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Lesbian Dating Services Can Open Several Gates For Lesbians


Lesbian dating services may open many gates for lesbians who are searhing for quality singles as these individuals include solutions like online datin

Storified by lesbiandat232 · Sat, May 03 2014 14:53:13

Lesbian dating services may open many gates for lesbians who are searhing for quality singles as these individuals include solutions like online dating, speed dating and not online dating sites. Another reason why lesbians must think of employing a lesbian dating service is thereare run by professional match manufacturers who're excellent at hauling one's problem of looking for a companion. One of the traits of your great lesbian service is the fact that it will have the ability to get one the fit she needs whether within their area or internationally. The latter may become especially achieved if one is true of an online dating services.

Meeting internet and lesbian singles dating is just a fresh technique of levelling your possibilities associated with meeting your potential link. Why then would a lot more folks are performing the identical you should waste so much second seeing someone personally not understanding her to start with? Meeting singles and online dating might be a fresh way of levelling your likelihood of meeting your future friend.

Online dating sites provides benefit and everyone freedom in relation to discovering your lesbian soulmate. You have the opportunity to meet up an array of people, without having to be worried about an awkward social location, or a date that you just wanted could end already. The mobility and easy internet dating is why guides single women are checking out lesbian personals communities to have their true relationship .

Lesbian dating services links wish one to the greatest amount connected with singles dating lesbians than another system. Meeting lesbian singles and online dating services is just a fresh method of levelling your chances regarding meeting your future link. Increasingly more folks are carrying it out why then can you should spend a whole lot celebration seeing somebody privately without knowing her right away? Conference singles and online dating sites can be a new method of levelling your likelihood of meeting your future companion .

Online dating sites could be understood to be a terrific, effective solution to meet up with new people, producing new friends as well as growing new relationships. Communicate with individual lesbians relationship has transformed into the principal and many unbeaten ways of conference "somebody" new today, while nothing compares towards real "Mac Coy" impression of a within the tissue seminar, however, talking together online will actually disclose information regarding yourself which may never be discussed on each situation.

Selecting the most appropriate lesbian dating service will be the next step to getting quick results. Your search situations will probably be lowered if you give attention to niche LGBT dating services. It seems today that individuals do not possess the time for this to display a large number of possible companions from common adult dating sites- lesbian singles .

iHeartRadio Music Awards gala honors star-studded talent


Pharrell download music from soundcloud chrome Williams accepts the Innovator Award onstage during the 2014 iHeartRadio Music Awards held at The Shrin

Storified by trashyjail2508 · Sat, May 03 2014 14:53:20

Conversation with @SabineFutura, @HotLardBucket and @caephyn


Storified by Conversations Curator · Sun, May 04 2014 15:23:44

Brennan doxxes countless trans women, endangering our employment & lives, yet she's upset over this? #GenderWeek http://t.co/EOJn2uwzci · Whore d'oeuvre

What's The Story: Game 7


Storified by 48moh · Sun, May 04 2014 15:24:27

Dead. I am dead. RT @Nigel_D: #WeTheNorth http://t.co/MEQzerbNNy · John.

Conversation with @sarahlicity, @SpannerDaniel and @SteveUncles


Storified by Conversations Curator · Sun, May 04 2014 15:24:27

Pari semi-gagnant pour le cinéma à 4 euros


Un trimestre après la mise en place du tarif spécial jeunes, la fréquentation des salles de cinéma est en nette hausse mais des progrès restent à faire concernant la démocratisation culturelle

Storified by Marjorie013 · Sun, May 04 2014 15:25:13

Apres une année 2013 plutôt décevante avec une baisse de la fréquentation de 5,3 %, les salles obscures semblent avoir retrouvé leur attraction d’antan. Le premier trimestre 2014 a ainsi enregistré une hausse de la fréquentation de +18,6% (source CNC). Une dynamique largement impulsée par la mise en place depuis le 1er janvier du tarif à 4 euros pour les moins de 14 ans initiée par la Fédération nationale des cinémas français (FNCF)

Une réussite auprès des familles qui bénéficie aux films français



« Les effets de ce tarif jeune sont supérieurs à ce que l’on attendait  explique Marc-Olivier Sebbag, délégué de la FNCF car pour  un ticket enfant vendu, c'est un, voire deux tickets à tarif normal achetés par les accompagnateurs»

Un quart des français ayant profité de cette mesure déclare ainsi qu’il ne serait pas allé voir le film avec le même nombre d’enfants si le tarif n’avait pas baissé.

C’est donc sans surprise que les films à caractère familial ont pulvérisé des records en ce début d’année. Supercondriaque, La Belle et la Bête, Les Trois frères: le retour ont tous trois dépassé 1,8 millions d’entrées sans compter le carton du moment Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon Dieu ? qui comptabilise déjà 3 millions d’entrées deux semaines à peine après sa sortie. Là on l’on est en droit d’être surpris, c’est que les choix se sont portés sur des films familiaux français. Leur part de marché a ainsi augmenté de 6 points par rapport à l’année dernière sur la même période devançant ainsi la part de marché des films américains. Ceux qui enterraient déjà  la compétitivité des films français doivent actuellement se faire discrets.

Autre effet positif, cette mesure permet aux films d’animation-autre style plébiscité par les jeunes et leur famille -de se refaire une santé. Souvent malmenés ou écrasés par les studios américains, le début d’année leur a réservé  de jolies surprises. On notera ainsi la réussite de Minuscule (1,2 millions d’entrées), plus gros succès d’un film d’animation français depuis Arthur et les Minimoys 


Un dispositif encore méconnu


En créant ce tarif , les objectifs de la FNCF étaient doubles: relancer la fréquentation mais aussi démocratiser l’accès à la culture.

Si le premier but semble atteint avec en prime des retombées pour les films français, la démocratisation quant à elle, doit encore faire du chemin.

Une enquête Médiamétrie montre en effet que plus de la moitié des français  (56 %) ignore la mise en place de ce tarif malgré une  large campagne télévisuelle. Les mieux informés sont les franciliens et les CSP+ autrement dit le public qui fréquente déjà les cinémas régulièrement . Or, ils ne représentent qu’un cinquième de la population française.

A l’avenir, une meilleure communication semble nécessaire pour toucher les catégories les plus modestes et les moins urbanisées pour lesquelles le cinéma demeure encore une sortie « exceptionnelle » . Le faible tarif pourrait vite devenir une formidable ouverture culturelle en encourageant ainsi les jeunes à voir des comédies familiales mais aussi d’autres genre plus pointus. Forte de son succès, l’initiative est d’ores et déja reconduite. Qui sait, les futurs génies du cinéma français seront peut être le produit de cette mesure?


Source : Mediametrie enquetes janvier/avril2013


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קרובים לליבי


יום עצוב לכל עם ישראל, יהיה זכרם ברוך של כל החיילים שלנו ונפגעי האיבה

Storified by ורד מוסקו · Sun, May 04 2014 15:25:30

וואו, יום הזיכרון... לעומת יום השואה הרבה יותר קל להתחבר ליום הזיכרון כי באיזה שהוא מקום זה הרבה יותר קרוב אלינו וכולנו היינושם אז יש חיבור הרבה יותר משמעותי וגדול. אני אישית מוצאת את עצמי נרתעת מלראות סרטים ותוכניות על השואה בגלל הזוועות שהיו שם והקושי בלשמוע את הסיפורים הנוראיים אבל בשידורים של יום הזיכרון קשה להוציא אותי מהמשך, כמו שאתם רואים השעה 1 בלילה ואני עדיין פה צופה בתוכניות על חיילים אמיצים שנפלו בשביל לשמור עלינו.

כל כך הרבה ילדים צעירים שלא הספיקו לטעום מהחיים וכבר הלכו במלחמות ובהיתקלויות עם האויבים שלנו, הנחמה היחידה מבחינתי היא שלא שוכחים אותם ותמיד זוכרים את הדברים היפים והטובים שהם עשו עד גילם הצעיר. לא שמעתי על חייל שנהרג ואמרו עליו שהוא היה בן אדם לא טוב, כאילו כל הטובים מבנינו נלקחו ולא סתם.

סיפרתי קצת לילדים שלי על היום הזה כי חשוב לי שיבינו את המשמעות ויתחברו ליום הזה בצורה הטובה ביותר והחיובית כי זה המשמעות והחשיבות של היום הזה, לזכור וללמוד מאותם חללים על חיים מלאי הקרבה, מוטיבציה ואהבת המולדת..
יהיה זכרם ברוך

Finding #Community in #Academia


I served as the Lead Volunteer for the 2014 Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Conference. I'm pretty sure this was the best decision I've made in three years of doctoral training. Here is my reflection. (I hope to storify the broader conference but I want to chunk it up, so stay tuned.)

Storified by They call me AMJ · Sun, May 04 2014 15:25:31

Never heard of Community-Campus Partnerships for Health? Check them out! The short version: they support & promote the pursuit of social justice by way of partnerships between academic institutions and community organizations (y'know, entities that are often at odds with each other).Here's some info on the 0 4 conference (note: that page will change as time passes).
[Insert rant about how I had always suspected these folks existed, knew for sure that somebody was around, somewhere but didn't know how to connect.]
Also, I did chat with CCPH about this already, so stay tuned! Of course, more input is needed, so if you're interested in helping, join CCPH & please contact me.

Probation-Casandra Ponton


Probation is an important thing throughout the world. Probation gives offenders the opportunity to change themselves for the better and give them a second chance to turn their lives around and become better civilians.

Storified by Cassie1 · Sun, May 04 2014 15:25:33

Probation works, according to Carver County, only 13% of probation discharges in 2010, were unsuccessful. 15% of probationers violated probation and 16% offenders reoffended during probation period (www.co.carvercounty.com). Those numbers are so low, at most, 16% of offenders reoffended which is low considering 84% became better citizens.
Probation - It Works! · ukprobationservice
Probation is a suspension of a jail sentence, and lets the offender stay in the community instead of go to jail, but there are conditions the must abide by (Probation FAQ). Probation is available to people who don't commit serious crimes and are typically first time offenders.

Bieber buddy Lil Za gets probation for drug, vandalism charges

Probation is better than jail, even though there is more involved in the process, people tend to chose probation over jail. Everyone's probation is different but there are conditions that all people have to follow while on probation. People on probation have to have good behavior, curfews, rules and regulations, different programs, stay off drugs and alcohol, a specific residents, and remain under supervision, and sometimes blood tests and license suspension (Probation Orders). But to some people, its better than jail.
Depending on the crime committed, some people have to serve some jail time, but get let off early with probation (www.Nyshumane.org). Either probation can be a longer time on probation or the criminal can serve probation and jail time and the time on both, will be shorter than just having probation (www.nyshumane.org).
While on probation, you cant even leave the state without permission. In most cases, you wont get the "okay" to leave because you need to be under supervision and if you leave the country, you may not come back.
Being a probation officer is hard and can be stressful. They need to supervise everyone that's in probation and make sure they are meeting requirements and being successful (US probation Dept).
Walk in my Shoes - Probation/Parole Officer Allison Stahl · ncpublicsafety
A lot of people can be successful on probation, but it requires work from the workers and the person on probation. The workers have to be dedicated and want to do their job to make sure people are changing and being successful. The probationers need to work with the workers to come out on top.
When someone on probation violates the terms of the probation, the probation officer has total discretion over what type of punishment you will get (www.probationviolation.org). The probation officer can also give the choice of punishment over to the judge, where the judge will make the decision of what will be done; you will either get more probation terms to follow, or get a longer probation sentence, or even get your probation sentence revoked and go to jail (www.probationviolation.org).
Some people go to jail over little things and some people don't go to jail over big things, depending on the state and your prior convictions. All states have different laws and regulations. your prior convictions play a role in  your sentence also, if you have a lot of other convictions, then you may go to jail over the littlest conviction you have.
"Lets build bridges, not walls" means lets help people overcome the bad things in their lives and help them become successful people instead of throw them in jail and fill the jails with more criminals when its not necessary too.  



Storified by uberfeminist · Sun, May 04 2014 15:25:52

Abuso de Ancianos


Se le conoce como un acto único o repetido que causa daño o sufrimiento a una persona de edad avanzada. Se puede manifestar de diferentes formas, como el maltrato físico,emocional , sexual y abuso de confianza (dinero).

Storified by Nico✨ · Sun, May 04 2014 15:26:07

En este mensaje que postiaron en twiteer nos manda un mensaje de que todas las personas son iguales . No importa de que edad eres ni nada por el estilo .Todo el mundo tiene el mismo derecho de estar libre y ser feliz con sus vidas.  
Por favor creen conciencia con este abuso de los ancianos . Por que es igual de importante que los otros abusos. Ya que mucho de los ancianos que pasan por esta situacion no tienen a nadie ya que algunas veces el que ocasiona este abuso son sus propios familiares o personas cercanas a ellos.
No debemos permitir que los ancianos la pasen sufriendo , pasando la mal , ni pasando malos ratos.
Los ancianos la deben de tener una buena vida, tanto como emocional y fisica  . Elllos tiene que estar compartiendo con su familiares y amigos.Y no pasando la super mal debido al abuso de los ancianos.  
Pareja de ancianos que han estado felizmente casado por 65 años, de la aldea rusa Khalilov, Rusia, http://t.co/hAFFEWcbk3 · Paisajes Geograficos
Asi que , los familiares deben estar mas pendiente a sus madre o abuelos . Ya que al fin al cabo vamos a llegar igual a ser ancianos en algun momento.Y Dios no lo quiero podriamos llegar a la posicion que alguno de los ancianos estan pasando . Por esa razon siempre hay que tartar bien a los ancianos y no aprovecharnos de ellos por su posicion .Por que son personas y tambien tiene derechos de ser felices.



Check out social media around the “Charles James: Beyond Fashion” exhibition and the Met Gala. Share your experience at the “Charles James” exhibition using the #CharlesJames hashtag.

Storified by The Metropolitan Museum of Art · Mon, May 05 2014 15:21:23

#AnnaWintour in @Chanel on the #MetGala red carpet, celebrating The Costume Institute's new Anna Wintour Costume Center and the "#CharlesJames: Beyond Fashion" exhibition. · metmuseum
SJP in Oscar #metgala http://t.co/HFCrkcGDD8 · HuffPostStyle
Sara Jessica Parker #MetGala http://t.co/RkGaXz4tjQ · Merary Navarro
#MetGala Co-Chair @AERIN Lauder in Oscar de la Renta. http://t.co/NWIxGrvbNf · metmuseum
Just arrived on the #MetGala red carpet, @beeshaffer and #annawintour looking stunning. #CharlesJames · metmuseum
.@voguemagazine's Anna Wintour on the #MetGala red carpet. #CharlesJames http://t.co/qQiK3b82A7 · metmuseum
Bee Shaffer stuns outside of @themarkhotelny on her way to the #metgala. cc: @voguemagazine @metmuseum. http://t.co/JykWrD0WOa · Nadine Johnson Inc.
First Look: Anna Wintour leaving @themarkhotelny for the #MetGala. Cc: @voguemagazine @metmuseum. http://t.co/jEN0oac2gr · Nadine Johnson Inc.
Very excited to be going to the Met Ball :) http://t.co/lXWdK1UyjG · Katie Holmes
Who will don glamorous, timeless couture at tonight’s #CharlesJames #MetGala? Follow along for live updates! http://t.co/NcqRvmzdRw · metmuseum
The crew is putting the final touches on the red · Facebook
The crew is putting the final touches on the red carpet for tonight’s #MetGala celebrating #CharlesJames! http://t.co/rDWkclCibR · metmuseum
Getting ready for the #MetGala with @COVERGIRL! I’m thinking a red lip is a must. Agree? http://t.co/DTEofOLCuX · Janelle Monae
Walking over the @SJP's house to pick her up for the #MetGala - lucky date! http://t.co/jnSFxG6G4U · Andy Cohen
Can't you tell how excited I am - @kendalljenner #kendallsmetball · thelovemagazine
On my way to #metgala where I'm hosting the red carpet for #ETNow #charlesjames #whitetie #selfie · nigelbarker
okay guys! #MetGala hair is done! next up dress + on my way. #classic #CharlesJames @voguemagazine http://t.co/rUnSKxMcDq · keltieknight

Living The Workhouse Diet


Norfolk Museums Interpretation Officer Rachel Duffield undertakes three weeks of practice-based research into 100 years of workhouse history by eating only the food inmates were served. Can she do it?

Storified by WorkhouseDiet · Mon, May 05 2014 15:21:29

To kick off, this video from EDP24 shows me trying gruel made by top Norfolk chef Richard Hughes. It gives a flavour of the practice-based research I've been doing!
Workhouse Diet at Gressenhall Museum · DGCBB3jVjesxiEEkOwnwaA
As a museum interpreter, I don't dress up and pretend to be People From The Olden Days for my own peculiar whim. Let me be clear; historical interpretation is very different from re-enactment. I certainly dress up as People From The Olden Days, but, as an interpreter, the costume is not the essential component- the audience is. Unlike re-enactors, who remain in the bubble of their chosen era, in 'kit', with or without onlookers, as an Interpreter I rebound perpetually betwixt past and present in an attempt to get the audience to understand the historical facts in their human context. Costume can both help and hinder. Interpretation's purpose is to strike a balance between making history accessible, and being factual and respectful about the lives of the people in question.

It's a tricky question for all museums and heritage sites. We need money to stay open in order to do serious, academic study, and curate and preserve objects and records for future generations. But we don't have money unless we can draw in the crowds. And crowds tend to want entertaining... 

If you like things to be academic, I'm hoping to 'curate' a few different thoughts on this tricky debate, from the four horsemen of the Social Meedja apocalypse: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, and using my own research project, 'Living the Workhouse Diet' as an example of academic/entertainment fence-sitting. 

If you're not so bothered about having labels to make you feel intelligent, here are a few bits, pieces and opinions about workhouses, collected on Storify.
http://t.co/yQENPlz350 #4: The Workhouse Encyclopedia The Workhouse EncyclopediaPeter Higginbotham (Author)(17... http://t.co/7R3yuAGOUQ · Shakira
Living the Workhouse Diet 3: GRUEL! · r6BgeW7S6A2wCQ2LrvI6tw
School visits to Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse: Key Stage 2 Victorians · norfolkcountycouncil
Wellington Workhouse Project · appletreetheatreco
#9: Call the Midwife: Shadows of the Workhouse Call the Midwife: Shadows of the Workhou... http://t.co/dsjla0Ic8U http://t.co/sgQM9QZZcv · Daniela
Gressenhall, Norfolk · ian-pegg
mattie may thomas - workhouse blues · firirinabe

Weirdest Hits Ever


Nominees for the strangest hit songs, crowd-sourced from Twitter - with music videos of the nominees!

Storified by Grant Wiggins · Mon, May 05 2014 15:21:37

One Night in Bangkok - Murray Head (HQ Audio) · luiscmck8os2
The Vapors - Turning Japanese (1980) (HD) · madfranko008
Falco - Rock Me Amadeus · falcovevo
Devo - Whip It (Video) · devovision
Devo - [I Can't Get No] Satisfaction (Video) · devovision
The B-52's - "Love Shack" (Official Music Video) · rhinoentertainment
MMM MMM MMM MMM - CRASH TEST DUMMIES - (1993) · mrlarson40
Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight · wangchungvevo
Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance(long version) · mahazero
Mr. Roboto- Styx · gameuser90

Rental Guru.CA-New housing website in Canada

CU-Boulder 2014 Spring Commencement


Celebrating the University of Colorado Boulder class of 2014! Spring Commencement is on May 9, 2014. Be part of the story and use the hashtag #ForeverBuffs.

Storified by CU-Boulder · Mon, May 05 2014 15:22:28

Tomorrow is Lavender Graduation! 5-7PM in the ... · Facebook
Graduation is here! If your student is ... · Facebook
Best 4 years of my life #cuboulder #seniors #2014 #foreverbuffs #graduation #bestfriends · dmarie92
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. I am so proud of all these ladies and cannot wait to see what the future holds for everyone. Love you all to the moon and back ❤️ #graduation #classof2014 #bestfriends #flatirons #boulder #colorado #foreverbuffs · Katie Mallett
Graduation cap! #graduation #cap #creativewriter #college #cuboulder · Annalese ✒
Not real life. #collegeisover #graduating @ University of Colorado at Boulder College of Music http://t.co/asSPdOrquY · allie
This is really happening. T-minus 5 days. #cuboulder #foreverbuffs #graduation #flattys #thanksmomanddad · dmarie92
We are graduating! #graduation #commencement #cuboulder #foreverbuffs #wemadeit #blackandgold @ Hale… http://t.co/gV1KsL072U · Ashley Latimer
So, I got to take pictures with this pretty lady today. #youshouldbejealous #girlfriends #graduating #cuboulder #cu #weareready · Ashley Latimer
1 week until graduation, grad cap decorated. #graduation #2014 #cuboulder #gradcap · brookegoodspeed
Official graduates in 1 week! Wouldn't have been anywhere near as amazing without these wonderful ladies #love #bestfriends #ladyg #foreverbuffs #CU #ralphie #graduation · Rachel Fitzpatrick
Last day of college classes at CU pic take 2. (Wanted to use the one with my roommate instead) @boy_comma_baby #Bye #foreverbuffs · Dariusgold
The beautiful blanket given to me for my keynote at the CU Boulder Native grad :) http://t.co/FnDv6bndfS · Tanaya Winder
#ForeverBuffs and #ForeverCUDT · CU Dance Team
#grad #graduating #cu #cuboulder #boulder #foreverbuffs #college #colorado #me #selfie #letmetakeaselfie · P'Fizzle Ma Nizzie
Oh we in dis #foreverbuffs #buffs #cu #cuboulder #graduation #seniors #surreal #soexcited #boulder #colorado #ralphie #classof2014 · alexxakayy

IBM Impact Rocks! 2014


Special concert featuring Imagine Dragons at the Venetian Resort Sands Expo in Las Vegas April 29th 2014

Storified by Ryan Boyles · Mon, May 05 2014 15:22:28

IBM #bluemix and @cloudant #selfie a perfect marriage. #IBMimpact http://t.co/0AI3XYHbtq · Adam Gunther
@csantanapr: . @mwieck meets Carlos Santana @ Las Vegas best Tech conference ! #IBMImpact #selfie /cc @LisaSeacat http://t.co/omceisfLHQ · Carlos Santana
Impact Rocks!! #IBMimpact #selfie@Grady_Booch http://t.co/17lZ1Mg8Mk · Jan Booch
Imagine Dragons @IBMImpact @IBMPowerSystems http://t.co/CQvKW0gRML · Natalie_M

Ukrayna'da Faşizm ve Direniş (@yanandilekler'den)


Ukrayna'da Faşist Sağ Sektör'e ve artan tecavüze karşı silahlı direnişe geçen kadınların öyküsü. Bu ülkede devrimcilerin varlığı böyle alçaklıkların karşısındaki en güçlü sigortalardan biri, bu da unutulmasın..

Storified by Barış Yıldırım · Mon, May 05 2014 15:22:41

Metinler ve resimler Gezideki Dilek Ağacı'nın taymalynından derlenmiştir.
#Ukrayna'da darbeci Sağ Sektör iktidarına karşı bir halk milisi. Çiçekli fistanına laf söyleyen Yıldıray gibi olsun. http://t.co/ONbeyeNrN6 · Gezideki Dilek Ağacı
Bu da aynı milisin başka bir fotoğrafı. http://t.co/7Zlv4zRjEx · Gezideki Dilek Ağacı
Bu genç kadının eline niye silah aldığını merak edenler, 3 gün önce sendika binasında yakılan halkı görmeli #Ukrayna http://t.co/RQ3AulhD0x · Gezideki Dilek Ağacı
Bu da #Ukrayna faşistlerinin olayı üstlenen ve Kentucky Fried Chicken logosuyla katliamla övündükleri afişler http://t.co/N04EXhOt01 · Gezideki Dilek Ağacı
Bunlar da sendika binasını yakan molotofları hazırlayan faşist Sağ Sektör taraftarları. #Ukrayna http://t.co/Xu74wZU7V3 · Gezideki Dilek Ağacı

Best of Food & Beverage Packaging Conference Recap


The Best of Food and Beverage Packaging is an event like no other in packaging. Packaging Strategies and Industry Intelligence, Inc. worked together on creating this event in Minneapolis (from April 29 to May 1, 2014). #BFBP

Storified by Jeremie Bohbot · Mon, May 05 2014 15:22:43

The Best of Food and Beverage Packaging is an event like no other in packaging: It combines the most relevant technologies and trends in the food and beverage packaging segments with the vision needed to successfully sell to consumers in this ever-shifting market landscape. #BFBP. If you've missed this event, here is an opportunity to catch up on some of the discussions we had on social media. It's the first time I do it so bear with me! You can find more information about the program here: http://www.bestfbpackaging.com/

Packaging Innovation and Collaboration now and in the future with Wynn Wiksell from General Mills
Wynn Wiksell from General Mills showed us the best video that got the whole packaging industry to think about open innovations in a different way
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong · tedtalksdirector

 Disruptive packaging – what it is and why it's important in today's market with Chris Cornyn
MT @cornyn: Speaking at #BFBP on disruptive food packaging today. Get ready. #foodinnovation http://t.co/GyJ9rpmRON · Packaging Strategies
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