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Storified by Enrico Serra · Wed, Sep 25 2013 06:37:04

Fashion blogger alert! Condividete le vostre foto sulla pagina FB di Coca-cola light con i vostri fan! You are sooo cute! Have fun! <a href="https://www.facebook.com/cocacolalight/app_532628420153461" class="">https://www.facebook.com/cocacolalight/app_532628420153461</a>

Le fashion blogger interpretano gli anni 80. Quale preferite? Fashion blogger: Mandateci una vostra foto qui decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com ·
Gli anni 80, punk e graffittari di Sara di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmyflair-myflair.blogspot.it%2F&h=6AQFk518S&enc=AZPbZDPv24KXjzsdfXY_V_uunWWfsa6HmgvqMPZieSN2e6p2LH-0SUXaz5zrJe13opia1m9HKtq_pb5dRWw8-ykqTH2xslZH-41YW0bYYOpWjmVKgavQzEMPr_6BoVNUnX82dqOtdePYoSqg39pR1zKq&s=1" class="">http://myflair-myflair.blogspot.it/</a>. Siete più 80 o 90? o solamente contemporanee? Fatecelo vedere con una foto. Mandatela qui...decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com. Potete diventare Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs Decade Girl... ·
I simply adore this pic. Lucia Giusti blogger di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.legallychic.org&h=FAQEhLNA_&enc=AZMmR-MqhmWhPsYcQs5H7opAIbUaPaeWlsOAli6GiztG0YsBIanS5hcQUMYmyYGMntBCR1IVN1h5mCudkq3bA5bE32R1JTcb9rEjQviDG4XoT-amRGLM54G6i61FQ5rz8Ns9YWBTc3tdBfhwz9i4SNSL&s=1" class="">www.legallychic.org</a> sfoggia un look anni 80. Una delle decadi delle lattine Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs. Ok, volete partecipare e siete blogger? Mandate una vostra foto anni 80, 90 o 2000 qui decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com ·
Elisa Bersani, alias <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegummysweet.com%2F&h=mAQG551mX&enc=AZM-G_2GYTLhwp0l8gsVaLXa-qyDV1sbHQNOz27DpR066sXDYX6MRRq205hZIfkFR2XIshOBe8uuAqoCvyHUWrSs0mGbfK-SsCKdpmCBSGJafFa1eK1N3YlLHOCSx3Y7UrgFpNRsaV5qk_vbQnbGdPLt&s=1" class="">http://www.thegummysweet.com/</a>, con un outfit ispirato agli anni 90, quelli di Beverly Hills 90210. Siete blogger? Mandate un vostro look anni 80, 90, 2000 alla mail decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com. Potete diventare Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs Decade Girl... ·
Elena Schillaci di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.modeinitaly.net&h=SAQGn8Z23&enc=AZOXlqwm8Qy0oXdVJaUviPlGFm8eTdK44NAYa2mL59VcrehSstgQDIyear4MDy6RtwlhwRBXD0aZsbaWltdEuRTq-ajGHLPA9YcmaRJUY31YL0kfRVAi8jJpiHrQwSI125aBbl-e3U8eDBS_bQILh7DA&s=1" class="">www.modeinitaly.net</a> con un look Grunge anni 90. Tante le sfumature possibili nell'interpretare le tre decadi delle Coca-cola light by Marc Jabocs. Qual è la vostra preferita? 80, 90 o 2000? Bloggers mandate una vostro foto a decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com ·
Bimbi Distefano di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dotgirl.it&h=SAQGn8Z23&enc=AZMYtY_hDwYy91T4fnHIs-oVRy5LF3sLuNdVkbH2loatGITnTxTP1ckn86c4WP-WFNLyXN3EudcdPKZFGoS3iHTLY0kaHKodCnjiy_bJ5OagQEF_psGRWhw88w7cAeEAzmZFK_c8RV1nLdmCOig-2wEz&s=1" class="">www.dotgirl.it</a> indossa un outfit ispirato agli anni 80. Sarà lei la Decade Girl? Fashion blogger la sfida è ancora aperta. Mandate una foto con un look anni 80/90/2000 a questa mail decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com... ·
Fiammetta Fiorito del blog <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmoda-e-tendenze-fashionblog.blogspot.it%2F&h=fAQG2WTBa&enc=AZNFEJuL1rrsHsJNxBo6P8vkT7XV0nuLbVDWHQ3y0hMw_FR1rOU1ieurSjvAXqC4PLdnYqB05v2KTol1PK23YPdRhk7H_3ZPbAi0aXg_GgFG_4Ihf8PgAvB7U-WWU94mXojJ17LAIyQWjTY67myDeYCM&s=1" class="">http://moda-e-tendenze-fashionblog.blogspot.it/</a> sfoggia un look anni 80. E si candida a Decade Girl Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs. Siete fashion blogger e volete partecipare? Mandate una vostra foto con un look anni 80/90 o 2000 a questa mail decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com ·
Annalisa di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moustachic.com&h=OAQHgkLq-&enc=AZNlQGaiZRaaM7qS3UPZmQSf_Wvap9sKowsADD4kocnydTs4x94lgBSqdwyZaOwNQwOYuG2C78BCr26ytomE0cychFTiQTVcrfyjISORQXXk2Iqn2VHcAz55qPMxrDuDyJqhKA3CA1z_n0hNvOjYM210&s=1" class="">www.moustachic.com</a> in un outfit anni 90, versione minimal. Siete fashion blogger e volete partecipare? Mandate una vostra foto con un look anni 80/90 o 2000 a questa mail decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com potreste diventare Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs Decade Girl ·
Martina Mercedes Corradetti di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thefashioncoffee.com&h=ZAQFNqsoI&enc=AZOnlvfCM8zUbKnJWrraqnffraZ4taZnUZ0ymtwulHd1YmeoMjdfcHBE3LtRr28QpL1yYJXDVsHUeJX9iQfuH8RhvhFEl3h-2tR2PKoaaQ7wggWUo8jAxpFjbLkhx58JXwv_Kbhe0BcB4ygT1niuXqKG&s=1" class="">www.thefashioncoffee.com</a> con un outfit anni 90. Fashion blogger volete partecipare al contest COCA-COLA LIGHT BY MARC JACOBS? Mandate una vostra foto con un look anni 80/90 o 2000 a questa mail decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com ·
Iris Tinunin di <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stylosophique.com&h=6AQFk518S&enc=AZNFCEH1L-7lz5z6ZDRezcqIAPrzBYCZ1PRnktRo2BJ4VdKXgMHXmvSFhgCDmfoHd9kNhtfX5wVyxZZ_7v3ocGhTB6qLbdZZ8YNVZ4MQ7aia5Arzu2Lt5xheRg4VRJldHQ86A6DLR8rCxjeUQbasFPgB&s=1" class="">www.stylosophique.com</a> con un look anni 90. Potrebbe essere lei la Decade Girl di Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs. Molto...If you wanna be my lover!!! Volete partecipare anche voi fashion blogger in ascolto? Mandate una vostra foto con un look anni 80/90 o 200 qui decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com ·

Fashion blogger alert! Condividete le vostre foto sulla pagina FB di Coca-cola light con i vostri fan! You are sooo cute! Have fun! <a href="https://www.facebook.com/cocacolalight/app_532628420153461" class="">https://www.facebook.com/cocacolalight/app_532628420153461</a>

Ok, io il vestito ce l'ho. Anni '90. Costume National. Ci vediamo al party Coca-cola Light by Marc Jacobs my lovely bloggers...manca qualcuna all'appello? Mandate una foto con un look della vostra decade preferita qui decadegirlcocacolalight@i-side.com SEEUSATURDAY! ·
80's girl! ·

#MarymountHC Photo Challenge


This September get inspired as we lead up to Homecoming and Reunion! Post a photo related to each day's prompt on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #MarymountHC and we will compile your photos here! You can find the daily prompts here: ....... and daily on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Storified by Marymount University Alumni Association · Wed, Sep 25 2013 06:37:08

#MarymluntHC In the Express a few months ago. · Claudia Hosky
here you go · Denyse Debels Peterson
Since I'm inside pretty much all day ... #photochallenge #MarymountHC #Day24 #MarymountAd. Did the best I could. Although I have these with me everyday!!! #Saints #SaintsPride #OnceASaintAlwaysASaint @marymountu @marymountalumni · Kritishma Kay Shrestha
#marymounthc Spotted this ad (hanging on my office wall) this morning! · Matt Dunham
#marymounthc At the base of the only National Rain Forest in the United States, El Yunque, P.R., is this forever-closed restaurant. It's not a true ad Marymount University, but whenever I see it I think of MU. · gksquire9
Marymount ad spotting on the Washington Post Online-Edition! #MarymountHC · Marymount Center for Career Services
#MarymountHC Photo Challenge Prompt: "Marymount ad spotting" Have you seen a Marymount, sign, bumper sticker, news article, o something else talking about Marymount? Share a picture of it with us today! · Marymount University Alumni Association
I dream about going home for the holidays #MarymountHC http://twitter.com/ladnerdude/status/382328802698731522/photo/1 · ladnerdude
#MarymountHC My dreams are of designing for Cirque du Soleil. Always. · Claudia Hosky
Especially as the weather gets colder, I'm dreaming of · Denyse Debels Peterson
The DREAM our office strives to support all Marymount students and alumni in achieving... #MarymountHC · Marymount Center for Career Services
This @muxctri coach'swife is dreaming of National Championships in multiple sports. @marymountsaints @marymountalumni #marymounthc · terracastro
What are you dreaming about? Share a photo with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to enter the #MarymountHC Photo Challenge! · Marymount University Alumni Association
A sign of #fall #marymounthc @ Marymount University instagram.com/p/elRIuMJAyx/ · Bob Brown
Falling in love on the first day of fall... #MarymountHC · Marymount Center for Career Services
Fall #MarymountHC · Vicky Cuadra
probably the last hibiscus of the year · Denyse Debels Peterson

Twitter Scavenger Hunt: JRL 493Q


Mike & Eva's Scavenger Hunt for our WVU Blogging class.

Storified by martinwvu7 · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:34:24

1) Jason came from Potomac State before coming to WVU. He was very excited to wear his Mountaineer gear on campus.
1) Jason: "I'm a transfer student so I was excited to show my mountaineer pride." #WVUBlogJ #JRLWEB http://twitter.com/MartinWVU7/status/382541964509339648/photo/1 · Mike Martin
2) Becca does NOT like Chic-fil-a. She had Sbarro as a last resort because it was the best thing to eat in the Mountainlair.
2) Becca likes Sbarro "because it tastes better than Chic-fil-a." #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/evabuchman/status/382530043894706177/photo/1 · Eva Buchman
3. Thanks professor Jack Watson. He was a great interview about Social Media. Thanks for being our "Professor on the street.
3)"social media has been dramatic, if you look at the Arab Summers." Jack Watson, CPASS. #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/evabuchman/status/382534740886040577/photo/1 · Eva Buchman
4) Our student on the street Mahlia was very excited to interview with us. Her friend "made" her do it because he didn't want to.
4)Maliha uses twitter for news. "I have a CNN app I use." Senior, Econ #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/evabuchman/status/382545089169334273/photo/1 · Eva Buchman
5) Researcher Librarian Beth Jane Toren was very knowledgeable about WVU's research program... She believes a lot of goals will be met by 2020.
5)"WVU wants to have a solar cabin built by 2029." Beth Jane Toren, librarian. #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/evabuchman/status/382540771699589120/photo/1 · Eva Buchman
6) What a beautiful location by Ming Hsieh overlooking Woodburn!
6) scenic spot. @MartinWVU7 and I love this view overlooking Woodburn Hall! #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/evabuchman/status/382537222894784513/photo/1 · Eva Buchman
7) Go check out Gretle the Therapy dog!
7) Little Known Fact: The Carruth Center has a therapy dog named Gretle! #WVUblogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/MartinWVU7/status/382537893471723521/photo/1 · Mike Martin
8) Dylan had a good time posing for everyone!
8) Dylan Tucker on the WVU/Pitt Rivalry "We played Pitt for almost 100 years" #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/MartinWVU7/status/382532237968678912/photo/1 · Mike Martin
@MartinWVU7 loves Woodburn Hall in the WVU campus! #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/evabuchman/status/382535713108942848/photo/1 · Eva Buchman
9) @evabuchman in her favorite spot on campus. Under the tree next to Chitwood Hall. #WVUBlogJ #JRLWeb http://twitter.com/MartinWVU7/status/382535415552430080/photo/1 · Mike Martin

Origins 2013


CERN, Unesco, ESA, ESO e INAF insieme per un evento che si snoderà attraverso tre città del Vecchio Continenti, Ginevra, sede del CERN, Parigi, sede dell’Unesco e dell’ESA e Bologna, scelta dall’INAF per rappresentare le ricerche sull’origine dell’universo.

Storified by scienza in rete · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:34:33

Radiation painting http://twitter.com/Origins2013/status/382500680637747202/photo/1 · Origins2013
Are you ready for the speed-dating? origins2013.eu/forms/it_list_… http://twitter.com/Origins2013/status/382501557595418624/photo/1 · Origins2013
Origins 2013: Benjamin Wandelt · origins2013
Origins 2013: Lloyd Knox · origins2013
Origins 2013: Licia Verde · origins2013
Origins 2013: Gian Giudice · origins2013

HISD Wins 2013 Broad Prize


See the reaction to the Houston Independent School District winning the 2013 Broad Prize. The Broad Foundation will donate $550,000 worth of scholarships to our graduating seniors.

Storified by HoustonISD · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:34:41

Esoteric Wisdom

Top Chef New Orleans Premiere: Your Pictures and Tweets


Chefs Emeril Lagasse, Hugh Acheson and John Besh attended a Wednesday (Sept. 25) premiere event for “Top Chef: New Orleans,” debuting at 9 p.m. Oct. 2 on Bravo. The event was hosted by the New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corp. and held at the Civic Theater. Check out the action! http://ow.ly/pf4dJ

Storified by NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:35:11

NOTMC CEO (& voice of the New Orleans Saints) Mark Romig, @hughacheson & @chefemeril at the premiere of @BravoTV #TopChef. Watch what happens next Wednesday October 2 at 9 PM! · visitneworleans
With my buddy @chefjohnbesh at the #topchef premiere party! #EmerilsNola #nola · Emeril J. Lagasse III
Welcome to New Orleans! BBQ shrimp #emerilsnola #topchef @bravotopchef · Emeril J. Lagasse III
Tonight we're getting a sneak peak of @BravoTV #TopChef! Thrilled to have @chefjohnbesh and cheftestants Justin Devillier & Michael Sichel here at the preview! Watch the premiere next Wednesday October 2 at 9 PM Central! · visitneworleans
At @bravotopchef premier party in Nola @chefjohnbesh @chefemeril · alonshaya
Nice event tonight to preview #TopChef Nola. Glad to see @HughAcheson there. http://twitter.com/chefnicklama/status/383051493701468160/photo/1 · Nick Lama
@ndrewmarin @chefnicklama http://twitter.com/chefsuez/status/383030293214814209/photo/1 · Sue Zemanick
Top Chefs at #topchef @alonshaya · Emeril's Restaurant
@miadevillier @JustinDevillier @LaPetiteGrocery great to see all 3 of you last night!! http://twitter.com/chefsuez/status/383213365100699650/photo/1 · Sue Zemanick
Our BBQ Shrimp at Top Chef Premier! #emerilsnola #topchef · Emeril's Restaurant
Top Chef NOLA tonight! · Chef John Besh
#TopChef #NOLA #followyournola so excited for the season to start next week!! #EmerilsNOLA · Camille Breland
#followyournola #redcarpetready · morgan
Fun night at the @BravoTV Top Chef preview party. Here's when I asked @tpulsinelli when he's going to start posting more to Instagram. · Susan Whelan
Top Chef Premiere Party! #bravo #topchef #nola #lacocinita · La Cocinita Food Truck
He's OUR Top Chef! · La Cocinita Food Truck



Potatoe, Potahto, Tomatoe, Tomahto...Don't allow Twitter to make you call the whole thing off!

Storified by WhiskeyWineMoonshine · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:35:14

Yesterday, Twitter was all abuzz.  The ladies over at Whiskey, Wine and Moonshine were so confused!
So we decided to see what this #300sammiches hubub was all about.
SoJo perused her tweets and saw everyone talking about bread, lettuce, mayonnaise, rings, Ike, Tina, Ephesians, etc.  Her only response was that this Eric was nothing like the Eric from True Blood.  Now THAT'S a man to make #300sammiches for.
Something new! nym.ag/1eJND44 http://twitter.com/Mischa727/status/383232804860882945/photo/1 · Mischa Victor
This Eric, tho?  Meh.
Want a ring? Make your man 300 sandwiches!! independent.co.uk/voices/iv-drip… http://twitter.com/Saljamed/status/383220436596555776/photo/1 · Sarah Aljamed
Still, no need to get violent over a simple grilled cheese request...
RT @JustinnLamar: Look @ this beautiful black queen hitting the kitchen for her engagement ring. #300Sammiches http://twitter.com/JustinnLamar/status/382878743263338497/photo/1 · Don Jon #LOET
Of course, everyone has their opinions but only Stephanie and Eric really know what's up.  If they've seriously discussed moving towards marriage before this, then it's a joke turned into a profitable blog and bookdeal.

If they haven't discussed it and she rushed to put up a blog and purchase sandwich meat in bulk in order to publicly pressure him, that's an entirely different issue.
None of us are completely sure how this is gonna end up.
We do agree that if nothing else, we hope she has Google Adsense on her website so that she can get some additional dough (no pun intended) from all of these website hits.  And the bookdeal!
And If no one else laughed, we did.
One of more than #300sandwiches I've made for lunch because I'm not a helpless manchild. http://twitter.com/ThBaltimoreChop/status/383262379150020608/photo/1 · The Baltimore Chop

Social Media Week Digicons Feedback


I gave a talk on Death 2.0 or The Future of Death & Mortality in the Age of Technology - here is the feedback

Storified by FUTUREPerspective · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:35:19

Follow the online chatter of our Strictly stars


Strictly will Waltz back on your screens this Friday at 9pm & Saturday at 7pm. Until then, keep in step with our celebs, pro-dancers and fans as they tweet through the week.

Storified by BBC Television · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:35:40

Janette's really unsure about this new pairing

I left @RugbyBenCohen just for a sec & he is already dancing with @RachelRileyRR! @PashaKovalev is better watch out! http://twitter.com/KRihanoff/status/383260461929463808/photo/1 · Kristina Rihanoff

Something tells us there'll be lots of sequins and a big helping of glamour...

Well stop posing and get practising Julien! 

On set, only one day left to practice before the first live show! cha cha cha #scd http://twitter.com/JulienMacdonald/status/383228675744747520/photo/1 · Julien Macdonald

Susanna, Kevin and Karen are first in the Strictly Studio this morning

Good morning!! With @keviclifton @susannareid100 http://twitter.com/karen_hauer/status/383138800257359872/photo/1 · Karen Hauer

Sophie's dancing shoe collection is about to go 'Strictly'!

How Strictly has changed me: I used to think the shoes on the left were my dancing shoes... #SCD2013 http://twitter.com/SophieEB/status/383167846827569152/photo/1 · Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Ola and James play games during some downtime...

Here you go guys! Its PAYBACK time for you @The_JamesJordan for sending out a picture of me cooking in my nickers http://twitter.com/The_OlaJordan/status/382998424880050177/photo/1 · Ola Jordan

One more day to go! Everybody's so excited!

2. Heartbreaking photos of Pakistanis coping after the massive earthquake

Strong Solutions | Spokane Insider 9-26-13


Get a jump on the day with all your local news in one place! Join Bud Nameck and Kristi Gorenson every morning 5:00 - 8:00AM on KXLY Newsradio 920.Get a jump on the day with all your local news in one place.

Storified by Newsradio KXLY · Thu, Sep 26 2013 09:35:56

Free Whooping Cough Vaccinations

Group Health Riverfront Medical Center

September 28th, 9am-12pmUninsured or underinsured adults, Tdap only322 W. North River Dr, Spokane, 99201


Sunset School Health Center

October 3rd, 5pm-7pmAll children, all vaccinesUninsured or underinsured adults, Tdap only12824 W. 12th Ave. Bldg. C, Airway Heights, 99001


Providence Medical Group Urgent Care-South Division

October 5th, 9am-12pmUninsured or underinsured adults, Tdap only421 S. Division St. Spokane, 99202


Providence Medical Group Urgent Care-Hawthorne

October 12th, 9am-12pmUninsured or underinsured adults, Tdap only551 E. Hawthorne Rd., Spokane 99218
"Strong Solutions, integrating iPad with Square solutions for your business.  Click here for more information."
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Have a story idea you would like to see in the Spokane Insider? 

Contact us: ChelsieH@kxly.com

Nigeria vs Ethiopia Live Update - SodereTube.com

My Favorite Part


Storified by Enanum · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:05:11

구창환 - 구창환's Photos | Facebook · facebook.com
#22 스티브 잡스: '히피'의 사업철학 · goodboy1384
Social Media Video 2013 | Did you know 2013 · xj444j
Did you Know 2013 · mesjms



Wat wordt er gezegd over maatschappelijke thema's op social media...

Storified by Thomas van Gaal · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:05:17

McDonalds heeft een nieuwe burger: de grill burger. Recyclen volgens McDonald's. http://t.co/T49dL7YsBi · Immie deBosch Kemper
Waarom ik naar de McDonald's ga. http://t.co/1v3FmNW0zz · Funny Tweets
De kleinste McDonald's ter wereld staat in Japan.. http://t.co/dpAGsv57Sd · Raarste Waarheid
Amerikaanse kinderen zien meer dan 250 (!) McDonald's commercials per jaar op hun tv voorbij komen (via @mashable) http://t.co/L2eDNIucUa · Roy
#McDonald's #DenHaag Laakhaven Megastores. Wat een ruimte na de verbouwing! https://t.co/g9zeDXmwkb · Dave Dirks

The actual CJHL and also Canadian Jr Baseball Nfl would be the govenerning involving Tennis Canada s commissioned...


CJHL<br />The <a href="http://www.juniorhockeyleague.net/cjhl">CJHL</a> serves 129 coaches and teams countrywide in every state besides Newfoundland. Basically, it is actually accessed some zones with regard to competition reasons and these include free airline (BCHL, AJHL, SJHL, MJHL),

Storified by ericjp603 · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:05:18

The CJHL serves 129 coaches and teams countrywide in every state besides Newfoundland. Basically, it is actually accessed some zones with regard to competition reasons and these include free airline (BCHL, AJHL, SJHL, MJHL), a Key (SIJHL, NOJHL, OJHL), as well as the Eastern side (CCHL, LHJAAAQ, MHL).

Championship/Trophy: Royal Bank Tumbler

Every single spg a CJHL accolades it�s world-class trophy, the Souverain Traditional bank Glass, for the trophy�s namesake tournament situation. Any match succeeds in a very rounded robin format while using perfect staff through each zone (immediately after profitable the state champion) squaring off of. The web host team is usually within the contest, along with spot is usually acquired by way of a businesses practice while in the CJHL.

In times past, the prize has long been picked up quite possibly the most through British Columbia (14), Saskatchewan (Eight) and Alberta (7).

Special occasions:

Your CJHL per year contains a top-notch qualified prospects situation. The region is split straight into Rest of the world plus Distance teams exactly who perform the two-game range. Your champ can be granted your President�s Glass.

This unique two-game line has long been presented inside Environment Younger The Competition, your tournament situation for your prime scholarship grants as well as draw up entitled game enthusiasts within CJHL groups.


Decorating Your Place of work on behalf of Christmas


Steps on Adorning One’s Agency in favor of Christmas

Storified by eggsleroy68 · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:05:51

As soon as it arrives to Christmas decoration, there is a lot of who no additional than beautify their real estate, on the contrary there are other consumers who wish to prepare more. If you are interested in adorning one’s workplace otherwise even in a minute one’s workspace, you will become aware of which here is a quantity of unlike habits which one know how to lead to in this area conducting hence; ways that know how to relieve one get reasonable Christmas streamers otherwise the ones that stare the most excellent. You must be geared up with christmas greeting messages that you should send to the friends.

Previous to one know how to start to bring into the light yourself with easy and low down-cost ways to adorn your place of work in favor of Christmas, you can choose to remain a integer of vital gear in intelligence. One of those gear is the reality that not everybody celebrates Christmas as a holiday. here are a little persons who pick not to celebrate Christmas on their personal, except there were other people who is following the views as well as beliefs of their belief. As there is a good quality possibility that you may perhaps be functioning with somebody who does not celebrate Christmas, you possibly will desire to ask one’s supervisors otherwise your additional staff earlier than you launch decorating, even if you is single designing your private individual workspace.

Once one have single-minded which it is satisfactory used for one to beautify one’s agency used for Christmas, you may possibly choose to lead searching on behalf of Christmas streamer. As nice as it is to paint your office, not everyone goodies it the similar as their residence. which is why here is a worthy chance which one may possibly be looking in support of little-rate Christmas decoration. Depending on the buck store in inquiry, one should be able to get a fairly huge selection of low-charge Christmas ticker tape. These little-fee Christmas decoration can contain small strands of Christmas light, Christmas pictures, Christmas signs, as well as less Christmas cardboard cutouts.

Although there is a pleasant likelihood which you may be shopping having Christmas decoration on a financial plan, here is too a chance that expense may not be a apprehension of yours. If you is looking to have the greatest decorated workspace in your house, you may be shopping for scenic, elegant, or trendy Christmas ribbons. Whether one are looking used for pottery or else ceramic Christmas collectibles, tabletop filament optic Christmas streamer, or little Christmas plants which one could beautify, you should be able to discover what one are seeking for online otherwise at a specialty Christmas superstore.

As stated on top of, it was advised which you speak to one’s coworkers in addition to supervisors earlier one adorn in support of Christmas. Even if one recognize of somebody in one’s workplace who does not celebrate Christmas one be able to still enhance your workspace for Christmas; however, one will need to receive a inadequately bit uncommon of an move toward. Instead of designing one’s workspace otherwise office with Christmas streamers that symbolize Christmas, such as ticker tape which have Christmas plants, Santa, or else reindeers on them, you could acquire a greater straightforward come up to. Plainly by paying for a scarlet along with emerald cloth on behalf of one’s desk or an artificial spray of cherry with green flowers, one could nonetheless bring in the local holiday will into your agency, lacking having to uneasiness with reference to offending one of one’s coworkers.

For additional facts on Decorating Your Workplace on behalf of Christmas please pop in our website free greeting card. You could also pay a quick visit christmas greeting card messages

Les meilleurs moments de la Région #PaysdelaLoire (du 2 au 8/11/13) sur les réseaux sociaux.


Chaque semaine (#hebdoPdL), la Région Pays de la Loire vous propose de découvrir la sélection de ses meilleurs posts/tweets de la semaine. Si vous êtes passé à côté, c’est le moment de liker, partager, commenter :-)

Storified by Région Pays de la Loire · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:06:01

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Dans le hall de l'Hôtel de Région. L'ensemble de la démarche de prospective régionale est présenté à travers des illustrations, photos et vidéos

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Le Jury 2013 de la campagne Territoires de Commerce Equitable a distingué 5 collectivités pour leurs actions exemplaires en faveur du commerce équitable en leur attribuant 5 Prix du Jury 2013. La Région #Paysdelaloire s'illustre dans la catégorie : 

> Prix du jury Achats publics équitable : pour notre politique d’achats de produits équitables.

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Bon week-end en Pays de la Loire ! ·

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Vendredi 8 novembre, comme à chaque séance du Conseil Régional, vous avez été nombreux à suivre et participer sur le hashtag #DirectPdL + de 300 tweets ont été émis. 
Suivez en direct la séance du Conseil régional ... · Facebook

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Sarthe. Une maison laboratoire truffée de domotique · regionpaysdelaloire
A Saint-Paterne, près d'Alençon, un institut de formation a créé une maison domotique laboratoire. La domotique avec sa série d'équipements connectés permet entre autres le maintien à domicile de personnes âgées ou handicapé. Cette maison-labo sert à la fois de lieu de formation et de centre de recherche pour les industriels.

Les internautes partagent leurs clichés sur Instagram avec #PaysdelaLoire

une photo de Saint-Nazaire en Loire-Atlantique (44)
Photo du dimanche #week-end #instaphoto #instaplage #instasun #instaday #SaintNazaire #PaysDeLaLoire · instagram.com

Twitter en de Sint: "Even wuiven misschien"


Storified by NOS op 3 · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:06:04

Nederland staat op zijn kop, want de Sint is weer in het land. Rond kwart over twaalf kwam de pakjesboot Groningen binnenvaren. Duizenden kinderen en ouders staan aan de wal om de Sint en zijn Pieten te begroeten. 
Ook online staat veel in het teken van Sinterklaas. Van de Zwarte Pietendiscussie en de opvallende Paniekpiet tot de grapjes van de Sint, Twitter staat er vol mee. Een selectie.
Hij is weer in nederland! #sinterklaas #Groningen http://t.co/Mi29r5ihdZ · Vin van der Velde
De opmerkingen van de Sint werken dit jaar veel mensen op de lachspieren. De populairste grappen tot nu toe? De verwijzing naar Beatrix en de opmerking tegen de locoburgemeester van Groningen. "Je moet het als burgemeester van Groningen wel goed doen, anders moet je naar Spanje!" 
"Een burgemeester is als een fiets, zonder ketting is hij niets." Quote van de dag door Zwarte Piet in Grunn :) http://t.co/LfU1dErBvL · Sjoerd Feitsma
Voor de intocht was er nog even paniek, omdat de staf van Sinterklaas in Spanje was achtergebleven. Maar gelukkig, de staf was snel weer gevonden. Al duurde de blijdschap niet erg lang.. En dat dankzij de Paniekpiet.
Dit is 'm! @HeidanusMarian: Ben nu al fan van de Paniekpiet! Geniaal! #intochtSint #jochemmeyjer http://t.co/g5oVidNs6E · Paul Heidanus
Naast de Paniekpiet heeft de Sint dit jaar nog een paar nieuwe Pieten. Wat te denken van de Luisterpiet en de Regenboogpieten?
Een aantal Nederlanders waren met iets anders bezig dan de intocht van de Sint.. Het Nederlands elftal voetbalt vandaag namelijk om kwart over 1 tegen Japan.
Wordt vervolgd...

The actual CJHL or even Canada Jr Dance shoes Nba is definitely the govenerning regarding Baseball Canada s given the...


<a href="http://brittbrat983.newsvine.com/_news/2013/10/15/20979078-the-particular-cjhl-as-well-as-canada-youngster-dance-shoes-nba-will-be-the-govenerning-involving-hockey-canada-s-ten-approved-senior-a-good-teams-the-firm-stay-directly-into-presence-in-its-">CJHL</a><br />Your <a href="http://blowfish96.devhub.com/blog/2323613-the-actual-cjhl-or-simply-canadian-jr-soccer-nba-is-the-govenerning-for-hockey-canada-s-certified-senior-some-sort-of-groups-the-business-get-away-directly-into-presence-within-the-very-first-version-around-t">CJHL</a> owners 129 coaches and teams nationwide atlanta divorce attorneys region with the exception Newfoundland. Theoretically, it truly is burgled some specific zones to get tournament needs for example the West (BCHL,

Storified by johnathanr684 · Sat, Nov 16 2013 05:06:07

Your CJHL owners 129 coaches and teams nationwide atlanta divorce attorneys region with the exception Newfoundland. Theoretically, it truly is burgled some specific zones to get tournament needs for example the West (BCHL, AJHL, SJHL, MJHL), any Principal (SIJHL, NOJHL, OJHL), and also the Eastern (CCHL, LHJAAAQ, MHL).

Championship/Trophy: Elegant Lender Tumbler

Each and every early spring this CJHL honors it�s champion prize, your Divin Bank Glass, at the trophy�s namesake competition. A tournament situation functions inside of a around robin the boy wonder style with all the finest crew through each and every zoom (once earning its regional title) squaring off of. Any number group is likewise in the event, as well as their spot is triumphed in using a putting in a bid method within the CJHL.

Until recently, this prize have been received by far the most by way of Bc (16), Saskatchewan (Nine) plus Alberta (8).

Special Events:

The CJHL on a yearly basis hosts a highly regarded potential clients affair. The region is divided within Gulf together with Distance squads which enjoy your two-game string. This champion is certainly given any President�s Mug.

This two-game series has long been put on while in the Planet Freshman A good Tournament, a new world-class for the best scholarships or school funding as well as draft entitled participants in CJHL groups.

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