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CBI Annual Conference 2012 - live


Updates from the blue riband event at Grosvenor House - where speakers include Boris Johnson, Ed Miliband and the Unilever CEO Paul Polman

Storified by The CBI · Mon, Nov 19 2012 07:13:49

Some fun illustrations from this morning's speeches 
Boris Johnson kicking off the afternoon session
RT @MattRBrooks: Boris - Bankers should be brave & lend #CBI2012 #harveynash http://pic.twitter.com/ZE8vTUyJ · CBI Conference 2012
Ed Miliband closed the morning session
RT @CBItweets: .@Ed_Miliband speaking at #CBI2012 http://pic.twitter.com/iaqEvVzo · @CBIconference12
Vince Cable speaking this morning on needing the right skills 
.@vincecable speaking at #CBI2012 this morning http://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/news-articles/2012/11/we-need-to-get-skills-system-right-vince-cable-tells-cbi/ http://pic.twitter.com/N2ZzCFWT · The CBI
Anticipation building up ahead of Boris Johnson's speech to commence at 2.30pm
Here's the prime minister's speech from this morning
We need wartime spirit to help businesses, David Cameron tells CBI Annual Conference · cbivideo
A few news reports from the morning's session - video of the PM's speech to follow
The Prime Minister, David Cameron, followed Sir Roger on to the stage:

Pasta Thursday with the Roommates


Live-feed of dinner with the girls in Apartment No. 7 at 551 Albert. Emily Juszkowski, Alexandra Schoemaker, Alyssa Kirsch and Annalisa Wallace are having their fourth annual "Pasta Thursday".

Storified by Emily Juszkowski · Mon, Nov 19 2012 07:13:59

@PlayboyDotCom’s #TuesdayTease


You may never forget your first time, but then it just keeps getting better and better. Introducing the brand new weekly feature, #TuesdayTease. Our Cyber Girls tweet out their sexiest selfies for your viewing pleasure. Only on Playboy.com.

Storified by Playboy.com · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:35:54

Touch me, tease me, please me. Happy #TuesdayTease babes! @playboydotcom @playboy http://pic.twitter.com/XAYaU3HP · Jennifer Vaughn
My Tuesday starts off w/ a bubble bath... @playboydotcom @playboy #TuesdayTease http://instagr.am/p/SQU4H0B3QA/ · Roxanne Dawn
Its time for the #TuesdayTease over @PlayboyDotCom ! Have a great Tuesday Tease! XoXo http://pic.twitter.com/idxJdhZ1 · LONI RAE
Happy #tuesdaytease @PlayboyDotCom bts #photoshoot @RavishSands http://pic.twitter.com/L01JKXXo · IRMA SEH
Good Morning Rise & Shine #TuesdayTease @PlayboyDotCom @PlayboyPlus @ThisIsTSJ XoXo http://pic.twitter.com/YuKj2gw8 · Ali Marie
Squeaky clean for my #tuesdaytease :) @playboydotcom http://pic.twitter.com/XObzMEGa · Chloe Miranda
Hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday ;) #TuesdayTease @PlayboyDotCom @PlayboyPlus http://pic.twitter.com/CSJFfidd · Ashley Heinrichs
#TuesdayTease @Playboy @PlayboyDotCom @PlayboyMagSA @PlayboySi @PlayboyMX @Playboy_NL http://lockerz.com/s/262849801 · Gianna Mazzon
Getting you up and going on your #TuesdayTease @PlayboyDotCom @PlayboyPlus http://pic.twitter.com/DMCOxqQS · Kimberly Kisselovich



With the Iron Bowl on days away, Alabama fans sound off on the many things that they enjoy more than Auburn.

Storified by tuscaloosanews · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:04

Continúa la formalización de los 16 imputados por la red de explotación sexual de menores


Storified by La Tercera · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:08

12.37 La defensa de Sonia Vásquez asegura que ella no estaba en conocimiento de que las mujeres con que trabajaba eran menores de edad. 

12.34 Ahora es el turno de la defensa de Sonia Vásquez, que solicita no decretar la prisión preventivas y argumenta que en declaración de las menores “cuando se presentan ellas no llevan el carnet de identidad y posteriormente señalan ser mayores de edad”. 

12.31 La defensa de López también solicita dejar sin efecto la prisión preventiva por problemas de salud y “creemos que con un arresto domiciliario se puede asegurar su comparecencia”, dice el abogado. 

12.28 Ahora expone la defensa de Julia López, a quien se le imputan los cargos de facilitación y promoción habitual de prostitución infantil. El representante sostierne que los conceptos "niñas" o "lolitas" no necesariamente hacen referencia a menores de edad.

12.25 Comienza con la exposición de las defensas el abogado de Marisol Mejías, quien solicita al tribunal no decretar la cautelar de prisión preventiva a su representada y afirma que se trata de "una persona que no tiene antecedentes".

12.13 La defensa de Sonia Vásquez solicita su traslado en ambulancia a un centro asistencial para ser atendida por un problema de salud. El juez accede. 

12.10 Comienzan a ingresar a la sala los intervinientes. El magistrado retoma la audiencia. 
prensa en receso en Centro de Justicia http://pic.twitter.com/J0bx3Xrm · Doña Bárbara
11.35 Juez determina receso de 20 minutos. Al retomar la audiencia se le dará la palabra a las defensas de los imputados. 
11.32 El Sename, como parte querellante, solicita la medida cautelar de prisión preventiva para los 16 imputados por la red de explotación sexual de menores, concluyendo así su exposición. 
El Ministerio Público concluyó la exposición de sus antecedentes. 
11.20 Expone ante el tribunal el abogado querellante del Sename, Diego Yáñez. Luego vendrá el turno de las defensas. 
11.01 "Termina la presentación del Ministerio Publico, ahora viene la parte querellante", señala el magistrado Leonardo Varas.
10.57 La Fiscalía aseguró que se busca a otra menor víctima de la red de explotación, que fue identificada en fotos halladas en la casa de Genaro Fernández, a la edad de 11 años. Actualmente tiene 17 y lograron establecer su identidad. 
10.54 La Fiscalía también dio cuenta del "tarifario" que tenían las regentas para los servicios sexuales. las menores, por ejemplo, se ofrecían por 15 mil pesos. 

Danny Green vs Shane Cameron live PPV BOXING 2012


Fighting for his fourth world title, boxer Danny Green expects his bigger Kiwi opponent Shane Cameron to try to bully him when they clash at Melbourne's Hisense Arena next Wednesday night. But such tactics hold no fear for the 39-year-old West Australian, who believes his superior pace, accuracy an

Storified by · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:08

Nov. 20:


Another Tuesday!

Storified by TWU Local 100 · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:14

My Title



Storified by · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:15

Julgamento do goleiro Bruno - 2º dia


Acompanhe em tempo real os principais acontecimentos do segundo dia de júri em MG

Storified by VEJA · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:19

13h16: Francisco Simim, advogado de Bruno, pergunta por que Zezé - que apresentou Bola a Macarrão - não foi investigado. "É um policial civil aposentado e, portanto, afastado de suas funções. O nome dele é José Lauriano de Assis Filho. Ele foi investigado e ouvido em depoimento", responde a delegada.
13h11: Jorge chegou em Minas, levado por autoridades judiciais do Rio de Janeiro. No trevo da BR-040, em Nova Lima, os investigadores da Polícia Civil encontraram com a equipe e seguiram com o menor para a casa de Bola, em Vespasiano. No caminho, o menor reconheceu o trajeto e orientou os policiais. Assim que se aproximou do imóvel, aterrorizado, o primo de Bruno urinou nas calças. Jorge, hoje maior de idade, é protegido pela Justiça e não vai depor no julgamento.
13h10: Conforme Ana Maria, 24 horas depois de ter ouvido o menor, ela retornou ao Centro de Internação Provisório (Ceip), em BH, onde o adolescente ficou acautelado, para dar continuidade ao depoimento. Porém, o rapaz não quis falar mais nada. Ele foi orientado pelos familiares e pelo advogado Eliezer a só se pronunciar somente em juízo.
12h55: A delegada é categórica ao confirmar confiança no depoimento de Jorge Luiz. "Sem duvida nenhuma, o depoimento do menor, com a riqueza de detalhes, com a emoção com que ele se expressou, passou muita credibilidade. Atingiu a mim e a minha escrivã."
12h51: Bola tinha um saco em mãos, onde parecia estar o corpo. "O executor, então, pegou uma mão humana de dentro do saco e atirou para os cães. O menor disse que a lembrança da figura daquele senhor o deixava bastante atordoado", relatou a delegada.
12h50: Depois que Eliza foi morta, Macarrão e Sérgio, o outro primo de Bruno, ficaram assustados, contou o menor. "O executor (Bola) pediu que eles aguardassem e saiu levando o corpo. Depois, voltou e disse que, dali por diante, não se preocupassem porque ele daria um fim ao corpo."
12h47: Macarrão começa a chorar e diz novamente: "mentira".
12h46: Ana Maria detalha a morte de Eliza, segundo o depoimento do primo de Bruno: "O menor contou que Macarrão amarrou as mãos de Eliza e a chutou. Depois, Bola deu uma gravata nela. Nesse momento, em que Eliza era apertada, ela foi arregalando os olhos, que foram ficando vermelhos, cor de sangue, e língua foi indo para fora. Saiu espuma da boca. Ela caiu no chão e, depois de poucos movimentos, parou".
12h45: Macarrão se mostra contrariado com o depoimento de Ana Maria sobre a morte de Eliza. Balançando a cabeça negativamente, ele repete: "Mentira, mentira".
12h44: A delegada diz que Bola teria se identificado para Eliza como policial e dito a ela que deveria ficar tranquila. Ainda baseada no depoimento do menor, Ana Maria acrescenta que Macarrão disse à jovem que Bola a levaria para o apartamento que ela moraria com o bebê. Na verdade, Eliza seria morta. "No depoimento, Jorge Luiz ficava visivelmente alterado emocionalmente. Em um momento, ele contou que tinha dificuldade de falar daquilo. E perguntou se podia segurar na minha mão. Disse, ainda, que aquelas lembranças é que impediam que ele dormisse".
12h37: O primo de Bruno também falou sobre o dia em que Eliza Samudio teria sido morta, continua a delegada. Conforme ela, Macarrão contatou um homem chamado Bola - apontado como o assassino da jovem. "Ao chegar na casa dele, o veículo foi estacionado dentro da garagem. Macarrão saiu do carro e teve uma conversa reservada com Bola. Em seguida, determinou que todos saíssem do carro e ali se deu a execução de Eliza Samudio, enquanto Sérgio tinha nas mãos o bebê."
12h28: Ainda sobre o depoimento de Jorge Luiz, a delegada diz que o então menor falou por um longo período e "se esforçou para dar o máximo de detalhes". Houve uma pausa para almoço, lanche e descanso. "Depois do almoço, ele pediu um intervalo para cochilar." De acordo com a declaração de Ana Maria, o jovem não foi coagido em nenhum momento.
12h20: A delegada afirma que, ao chegar em Minas, Jorge Luiz foi imediatamente apresentado à Vara da Infância e da Juventude. "Perante o juiz, o menor contou que auxiliou no sequestro de Eliza e seu bebê, e informou que dentro do veículo ele a agrediu. Contou para onde ela foi trazida e, depois, como se deu a execução, a morte dela. E também o que teria ocorrido com os restos mortais dela."
12h: Ana Maria declara que Bruno e Jorge Luiz Lisboa Rosa (menor de idade na época do crime) foram criados pela mesma pessoa: Estela, avó do goleiro. Ameaçado por traficantes, o então adolescente passou a morar na casa do primo. "Ele tinha pego uma certa quantidade de drogas e não conseguiu vender", explica ela.
11h51: A primeira pessoa a quem Bruninho teria sido entregue seria Júlia, então mulher de Cleiton (o ex-motorista que depôs ontem). "A criança estava no sitio e, diante da notícia que chegou à delegacia, foi entregue à Júlia pela Dayanne na BR-040", afirma a delegada. "Mas o senhor Cleiton teria dito à mulher que aquela criança daria problema, era confusão." Então, o menino, que na época era chamado de Yuri, foi levado para outra casa.
11h50: "A delegacia procurava a criança e queria confirmar se a vítima havia sido morta. Dayanne telefonou e disse que a imprensa do Rio de Janeiro dizia que Eliza estava morta, mas Dayanne afirmava que ela estava viva", conta Ana Maria Santos. Coxinha confirmou a existência de uma criança e se dispôs a levar os policiais até a casa onde ela estava, alegando que não queria problema com a polícia. 

Rojava Under Attack!


Kurds long oppressed by Syria and Assad have won freedoms as Assad fought on other fronts but now Turkey has instigated an attack on Rojava Kurdistan (N. Syria) firstly through #FSA but now seemingly blatantly shelling.

Storified by Hevallo · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:36:40

RT @barzaniso: Paris Kürt Enstitüsünün danışmanlığıyla Eurominority yeni Kurdistan haritası hazırladı. #rojava #kurdistan http://pic.twitter.com/pu9ixphd · Gulzai Che
Halkı savunmak için yüzlerce Kürt Dirbesiye ve Amude'den Serêkanî'ye akın ediyor. foto:Dirbesiye-Serêkanî yolu. #rojava http://pic.twitter.com/HUXLz8d1 · barzan iso
RT @qeleresk: Serê Kaniyê'deki saldırılarda yaralanan #YPG'li Ahmed Huseyin.. #Rojava #TwitterKurds http://pic.twitter.com/pCFJr11C · TùLâY
RT @qeleresk: Head of SerêKanîyê Kurdish City Council Abid Xelil was martyred by FSA! #Rojava #TwitterKurds http://pic.twitter.com/dUUJlfQ3 · Robin Gernas
Not #Gaza, but West #Kurdistan. Not #Israel shell, but #Turkey shell. Today, Serêkanîyê(Resulayn) http://pic.twitter.com/cXKgVFfu #TwitterKurds #Rojava · Zınar Karavil
RT @qeleresk: Serê Kaniyê'deki saldırılarda yaralanan bir #YPG üyesi #Rojava #TwitterKurds http://pic.twitter.com/b8U5u0BG · Nurhak Engizek
RT @VejoSotik: A Kurdish house demolished by Turkey's shelling of civilians in support of #F$A. http://pic.twitter.com/dswnkK3L #Serekaniye #TwitterKurds · gokmen



Storified by Rudy Bandiera · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:37:09

FCO "Stuff"


Stuff being offered on the FullCircles Ottawa Facebook group

Storified by Eric Snyder · Tue, Nov 20 2012 07:37:18

OFFER: Functional piggy bank shaped like a purse. Pick up Somerset/Elgin area or Orleans/Fallingbrook. · Emily Anne Sinner Munro

Giant box of VHS tapes (approx 75 tapes, 2-3 movies per tape) most from early 2000s. I live off St Laurent !!

FREE = 52" Projection TV! Need it gone ASAP!! It works super well, I just don't have the room for it anymore!! <br> (the amp and speakers in the picture are not to give)<br> MUST PICK UP!! · Chantal Charbonneau
OFFER: Schefflera houseplant (Hunt Club/Paul Anka) · Kim O'Malley
Free Exp Dec 1st..... Pick up in Rockland · Maryse Belair
Free size 8. Location orleans · Christina Oliveras Eagles

Advance Screening of "RED DAWN"<br> Tonight, (November 19 @ 7:00 PM)<br> Empire 7 Theatre (111 Albert Street)<br> If you want FREE passes, just let me know. (by 2:00PM)<br>... I have 3 double passes left.<br> Note: It's the 2012 "reboot" version, not the old 1984 version ;)<br> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUoqlBHSePw0&h=vAQHRetOiAQFkT1vA4LgBkSMByhmsLdXSZFtaofVNOlb6Ag&s=1" class="">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoqlBHSePw0</a>See More</a>

CURB: i have a white change table with mat on top. it has a large open area to store diapers and such in. then two drawers ( i fit all my kids clothing in it plus blankets). <br> <br> a big box of hangers <br> <br>... a small birch colored tv stand.put the tv on it and it has a sleft to put a dvd player or vhs or whatever.<br> and then and under area where i stacked vhs. <br> <br> KANATA 8 SAVAGE DRSee More</a>

Offer: baby shopping cart cover. Hunt club/Greenbank pick up.

PICK UP CENTRETOWN (Somerset and Elgin) OR ORLEANS/FALLINGBROOK <br> Being Muslim, a groundwork guide by Haroon Siddiqui<br> <br> Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser<br>... <br> Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters (Evolutionary Psychology) by Alan Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa (not academic but light/interesting)<br> <br> Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook edited by Charles Kurzman<br> <br> Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki<br> <br> Madame De Lafayette, The Princesse de Cleves, trans Terence Cave (Oxford)<br> <br> John Webster The Duchess of Malfi and other plays (Oxford)<br> <br> The Tempest by Shakespeare (Signet Classic)<br> <br> King Lear by Shakespeare (Signet Classic)<br> <br> The Norton Anthology of English Literature, volumes 1 & 2, seventh edition<br> <br> Cultural Anthropology, Miller, Esterik, and Esterik, second edition<br> <br> Seventeenth-Century French Drama, intro by Jacques Guicharnaud (Modern Library College Editions)<br> <br> Life is a Dream and other Spanish Classics, edited by Eric Bentley<br> <br> World Religions: Eastern Traditions (2nd ed) ed by Willard G. Oxtoby<br> <br> Gargantua and Pantagurle by Francois Rabelaid (trans Burton Raffel)<br> <br> Henvy IV part 1 by Shakespeare (Oxford)<br> <br> Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare (Oxford)<br> <br> Othello by Shakespeare (Signet Classic)<br> <br> Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles (trans Meineck and Woodruff)<br> <br> Ben Jonson The Alchemist and other plays (Oxford)<br> <br> The Beat Goes On: Popular Music in America by Michael Campbell<br> <br> The Poems of Aemlilia Lanyer ed. Susanne WoodsSee More</a>

Design by Sarah Adkins for Buy Nothing Day 2008 · Sarah Adkins

OFFER Paint your own xmas bulbs? ORLEANS...beats me what these are ..theres one bulb missing and no paints but i am being told these are marked as "paint your own " <a href="http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x244/ottawaplantcycle/108.jpg" class="">http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x244/ottawaplantcycle/108.jpg</a> 

Offer: baby shopping cart cover. Hunt club/Greenbank pick up.

Clutter Excuse #1: "I might need it one day..." <br> The Non-Consumer Advocate is another group you might find interesting.

Offer - Barrhaven - Black bag with zipper. · Kim Ellerton
OFFER - Barrhaven - Black sack with shoulder handle. 2 main pockets and lots of other storage features. · Kim Ellerton

I have 2 FREE to you tickets for the 1 of a Kind show in Ottawa that's down at the Congress Centre this weekend. I had planned to go but the whole family is down with a cold this weekend. We are in Manor Park and you MUST pick up the tickets!! <a href="http://www.signaturesottawa.ca/" class="">http://www.signaturesottawa.ca/</a>  http://www.signaturesottawa.ca/

i have pink insulation, chelsea has to be bagged

Brown leather couch to give away. It has to be gone asap. Pick up only. By Tuesday would be great since we have a new one coming. It is a large comfy couch but is peeling on two pillows. Great for a cottage or kept covered like we did. Kanata North · Caroline Vladescu

Best Registry Cleaner


The registry is the area where your pc houses the configuration info about your computer and any installed programs so that your operating system c

Storified by · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:01

The registry is the area where your pc houses the configuration info about your computer and any installed programs so that your operating system can work with them.

Managing the registry is a crucial step in keeping your computer healthy. Registry problems can include slow performa

محادثة مع @A_AlAthbah, @fawazbinnaser, @buyaser, @as6nbole, @YanbuMan, @MasKamel و @Haithemzz


Storified by عبدالسلام بن يحيى · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:02

Shop and Travel Safely!


The week leading up to Thanksgiving is when many of us begin our holiday shopping and traveling. In Chicago, consumer, safety, health and government agencies come together to give parents and caregivers the tools they need to keep children safe.

Storified by Kids In Danger · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:03

On Friday, November 15, CPSC and Health Canada recalled the PeaPod Travel Bed.  KID does not recommend it's use for children under one, even with the recall fix.  
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan released her sixth annual Safe Shopping Guide.  
Then Tuesday, Illinois PIRG held their 27th (!) annual release of Trouble in Toyland.  The good news?  It's getting harder to find unsafe toys -- but read the guide to see what we still need to watch out for. KID was at the events in Chicago and Rockford. 
RT @ILAttyGeneral: Madigan @LurieChildrens to warn parents of dangerous toys this holiday season w/@janschakowsky, IL PIRG &@kidsindanger http://pic.twitter.com/OL0czyQR · Kids In Danger
You can check out KID's safe holiday shopping tips -- in English and Spanish. 
Happy and safe shopping and traveling!



We asked the MSNBC family and our viewers what they are thankful for this year. This is what they told us.

Storified by msnbc · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:05

RT: @sharpey31 So pumped my #tweet made it on @dailyrundown #msnbc http://pic.twitter.com/mOYsps4Q <~We appreciate your input. #WhyImThankful · The Daily Rundown
So many reasons #WhyImThankful - here are two! #nieces http://pic.twitter.com/SubMNDaw · Savannah Guthrie
TOO CUTE AUNTIE! RT @jgirl0527: @SavvyAuntie Happy Thxgiving! My good little kitchen helpr! #WhyImThankful #SavvyAuntie http://pic.twitter.com/PyQxAi8m · Melanie Notkin

Medios en Instagram


Ejemplos de medios de comunicación que utilizan la red social Instagram plataforma en la que se alojan imágenes propias y de los usuarios y a las que se puede aplicar efectos fotográficos.

Storified by Xavier Burbano · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:09

La cadena de noticias CNN internacional, en su cuenta de Instagram comparte imágenes que tienen relación con los momentos de actualidad y que son parte de sus reportajes, estas fotos tienen el toque que ofrecen los efectos de la aplicación.
#like #follow #wow #greatfeeds #photooftheday #picoftheday #bestoftheday #instatement #gf_brothas #jj #iphone4 #igdaily #instago #iphone4 #instacool #instagood #instagram #instatement ו · dror
La cadena de deportes ESPN en su cuenta de Instagram publica fotos de los deportes que cubre, de igual manera, interactua con sus seguidores animándolos a compartir imágenes que tengan relación a su cadena televisiva o a los deportes.
Update in #ESPN ..Camacho is brain dead n on Life Support! Looks like da PR Champ isn't gonna make it..sad news! · Dez Prez SR.

Music Photowalk


Storified by · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:20

I'm taking a Music Appreciation class and we always discuss and listen to different genres of music. I've always wanted to ask if people actually enjoy the music we analyze or if they're into something completely different. I went up to a young girl in my class and decided to ask her myself. She said she hates the music we listen to for the class. She's into hip hop and mainstream pop. I also asked her if there is specific song that helps her get through the day. She answered, Beautiful People by Chris Brown. I asked her if I could listen to it and now I could understand how it could help her get through the day. She also mentioned that she has been listening to that song at least everyday for the past month. Not only does the song have a catchy beat, it's lyrics are quite nice too. She tells me the song is a friendly reminder to just live life. 
#photowalk6 · Daniela Campos
"Live your life, live your life, let that love inside. It's your life, it's your life, got to play it right. Your beauty's deep inside, inside you. Don't let 'em bring you down, no. The beauty is inside you. Don't let 'em bring you down, cause you start your life today. Live any thoughts you've dreamed of."

Smoking On Campus


When you walk all around campus you'll come across several "Do Not Smoke" signs. Miami Dade College claims to be a smoke-free campus but is it really? Through this photo walk project we'll see what these signs really mean to people and if our school truly is a smoke-free campus.

Storified by Stacey Hernandez · Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:17:36

#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 http://pic.twitter.com/1XxUpjzR · Stacey Hernandez
There hasn't been a day on campus where students haven't seen other students smoking a cigarette. You can walk around for hours and spot about a dozen people smoking, despite the fact that there are signs in literally every corner that say "Do Not Smoke". Students like to ignore the signs placed on campus.
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 http://pic.twitter.com/bku7eA1c · Stacey Hernandez
As we were walking around campus we came across this one sign that had a box of cigarettes thrown right in front of it. Students don't seem to care about what these signs say. Keeping Miami Dade College a smoke free environment is very important. It's for our safety and well being. Around the campus you'll see students hidden in different spots just so they can smoke a cigarette. 
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 http://pic.twitter.com/GXonUjQU · Stacey Hernandez
As you can see this student is in a smoke-free zone violating the rules MIami Dade College has put in place. Not only is he smoking on campus but is also littering filters on the floor. He has no regard for other students who may be around him. 
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 http://pic.twitter.com/2ABOtxx6 · Anthony Delbueno
Walking around campus and out in the open I see a group of students just talking and having fun but one thing was different from this group of students.They were all smoking cigarettes in the picture we only see one smoking. there is a few packs of cigarettes and lighters on the table.Where were the security guards? At this moment I began to realize that MIami-Dade college was not the smoke-free place we have been lead to believe it is.
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 #cigarette http://pic.twitter.com/SuXdFkk6 · Anthony Delbueno
Seems that the 'Do Not Smoke" signs  didn't really work with this fellow student as he is shown smoking abroad as if he is James Dean in 'Rebel Without a Cause". As i continued my campus walk I began to wonder if some of these smokers do this as a stress reliever or just as a fashion statement.
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 #helpinghand http://pic.twitter.com/V20mamXF · Anthony Delbueno
On the last part of my eventful journey through the beautiful Kendall Campus. I stopped to snap a quick picture of a friend giving another friend a helping hand. Lighting the cigarette for his friend I found this to be such a kind gesture. Although seeing all these people smoking cigarettes its becoming more and more clear that Miami-Dade is not the smoke free place it's made out to be
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #MDCENC1101 #Smoke http://pic.twitter.com/1Sc709Lo · Victoria Reynolds
Switching from class to class, I passed by the group of friends and realized all six of them were smoking. I thought it was interesting to see not just one, but six students sitting in an open area on campus. They were all smoking with no cares to be given about getting caught. After hesitating for a few moments, I walked towards their table and naturally struck up a conversation with the group. They had all finished their first class of they day and met up to have a few cigarettes and lunch before their following classes. After gaining that information, I asked if they found cigarettes to be a stress reliever, surprising all but one student said yes.
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #MDCENC1101 #Chainsmoke http://pic.twitter.com/ldJBMtCz · Victoria Reynolds
This student claims to be a chain smoker and smokes about a pack of cigarettes a day. He likes to enjoy a cigarette in between classes and within every hour on a daily basis. With the "No Smoking" policy on campus, this interrupts his daily nicotine intake. He admitted there is a mood change if  he's held from his one cigarette each hour. For a person to have such an addiction similar to Gavins, it makes it hard for one to concentrate in class and on simple tasks without fulfilling his craving.
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #MDCENC1101 #SecondhandSmoke http://pic.twitter.com/6n9JDiO9 · Victoria Reynolds
When I was walking to my car to leave campus for the day, I overheard a concerned guy lecturing his friend while he was attempting to light his cigarette. I stopped and noticed I knew the smoker and casually got into the conversation. His friend was in the middle of the telling our mutual friend about his uncle that passed away from smoking, he claimed that he cannot stand the smell or intake of a cigarette from another person. Although irritated by the fact he would feel bad for smoking in front of his friend, he decided to wait until he was no longer near his friend to light his cigarette. It was ironic to see that he cared more about his friends opinion than the policy on the campus that he attends and the risk of getting caught.
#kcampuswalk #photowalk #enc1101 http://pic.twitter.com/OqgCb4bd · Alan Perez

Seguimiento Hemerográfico 21 de noviembre de 2012


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