, a new movement may be fitted into an older case, especially if there is an heirloom watch for which the movement has been damaged or is no longer working. The case would still be valuable to the owners, who may want to have a working pocket watch fitted inside it.

Now, let us consider an example through which we can see how to use serial number look-up table. Let us say, there is a Waltham made pocket watch with movement serial number 21,607,210. Considering serial number look-up table, we may able to see that the watch with movement serial number 20,900,000 was made in 1917, and the watch with number 21,800,000 was developed in 1918. Since the above mentioned number falls between these two numbers, that particular watch must have been manufactured between 1917 and 1918.

There is a valid reason behind the fact that you may not have found the exact serial number in the look-up table. There are so many companies producing pocket watches and over the years, many companies have made millions of watches. To make a list of each and every number used by each and every company would be totally unwieldy. The look-up table presents a range of serial numbers from which you can determine the approximate manufacturing date of a particular watch and therefore the age of the item.

Now, the question is, how can you find the movement serial number? To see the movement serial number, you have to remove the back of the watch case. There you will also find the case serial number.

It is true that not every pocket watch manufacturing company uses serial numbers to identify their products, but most of the bigger manufacturers do use this identification markingsystem.

Learn more about pocket watches.


Beginning Your very own Company - 7 Motives Why It is a fantastic Notion for Unemployed Workers


Cursos inem gratuitos para desempleados y trabajadores online 2014. Formación subvencionada gratis para parados.

Storified by thomasshaw9688 · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:17

If you are one of several millions of unemployed workers available who's having a terrible time seeking to get a new job, there's one thing you are able to do about it. Increasingly more unemployed workers are becoming entrepreneurs and starting their very own firms.

Beginning your own organization is actually a large choice, however it could be the perfect one. If you're thinking about starting your individual company, but aren't confident if it is proper for you personally, here are 7 causes to go for it:

1. You're your personal boss, so there's no likelihood of obtaining laid off.

If you're sick of becoming a corporate slave who is often out of a job at a moment's notice, starting your very own small business might be the right solution! At the least once you are your very own boss, you might never ever have to be concerned about being shocked with another pink slip.

2. Beginning your very own small business requires an investment - and that is very good for the all round economy.

The volume of money it takes to start your personal business is dependent upon the business you're in, but each new start-up requires some sort of initial investment. As your company spends dollars, it assists other firms, and creates new jobs for other unemployed workers.

3. Starting your very own organization is a lot easier than it was years ago - because of main gains in technologies.

With cell phones and wireless online, it is possible to work from anywhere. And, you could even have consumers all over the world!

4. Beginning your own personal business means that you have got manage more than almost everything.

Should you assume an thought is stupid, never do it. Obtaining your individual enterprise means that your vision gets to lead the way.

5. You are able to set your individual salary.

Starting your individual enterprise implies it is possible to wave goodbye towards the days of asking to get a raise, and not having 1. Every single time your organization hits a brand new milestone, you may give yourself a raise!

6. Beginning your personal organization gives you a supreme sense of satisfaction.

By becoming an entrepreneur, that you are creating a thing from the ground up that's all yours. Think of how proud you are going to be if you get a brand new client, or make a brand new sale. Have been you definitely proud just about every time your old employer got a new client? Possibly not.

7. It really is been performed ahead of.

A lot of main corporations started as tiny start-up enterprises through hard financial times. Burger King, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and FedEx were all created either in the course of recessions, or appropriate after. If they are able to do it, so can you!

Get more information about cursos inem

Giving New Appearance through Custom IPhone 4S Cases for the Gadgets


New features are introduced in these newer gadgets, but people cannot simply discard their old iPhone 4S, which is considered to be a high end device.

Storified by mrnutcas9 · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:21


Which princess would you be?


Love your neckline (strapless, of course) along with how a skirt flares with regards to mid-thigh.And for you to round if off, we now have Sleeping Be

Storified by boilingdis892 · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:21

Simple Steps To Remember When Shopping For Auto Insurance


If you have an automobile, you are going to need insurance. Are you aware of details like the amount of coverage you need? The amount of options avail

Storified by axiomaticd185 · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:26

If you have an automobile, you are going to need insurance. Are you aware of details like the amount of coverage you need? The amount of options available can overwhelm even the best of us. This process does not have to be so hard. These tips will give you a few pointers on choosing the right policy for you.

It is always possible to purchase additional coverage in excess of what the law requires. Making sure you have the right amount of coverage, even if the cost is a little more, is important in the event of an accident. If you get in a hit-and-run accident or one where the other party has no insurance, you will be out of luck unless you have uninsured motorist coverage.

When you buy car insurance, remember that only the person named on the policy will be insured unless otherwise specified. Many drivers lend their car out to a friend, only to find that the friend's accident is not covered because they were not listed on the driver's policy. Car insurance policies can be purchased at a higher premium, that include allowing other licensed drivers to operate your vehicle.

Leave more money in your pocket by choosing a higher deductible. It is a bit risky, but it will help you save on your insurance premiums. You have to make sure to save up money in case you need to pay a higher deductible at some point. Your premiums will often be considerably lower if you choose the higher deductible.

While finding the company that offers the lowest annual premium for your car insurance is important, this is only one of the many factors that you should consider when comparing insurance for young drivers quotes. You should also examine items in fine print to find your deductible levels and benefit limits, if you should have an accident.

Choosing proper insurance is the key to saving money should an accident occur. Insurance policies will have a person pay a predetermined amount of money, known as a deductible, and any costs over the deductible will be taken care of by the insurance.

If you pay several policies with one company, you may qualify for a discount. Try to take part in these offers and get a policy for your house and your vehicle in one. You will need to get good coverage and a good deal, you may need to get two insurance companies or policies to achieve this.

When looking for auto insurance, get quotes from various companies. Doing research will allow you to find the best rate for you.

Consider how much monthly insurance rates will be before purchasing a car. You should always keep in mind that the safer a car is rated, the more favorably an insurance company is going to view it. On the other hand, owning a sports car will increase your rates. It is important to calculate this expense into your budget when buying your car.

The higher the value of your car and personal assets, the higher level of liability coverage you will need. Look into 100/200/100 coverage. You must make certain your insurance policy meets all state minimum requirements for liability coverage.

If you want to get a cheaper car insurance rate, try increasing your FICO score. Did you know that they're allowed to check your credit? Studies have indicated that those with poor credit are at a greater risk of having an accident, so insurers have begun to incorporate credit ratings into the formula they use for determining the price of your policy. Keep your credit in good shape and your insurance rates will stay lower.

These are just a few of the many tips regarding auto insurance. As you learn more about auto insurance, you will find it to be much less confusing and complicated. Having a concrete understanding will help you chose insurance policies that are sufficient for your needs.

ACCT 212 DEVRY Course Tutorial / tutorialrank


Storified by blue1forever781 · Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:35:34

ACCT 212 Course Project (DEVRY)

For more course tutorials visit


Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A

(TCO 1) The Accounting Equation is used to develop the organizations financial reports. (1) Describe what owners' equity values would be if Assets are $100,000 and Liabilities are $27,000 by showing the Accounting Equation (10 points) and (2) provide an explanation of what accounts could be found in owners' equity. (10 points)


(TCO 1) The financial statements present a company to the public in financial terms. (1) Which financial statement identifies where cash was generated and where it was spent during the year (10 points) and (2) identify the three major parts of this statement. (10 points)

(TCO 1) The accounting profession follows a set of guidelines for measurement and disclosure of financial information called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). (1) Explain what the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are (10 points) and (2) provide an example of its application. (10 points)


(TCO 2) Transaction analysis results in the development of a journal entry. Supplies are purchased on account agreeing to pay $500 within 30 days. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how using the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points) and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points)

(TCO 3) Adjusting Entries are required at the end of the period to ensure that accrual accounting principles are applied. At the beginning of the month $1,350 of office supplies were purchased. There was not a beginning balance and the one purchase was the only one for the month. At the end of the month $500 of supplies remained. Develop the adjusting entry. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how using the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points) and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points)


(TCO 5) Internal Controls are required to safeguard assets and to ensure ethical business practices. (1) Identify and explain the reason for any two of the seven internal control procedures (10 points) and (2) provide examples of how your two selected internal control procedures will meet the goal of safeguarding assets and promoting ethical business practices. (15 points)

(TCO 5) The bank account as a control device helps to protect cash. One of the requirements is to conduct periodic bank statement reconciliations. Using the following data, complete the bank statement reconciliation. (Use the format shown on page 255 of your textbook) (25 points)

Prepare a bank reconciliation using B & B’s Restaurant Supply Inc.’s information for August 31.
· A NSF check from Johnny Jones for $3,164.·Two deposits made on August 31 were not on the bank statement, totaling $2,897.·The bank collected an EFT payment for Rent for $2,600.·August 31 balance in Cash was $2,005.·The owner had written check # 1598 for $500 and recorded this check as $5,000.·The balance on the bank statement as of August 31 was $5,316.·Bank service charge of $28 was shown on the bank statement.·Checks #1572, 1606, 1116, and 1242 for $419, $126, $650, and $1,105, respectively, were not shown on the bank statement, even though the company had sent the checks.


ACCT 212 Entire Course (DEVRY)

For more course tutorials visit


Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+

ACCT 212 Course Project

ACCT 212 Week 4 Midterm

ACCT 212 Week 1-7 All Discussion Questions

Week 1 DQ1 Financial Statements

Week 2 DQ1 Prepaid Expenses vs. Unearned Revenue

Week 2DQ2 Accrual vs. Cash Accounting

Week 3DQ1 Ethical Business Decisions

Week 3DQ2 Trade Credit - Accounts Payable

Week 4DQ1 Inventory Management

Week 4DQ2 LIFO

Week 5DQ1 Non-current Assets and Related Liabilities

Week 5DQ2 Raising Capital (Cash)

Week 6DQ1 Stockholders Equity

Week 6DQ2 Net Income vs. Net Operating Cash

Week 7DQ1 Financial Statement Analysis 


Belleville's Bicentennial bash: Sept. 19-21, 2014


Belleville, Illinois, is celebrating its founding 200 years ago when George Blair gave away part of his farm for the new St. Clair County seat. The party is centered on that acre of land, the Public Square in Belleville.

Storified by BND.com · Thu, Sep 18 2014 21:59:21

We are very excited to share the stage with such a wide variety of acts, on such a commemorative weekend! We are grateful for the opportunity! We will see you at 3pm Saturday Belleville! We can't wait!

There is so much going on in Belleville this weekend - plan your weekend with us! Apple picking and fall fun at our place and a great musical line-up all weekend long as we celebrate Belleville's 200th Anniversary. Check out the bands that will be playing Friday-Sunday http://www.belleville200.com/weekend-site/index.html

@bellevillenewsd More pics from downtown Belleville as prep for the weekend continues. #Belleville200 http://t.co/GOm8FLNB7l · Steve BND Photo
Belleville 200th anniversary fireworks · bndvideo
Belleville's 200th Bicentennial Commercial · keyproductionsstl
Preparations have begun. #Belleville200 http://t.co/BADW693cIC · Beth Hundsdorfer
Maybe we can bring back the fancy and rough beards contest. #Belleville200 http://t.co/HelzcTp3LB · Jacqueline Lee
Belleville, IL Rings Bells for Two Minutes to Usher In Its 200th Year · bndvideo
@Belleville_ILL closed the Public Square this morning to prepare for #belleville200 party http://t.co/roMbuOvjW2 · bweisenstein
Belleville Home Coming March · bndvideo

La catarata de tuits de Cristina


Storified by Diario Los Andes · Thu, Sep 18 2014 21:59:44

Ayer La Nación (y otros): “Por el cepo cambiario, American restringió a 90 días la compra de pasajes en Argentina”. http://t.co/DjSfVWTn2C · Cristina Kirchner
Textual también es el comunicado del Banco Central, responsable del manejo y pago de divisas de nuestro país. http://t.co/Cm618x0PSC · Cristina Kirchner

Will Scotland's uncounted voters swing the #indyref?


The polls are closing, and the bookies at least are confident that Scottish voters will turn down the chance of independence. But could the failure of polling companies to capture many of the most marginalised voters produce a surprise?

Storified by Alex Cobham · Thu, Sep 18 2014 21:59:52

It's quarter to ten on the evening of 18 September 2014. By the time I finish this whisky and post this story the polls will have closed on Scotland's independence referendum. 

There's been no shortage of commentary - considered and less so, informed and otherwise - on today's Scottish independence referendum. Most bookmakers have the chance of a 'Yes' victory at 7/2 or higher, and drifting rather than tightening. But with the opinion polls having tightened up from a fairly solid 60:40 'No' lead during much of the previous two years, the outcome remains quite uncertain. In particular, the role of those who haven't voted - and may be largely unaccounted for in the pollsters' predictions - could be decisive. 
First, the (more or less) standard view. It's close; but it's a 'No'. 
 This great blog post from LSE's Carl Cullinane uses the most recent five polls, along with projections of the timing of announcements from voting venues, to model how results will pan out over the night to come. 
What time are the results going to start coming in this evening? #indyref http://t.co/kUS6BfBeYI · Democratic Audit
Using modelled polling data & estimated timings, the share of the vote could progress something like this. #indyref http://t.co/G2UIoO4yWU · Democratic Audit
So, if the polls are broadly accurate, results will start with a narrow 'No' lead and this will only widen as the early morning progresses. But what if they're not?
There are two main views on how that could happen. One is that - perhaps like the Quebec referendum - there might be a swing on the day towards the status quo. 
The alternative - although not mutually exclusive - is that the polling companies may have made systematic errors due to a failure to capture the most marginalised voters - those whose decisions to register to vote this time round has led to record registration levels. Tony McKelvie, take it away:
And on the whole, the DNVs are not like others: they're more likely to be poor, for one thing. This more detailed piece from John McDermott at the FT rounds up the range of possible polling errors. In respect of the 'uncounted' voters, he writes: 

The second possible type of flaw in the polls is in the adjustments made to turn the unweighted sample into a weighted sample, from which the results are taken. All pollsters make such adjustments. And in the case of the independence referendum the adjustment always increases the Yes tally. This is because No voters are on average older and wealthier, two correlates with being more likely to participate in polls. I wrote about the different ways pollsters weigh the samples here. In short, if there were a Yes vote and it was unanticipated because of weighting errors, all of the pollsters would have been wrong in how they adjust their samples.

Reducing the Risks: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


Awareness and education are key to reducing and eventually eliminating SIDS and accidental infant deaths. ~Brooke Biechman

Storified by First5Shasta · Thu, Sep 18 2014 22:00:29

Back to sleep...tip for reducing risk of SIDS! · Facebook
Want to do lunch?
October 21, 2014 (12-1 pm):  First 5 Shasta's "0-to-5 Smart" Lunch features Brooke Biechman, RN, PHN, MPA - Perinatal Services and SIDS Coordinator at Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health.   Only $5 for Shasta County professionals and providers working with young children - reserve a spot!
                                           FACT:  SIDS is the leading cause of death in babies 1 month to 1 year of age.

                                           TIPS:  Reducing risk of SIDS

                                           ·   Always place a baby on his/her back to sleep.

                                           ·   Breastfeeding is best.

                                           ·   Do not smoke during pregnancy or around a baby.

                                              Reducing the Risks: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome  Learn more!  REGISTER NOW

Twitter Analysis 3


Part A

Storified by meganlushanko · Thu, Sep 18 2014 22:00:45

This was one of my strongest tweets this past week with 8 favorites and 1 retweet. I feel this tweet was popular because who doesn't love the weekends? Majority of the people that made this tweet strong were college students. Being a college student there is nothing better than the feeling of no school and the week grind of classes and tests being over. I think that's why people drew to this tweet and probably were feeling the relief and relaxation the weekend ahead was going to bring them!
This tweet about food surprised me with 9 favorites! I am not a big salmon eater, but every once in a while I enjoy it. The reason I tweeted this is because I was excited to make it and eat it for the first time on my own living in my college house. I didn't expect this tweet to be very popular but it surprisingly was! I think one reason this tweet was strong is because I posted it on a Sunday afternoon when people are usually lounging around and on their phones. Also, I tweeted this before dinner and people were probably hungry and thinking of what to make for dinner. Another possibility could be that salmon is a popular, delicious fish and made peoples mouths water so they gave me a favorite!
Night walks ❤️ http://t.co/z2406Hyl7g · Megan Lushanko
Bemidji State is such a beautiful place on the lake and it inspired me to take a picture which received 7 favorites. I think this tweet was strong because of the scenic view that catches peoples attention. When I come across a pretty picture on twitter I always stop and favorite it; its hard not to! Also, night walks are very relaxing and many people exercise and can relate to the feeling of peacefulness it can bring.
Part B
One of my not so popular tweets from the past week was this one with only 2 favorites. I think the reason it wasn't as strong is because people have different perceptions on weather. The day I tweeted it I felt it was cold out but, maybe others felt it wasn't that cold. Another reason could be that I tweeted it on a Saturday afternoon and people could have been busy and not on their phones at this time seeing that it was a weekend day.
This tweet I tweeted this afternoon while I was in class. It only had 2 favorites the whole day and it was one of my less popular tweets from the past week. I think this tweet didn't do so well because people may not be familiar with what monkey bread is. Also, I didn't tweet in the morning right after I ate the monkey bread and this tweet would have probably been more popular around breakfast time.
Buy any fall drink (hot or iced)—get one free. 2-6 pm 9/17-9/21 participating US stores. #PSL #SCM #TeavanaOprahChai http://t.co/loV5TXKeOB · Starbucks Coffee
Instead of tweeting, I decided to retweet Starbucks coffee. This tweet was unsuccessful with only 1 retweet from one of my followers. I find it harder to get favorites and retweets when I retweet something instead of tweeting. I think this is because people scroll along and instead of retweeting or favoriting  they just view it and keep scrolling. I also think that people tend to retweet and favorite more personal things people tweet versus brands tweeting. I retweeted this Starbucks' 2 for 1 deal because I love coffee and I wanted to remember what days the deal ran through. My other followers possibly aren't as into coffee as me or they just viewed the retweet and kept scrolling.

Part C- New Followers

This past week I was followed by a few new accounts. Most of them were freshman teammates on my hockey team and a few people in the social media class. The most recent account I was followed by was BSU Confessions. I think they followed me because I'm on an Athletics team at BSU which makes me more known on campus. 
Some new accounts I followed this past week were people that followed me from the social media class, some freshman hockey players on the men and women's team, and an account called "Guys Who...". I followed my classmates accounts for class and the players because some are my friends and teammates. The reason I followed "Guys Who.." is because its interesting reading the tweets they post about different guys and how they act in relationships. I also find if I follow my classmates I can favorite their tweets and they might favorite mine back! Total of about 5 new accounts I followed.

I think this past week I did well adding variety to my tweets with a picture and retweeting Starbucks. I still want to try and engage with a brand and post more quotes and sayings throughout the next coming week. I find that I have more popular tweets when I use quotes and sayings.

Top Online Shops


Best Shops Online

Storified by Marketing Europe · Thu, Sep 18 2014 22:00:46

Advertising Top On-line #WebAuditor.Eu for Best Marketing Online Europe · Gennadij Cesnokov
Best Online Branding #WebAuditor Eu Collection for Online Advertising Top Manager · ГЕННАДИЙ НИКОЛАЕВИЧ ЧЕСНОКОВ
#WebBestBrand's #WebAuditor Eu Archive for Online Top Marketing Europe · Gennadij Cesnokov
Best Branding Online #WebAuditor Eu Collektion for Top Search Advertising Consulting · Gennadij Cesnokov

Referendo à independência da Escócia


Acompanhe aqui o referendo à independência da Escócia. Confira os relatos da enviada especial da Renascença Anabela Góis, as últimas horas, as principais incidências e o que se vai dizendo na internet sobre a consulta popular que pode mudar o mapa do Reino Unido.

Storified by Renascença · Thu, Sep 18 2014 22:01:07

- Votos começaram a ser transportados para as estações de contagem, explica a jornalista Anabela Góis, enviada da Renascença à Escócia. Na maior cidade do país, Glasgow, cerca de 700 pessoas estão a contar os votos daquela região.


Estação de contagem de votos em Edimburgo. Foto: Andy Rain/EPA · Renascenca
Contam-se os votos na Escócia. Foto: Andy Rain/EPA · Renascenca
- Director de campanha "Better Together", anti-independência, Blair McDougall, mostra-se satisfeito com a elevada taxa de afluência no histórico referendo desta quinta-feira. 

- Sondagem YouGov divulgada após o fecho das urnas dá 54% ao "não" e 46% ao "sim". O estudo inquiriu 1.828 eleitores depois de terem votado esta quinta-feira, juntamente com 800 pessoas que votaram por correspondência. 

- Sondagem da televisão Sky News dá a VITÓRIA AO "NÃO" à independência da Escócia. Um total de 53% votaram contra a saída do Reino Unido e 47% a favor da autodeterminação. 

 22:00 – Encerraram as assembleias de voto na Escócia. Começa agora a contagem dos votos. Resultados finais só deverão ser conhecidas esta sexta-feira de manhã.

Reservas de petróleo são uma das questões sensíveis do referendo na Escócia.

Só mais uma hora para votar no referendo à independência na Escócia. Assembleias de voto encerram às 22h00.

Registados dois incidentes junto a assembleias de voto.  Num dos casos, uma candidata trabalhista às próximas eleições gerais foi detida por suspeita de envolvimento numa agressão em Glasgow.
Votar com estilo na Escócia. Foto: EPA/Robert Perry · Renascenca
Prevê-se uma afluência histórica.
Voto dos indecisos pode ser determinante.
If this Herald Camley cartoon was accurate yesterday it's even more so now. #indyref #ScotlandDecides http://t.co/315gcq65F0 · Scott Reid
Apoiante do "não" à independência numa rua de Edimburgo. Foto de Anabela Góis, enviada da Renascença à Escócia. · Renascenca
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