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Au pays du surréalisme, l'artiste est roi...


... Quand il en existe encore. Aujourd'hui, en effet, le statut d'artiste est remis en cause et les artistes se voient menacés.

Storified by Tatiana De Plaen · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:51:52

En Belgique, ce statut n'existe pas à proprement parler. Il existe uniquement dans la législation sociale des règles particulières applicables aux artistes.Cette sorte de statut social, créé en 2002, a été amélioré au fil du temps. Au départ, il s'agissait d'un régime particulier qui donnait aux artistes le droit, entre autres, de conserver indéfiniment le taux maximum d'allocation. Mais très vite, un certain nombre d’abus ont été constatés par l’Office national de l’emploi. La définition trop vague de la “prestation artistique” ouvrait en effet la porte aux abus. L'Onem a donc subitement changé d'attitude en octobre dernier, constatant que, depuis 2004, le nombre d'artistes a pratiquement doublé. C'est la raison pour laquelle les conditions d’accès ont été restreintes et durcies, au détriment des artistes. 
Force est de constater que, depuis la fin de l’année 2011, bon nombre d’artistes ont perdu leur statut, ne bénéficiant plus des règles particulières en matière de chômage (notamment leurs allocations), alors qu’ils entrent pourtant bien dans les conditions légales.La raison? Une circulaire de l’ONEM. Les artistes doivent en effet fournir, aujourd'hui, de plus en plus de preuves pour voir leur dossier accepté. 
Le malaise règne au sein du secteur artistique.
Les artistes manifestent de plus en plus pour la défense d'un droit: la création.L'angoisse règne. Le secteur tente de se faire entendre. 
Et Qu'en est-il aujourd'hui? Quelle évolution? 
17 octobre 2012: La ministre de l’Emploi, Monica De Coninck (sp.a) annonce que les conditions d'accès au chômage pour les artistes vont être assouplies. 

Cet assouplissement ne sera que transitoire, mais représente un premier pas en avant, en espérant et en attendant la mise en place d’un «vrai statut d’artiste».

A suivre...

Live: Texas Tech 21, TCU 17 (2Q)


The Horned Frogs and Red Raiders each hope to stay in the hunt for a Big 12 conference title with a victory today at Amon G. Carter Stadium. Follow our coverage live and join in the conversation on Twitter, Facebook or in the comments.

Storified by Fort Worth Star-Telegram Sports · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:51:56

Internet Governance Forum #igfit


Storified by marco baldassari · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:51:57

Interviene Janis Karklins, Assistant Director and General for Communication and Information sector, UNESCO #IGFIT http://pic.twitter.com/qqF4qYDP · GGD Piemonte
Ambassasor Janis Karklins (UNESCO) speaking at the Internet Governance Forum Italia 2012 @unesco #igfit http://pic.twitter.com/U3gWRfAu · JuanCarlos De Martin
L'ambasciatore Janis Karklins (Unesco) all'#igfit http://pic.twitter.com/9spoo02c · Anna Masera
#igfit le tappe salienti dell'Internet Governance http://pic.twitter.com/XW9bYnAj · Anna Masera
#igfit i 7 temi capitali dell'Internet Governance http://pic.twitter.com/Zji0rJUb · Anna Masera
#igfit Internet prima tecnologia che cambia natura umana, grande Janis Karklins http://pic.twitter.com/L2SS69HE · Anna Masera
ministro #Francesco_Profumo all'#igfit risponde @demartin @nexacenter su consultazioni governo x politica trasparente http://pic.twitter.com/AQj543uI · Anna Masera

LIVE BLOG: Michigan vs. Michigan State


Halftime: Michigan 6, MSU 0

Storified by The Michigan Journal · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:52:01

Four games. Four years. Four losses. That losing streak against the Michigan State Spartans is currently sticking to the minds of many of the Michigan Wolverine football players, especially the seniors.


2nd Quarter:

Nova Scotia votes: Municipal elections


Today, Nova Scotians are voting to elect a new slate of council and school board representatives. Polls are open until 7 p.m. For last-minute information on where to vote in HRM, and to find out more about your candidates, check out our election hub http://bit.ly/VePH5V

Storified by chronicleherald · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:52:01

Go Vote... Stop being Lazy!! #hrmvotes

My 80 year old Aunt on Twitter at Headquarters ! I love my family! #Halifax #VoteHRM http://pic.twitter.com/38mvfMrJ · Tom Martin
Here's Mike, voter card in hand, getting ready to #VoteHRM! Have you voted yet? #HRMVotes http://pic.twitter.com/wJgAgkQn · Team Mike Savage
The polls are open... · Facebook
Goodnight/morning everyone, finally feeling tired! remember people! EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Especially yours! :) #VoteHRM http://pic.twitter.com/06cTDHD6 · Katt Lady ™

pero ¿dónde está Tadeus Zimm?


¿Necesitas un respiro? Sigue los pasos de Tadeus Zimm a través del alma y los fantasmas de Brujas, Gante y los bosques de Bouillon. Entra en el juego y redescubre la magia de viajar.

Storified by Tadeus Zimm · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:52:11

El cuaderno de viaje de Tadeus Zimm se ha dejado discretamente en un rincón de Internet. ¿Lo encontrará alguien?

Tarde de otoño; mediados de octubre. Las primeras páginas del cuaderno de viaje de Tadeus Zimm se acaban de subir a Internet. Están ahí al alcance de cualquiera pero, tal como exigen las reglas de este viejo juego, la historia debe ser encontrada. Aquí y allá se han dejado unas pocas pistas, pero nada más... La magia tiene sus reglas y hay que saber respetarlas...
Si alguien lo encuentra, tal vez la historia pueda comenzar de nuevo... como ocurrió hace más de cien años...  El azar -o tal vez el destino- decidirán.  www.tadeuszimm.com

Ways To Beat A Lord Of the SBA Workout - Will the SBA Let Me Sell My Business?

Hell Homer's Odyssey


Oct. 20 - Ongoing

Storified by Ery D · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:20:37

会話:@Pingu_bot, @pl_sh, @Kinami283, @nido_todo, @teuru_pamupam と @oroor9


Storified by どんまい! · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:20:50

Philip Winchester Discusses Strike Back


Philip Winchester, Who Portrays Sgt. Michael Stonebridge In The Cinemax Original Series, Discusses The Joys And Dangers Of Portraying A Secret Soldier

Storified by Joey Hancock · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:21:14

Música Brasileira Moderna


Storified by Livia · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:21:15

Zeca Baleiro -Telegrama · tinicao
No ano de 1997 Zeca lançou seu primeiro albúm: "Por onde andará Stephen Fry?". Dono de uma voz única e grande compositor, é um dos maiores nomes da música nacional. Seus maiores sucessos são "Lenha", música que ganhou uma versão da dupla Rio Negro e Solimões, e "Telegrama", um "quase-hino" de casais apaixonados.
Los hermanos - Pierrot · hermaniaco09
A banda surgiu no ano de 1997 e deu um tempo em 2007, fazendo apenas reuniões nos anos de 2009, 2010 e 2012. Misturam elementos do rock, do samba e da MPB, e por isso são diferentes de tantos outros conjuntos. O mais conhecido single do grupo é "Anna Júlia", que teve até mesmo uma versão gravada por Jim Capaldi (Traffic) George Harirson (Beatles).
Marisa Monte - Não é Fácil. · mburdmburd
A carioca que nos anos 2000 fez grande sucesso com seu albúm "Memórias, Crônicas e Confissões de Amor" é um ícone para a música moderna nacional. Realizou trabalhos com Carlinhos Brown e Arnaldo Antunes, o conjunto "Tribalistas", que virou febre com seu único disco lançado. Já possui 19 anos de carreira, tendo hits conhecidos pelo país inteiro, como "Amor I love you" e Gentileza.
Mallu Magalhães - Velha e Louca · mallumagalhaesvevo
 Em 2007 a jovem, com então 15 anos, Mallu Magalhães virou febre no site de músicas "Myspace". Atingiu milhões de plays e logo foi parar na televisão, dando entrevistas para Sérgio Groisman e Jô Soares, o que emplacou de vez sua carreira. "Pitanga", o mais novo albúm da cantora, é o marco de seu amadurecimento musical, uma vez que Mallu passa a explorar gêneros como o samba. Fez a música "Janta" em parceria com Marcelo Camelo (los hermanos).
O Teatro Mágico - Amanhã...Será? · oteatromagico
O grupo formado em 2003 mistura música, circo, teatro e poesia. Conquistaram grande parte de seu público sem ajuda do rádio ou da televisão, apenas com a internet. São famosos por suas letras compostas por diversos trocadilhos e metáforas. O grupo mistura diversos instrumentos, como violino, flauta, guitarra, saxofone e música eletrônica. Os maiores sucessos são "Ana e o Mar", música que o grupo alega ser "brega", "O anjo mais velho" e a mais atual "Nosso pequeno castelo".

ProductCamp Melbourne 2012


Twitter summary of ProductCamp Melbourne - October 20, 2012

Storified by OnProductManagement · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:21:26

Khaki knicker politics


B Raman once questioned my nationality on the basis of Mishra's scurrilous tweets. Come a full circle, haven't we?

Storified by SonaliRanade · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:21:41

Art Review: Westmoreland show highlights American realist works


Storified by · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:21:48

The article states that "During the 1930s and '40s, a depression, world war, indus- trial expansion, labor unrest and familial and societal disruptions" are shown in these realist works, but realism seems to have started a long time before that. When looking at art, there is such a difference between the Classical Greek and High Renaissance art and art today, and I wonder how it could have changed so much. Now we are studying the French Revolution and it recalls things like the War againist Iraq along with Hiroshima, and Agent Orange. People in America do not understand how lucky they really are because they don't have the dreadful experiences that many people go through every day and always have done. You can see this in paintings and writting. I haven't read Charles Dickens but I've heard some about Oliver Twist and how the little boy got lost in London and a group of pick-pockets took him in and looked after him in their own peculiar way. He commented on factory life and how little children had to crawl under machines to get cloth or thread ends which resulted in them being maimed or even killed. There were no laws at the time that stopped this; the people working there didn't even want to stop the machines to get them out safely. Society tries to improve itself as time goes on and we see a gradual change which is reflected in all kinds of art, some of which I have tried to show below.
Thomas Cole was the founder of the Hudson River school of painting. He created a link between American Romanticism and American Realism. His ideas were very much influenced by Romantic writters, such as Wordsworth and Thoreau, who had the idea of a division betweeen the Sublime and the Beautiful. Edgar allen Poe was one of the writters of the Sublime, pain, fear, suffering and death. Thomas Cole took that idea and elevated it to be like the Sublime of Wordsworth in England which included all those elements but was more universal and majestic. In this picture you can see the division between the natural and destructive forces of the Sublime and the safe beautiful life of the pastoral and agricutural society of that time which was orderly but did not have the inspiration of the natural forces.
These people were based in New York and were showing realism in an urban setting which like Dickens and Edgar Allen Poe before them can get grim.
As the article says, "Realism emerged in the aftermath of the revolution of 1848." After the French revolution we can still find beauty and peace in the French Realist paintings, which is amazing. There was a strong social order in France that was smashed by the French Revolution. A new sense of Social Justice grew up that we can see in the Realist paintings by painters such a Millet and Courbet. Industrialism (Dickens) was also one of the huge forces that changed the Social order as well as major wars and Revolutions.
This is an image of Toreador Fresco from Knossos, Crete and part of the Minoan Civilization. It shows how people make all kinds of attempts to confront death, which is a natural force that nobody understands. It name is connected with modern day bull fighting in which one little man with a sword confronts an animal with horns that weights at least a ton. This reminds me of Edgan Allen Poe and the creeepy feeling he evokes and how it is connected with the idea of the Sublime. Cave painters also painted huge and dangerous animals they had to hunt but we dont know what they thought.
This Chapel is dedicated to the Virgin Mary who was the mother of Jesus who was the Savior of man kind and died a very violent death. Death is connected to the spirtual in man which helps understand and overcome the fear of death. All these works of arts seem to demostrate that there is something spritual in man despite all the violence that man himself creates.

que podemos hacer como comunicadores actores potenciales de la sociedad?


los comunicadores potenciales deberían ser los encargados de mostrar la realidad de el país donde vivan para que de esta manera se evidencien las problemáticas de cada región . https://plus.google.com/u/0/103669559286764652354/posts

Storified by camila · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:22:45

Homecoming 2012


#UDHC: Oct 15-21, 2012

Storified by Univ. of Delaware · Sun, Oct 21 2012 20:23:15

Homecoming. #udhc @ Main Street Galleria instagr.am/p/RB9QHwxvJ3/ · Lauren Zaremba
I have the best of friends. Wish I could have been at #UDHC pic.twitter.com/r78aQfJV · Alli Heiman
Twitter · Twitter
GET YOUR TICKETS!!! #UDHC http://instagr.am/p/Q-gS0ruMn2/ · Jenn
Made it back to UD!!! #UDHC http://instagr.am/p/Q-exGxhTRe/ · Spencer S.
you know it's #UDHC when .... http://pic.twitter.com/LUGJ5ODX · alexandria belair

Geek Girl Meetup CPH


On November 3rd will loads of Geek Girls gather in CPH. Join us

Storified by Stine Sørensen · Tue, Oct 23 2012 04:25:28

Læs mere om det hele her, og tilmeld dig endelig
Følg med på #ggmcph
Her er Katrines indlæg til debatten om begrebet 'nørder'

How to Know If Your CHI Iron is Genuine Or Authentic


The "http://www.chi-flatiron.biz/" was produced by Farouk Systems Company, a organization identified for higher hi

Storified by · Tue, Oct 23 2012 04:26:13

The chi flat iron reviews was produced by Farouk Systems Company, a organization identified for higher high quality hair treatment goods. The CHI flat iron is a widely utilised hair straightening item. Because of to its acceptance, there are now phony CHI

Rare October Tornadoes Cause Damage in California


Storified by Accu Weather · Tue, Oct 23 2012 04:26:42

Just in: Tornado damage spotted in Elk Grove, California (near Sacramento) - http://pic.twitter.com/RoHi4N35 via @ctrinchera · Matthew Keys
[#PHOTO] - Damage near #Yuba City, #California [#TORNADO #SEVEREWEATHER #BREAKINGNEWS #NEWS #CAWX #WX #WEATHER] http://pic.twitter.com/B3gdyYLN · Richard Brannon News
[#PHOTO] - #Tornado near #Yuba City, #California N of #Sacramento. #Damage reported, trees down. [#BREAKINGNEWS #NEWS] http://pic.twitter.com/Ij6ue36q · Richard Brannon News
Picture of tornado in Yuba City, California today! Tornadoes in Northern California?! Yup! http://pic.twitter.com/W7Dwr6yX · Georgia Storm Chaser
Yikes! Tornado warning! That's scary. I live in placer but I don't think its gonna happen because this is California... http://pic.twitter.com/XCsFc0fQ · BlitzkriegBrony

Six-Thirty for 10.23.12


Storified by John Adams · Tue, Oct 23 2012 04:26:46

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