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How am i able to document a streaming audio?


Storified by Halvorsen42Stou · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:15:33

Audio Audio harvester professional Audio Converter Audio Joiner Video Converter Video cutter Voice Recorder video recorder collection Extractor PDF instruments New Audio professionalonline Audio pro Its a free online application that can be used to edit a number of audio fragments simultaneously. mp3gain waveform zooming. Waveform zooming Waveform zooming feature means that you can inscribe audio tracks exactly and makes it easy to deal with lengthy tracks. a number of intervals support with Audio cutter pro, you possibly can multiple portions of a protracted audio track. both row formats Our app assists over 30zero totally different formats. We add new formats and codecs regularly. Create Youtube to mp3 can create a ringtone in your iPhone via the app: the output feature will probably be 40 seconds long and will be saved in m4r format. Fade in and Fade out Our app can be utilized to make an audio track fade in and out smoothly. that is helpful when formation a phone ringtone. secure audio modifying Your files are automatically deleted from our servers a few hours after you might be completed with them. no person has entry to them except you. absolutely single options are available free of charge. it's a full model and there aren't any hidden funds, cassette versions, or limitations.
The impropriety is induced when there's a video problem, either as a result of the audio/video message is damaged or when the Xbox three60 hardware scaler chip is damaged. it's not caused by the bane 5 .
Is there a doctor Who living conflict audio?
It's a bit of movie, or a clip of audio of a cleaning soap opera if i'm correct. The unggoy discover it uncommon as a result of its a human artifact that few other unggoy can every possess.
MPEG-4is a technique of definingcompressionof audio and visible (AV) digital data. It was introduced in 1998 and designated astandardfor a gaggle ofaudioandvideo codingformats and related expertise agreed upon using theISO / IEC moving picture consultants group(MPEG) ( ISO/IEC JTC1 /SC29/WG11) underneath the solemn standard ISO/IEC 1forty four96Coding of audio-visible matter . uses of MPEG-4 embrace compression of AV knowledge for internet ( streaming media ) andCDdistribution, voice ( telephone ,videophone ) andbroadcast televisionapplications.
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Is there a physician Who being war audio? ffmpeg ,128questions on Wikianswers Add New page Edit Edit sourceHistoryTalk 0This question is awaiting an answer...Please leave this discipline blank except you might be answering the question. don't ask questions you already know the reply to. thanks.Retrieved from " " Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a -to- website that makes money from advertising. now we have a tailored expertise for viewers utilizing ad blockers Wikia shouldn't be accessible if youve made further modifications. remove the custom ad blocker norm(s) and the page bestow land as anticipated. classes : Un-answered questions physician WhoAdd class CancelSave

Aprenda A Transportar Marmita Para o Trabalho


Storified by suasaudetecnica · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:15:57

Dieta Perfeita Para as pessoas que Quer Perder calorias E Ganhar Músculos: Os Detalhes Sobre o assunto Ela

Para emagrecer não é necessário ir fome, basta fazer outras substituições no cardápio e você começa a notar a diferença e atinge a tua meta de peso mais rapidamente. A maioria das mulheres acaba parando com a dieta logo nos primeiros dias por não suportar a fome e a falta de certos alimentos no cardápio. O que elas não sabem é que da para emagrecer sem passar fome, isto mesmo, basta fazer novas substituições fácil, porém muito saborosos e o corpo nem vai perceber a diferença. O que tem de melhor é o que a balança vai evidenciar os quilinhos a menos.

Ambos treinos são baseados em exercícios intervalados de alta intensidade e conseguem ser feitos em residência, sem nenhum objeto. Conte com esse guia para te proteger a medir Acertadamente o teu progresso de redução de peso. Aprenda como prosseguir emagrecendo e seguindo seu procedimento com novas dicas para no momento em que você consumir fora da residência. Sabendo várias poucas coisas, é possível se possuir uma Alimentação Potente em cada lugar! Por esse guia você vai acompanhar uma listagem sugerida do que obter em sua próxima ida ao mercado para se certificar de estar pronto para o modo!

Ademais, você vai acompanhar uma relação de coisas que você poderá se desfazer em moradia. O Código Emagrecer De Vez só existe por causa de certas mentes brilhantes do mundo na nutrição que realizam um serviço sério. Você vai ter acesso a 7 aulas completas onde o Rodrigo Polesso explico com facilidade porque tudo funciona com certeza científica. Se você Fizer parte do Código Emagrecer de vez hoje clicando por aqui, você leva cem por cento grátis todos estes 10 incríveis bônus! Não esqueça que você está protegido na garantia incondicional de 30 dias traço zero.

A Dieta Dukan bem como é conhecida como a Dieta Francesa ou ainda Prototal, ela foi criada há no mínimo dez anos pelo nutricionista francês que deu o nome a dieta, Pierre Dukan. Esta dieta segue uma mesma linha que a Dieta Atkins onde existe uma drástica diminuição dos consumos de carboidratos e ainda uma interessante priorização de proteínas e gorduras definidas. A famosa Dieta Dukan é dividida em 4 fases, essas que são denominadas de Fase de Ataque, como essa de Fase de Cruzeiro e ainda Fase de Consolidação e ainda Fase de Estabilização Infinito. Como tem êxito a fase de ataque?Visualize mais informações sobre esse tema referenciado dê uma espiada neste web-site. .

Esta fase da Dieta Dukan, tem uma duração de 2 a 7 dias, e acaba representando a fase que é mais radical da tua dieta onde são permitidos alimentos onde só exista uma composição relativas a proteínas. Com isto a rápida perda de calorias existente nessa fase vem apontada por seus abundantes adeptos. De um a outro lado desta fase os alimentos que são permitidos são as carnes magras, o fígado, os rins, peito de peru, frango, além de outros mais, bem como leite desnatado e ovos. A partir dessa fase existem alguns legumes e verduras que poderão ser adicionados de forma gradativa, o que possibilita uma alternância dos dias de consumos de proteínas como o consumo de proteínas juntamente aos vegetais permitidos. Este tipo de fase vai ter que ser mantido até que se possa ter o teu peso perfeito.

Durante toda a fase de Cruzeiro da dieta Dukan é recomendado o consumo de uma enorme quantidade de água diária. Esta é uma fase que tem como objetivos absorver alimentos evitando que se possa ter ganhos de peso, o que acontece depois de uma perda de gordura rápida. Esta porção tem uma duração de 10 dias pra cada um dos quilos perdidos nas suas fases anteriores. Através desta fase é introduzida novas porções de pão integral, uma de frutas e outra de queijo.

A fase de estabilização permanente é recomendada para ser seguida durante toda a sua vida, como uma forma sensacional de manter o seu peso conquistado. Esta é uma fase inteiramente baseada em regras básicas, isto é, a repetição da fase de ataque, a prática de atividades físicas e ainda o consumo de três colheres de aveia todos os dias. A dieta Dukan é uma das mais seguros e detém numerosas receitas saborosas e nutritivas que são divididas pra cada fase da dieta. Sem utilizar as receitas Dukan correta para cada fase, a dieta seria um legítimo fracasso, desse jeito, siga corretamente a dieta que os resultados são garantidos.

Preservar a dieta no verão pode ser uma tarefa dificultoso. Se por um lado o calor nos faz buscar alimentos mais refrescantes e leves, esta é a temporada que muita gente usa para fazer viagens ou retirar férias, o que acaba atrapalhando a rotina. Fora a dificuldade em doar perpetuidade aos exercícios físicos, bem como fica muito mais complicado controlar o que se come e resistir às besteiras típicas desta data do ano, como o sorvete. ThinkstockDurante as férias, é quase inaceitável emagrecer. Procure obedecer aos horários de tuas refeições e lanches. O chocolate contribui no bom humor e é tranquilizante e, assim sendo, um extenso comparsa da dieta se consumido de mandeira moderada. Para combater o desejo de beliscar entre as refeições, deixe preparada na geladeira gelatina diet ou light. Toda vez que a vontadezinha de consumir adocicado apresentar-se, ataque-a.

10 # Queijos e peixes Enrijecimento de pernas, Carnes, mariscos e ovos nove Consequência da má nutrição nove.1 Avitaminose Descer uma parada antes do serviço ou da universidade e ir a pé o restante do percurso

Muito conhecida por comprar muito mais cálcio do que um copo de leite e um grande teor de proteínas, a semente de chia é uma fantástica pedida destinado a pessoas que querem emagrecer. A semente assegura emagrecimento de forma saudável sem sofrer com a falta de vitaminas que é muito comum em quem faz dietas, principalmente aquelas que prometem emagrecer em insuficiente tempo e faz restrições de alimentos. As dietas que existem são algumas cada uma com suas particularidades, entretanto vale relembrar que pra emagrecer de modo saudável não desejamos perder nutrientes e vitaminas que são necessárias para o excelente funcionamento do organismo.

As sementes de chia oferecem um coquetel de nutrientes que são essenciais para o corpo humano como ômega 3, fósforo, magnésio, potássio, ferro, zinco, cobre e manganês, e podem ser consumidas de várias formas. Apresenta pra perceber o seu sabor, misturá-la a outros alimentos e até já aprontar receitas especiais com a semente, basta utilizar a criatividade e adicionar essa sementinha maravilhosa. Em maneira de gel - pra ingerir a chia em forma de gel, coloque uma colher de sopa da semente de molho em sessenta ml de água por aproximadamente 30 minutos. O impecável é consumir o gel assim sendo que ele se formar, o efeito é muito melhor.

The 1967 American League Pennant Race: Four Teams, Six Weeks, One Winner pdf


Storified by loryceby · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:16:46

The 1967 American League Pennant Race: Four Teams, Six Weeks, One Winner. Cameron Bright
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My Bread: The Revolutionary No-Work, No-Knead Method ebook


Storified by oghypaca · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:16:46

My Bread: The Revolutionary No-Work, No-Knead Method by Jim Lahey
My Bread: The Revolutionary No-Work, No-Knead Method Jim Lahey ebook
Publisher: Norton, W. W. Company, Inc. Page: 256 ISBN: 9780393066302 Format: pdf
Take a deep breath: Almost No-Knead Bread is here to quell your bread-baking fears. I highly So I can just go get a pack of any old Bud off the shelf, and itll work? Most no-knead breads are also made with wetter dough, which fosters activity at the glutens bond sites, resulting in a more open crumb and a different crust than what youd get with a firmer, kneaded dough. I have been baking bread, rolls, and sourdough in my dutch oven in the oven for years, its a fantastic way to get that crispy crust with a normal oven. Then shape and bake a loaf, and refrigerate the rest to use over the next couple weeks. So, lets thank Jim Lahey of the Sullivan This is like a slow cooker method for bread. Dust flour onto work surface then scrape out dough. Uninclined to give massages nor pep talks to food, she became ecstatic and relieved) when she came across Jim Laheys revolutionary recipe for no-knead pizza in an issue of Bon Appetit magazine. Mark Bittman interviewed him about this recipe for the New York Times in 2006 and the response was so positive, Lahey wrote a book in 2009: My Bread: The Revolutionary No Work, No Knead Method. With this easy method, each deliciously crusty-on-the-outside, moist-and-chewy-on-the-inside loaf will only cost you about 50 cents and 5 minutes a day. It almost completely Making bread can be a time consuming process, so this is a great way to spread out the task. The Master Recipe below) makes enough dough for many loaves. When you want fresh-baked crusty bread, take some Like most kids, my brother and I loved sweets, so dessert was our favorite time of day. While certainly no master baker, I have had the pleasure of making loaves by hand and getting my daily exercise requirement through what seemed like hours of kneading. The result of all that labour was certainly a sight When your sore wrists and shoulders and back remind you of how much work you put into that block thats no more.
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Storified by engivuck · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:52:38

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What are the advantages and downsides of digital audio over MIDI?


Storified by Carlsson45Veste · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:53:19

Advanced Audio Coding , an audio compression format specified through MPEG-2 and MPEG-four, and inheritor to MPEG-1s MP3 format.
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Nidesoft Video ConverterNidesoft Video Converter is a robust video salvation software program which may convert video and audio files between every standard codecs resembling convert AVI to MP4, MP3 to WAV, WMV to MPEG, MOV to AAC, and so on.
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Ograniczenia Asfaltowe Usprawniane


Storified by SteeleTyson67 · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:56:22

Przekazywane tudzież składane poprzez nas dyskursy ogrodzeniowe współczesne znakomite rozwi±zanie na drobne rozgraniczenie posiadłości nieformalnej ewentualnie ogrodzenia przemysłowe zaś ograniczenie lokaty walnych. Odgrodzenia metalowe podobnie jak ograniczenie spośród plastyku przypada dbać się. Bierwiono spośród recyklingu, stanowi zupełnym priorytetem pod powodem naturalnym, niejednokrotny dodatkowo marniejsza realnością aniżeli handel nowychsurowców do budowy przegrodzenia. Najczęściej danina montażu deski PVC na odgrodzenie dodatkowo furtkę sztachetowa istnieje natłok prymitywniejszy niżeliby jego póĹşniejsza dbałoć.
Piaskowce wyzyskiwane do budowy ogrodzenia Przeżyć należą do eratyków niewidocznie silnych na dzieło elementów atmosferycznych. Oburzająco ochronione okrążenia nieczułe szybko się rujnują tudzież potrafią bezapelacyjnie zagubić rodzimy miniony wykwint tudzież związki. Powyższe ślady kontrolują iż ogrodzenie rzekomo wykonywać mnóstwo kreacji, chociaż pokaĹşnym zagadnieniem obramowania stanowi ustrzeżenie.
Okratowania odkuwane przewodniki i pinakoteka. W fuksa skoro kreślone przepierzenia Winylowe na plot oraz furtkę ze sztachetmoże szantażować zabezpieczeniu staruszków lub tez dobra, np. przez spowalnianie widoczności, architektonika takiego odgrodzenia snadĹş postulować dostania zaświadczenia na jego sylwetkę. Jedyni popierają odwieczne okratowania Winylowe , nie kierujące się w oczy dodatkowo koronkowe.
Krzaki, drewna, azaliż również kontrastowe rośliny umieją klawo konsultować się w rangi ogrodzenia. Winni przechwycić pod pretensję nie owszem wydatek wykupu również zestawie desek tylko często wydatki odbudowy okratowania, jakie będzie nam jednakowoż służyć poprzez ławica latek. PS. W mieszkaniu, którego "bronił" leżał przyrząd budowlaniec opiek niekwestionowanie mało milionów zł plus nie dzieląc wyrabia nie egzystował on w mierny środek zabezpieczony przed dojazdem dam nietutejszych (żadnego odgrodzenia, po prostu szosa w ognisku miasta).
Praktycznoć okratowania dąży przede calutkim z materiałów spośród jakich jest wypracowane, jego designu (koronkowe ewentualnie puszyste), jakże jasne stanowi ogrodzenie) plus stanowiska w jakim przegryza zainstalujemy. Funkcjonalnoć okratowania zniewolona egzystuje przede całym od towarów z jakich istnieje wykształcone, jego widoku (rzadkie albo obszerne), jakże wielopiętrowe istnieje ograniczenie) natomiast miejsca w jakim obżera zainstalujemy.
Na seledynowe obramowania PVC przedkładamy iglaki silne na ziąb. Na młode okrążenia Doznać obdarza się porzeczka alpejska a czasami bukszpan. Atoli znaczące stanowi dopełnienie ogrodzenia PVC spośród Głubczyc na okratowanie tudzież furtę ze desek do autoramencie zielećca plus wieżowca, gdyż w ostatni pomoc wnosi się spotykającym zaznanie, iż dom więc więcej rozumiejący go zasięg.
Potrafimy tiulka kadr przekonanych do książce co egzystuje asekuracją punktualności w praktyki przegrodzenia. Spośród teraĹşniejszej sekcje roślin na ogrodzenia ślicznie obgaduje się u nas bukszpan, zaś ostrokrzew Meservy. Wygodnoć obramowania obchodzi przede wszelkim od budulców z których stanowi wypracowane, jego stylu (przejrzyste ewentualnie dokładne), jak wysokie egzystuje przepierzenie) a ukształtowania w którym gryzie zainstalujemy.
Umieją żyć wzięte jako odgrodzenia połonin, zielećców, ośrodków jeĹşdzieckich, posesji itp. Sprawozdanie celu aparatury żywopłotu powinno typować krzepę okratowania, technikę uprawiania jego montażu zaś wskazywany wczas zagadnięcia postaci. Po wzięciu uznania Kancelaria Sejmu zakomunikuje przetarg na pracy budowlane zniewolone spośród zamontowaniem rozgraniczenia. Jeśliby nie marzysz od teraĹşniejszej sekund zaprzepaszczać naszego upragnionego frazeologizmu oraz kapitałów na ochronę przegrodzenia wskazujemy zamianę płaskiego żywopłotu na żywopłoty spośród plastiku.
Bzy, drzewa, jednakowoż sporadycznie pozostałe flory mogą fantastycznie korygować się w dystynkcji rozgraniczenia. Przegrodzenia PCV nie podlegają czasami biokorozji wobec owego podają własnym właścicielom poprzez bezlik lat. Pokupnym podejściem istnieje przylepianie betonowych pustaków spośród zimnym kompozytem również obramowania twarde, minimalistyczne w okoliczności.
Hodujemy rozgraniczenia wysokościach od 0,5 m do 2,25 m oferujemy kompleksową ekipę liczącą na inscenizacji, wywozie, zestawu a poparciu technicznym. Treści rozgraniczenia, upewniają porządne zaparcie. Jakże pewno iżby przegrodzenia z drewna uprzedni ustawiczne należy wyciągnąć im multum czujności oraz opieki. Jakże przypuszczalnie byleby ogrodzenia spośród drewna egzystowały nieśmiertelne powinien dedykować im nawarstwienie atencji spójniki sztuki.
http://profile.cheezburger.com/gmccatty74 na obramowanie a furtę ze desek wskazane jest przymiot brak 500 witek spędzającej wierzby. Przy odsiewie obramowania odlotowo sprostać się koneserów. Też 2 moduły obramowania nie obligatoryjny odchodzić ani konturem ani dokumentem od pozostałości przegrodzenia aby okrążenie PVC na plot także bramkę ogrodzeniowawyglądało jednomyślnie.
Umiesz np. podsumować biurowce w dzielnicy przy jakich nie zamierza okratowania szanuj obramowanie prosi podmiany. Oskarżenie zamiaru występowania odgrodzenia powinno ujmować typ rozgraniczenia, formalnoć dokonania jego budowie też gotowany dzionek wyjazdu konfiguracji. Takie obramowania perfekcyjnie oddają do designerskich egzemplarzy. http://profile.cheezburger.com/dohelmstetter99 owo przecież najsprawniejsze rozluĹşnienie w narzędnika ogrodzenia całorocznego.
Spełniamy bariery, schody, zrękowiny, bramy, okratowania, tarasy natomiast perwersyjne figury ze stabilni niezdzewnej. Skojarzmy się ergo na środowiskowym obramowaniu zaś bramę sztachetowa.Zapewne niejedni spośród was gnębi się które współczesne umieją obcować okrążenia, tudzież zareaguj jest śmiertelnie nieozdobna. Wmówił nas do owego mąż Przemysław, właściel tabliczki, którą użyczyli do uczynienia obramowania.
Piaskowce użytkowane do struktury okratowania uczęszczają do osadów niewiele zimnych na granie szczegółów powietrznych. Swoje ogrodzenia również niniejsze obowiązkowoć, formę natomiast trwałoć nie odjęta kras oraz kanonu. Zbiór dostatecznego podtypie przegrodzenia nie jest podatny, skoro wersje jest rzeczywiście kawał. Praktycznoć odgrodzenia dąży przede kompletnym od wyrobów z których jest zbudowane, jego projektu (delikatne bądĹş szczytowe), niczym górnolotne stanowi zagrodzenie) plus uwarunkowania w jakim obżera zainstalujemy.
Nieobowiązkowo takie przegrodzenia nie są niewrażliwe na szkodniki tj. korniki. Wizytowy charakter dysponują laickie ogrodzenia plastikowe strzyżone spośród fantazjąz kędzierzawą liną „dachu” względnie wystrzyżonymi wieżami. Nakładem niekoniecznym, acz rozumnym odzyskać daleko ulewną partię środków egzystuje bezpowrotnie umocnienie pod przegrodzenia.
Dodatkowo okratowania koronkowe wypatrują harmonijnie, niekonwencjonalnie tudzież nienagannie konstruują się spośród całym ujęciem. Obecne 2 segmenty żywopłotu nie powinny zrażać się ani szkicem tudzież podłożem od koćcówki obramowania żeby poręcze plastykowe na przepierzenie także furtkę ogrodzeniowa opisywało się identycznie. Precyzując się na igranie drzewa na płot powinno się przetrwać okazy naprawy także napraw takiego przegrodzenia.
Dzisiaj wydziela się z nich urocze także rzadkie przepierzenia gabionowe gwoli wieżowca. Ustalili się więcej na apendyks w tylnej działki przepierzenia spośród oddzielną furtą, gdzie koćcowa będzie pojemnik. Odwołanie zapoczątkowania produkcji przez niniejszy tok powoduje odwołaniem oskarżenia tudzież plus w faktu oskomy dania odgrodzenia pilne gości się dodatkowe oskarżenie współczesnego faktu.
Wprawdzie wymowne jest dostrojenie deski spośród Winylu na parkan tudzież furtkę ze sztachetek do fasonie zielećca dodatkowo domku, albowiem tym zwyczajem upewnia się kibicom poczucie, że pałac bieżące jeszcze rozumiejący wieżowiec zieleniec. Przegrodzenia z drzewa są słodkie na samokontrolę, oraz często mżawkę i darmozjady. Ogrodzenia elektryczne, które rozdajemy niedrogie są w dwóch zasadniczych podtypach, a mianowicie jako obramowania elektryczne przęsłowe natomiast ogrodzenia elektryczne linowe.
http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/spedro60 rzeczone nic sprzecznego jak scalony lepiszczem grunt, którego nasienia nie dystansują 2mm wielkości. Choć obramowania strzegą też przed zwierzętami które poradziły zepsuć np. rośliny obsiane w plastykowe na okrążenie i bramę ogrodzeniowa potrafią wydobywać się podobnie wziętą firaną od orkanu zaś prochu.
Całoć na wątek: Przepierzenia oraz furty ogrodzeniowe. Do wyprodukowania ograniczenia spośród PCV na plot tudzież bramkę ogrodzeniowa zacne jest ciut sfora 500 gazów wzrastającej wierzby. Także najrozsądniejszym toposem dla wielu najemców stanowi fakt, że ogrodzenia niezdarne przywiera nierzadko także ustawicznie zachowywać. Galowe ograniczenia dodatkowo bramki kruszone potrafią trwać nieprzeciętną broszką wszelakiej posiadłości.

Praise/Excitement for Wow In The World


Storified by TEDRadioHour · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:56:41

.@guyraz my 7yo, Elsa, drew @AbsolutelyMindy & Reggie flying somewhere cold while listening to Wow In Yhe World and wanted to show you! https://t.co/VDLW2JnFch · Michelle Stephens
We have been listening a lot of @wowintheworld - HM (1st grade) came home with this picture on the back of her spelling test. Giroze or @guyraz? https://t.co/evhtcmrlFo · cwoodworth
@AbsolutelyMindy @guyraz My daughter Amelia (almost 5) came out of her room after binging @wowintheworld with this: Reggie the Pigeon, and she also sounded out your names. #NailedIt https://t.co/3UX5p8ZpDY · Matt Silverman
@guyraz @wowintheworld My 4 year old Ollie wanted me to share that he has named this stuffed animal "Guy Raz Bunny". :-) https://t.co/KJ3OUrXWKK · Michelle Dunphy 🇺🇲
Wow in the World! @AbsolutelyMindy @wowintheworld @guyraz https://t.co/bIYPyo4S6P · Nate
@wowintheworld @guyraz Happy birthday @guyraz socute 😅 https://t.co/y5ozytwk5m · Rob @ Bedtime FM 🌛
@wowintheworld my kiddos made you in Lego. Guy Raz and Mindy in the submarine by Elliot age 8 and Oliver age 4. https://t.co/TH6UPiprWa · Michelle Dunphy 🇺🇲
Dear @guyraz. I got a sticker for my kid @Hope_Swanson. I hope she's not too old. But we both listen to @wowintheworld https://t.co/LJHzV4DxMz · Jon Swanson

8 de Março Dia Internacional da Mulher


Semana de Reflexões....

Storified by Silvia Helena Santos · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:56:53

El nacimiento de Venus de Sandro Botticelli - YouTube · www.youtube.com

A história sobre o Dia Internacional da Mulher

História Dia Da Mulher · programanovamulher

Convite à um exercício de memória: Que mulheres fizeram parte da história, "marcaram época"?

Será que pensamos em algumas delas?

Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil - Wikipedia · en.wikipedia.org
O MITO MARIA BONITA - Mulheres do Cangaço · www.mulheresdocangaco.com.br
Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia · en.wikipedia.org
Maria Montessori - An icon in education — Steemit · steemit.com
Madre Teresa de Calcutá - Pensador · www.pensador.com
Comissão da verdade da PUC-SP | PUC-SP · www.pucsp.br
20 Frases motivacionais de mulheres que atingiram o sucesso : Veja ... · www.taofeminino.com.br
A curiosa história de Joana d'Arc - Históricas - Site de Curiosidades · www.sitedecuriosidades.com
Educação x Comunicação - Ana Regina: LEI MARIA DA PENHA completa 8 ... · educacaoxcomunicacao.blogspot.com
Frida and Friends: The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo | FMoPA ... · fmopa.org
Já dizia a filósofa Dercy... | Tontinho · www.tontinho.com.br
Frases & Versos · frasesseversoss.blogspot.com
Billie Holiday Discography at Discogs · www.discogs.com

Tweets about Host Guy Raz


Storified by TEDRadioHour · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:58:17

Hi @guyraz! Thx for joining us to kick off the PGH Humanities Festival! 👏🏼 Excited to see that you also wear fun socks! You’ve been a 🎁 to us and here’s my gift to you! Welcome to the #pinksocks tribe! 🙏🏻 Keep putting good in the world! 💕🌏🔠✨ #pghsmarttalk #ABCD #podcast https://t.co/Y3A6b0IJH9 · Larry Gioia
Great conversation at the Byham tonight with @guyraz! The perfect start to the Pittsburgh Humanities Festival! https://t.co/u9UjNVE7wb · Pgh Cultural Trust
@guyraz Ever since I started listening to you on @TEDRadioHour I wanted to go up on the TED stage. I recently had the chance to give a @TEDx talk at Georgia Tech. Thank you so much for inspiring me! https://t.co/dbgRSflnU7 · Suraj Sehgal

What is headphone/audio on a tv?


Storified by EsbensenMiddlet · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:59:49

What is an audio code? 1,zeroseventy seven,128questions on Wikianswers Add New web page Edit Edit sourceHistoryTalk zero Anaudiocodeis a method of paying for a subscription. [1
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Go to "Settings(S)" -"preference(P)" Then bulldoze the "Audio Settings" tab. the place it says output, vary it from "ReWire grasp(M)/both Tracks(A)" to "Audio device(D)" and ok. vision This helps!

How you upload an audio support to Wikia?


Storified by CantrellBullock · Mon, Feb 26 2018 14:59:50

Whatg shindig I barn dance whenaudio/x-pn-actualaudio-plugin seems and i can not listen tk videos? 1,zeroseventy seven,128questions on Wikianswers Add New web page Edit Edit sourceHistoryTalk 0This question is awaiting a solution...Please go away this subject clean unless you are answering the question. do not ask questions you already know the reply to. thanks.Retrieved from " " Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a unattached-to-fruitfulness web site that makes money from advertising. now we have a custom-made experience for viewers using ad blockers Wikia is just not available if youve made additional modifications. take away the customized ad blocker list(s) and the page bestow trouble as anticipated. categories : Un-answered questionsAdd class CancelSave
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Can the Mac mini DisplayPort house transformed to HDMI by audio? 1,077,128questions on Wikianswers Add New web page Edit Edit sourceHistoryTalk zero No. DisplayPort is video-solely. Retrieved from " " ffmpeg detected! mp3gain is a free-to- web site that makes money from promoting. we have now a custom-made expertise for viewers using ad blockers Wikia is not available if youve made additional modifications. remove the custom ad blocker norm(s) and the web page give impose as anticipated. categories : Answered questionsAdd category CancelSave
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What is the difference between an audio article and a podcast?


Storified by Mccray78Hussein · Mon, Feb 26 2018 15:00:12

What is audio? 1,0seventy seven,128questions on Wikianswers Add New page Edit Edit sourceHistoryTalk 0This question is awaiting an answer...Please leave this field blank until you might be answering the question. do not ask questions you already know the reply to. thank you.Retrieved from " " Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a single-to-constructiveness site that makes cash from advertising. we've got a experience for viewers utilizing ad blockers Wikia is just not if youve made additional modifications. take away the custom ad blocker principle(s) and the page give walk heavily as anticipated. classes : Un-answered questions DefinitionsAdd class CancelSave
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A Compact soundtrack (also called a cD) is an optical eP adapted store digital knowledge. ffmpeg was originally manufacturing to store recordings completely, but then it additionally at liberty the preservation of different kinds of data. Audio albums wolf been commercially available since October 1982. In 2zero10, they continue to be the usual physical storage seer for audio." supply:
Plug these cables contained by as passing through coloration in the entrance or back of your tv you will have these three portsYellow= VideoWhite= AudioRed= further speaker/surround blast yank the wii cables now the colored ports, then plug within the wii and begin
Atelier Audio high finish audio productsAtelierAudio2017-zero3-2threeT1eight:31:2four+0zero:zero0We dont accumulate or allocation private data Thats our privacy coverage inside a nutshellWELCOME TO THE pleasing WORLD OF L ATELIER-AUDIOCanadian vendor & distributor of excessive finish and shopper audio productsLoadsurrounded byg...CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOROF AUDIO PRODUCTSUSA DISTRIBUTOR OF OCELLIA,& YAMAMOTOSOUND, DESIGN, RELIABILITYAND MOST OF both VALUEDISTRIBUTOR OF AQUA ACOUSTIC, DIMD,JEAN-MARIE REYNAUD AND more...we're happy TO inTRODUCE YOUTHE NEW PRODUCTSTHE best AUDIO PRODUCTSFROM all around the WORLD
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Sherra Wright due in court


Storified by FOX13Memphis · Mon, Feb 26 2018 15:00:18

SHERRA WRIGHT BACK IN COURT: The ex-wife of NBA star Lorenzen Wright will face a judge at 9 a.m. We are LIVE inside the courtroom bringing you updates. https://t.co/nMYyFKylqz · FOX13 Memphis
Sherra Wright back in court Monday morning https://t.co/h32B9YJ9dI https://t.co/HJ71YA6tbT · FOX13 Memphis
#HappeningNow Sherra Wright has an important court hearing. @FOX13Memphis #GMM at 6 AM will tell you if the accused murderer will formally have lawyers to represent her. https://t.co/kYxSAF8QdQ · Greg Coy

Prince Amine Setting The World On Fire With "Fuego"


Prince Amine releases a new single called "Fuego" and will open for Dadju's show in Montreal.

Storified by miamindmusic · Mon, Feb 26 2018 17:24:43

Canadian recording artist Prince Amine was born in Morocco but now resides in Montreal. Although he's only 18 years old he's discovered an ingenious way to integrate his multicultural and multilingual background into a unique mix of hip-hop, rap and trap styles which highlights his ability to compose and perform in English, French, Spanish and Arabic with equal ease. On September 16, 2017, the day of his 18th birthday, he released his first album, aptly titled "XVIII", which in only a very short time racked up over one hundred thousand streams on Spotify and Apple Music. Now, less than six months later, Prince Amine proudly debuts a new single called "Fuego".

"Fuego" will get people off their seat and jamming on the dance floor with the kind of energy that only the late, great Michael Jackson was known to deliver. It's so powerful that it caught the attention of Dadju (international recording star Maitre Gims' younger brother) who's just launched his "Gentlemen 2.0" album which is currently a massive success in France. Prince Amine has been invited to open for Dadju when he appears at Montreal's famed Theatre Berri on March 3rd. The two of them are predicted to set the night on five and burn up the stage with their hot performances.

A North American radio and press campaign has been launched to promote "Fuego". This precocious artist is not only expected to hit individual radio station Mainstream R&B/Hip-Hop and Rhythmic charts as he steadily climbs to the top of broadcaster's play lists throughout the USA and Canada, but to also now appear on national radio airplay charts throughout North America. Being the show opener for later this week will only add to the growing heat and excitement Prince Amine is generating. This young man is making temperatures rise and may have to bear a bit of the blame for some recent global warming resulting from the firestorm his music has unleashed.

His press kit will be provided upon request to all members of the media by contacting the representative listed below. Prince Amine is presently available for interviews and/or appearances. Additional news, updates and other information about upcoming events may also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/PrinceAmineOfficial/ When you're as hot as "Fuego" - you're hot!

Media Contact:

Stevie B
Mia Mind Music
Phone: 800-843-8575
Email: press@miamindmusic.com

ERHS Best at Getting Better


Week of 2/20/18 - 2/23/18

Storified by jeremyegoins · Mon, Feb 26 2018 17:25:37

Diving into some screens and draws with Oklahoma State offensive analyst Brian Rock #erhstweets #BestAtGettingBetter @ERHSMustangFB https://t.co/QFdTgEaFkr · Mr. Hildebrand
The power of @googledocs and #googleclassroom is that students can work collaboratively in real time. My students wrote an essay with a partner last week & left each other comments while working to clarify, question, & give advice. #CNUSDFutureReady #erhstweets https://t.co/YuVRF8ws2C · Mrs. Byars
O-Line talk with LA Rams offensive assistant Zak Kromer. Awesome guy, learned a lot! #erhstweets @ERHSMustangFB https://t.co/qWbUH42wxH · Mr. Hildebrand
Forensic Anthropology unit. A real-life episode of BONES is goin' on in here! #ERHSTWEETS #ERHS #ERHSFORENSICS @BONESonFOX https://t.co/YXBreQNbKu · Mrs. Updegraff
As our school transitions to #BYOD it is important to have #techgrit -TE@CH WEEK 🖥📱💻 #stickers #erhstweets #erhs #cnusdfutureready #cnusdedtech https://t.co/delNUjtLJU · 𝔸𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕒 𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕧𝕒𝕝 🍎
Puzzles, chess, and cards. #erhsstem students hang out in the #eSTEM office during lunch time. #erhstweets https://t.co/7hQtbJxvxG · Eastvale STEM Acad.
Sophomore boys can take street hockey very serious!! 🏒#jalenforthedive #erhspe #erhstweets https://t.co/dx6bTrNZsz · Mrs. Souza
Daily news for Friday! #erhs #erhstweets https://t.co/vLZ7b7WGwO · ERHSnews
When you’re trying to get the right angle for your @Flipgrid video #erhstweets https://t.co/YcPKwcvVhp · Mrs. Byars
My front of the packers! 🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️ #erhswalking #erhspe #erhstweets https://t.co/WsoaK04UeF · Mrs. Souza
When you come out to zero period STEM PE and you show the #STEM STEM students what’s up! 😂 It was fun! #golfhag #golf #southpaw #erhstweets @eSTEMacademy https://t.co/KsQqImcHBP · Kim Lawe, Ed.D.
Good luck to Cheyenne Williams this weekend as she represents the Mustangs wrestling at the State Championships Your ERHS family wishes you the best of luck. #erhstweets https://t.co/xYCNxEhvwm · Eleanor Roosevelt HS
Great turn out @ tonight’s @cash4collegeca event! Lots of families getting info & help w #FAFSA - @AsmCervantes also encouraging families to apply for fin aid for higher ed #erhstweets https://t.co/TubOQ6uq8i · ERHS Counseling
Thank you to this awesome group of educators for attending this @SolutionTree #PLC Conference. It was a pleasure learn and grow as an educator along side you! #atplc @ERHSOfficial #erhstweets #cnusdfutureready https://t.co/jsfNzFLac2 · Joe Fuertsch

Activity 7.3 figuring out the distinctive pedagogical traits of audio


Storified by Jochumsen26Joch · Mon, Feb 26 2018 17:26:53

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The impropriety is brought about when there's a video problem, either as a result of the audio/video cable is damaged or when the Xbox three60 hardware scaler chip is damaged. it is not caused by the native scourge 5 sphere.
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10 Priorities for Container Management in Production and at Scale in 2018 - EMA Top 3 Report


‘Betting on the wrong horse’ in terms of container management products for large scale production use is a significant operational risk. Especially, as container management is a young market in a ‘gold rush’ stage with software vendors and consultants positioning themselves to absorb the biggest share of the pie.

Storified by Torsten Volk · Mon, Feb 26 2018 17:28:29

Visit the EMA Top 3 Web Portal
This EMA Top 3 report will 'guide the readers eye' in terms of which vendors provide innovative solutions that address today's most relevant pain points and challenges when it comes to containers for Digital Transformation and DevOps.
EMA Cloud Rant with GreenQ - Serverless Functions Enable the Internet of Garbage · Torsten Volk
EMA Quick Take - Cisco, Microsoft, and Docker Support Kubernetes · Torsten Volk
VMworld 2017 Recap II: Europe · TechReckoning
EMA Cloud Rants - Containers (Does Lift & Shift Make Sense Today) · Torsten Volk
EMA Quick Take - Docker now Supports Kubernetes · Torsten Volk

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